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Author Topic: A Thing Called Happiness(UPDATE 7/22)  (Read 9381 times)

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Re: A Thing Called Happiness(UPDATE 3/17)
« Reply #20 on: March 18, 2011, 05:17:06 AM »

waaaaa no no no I'm sorry Takagaki and Tanakame..but ReinAi is...waaa  :cry:  ...just more  addictive for me lately !!  :wub: :heart:

damn...i feel bad with myself...  :(

Gaki...Eri T.T i'm sorry  :cry:

yeah i'm a bad fan...  :banghead:

 :bow: thanks writerjunkie you are great

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Re: A Thing Called Happiness(UPDATE 3/17)
« Reply #21 on: March 18, 2011, 07:03:06 AM »
ReinAi comfort :wub: I wonder how junjun will play into this :huhuh

Are we going to be seeing any Eri or Risa :cry:

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: A Thing Called Happiness(UPDATE 3/17)
« Reply #22 on: March 20, 2011, 02:55:42 AM »
Aww, sleepy Ai is so cute. Hmm, is this going to turn into RenAi kataomoi? I wanna see how Gakikame are doing, I think I'm not the only one. XD

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Re: A Thing Called Happiness(UPDATE 3/17)
« Reply #23 on: March 20, 2011, 04:12:46 AM »

I feel something rub against my nose, but since I still want to sleep I keep my eyes closed and weakly swat away whatever is tickling it. When I think it stops I go back to sleep, but then it happens again then I feel something warm on my face. Suddenly, I'm not able to breathe, so I start to panic and my arms go flaring all over the place.

I open my eyes and see a foot in front of me. Feeling completely disturbed, I jump out of bed, sending the foot falling to the side and the person attached to it smacks the floor. I sit up, gasping for breath. I hear grunting from the floor and peek over the edge of the bed to get a look at the noise.

“Ugh...what happened?” Ai-chan grumbles.

“Ai-chan, your foot was suffocating me!!” I wheeze. “You were sleeping on top of me again!”

I furiously rub at my nose and mouth. I feel that I need to wash my mouth out!! Ai-chan doesn't seem bothered from my upset voice and rolls over to the side to try and sleep again. There's no way I'm letting her sleep! She ruined my sleep I feel like doing the same to her. I grab a pillow and throw it on the top of Ai-chan's head as hard as I can.

“Damn it Reina I'm trying to sleep!!” Ai-chan screams, taking the pillow off her face.

She glares up at me, fully awake and she isn't happy. Yeah, so I can be a bit bitter. She can be just as bad!

“Yeah, was I until your foot decided to smother me!” I reply.

I throw the sheets back and make my way to my feet. I can see Ai-chan from the corner of my eye get up off the floor. I ignore her glare at me as I walk away and make my way into the bathroom to get ready for classes. Then I'll have to go to work after. I tend to come here a large amount of the time, but mostly done against my will, so I've stored a few things I'll need when I do spend a night over.

Too bad I already wore my own fresh pair of clothes I've kept here. I'll have to take one of Ai-chan's outfits again. I'll worry about that when I'm done freshening up int eh bathroom though. I open the door of the mirror and take out the pink toothbrush resting on the shelf.

I set everything I need to brush my teeth and make sure to scrub away any bits of food that could have gotten caught between my teeth. When I'm done I go back into Ai-chan's room to see what clothes I can borrow again from her closet.

I spot Ai-chan sleeping on her bed, or at least I see parts of her since the sheets are covering her and her feet are sticking out. I can also see an arm hanging at the side of the bed. I ignore Ai-chan, until I'm finished getting ready then march my way over to her. I give a hard smack to the fluffy blanket then pull it back.

“Hey!” I shout. “Wake up idiot!”

Ai-chan lets out a groan and lazily flips over to her back to look at me. She places a hand over her eyes and peeks out through the cracks of her fingers. She frowns at me for having waking her up the third time today.

If she's badly hung over and her head hurts...then good because she deserves it! Especially since she made me go to work when I had a hangover! I fold my arms and glare at her.

“Shouldn't you be somewhere, doing something important?” I question.

Ai-chan lets out another sound of annoyance then sits up, scratching her head with closed eyes. She squints at me, still not used to the bright light and sighs. I wonder what excuse she'll tell me this time. They always tend to be amusing.

“Reina~!!” Ai-chan whimpers, pouting at me. “I'm too sleepy~”

She didn't even put up much of a fight this time. I scoff a little disappointed. Ai-chan ends up sounding like a little kid when she says that and her face expression makes her look younger than what she is. I frown then hit her on the top of her head and a piece of her hair sticks up from the friction.

How can she always win so easily?! Ai-chan knows I'm too much of a softie. I push Ai-chan back into bed and bury her with the sheets.

“Go back to sleep then. I won't be back until late afternoon though so try to eat something until then.” I  instruct. “Drink plenty of water too. I'll come back to check and see if your headache is better.”

Ai-chan lays back in bed with a happy smile in place. I always give in. I go to leave the room so that Ai-chan can be in peace, but my phone goes off and I realize I've left it on the drawer this whole time and was about to leave without taking it. I pick up my phone and open it without looking at the ID screen.

“Hello?” I speak irritatedly into the phone.

“Hello Reina!” An unfamiliar voice greets to me.

“Who's this?” I ask.

“It's me, Junjun!” She giggles.

