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Author Topic: Mayuki: Silent Killer/WMatsui: Great Escape COMPLETED  (Read 92991 times)

Offline alpacas

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Re: Silent Killer Chapter 4
« Reply #40 on: November 09, 2012, 05:42:08 AM »
I was kind of hoping we'd see a jealous Nezumi in that chapter. :cathappy:

Anyway, keep writing. This fic is too good. xx

Offline kahem

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Re: Silent Killer Chapter 4
« Reply #41 on: November 10, 2012, 03:33:07 PM »
Gakuran's family is so cute~
Yuko seems dark, I like it

Offline miyumi

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Re: Silent Killer Chapter 5
« Reply #42 on: November 12, 2012, 03:22:44 AM »
@Chanaline: Keep looking! I really wanna know what it is. I bet it's interesting!  XD

@sakura_drop_: Don't worry Geki will have her moment when the time comes. And I'm sure you'll enjoy it.  :P

@anzai48: Yes Black and Nezumi are human as much as they refuse to believe it. Oh and Sado and Yuko are  good people in a bad way. You'll figure out as the story progresses. Sorry but I can't reveal all my secrets~  ;)

@JuRikki: Jurina will find her sister! Eventually... No one knows except me so look forward to it when the time comes!  :)

@nori: Don't worry Shaku, Gakuran, and Choukoku will be back. And when the two stories collide, it will be mind blowing! Or at least I hope it will be. I can't get too ahead of myself you know!  :lol:

@alpacas: Don't worry there will be jealousy between both characters! I will promise you that.  :P

@kahem: Indeed Gakuran has a sweet family. Oh and Yuko isn't dark! She's just trying to protect everyone from being killed!

Well here is the next update! I hope you guys like it and have a blast! Let's see if Nezumi and Black can escape the prison shall we?

Chapter 5

Black and Nezumi ran as fast as they could down the long halls and through several rooms. However Black could hear the guards closing in on them and she knew they were running out of places to run. She had to find her sword if she was going to fight off the guards. Black looked through every room they went through searching for her trusty sword. However it was still nowhere to be found and with every stop, the guards were getting closer. It wasn't until the last room Black found her sword and a couple of other useful things. She grabbed a sack of chili powder and dumped some into her hand.

Right as the guards showed up, Black took a deep breath and blew the chili powder at the guards. The powder got in their eyes and they stopped to try to get the pain to cease. Black and Nezumi took this as a chance to keep running as fast as they could. As they ran, Nezumi suddenly stopped in front of two big doors. Black looked over at her and was about to start dragging Nezumi if she didn't move. But then Black heard a rumbling noise coming from inside and wondered what was in it.

Nezumi reached out and slowly opened the door. To Black's horror, the thing behind the door were two very large bears. They looked at Nezumi with frightening glares as if they were going to eat her. Then out of nowhere, someone tried to stab Black in the back. However she was able to avoid the attack and stopped the blade from penetrating her flesh. She looked up and saw a man with a wild look on his eyes glaring at Black. It was then she realized that man was the target.

Black pushed him back and regrouped with Nezumi. Nezumi smiled when she saw the target and then reached into her bag. She pulled out a chain and handed one end to Black.

"Hold on to this while you fight the target. Here."

Nezumi wrapped the chain around Black's arm and held the rest. Black thought Nezumi was insane but she didn't have time to think for the target was coming at Black again. Black dodged his attack and swung her own sword for once. She managed to cut his arm but it wasn't enough. The target swung and almost managed to slice Black's neck. Black was about move but she suddenly felt a tug on her arm. She looked down and saw the chain tugging to the right.

Black tried to move against it but she was going nowhere. She was about cut it but then the target tried to attack and this time Black just followed the chain and moved with it. She was able to get out of the way just in time right as the sword came down and stabbed the floor. The blade got caught and Black took this as a chance to strike. However as she was about to strike she felt the chain pull her back and then to the right. Black had no idea what Nezumi was doing but she was getting irritated.

The chain moved left and so did Black. The chain moved back and Black followed. Black started to feel like a puppet on strings as her body jerked from side to side. As she was moving, the target got up and tried to strike again. Only this time Black was able to stop him and actually land a hit right on the side. The target fell to the ground and coughed up blood. Then Black took her sword and tried to finish him off. However he dodged and Black only cut his arm.

The target got back up and swung aiming at Black's neck. But Black ducked and his blade swung over her inches away from her nose. Then Black kicked him in the side where she had cut him and he went down. Black grabbed her sword and was ready to cut him down but then he sprang up and pinned Black down onto the floor. He took his sword and was ready to stab Black when suddenly something dark hovered above his head.

