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Author Topic: [Dr. Watanabe x Nurse Kashiwagi Christmas Special] Under the Mistletoe (29 Dec)  (Read 238865 times)

Offline Ricchan_Sawa

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Kinda.... feel... like a penguin...  :lol:

39 for the stories~ Sankyuu sankyuu

by the way... here is my Dr. Watanabe drawing on my school's desk (LOL)

It's kinda fail, gomennasai....  :kneelbow:

Offline Seigus

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[MaYuki Valentine's Special] Peace in the Cold (15 Feb)
« Reply #261 on: February 14, 2013, 07:00:29 PM »
A/N: Hello everyone! Thank you so much for all the lovely comments for the MaYuki Request Hour Special! I'm really glad that you enjoyed it and that it gave your imagination a good workout XD Well, it's Valentine's Day (technically speaking, it still is in some parts of the world) so that means another MaYuki Special! To be honest, I had actually forgotten about this special occasion because it was overshadowed by Chinese New Year preparations on my side. It was all thanks to a reader who reminded me on tumblr about a week ago. So if you enjoyed this MaYuki one-shot, please thank that kind soul in your heart! :nervous

*Note: This is an AU setting, meaning Mayuyu and Yukirin aren't idols but just common folks like you and me.


Peace in the Cold

“That’ll be 470 yen, please,” a staff behind the wooden counter spoke with a cheery smile.

Opposite the beaming employee, Kashiwagi Yuki dug into her purse and fished out a thousand-yen bill which she handed over to the patiently waiting woman. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafted up her nostrils and it comforted her frayed nerves a little. However, when she glanced around the coffee joint that was bustling with lovey-dovey couples, her irritation grew again. She clicked her tongue when she caught sight of a pair of high school students taking turns to feed each other a piece of strawberry shortcake.

“Here’s your change of 530 yen. Please proceed to your right to wait for your drink.”

Receiving the coins and receipt, Yuki frowned when she noticed a narrow slip of pale pink paper among them.

“What’s this?” she asked.

The staff’s face brightened at the question, hurting Yuki’s eyes with her gleaming pearly whites which reminded her of a squirrel. “It’s a love prediction slip!”

“A- what?” Yuki tugged her earlobe in reflex, wondering if she had misheard the jovial worker’s words.

“A love prediction slip,” the brown-haired woman repeated. “It’s our Valentine’s Day Special! With every beverage purchased, you will receive one slip. No two slips are the same so they are all unique!”

Yuki resisted the urge to make a not-so-appreciative remark about the marketing gimmick and chose to give a polite nod to the enthusiastic employee before shuffling to the side. Her hand flipped the pink slip over. Printed in cursive black ink, it read, “You will find true love today.” Rolling her eyes, the sullen woman crushed it and stuffed the ridiculous note into her long coat’s pocket.

Only a fool will believe that. And thanks for reminding me that I’m single.

Drumming her fingers on the countertop, she surveyed her surroundings again and sighed. Every seat in the café was spoken for.

So much for wanting to laze my evening away with a good book and a hot coffee.

“Here’s your medium coffee to go, miss.”

Snapping out of her thoughts, Yuki muttered her thanks and held the white paper cup by its cardboard sleeve. She took a deep whiff of the rich contents, allowing the invigorating scent of pure black coffee to course through her senses. With a soft recharged smile, she stepped out of the warm café only to be slapped in the face by a gust of chilly wind as light snow whipped around her. She cursed loudly, too disgruntled to care that passers-by would hear her. All around her were signs of the dreaded celebration of Saint Valentine: huddling couples in matching outfits, heart-shaped balloons, bouquets of expensive roses, and an overwhelming amount of pink and red all around that she felt like gagging.

“I hate you, V-Day!”

Her sudden outburst drew weird stares from the other pedestrians.

“What? Never seen a single person before?” she lashed out at the nearest couple, causing the man to shield his girlfriend from the seemingly rabid woman. Before she could take a sip of her coffee to calm herself, a startled yelp was heard. Snapping her head in the direction of the high-pitched voice, she witnessed a pigtailed girl slipping on some ice on the sidewalk and crashing onto the hard ground. The basket that she was holding sailed through the air, scattering the flowers it used to contain all over the concrete pavement.

“Oh no!” Even as she cringed from the pain in her knees, the teenage girl hurriedly crawled over to the fallen flowers, gathering them into her skinny arms. An oblivious man dressed in a crisp business suit crushed the delicate beings under his well-polished leather shoes as he walked past briskly. “No! Please be careful!” the girl scrambled to the flattened flowers and picked them up gingerly. Her eyes misted upon seeing the ruined state they were in. At this moment, a pair of legs clad in knee-high black boots and navy denim stopped before her.

“You should care about the flowers that can still be salvaged.”

Rapidly blinking back tears, the girl turned her gaze up, locking eyes with a relatively tall woman with flowing raven hair that rested on a dark winter trench coat. She was a rare sight to behold when most girls and young women would be dressed in romantic pastel colours on such a special day. There was nary a smile on her face as she held out a bunch of flowers in her right hand while her left clutched a coffee cup. The young girl broke the eye contact and scanned around her, noticing that all the other flowers on the ground were gone. Turning back to the stranger, she accepted her help.

“T-Thank you.”

Yuki watched silently as the girl pattered to the basket and placed the flowers in, arranging them as neatly as she could.

“It’s not enough…” It was soft but Yuki heard the dismay in the girl’s voice.

“What’s not enough?”

The girl flinched, not expecting Yuki to still be behind her.

“N-Nothing!” When Yuki’s questioning gaze continue to bore holes in her, the brave front she had been putting up crumbled and she shifted her sights to the basket of flowers. “The remaining flowers are not enough to make up for the loss.”

“You can always mark up the price,” Yuki suggested, her voice laced with sarcasm, before adding, “That’s what you money-making people do to exploit the commercialism of Valentine’s Day anyway.”

“Eh?” the girl stared wide-eyed at her in shock.

Realising what she had just blurted must have sounded extremely rude, Yuki cleared her throat and angled her face away, “Ah, sorry.”

There was an awkward pause as both parties fell silent. Seconds later, shuffling sounds were heard as the girl stood, grasping the basket with both hands.

“Thank you for your help. I’ll get back to work,” she finished with a polite bow and crossed the road to station herself outside a shopping mall. Lips pressed tightly together, Yuki grimly noted how the girl nearly slipped again but managed to steady herself against a lamppost. By this time, the sun had set and her surroundings were lit by streetlamps and lights from various shops and malls. Temperatures had dipped even lower, prompting Yuki to take a sip of her coffee. Her nose scrunched slightly when she discovered it had turned a little cold. Tossing the cup into a nearby trash can, she shambled along, disappearing into the sea of couples.

Fifteen minutes later, Yuki found herself back at the edge of the traffic junction where she parted ways with the girl from earlier.

What am I doing? Am I that bored?

Shaking her head, she focused her attention on the petite girl who was still hawking her wares at the same spot Yuki had last seen her. Out of the ten people who passed by her, none spared her a glance despite her hopeful pleas. One surly ruffian who had his arm around his girlfriend even shoved the poor girl’s hand away, causing her to drop the stalk of red tulip. Once again, she dropped to her knees without thinking, picking it up and cradling it close to her small chest lest anyone stepped on it.

“Why don’t you just give up?” an apathetic voice said as familiar ebony boots came into the girl’s view.

“You again?” she gasped lightly at the sight of Yuki. Ignoring her question, Yuki took the tulip from her, rotating it by the emaciated stalk.