“When the hell did you get my cellphone number?! I don't remember giving it to you.” I angrily ask.

“Ai-chan gave it to me last night.” Junjun replies.

I glance at Ai-chan. So, that's why she had her cellphone out? She was giving Junjun MY number?!

Even when she's completely wasted she tries to get me a date. I don't know if I should thank her or hit her so hard over the head she'll end up having a bump. I march over to the bed and yank the pillow out from under head then whack her with it.

“You gave Junjun my number?!” I scream.

Ai-chan curls up on to her side to try and protect herself. I hit her again. She lets out a whelping sound this time.

“Ah, Reina stop it! I'm tired!” Ai-chan whines.

I throw the pillow on top of her and walk away. She's gonna get it when she's done resting! This person is a complete stranger!

Why would I want to hook up with a stranger?! I barely even know her and I don't want to know Junjun! I'm still trying to get back with Eri.

“ a bad time?” Junjun ask.

“Yes, I'm on my way out. I can't talk right now.” I inform, rushing towards the door. I grab my coat on the way out. “I'll talk to you later, bye!”

I hang up before Junjun can say anything and put my phone away. Please, let this day be a hell of a lot better than it was last night. I'm already off to a bad start. I don't have time to make new friends or...get a new girlfriend if this is what Ai-chan is trying to do.

I wonder if she was even aware of it when she gave Junjun my cell number. I only hope she was just too drunk and mistaken my number for hers somehow. I sigh, pushing aside the odd call and focus on getting to my classes again. I can deal with Ai-chan later.

Classes weren't that bad this time. But, like always, work is a bit of a struggle. But, I'm lucky that today work is a little slower. I'm not entirely sure if I should be happy about that or just bored out of my mind. If it gets too busy it's too much of a pain, but if there isn't much people in here I have to find ways to keep myself busy.

I don't want to take a break early because we only get about one break. The bell to the shop goes off and Linlin is the first to react and spring out of her seat. I slowly walk my way over to take a glance at our customer and frown. I rush over and place a hand on Linlin's shoulder before she can speak.

“I'll take this one Linlin.” I insists.

She doesn't say anything and just walks away. When she's away from earshot of me I look back to our customer and fold my arms over my chest, glaring. They stare down intently on the menu, ignoring me, or trying to ignore me.

I dig into the pocket of my apron and pull out a spoon. I continue to watch this person, wondering if they'll look up to look at me. After waiting a few seconds I grip the spoon and give them a hard whack on the shoulder with it. They flinch.

“Ow!” They cry. “I'm still recovering from my hangover!”

“What are you doing here Ai-chan?” I calmly ask, remembering that I'm still at work.

She lifts up her head and rubs her throbbing shoulder. “That hurt you know.” Ai-chan complains. “Do you do that to all your customers?!”

“Just the stupid ones.” I answer, tucking the spoon back into its pocket.

Ai-chan frowns at me. “You know, I like Linlin better than you. So, could you just call her back to be my waiter?”

I give her another glare. Is she really asking me this? Did the sake make her lose half her brain cells? I also feel a little hurt that she says such a thing like that! Am I that bad of a waitress? That doesn't matter, I got distracted. I should be focusing on her.

“Ai-chan, don't you think you've messed around with enough girls?” I whisper. “You know Linlin has a crush on you!”

Ai-chan looks behind me and I turn around to see that she's staring at Linlin. Linlin blushes then looks down to her feet to continue sweeping the same spot. She was staring at us the whole time I see.

I turn back to Ai-chan and she just chuckles. I hit her on the head this time, but with my hand and I hear a loud smack at the contact. Ai-chan cringes and ducks her head down, rubbing the top of her head with her hand.

“You really have to stop doing that! I've been getting hit too much today.” Ai-chan demands.

“Yeah well, sometimes you deserve it.” I defend. “Just tell me why you're here?”

Ai-chan gives me an innocent look, but I'm not buying any of it. Did I mention that sometimes she can annoy the shit out of me when she's NOT drunk? This is one of times she is.

I think sometimes I'm not the one who needs the most straightening up. Ai-chan seems to just sink further and further into whatever state of feeling she's having right now.

“What? I can't visit my friend at her job?” Ai-chan questions.

I give her a stern look. She's usually honest with me. Why isn't she being honest now? Ai-chan looks down at her hands then back up at me.

“Alright I wanted to get a bite to eat.” Ai-chan admits.

“And by bite to eat you mean a FREE meal, don't you?” I add.

She nods. I knew it. Ai-chan was probably too lazy to cook and she could have gone somewhere else to eat, but she had to come here.

Where I work, which just so happens to be a local restaurant. She mooches of me too much. I have to help her find a job again since her last one didn't go so well. I'll end up in a lot of trouble if I do give her a free meal and I can't afford to lose my own job.

Unlike her, I have no one to support me. My own mother is just a stay at home wife and with my father gone the only source of money she has is the money my father saved before passing away. Ai-chan on the other hand, receives money from her parents and there are times when her mom comes over to visit, or Ai-chan goes back to Fukui.

Lately though, her mother hasn't been visiting as much and Ai-chan doesn't go back to her home town. I think she probably got into some fight with her father, who's trying to cut any sort of connection between her and the rest of her family. I never really asked about that since I have my own problems.

“Well, I gotta eat something! I'm starving~” Ai-chan whines. “I'm low on money!”