The target didn't see it in time and by the time he realized it was too late. A set of giant teeth came down and crushed the target's head. When the thing pulled back, his body feel next to Black. Black sat up and looked at what just killed the target. Turns out it was one of the bears and now it was looking down on Black as if she was the next meal. Black drew her sword ready to take the beast on when suddenly there was a loud snap.

The bear got down on all fours and it was then Black saw Nezumi sitting on top of it with a chain wrapped around its neck. Nezumi grinned at Black as she dismounted the giant animal and walked over. She took the other end of the chain and from Black and said,

"Thanks for holding on."

"Where's the other one?" Black asked.

"The other one wouldn't cooperate so I had to put it down over there."

Nezumi pointed to a darker part of the room. Black couldn't see well but she could definitely see something was missing. It was then Nezumi pulled something over her body that made Black almost scream. The thing Nezumi had was the fur from the other bed. She was wearing it like a new hood. The sight made Black sick to her stomach but she managed to hold it in.

"What do you think? Nice?"

Black didn't say anything this time. Instead she turned to the side and looked at the bear on the ground. It stared at her with big round eyes trying to look innocent despite the fact there was still blood on it's face.

"That's Daruma our new pet and transportation!"

Black couldn't believe what Nezumi said. She was going to ride on a bear? Black thought Nezumi was joking but was actually serious. Nezumi got onto the bear and patted the seat behind her.

"Come on now we don't got all day!"

Black had no choice but to get on the bear. Nezumi smiled and then lightly tugged the chain. The bear got up and started moving in the direction Nezumi wanted. Black was amazed at how tame the bear was. She wondered how Nezumi was able to control it so easily. As they were walking out of the gates she saw Center standing there. When she saw the bear, her eyes widened to the size of rice bowls.

"Woah cool bear! Can I have a ride?" she asked.

"Get your own~ This is my bear!" Nezumi said proudly.

"Fine here's your next mission."

Center threw a scroll at Nezumi who barely caught it and then she turned to leave. But then she stopped and looked at Nezumi.

"Hey Nezumi you know anyone by the name of Gekikara?"

"No I haven't sorry."

"Oh ok. I'll see you later then. Bye."

Center disappeared and Nezumi was confused. But it was only for a moment and then she went back to being her usual self.

"We're off to the next down! Forward Daruma!"

(Meanwhile over at some random field...)

Yuko had gone out into the fields to gather some crops when she heard a strange noise. She turned around and saw nothing so she just went back to her regular business. But then she heard the same noise and this time she knew someone was watching her. Very carefully, Yuko pulled out three daggers. She threw them all at once and watched them disappear into the tall grass. There was a loud thud and then blood came out. Yuko had spies and wasn't very happy.

As Yuko stood up, then men came out with weapons pointing straight at Yuko. Yuko simply laughed at them men and pulled out a chain with a sharp blade at the end.

"Let's see what you boys can do!"

Ten minutes later, all the men where dead and only Yuko was left standing. She looked at the bodies and thought they were pathetic. But then she also saw that they had the Rappapa crest on their uniforms. These men were Sado's men and Yuko wasn't very happy seeing this. She decided to head back to the house and make sure Rena was ok. She turned around and started walking back to her home. She was almost there when she heard a loud scream. Yuko rushed in and saw Rena on the ground shaking.

Yuko looked over and saw one of Sado's men dead on the ground. His blood was splattered all over the walls and limbs scattered everywhere. Then out of all the mess was Rena lying there breathing heavily and trembling covered in his blood. Yuko ran over and tried to comfort Rena the best way she could.

"Rena look at me. Rena!"

Rena looked at Yuko but couldn't say anything. Her eyes were flashing from red to brown like a rapid heart beat. Rena's frown slowly turned into a twisted smile and her short breaths became small giggles. Yuko could feel Rena dig her nails into her body and pull her down. She moved up to her ear and said,

"I'll kill everyone...."

Rena started to go into a giggle fit as she dug further into Yuko's body. Yuko had to stop her so she pressed her hand against her chest and her head against Rena's. Yuko uttered a couple words and then suddenly markings started to glow on Rena's body. They began to swirl around her body and change positions. They glowed blood red and gave off heat that one would feel sitting next to fire places. Rena groaned in pain as the marks moved around her.

