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Author Topic: Second Chance/Akiba Fight Club  (Read 71002 times)

Offline Sasshii

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Re: Second Chance update Chapter 20 part 2
« Reply #100 on: July 30, 2012, 05:32:36 PM »
Eeh? That's so scary, broken Doll? Whaaaat?

I hope Yukirin gets her body back!!

Offline ichikawa

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Re: Second Chance update Chapter 20 part 2
« Reply #101 on: July 30, 2012, 05:36:04 PM »
Broken doll ... ... ... ... soulless body... ... ...  :mon wind:
Dareka, save her!! Mayuyu, Mariko, Miyumi-san, please save Yukirin!!  :mon blowhorn:

Offline kurogumi

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Re: Second Chance update Chapter 20 part 2
« Reply #102 on: July 30, 2012, 06:16:44 PM »
Easy just repair the broken doll,right miyumi-san....please say Yes! Or or...i wont vote...LOL just kidding

Miyumi-chan...why you not make rena or jurina in the vote list?i think i will vote for them if they on the list

Thank for the update...


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Re: Second Chance update Chapter 20 part 2
« Reply #103 on: July 30, 2012, 07:57:00 PM »
yes kurogumi-san is right   :bingo:
why you don't make put Jurina and Rena in the poll  :dunno:

Jurina is my oshi forever!! (>w<)/
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Re: Second Chance update Chapter 20 part 2
« Reply #104 on: July 30, 2012, 09:14:27 PM »
Nice chapter  :peace:

I was horrified when the Mayuyu's  body dead :OMG:

OUF It was nothing  :smoke:
And the yukirin's body has turned into a Broken Doll OHHH :shock:

Update soon please :peace:
Mayukiiiiiiii !!!!!!!

Offline kiruchi

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Re: Second Chance update Chapter 20 part 2
« Reply #105 on: July 30, 2012, 09:27:59 PM »
broken doll? huh? what? what's happening?

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Re: Second Chance update Chapter 20 part 2
« Reply #106 on: July 30, 2012, 10:39:47 PM »
Nooooooooooooooo :panic:

Have tumblr have twitter. Just ask ^^

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Re: Second Chance update Chapter 20 part 2
« Reply #107 on: July 31, 2012, 12:33:32 AM »
The part on the ferris wheel was pretty intense until I remembered Mayuyu could always go back to spirit form even if her current body is dead :lol: Time to inject her spirit into a red capsicum :rofl:

Offline miyumi

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Re: Second Chance update Chapter 21
« Reply #108 on: July 31, 2012, 01:02:07 AM »
Minna thank you once again for commenting! You guys are really getting into this story. Due to the request of the readers, I have added Rena and Jurina to the poll so check it out! In the meantime, I will now show you whats happening to Rena's body. Please enjoy!

Chapter 21

"A broken doll?"


"What is that?" Mayuyu asked.

"A broken doll is a body that moves without a soul. Even though it can move, it still doesn't have the basic things humans have. The ability to speak or eat. They can't express emotion or feel anything which is why their broken dolls. It must have manifested in Yukirin's body while she was here." Mariko said.

"How do we get rid of it?" Yukirin asked.

"Well there are two ways. We either kill it or rip it out."

"Let's go with ripping it out."

"Wise choice. I'll go back to the school and get everything set up. In the meantime you two stay here and protect yourselves."

"Why is that?"

"Well you see, the doll is only part human. In order to get the full humanity, they have to kill the soul of the body."

"So you're saying this is thing is going to try to kill me?"

"Yep so good luck!"

Mariko left before Yukirin could do anything. Yukirin quickly focused her attention back on the doll. It wasn't doing anything accept stare at her. Wherever she moved the doll would follow.

"Be careful Yukirin. Who knows what it'll do." Mayuyu said.

"Well we have to get it to the school." Yukirin said.

"How do we do that?"

"I don't know but we gota- WAHHHH!!"

The doll suddenly jumped on top of Yukirin and started to strangle her.

"Get off her!"

Mayuyu came in and tried to pry the doll off but it was too strong. So then Mayuyu grabbed a glass vase and whacked it across the head. But the doll didn't feel anything and continued to stangle Yukirin. Yukirin was finally able to get the doll off her when she rolled over and slammed it against the wall.

"Quick grab it!"

Yukirin got on top of the doll while and held it's arms back.

"Go grab something to carry her in!"

Mayuyu ran out the room leaving Yukirin with the doll. The doll was very strong and hard to control. Yukirin thought she had it under control. But then the doll got back on top of Yukirin and did something she thought was impossible. The doll grabbed Yukirin and ripped her out of Mayuyu's body. Then she threw her against the wall and tried to strangle her again. Mayuyu came back in with a mobile laundry cart and saw the two Yukirin's fighting.