I open my mouth to do some more scolding, but the sound of Ai-chan's grumbling stomach interrupts me. She looks down to her abdomen and puts a hand over it. Is she trying to make me feel guilty? I roll my eyes and sigh. She owes me.

“Fine, I'll pay for your meal, but if you end up leaving me with a bill that's not normally what people eat then I'm going to kill you.” I warn.

Ai-chan smiles then reaches over to hug my waist. “Thank you! Reina you're the best!” Ai-chan compliments.

I push her back and look around me to see if anyone is looking. She smiles at me and laughs then sticks her head into the menu to start deciding on the dishes to eat. I guess I'll just give her some time to decide then since I know Ai-chan can be very indecisive.

This often makes her buy all the dishes she's interested in and she gets so full that she barely gets half way through the meal. It's just a waste of food when she does that. I turn around to go back to the register, but I hear the bell of the shop ding again. Here comes another customer.

“Tanaka-san! We meet again~”

I look over my shoulder then quickly turn back to Ai-chan, who's staring into her menu. I get the feeling she has something to do with this torture she's putting me through now. I narrow my eyes at her, feeling very annoyed again.

“What is she doing here?!” I growl.

“I invited Junjun to join me.” Ai-chan coolly responds, her head still in the menu.

“And WHEN did you plan on telling me this?!” I shriek.

There's a small pause between us. If she expects me to pay for Junjun's meal it just isn't gonna happen! It was like pulling teeth to get me to just pay for Ai-chan's meal. What makes her think I'll pay for Junjun as well?! She's someone I don't even know!

“Why did you do that?!” I complain.

Ai-chan looks up at me. “She's interested in you. I can at least try and help her out. Didn't you want to start dating new people?” she explains.

This is why she's given a complete stranger my damn number?! I honestly think she's just doing it to torture me. I don't want anyone meddling into my love life. That's just something personal.

“I didn't say that! I said YOU should find someone! I'm very happy being single!” I correct. “This person isn't even my type! I'm still trying to fix things with Eri! I-ugh! Now I'm frustrated!”

I rub the side of my temples to try and relieve myself. Why? Why did she have to come to my job and give me this huge headache? I like to come here and leave my problems at home at the door when I come to work.

“Well, try to relax because Junjun is coming this way.” Ai-chan instructs, putting her head back into the menu.

I put on a false smile and greet her. I know since I'm at work I have to be kind to all customers although with Ai-chan that's an exception. She would stay anyways to try and get a free meal.

She knows my soft side a little too much. I bow at Junjun as she comes over to take a seat the opposite side of Ai-chan.

“Good afternoon Tanaka-san.” Junjun greets.

So now she decides to be formal with me? I'm sure Ai-chan had to tell her that because she knows how I hate when unfamiliar people address me as if we're close friends. Is she trying to help Junjun gain some type of points? Is this a game now?!

Whatever, either way I'm not interested in Junjun. I'll have to break the news to her when I get the chance and I get the feeling it won't be in a nice way. Quietly, I hand Junjun a menu.

“Take your time ordering.” I advise, then leave without greeting Junjun back.

If she can't take that hint then I'll for sure I'll have a hard time getting rid of her. I walk over to the counter again and sigh. I suddenly feel exhausted. From the corner of my eyes, I see Linlin put the broom off to the side and join me.

“Tanaka-san, are you feeling tired again?” Linlin questions.

I rub my eyes to fight away the sleep. When I go home I'm just gonna ignore Ai-chan like she's some sort of stranger. I need to sleep and this time without the risk of being choked in my sleep by stinky feet! I rest my chin in the palm of my hand.

“I'll be okay.” I assure. “It's just been a strange week.”

Linlin nods. Then that's the end of our conversation. They don't normally last long. It's probably because Linlin is scared that I might get angry from her speaking or something she said and end up socking her in the face.

I mostly tend to put up the feeling now around people. I've become less social now. I've been focusing more on putting on my tough act. I'm not completely like my old self though because I'm not sitting in some police station, so that's a good sign.

I snap out of my thoughts and see Ai-chan waving for me to come over. I think they've both decided on a dish to eat. I grab my notebook and walk over to Ai'chan's table. The only thing I look forward to today is just sleeping once my shift is over. I'm feeling a little moody now.

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: A Thing Called Happiness(UPDATE 3/19)
« Reply #24 on: March 20, 2011, 07:14:25 AM »
Hmm, interesting, Jun's just interested in Reina? Will Ai take advantage of Lin Lin's crush? Will Reina ever get Eri back?!

And more importantly, why did Takagaki break up? :panic:

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Re: A Thing Called Happiness(UPDATE 3/19)
« Reply #25 on: March 20, 2011, 09:43:29 AM »
Gosh, ReinAi is HARSH. :( What are the others doing anyway?? :? I hope no one (else) would get hurt, in this case, Lin and Jun(I guess?). :cry:

Did something happen to Ai-chan's family too and she's just keeping it all to herself? :huhuh I don't know..Something doesn't seem right. Maybe it's just me then.. :bleed eyes:

I wish ReinAi can be nicer to each other and hopefully things will be straightened up soon. :panic:

This story, so far, is (GOOD, of course!) kinda gloomy~ It's SO SAD. :cry: :cry:

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Re: A Thing Called Happiness(UPDATE 3/19)
« Reply #26 on: March 21, 2011, 03:56:24 PM »
lot's going on, Jun could perhaps be intrested or Reina, or perhaps even Jun, Reina and Ai may be getting closer together and maybe even futher apart at the same time and will still don't really know what happened bewteen Reina and Eri, or Ai and Gaki for that matter, plus of course we will see what happens to Jun and Lin......

