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Author Topic: kawaii-beam's not so very wonderful box of wonders~[Let’s have.]12-23-13  (Read 100603 times)

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Re: kawaii-beam's not so very wonderful box of wonders~[Sign] 8-20-10
« Reply #40 on: August 20, 2010, 09:29:54 PM »
Like your TakaGaki :inlove: :wub:

and its a nice song too :)

Offline badsaints

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Re: kawaii-beam's not so very wonderful box of wonders~[Sign] 8-20-10
« Reply #41 on: August 23, 2010, 06:44:20 AM »
I love how you insert the lyrics into the storyline :D

What started with an accidental one-night stand with Sayu escalate to occasional rendevous with the other girls. Gosh me so jealous :lol: But seriously though, it is understandable why Risa couldn't trust Ai even if she wants to. Perhaps the bean can give Ai all the loving she needs so that she won't need any other girls? Just a suggestion... :twisted:

Offline kawaii beam

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Re: kawaii-beam's not so very wonderful box of wonders~[23:30] 10-4-10
« Reply #42 on: October 04, 2010, 07:26:02 AM »
ok i cant comment ^^; to tierd*almost 1:30 am* but thanks alot guys~


The moonlight slipped thought the glass window as a nearby clock slowly clicked back and forth. Two bodies laid on the couch, huddled together, finding comfort in each other’s warmth. One pair of arms, belonging to Ai, was wrapped snuggly around a slim waist. Her hands rested at the end of Risa’s back, as the younger played with the soft ends of her long, wavy brown locks. Neither of them wanted this kind of moment to end as the clock rung to 23:00pm. It felt nice to just sit in each other’s arms and presence.

“It’s getting late… maybe we should go to bed… Aren’t you tierd?”

“No, not yet…I’m too comfy…”

Ai softly giggled at her girlfriend’s response, and playfully ruffled her short hair. She felt the same way, and didn’t want to move yet either, the warmth from the bean was more than enough to relax her tense muscles. They stayed in silence after the brief conversation as Risa snuggled closer onto Ai’s chest, showing her affection as if she was the monkey’s poodle Prince. The older girl felt like she was her escape from the harsh reality of the world. With the constant rehearsals, recordings, TV appearances , photo shoots and so on she had no time to let her mind rest in one place. So, always being the one to take advantage of time, Risa decided that after another tiring day of rehearsals, that they should crash at the leaders place and unwind.

“We’ll have to get up sometime you know…It’s almost midnight. I don’t want you falling asleep on me like you did on the bus ride too that location and back.”

“I’m not tired though Ai-chan, I’m fine…”

She gave the leader a slight frown, clearly not liking that she was treating the soon to be 22 year old like a child. Ai sighed clearing giving into the girl she constantly spoiled and rubbed her back.

“Fine, but don’t be upset if you can’t wake up the next day.”

The bean smirked and laid her head back down, closing her eyes and took in the soft heartbeats and breathing of her lover. Ai smiled at the girl lovingly remembering how she confessed to her a few years back.

Risa was clearly upset with her for some reason that clearly the whole world knew but her. Whenever she tried to talk to Risa or even got near her, the little bean would just ‘humph’ and storm of leaving the monkey lost and in a daze. It had been like this for weeks now and for the life of her, Ai didn’t know what was wrong. She checked the last messages she had sent to Risa, and none seemed out of character or rude to her. She tried to back track the last conversation they had which was pretty normal as well ,so why was she mad at her?

Sighing and grabbing her bags together, the 16 year old said her farewells to her senpais and walked to the train station. As soon as she got to the station, Ai noticed the bean sitting at a bench by herself waiting for her train. Instantly Ai forgot her troubles about the bean and ran to her instantly, sitting next to her with a soft sigh.

“Ah Risa-chan, you’re still waiting for the train?”


“Risa-chan , you’re still mad at me?”

The bean didn’t answer clearly content at focusing on the empty train tracks. Ai sighed again and opened her mouth to say another apology when Risa  cut her off.

“I like you. And not the ‘friend’ like! I like ‘like’ you ok?!”


She clearly remembered the shocked expression she had as well as the embarrassing scowl Risa had on her small round face. When she finaly got past the shock and said that she ‘like’ liked her too, the bean asked why clearly surprised that she so calmly accepted her confession.

“It’s because I love you silly! Plus…It’s lonely when you’re not around…”

It wasn’t soon after that the two became inseparable. Looking down at the girl, she noticed that the ‘not so tired’ Risa was fast asleep. She gently stroked the girls’ cheek and softly whispered to her.