“Everyone wants roses on this day. Tulips aren’t going to sell… and yours don’t even look fresh nor are they packaged nicely.”

The girl’s head hung lower with each scathing word. Gripping the handle of the woven basket tightly, she mumbled, “These are all I could afford.”

“Come again?” Yuki turned her eyes to the bowed head on which soft white snow dotted silky strands of obsidian hair.

“The florist didn’t want them so I was able to get them at a low price. I thought I could make some extra money from them to buy new drawing supplies.”

Yuki raised an eyebrow. “What are you? An art student?”

The girl nodded and continued, “Someone stole my materials in school yesterday and I have an assignment due tomorrow morning. I can’t do anything without my pencils and sketchbook.”

“Can I just give you my mechanical pencil?” Yuki offered brusquely.

“That won’t work.”

Yuki sighed. Arty people are so troublesome.

“You can always ask for money from your parents.”

There it was again – the awkward silence. Even as a melodious love song blared from the shop they were standing in front of, the icy tension pricked at Yuki’s skin, slowly crawling up her arms under the warm sleeves of her coat.

“My mother passed away when I was five… and my father is in hospital for cancer treatment. The money I have now is only enough for this month’s food and transport.”

The girl’s voice was quiet and could have been easily carried away by the frosty wind but Yuki heard every single word. She observed the solemn girl’s face and something clenched in her heart when a glistening pearl rolled down a pale and smooth cheek. Releasing a low growl, Yuki snatched the basket of flowers and chucked it aside, shattering the self-pity that the girl was beginning to wallow in.

“Come on, let’s go,” she grabbed a tiny wrist and pulled the girl along. It was only then she realised the girl was not wearing gloves and her baby pink jacket was too thin for a freezing day.

“W-Wait! Where are you taking me to? And my flowers!”

“Forget the flowers,” Yuki ordered, exerting more strength to overcome her younger companion’s resistance. “Take it that I bought them. There’s an art supplies shop just round the corner. You need your pencils, don’t you?”

The girl ceased struggling. “Y-Yes but…”

Yuki ignored her and kept marching forward, carving a path through the heavy human traffic. Behind her, the corners of the girl’s lips curved upwards as she laid eyes on the slim but oddly reliable back of the eccentric stranger.

“Thank you, erm…”

“Kashiwagi Yuki,” Yuki said, eyes still fixed on the road ahead.

“Thank you, Kashiwagi-sa-”

“Just Yuki. Kashiwagi-san makes me sound old.”

A girlish giggle sounded behind her, making Yuki wonder what the warm feeling spreading through her chest was.

“Then thank you, Yuki-san. I am Watanabe Mayu. Please call me Mayu.”

The older female merely tightened her grip on Mayu’s wrist.


Yuki leant against the edge of a towering shelf with a new sketchbook in her arms, smirking ever so slightly as Mayu bounded towards the assortment of sketching pencils with gleaming eyes like a kid in a candy store.

“Ah, I want this… this... and,” Mayu gasped, “I’ve been wanting that for a long time!” She picked up a medium-sized box set excitedly. Turning it over, her face fell when she spotted the price tag. She peeked at Yuki and quickly turned back when their eyes met. With a crestfallen pout, she returned the box to the shelf.

“If that’s what you are looking for, just get it.”

Mayu stiffened at being caught. How did she know?

“No, it’s too expensive.” My flowers aren’t even worth half the price of that.

Hearing the clicking of slightly heeled boots approaching her, Mayu peered up from her squatting position on the parquet floor. She watched with a curious frown as Yuki reached past her to retrieve the item she had just placed back.

“It’s this one, right?”

Mayu nodded.

With the box gripped firmly in her hand, Yuki proceeded to the cashier, prompting Mayu to chase after her frantically.

“Wait! I said I don’t need it! I can just get the cheaper ones.”

Yuki shrugged off the hands clutching her arm and snapped, “Just accept it, alright? I have too much money to spend on myself anyway!”

Her sudden flare rendered the younger girl speechless.

“Why… why are you helping me?” Mayu asked hesitantly. Yuki was digging for her purse when she paused mid-action, blinking as she pondered over the question.

“Like I said, I don’t have anyone to splurge on so I might as well spend my money helping someone,” she finally replied although the bitterness in her voice was hard to miss.

Mayu bit her lip thoughtfully. “Do you, perhaps, hate Valentine’s Day?”

Yuki’s back went rigid the second those words reached her ears. However, before she could react, a distinctly male voice called out.


Both girls turned to the source of the voice and found a strapping young man with spiky chestnut hair and tanned skin heading towards them. Next to him, a lady with heavy makeup had her hands looped around his elbow and her head leaning against his broad shoulder. Mayu cast a sidelong glance at Yuki and was surprised by the flicker of pain flashing across her features before it was swiftly replaced by a venomous scowl.

“You…” Yuki’s right hand balled into a fist so tight that her knuckles turned white.

“L-Long time no see, huh?” the man sputtered, averting Yuki’s sharp glare. Suspicion rose within Mayu from the way he fidgeted. Looking around the store, he seemed to be searching for something.

“Erm… How have you been?” he asked with a shaky smile. “Where’s your date?”

“Shut up, Kouji,” Yuki warned through gritted teeth. “You can drop the pleasantries.”

“Kou-kun, who is this?” the woman clinging onto Kouji asked, a tinge of possessiveness in her voice.

The man called Kouji shifted his sight from his girlfriend to Yuki nervously, appearing stumped for words. “Er… ah… she is…”

“Let me help you answer that, Kou-kun.” Yuki turned to the other woman and explained, “I am his ex-girlfriend whom he dumped last Valentine’s Day for another girl and oh,” she paused to scrutinise the flabbergasted woman, “that girl wasn’t you.”

Eyes widening, Mayu snapped her head towards Yuki whose face was contorted with a mixture of humiliation and anger. So this guy is the reason Yuki-san seems to loathe Valentine’s Day. As her eyes travelled down to Yuki’s hands, her brows knitted at how violently her right fist was trembling, as though she was trying to suppress her anger with all her might. This is not good. She’ll draw blood at this rate.

As Kouji’s girlfriend interrogated him with questions about Yuki and the girl he cheated on her with, Yuki suddenly felt a cool hand enveloping her own warmer one. She looked down and found Mayu peering back with concerned brown eyes. Something clicked in her mind and she felt her fury dissipating almost immediately. Taking a closer look at the younger girl’s features for the first time, it dawned on her that Mayu owned an exceptionally cute oval face with candy-pink lips and a petite but sharp nose. For reasons unknown to her, Yuki’s heart ached upon seeing such a pretty face marred by a frown.

Ignoring the now bickering couple, she swiftly paid for the drawing materials and guided Mayu out of the store, never once letting go of the comforting hand as they traipsed along.

“Are you okay, Yuki-san?” Mayu asked cautiously, afraid to trigger more unhappy memories.

“Let’s grab a hot drink,” Yuki changed the subject without batting an eyelid. “You’re shivering.”

Without waiting for a response, the taller woman led her to the café where she bought her coffee earlier. The interior was a lot less crowded than before, allowing them to secure a table at a secluded corner.

“What would you like?” Yuki asked as she placed her coat over the back of her chair.

“Just a hot chocolate will do,” Mayu sighed, sinking into the cushy seat of the plush one-seater sofa. It had been hours since she last rested her sore feet.

When Yuki returned with Mayu’s drink and some sandwiches, she told her new acquaintance, “Just a heads-up, you will have to repay me for the pencils and food. I’m not so kind to give you everything for free.”