Finally Yuko said the last words and the marks stopped now forming a new pattern on Rena's body. Rena calmed down and let go passing out on the ground. Yuko let out a sigh of relief glad she was able to stop Rena in time before she had fully awakened. Yuko knew the sight of blood would send the girl into full demon mode. If it wasn't for the seals she had on her, Rena would've lost it.

Yuko carried Rena to the bed and then cleaned up the mess. Then she took the head and placed it in a bag. She wrote another note and this time she had a hawk send the bag. Once it was gone she went back to Rena who was sleeping. Yuko cleaned off the blood on her hands and then softly stroked her face. Yuko thought Rena had the sleeping face of an angel even though she had the power of a demon. While she was watching she heard Rena say something. She leaned in and heard it again.


Yuko pulled back and had a frown on her face. Long ago Yuko had erased Rena's memories of her past. But someone of them must have remained inside still. Yuko leaned in and whispered,

"There is no Jurina. Only Yuko. Only Yuko...."

Rena's facial expression changed and she said something different this time.


Yuko smiled and laid down next to Rena. She pulled a blanket over the both of them and fell asleep with Rena wrapped around her. Yuko knew she had to do something about Sado fast. Otherwise one day Yuko may not be able to stop them and Rena will lose it.

(Back to Black and Nezumi...)

Black and Nezumi made it the next town and this time when they arrived there was no surprise attack. They rolled in on their giant bear and got all kinds of strange stares. The one thing Black hated was standing out. She like to stay hidden and out of people's faces. Nezumi however was enjoying it and waving to the people that they passed.

Then they reached a place to stop and got off their bear. Once they were off, Nezumi was going to walk away when suddenly the bear let out a growl. Black looked over and saw a little girl hugging the bears massive head. Black was going to get that girl away from the bear but then another girl came by.

"Acchan no! You shouldn't play with scary animals!" she said.

"But Takamina she won't hurt me! See!"

The little girl stroked the bear and the bear stayed calm. Black was amazed by this and Nezumi just had a weird look on her face.

"Hey who's the kid?" she asked.

"I'm sorry my name is Takahashi Minami and this is my friend Maeda Atsuko. I'm sorry but it seems she really likes your bear. I don't think she'll be wanting to let go so would you like to come to my place and have dinner?"

"That would be nice."

"Then please follow me."

Black and Nezumi followed the unnaturally short woman to a home way to the far side of the corner. When they got here, Black saw the place was a dump.

"I'm sorry about the mess. I haven't had time to clean because I've been taking care of Acchan."

Black couldn't help but feel sorry for the woman. She wondered what she could do to help. She was going to say something when Atsuko said,

"Nee can we keep it?"


Well there's the next update! I hope you guys liked it and look forward to the next update!

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Re: Silent Killer Chapter 5
« Reply #43 on: November 12, 2012, 04:17:42 AM »
Rena still remembers Jurina, wonder if Jurina will also remembers "Rena" but not "Gekikara"  :?
Then there's Sado & Yuko who obviously separated wMatsui to protect everyone (a part of me still can't forgive them for separating wMatsui) but does Yuko know that Sado is dying?
They obviously have an interesting history between each other but it seems pretty strained at the moment

Not forgetting the appearance of Atsuko & Minami, should bring a bundle of laughs , and Mayu & Yuki have a big cuddly bear as a pet XD
Thank you and look forward to more  :)

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Re: Silent Killer Chapter 5
« Reply #44 on: November 12, 2012, 09:54:31 AM »
YukoRena moments are  :wub: :wub: :wub:

But I want Geki TAIMU!!!  :tantrum:

And Acchan is as always so funny!  :rofl:
Can we keep it?
  :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

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Offline kahem

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Re: Silent Killer Chapter 5
« Reply #45 on: November 14, 2012, 01:30:48 AM »
Oh Atsumina~
The bear svene is so funny ^^

Offline cisda83

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Re: Silent Killer Chapter 5
« Reply #46 on: November 19, 2012, 12:39:03 PM »
Just Joining

Keep up the good work and looking forward to the next chapter

Thank you for great fanfic :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Atsuko is airheaded???    ;) :smhid :P :lol::inlove:

Offline miyumi

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Re: Silent Killer Chapter 6
« Reply #47 on: November 26, 2012, 02:50:49 AM »
I have been so lazy when it comes to updating so I want to apologize to everyone for being gone. Ahh but now I'm back and I have some more work to do so I hope you enjoy the update and again I'm sorry for being lazy~

Chapter 6


That was Minami's reaction when she heard Atsuko ask if they could keep the bear. Minami had a very shocked face while Atsuko remained the same. Nezumi looked surprised and Black was plain emotionless like always. Minami was silent for a long time and sat here thinking of what could possibly happen. If Black was in Minami's position she would tell her no. However she was curious to see what Minami would say to such and outrageous request.