"What's going on?"

"Mayuyu get back in your body. Now is your chance!"

Mayuyu got back into her body and this time there were no problems.

"Sweet my old body is back!"

"Great now get over here and help me!"

"Oh right."

Mayuyu ran over and yanked the doll off of Yukirin. Then together, the two carried the doll into the cart and then shut the latch.

"Alright we got her!"

"Now let's get her back to school!"

Mayuyu and Yukirin took the doll out the back entrance. Then they started to roll it down the street. But on the way there, the doll broke out and started fighting again.

"Get back in there!"

Yukirin got on top of the doll and started punching it in the face. But then the doll flipped Yukirin over and started punching Yukirin.

"Leave her alone!"

Mayuyu tried to help but ended up getting knocked back.

"Mayuyu stay back!"

Yukirin grabbed the doll by the arm and bent it backwards. The doll grabbed Yukirin with its other hand and twisted her leg causing her to let go. The doll grabbed a pipe that was nearby and tried swinging it at Yukirin.

"Yukirin duck!"

Yukirin heard Mayuyu and ducked right as the doll swung. It hit the wall and Yukirin took the opportunity to disarm the doll. She elbowed the doll in the gut and then grabbed the pipe out of her hands. Then she used it and hit the doll right in the head knocking it out.

"Nice job Yukirin!"

"Thanks now let's get it back in the cart!"

 Mayuyu and Yukirin got the doll and started running again. That's when they ran into Sae and Sayaka who were waiting for them with a van.

"Get in!"

Sae helped them load the cart into the car and then Sayaka drove off.

"Hey Mayuyu you got your body back!" Sae said.

"Yep and it feels good to be back!" Mayuyu said.

"So Yukirin's body is in there?"

"Yeah and it's really putting up a fit. Can you help?"

Yukirin was sitting on top of the lid and she was still shaking as the doll tried to get out. Both Sae and Mayuyu held the lid down trying to keep the doll at bay but it was still putting up a fight.

"We're almost there!" Sayaka said.

They pulled into the parking lot and unloaded the cart. But in the process the doll broke up and tried to kill Yukirin.

"Yukirin run to the classroom! Mariko is waiting for you there!"

"Alright thanks!"

"Sae we need to slow that doll down! Let's go!"

"On it!"

Yukirin started to run with Mayuyu with the doll right behind them. Turns out Sae and Sayaka didn't do a very good job slowing it down. They were about to enter the building but the doll got in front of them. It had a sharp piece of glass in it's hand. The doll started running at Yukirin but then something scooped her up and carried her over to the bushes.


"We got this! You go!"

"Come one Nyannyan!"

Yukirin looked over and saw Yuko only she had transformed into Yukirin.

"Hey you stupid doll this way!"

The doll saw Yuko and started chasing after her.

"Ahh Nyannyan help!"


Mayuyu and Yukirin ran inside the building and started running down the hall. There was a loud crash behind them and when Yukirin looked over she saw the doll had knocked the door down and was now chasing after them.

"Yukirin run!"

 They headed for the stairs and started running up them. But the doll was right behind them and was getting closer. Right when the doll was about to grab Yukirin, something blasted it and it fell back.


"Cut through the library. Takamina and I got this."


Takamina came down in kendo gear and started to hit the doll with the sword. Then Acchan kept blasting it with light beams everytime it tried to attack Takamina. Right as Mayuyu and Yukirin ran into the library, the doll came in rushing after. They made a right turn straight into a dead end.

"Crap dead end!"

The doll knocked Mayuyu back and then pulled out a knife. It came at Yukirin and almost cut her throat. When it went in for another strike, something knocked it over. Then chains came up from the ground and restrained the doll.


"I don't know how long I can hold it so get moving! Jurina!"

"I got it!"

Jurina ran up in her fox form and bit the doll's arm. Yukirin didn't have time to stick around and watch because they had to run. When they made it to the classroom, Mariko was ready waiting for them.

"Yukirin stand here!"

Mariko had Yukirin stand right in front of the doorway so when the doll came Yukirin would be right there. The doll showed up soon after and when it saw Yukirin it started to charge.


Mayuyu pulled Yukirin out of the way while Mariko got in front.


The floor glowed revealing some sort of cirlce. Chains came out from the ground and restrained the doll. Then Mariko stuck her hand into the doll and started pulling something out of it.

"Help me out!"

Mayuyu and Yukirin ran over and helped Mariko pull the thing out. With one last tug, the thing came out and Yukirin went flying back.

"Yukirin now is your chance go!"