Mayu’s breathing hitched; the girl suddenly looking like a deer caught in the headlights. Yuki could not help but chuckle at her reaction.

“Don’t worry, I’m not going to ask you to sell your kidney or anything horrible like that. Since you are an art student, I want you to draw a picture for me after you are done with your assignment.”

The girl exhaled the breath that she had been holding and agreed to Yuki’s request with a relieved nod. They stayed way past midnight at the 24-hour café with Mayu working fervently on her assignment while Yuki read a novel that she always carried around in her bag. By the time Mayu made the finishing touch on her drawing, it was already three in the morning. The exhausted girl rested her head on the table and was out cold within seconds. Smiling softly at the adorable sight, Yuki walked behind Mayu and gently placed her coat over her back. As she was about to return to her seat, she caught a glimpse of the drawing that was resting under Mayu’s arms. Slowly slipping it out, Yuki’s eyes bulged.

On the paper was a dark angel with long flowing midnight hair and magnificent wings in varying shades of grey reaching out to a human girl. What caught her attention was the girl wore her hair in pigtails while the angel held a coffee cup.

Is that supposed to be me… and her?

Looking past Mayu’s head, she spied a familiar pink slip of paper under her used ceramic mug. Out of curiosity, she picked it up and read the words printed on it.

You will meet an angel today.

Yuki’s heart skipped a beat and she hurriedly dug out her own crumpled love prediction slip, placing the two notes side by side.

If I am her angel, could it be that there’s actually some truth in the predictions? Does that mean…?

Shaking her head, she crushed the papers and returned to her seat.

I don’t know about true love but…

She gazed warmly at the snoozing girl across her and brushed her fringe aside with the gentlest of touches.

I think I’ve found someone who can bring peace to my heart.


The end.

Thank you very much for reading! As always, reviews are greatly appreciated! :deco:

Happy Valentine's Day (or Together Alone Day for those who are single like me :P) to everyone here! I :heart: you!
« Last Edit: February 15, 2013, 02:27:06 PM by seigus »

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Re: [MaYuki Valentine's Special] Peace in the Cold (15 Feb)
« Reply #262 on: February 14, 2013, 07:25:49 PM »
^ Forever alone or Hopeless romantic day :lol:

I've been a closet fan of yours and when I decided to go into AKB fics I read yours first as reference

Great work!
Random Thought:


R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

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Re: [MaYuki Valentine's Special] Peace in the Cold (15 Feb)
« Reply #263 on: February 14, 2013, 08:23:07 PM »
This was such a sweet read!!!

I loved this, like all your works actually  :nya:

oh, Mayu is always the cute one who warms up the black hearted Yuki, nee?  :shy2:

Thank you!!! Write more MaYuki!!!  :on gay: :kneelbow: :onioncheer:

oh, and Happy As-For-Now-I'm-Single Day!!!
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

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Re: [MaYuki Valentine's Special] Peace in the Cold (15 Feb)
« Reply #264 on: February 14, 2013, 10:30:29 PM »
ahhh love it!! genius genius you hear me!! XD :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :love:
and happy valentines day!!  :cow: :deco:
i wish something would happen like that  :( :lol:
thanx for the fic :bow: :bow:  :twothumbs
My kami-oshi is Mayuyu, and my oshimen is Oku Manami.

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Re: [MaYuki Valentine's Special] Peace in the Cold (15 Feb)
« Reply #265 on: February 15, 2013, 12:12:00 AM »
Ahhhhhhh~ I really love your fictions! (especially the Doctor Watanabe and Nurse Kashiwagi one~) And this new updated one-shot is just awesome.  :farofflook:

Looking forward to your future updates here~  :ding:

Happy Valentine's Day (or Together Alone Day for I too am single.  :sweatdrop:) !  :on gay:

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Re: [MaYuki Valentine's Special] Peace in the Cold (15 Feb)
« Reply #266 on: February 15, 2013, 06:18:06 PM »
Woaaaah This one-shot is beautiful!  it was really cute!

Aaaah!I want to write like you... I'm your fan YAY
Mayuki = Cutest couple

Married?!-Mayuki fanfic (maybe it will have another pair)

Offline Ricchan_Sawa

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Re: [MaYuki Valentine's Special] Peace in the Cold (15 Feb)
« Reply #267 on: February 17, 2013, 05:19:53 PM »
Hell yea, Happy Alone day too, Seigus-san *Hell I hate V-Day!*

when I read about Mayu's family, It's kinda moves me on. you know,, err.. this is the first time I sah these things in a forum. well, I'm in the same position as her, but it's not my mom, but my father. oh and I'm the one who sick these days LOL

Offline rhin12

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Re: [MaYuki Valentine's Special] Peace in the Cold (15 Feb)
« Reply #268 on: February 17, 2013, 07:03:32 PM »
Seigus-san!!  XD This is so cute! You're amazing! I'm your number one fan now! Please let me have your autograph!  XD

 :cow: <- your number two fan.  :lol:  :peace:

Mayu and Yuki are really destined for each other. Be it in reality or in a fic (MaYuki fic LOL)   :deco:

Thank you for this cute V-day one shot!  :bow: :bow:

Offline Wmatsui22

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Re: [MaYuki Valentine's Special] Peace in the Cold (15 Feb)
« Reply #269 on: February 18, 2013, 01:24:12 AM »
Hello! :D

This One-Shot of your is very good and sweet at the same time!

I love this!

Seigus-san! :D Your the BEST! :D

I hope you also update your story of MaYuki and other pairings!

Thank You :D

PS: I Hope you also make a WMatsui OS... Thanks!

I am a fan of AkB48.

I really love their songs.

I really like their fan fiction.

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Re: [MaYuki Valentine's Special] Peace in the Cold (15 Feb)
« Reply #270 on: February 23, 2013, 03:08:45 AM »
Too bad Jun is a girl in your fic because a gay Jun was funny xD
Poor Mariko and Yuko, I wonder how Kojiharu will react

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Re: [MaYuki Valentine's Special] Peace in the Cold (15 Feb)
« Reply #271 on: February 28, 2013, 11:17:59 AM »

Offline kiruchi

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Re: [MaYuki Valentine's Special] Peace in the Cold (15 Feb)
« Reply #272 on: March 11, 2013, 02:18:55 AM »
Seigus san! You're a moderator now! Omedetou!
You're most likely busy and stuff... But i do hope to see an update on your Dr. Watanabe and Nurse Yuki series.
DX I've been anticipating the proposal and wmatsui scenes. Teehee~

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Re: [Dr. Watanabe x Nurse Kashiwagi Part 4.6] To Mend a Broken Soul (20 Jan)
« Reply #273 on: March 13, 2013, 05:02:43 PM »
Hi everyone! It's been two months since the last Dr. Watanabe x Nurse Kashiwagi update. I hope you are still sticking around for the wrap-up to the current vacation arc. I had been distracted by all the MaYuki during Request Hour 2013 and then there was Valentine's Day which I simply couldn't ignore :nervous Aside from that, I have been very busy lately and I've just picked up reading novels as a hobby. Before this, the last novel I read was Battle Royale by Takami Koushun about seven years ago and I had been surviving on fanfics, manga and magazines ever since. However, I had been doing some thinking recently and thought that I should be reading more widely to be exposed to more styles of writing which will be helpful when I write my own stories.

But not to worry! I've been writing the next Dr. Watanabe update religiously (just that progress had been really slow) and it's almost ready. Expect to see it up within the next two days :D Now on to the replies for the last Dr. Watanabe update!

