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Author Topic: [News] AKB48 SHUFFLE 2012  (Read 65297 times)

Offline WindCaliber

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Re: [News] AKB48 SHUFFLE 2012
« Reply #100 on: August 24, 2012, 09:52:06 PM »
Why is Akicha going to JKT~~~~~ sadface*

To pursue her dreams. To move forward and take on a new challenge.

What is the point of sending members overseas? HOW DO THEY EVEN TALK TO EACH OTHER.

To guide the others into becoming better idols. Teach them how everything works. JunLin in Morning Musume caught on quickly enough. I'm sure Akicha and Haruka will receive a warm welcome.

What is the point of going back to three teams instead of sticking to 16/team?

Having regular unders for the same stage will improve the quality of the performances and it won't tire them out as much. For example, Oshima Ryoka subbed in pretty much every stage every day. That's rough. By having three oversized teams they won't have to rely on random KKS as much, because the regular team members can sub for each other in case someone's absent.

Yukirin gets replaced, Takamina general manager? What does that even mean, managing duties?
That's not really the responsibility of a performer.

Takamina has moved beyond being a performer. She's the backbone of a 300 member group. She's an entertainment figure as well. This new position, whatever it entails, will surely benefit her in her future career, whatever it may be.

Was it stated? I can't say because I wouldn't know, but it would have to be more solid than "maybe she asked for it for the study abroad thing.."

Yeah, but.. How do they talk to each other?

I thought that was the point of having multiple teams and kenkyuseii? Also, I don't think this point is really valid, because if there was a Team 4, they would have to divide the theater shows 4 ways instead of 3, so moot point :|

I actually was thinking of this, too. I think this is a foreshadow of her future career with AKB.

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Re: [News] AKB48 SHUFFLE 2012
« Reply #101 on: August 24, 2012, 09:58:43 PM »
1. Yes, Akicha commented on G+
2. Yes, there will be language barrier at first, of course. However, there are interpreters, body language and I'm sure they'll receive plenty of training. Millions of people move abroad every year.
3. I don't really understand your argument. I mean, there are more girls focusing on a single stage right now. 23 people in a team means that 7 of them can be absent without any problems. 23 girls can focus on their respective stage so the performances should become better. In addition, even the current kenkyuusei will have less shows to learn.

edit: btw, I wasn't attacking you or anything. I know it's a big shock. I just felt like commenting on your questions.  :)

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Re: [News] AKB48 SHUFFLE 2012
« Reply #102 on: August 24, 2012, 10:07:43 PM »
1. Yes, Akicha commented on G+
2. Yes, there will be language barrier at first, of course. However, there are interpreters, body language and I'm sure they'll receive plenty of training. Millions of people move abroad every year.
3. I don't really understand your argument. I mean, there are more girls focusing on a single stage right now. 23 people in a team means that 7 of them can be absent without any problems. 23 girls can focus on their respective stage so the performances should become better. In addition, even the current kenkyuusei will have less shows to learn.

edit: btw, I wasn't attacking you or anything. I know it's a big shock. I just felt like commenting on your questions.  :)
Just saw it right before your post, LoL. :D

Although I always doubt the validity of these kinds of posts because they're monitored(she can't exactly say that she doesn't want to do it), but I'll just take this for it's face value, I guess :|

What I meant was that, you said that members can rest if needed, but what I'm saying is that they technically had an extra day of rest with Team 4 because of Team 4's theater shows. But now that there is no Team 4, each team has to go an extra day to fill in the gap, which I believe offsets the "7 people can rest" argument.