Yukirin jumped right into her body. There was a bright flash and everything just went blank. Yukirin's mind went blank and everything that she was started to bond with her body. When she opened her eyes, she saw Mayuyu staring down at her.


Yukirin looked at Mayuyu wondering who this person was.

"Yukirin are you ok?" Mayuyu asked.

"Who are you?" Yukirin said.

"Oh no Yukirin you don't remember me? It's me Mayuyu!"

"I'm sorry I don't know who you are. But I do know I have to get back to my parents. They must be worried about me."

"Mariko what's wrong with her!"

"When she entered her body again, she lost all her memories and only remembers the memories she had before she died." Mariko said.

"No this can't be!"

"I'm sorry but I relly have to go." Yukirin said.

"Yukirin you really don't remember me. After all we've been through?"

"No I'm sorry but I don't."

"Well then maybe this will help you remember."

Mayuyu kissed Yukirin right on the lips and held there for a long time. It was during that when memories started flashing through Yukirin's mind. She saw everything from when she first met Mayuyu up until now. The sudden flash of memories was too much for Yukirin and she ended up passing out.

"Yukirin! Yukirin wake up!"

When Yukirin opened her eyes she saw Mayuyu.


"Yukirin you remember me?" Mayuyu asked.

"Of course I do." Yukirin said.

"You're back!"

Mayuyu grabbed Yukirin and hugged her tightly.

"What happened?"

"You lost your memories for a breif moment but then Mayuyu made you remember." Mariko said.

"You did it! You got your body back!" Mayuyu said.


Yukirin took a better look at herself and realized she was back in her own body.

"I did!"

The two girls hugged as the others started to arrive.

"Well it looks like we did it." Sae said.

"Congrats Yukirin." Yuko said.

"Welcome back." Acchan said.

"Now everything is back to normal." Rena said.

"Yes everything is back to normal!"

"Let's celebrate!" Mariko said.


As everyone started to cheer and be happy, Mayuyu leaned in close to Yukirin and said,

"I'm so glad everything turned out alright."

"I am too." Yukirin said.

"You know what that means right?"


"That means you have to go out with me."

"Hey I never agreed to going out with you."

A pout came across Mayuyu's face along with anger in her eyes. But Yukirin quickly calmed the mad girl with a kiss on the lips.

"I was only kidding. I will happily go out with you."

"I love you Yukirin."

"I love you too Mayuyu."

The two were about to go in for another kiss when Yuko got between them.

"Since you two are an offical couple you know what that means?"


"Honey moon vacation!"


Yukirin got her body back! Everyone should be happy now. And the honeymoon chapter is going to be the last chapter so I hope everyone checks it out. Then after that I'm going to start my new story. I'm going to finish the story with one big sweet and sexy ending so look forward to it! Oh and I've changed updated the poll so check in on it. Please tell me what you think!

Offline mo-chan

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Re: Second Chance update Chapter 20 part 2
« Reply #109 on: July 31, 2012, 01:22:03 AM »
I looooooove it  :luvluv1: :luvluv2: :shy1:
honeymoon chapter  :ding:
I can't wait for it  :shy2:
cantinue  :on GJ:
( oooh no I wanted to vote for Jurina but I already voted for Haruna   :fainted: )

Jurina is my oshi forever!! (>w<)/
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Re: Second Chance update Chapter 22
« Reply #110 on: July 31, 2012, 07:14:04 AM »
URGENT MESSAGE: Attention to all readers who have already voted on the poll, I recently added two other options onto the poll. If you have already voted but want to change your vote, please tell me in your comment and I will remember when counting up the finaly votes. Thank you!

Well here is the final chapter! But then agian maybe it won't be. I don't know I put the poll on a little too early and still want to wait for other people to vote. I guess I'll have to wait and see. Right now Yuko is in the lead but I'm sure there are a bunch of people who want to change their vote so again, PLEASE LET ME KNOW if you do. I hope you enjoy this last chapter!

Chapter 22

"You two are going on a honey moon!" Yuko said.

"Ehh why?" Mayuyu asked.

"Because since you guys are an offical couple you need to have a honey moon."

"But we're not married."

"Not yet. Besides it'll be fun."

"Alright where do you suggest we go?"

"Well is Mariko will allow it I suggest here."

Yuko handed Mariko a pamflet for some kind of beach.

"This looks nice. Alright we'll all go and make it a class trip!"


The next day, Mayuyu and Yukirin had to get up early so they could make it to the bus on time. Mariko had rented one of those fancy coach buses with TV screens and comfy seats in it.

"Mariko how did you manage to rent this thing?" Yukirin asked.

"I didn't. The bus company lended it to me for free." Mariko said.