“That’s right…I love you so much that I don’t like being away from you…”

She kissed her forehead and mumbled into the soft fresh sent of strawberries.

“Don’t ever change…”

Closing her own heavy eyes, she drifted into dream-land instantly escaping from reality and wished that this moment of peace could last forever as the clock ticked to 23:30.

i got this from a perfume song^^; i'm so uncreative i get ideas from songs XD but this song is so relaxing~

here's the lyrics btw
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Re: kawaii-beam's not so very wonderful box of wonders~[23:30] 10-4-10
« Reply #43 on: October 04, 2010, 07:37:04 AM »
I can see how you got inspired by the song, good job and more TakaGaki goodness, I like the realistic feel into your one-shots
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Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: kawaii-beam's not so very wonderful box of wonders~[23:30] 10-4-10
« Reply #44 on: October 04, 2010, 01:41:00 PM »
Ah~ Feels good to see it finished. So cute, it turned out great.

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Re: kawaii-beam's not so very wonderful box of wonders~[23:30] 10-4-10
« Reply #45 on: December 20, 2010, 05:52:59 AM »
thanks guys~
here's a new oneshot baised off a blog pic^^

Silent Reassurance.

“Uwa~ It’s so cold~!”

Ai pulled her black coat closer to herself as another cool breeze came through in. Her companion for the day looked at the older woman with an all too familiar knowing grin on her face as they walked to the train station.

"Told you so Ai-chan~ this is what cheeky little monkeys get when they don’t focus in the morning.”

She pouted and playfully nudged the girl next to her. It wasn’t her fault that she had forgotten to pack the night before due to a certain bean coming over. And then on top of that, the both of them overslept.

‘So much for killing two birds with one stone Gaki-san.’

Ai snuggled more into her coat and sighed as a puff of hot air came out and disappeared. Looking over at the said bean who was currently talking to her manager, she took the time to look the younger girl over.

She looked like a warm puff ball due to the long sleeved stripped shirt, a grey pokka-dotted vest hoodie which then had a oversized grey short sleeved coat hoodie over it. Her pants were long and military green while her boots were beige with thick fluffy cotton inside to keep her feet warm. It was a complete contrast to the leader who was wearing a single black coat that had under a long sleeved grey shirt with a frilly white one-piece and thin black tights that matched with her just below the knee black boots.

The monkey was so lost in thought about how she couldn’t wait to get back to her warm apartment that she didn’t even notice Risa and their manager stopping in their tracks to look at the white Christmas lights surrounding them. Eventually she noticed the silence behind her and looked back to see two of them looking up at the branches surrounded by white lights.

“Nee Ai-chan, come here so we can take a picture!”

The older girl sighed and walked back to her girlfriend and manager, fumbling to take out her iphone at the same time. Giving the phone to her manager, the two idols posed; Ai putting her hands on her cheeks and giving a amazed expression while Risa looked at the camera and gave a piece sign. They did the same pose for a second picture and were once again on the move to the train station.

When they finally got there, the couple waved goodbye to their manager and got on the empty train. Sighing with relief that no one would really spot them, the two girls slumped into one of the seats and relaxed. Risa pulled down her hoodies and rested her head onto the older girls’ shoulder, taking her hand and intertwining their cold hands together.
Ai took a glance at her and continued looking out of the window of the fast pace train. She started to think about all of the things she needed to do the next day.

Thoughts of last minute surveys that need to be filled, the dance rehearsal for their next concert and the dinner show practice started to overflow her brain, as well as the thought of going into her lovely warm bed. The monkey didn’t even realize that a slightly troubled sigh escaped her lips, which caused the almost drowsing Risa to shift a little at the stressful energy that just came over her. The bean just snuggled closer as if to reassure Ai.

‘You’ll get the surveys done on time, I’ll even help you on some.’

She then brought her free hand gently patted the leaders left leg.

‘And just take your time with the dances…It’s not the end of the world if you’re slower than the others.’

Then she sat up from her comfy position and brushed back a few strands of loose hair that was in her girlfriends face.

‘And the dinner show planning’s going great so no more doubting…’

Gently squeezing Ai’s hand she rested her head back onto the monkey’s shoulder and contently sighed to herself.

‘Amway you’ve got me so there’s nothing to worry about, I’m here for you….always...’

And in just that instant, Ai’s worries and concerns left in less than a second, making the bean give a small grin to herself. Ai squeezed her hand back in reply and looked down to her girlfriend.