"Can we keep it please Minami!"

"Ummm.. ehh...."

Minami was still not talking and Atsuko looked like she was losing her patience. Just as one was about to speak, Nezumi stepped in and said,

"Why don't you watch Daruma for a while."


"Black and I have some business to take care of. In the meantime someone has to watch Daruma. Would you be willing to do that while we're gone?"


Atsuko's eyes were sparkling and when Black looked over at Minami she could tell there was no way Minami was going to refuse. Minami only shook her head yes and sipped her tea glass.

"Yay thanks Takamina! I love you~"

"I love you too Atsuko.."

Minami's face was bright red when she said that.

"So then you guys take care of the bear while Black and I go get some work done. Let's go Black!"

Nezumi got up and started to walk away. Black had no choice but to follow as well. When they got out, Nezumi grabbed Black by the hand and the two ran into the busy crowd. Black wasn't sure what Nezumi was up to this time but knowing her it was probably something bad. They walked outside and then to the back of the house. Nezumi ducked behind some crates and made Black stay behind with her.

"What are we doing?" Black asked.

"Waiting for our target to arrive."


"Just shut up and watch."

Black was about to smack Nezumi but then she heard Atsuko leaving.

"I'm gonna play with Daruma for a while!"

"Ok then don't stay out too late. When you get back dinner will be ready."


Black watched Atsuko and Daruma run off somewhere else. Meanwhiel Minami was still inside getting ready to head out. She was putting on her shoes when the door was suddenly kicked down and men swarmed in. One of them grabbed Minami by her arm and pulled her in. Black was ready to attack but Nezumi kept her at bay.

"Alright midget where's my money?"

"I told you I need more time. I almost have it though I swear!"

"You said that two weeks ago! I'm getting tired of waiting. I want my money now!"

"Please just give me more time."

"Fine. You get two more days. After that I'm killing you and taking the girl got it?

"Yes yes I understand!"

"Alright then. I'll be back and my men are watching you."

The man dropped Minami and left. It was then Black and Nezumi went inside.

"Who were those guys?" Nezumi asked.

"Loan sharks. I owe them money." Minami said.

"Why did you borrow in the first place?"

"I needed to money so I could afford to take care of Atsuko. It's not easy feeding myself and her. I can barely get enough money as things are now. And now I owe them more than I borrowed and there is no way I'll be able to repay them. I don't know what to do and if I don't do something soon they'll take Atsuko and put her through a prostitution business!"

Minami started to cry and then Nezumi did something very surprising and not something she would do. Nezumi walked over and hugged Minami. She patted her back and said things to soothe her. This was something Black had never seen Nezumi do and the whole action surprised her. But it also led her to think that maybe Nezumi isn't a bad person after all. Maybe she does have some kindness in that sneaky heart of hers. When Minami stopped crying, Nezumi stood up and asked,

"Where is Atsuko?"

"She went out to play with Daruma. They're probably down by the river."

"We have to go find her now."


"She's in trouble."

"Follow me."

Minami led Black and Nezumi to the river where Atsuko was playing. They found her but right as they were arriving, the same men had also showed up. They saw Nezumi and now it was a race to see who could get to Atusko faster.


By the time Atsuko heard Minami's voice, it was too late. One man scooped Atsuko off and then ran off before Daruma could attack. Minami however managed to run ahead ang grab onto the man's leg. It didn't look like Minami was going to let go but the man wasn't going to let her stay. He pulled out a sword and was going to stab Minami but then Atsuko bit his arm causing him to miss and only cut her arm. However it was enough to make Minami let go and Atsuko get knocked out cold.

Nezumi went to Minami to treat her wound while Black went after the man. She was right behind him and almost able to reach out and grab him. But then he pulled something out and threw them right at Black. A puff of black smoke appeared in front of Black making her lose sight and crash into a rock.

Black hit hard while the man got away with Atsuko. When Black went back to where Nezumi was, she found Minami's wound bandaged and Nezumi comforting Daruma who just lost her playmate. Black walked over to Minami was staring at the bloody wound. When she saw Black her face llt up with hope.

"Where is Atsuko?'

"They got away."

Minami didn't say anything. Instead she started falling right into Black's arms if she wasn't there to catch her. Nezumi picked Minami up and placed her on Daruma. She got on as well and then looked at Black.