"How did you do that?"

"I possed the head and filled out the paper work."

"You're evil."

"Hey it got us the free ride right? We're going to be on the road for like four hours."

"Seriously? Where exactly is this place?"

"It's called Lover's Island!" Yuko said.

"Lover's Island?"

"Yeah it's a place couples go to. I always wanted to go there with Nyannyan but I didn't have the money to afford the trip."

"So you're using the school to pay for it?"


"You're just as bad as Mariko!"

"Alright everyone we're going to be leaving soon so sit down and let me take a head count. Sayaka!"










"You're too short. Stand up!"

"Shut up!"





"Ok Rena!"





"I'm right here."


"Uh hai!"

"Alright I think that's everyone. Let's go! Next stop, Lover's Island!"


The bus started to pull out of the parking lot and make it's way to the road. As it started to move, Yukirin heard the cries of someone. She looked outside and saw Miichan running after the bus.


"Stop the bus!"

The bus stopped and Miichan got on.

"How could you guys leave without me?" Miichan said trying to catch her breath.

"We thought you were on the bus." Mariko said.

"Mou you guys are horrible!"

"Miichan we're going on a couples retreat. You don't have a partner." Yuko said.

"That's alright. I'll be your partner Miichan." Mariko said.

"Eww no I don't want to be partners with you!"

"It's either that or we leave you behind."

"Let's get along nicely honey."

Everyone laughed at Miichan's sudden change in attitude when she heard she might get left behind. The bus started to move and now they were on the main road. Sae was watching the cars go by and telling Sayaka every time she saw a truck while Haruna was focusing on a video game while Yuko was trying to get her attention. Miichan was talking to Mariko but it looked like she wasn't listening while Acchan and Takamina were listening to music. Rena was reading a book while Jurina was pressed against her reading over her shoulder.

"Hey Yukirin."

Yukirin looked over and saw Mayuyu holding a bag of jelly beans.

"You want some?"

"Uh sure."

Yukirin took some jelly beans and popped them in her mouth. Yukirin didn't bring anything to entertain herself with so she was kind of on her own. She thought about sleeping but then Mayuyu shook her awake.

"Hey look I drew you half asleep."

Mayuyu showed Yukirin her drawing and Yukirin almost punched Mayuyu. She looked like a lady passed out at a bar.

"Ha is that supposed to be Yukirin!"

Yuko popped up from the seat behind her and took the sketchbook. She showed it to Haruna who was currently taking a break from her game.

"Ha Yukirin you look constipated!" she said.

"Give that back!"

Yukirin tried to get the sketchbook back but then Yuko threw it over to Acchan and Takamina.

"Is this you Yukirin?" Takamina said holding up the sketchbook.

"You look depressed." Acchan said.

"Don't look at it!"

Acchan threw it over to Sae and Sayaka. Sae was laughing too hard to say anything and Sayaka just looked at it with a puzzling look. Then she threw it over to Rena who just laughed silently and Jurina took a picture of it with her phone. Then she threw it over to Mariko and when she saw it she couldn't help but laugh at it as well.

"Oi Yukirin you feeling alright? You got enough booze in you or do you need more!"

"Yukirin you lookl like you got hit with a bat!" Miichan said.

"Mou just give it back already!"

Mariko handed the sketchbook and Yukirin shoved it in her bag.


"You'll get it back when we get home."

"No you can keep it."

"You jerk."

"I'm sorry."

Mayuyu leaned in and kissed Yukirin's cheek.

"Alright you're forgiven."


After about two hours Yukirin started to get hungry. She had forgotten to pack something to eat and Mayuyu was out of jelly beans. Yukirin was starving and was dying to eat.

"Hey if you're hungry you can have some of my sandwich." Sayaka said.

"You sure?"

"It's fine. I'm already full."

"Thank you."

Yukirin took a bite and her face lit up.

"It's good!"

"Let me have a bite!"

"Say ahh."


Yukirin let Mayuyu take a bite and just then a cute expression popped up on Mayuyu's face. She looked like one of those stuffed teddy bears you see at the stores.


"KAWAII!" everyone said.

"Here Mayuyu try some of my omelet." Sae said.

"It's super yummy!"

"Try some of my takoyaki." Takamina said.


"Have some of my tea." Rena said.

"It's very nice."

Yukirin sat there and watched everyone feed Mayuyu while they left her out of the way. Mayuyu saw this and decided it wasn't fair. She took one of Sae's omelets and one of Takamina's takoyakis.

"Here say ahh."


Yukirin ate both of them at the same time and felt so happy. For the next half hour, the two took turns feeding each other using other people's food. For the rest of the drive, Yukirin had fallen asleep. But when she woke up, they had just arrived to the beach.