“Thanks Risa…”


The two sat in silence until they got to their stop.
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Offline kuro808

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Re: kawaii-beam's not so very wonderful box of wonders~[23:30] 10-4-10
« Reply #46 on: December 20, 2010, 07:11:02 AM »
that was nice of Risa, although Ai seemed thankful for the bean's cooperation :D
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Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: kawaii-beam's not so very wonderful box of wonders~[23:30] 10-4-10
« Reply #47 on: December 20, 2010, 03:05:24 PM »
Oh this turned out so cutely! :wub: I love it, love it, love it! Whether it's stress or reassurance, those two just know what they other is thinking.

Offline Ada XD

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 :wub: :wub:
This was really cute~~  :heart:  Aichan with the shocked expression lolol (I have like SO many pics of her doing that XD)

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Re: kawaii-beam's not so very wonderful box of wonders~[23:30] 10-4-10
« Reply #49 on: January 21, 2011, 02:40:12 PM »
waiwai~! I don't think I've commented on anything of yours yet... but I really did feel compelled to comment after reading your latest one-shot while I was on my overseas trip. ^____^

Silent Reassurance.


No kidding.  :P

This was extremely well-written; usually when waiwai posts things, she's stuffing up on a lot of punctuation and spelling (I guess more of your habit, than anything... or maybe being lazy..  :lol:). And I don't mean that in a bad way, of course!  :nervous But so I was like... wow, waiwai actually has her punctuation and spelling downpat. Lol. It takes a fanfic to make you pay particular attention to that stuff, hey?  :P *pat pat*

"Told you so Ai-chan~ this is what cheeky little monkeys get when they don’t focus in the morning.”

Can I please pet cheeky little monkey Ai-chan???

:monk gboy:

 :lol: That's so cute.

She pouted and playfully nudged the girl next to her. It wasn’t her fault that she had forgotten to pack the night before due to a certain bean coming over. And then on top of that, the both of them overslept.

I wonder what they were doing to have caused them to oversleep~ I mean, Gaki-san is known for always being painfully early, right? :mon misch:
That would be a nice little ficlet for you to write.   :grin:

‘So much for killing two birds with one stone Gaki-san.’

ACK! You know, it took me a moment to realise that the direct speech in italics was actually silent.

Especially so with Gaki-san's silent reassurances to come...

The older girl sighed and walked back to her girlfriend and manager, fumbling to take out her iphone at the same time. Giving the phone to her manager, the two idols posed; Ai putting her hands on her cheeks and giving a amazed expression while Risa looked at the camera and gave a piece sign. They did the same pose for a second picture and were once again on the move to the train station.

I damn LOVE that photo.  :wub:

But you know, since then, many many other pretty awesome TakaGaki photos have cropped up...  :hee:  <--- yes, that's me shamelessly asking if you could consider writing some more back stories xD. 

Risa pulled down her hoodies and rested her head onto the older girls’ shoulder, taking her hand and intertwining their cold hands together.

Even something this simple and commonplace just makes me want to squeal. Anything TakaGaki makes me want to squeal, I'm sorry.  :mon fu: I could be reading about TakaGaki sitting on chairs and I'd still squeal for them. :3

The monkey didn’t even realize that a slightly troubled sigh escaped her lips, which caused the almost drowsing Risa to shift a little at the stressful energy that just came over her. The bean just snuggled closer as if to reassure Ai.

‘You’ll get the surveys done on time, I’ll even help you on some.’

She then brought her free hand gently patted the leaders left leg.

‘And just take your time with the dances…It’s not the end of the world if you’re slower than the others.’

Then she sat up from her comfy position and brushed back a few strands of loose hair that was in her girlfriends face.

‘And the dinner show planning’s going great so no more doubting…’

Gently squeezing Ai’s hand she rested her head back onto the monkey’s shoulder and contently sighed to herself.

‘Amway you’ve got me so there’s nothing to worry about, I’m here for you….always...’

And in just that instant, Ai’s worries and concerns left in less than a second, making the bean give a small grin to herself. Ai squeezed her hand back in reply and looked down to her girlfriend.

“Thanks Risa…”


The two sat in silence until they got to their stop.

 :mon lovelaff: :mon lovelaff: :mon lovelaff:

I'm sorry I had to quote that much, but that really was what did it for the one-shot. SO HJASHFFSTGJAJ CUTE!!!