I didn't feel it was like that, I like having conversations about things like this  :on lol:

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Re: [News] AKB48 SHUFFLE 2012
« Reply #103 on: August 24, 2012, 10:13:45 PM »
^about "how do they gonna talk to each other"
Well, there are Achan (who is half Japanese) and Rena-chan (Japanese who live in Jakarta, and can talk Japanese and Indonesian) in JKT48. Pretty sure these two will be helping Akicha and Harugon so much.  :)

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Re: [News] AKB48 SHUFFLE 2012
« Reply #104 on: August 24, 2012, 10:19:54 PM »
Yeah, we'll never know the real truth behind everything. Blog posts and G+ posts may not contain the full truth. However, we know for a fact that Akicha has been to France twice, she's been to the USA and Macau. Let's just say those trips are what inspired to travel abroad once again and to take on this challenge. She's a bit of an airhead, but I think her 'my pace' character will prevent her from stressing out too much. I think she'll do fine. And Haruka is there too, so they won't be completely alone anyway.

Btw, by "being absent" I didn't mean rest. The top girls are usually away doing other jobs. Anyway, my point is that some of the kenkyuusei have to perform every day, regardless of which stage it is. With this new system that will be less of an issue because you have 'back-ups' build into the team already.

I get your point now. In that sense, yes, in some ways having a fourth time means less theater performances for some of the girls. I guess my point was more related to the kenkyuusei who have to do all the shows. To them, it doesn't matter which team is performing since they should be able to perform in all the stages. So yeah: build-in subs specific to a team/stage + less teams(=less stages) = better performances and less kenkyuusei stress. That's how I see it anyway, haha.

Offline WindCaliber

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Re: [News] AKB48 SHUFFLE 2012
« Reply #105 on: August 24, 2012, 10:33:30 PM »
^about "how do they gonna talk to each other"
Well, there are Achan (who is half Japanese) and Rena-chan (Japanese who live in Jakarta, and can talk Japanese and Indonesian) in JKT48. Pretty sure these two will be helping Akicha and Harugon so much.  :)
It would seem kind of lonely, though. I mean, if I went to a foreign school with two people who knew English, and required a translator all the time. :\

I thought they already had KKS to sub for specific people though?

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Re: [News] AKB48 SHUFFLE 2012
« Reply #106 on: August 24, 2012, 10:48:29 PM »
I find it interesting that also people were transferred out to HKT, SNH, and JKT, only NMB and SKE tranferred into the home group. You'd think after the wild success of WMatsui that they'd know that a struggling sister group needs its aces shoved into the AKB home fanbase to get on its legs. New Ship was moving in that direction, too, but with this shuffle, they're still basically isolated from the rest of the franchise.

Offline yooshimen

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Re: [News] AKB48 SHUFFLE 2012
« Reply #107 on: August 24, 2012, 10:49:08 PM »
Craziest Shuffle ever

LOLDAMNOMFGWTF.......   what's coming next..........I don't know and I don't want to know what Aki-P thinks to do next

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Re: [News] AKB48 SHUFFLE 2012
« Reply #108 on: August 24, 2012, 10:50:09 PM »
This... At first I was shocked - though I was expecting the shuffle - but then I thought a lot about it, and I came to think about this as a new challenge for all 48 family. This will be fresh, new, and they will have to strengthen their bonds within new teams... I hope they will succeed.

Team 4 disbanded... I quite like a few members, but this team felt out of place to me, if to be really honest, so I think their addition to A K B teams is a pretty good thing.

Akicha and Harugon to JKT...... It might work out... Maybe.

Sae in SNH......... I have no comments about this one... But, she might be good addition from their POV, coz she's the genki type, she will be something like Sasshi in HKT..

Talking about HKT addition... Poor Lovetan... She dropped lots of spots in Senbatsu, and now she's out... At least she and Sasshi will be together...

About teams... I will copy someone (sorry for not remembering the person's name) and do it like this:

Team A

Like: 7
Neutral: 10
Dislike: 5

Team K

Like: 8
Neutral: 12
Dislike: 3

Team B

Like: 8
Neutral: 11
Dislike: 5

So, um, my favorite team is Team K, if by members I like, and other two are neutral so far... But my favorite team was always Team K, because of Yuko-sama...