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Re: A Thing Called Happiness(UPDATE 3/19)
« Reply #27 on: March 25, 2011, 02:47:20 AM »
Yay new chapter!!  :cow: I hope this will be informative enough to the readers about what happened to TakaGaki. I'm sorry this update took too long. I'll try to be quicker next time.


Just like the few days before, I didn't get the chance to rest after work. Instead, Ai-chan literally pulled me into her car with Junjun to go get some ice cream and crepes. I guess she was in the mood for desert, but like the lunch she had before I'll have to be paying for not just her treat too, but mine. Junjun was kind enough to bring her own money.

I don't know if this is an attempt to get me to speak with Junjun, but all I can think about is just sleeping the rest of the day away. Unpredictably, Ai-chan began to calm down and just remain silent to herself, lost in her own thoughts. She's more focused on the ice cream I've bought her. I don't really get that worried about her sudden decision to be quiet because she was annoying me so much at work before that I wanted to just knock her unconscious.

But...if she's quiet that means that I'll have to be left talking with...Junjun. I stare at my own ice cream, hoping that I'll be able to avoid that type of conversation. Maybe, if I eat it fast enough I'll be able to get out of here. No, Ai-chan eats way too slow. Crap.

“Tanaka-san?” Junjun softly calls.

I cringe. It looks like I'll have to speak with her. I wonder if I stay mean to her she'll just back away. She can't be that stupid or as thick as guys. I lift my head and look across the table to her.

“Are you...mad at me?” Junjun questions.

Did she have to talk in some type of sad voice as if I've been ignoring her for days!? She's a damn stranger for cryin out loud! What am I supposed to do?

Open my heart to someone I met probably just two days ago?! I silently stare at her, trying to keep myself from yelling at her. I glance at Ai-chan. She's still not saying anything, probably pretending that she doesn't hear anything.

“What are you talkin about?” I sternly ask.

Junjun puts on a sad face and I'm not sure if it's supposed to make me feel bad for her or to just find it cute, but it's annoying me. I glance at Ai-chan one more time. She's still eating her damn ice cream. She's just going to leave me in this by myself. I lean back into my chair with my arms crossed.

“ aren't very...kind to me.” Junjun explains.

Her supposedly cutesy voice is even painful to my ears! I cringe. Can I just leave?

I don't have time for complaints from a baby. How old is she anyway? I stand up from my seat.

“I'm outta here!” I grumble.

I stomp away from the table, not worried about Junjun's protests. Ai-chan is still quiet, but I'm sure she's aware of what I did. I'll just let her do the comforting.

I have better things to do. I'm too tired to be consulting some little kid about their feelings. I let out a yawn, looking forward to finally catching up on much needed sleep.


Strangely, after the incident and me furiously storming off, I haven't heard or seen Ai-chan since. It's been about a week now. I've mostly been debating with myself to either call Ai-chan or stop by her place to check on her.

I know that when she gets into her sulking mood, she is more than likely to get angry at me for bothering her. It'll probably be more humiliating if I go in person and she does that than when I call her. At least if I call I can have some dignity after rather than being kicked out of her house. 

But as a friend, I know I have to check on her. Making up my mind, I gather my belongings and walk out of my house. I'll just have to take the risk of being humiliated.

Sometimes, Ai-chan just needs someone there with her physically when she's down. The good thing about Ai-chan's new place is that not only does she live on her own, but she is closer to me. I don't have to drive I just have to walk a few blocks.

I enter the apartment building, taking a few deep breathes to brace myself before I get to Ai-chan's door. I have to be ready to try and calm her down when she's too busy sobbing. Planning out how to console Ai-chan, I don't pay attention in front of me and feel someone's shoulder slam painfully into my chest.

“Hey! Watch where the hell you're goin! Other people walk here too, ya know?!” I yell, turning around to face the idiot who slammed into me.

My eyes quickly open wide in shock and my whole body runs cold. Of all the people that I have seen come by here, I did not expect her to come here...not ever! How... Why is she here?!

“G-Gaki-san?!” I choke.

I don't know if I should be happy to see her or maybe just come over and give her a big slap to the face for leaving Ai-chan how she is now. I'm filled with two opposite emotions at the same time. This leaves me frozen in confusion to figure out what else to say to her. Gaki-san looks back at me and opens her mouth, but then quickly closes it and turns away. Is she...crying?

“I-I...shouldn't be here. Goodbye Tanakacchi.” Gaki-san stutters, then quickly runs away.

She was crying...and she looked completely sad. Wait...if that means she's here then she...


I run through the halls, trying to reach Ai-chan's apartment door as quickly as I can. I knock on the door, but the first knock causes the front door to open just an inch apart. The door was unlocked. Gaki-san was here!

And she was in a hurry to leave. Ai-chan didn't want to close it, so it must mean she's inside crying as well. I open the door and let myself in, carefully walking through the apartment.