"We're here!"

Everyone came out and went to the hotel. They got changed and then went out to the beach.

"Yukirin let's go play in the water!" Mayuyu said.


Mayuyu and Yukirin went out into the water and started playing around. But while they were playing, Mayuyu felt something grab her butt.


"Mayuyu has a nice butt!" Yuko said.

"Hey don't touch me there. That's Yukirin's property." Mayuyu said.

"Ok then I'll just groupe Yukirin's boobs!"

"Touch her and die you perverted raccoon."

"Alright fine. Sheesh calm down."
"Yuko where's Haruna?" Yukirin asked.

"She's on the beach. She's too scared to go in the water."

"Why? Is it because she's part cat?"

"No it's because she's afraid the fish will eat her."

"That's weird."

"You tell me. Well I'm off to inspect the others. You two carry on."

Yuko dove under water and made her way over to Sae and Sayaka. Yukirin could hear Sae yelp and Sayaka whack Yuko in the head.

"Hey you guys!"

Takamina walked over pulling Acchan along on a raft.

"Having fun there?" Mayuyu asked sarcastically.

"I am!" Takamina said.


"Yeah. It's fun pulling Acchan around."

"You're weird you know that."

"I know. But I do it because I love her."

"Let's go Takamina." Acchan said.

"Hai hai."

Takamina walked away pulling her mistress along with her.

"Hey Yukirin let's get out. I think my back is starting to get burned."

"Oh we don't want that to happen."

Mayuyu and Yukirin got out and walked over under the umbrella where Jurina and Rena were.

"Why aren't you guys getting in the water?"

"I burn easily." Rena said.

"I go where Rena goes." Jurina said.

"Hey Yukirin could you get my back?"

"Uh sure."

Yukirin took the sun block and started to rub it in on Mayuyu's back. But the suddenly something snuck behind her and pushed Yukirin forward. Yukirin fell over taking Mayuyu along with her. Mayuyu landed face first into the sand.

"Ahh sorry! Are you guys ok?" Sayaka said.

"What did you so that for?"

"Sae and I were playing frisbee and didn't see you when Sae threw it."

"Well I'm ok. I don't know about Mayuyu though. Mayuyu are you ok?"



"Get your boobs off my head!"

"Ahh sorry!"

Yukirin helped Mayuyu up and started to brush the sand off her.

"Mayuyu are you crying? Did I hurt you that badly?"

"NO! There's just sand in my eyes."

"Ahh I'm sorry! Come here you!"

Yukrin ran over and hugged Mayuyu. Then together they tried to get the sand out of Mayuyu's eyes.

"What happened?" Mariko said as she walked over.

"Sae threw the frisbee too far and knocked Yukirin over causing her to get sand in Mayuyu's eyes." Sayaka said.

"Sae you need to be more careful. Apologize."

"I'm sorry." 

"Good now let's all head in for dinner. It's almost ready."

Everyone gathered and ate a huge dinner. Then after, everyone went out on their own ways. Meanwhile Mayuyu and Yukirin went back out on the beach to watch the sunset.

"Isn't it beautiful?" Yukirin asked.

"It sure is. But I've seen better." Mayuyu said.

"Really where?"

"I'm staring right at it."

"Oh stop it you! Where did you get that from an anime?"

"No I got it from manga!"

"You crazy otaku you. Come here."

Yukirin pulled Mayuyu in and they held for a long heart warming kiss. Then out of the corner of her eye, Yukirin saw two shells.

"Hey look!"

Yukirin picked them up and looked at them.

"Wow they're so pretty!"

"Here you take the pink one and I'll take the white one." Yukirin said.

"Why do I have to take the pink one?" Mayuyu asked.

"Because that's the color you make when you blush."

"Shut up."

When Mayuyu and Yukirin got back to the hotel, she found everyone eating ice cream.

"Hey how dare you guys eat ice cream without us!" Mayuyu said.

"Oh Mayuyu! Heeeeyyy."

"Mariko are you ok?"

"Yeah I'm fine just fine! Hey you guys gotta try some of this ice cream it is just FAN-TAS-TIC!"

"What exacly is it?"

"I don't know some staff told me to get it for the kids."

"Let me see the menu."

Mayuyu found the menu and found the picture of the ice cream everyone just ate.

"Oh no."

What Mairko had ordered was a Strawberry Rooroo. It's basically an ice cream desert with a lot of alcohol in it. That means everyone here is drunk. And apparently everyone gets pervy when their drunk. Mayuyu saw Sae on top on Sayaka trying to rip her shirt off with her teeth while Sayaka was feeling Sae up.