Now, about separate members..

Takahashi Minami - I'm really glad she was finally acknowledged as the person AKB48 and its sister groups always leaned on. Now she is officially the leader of AKB48, and to tell you the truth, even though I'm happy, I'm also concerned. I mean, now she has this huge burden on her shoulders - and she always had one, as the unofficial AKB48 leader and also Team A captain - but now that burden might be bigger, as she's now the leader officially. At least she won't be burdened by the captaincy, though I don't think she won't be involved in it. But still, now she can share the leadership of Team A with Mariko. But that's only my opinion that she won't stay away from leading the team together with our troll.

Shinoda Mariko - I think it's good that she was finally promoted to being a captain. I sincerely believe she deserves this position as the 1.5 gen member. She did a lot good things in AKB48, and her speech at Elections was inspiring and touching, brave and encouraging. I think we might expect to have stronger Team A than before, having Mariko as the captain, and Takamina as the supportive captain. Two strong and leading personalities are always better than one. I think the same about Team K, but about that later. Anyway, I'm really happy for Mariko. I just hope her modeling won't interrupt too much with captaincy, as she really missed out lots of theater performances before.

Iwata Karen - I think it's a good addition, as she suits Team A image, imho. However I look at it, she's not that cute to be in B, or not that strong to be in K, so yeah, Team A suits her best.

Iriyama Anna - You know, she was one of my favorite Team 4 members before MG3, and now... She might be between top 3 members of that team!!! Yeah, she made a huge leap forward in my rankings, and so I'm happy she was added to Team A. Again, like Karen, her image suits Team A the best, so um... I'm happy!  XD

Oshima Ryouka - I somehow thought: if she ever to be added to some of the teams, that's Team K or Team B. Team A decision surprised me, yet in a good way. In K we know her usually taking Yuko-sama's spot, but of course, she's no way near that good as Yuko-sama. In B... She might take Okuchan's position (as Shihorin suits better Harugon's, but about that later). But that did not happen. I somehow never thought about the shuffle thing, so... It's a good surprise, as I don't need two Oshima's in Team K, and there is only one Oshima in my heart  :wub:

Kasai Tomomi - I'm puzzled a bit. I started liking her in Team B, yet I think she does not fit the kawaii image, except her voice. And even though Team K is her home, she did not fit there imo, coz she just doesn't have that strength.. Or that's what I think. Yet in Team A.. It might be good, but... I would have placed her in NMB... *gets shot by Tomo~mi fans* But yeah, within AKB48 boundaries, Team A might be the best choice.

Kikuchi Ayaka - Now this one... I would have left Ayarin in Team K.. Imo she fits the tsuyoi image, but oh well.. Still it's better than Team B, though Team B is her home... But really... Team B is too cute for her (and for Masuda Yuka, but about her later), and Team A... Well, we'll see what future brings..

Sato Sumire - I think it's a good choice, as imo Suuchan might bring mature image very well, and even better than kawaii.. But who knows, I might be wrong. She was pretty good in Team B, and I liked Triple Sato conbi in it, now it won't be this way.. Well, let's wait for what the future will bring us...

Sato Natsuki - Now this is a NO. I would have loved Nacchi back in Team K... Why?!  :banghead: Well, at least it's double Sato team, but still.... *sulks in the corner, as she wanted NacchiNatsu awesomeness...*

Nakatsuka Tomomi - Yes, I think it's the best team for her, she suits Team A imagine imho, so let her be. I like this choice.

Nakamata Shiori - Despite her awesome acting in MG2, I still think she suits Team B best... But oh well, I might be wrong, and she might pull the sexy and mature image well... After all, this new shuffle might bring different definitions of new teams, so maybe she fits the new image of Team A...

Nito Moeno - Same as Chris.. I really think this team suits Moeno the best. But we'll see.