As my eyes scan the room, I notice that there are a bunch of items scattered around. I haven't seen Ai-chan anywhere yet. Thinking of the possible worse thoughts based off my surroundings, my heart goes much faster and my body starts to shake. Where is she?

“Ai-chan?!” I yell, zipping through the living room. “Ai-chan, where are you?!”

Please, please be okay! I check the kitchen and even the bathroom. That only leads me to her bedroom now. If she isn't here then she must have left. That makes me panic.

If Ai-chan is outside wandering somewhere I'll only become more scared. Who knows where she is or what type of trouble she can get into.  How reckless of her to just go outside without thinking thoroughly about her actions! I don't bother to knock on the door when I get here. I just grab the knob and open the door.

The lights are off, but sunlight in her window gives me the light I need to see. Taking a close look to the window, I see that the curtains have been ripped off the window and thrown to the floor. Then that's when I see this room has the most damage done to it. There's even a dent in the wall.

I step farther inside, having enough of the messy sight and focus on the reason why I've came here. Ai-chan did this mess. She broke all these pictures and vases. I hear something crack below my feet and move my foot back to get a better look of it.

It's a picture frame, the glass is broken, but the picture inside is fine. It's a picture of Ai-chan and Gaki-san. She's had this picture with her all along. I thought she's thrown anything related to Gaki-san away, but this picture she's kept. They both look different, much younger.

It was probably taken when they were in grammar school. In this picture Ai-chan is smiling like she's won the lottery and Gaki-san is hugging her with the same expression. It's a picture of their memory together. I can understand why Ai-chan didn't have the courage to throw this out.

It was during their youth, their friendship, and they're start of a strong almost undefeated love. I step over the picture, not wanting to damage the frame anymore and continue my search. Come on Ai-chan where are you? I need to help you. I need to comfort you.

I see something move to the left of me and sharply make a turn. Right in a corner, sitting on the ground with bunched up knees to her chin, is Ai-chan. Her skin looks completely pale and the way her eyes shine I can tell she's crying. This doesn't look like the Ai-chan I know.

This person looks weak, crushed, and sickly. I carefully walk over to her to not startle Ai-chan. She seems to be in her own world when she sits there like this, like a statue. I decide to not touch her, concluding that it'll just be too much for her at this moment.

“Ai-chan?” I softly speak.

If I use a light tone she just might slowly come back from her daydream. Her hands tighten and she starts to sniffle. I'm scared seeing her like this I'll admit that. I've never seen her like this.

Yeah, she's cried in front of me a few times, but she's never destroyed her home or look like she's suddenly caught some deadly sickness with how thin she looks now. I wonder if this whole week she's just been starving herself.

“Ai-chan...please talk to me.” I encourage. “I'm here Ai-chan. I'm here to listen. You're not alone.”

I watch her, to see if I can find any signs of life in her since she's just sitting there. It's like she's become an icicle. What feels like hours, but I'm sure is only seconds, Ai-chan finally moves.

Her head lifts from her knees to reveal a red and wet face full of tears. Then she just stares ahead of herself again. So I wait, I don't have much I can do when she's like this.  I can only wait for her to say something on her own. I gulp, feeling more nervous.

“Come on Ai-chan, talk to me.” I whisper.

“Y-You know...” Ai-chan croaks, her voice shaking. “I always thought...she would come around.”

I listen, hanging on to her every word, afraid I'll miss even the smallest detail if I become sidetracked.

“Today...she called me. After exchanging texts and phone calls for a week, she told me to meet her here.” Ai-chan explains, her eyes still fixed in front of her. “So I thought...she was going to finally accept me again. I never felt so happy from just a thought alone like that before.”

I don't need to ask who Ai-chan is talking about because I know perfectly well she means Gaki-san. Only Gaki-san can make Ai-chan feel so many emotions it overwhelms her. There isn't anyone else who can make Ai-chan feel a mixture of happiness, sadness, and anger all at once.

That was done just from the sight of Gaki-san I'm sure. I clutch my hand, bracing myself for Ai-chan to do anything like punch something out of impulse. A small laugh was released from Ai-chan.

“I never told you why we broke up, but it's because I was not only embarrassed by it, but because I always felt we would get back together again.” Ai-chan chuckles. “I was stupid to hold on such false hope like that, but...she said she would and I believed her because I loved her so much. I still love her.”

I can't understand what she's saying. If they didn't break up because of something the other has done to  break their relationship, then why did they break up? Ai-chan and Gaki-san love each other too much to be apart. I can tell every time Ai-chan mentions Gaki-san. They haven't stopped loving each other.

“It was stupid of us to tell her parents about our relationship. They never approved. At first...they tried to act like they were okay with it.” Ai-chan frowns, and furiously wipes away fresh tears from her face. “They eventually confronted Gaki-san when she was alone. They forced her to break up with me! They threatened to disown her. She didn't know what to do. She loves her family and she's not ready to live on her own yet. I tried to understand...but it just ate me up inside each time I woke up with her not by my side.”

I'm starting to understand her now. She didn't want to not telling me because she wasn't at fault, but because she was always hopeful about the two of them being together as a couple. Every time I tried to ask about their break up I always kept reminding Ai-chan of the real fact that they may never be together again.

That would also explain Ai-chan's reason to need to spend a night with a different girl almost every night. She was alone and she hated it. The loneliness scared her. Slowly, I slide my hand over to hers to comfort her.