DC2805: Thanks for waiting and I'm sorry I've made you wait so long again! Both Mayu and Ren are slow when it comes to love :smhid Let's hope the bubbly Jurina will take the initiative to heal Ren's lonely heart. As for Mario and Yuko... :rofl:

sakura_drop_: I'm really glad that I made you ship MaYuki harder than SaeYuki. Let's hope that keeps up! :P Jurina is a hot-blooded and passionate young lady. I can imagine her being the lead character in a shounen manga series like Naruto :lol: Great that you enjoy the Mario and Yuko moments. Stay tuned to find out what happened to them!

steven_0809: Someone needs to slap Ren silly and get him to start looking at other fish in the sea! 8)

jell_o_jello: Yup, no problem in terms of gender for Ren and Jurina. The only question is: can he finally let go of Yuki? :( Poor guy needs a hug.

CrimsonGrxy: I'm sure your "Junjun" enjoyed protecting her No.1 eye candy :rofl: And I hope readers don't start suing me when they get diabetes from the MaYuki scenes. I can't help it. They are so asdfdfdasj adorable and mushy! :sweatdrop:

kurogumi: You're welcome! Now that Ren is safe and MaYuki are fine (and already being sickeningly sweet), we are left with Mario and Yuko. Seriously, I don't want to imagine what will happen between them too. Those idiots :doh:

Prataz: Let's see... I think the winner of Haruna's heart will be her PSP :rofl: Yes, Jurina needs to actively pursue Ren to melt his heart. The hospital is full of silly doctors :panic: but luckily for the patients, they are only dense when it comes to love.

Amakuchi: Did Yuko and Mario have a good time last night? O0 Or was it Yuko and Sae? :twisted: Keep your eyes peeled for the next update to find out!

Jessye: Actually, a gay scene would be fun :D Thank you for your compliment on my writing. I'm glad it works for you and that you love MaYuki even more now! Dr. Watanabe melts my heart all the time too :inlove:

Chanaline: Everyone is safe! I couldn't bear to let any of them get raped but perhaps I will subject them to a worse fate in the future :twisted: MaYuki is sweet because they secretly want to make the whole world suffer from tooth decay and diabetes :pimp:

kiruchi: I apologise for the cliffhanger and that the update didn't come as soon as you wished :nervous I had fun writing the next update so I hope you will enjoy it too! There will be lots of things happening! XD

aruka: To be honest, I was painfully aware of the fact that some readers were losing interest in the story ever since the vacation arc started. It was moving in a very different direction and away from the intense medical drama but there was only so much I could do with the medical side of things as this series is not about handling different emergency cases in every update. I have plans to explore the other characters like Ren, Yuko and Mario and to mainly give neglected Ren a closure; hence the vacation arc. However, my plans require lots of setup before we see the payoff. It was discouraging when some readers seemed to have stopped following the story but I was determined to see through what I had set out to accomplish even if I am the only reader left at the end. And it appears that my perseverance has paid off (or at least it seems that way to me :nervous) and people are getting interested in the series again. Anyway, I really thank you for your honest feedback and for not giving up on this series. It's always nice to hear what readers really think about my stories/writing. I hope I don't disappoint you with my future updates :)

sakura_drop_ (again): Let me thank you again for your constant support for this story :deco: I agree that it is always wonderful to receive constructive feedback - be it positive or not-so-positive. However, I hope you don't mind me saying this. Real haters won't give you the useful feedback you are seeking for. Haters dish out personal attacks that don't serve to improve your writing while people who are concerned about writing tell you what they think is good writing. Sometimes constructive not-so-positive feedback may seem like personal attacks if not worded tactfully so we have to consider all feedback carefully :)

takamae: Hi there! Thank you for reading my stories! I'm glad you like them and I hope you will continue to enjoy my future updates!

Ricchan_Sawa: Thank you for your drawing! As I said in our conversations, I like the way you draw so please continue to share with me your works! :bow: XD

rhin_rhin: I wish I could update every day too! Maybe that will be possible if your cow makes me coffee every day :lol: And "file transfer"... HAHAHA! Good one there! You and your programmer mind! :rofl:

Wmatsui22: Oh wow! You read everything in one day? That's quite a feat :shocked: Thank you very much for reading and please look forward to the next update!

rexywhite: Finally someone who is surprised that Jurina is a woman! XD You are right. First love is always the hardest to get over (for me, at least :nervous). It will definitely take a while for Ren to finally accept another woman. Mayu is pretty tough, isn't he? He is proof that love gives you strength :lol: Thank you for your comment and I hope you will like the next update! Mayu is finally going to make his move!

Before the next update, allow me to pimp my 1000th post on Jphip which is a self-written poem dedicated to my oshimen, Mayuyu! I'm not much of a poet so pardon me if it makes your skin crawl :nervous


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Re: [Dr. Watanabe x Nurse Kashiwagi Part 4.6] To Mend a Broken Soul (20 Jan)
« Reply #274 on: March 14, 2013, 09:05:06 AM »
aruka: To be honest, I was painfully aware of the fact that some readers were losing interest in the story ever since the vacation arc started. It was moving in a very different direction and away from the intense medical drama but there was only so much I could do with the medical side of things as this series is not about handling different emergency cases in every update. I have plans to explore the other characters like Ren, Yuko and Mario and to mainly give neglected Ren a closure; hence the vacation arc. However, my plans require lots of setup before we see the payoff. It was discouraging when some readers seemed to have stopped following the story but I was determined to see through what I had set out to accomplish even if I am the only reader left at the end. And it appears that my perseverance has paid off (or at least it seems that way to me :nervous) and people are getting interested in the series again. Anyway, I really thank you for your honest feedback and for not giving up on this series. It's always nice to hear what readers really think about my stories/writing. I hope I don't disappoint you with my future updates :)
Ah, yes. You remind me again of this series' nature when I forgot.
It's just that the medical drama portion was very strong that it left such an impression in me. (I think I've said this more than once?) and that alone hasn't changed till now.

Well, I should thank you back for the perserverance and confidence :)
I'm not really sure if 'I am the only reader left at the end' would happen though, as I would still want to see how the story turns out later... while hoping your current job as the moderator won't take your 'writing time' out of you completely. :lol:
« Last Edit: March 14, 2013, 12:30:12 PM by aruka »
My fanfic thread      : The Book of My Single Shots | Current update: IKEMEN GAKUEN Troubles [MINOR UPDATE 03/12]
Contributing a bit in : [script?] saku-chan's Drabbles | Completed: #33 - #40 - #89 - #213 - #214

Want to visit? Douzo~

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« Last Edit: March 14, 2013, 10:05:50 AM by gek geki »

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Re: [Dr. Watanabe x Nurse Kashiwagi Part 4.6] To Mend a Broken Soul (20 Jan)
« Reply #276 on: March 14, 2013, 04:21:12 PM »
Ah finally my favorite doctor comeback LOL



Offline qweakb

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Re: [Dr. Watanabe x Nurse Kashiwagi Part 4.6] To Mend a Broken Soul (20 Jan)
« Reply #277 on: March 16, 2013, 07:19:14 AM »
yay... finally have news    :cow:

please update soon... have been waiting for the updates for a long time..
Become AKB fan after watching AKB0048.
Oshimen : Takamina and Mayu
Favorite pair : TakaAstu, Mayukirin, KumiYuria, Wmatsui, JirinaMayu etc.
(After reading the fanfic, my favorite pair just keep increasing :( )

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A/N: And I ended up posting this two days late :sweatdrop: Work just had to rear its ugly head when I wanted to update :bleed eyes: Anyway, here's the final part to the vacation arc. Prepare yourself for a very long read ahead. Please make sure you aren't rushing off to school or work when you start reading because I don't want you to be late. Once again, thank you very much for sticking around even though it took me so long to update :bow: I really appreciate your support. I hope you will enjoy this update! :deco:

Note: This is a genderbend story.