Matsui Sakiko - FINALLY. A team she deserves to be in. Her piano skills, mature image and gentleness really fits with what I have in mind about Team A. So I like this addition, and I hope this will bring the best of her.

Yokoyama Yui - She never was that good in Team K, as she lacked the strength and genkiness... I think she suits Team A, and her case is like Maeda's, showing not that much emotions... Yeah, Team A is her team... Imo... And addition to NMB...  :doh: :doh: :doh:

Watanabe Mayu - And this is... N.O. I really want Mayu back in Team B, where she truly belongs... But I understand her being pushed instead of Acchan (or our theories might be wrong, and Yui is the one pushed..), so her addition here might have been a necessity. But if it was a necessity to add something from the top three (like someone deduced), then I'd rather had Yukirin here, but about that later. On the other hand, Mayu seems to be going for the mature image now (though her songs and especially PVs are not that mature - but I have nothing against her, she's one of my favs in now ex-Team B, and I like her singles so far, but I think about them as cute and fun, not mature and adult like), so maybe this is what she needs. Future will tell.

As for other Team A members, I have no comments, I'm not that interested in them to comment about them. Whether they fit this team or not... We will see...

Oshima Yuko-sama - At first I was OMG yes, go girl, Yuko-sama rulez, and etc. But thinking about this decision more carefully... I hope she will be okay.. I mean.. Yuko-sama wanted to graduate.. That would be devastating for AKB48, loosing two aces and No.1 queens... For me it's okay either way, as I'm going to support my oshimen no matter what. But for Yuko-sama herself... She has lots of acting works, CM shootings, appearances in variety shows and other TV shows, also lots of photo shoots and other things. In addition, not only being AKB48 ace, Team K ace and one of the main and most important members, she now will be the captain of Team K. I just hope it won't be too heavy of a burden for her... I think she can lead Team K, and this Team K might be the best of all three teams (she will have Akimoto Sayaka's support in leadership, or that's what I believe in, and Sayaka was an amazing captain, but about that later  XD), adding Yuko-sama's personality, abilities and charisma. Of course, I'm guessing from what they let us see, but I believe in Yuko-sama's leading abilities, just I'm afraid of her health... You know, I don't want her to overwork... This might turn into Yuko-sama worship comment rather than thoughts about this shuffle, so I'm gonna stop here and move on with other members  :grin:

Akimoto Sayaka - For me she will always be one true Team K leader. Don't get me wrong, I love Yuko-sama to death, and I'm kinda happy for her position, but Sayaka... What she had was this position. That's all. Out of Senbatsu, not being promoted much, I just felt like she's being pushed away. And her scandal didn't help. So I was happy when she got back her captaincy. And now she lost it again. Yet I believe she will support Yuko-sama as Takamina will support Mariko. She's a great and wonderful person, that we all love. And even though she will be without her twin tower (that's one of the worst things for Team K, imho), I believe she and Yuko-sama will nurture the strongest and best-dancer team we've ever seen *puts her hopes up*

Itano Tomomi - She stays in K, and I think it's great. She's more pushed to the front than she was in A, and she's getting more lines. I just hope that with new members coming she won't be pushed to the back... But she is one of the main pillars of Team K, so she should be fine. I think Team K suits her best.

Kitahara Rie - Mhm.. I'm not sure about her... I like her addition to SKE, as she has that genki aura in her, but Team K... We'll see.. I would have left her in Team B.

Kuramochi Asuka - Mochi's back to her home, and I think it's a good choice, though I would have left her in Team A. But oh well, this seems a good option too, so let's wait for what the future will bring.

Kobayashi Kana - I'd rather see her in Team b, but I know she belongs with Team K. Nuff said. She just has to be in the same team with Sayaka, nee?  XD

Sato Amina - I... Yeah, these were my first thoughts when I saw her name being mentioned under the Team K. For me she was not that good in Team B. And I REALLY do not see her in Team K. I would have sent her back to Team A. Like, swap her with Sato Natsuki. Yep, that looks more fitting. But like I already said, these new teams might bring different definitions and images, so who knows. Yet I hope Team K stays to their original status - being the best dancers and the strongest image giving ones.