“I told my parents about us three weeks ago even thought we weren't together, but I felt they needed to know because my father always tried to set me up with men he felt were for me. father won't even talk to me. My mother is forbidden to see me. She secretly sends money to me and it's just enough to get me by for only a week.” Ai-chan continues, taking a few minutes to calm her breathing and collect her thoughts again.

“Ai-chan...why did Gaki-san come here today then?” I whisper, shaking as I wait for the answer.

Ai-chan suddenly yanks her hand away from mine and stands up. She's filled with rage, but I know that in the pit of all that rage she's in pain. Ai-chan is in so much sorrow it hurts her. It makes her become swallowed by anger. She feels weak and she hates that.

“Because she came to tell me to never see her again!!” Ai-chan screams. “She doesn't love me! She never did! She cares about her family too much!! I was just a phase for her. I was never something serious. I never meant anything to her!!”

Ai-chan rushes over to the night stand and chucks the lamp across the room. I hear the glass shatter and bites of glass rain down to the floor. Frozen in shock, I watch Ai-chan grab everything she can and throw it in every direction.

She flips over the nightstand and toss clothes everywhere from another nightstand. There are various glass items that follow the same action. I need to stop her before she hurts herself!

“Ai-chan! Ai-chan, please calm down!” I beg. “We can fix this! I'll...”

She turns around to me with the same amount of rage. I've never seen her so angry. I've never seen her look at me as if she wants to beat me to death. I take a step away and remain quiet.

“Get out of here Reina!” Ai-chan shouts. “I don't need you! I don't need anyone!! Just leave me alone!!”

There isn't much that I can do. I get this feeling that if I don't listen I'll end up getting a bunch of fist thrown at me, so I listen. As much as it bothers me to walk away from her in this state, I have no choice, but to do just that. I nod then carefully make my way out of her room.

What else can I do? I feel so helpless! I walk out into the hallway and never look back but with each step I think about Ai-chan and the suffering she must be in. I want to help her. I want to be there for her as a friend, but I can't.

I frown, feeling angry myself, but for a different reason. I feel so trapped. I feel weak that I can't help another. I don't know who else can help her.

Walking down the street, a sudden idea hits me. If Ai-chan won't let me come near here then I might know someone who can. I pull out my cellphone and dial down a familiar number I haven't used in what feels like a year.

If she can't get Ai-chan to calm down then I don't know who else can. She's known Ai-chan a lot longer than I have. The phone rings a few times then it stops.


I freeze at the unexpected voice. What is she doing answering the phone? Where's Sayu?

“Eri?” I croak.

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Re: A Thing Called Happiness(UPDATE 3/24)
« Reply #28 on: March 25, 2011, 03:06:35 AM »

This chapter...  :fainted: :gyaaah: :on cloudeye:

How could you be so cruel Risa! :on speedy:

What is Eri doing with sayu???? Gaah my heart hurts reading this :bleed eyes:

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Re: A Thing Called Happiness(UPDATE 3/24)
« Reply #29 on: March 25, 2011, 06:06:55 AM »
Aww, man. Now that I know, somehow, it makes me feel worse. Especially since I know in my heart that Gaki really loves Ai. How can she choose fairly between her heart and her blood, though? Risa really isn't as mature as she tries to makes herself out to be and as such, she would always choose her family first. If she could just get past the pain, I know that Ai would realize that the words Gaki spoke to her, telling her she was a phase and all, aren't true. A girl like Risa wouldn't give her first time away to just a phase, would she? Ai is also going to feel really badly when she calms down, about Reina.

But, le gasp! It seems like Reina's going to have her own confrontation.  :shocked Must see!

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Re: A Thing Called Happiness(UPDATE 3/24)
« Reply #30 on: March 25, 2011, 08:35:40 AM »
Parents...My gosh... Ai-chan's father is.. Oooohhhh!! :angry: It's not fair for Ai-chan. :cry: Gaki doesn't even fight for her lover and her parents are sooo ebil! :bleed eyes:

Ai-chan went into a rage. :cry:

Don't tell me there's something between Kame and Sayu. I swear to GOD. :mon headbang:

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Re: A Thing Called Happiness(UPDATE 3/24)
« Reply #31 on: March 25, 2011, 12:20:33 PM »
Man first of poor Jun, she hasn't been doing so well in this fic has she  :sweatdrop:

So Gaki went to see Ai to say that shew chose her family over Ai and that she didn't really love her..... why do I have a hard time bying that, the way Gaki was reacting when she saw Reina makes me think she may of been telling Ai a few lies to help her try and get over Gaki.

Ah man Eri is with Sayu, are they in a relationship? how will Eri react to speaking to Reina?

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Re: A Thing Called Happiness(UPDATE 3/24)
« Reply #32 on: March 25, 2011, 05:27:24 PM »
I can understand Gaki's action. I mean, a motherly person like Gaki will place home first (in this case, her family) but that doesn't necessarily make her happy with her decision. Perhaps she told Ai what she said so that Ai can move on with her life. Sayu or Koha must have kept her updated on Ai. Maybe she'll realise that 'Love' is the most important thing in her life (no pun intended :P) & we may have a reconciliation later? Hopefully? Pweeety please?

I don't think Sayu has any hanky panky with Eri since she's very much together with Koha. Perhaps just hanging out with a bestie ;) But TanaKame finally have a chance to talk! Yay~ that is...if you don't go ebil on us & make Eri emo again

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Re: A Thing Called Happiness(UPDATE 3/24)
« Reply #33 on: March 26, 2011, 05:29:09 AM »
That was Bersek >o<!