Sparkle Under the Orange Sky

Oshima Yuko hummed contently into the fluffy pillow, eyes still closed. Her bare legs shifted under the covers, brushing ever so deliberately over another pair of legs.

“Hmm… Nyannyan, did you forget to shave?” she continued to run her leg over the other occupant’s on the bed, feeling the hairy sensation in her half-awake state.

Only the sounds of breathing answered her.

“Nyannyan, don’t ignore me.” A lecherous grin crawled itself onto the petite woman’s face. “I’m going to grope you if you do~”

Receiving no reply, Yuko giggled triumphantly and wormed her hand over to the other person, running it over what she expected to be soft, bouncy breasts. However, instead of the squishiness she desired, her hand smacked against a rock-hard and terribly flat chest.

“Nyannyan… did your boobs shrink overnight? Nyannyan?” Realising that something wasn’t quite right, Yuko popped open her eyes and found herself staring into the snoozing profile of a very familiar yet at the same time, extremely vile male creature.


Her piercing shriek sent all objects in the room shaking as though an earthquake had struck. Being right in the line of ear-splitting and glass-shattering fire, Shinoda Mario shot upright, slapping his hands over his ears. Snapping to the source of his discomfort, he came face-to-face with a very naked Oshima Yuko. Eyes bulging and veins popping, he lifted the covers and discovered that he was equally bare like a newborn. He turned back to her and did the first thing that came to his shell-shocked mind - he screamed.


In Room 2514

Mocchi shrieked, jolting the other two members of the gossiping trio awake if they weren’t already roused by the racket sounding from the adjacent room.

“Shut up, Mocchi!” Covering her ears, Rie shouted at her friend who looked thoroughly shaken by the original screams that were still ringing down the corridor.

“Yes, shut up! It’s noisy enough!” Akicha agreed, chucking her pillow at Mocchi. “Why are you even screaming?”

“I don’t know!” Mocchi yelled and threw the pillow back in Akicha’s face, still unable to calm herself. “I was having an awesome dream that I was making out with last night’s French guy then the perfect image was shattered by the screams!”

Rie rolled her eyes. Listening carefully to the distressed cries which sounded familiar, she noted, “Doesn’t that sound like Yuko-san?”

The other two fell silent and perked their ears. Exchanging startled looks, they gasped.


In Room 2513

“What the…” Ren bolted up and glanced around frantically. “What is that?”

Ruffling his sexy bed hair that would easily turn nurses’ legs into jelly, he cast a questioning stare at Haruna who was pushing herself up slowly. The oversized shirt slid down one shoulder, exposing creamy smooth skin.

“Mou… It’s so noisy,” Haruna whined, groggily placing a hand on her head and flipping her luscious brown locks over her bare shoulder.

“Kojima-san, doesn’t that sound like…”

The gynaecologist gave an uncharacteristic snort, appearing markedly awake when she registered the two voices.

“Yuuchan… and Mario-kun…”


In Room 2516

Having just fallen asleep, Mayu grunted in annoyance at being disturbed.

“It’s okay, Mayu. Go back to sleep,” Yuki placed a protective hand over his ear. Soothed by his girlfriend’s comforting touch, Mayu did the same for her and the two lovers returned to their shared dreamland, ignoring the commotion that was going on just next door.


“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fu-”

“Shut up!” Cymbals were crashing in Mario’s head as his mind reeled back to last night’s events. “No… no… How could this be possible?”

“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck-”

“I said shut up! I can’t think straight when you sound like a broken record!”

Glaring at the man who had the audacity to tell her off, Yuko was about to retort but her words died in her throat the second she laid eyes on his male anatomy in all its naked glory. Squeezing her eyes shut, she blasted, “God! Can you cover your damn bits?”

With a sharp intake of breath, Mario seized the covers that lay at Yuko’s hips and wrapped it around his waist. Feeling the sudden blast of cold air, Yuko yanked the blanket back up to her chin but it was swiftly snatched away again.

“Cover yourself with something else!” both of them yelled. As they engaged in a fierce tug-of-war with the white blanket, the effects of the previous night’s alcohol binging caught up with them almost simultaneously and they keeled over. Mario gripped his temples, feeling as though a hammer had smashed his skull while double vision invaded Yuko, followed by the sensation of someone putting her brain through a meat grinder. A sour burning tingle surged up from her stomach to the top of her throat, leaving a putrid bitter taste on her tongue as she slapped her hands over her mouth, almost gagging.

“Don’t you dare throw up here!” Although he had been in the medical field for years, Mario was deathly afraid of the rancid smell of the human stomach’s regurgitated contents. When Yuko looked about to hurl, he flung the nearest pillow at her face, making her fall back and gulp down the acidic substance.

“Urk!” Yuko stuck her tongue out and rolled over, clutching her stomach. “You… you pig!”

“Don’t dirty the sheets,” Mario warned, shooting her a disgusted glare even as a marching band played in his head.

“What? The bed has already been tainted by your man juice!” she jumped down from the bed at the thought, not bothering to cover herself anymore. Spotting his chance, Mario reclaimed the now horribly crumpled blanket.

Pacing around the room, Yuko ran frustrated hands through her wild, untamed hair. “How did we end up like this? You made me drunk and raped me, didn’t you?” she pointed an accusing finger the tall neurosurgeon.

Looking absolutely aghast at the idea, Mario retorted, “Hell, no! You’d be the last person I want to… to- Argh, I don’t even want to say it!”

“You think I wanted it?” Yuko’s voice went up an octave. “My pure virginal body has been violated by a man! And it’s you of all people! How did this happen? Nyannyan is going to be so disappointed with me,” she massaged her temples vigorously. “I need to call her!”

She was brimming on the edge of hysteria as she rummaged through her articles of clothing that were strewn all over the carpeted floor.

“What do you mean Haruna-chan is going to be disappointed with you?”

Yuko rolled her eyes. “I’ve cheated on her. What else?”

“You two were never together in the first place.”

There was a split second pause in Yuko’s actions but she carried on searching for her phone as if she didn’t hear him. Mario clicked his tongue.

“Not here,” she lifted her sapphire one-piece dress.

Next was her racy black thong. “Not here too.”

And then her strapless black brassiere. “Not here… Where is it?” her throat constricted as her search efforts turned up nothing. Turning to Mario, she snapped, “Don’t just sit there! Help me find it!”

Her nemesis scowled at being ordered around. “Try looking under my clothes. They are right at your feet.”

“I do not want to touch anything that belongs to you, don’t you get it? You are a man. M-A-N. Man. Adam. Jerk. Pig. Alien. Hot dog-”

“Alright, alright!” he cut her off.

“Cherry popper. Horny three-legs. Deflowerer-”

“I said alright!” Mario shut her up for the second time since they woke up to this nightmare of their lives. “Get a grip on yourself, woman.”

Yuko shot him a dirty look. “How do you expect me to calm down? I’ve sworn off men since I was a kid. My life revolves around women, boobs, Nyannyan, and more boobs.”

“I get it,” Mario quickly said before she could ramble on. Slipping down from the bed while dragging the blanket with him, he shuffled towards his clothes, mentally noting how Yuko shirked away once he got within an arm’s length distance from her. “I can’t find yours but mine is here,” he raised his black smartphone which he had dug out from his pants’ pocket.

“Call my phone!” urged Yuko.