"Sae when will you grow? I want to feel nice big ones!" Sayaka said.

"Shut up I'm still growing! They'll come eventually."

"Nyannyan be gentle!"

Mayuyu looked over and saw Haruna on top of Yuko biting her ear while starting to take off her shirt. The two kissed every so often and when they did, Mayuyu saw two tounges dance like they're on fire. Yuko's hands were trying to travel up and down Haruna's body but Haruna stopped her and started attacking her neck.

"Jurina stop it let me be on top this time!"

Jurina had Rena pinned up against the wall and was starting to take off her skirt. Jurina pulled the skirt down revealing Rena's black lace panties. Mayuyu never knew she was that kind of person. But Jurina wasn't the only one having fun. Rean managed to take off Jurina's shirt and was now starting to undo her bra. Thank god Jurina had her back facing Mayuyu otherwise she would've saw something she didn't want to see.

"Say my name!"


Acchan and Takamina were apparently doing a S&M role play where Takamina was the S and Acchan was the M. It was very surprising seeing Takamina being in charge for once. Takamina was sitting on top of Acchan kissing her while making her way to Acchan's skirt. Whenever Acchan would try to do something back, Takamina would grab Acchan's chest and squeeze as hard as she could. At one point when Acchan tried to touch Takamina, Takamina flipped her over and slapped her butt.

"Uh Yukirin we better stop everyone. Go get some water. Yukirin?"

Mayuyu looked over and almost died at the sight of Yukirin. Yukirin had stripped down to nothing but panties and under wear and was now walking towards Mayuyu.

"Yukirin don't tell me you-"

"Shhhh. Come with me."

Yukirin took Mayuyu up to their room and threw Mayuyu on the bed. Then she positioned herself ontop with her hands massaging Mayuyu's belly.

"Yukirin snap out of it. You're drunk."

"Oh shut up and kiss me!"

Yukirin smacked her lips against Mayuyu and forced her tounge in. Then at the same time Yukirin's hands started to make their way down to Mayuyu's shorts trying to pull them down. As much as Mayuyu wanted this she didn't want it like this. Having no choice, Mayuyu grabbed a nearby lamp and hit Yukirin in the head with it. Yukirin fell over next to Mayuyu out like a light.

"Mou what am I going to do with you?"

Mayuyu wrapped her arms around Yukirin and then fell asleep. The next morning, Yukirin woke up with a major hang over.

"Uhh my head hurts. What happened?"

Yukirin realized she was in nothing but her bra and panties and freaked out.



Yukirin looked over and saw Mayuyu eating a piece of toast.

"Mayuyu? What happened last night?" Yukirin asked.

"You got drunk and tried to rape me." Mayuyu said.

"Ehhh! Mayuyu I am so sorry!"

"It's alright. I stopped you before you did anything too serious."

"Oh thank god. What about the others?"

"Don't worry I stopped them before they did anything serious as well."

"That's good to hear."

There was an akward moment of silence between the two.

"Mayuyu I'm really sorrry about what hap-"

Yukirin was cut off by a kiss from Mayuyu.

"Look what happened happended. But for now let's forget about and move on ok?"


"I love you Yuki."

"I love you too Mayu."

Yukirin and Mayuyu kissed again and Yukirin couldn't help but feel so happy. They've come a long way and in the end they've come to find each other. Deep down Yukirin thought she was very lucky. Lucky to die, lucky to meet Mariko, lucky to meet Mayuyu and fall in love. Yukirin felt lucky that she was given this second chance in life.


Well this is the end of the Second Chance story. I hope everyone enjoyed it and look forward to my next story! Again let me know if you want to change your vote. Once again thank you everyone for supporting me and I hope to see more from you in the future. It was a fun ride and now it's time to start a new one. I'll be seeing you all very soon!

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Re: Second Chance update Chapter 22 END
« Reply #111 on: July 31, 2012, 07:55:20 AM »
Wahh, the ending already :( What a very nice ending though. Poor Yukirin, Mayuyu's way of snapping her out of it is breaking a lamp on her head haha and this is just a hunch but I have a feeling that you really like beaches lol.

Ahh, I voted for Yuko initially, but since you added Jurina and Rena, I would like to change my vote to Rena instead. I like Yuko but I like Rena much more haha.

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Re: Second Chance update Chapter 22 END
« Reply #112 on: July 31, 2012, 08:28:13 AM »
Aww... It ends. Gonna miss this story.
Feel sorry for Yuki's body.. Being beat up and all. Oh well... The story end happily anyway!
Thank You for this wonderful plotline!
Hope to see your next fic soon.