Shimada Haruka - Now this is a good choice. She really fits K imho. Her genkiness, her actions and her looks. Everything leads to her being Team K member. When I was thinking about what member might go to Team K after Jurina goes back to SKE48 fully, I thought about Shimada. She is even better than Rumi-chan (sorry Rumi fans, I have nothing against her, really. I just liked her better in Team B), so yeah, I'm happy with this addition.

Suzuki Shihori - I'm sorry for those who like her, but she's my one of the least favorite members, so I do not care about her placement. I just hope she doesn't ruin Team K... She was better in B... And instead of replacing Okuchama, she should replace Harugon. Or that's what I think should be. But it won't happen, she's in Team K...  :banghead:

Nakata Chisato, Nakaya Sayaka - ... I would have left them in Team A. They are neutral in my list, but I just had to mention that I do not imagine them doing tough or fast K dances. Yeah, I start loosing hopes Team K will be the strong one...

Masuda Yuka - One of the best things that happened was her addition to K. She belongs here, as she was out of place in Team B. She might do well in Team A, based on Himawari and her duo with Takamina, but I think her home is and always will be K. So I'm happy for her.  :yep:

Matsui Jurina - you know, when she was put in Team K, at first I thought what the hell. But after watching the LODs I understood she's a perfect K member. Well, she has that personality who lets her to connect to different types of people fast, and I think she might have found some bonds with some of the K people. I really am not against her in this team, I just wish her the best, and I think she still suits S the most. Now if SKE48 were to be shuffled... I don't want Rena-sama to be in KII, and I also don't want to see Jurina in KII... But if we deduce by election results, they won't be in the same team, IF SKE will be shuffled.  :panic: Let's hope it's not gonna happen. Jurina, Rena, FIGHTING!  :jphip:

Matsubara Natsumi - The same as Yuka. She belongs in Team K, and I'm happy for her. She's an amazing dancer, she can always pull any dance well, so I'm happy she's back. I just hope she won't be pushed away, yet that's likely to happen. She is one of the less prominent and promoted members... And she didn't even rank... I felt so sad for her.. Let's see what this shuffle brings her.

Miyazaki Miho - Team A was..average for her, imo. She lacked something to be there, maybe the maturity. Or the poise. And Team B... Even though she's crazy, she lacks that cuteness level Team B possesses. But then again, Team K requires the strength and good dance skills. I wonder if she will be able to pull it off... Let's hope for the best.

I'm not too fond of the promoted members. And others are neutral. I just hope they won't ruin K's image...

Umeda Ayaka - WHAT?... WHY?... Wait... Yeah, at first I was shocked and mad, as she's an amazing dancer and sends strong vibes, but then I thought about it and understood it's the perfect time for her to shine and be pushed more. She needs some promotion, and I was happy she ranked, and I think she might do well in Team B. Still, Team K is her home imho. But being a leader is a responsibility one has to carry, and it's like a promotion a bit, nee?  :) She will get more attention, and she really deserves that  :yep:

Kashiwagi Yuki - My poor Yukirin... I liked her as  a captain, and I believe her leadership shaped the now ex-Team B. The new team will be shaped differently, and I hope Yukirin won't be shafted. And she's without her daughter... If it were me, I would have placed her in A, and left Mayu in B. Or left them both in B. But this decision... I hope it won't do her bad...

Ishida Anna - Now that's a nice addition. This girl needed some push forward, and Team B might be a place for her to have that push. I'm not very fond of her, but I can see her between one of the front members in the future. Regarding the deleted information.. She might have even more time to shine, being in Team S. It depends on what the shuffle will look like *puts hopes up for Rena-sama staying in SKE*

Ichikawa Miori - I'm not fond of her, but she's definitely Team B material.