It's so darling that they can speak to each other like that, silently, but so strongly through touch and gesture.
Very clever, and nicely constructed. And adorable. I LOVE!!!!!  :k-inlove:

Your fluff is good, waiwai. Very good. Thank you for writing this, and sharing; it really put a smile on my face to read something this warm and fluffy!!! ^____________^

I'm looking forward to more TakaGaki from you!!!!

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kuro-lol yeah im sure risa didnt mind being helpful XD its been her job for half of her life so far XD

rndy-it turned out so cute cus of your help jedai master~ :ptam-aww: *hugles*

ada-sankyu~ and i do too XD just totaly love that pic X3 and i think we all saved her shocked expression  blog pics X3

bee-omg this is ur 1st comment on here...i've gotten "thankies" from u but thats about it XD

OMG WHAT?! REALLY??? thankies X3 :nya:

XD about my vocab/grammar/everything else.....i had help XD from a certian someone...she knows who she is~ :p that and i had word^^; XD usually i just type up in the reply box cus i just suck at grammar and idk why but i hate checking it^^; XD thanks though^^

lol yes you can pet cheeky little monkey ai-chan XD

lol yeah risa's usually the early bird but when it comes to sleeping im not sure but i thought she still sleeps in Xd maybe im wrong? i must ask twissie or someone who knows gaki like the back of their hands XD and about writing it?.....hmm we'll see XD

i love the photo too X3 hence why i got so determined to write a little somethign about it^^;
and yet again i'll see~ :gmon hot:

lol so takagaki sitting on chairs makes u squeal then eh?.....

ai-*sits on a chair*

risa-*sits on a chair next to her*


XD fail thought XDDD

LOL i dont care if u quote ever sentence! i'm happy that u were nice enough to~ X3 now do it for the others and i'll be happier~ :gmon tears: jk XD
lol im happy it put a smile on your face~^^

and yay~ i'm sure i'll continue as long as ai and risa are in sight X3 and i noticed something....out of like all the oneshots i've done so far, i think i have liek 1 tanakame and 1 kameshige fic....everything else is takagaki.... come to think of it idk if i posted up the tanakame one on here....i shall check! XD
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ok so i was right XD idk how but i missed a oneshot up here XD it posted it on H!O last yr in june^^; so here it is~

Pinned-up Bangs

A young Tanaka Reina sighed and scowled to herself as she looked at her reflection in the dressing room mirror. She’d just pinned up her bangs for the upcoming TV show performance that was in a few hours. The main reason why Reina had usual scowl on her face wasn’t to show off her ‘bad girl’ image, but because she was told that she had to put up her bangs.

What usually wasn’t trivial to one girl was a hugely horrible dilemma to this one. Not only did it mean that the fans would get to see her bare forehead (which was the equivalent of being nude to the young girl), but that the whole city of Tokyo, and maybe even the entire nation of Japan would be watching her every move as she danced on that stage.

Okay, well maybe not the entire nation was going to see this, but there were still people who were going to watch.

“Damn this stupid rule…. Reina should be able to style her hair however the way she damn pleases!”

This rule that the wonky eyed girl was talking about was that the new girls (aka the 6th gen) had to pin up their bangs if they were next to their senpai’s who let their bangs down. And It just happened to be Reina’s luck that the senpai that she was next to for the performance insisted that today of all days she would have her bangs down, knowing that Reina hated showing her forehead. Being a newbie in the industry, the young girl had no choice but to follow these silly rules until a new group of girls came in.

So now, here she was with her forehead exposed to the elements. Everyone else’s so called ‘helpful’ comments weren’t brightening her mood either. It was like they were pitting her which of course our young yankii couldn’t stand. Even when her same generation member Kamei Eri tried to bring the negative into light, it made the little kitten snap.

“Although Reina doesn’t like it, even with your bangs pinned up you still look cute!”

That sweet and truly innocent comment along with a honest smile made the Tanaka volcano erupt with the couch of her Fukuokan accent.


All of the other girls had stopped for a moment to see what was going on. Reina didn’t care though. Her pride and current rage were sure to prove that, and all of the pity comments and stupid rules weren’t brining it down.

“Humph, never mind.”

In turn, instead of causing an argument with the younger girl, Eri turned and walked off, somewhat unhappy that she didn’t even get a “thank you” from the girl, especially since she honestly meant every word she said too. That Tanaka girl could be such a mixture of emotions.

Throughout the rest of the performances Reina couldn’t put the guilt away from herself. Even when she danced and sang to keep her mind off it didn’t work like it usually would. She knew that how she had treated the turtle was bad and she just had to apologize.
She mumbled to herself as she put on the final costume.