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Re: Second Chance update Chapter 22 END
« Reply #113 on: July 31, 2012, 10:24:50 AM »
I'm so sorry that I didn't comment in the early, your fic is just sooooo fantastic. :farofflook:
To be honest this one is the one I love the most, maybe because it's about the couple I ship but who cares :kekeke:
The ending is so cute xD they even have a free school trip thanks to Mariko, hope she haven't forget her Shinigima's job keke :on cigar:
Again, thank you for writing such a good fic, love u so much  :luvluv2:

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Re: Second Chance update Chapter 22 END
« Reply #114 on: July 31, 2012, 01:15:24 PM »
happy ending  :nya:
I can't wait for your next fic miyumi-san :wriggly:

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Re: Second Chance update Chapter 22 END
« Reply #115 on: July 31, 2012, 05:58:37 PM »
And it ends! I'm gonna miss the focus on MaYuki as the next story will be centered around someone else but knowing you, I'm pretty sure you will give attention to all couples as usual. Thanks for the fun and awesome ride! Looking forward to your next story!

Well here is the final chapter! But then agian maybe it won't be.
Will you be dropping surprise extras/side stories in the future? XD

P.S. Mayuyu needs to stop eating so many jelly beans before she gets diabetes (though I think she'll still get it from all the fluffy sweetness that she and Yukirin are oozing) :rofl:

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Akiba Fight Club Prolouge
« Reply #116 on: July 31, 2012, 06:05:00 PM »
The results are in and the winner is Jurina! Yuko would've won but because I added two other options and  got requests to change some votes, I did the math and got Jurina as the winner so I'm sorry Kojiyuu fans! I'll make sure to include them in the next story. But for now I hope everyone enjoys this story.

Akiba Fight Club Prolouge

It was a dark night in the streets of Akihabara. Running through the dark alley ways was a family of three. The mother was carrying a little girl while the father was fighting off other men.

"Keep moving!" the father said.

"I'm not leaving without you!" the mother shouted.


"Just go!"

The mother kept running as she held her child close to her. But then suddenly the mother tripped and fell over.

"Sweety go hide behind that trash can and don't come out until I tell you to." the mother said.

The little girl did as what her mother had told her and could only sit there and watch in horror. The men dragged the father over to the mother who was beaten to a bloody pulp.


The mother tried to fight but then one of the men pulled out a gun and shot the mother along with the father. The sudden shock made the girl run out to her parents.

"Mommy daddy!"

There lying in the street was a little girl that looked the age of six. Her parents were just killed by an unknown group and now she was next. The men were about to slt the young girl's throat when something came behind them. It moved so fast that the little girl didn't even see the thing. The next thing she knew, the men were down and standing before the girl was a dark figure.

"Mommy, daddy... wake up."

"They're gone now." the figure said.


The little girl started crying.

"Do you want to avenge them?"

The little girl looked up at the figure with her innocent brown eyes.

"Become stronger. Train hard and work for your goal and then maybe finally you'll be able to avenge them."

The figure started to walk away but something tugged their boot.

"I'm sorry but you can't come with me. It's not safe for little girls like you to be around me."

The little girl didn't say anything. She just stared the dark figure with determination in her eyes. She was not going to let go without a fight. This little girl reminded the figure of her old self back when she was her age. Feeling this, the figure decided to take in the little girl.

"What's your name?"

"Jurina. Matsui Jurina."

"My name is Matsui too. But call me Rena."

Nine years later...

It's been nine years since that incident in the streets. The girl has grown now and is stronger than before. Rena trained Jurina to become and outstanding fighter. Fueled by nothing but anger and hate, Jurina was a walking nightmare. She was bent on avenging her parents in the only way she knew how.


Jurina was too focused on beating a punching bag. She was beating it so much that with one final punch the bag bursted.


Jurina looked over and saw a tall figure stand by the door way. That figure was Matsui Rena her mentor and her only guardian. It was thanks to her that Jurina was able to become stronger. It was thanks to her she was able to live.

"You're first fight starts soon. You ready?"

"I was born ready. I'm ready to take down those scum bags and make it to the top."

"Well then let's see if you can prove yourself in the ring. Let's go."

The two got in the car and and drove to the club. The Akiba Fight Club. It's an underground fight club where people go to place bets and watch a good fight. It's a bare fist fight and whoever loses ends up getting killed.This was the organization that killed her parents. Now Jurina was back and ready to take revenge. Every five years they hold a fight tournament for anyone to join. This year Jurina had signed up and she was going to raise hell. Rena pulled up and and stepped out of the car.

"Your ready?"

"Let's go."

They walked in and Jurina was blasted with the smell of smoke and booze. Jurina walked into the dressing room where she would prepare. However there was no need to prepare because Jurina was ready.