Iwasa Misaki - ...okay...she should have been left in Team A, I think her case is like Sakiko's.

Oba Mina - I'm undecided about her team.. I even thought she's not okay in Team 4... *hides from her fans behind Gekikara*

Oya Shizuka - Shiichan in B?... Where is this world going...?  :doh: :doh: :doh:

Katayama Haruka - I somehow have this image of her, that she fits in any team. So I'm okay with this choice.

Kojima Haruna - I wonder... Is she going to feel out of place, like Kasai did? But this image might suit her, though I would have left her in A... Sadly, Team A has now only two its original members, and NyanNyan is in B... We'll see if this was the right choice. BUT. It might work out, it might.

Komori Mika, Shimazaki Haruka - Team B material.

Tanabe Miku - Back to her home, yet I like her in Team K better.

Nonaka Misato, Fujie Reina - Team A material. I really wish Reinyan would have gone back to A. It's where she fits best imho.

Minegishi Minami - I don't know what to say. At first she was in Team A, and who could say she was bad there? Then she was tossed in Team K. And well, we have to admit she was perfect there. So I believe she will do a great job in Team B, yet I don't want her to be here. As I don't want Kojima to be here too. But like NyanNyan, for Miichan it might work out too.

Watanabe Miyuki - the same case as Jurina. At first I was against it, but after seeing the LODs of my NMB oshimen in AKB, I fell in love with her even more. I think she's a good addition, and actually a perfect Team B material. GO, Milky, GO!

Others... I have no comments. Future will tell.

And so, sorry for this wall of text, but I just had to let the steam off and tell what's on my mind. Sorry if I offended anyone.


*goes back to shadows*
« Last Edit: August 24, 2012, 11:53:56 PM by sakura_drop_ »
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

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Offline yooshimen

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Re: [News] AKB48 SHUFFLE 2012
« Reply #109 on: August 24, 2012, 10:54:10 PM »
And SNH48....... something because it works in China.....songs in Chinese etc....maybe but I prefer Japanese than Chinese

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Re: [News] AKB48 SHUFFLE 2012
« Reply #110 on: August 24, 2012, 11:08:48 PM »
Just gonna borrow a picture from tumblr:


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Re: [News] AKB48 SHUFFLE 2012
« Reply #111 on: August 24, 2012, 11:09:33 PM »

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Re: [News] AKB48 SHUFFLE 2012
« Reply #112 on: August 24, 2012, 11:17:18 PM »
^Akicha looked fairly surprised, while Sae looked quite happy (in part). Sayaka tears though, man..

Why god, couldn't they have shown this concert on YouTube?

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Re: [News] AKB48 SHUFFLE 2012
« Reply #113 on: August 24, 2012, 11:24:20 PM »
I am really pleased for the four girls who put their hands up to go overseas....
Akicha and Harugon going to Jakarta, and Sae and Mariya going to Shanghai.

It's a big decision for each of them, and they will have some homesick days for sure....But takes guts to do this, and stepping outside of their comfort zone will help them in many ways.

I have been following HKT48 and NMB48 a lot lately, and the new additions form AKB48 will be fun to follow. The teams as well as the new members will ultimately shape a new future for all involved.

I was a bit surprised at the  shutting down of team 4, but after reading all the comments in this thread, I think it does strengthen AKB48 to build up the original teams to full strength.

So as Ed Sullivan used to say "Tonight, we have a really big show"............