Damn!!!!!!!! What has Gaki-san DONE?!?!?!??!
She didn't learn ANYTHING from ALL the dramas she saw!!!!!!!!
It's clear like water >o< that Gaki was threaten... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! os maybe it's BLACL HAND adter Y_Y

And th ANSWER is NO!!!! for GakiKmae >o<!!!! I been willing to try that couple, but my just ca.

Can wait to the next chaoy

God!! She knows she's HOT!

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Re: A Thing Called Happiness(UPDATE 3/24)
« Reply #34 on: July 22, 2011, 09:49:37 PM »
O________________O If you're shocked I updated this....well, you are not the only one! I am too!

And on top of that, I'm writing this while I'm sick and should be sleeping! I tend to get restless when sick, so that's why I even wrote this. That and somehow my thoughts before sleeping came back to this story I never updated in a few months. o.O Well, enjoy the update~! ^__^


“She's quiet down now.” Sayu assures, making me feel relieved that she agreed to come over. “I've never seen her this shaken up before.”

So, she's gotten upset like this before? I think that was before I came to Tokyo. I wonder if Risa was the one who caused her to spiral into a fit of rage like she did today? They must have been through some struggles before getting together as a couple. It's kind of sad seeing that now they're no longer together and Risa has abandoned Ai-chan. Is it okay to say that I'm starting to hate Risa?

“She's asleep now Reina, but she might need someone to look after her.” Koharu adds in, glancing back into the apartment and frowns. “Someone will need to clean up this mess too.”

I was also relieved to find out that Koharu was with Sayu and Eri at the time of me calling. There wasn't anything odd going on between them. If I found out there was I would give Sayu a piece of my mind. I don't want to see Koharu hurt because of her. They're doing so well together unlike Ai-chan and I at the moment.

“How can you all remain this calm?” I ask, surprised to their unwavering faces.

Sayu shrugs. “I can only say that this isn't the first time we've seen her like this. She's just never destroyed a house this bad before is all.” She explains.

“Reina, will clean up? I can't stay that long. I have a lot more homework to complete and I'll be taking an entry test tomorrow for college.” Koharu kindly requests.

I take a peek into the house again through the open front door. It isn't as badly damaged when I first came in, but it's still a big mess that might take a few hours for me to clean up if I'm the only one doing the pick up. As much as I want to knock Ai-chan's lights out for making this mess I can still feel some sympathy for her on why she did this. I wish she controlled her anger a little more though.

“Yeah, sure Koharu.” I agree.

“I'm really sorry. I have to go. I'll come back tomorrow to check on Ai-chan.” Koharu promises.

She says her goodbye to me and Sayu then she leaves. I wish I had what she does at the moment. A easier life because she's in high school and she has a girlfriend that she loves. I still love Eri, but I'm not with her anymore and I think that's another reason why I'm so miserable.

I face Sayu, realizing that we're alone and figure that this is a good time for us to talk. I have some questions and I know she can give me the answers if I pry them out of her long enough. I have a right to know where I stand with Eri now.

“Are you going to help me clean up?” I question, starting the deep conversation with a  simple question.

“Yeah, come on. If we hurry now we can get it all done.” Sayu agrees, entering the house and I follow after her.

She grabs on to the broom and I scan the room to see if there is any broken furniture for me to pick up. I notice a lot of fallen picture frames in the living room and cups that are half broken or chipped in the kitchen. There are a few pots laying around and a chair or two knocked over.

There wasn't much damage except for broken dishes. I can't say the same for the living room, however, almost everything was made of glass or a cheap wood that's easy to damage. I start with the living room and carefully collect shattered picture frames.

Sayu and I remain quiet for a few minutes, just focused on picking up the bits of glass and the only sound that's made is the scraping of glass against the floor as Sayu sweeps them up. If I want to get something out of her now this is the best time to do it.

“Sayu,” I start, feeling nervous.

She still remains staring at the broom as it glides across the floor, dragging chunks of glass into a pile. Maybe she already knows what I want to talk about. I know Sayu isn't stupid. She's aware of everything around her when it comes to close friends.

“It isn't what you think Reina.” Sayu calmly speaks. “I would never hurt Koharu like that. Eri and I are only friends. We aren't a couple anymore.”

I sigh. I feel even more ashamed to accuse her of something like this. I know I'm not the one who should be giving a lecture on remaining faithful to Sayu. I'm probably one of the very last people Sayu might want to hear from about this topic. I don't blame her. She has a right to get angry.

“How come you didn't tell me you still speak to her then?” I ask. “Does she visit you often?”

Sayu stops sweeping and looks up at me. She's angry and that frown on her face is one of the scariest things I've ever seen! I stare back at her and gulp. Does this mean she hates me too, but still tries to remain my friend?

“I didn't tell you because she didn't want you to know Reina.” Sayu explains. “And as her best friend, of course I see her often. Who else is she going to talk to?”

I feel my stomach turn. I know Eri does a lot more than just talk to Sayu. She comes to her for guidance, support, and comfort.

I know she's hurting because I'm hurting too and sometimes it feels like I've lost a large part of me. I'm a mess. I admit that. I became a big mess the day my uncle died and the week after when my dad died. I haven't been stable since those incidents.