“Maybe Reina should apologize….. but what if Eri doesn’t want to listen to Reina….then what will she do?”

She looked at herself in the mirror one more time and nodded to herself in determination.

“Reina will just have to try her best!”

When she finished putting on the final accessories for her costume, she headed down the halls to hunt up and down for the turtle. When she did find her, she brought her to the side before they were called.

“Ne Eri…Reina just wanted to say, well…sorry about earlier…”

She looked down in embarrassment. “Clearly I’m sorry”  wasn’t in the young  girl’s vocabulary. Eri just smiled and patted her head.

“It’s alright Reina-chan, I forgive you. Don’t worry about it.”

She looked up to the older girl who still had that sweet and honest smile plastered on her face.


“Really. Now c’mon let’s go before the others get upset waiting~!”

She took Reina’s hand and ran to the others to get into their positions on stage and she didn’t let go until the lights went on and the crowds were seen.
As soon as Eri’s hand touched Reina’s, the younger girl felt all of her guilt and worries just drift away and she now felt ready to take on the world.

‘Maybe Reina could get used to Eri holding her hand like this.’

LOL 1st oneshot of the yr is from last yr XD FAIL
« Last Edit: January 21, 2011, 06:10:14 PM by kawaii beam »
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Offline rndmnwierd

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Aww, it's still cute. I had forgotten about this, I read it on H!O a while back. I think it also shows that you've improved a lot since then, too.

LOL 1st foneshot of the yr is from last yr
What is a foneshot, child? :lol: :lol:

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LOL 1st foneshot of the yr is from last yr
What is a foneshot, child? :lol: :lol:

ROLF XD wow fail XD i didnt even notice that XD thanks i edited it XDD
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Awww :wub: that was cute and all that good stuff, I guess it was on dock XD well make sure another year doesn't pass by when you decide to post another one :nervous

j/k  :lol:
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ai-*sits on a chair*

risa-*sits on a chair next to her*



That is so  :mon inluv:
Is that not the cutest thing you've seen all day?  XD Certainly is for me!!!!

More chair-sitting TakaGaki, onegaishimasu!!!  :inlove:


So. You had help.  :lol: *whacks waiwai* Learn to proof-read your own stuff!!!!

and yet again i'll see~ :gmon hot:

^ That is such a cute emoti.  :wub:
Okay, you take your time with that ficlet then.  :grin: hehe

i noticed something....out of like all the oneshots i've done so far, i think i have liek 1 tanakame and 1 kameshige fic....everything else is takagaki.... come to think of it idk if i posted up the tanakame one on here....i shall check! XD

And there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. KameShige, you can do more often just 'coz they don't get enough love and I miss them sorely...

But yes. Keep up the good work with TakaGaki. You just can't go wrong with this pair.  :thumbsup




Okay, I just noticed you have a new one out (I've had this reply box open since... yesterday night xD yup, that's how easily distracted I am..:3)... Imma read it and make my comment now  :nervous

Pinned-up Bangs

Oh oh! This touching, true TanaKame story!!!  :luvluv2:

It's definitely one of the cutest backstage stories we've heard right from the girls' mouths, so thanks for writing this up~!  :yep: :heart:

“Damn this stupid rule…. Reina should be able to style her hair however the way she damn pleases!”

In true yankii style  :heart:  Probably very similar to what she was actually thinking back then  XD
Also probably the thing I like most about Reina. She is so yankii.  :cool1:

That sweet and truly innocent comment along with a honest smile made the Tanaka volcano erupt with the couch of her Fukuokan accent.


The Tanaka volcano erupting! I had a bit of a chuckle reading that, it's an amusing image.  :D

I'm not sure though when you said the 'couch' of her Fukuokan accent... ?  :? Is that some kind of saying I'm not aware of?  :huhuh

She looked at herself in the mirror one more time and nodded to herself in determination.

“Reina will just have to try her best!”

 :on lol:

Needing to psych herself up just to apologise... that's so cute. And yankii.  XD  Ganbatte, Reina!  :love:

‘Maybe Reina could get used to Eri holding her hand like this.’