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Re: [News] AKB48 SHUFFLE 2012
« Reply #114 on: August 24, 2012, 11:51:33 PM »



edit edit:
« Last Edit: August 25, 2012, 12:35:03 AM by Amplifier »

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Re: [News] AKB48 SHUFFLE 2012
« Reply #115 on: August 25, 2012, 12:27:31 AM »
Saw everything right before going to sleep so I was kind of like FFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU, but after sleeping on it, I've regained composure. As I said before, the more shocking thing to me is changing of team Captains. alm0nd brought up an interesting point about stage captains vs team captains, so that could be something. But, it's hard for me to accept Yuko and Ume as captains, despite my how much I like them (both in my top 5)--Kashiwagi's the only one I never really saw as a true captain (well, Oba too, but 4's gone now, so w/e lol), so it's kind of jarring, only time will tell. I don't really like the shuffle, and I've said before leading up to Tokyo Dome that a big shuffle, no matter how inevitable, would upset me. I really felt the old teams had amazing dynamics so for this big of a shuffle, it's really off-putting. Not to mention that that configuration of AKB is how I 'grew up' and became a fan. I'm not saying it won't be great or won't succeed in the end, the prior shuffle was met with just as much shock and awe, I'm sure, it will just take some time to get used to and for the dust to settle. I won't stop supporting AKB or call for Aki-P's head on a stick or anything; it's surprising, but nothing to blow my shit over.

The only thing that I am truly angry about and cannot accept quietly is Sae going to China, whether she asked for it or not  :cry:

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Re: [News] AKB48 SHUFFLE 2012
« Reply #116 on: August 25, 2012, 01:38:04 AM »
HOLLLY SHIT!!!  where's SNH? XDD awesome.

Captain OBILIR!!

whoa this is intense. saebro revive dem groups, like yo name was Rika in Country Musume

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Re: [News] AKB48 SHUFFLE 2012
« Reply #117 on: August 25, 2012, 01:43:21 AM »
Ladies and gentlemen, your new teams:

(I was dying all day to get home and do this XD)

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Re: [News] AKB48 SHUFFLE 2012
« Reply #118 on: August 25, 2012, 02:20:19 AM »

Mayuki...Let's all give Yuki a Virtual hug.T^T

My heart broke for SaeYaka...Atleast go together right?

Credits: Akbgifs

Aside from Takamina becoming GM which is beyond awesome, and Mariko-sama making Team A Captain...I'm upset about everything else.Mostly because OTPs are all separated lol. I guess though we've all just got to love and keep supporting them no matter what.  :thumbup

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Re: [News] AKB48 SHUFFLE 2012
« Reply #119 on: August 25, 2012, 03:07:12 AM »
Ladies and gentlemen, your new teams:
After seeing the configuration of teams in pics like this, it makes me so thrilled actually. Will the established image of each team changes or will the new teams keep staying true to that image?

I really like Kaoru and Tomu's addition to Team K. Also the return of some old-Team K members (Mocchi, Yuka, Nattsumii), but still hesitant with Ayarin and disapproving of Sae.
Anyway, I've been a Team K fan all this time and it seems my bias would still be going strong on Team K.

Not to forget, Team A and Team B are also getting more interesting, but it would take longer time for the teams to grow in me.

Mayuki...Let's all give Yuki a Virtual hug.T^T
My heart broke for SaeYaka...Atleast go together right?
Credits: Akbgifs
Pairings separated.. :cry: And you've just posted two of my very top OTPs. :cry: :cry:

Change of teams probably means four things concerning pairings... breaking 'established' OTPs, strengthening 'emerging' OTPs, forming new OTPs, or reviving old OTPs.
For example:
- Breaking, happens to SaeYaka, MaYuki
- Strengthening, may happen to UmeMii and SuuAya
- Forming, may happen to .. ah, still don't have a clue on this case
- Reviving, may happen to Yuki-Haachan
depends on your personal preference of course. 'Establish' and 'emerging' also may have a different meaning in each person too.

By the way... welcome to Indonesia, Akicha + Harugon ! Got terribly mixed feelings about this, but if it's for the best of you two as you've decided willingly, then GANBATTE~!!


Another question left from me. What would happen to DiVA, French Kiss, and Warota? Each group lost its member away. Really away.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2012, 09:06:23 AM by aruka »
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