"Remember when you get out there, control yourself. Don't lose control. Otherwise you'll lose the fight. Keep cool and you'll win." Rena said.

"Thanks I'll remember that."

The fight was about to start and the crowd was getting antsy.

"Ladies and gentlemen!" the announcer said.

"Tonight is the first night of the Akiba Fight Club Ultimate Fighter Tournament! Fighters have gathered from all over to compete in this comeptition. The winner will move up the ranks and face the head. Then if they win, they become the next head. So without further ado let's get started!"

The crows roared in excitement.

"First up we have Lemon!"

A girl walked up to the ring in all yellow.

"Her challenger is Center!"

Jurina walked up right next to the girl.

"Ready.... FIGHT!"

The sound of the bell rang and the fight began. Lemon took a swung at Jurina but she dodged it and stepped back. Then she ducked under the elbowed Lemon's waist. Lemon stepped back and it was during that moment Jurina grabbed Lemon and pinned her on the ground. Then she took her right arm and pulled it until she heard a loud pop.

"Finish her!" the crowd cheered.

Already bored with Lemon, she decided to do what was asked. Jurina let lemon stand up and come at her. Lemon swung with her one good arm but Jurina grabbed it and pulled her to the side. Then when Lemon was about to turn around and swing again, Jurina did one quick punch to the face and Lemon was out.

"The winner is Center!"

The crows applauded and cheered Jurina's name. Jurina stepped out of the ring and back to the dressing room.

"Good fight. I thought you were going to finish her right off from the start." Rena said.

"Well if I did that, then there wouldn't be any fun." Jurina said.

"Good point. Let's go home."

Rena and Jurina drove home which was a small apartment in the residential area and Jurina crashed on the couch.

"I still feel like fighting."

"Don't get too antsy. That'll lead to your downfall. If you want to fight then just wait until tomorrow."

"Ne can I fight you?"

"Now you know I can't do that. Come on let's eat."

Rena and Jurina ate in silence and then Rena went to bed.

"Make sure you go to bed sometime. You got another fight tomorrow."

"I will thanks."

Rena left for her room while Jurina went to her training room. Since the punching bag was out, Jurina decided to lift some weights. Jurina couldn't just rest. There was still fight left in her and she was dying to let it out. But she had to do what Rena told her. Rena is the only one keeping Jurina from going on a rampage. If it weren't for Rena then Jurina would've been dead.


Jurina looked over and saw Rena staring at her.

"Come to bed now."

"I can't sleep so I'm going to train."

"You'll over do it. Come to bed now."


"Now Jurina."

Jurina changed and then walked into Rena's room. Turns out Rena was right because as soon as she hit the bed, Jurina felt extremely tired.

"Now go to sleep."

Rena turned out the light and got in the bed with Jurina. Jurina would always sleep with Rena. Otherwise she would be up all night training. Rena was basically Jurina's only thing keeping her alive. If she wasn't there then Jurina wouldn't know what she'd do. Secretly, Jurina has feelings for Rena. But in the world she lives in, there is no room for love.

"I'm a fighter. Nothing more nothing less."

"You're also human."

Jurina though Rena had fallen asleep but guess she didn't.

"You still have something I don't have Jurina. You're still human."

"You are too you know."

"I guess. But remember, don't get swallowed by the dark. Always head to the light."

"I will."

"Good. Now go to sleep."

With that, Rena fell asleep but Jurina was still wide awake. Not being able to hold it back anymore, Jurina reached out and wrapped herself around Rena. Then she fell asleep feeling a little lighter in her heart.

Well there's the prolouge. Please tell me what you think. Should I continue or scratch the idea and go back to he drawing board? It's up to you!

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Re: Akiba Fight Club Prolouge
« Reply #117 on: July 31, 2012, 06:43:57 PM »
yatta!! Jurina is the winner  :onionwhip:
Jurina's parents killed  :scared:
Rena don't feel that she is human  :badluck: :fainted:
Jurina do something don't say "there is no room of love"  :OMG:
Jurina if you love Rena do something  :ding:
wow miyumi-san fics are always the best  :on GJ:
 it's an interesting fic  :glasses:
cantinue please  :hee:

Jurina is my oshi forever!! (>w<)/
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Re: Akiba Fight Club Prolouge
« Reply #118 on: July 31, 2012, 07:56:13 PM »
I like it! but dont forget to include the other couples too! I love Mayuki too much so please put them too1!!!

update soon~
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Re: Akiba Fight Club Prolouge
« Reply #119 on: July 31, 2012, 09:35:12 PM »
Yey.. Jurina is the winner.. :3

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