As he punched in her number, little did they know that a small crowd had gathered outside the room.

“What do you hear?” Mocchi pestered Haruna who had her ear pressed against the door. Every now and then the man-crazy nurse would sneak furtive glances at the very eligible and enticing Dr. Matsui who was standing behind them in a simple V-neck black tee that contrasted beautifully with his fair skin. How do he and Dr. Watanabe maintain such perfection? When Ren caught her staring at him, she swooned at the sight of his electrifying onyx peepers.

“Are you alright, Kuramochi-san?” Ren gripped her shoulders when her knees buckled, steadying her. The unsuspecting doctor was ignorant of the train of impure thoughts running through the giddy woman’s mind.

Having known Mocchi since she embarked on her nursing career at Akiba Hospital, Rie facepalmed at the familiar occurrence and dragged her friend out of Ren’s grasp. “She’s alright. You just need to keep your distance from her.”


Rie flashed an apologetic smile but otherwise ignored Ren’s quizzical expression. Flicking Mocchi’s forehead, she snapped the lovestruck woman back to earth. “Stop getting your knickers in a bunch.”

Ren’s face went aflame at the implication of her statement and awkwardly turned his attention to the door.

“S-So what’s the situation inside?” he mentally berated himself for stammering.

With her ear still attached firmly to the thick wooden surface, Haruna whispered, “The voices definitely belong to Yuuchan and Mario-kun and they sound like they are arguing over something but I can’t really make out the words.”

“Why would Shinoda-san be in Yuko-san’s room?” Akicha mused. “And wait a minute, Haruna-san, didn’t you come out from the guys’ room just now? Why were you-”

“It’s a long story,” Ren promptly interrupted, “but I can assure you we didn’t do anything.”

“Really?” Akicha eyed them with an arched brow. Before Ren could answer, the cellphone in Haruna’s left hand came to life, startling the group. The catchy tune of Beyonce’s “Single Ladies” blared in the quiet hotel corridor.

“Isn’t that Yuko-san’s ringtone?” the gossiping trio gawked at the blinged out phone. The words on the screen showed “Mario Stick”.

At this moment, there was a sudden uproar sounding from the other side of the door.

“No! Don’t go there! Stop, you idiot!”

In the room, Mario’s eyes almost popped out of his sockets when Yuko sped towards the door like a headless chicken upon hearing her phone ringing from outside. As if things couldn’t get any worse, Yuko whipped around, stripped the blanket from his waist, wrapped it around herself and charged towards her destination. Now naked as a Greek statue, Mario’s heart leapt to his throat when Yuko turned the doorknob and swung open the last line of defense for his dignity.

There was a collective gasp.

Then silence.

“Nyannyan!” Yuko cried in delight. However, the object of her affection stood rooted to the ground with a slacked jaw like the rest of the gang. Faced with an obviously nude-under-the-covers Oshima, Ren cleared his throat and snapped his burning face to the side while his colleagues of the fairer sex peeked past Yuko just in time to see Mario covering his prized jewels with a lampshade. The lamp on the bedside table was still wobbling on its base.

For the first time in his life, Mario wanted to cry.

Before anyone could utter a word, Haruna grabbed the brass handle and slammed the door shut.

“L-Let’s not disturb them.”

There was total silence in the room for a full minute until Mario spoke.

“You fucking idiot.” His tone was icier than the glaciers in Antarctica. Gathering his clothes, the once proud man stalked towards the bathroom and closed the door with a bang.

“You fucking idiot,” Yuko mimicked his tone and stuck out her tongue. “Don’t go all prissy on me. I’m the one who suffered more!”

With an exasperated sigh, she threw on a baggy T-shirt and a pair of shorts from the wardrobe before rushing out of the room.

“Nyannyan, I can explain!” she burst through the door and yelled, not expecting Haruna to be still standing in her original spot. Her dazed friend flinched from the sudden loudness. “Oops, sorry. I thought you had left,” Yuko apologised sheepishly.

In fact, it wasn’t just Haruna, the others were still hanging around too.

“Yuko-san, why were you and Mario-san…” Ren’s voice trailed off as the heat returned full blast to his winter-white cheeks.

“I wish I knew too. Nyannyan, wasn’t I with you last night? What happened?” Yuko clutched Haruna’s arms with a vice-like grip, eyes wide and searching. When Haruna looked at her, Yuko was expecting to see hurt in Haruna’s precious brown orbs but no, all she found was plain shock like the rest. A steel-cold bullet shot through her heart and Yuko had a vague idea what the pain meant.

“Nyannyan, I’m sorry.” The usually bubbly woman’s throat had gone dry like a parched pavement.

“Why are you apologising to me, Yuuchan?”


Yuko’s world came crashing down with that one simple question. Haruna might be an airhead but even airheads had feelings. For her to show such a reaction - or the lack of it, Yuko knew the answer she had been chasing for years. Her face fell and she bit down hard on her lip, nearly drawing blood. Hands trembling, she let her arms fall limply to her sides.


The rest shifted uneasily on the balls of their feet.

Yuko’s head shot up without warning. An exceptionally broad grin was plastered on her face. Anyone could tell that it was only held up by stiff facial muscles stretched to their limits unlike her usual dimpled smiles that were powered by true joy or cheekiness.

“Nothing. I just apologised because I probably made you worry last night. Anyway, what happened? Wasn’t I with you at the club last night? How did I end up with that stick? And what about you? Where were you the whole night if you were not in our room?”

Faced with a gazillion questions, Haruna retold the previous night’s events from the moment Mayu approached her to get Maeda’s number and how Yuko fell towards Mario’s crotch when Mayu tried to wake her up.

“That stupid boy!” Yuko clenched her fists and cursed as anger shot through her veins. “I’m going to kill him!”

Despite the others’ attempts to stop her, she marched down the corridor to the room that Mayu and Yuki shared and banged relentlessly on the door.

“Open up, Mayu! I know you are in there! I have something to settle with you! Open the damn door now!”

“Yuuchan, don’t disturb them. They had a tough night,” Haruna tried to restrain the infuriated woman but Yuko was adamant to give her former mentee a piece of her raging mind.

Under the warm covers, something ticked in Mayu’s head. I just can’t get a proper rest, can I? Yuki stirred in his arms and hummed softly before opening her eyes.

“That sounds like Yuko-san,” she murmured, slowly sitting up, causing the fluffy quilt to slip to her bare waist. “She sounds agitated.”

A gentle but firm hand pushed her back down and she found the handsome but annoyed face of her boyfriend hovering over her. There were many things that she had learned about the doctor in their years of courtship and one of them was that he abhorred having his sleep interrupted. She was an exception, of course.

“I’ll get it,” he insisted as he pulled the blanket up to her neck. “Keep yourself covered. I don’t plan on letting anyone see you in your current state.”

“Aren’t you possessive,” she teased. A ghost of a smile graced his lips and he pinched her nose lightly.

“Well, you aren’t fully dressed.”

“You are half-naked.”

“I’m a man.”

“Fine,” she pursed her lips in defeat.

“I love you.”

And her pout transformed into a grin. She gave his uninjured arm a slight tug, prompting him to lean down to capture her lips in a chaste kiss.

“Damn boy, come out now! There’s no use hiding! I’m gonna get you sooner or later!” Yuko’s impatient voice boomed.

“You know, I’m suddenly feeling very lazy,” Mayu smirked against Yuki’s lips before they broke apart.

She caught the hint in his statement and hooked her hands behind his neck. “And I don’t really like the others seeing you half-naked too - even if you are a man. I think I hear Mocchi’s voice outside.”