What an adorable end to an adorable ficlet~!  :wub:

You know, I'm a MUCH bigger KameShige shipper, but for Reina, the person I like her best with is Eri. They do have quite a bit of love going on between them, with Reina admitting that she'd have Eri as a girlfriend if she could choose somebody from the group and all that... xD They're good together, and I can definitely accept TanaKame   :oops:

LOL 1st oneshot of the yr is from last yr XD FAIL

Hehehe.. no matter.  :P Though, I would've liked for you to have kept 'foneshot' just for an extra funny point.  :lol:

Good stuff, waiwai. I'll keep an eye on this thread.  :thumbsup

Update soon with something new!  :love:

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^Bee is so cute fangirling. You just gotta throw her some fluff and that's it. And you do fluff so incredibly well.  :heart:

I really enjoyed the latest Takagaki story- it was extremely poignant. I can imagine that Risa's already tried everything to ease Ai's ever-present worrying, but only to find that silent support (and telepathy) works best.

As for Tsundereina, what can I say? I believe it may be aptly described as such:  :nya:

"I'm still blaming Sayu for my lolicon tendencies now." ~Essy

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Re: kawaii-beam's not so very wonderful box of wonders~[title's long] 1-23-11
« Reply #57 on: January 23, 2011, 06:01:44 AM »
kuro-thanks^^ actually it was on myfic thread in  H!O and i usually post there 1st then here^^; but that one must've slipped my mind^^;

ai-*sits on a fluffy couch with stuffed monkeys and strawberry pillows*
risa-sits next to her and snuggles with her*

XD this will never get old XD

*gets whacked* :gmon tears: gomen bee-chan! idk i just feel weird re-reading my own stuff and i think everything i write sucks XD yet for some reason i still post it^^;

i took my time yet i have it done already~^^


yup takagaki's the best :gmon sing:

the couch actually was supposted to be 'touch' ^^; sorry

something new is comming up~ X3

-holy takagaki u commented! *is happy* :gmon twirl: thanks so much for liking it^^

XD yeah risa's probably has tried everything in the book to calm Ai down.

XD well thank you for feeling that way X3

Thanks alot again everyone and since bee asked so nicely before she whacked me...the prequel to Silent Reassurance~^^

Two over sleeping birds & a missed stone

“I still don’t get why you had to come over Risa…”

“Oh hush Ai-chan…It’ll be easier if we both stay at one place so we won’t be late! It’ll be like killing two birds with one stone!”

Ai just sighed and sat back onto the little empty space left on her bedroom floor due to much of her clothes sprawled around the currently opened and empty suitcase. Risa looked around and shook her head disapprovingly at Ai, like she was a little child who didn’t know how to clean up after themselves.

“Ai-chan you haven’t even started packing yet?”

She looked up at her girlfriend and opened her mouth to try to defend herself, but closed it.


“And why’s that? Playing on the iphone again?”

Ai looked down and didn’t say anything, giving the bean a sign that she was right. So, Risa knelt down and started folding some clothes into the suitcase as Ai got up and sat in the bed. She knew there was no stopping her girlfriend when she got into “Mama Gaki”mode.

“Oh well, I’ll just help you…”

Ai sat there and watched as Risa carefully as she folded her sweatpants and sweaters, clearly thankful to have someone there to help her out when she needed it, even though Ai was too stubborn to admit it at times. By the time Risa was half way done, the bean decided that the two of them should take a break and stood up.

“Ne, Ai-chan why don’t we watch a movie and then we’ll finish packing later?”

The monkey looked up from her bed and nodded in agreement.

“Alright, I’ll go get the movie and set it up while you make the popcorn ok?”

Soon after the movie was done instead of packing up the rest of Ai’s items, the two fell asleep on the monkey’s bed, snuggled up in each other’s arms under the nice fluffy sheets.

It wasn’t until the next morning when the loud ringing of both Risa’s and Ai’s phones forced the two girls to wake up from their sweet embrace, only to realize that they were an hour late. Causing the pair to rush through their morning routine in record time and shove everything else that needed to be in Ai’s suitcase in a hurry, and as the two left the older’s apartment Ai thought to herself,

‘So much for killing two birds with one stone Gaki-san’
« Last Edit: January 23, 2011, 06:22:47 AM by kawaii beam »
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Offline rndmnwierd

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That banner, if possible, is cuter than the story. :lol: Ugh, toothache sweet. I love Risa's look and Ai's smile. XD

“Mama Gaki”.
Silly girl, when I said mode didn't need to be in parenthesis, I didn't mean to take the word out all together. :lol:

Offline kawaii beam

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Re: kawaii-beam's not so very wonderful box of wonders~[title's long] 1-21-11
« Reply #59 on: January 23, 2011, 06:24:28 AM »
XD i stole it from the fashionable backstage footage~ X3 and that was the best expression i could get without risa looking like major crazy/weird XD

and i fixed it now~ happy?  :P
please visit kawaii-chan's avie's and siggies!

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