“Does she cry a lot?” I ask, knowing that hearing the answer will make a larger part of me hurt more. Sayu doesn't say anything, but that's enough for me to figure out my answer. “Why do you still talk to me and help me if you hate my guts?”

“I don't hate you Reina.” Sayu corrects. “I hate the decision you made and I think you're stupid for hurting Eri. But I don't hate you because you are still my friend and I know that you're still a good person. You might have screwed up. I understand that. There are a lot of people who do that, but I know how much you still love Eri and want to get her back.” Sayu begins to sweep the floor again, probably having enough of looking at my guilty face. “I even still kind of hope that you will get together with Eri again. You make her happy and why should I fight against that? You'll just have to prove to Eri how sorry you are and how much you've changed.”

Sayu moves over to another section of the living room to sweep up more glass and I stand still staring at her. She's changed a lot. Sayu has grown up and I missed seeing a part of that.

When we all went to college we went our separate ways and almost have our own different lives. The only person I had at my side for everything was Ai-chan. She ended up going to the same college as me and we stuck together since then.

I know that Koharu and Sayu are busy. I never got mad at that, but because of that I closed a small part of my bond as they grew and matured. Listening to Sayu, made me think about my uncle.

He would have probably said the same thing, just minus the “stupid” remark, but Sayu gives out some tough love. Overall, her advice was thought with the most kindest intentions because I am her friend. I feel myself smile as my right eye starts to get watery at the memory of my uncle. I miss him very much and I know I always will.

“Thank you Sayu.” I mumble, trying to hold back a sob.

She turns around and smiles at me. Then goes back to sweeping the floor. She'll still be there for me just how she is with Ai-chan. Why else is she here cleaning up with me? She cares for us.

“I might be able to help you Reina.” Sayu interrupts. “I'll call you about it tomorrow since I know after this we'll be tired. And I won't tell Eri about the talk we had.”

“Thank you.” I reply, continuing back to my task.

I feel nervous about how she'll help me, but I know that I'm desperate. One of the reasons why Eri didn't come here to help out is because I was here. She's avoiding me and if I don’t do anything she'll avoid me forever and for as much as she can. The small conversation we had on the phone when I called Sayu's cell was even awkward.

There was silence and I froze. I shut down, just by the sound of her voice! I can imagine how I will be if I was near her in person. The only connection I have to Eri or knowing about her progress is through Sayu and I know she won't give me much. It's some best friend code I guess.

Eri spills her feelings and guts out to Sayu and she just remains quiet, supplying me little information she can because Eri probably made her promise to not tell me. It must be difficult for Sayu. She's trying to be the supportive best friend she always has been for Eri, long before I arrived to Tokyo, while at the same time trying to be that same supportive friend to me, who happens to be her best friend's ex-girlfriend.

I won't push any more information out of Sayu. The rest of the day we clean in silence, but it isn't the bad type of silence. It's comforting or as much as comforting can be because the reason why this apartment was destroyed was because of Ai-chan's rage and heart break.

I wonder how Sayu will fix that. I wonder if she thinks this can't be fixed. I suddenly feel luckier than Ai-chan right now. When the house is spotless, which is around midnight, I drive Sayu home. Then I take myself home.

I feel completely miserable when I step inside, but I think that's something I should be used to by now. I don't change my clothes, but instead lay in bed. I hear Yuka meow before jumping into bed with me. I hold on to her and stroke her head.

At least when I come home, I'm not completely alone. I still have Yuka. I lay in bed, taking a deep breath. My mind is  running on the promise Sayu had given me.

How can she help me get Eri tomorrow? What will happen? Will I end up just being locked in a room with Eri? I panic at that fearful thought of that scenario.

I don't know what will tomorrow bring, but if it brings me a step closer to being with Eri what else do I have to lose? I feel my eyes droop as the continuous purring from Yuka gently lolls me to sleep. I give her ear one final scratch before I fall sleep with no worries tonight. I can panic tomorrow, once I know what Sayu has in store for me.

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Re: A Thing Called Happiness(UPDATE 7/22)
« Reply #35 on: July 23, 2011, 12:52:12 PM »
Thanks for updating even though you're sick. Get well soon! :)

As for the chapter, I'm glad there's nothing between Eri and Sayu. :twothumbs And I'd love to find out what Sayu had planned for TanaKame. :roll: :w00t: :D Sayu is such a good girl, by the way. :)2

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Re: A Thing Called Happiness(UPDATE 7/22)
« Reply #36 on: July 24, 2011, 09:03:23 AM »
 :cow: I'm glad this hasn't been abandoned  :)

I hope sayu can get Reina and Eri back togezerrrr. Still wondering about the details of their break up :panic: And this has happened to Ai before?? :huhuh

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Re: A Thing Called Happiness(UPDATE 7/22)
« Reply #37 on: August 09, 2011, 06:24:24 PM »
I will wait here forever for you to do an update this is my favorite fan fiction in the world... I loved it so much and im happy it has my favorite.. (i think ive said that before im not sure :? ) but! PLEASE UPDATE ASAP onegai!! <3
Tanakame!<3333 ReinAi<333 TanaGaki!<33 TakaGaki!<33 TanaShige!<33 AiSayu!<3 JunSayu!<33 SayuKoha!<3 AiEri<3

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