“Seems like we are both possessive.”

“Of course.” Her eyes twinkled coyly as she drew him down to lie next to her again. Mayu lifted the covers over their heads, chuckling.

“Let’s go back to sleep. Yuko-san will run out of energy soon. Even if she doesn’t, the security will get her.”

Sharing a blissful laugh, the two lovebirds snuggled up to each other and blocked out the rest of the world.

“Let’s go, Yuko-san,” Ren tapped the panting senior doctor’s left shoulder. It had been a little more than ten minutes and it was clear as day that neither Mayu nor Yuki showed interest in entertaining the one-woman army that was Yuko. Yuko let out a long wheeze as her small frame sagged.

“I need breakfast,” she finally said. The random confession caught them off guard and the group exchanged amused glances.

Rie put a friendly arm around Yuko’s shoulders. “The café downstairs serves some really good cream cakes during breakfast hours.”

“Really?” Yuko’s face lit up at the mention of her comfort food.

Nodding in agreement, Akicha added, “Yup. Let’s meet back here in half an hour. I’m starving too.”

When Yuko and Haruna returned to their room, Mario had just emerged from the bathroom dressed in his crumpled shirt and pants from the previous night. His damp hair was slicked back to reveal his piercing gaze.

“Haruna-chan… I…” His stern features softened.

“Good morning, Mario-kun,” Haruna greeted with a smile not unlike her usual ones. The older man swallowed before his eyes fell on the pensive expression of the shorter woman next to Haruna. Her mouth was locked in a tight grim line and her large eyes lacked their regular sparkle. As he brushed past Yuko on his way out, a wave of guilt washed over him.


“The number you have dialed is currently unavailable. Please try again later.”

Mocchi groaned and pouted at her phone while her friends returned their bicycles at the bicycle rental kiosk. It was the group’s fifth attempt to contact Yuki and Mayu since morning. When they returned to their rooms after a hearty breakfast at around 11AM, they found the “Please make up room” tag hanging outside the couple’s room, meaning they had left some time ago.

Sighing, Ren stared wistfully at the orange-tinged sky as he stepped out of the shop. I haven’t seen Yuki-chan the whole day.

Something wet and cold touched his cheek, causing him to wince.

“Thinking about Yuki-chan?” Yuko asked, holding up an icy can of isotonic drink.

“H-How did you know?” Ren sputtered at having his mind read so easily.

Yuko gazed into the far distance, watching the sparse clouds drift along slowly. With a solemn smile, she spoke, “We are members of the Lonely Hearts Club after all.”

“Yuko-san, you-”

“You had better graduate from the club soon though,” she cut him off. “There’s no way Yuki-chan will fall for you. She only sees you as a brother.”

It was Ren’s turn to smile bitterly. “I know.”

Yuko snorted and smacked his head. “Then get out there and look for other girls!”

“Ouch!” Ren massaged his stinging scalp. “It’s easier said than done. Why don’t you do what you preach then?”

Taking a swig of her fizzy drink, Yuko smirked. “Like you said, it’s easier said than done.”

A frown settled on Ren’s brow. “Then you have no right to hit me!”

“Well…” Yuko drawled deliberately, “I didn’t get to hit Mayu.”

“I’m not his substitute!” Ren protested. Suddenly, his own words struck a chord within him and he caught Yuko’s knowing eyes. The two lovelorn singletons stared at each other for a brief moment - and broke into light chortles.

“I guess that puts things into perspective,” Ren mused with a more relaxed smile this time. “I wonder what they are doing.”

“Yeah, me too,” Yuko grinned, flashing her famous squirrel-like teeth. Somehow, she had an inkling that the young doctor whom she treated as a little brother was doing something right at the moment.


Soft gentle waves splashed against their legs as a comely pair of lovers strolled barefoot along the shoreline. Fine sand tickled their toes while the cool sea breeze ruffled their hair. The light-skinned and slim young man who looked not a day over twenty two clasped his fair maiden’s hand as his other hand was stuffed deep in his black pants’ pocket, gripping onto a tiny velvet box. He was clad in a crisp white shirt not unlike the one he wore on the day the devastating earthquake struck Tokyo.

Yuki’s free hand held up the hem of her flowing white tube dress, careful not to let it dip into the clear water. Swinging her boyfriend’s hand merrily as the setting sun hung on the horizon, she reveled in the feeling of being free from real-life worries. There were no picky patients to tend to or haughty doctors to order her around. All communications were cut off too, courtesy of Mayu who switched off their phones the moment they left the hotel room. Although sporting a few bruises, the love of her life was next to her. That was all that mattered. Suddenly feeling playful, she let go of his hand and skipped a few steps ahead of him.

“Yuki?” The surprise written on his face only made her grin. Swinging her right leg back, she kicked at the water with all her might, splashing cool droplets all over Mayu’s front.

“Hey!” he took a quick glance at the wet splotches on his shirt before zeroing his eyes on the gloating woman before him. A devious smile tugged the corners of his lips. “You are going to regret this.” Bending down, he scooped up some water with both hands and sent it flying towards Yuki whose eyes went wide with fear.

She screamed. Spinning around clumsily, she made a break for it, occasionally halting to deliver half-hearted sprays towards her pursuer. However, her long dress hindered her movements and Mayu caught up to her easily. A warm and wet body pressed against her back as lean arms snaked around her waist.

“Gotcha.” A hot breath tickled her ear while water dripped onto her shoulder. Looking back, she swelled with pride upon finding little glistening beads rolling off strands of Mayu’s black fringe. Looks like I did more damage than I thought. A wry smile stretched across her slightly parted lips.

“Not so fast.” She whipped around and shoved him back. Not expecting the sudden attack, Mayu lost his balance and fell backwards, making a small splash in the ankle-deep water. He cried out in pain and grabbed his injured right shoulder.

“Mayu!” Her victorious smile was wiped off her face and replaced with worry in an instant. Dropping to her knees, she gently pulled him to a sitting position. “I’m so sorry! Does it still hurt?” When he remained silent and hung his head low, anxiety gripped her heart. “Mayu?”

Finally, he raised his head and instead of pain or anger, he wore an unreadable expression.

“Got you for real this time,” he whispered. Before she could register the meaning of his words, he lunged towards her and brought the both of them down, rolling till the water came up to a little above their waists when they sat up. His triumphant laughter rang loudly in her ears.

“You tricked me!” she beat his chest that was still vibrating with unrestrained guffaws. Now she was soaked to the skin too. The only response she got was the shine of pearl-like teeth set between thin yet very kissable lips. “Hmph!” she gave a final hard smack on his chest and pouted.

To say that he wasn’t enjoying the chafed expression on Yuki’s face would be a lie. The gentle warm rays of the sun cast an ethereal glow over the entire secluded beach, making her look even more beautiful than ever. Strands of wet hair plastered to her flushed face.

“Do you know you look like a mermaid straight out of a fairy tale?” he asked, tracing her arms.

She closed her fist over the damp fabric of his shirt as she admired his amused features. Frowning when she noticed something off, she reached forward and lifted his glasses before folding and hanging them on his shirt’s V-shaped collar.

“There are water droplets all over your lenses. I couldn’t see your eyes,” she explained. Raising her head, her breath was caught in her throat when she met his eyes, drowning in the deep pools of rich sable. There was something different in his gaze today but she couldn’t quite put her finger on it.

Frolicking at the beach during sunset had been something that only happened in the movies, or so she thought before she started dating Mayu. The seemingly cool doctor had surprised her time and again with the most thoughtful and romantic gestures over the years that she felt that nothing was impossible now. Who would’ve thought that the boyish man would be willing to sacrifice precious sleep on his off days just to prepare breakfast for her and drive her to work? And while other men would jump at the opportunity to claim her body as theirs, he respected her wish of doing it only after marriage even though temptation presented itself every day. He was such a rare gentleman in an attractive package that other women flocked to him, making their move when they thought she wasn’t looking.

However, he chose only her.

The gentle current caressed her body as she basked in his full unyielding attention. He appeared content to simply watch her in peaceful silence for the past few minutes.

“How long do you plan on staring at me like that? It’s embarrassing,” she mumbled, cheeks pinking.


“Eh?” She was expecting yet another one of his tongue-in-cheek replies or teasing snickers but the seriousness in his voice made her heart skip a beat.

“I said I want to be by your side forever. From now till we grow old, till our skin is wrinkled and our hair is white as snow, till our grandchildren can’t stand us being so naggy and slow, till death and if there’s a next life, till the next incarnations of Watanabe Mayu and Kashiwagi Yuki,” he held her soul hostage as he spoke with all his heart. The speech was mushy and would send goosebumps down anyone’s arms but she felt herself on the verge of tears. In a fluid motion, he stood and she briefly panicked, wondering where he was going. Then his next action broke the dam in her eyes.

He got down on one knee.

She cupped her trembling mouth, too overwhelmed to even make a sound as her tears flowed freely.

Taking his hand out from his pocket, he presented a thoroughly drenched royal blue box. With his other hand, he opened it.

“Kashiwagi Yuki, will you marry me?”

She should have seen this coming ever since Ren found the ring on Mayu after he was hurt in the earthquake. She had even put it on herself because she was so afraid that he wouldn’t survive the ordeal, yet she wanted to bear his surname and fulfill what almost became his dying wish. However, nothing could prepare her for the flood of emotions when he actually popped the question.

Mayu tightened his grip on the box. His heart was thumping loudly against his chest. He was certain that Yuki wouldn’t reject him but he could not help feeling anxious as the seconds ticked by. Could she be having second thoughts?

Right as his self-confidence was about to take a dive, she gave a small nod, followed by a stronger one, and another and another. She had stopped trying to control her cries and kept nodding as sobs racked her body. His tense face broke into a relieved grin and he drew her in, stroking her head as she buried her face in his shoulder. It felt almost surreal to finally bring their relationship to the next level.

“M-Mayu…” she choked. With a tender smile that sweetened the very air in her lungs, he cupped her left cheek, making her face him. He brushed a tear as it rolled past his thumb.

“Hush… You should be happy.”

She slapped his arm. “These are tears of joy, silly!”

“Then let’s not waste them.” Leaning forward, he planted butterfly kisses over every single teardrop. When he was done, her face was as red as a tomato. “May I put the ring on for you?”

Shyly, she nodded and held out her left hand. The ring was a perfect fit, melding smoothly with her porcelain finger.

“I’m very happy, Mayu,” Yuki admitted. It wasn’t a lavish proposal that required lots of fanfare but she preferred it this way. It was, after all, supposed to be a private moment between two people who were deeply in love with each other.

“So am I.” Mayu closed the gap and captured her inviting lips with a long, loving kiss to seal their promise of eternal love.

While the pair appeared as a conjoined silhouette from a distance, the sun slowly disappeared below the horizon.


“Everybody look!” Akicha jumped up from her seat in the restaurant where the group was having dinner, holding her cellphone up for all to see. “Yukirin just posted a new photo on Facebook!”

“So she finally decided to get in touch with the world again?” Yuko scoffed, popping a piece of steak into her mouth.

“It’s not just any photo! Look! It’s a two-shot with Dr. Watanabe!” Akicha pushed the phone in the uninterested woman’s face.

“That’s rare. He usually doesn’t like to take photos,” Yuko noted casually, chewing the medium rare piece of meat.

“And I’ve never seen such a brilliant smile on him before,” Ren added thoughtfully.

Rie frowned when she noticed Mayu and Yuki’s dripping hair and clothes in the picture. “Why are they so wet?”

“That’s not the point! Look at Yukirin’s left hand!” Akicha urged.

Mocchi peered closely at the couple’s linked hands.

“Isn’t that… Oh my God! The diamond ring! That means Dr. Watanabe finally proposed to her!” she screamed in delight.

“WHAT?” Yuko, Ren and Sae dropped whatever they were doing and scrambled towards Akicha. Yuko snatched the phone.

“That sneaky rascal! He didn’t tell me he was going to propose!” she huffed.

“Noooo…” Sae slumped his head against the table. “My Yuki-chan… no more…”

Mario thwacked the back of the delusional Sae’s head. “She was never yours to begin with.”

Yuko turned to the quiet Ren beside her, concerned about how he was taking the news. To her surprise, a small smile had found its way to his face. She nudged him and he merely shrugged in response.

“I don’t know why but I feel relieved,” he answered her unasked question while staring at the blissful couple in the photo. He clenched and unclenched his fist. “Maybe it’s finally time I let go.”

Yuko raised both eyebrows before cracking into a genuine beam and giving the younger man a comforting pat on his back. At that moment, Ren’s phone vibrated in his pocket. Fishing it out, he read the new mail and couldn’t contain his astonishment when he saw who it was from.

‘Hi, Ren-san! It’s Jurina here. Don’t worry, I didn’t hack our database for your number =P I got it from Mayu-san. Do you want to hang out with me when you return to Tokyo?’

Staring dumbly at his screen, Ren pondered for a while before typing a reply and returning his phone to his pocket. The joyful faces belonging to his childhood friend and her fiancé replayed in his mind.

“Hey, I recognise this part of the beach!” Yuko quipped with a burst of excitement, breaking his train of thoughts. He shook his head to regain his bearings before placing a firm hand on Yuko’s shoulder.

“Let’s go and congratulate them,” he suggested with a hint of a smile.

“Ooh, I like that idea! I still need to grill that boy for getting me into a big mess.” Yuko turned to the rest and goaded, “Hurry up and eat! We’ve got two fugitives to catch!”


“Ouch! Nyannyan, why?”

Haruna tilted her head innocently at the grimacing Yuko. “Why what?”

“Why did you hit me?” Yuko flashed large watery puppy eyes at her. Before Haruna could answer, Mario interrupted.

“It was me,” he crossed his arms. “Don’t disturb Watanabe and Yuki-san.”

“But it’s Ren’s idea!” wailed Yuko. “And wait a minute. Who are you to hit me?”

“Someone needs to keep you in check,” the tall doctor turned his nose up in his usual haughty manner. “Haruna-chan can’t always be the one keeping you in line.”

“What are you sayin-”

“Stop troubling Haruna-chan with your childish antics. That’s what I’m saying,” Mario chided, shooting a warning glare. “But since it is Matsui’s idea, it’s fine then.”

“No fair! And I don’t need you to be poking your nose into my business. What are you? A mother hen?”

As the two veterans threw heated words at each other, Ren glanced between them, realising the subtle disguised concern that Mario held for his rival whom he usually couldn’t be bothered with.

The winds of change… looks like they have finally blown in our direction.


The end.

And that ends the vacation arc - finally! Phew. Hope you enjoyed the ride as much as I had fun writing it. Once again, thank you very much for reading! As always, reviews are greatly appreciated! :deco:
« Last Edit: March 17, 2013, 01:47:18 AM by seigus »

Offline kiruchi

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Updated finally... And with the proposal scene.
What a great way to start the morning. Thank you seigus-san!
Now if only we have the wmatsui part. XDD

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