"I'll take care of Minami while you go find Atsuko. Their hideout shouldn't be far from here."

Black nodded her head and ran off to find the hideout. She searched everywhere in the town and couldn't find it anywhere. Then she realized they were loan sharks so they probably had some kind of fancy place. Black was right when she found the fansiest house in town right near the exit of the town. Black drew her sword and walked into the house.

When she stepped in, two men tried to ambush her. However Black knew this was going to happen and was easily able to dodge and kill them. As she walked further into the house, she could hear the sound of someone crying. She checked every room in search of Atsuko but was unable to find her. When she reached the end, there was only one place she had not checked yet. The bosses room which was right ahead.

Black opened the door and saw Atsuko in the process of being stripped. However Black reacted quickly and trew a dagger at the man's hand before he could completely strip her. He howled in pain as dagger punctered his hand. Black took this chance to grab Atsuko and start running. Usually Black would've chopped his head off right there. But because Atsuko was still a child, she didn't want to corrupt her mind with such dark sights.

They made it out into the hall and outside. However when they got outside, there was a huge wave of men aiming right at them. Black knew she was going to have no choice but to fight this time. But right as she was going to draw her sword, there was a loud rumlbe coming from the distance. Black looked over and saw Nezumi riding on Daruma while holding a sack.

"Throw the kid in here!"

Nezumi opened the sack and Black knew what to do. Black picked Atusko up and threw her straight at Nezumi. Nezumi caught her in the sack and put the sack in front of her. Then Nezumi shouted.

"Alright let'em have it!"

Black pulled out her sword and started slicing and dicing. Body parts flew everywhere as she hacked her way throught the crowd of men. However Black wasn't the only one killing the men. She looked over and saw Daruma crushing and biting the necks out of the men. If Atsuko were to see that there would be no way she would keep Daruma. She wondered if Nezumi really was going to do with Daruma.

Black didn't have time to think about it because she was too busy hacking bodies. Legs and arms flew everywhere and blood spalattered across the area. When Black was done, there wasn't a single man standing. Black looked back over to Nezumi who was patting Daruma's head telling her she was a good bear.

"Alright let's go."

Atusko was returend to Minami with a happy runion. Black was happy to see them together again because it was just something to be happy about. As they were about to leave, Nezumi did another kind act. She handed Minami a small bag with a large amount of money in it. She also patted Daruma's head and said,

"You have a new family now. Watch over them ok?"

Black was astounded by such kindess. She had never seen Nezumi so kind to others before.

"You take care of yourselves. Don't do anything stupid while we're gone got it?"

"Hai!" they both said.

Nezumi smiled then turned to walk away. Once they were outside, Black was about to ask the question when Nezumi seemed to already know what she was going to ask.

"I was kind because Atsuko's situation was a lot like mine when I was younger. Only when I was sold off, I didn't have such a happy ending."

Black knew what she meant and immediately stopped in her tracks.


Black walked over to Nezumi and embraced her in a warm hug. This shocked Nezumi but wasn't too surprised. Instead they stood there remenissing in the moment. Slowly without knowing it, the bond between the two was growing closer little by little.

(Meanwhile at the Palace)

Sado was in her study when she heard the door open. Instead of Jurina that came in it was Torigoya.

"What is it Torigoya?"

"I wanted to come in and see how you were feeling." she said.

"Really? Well I'm doing fine so thank you for checking in on me." Sado said.

"But there's another thing."

"What is it?"

"A hawk came by and dropped off another head. Seems like Yuko was able to kill your men again."

"That's no surprise. I don't know why I send them when she kills them all the time."

"I'm telling you Sado you should just go fight her and bring her back yourself." Torigoya said.

"Torigoya, you know I can't leave this place. If something bad happens and I'm not here we're all doomed." Sado said.

"I can watch the place. You said I'm going to take over anyways."

"Well I'm starting to rethink that."


Everything was silent. Torigoya and Sado exchanged looks that looked like they were having a conversation with their eyes. Then Torigoya got up and walked over to Sado. She sat on her desk and snatched her brush.

"What do you mean you're rethinking?" Torigoya asked in an angry tone.

"Well lately I see you do nothing around here while Center is doing all the work. I think you need to do some more work." Sado said in a calm tone.

"More work?"

Torigoya laughed at the thought.

"You and I know both know that's not right. So tell me the real reason."

"You're not strong enough."


"You're not strong enough to control Center and not strong enough to lead. You're weak and pampered. When I die and Center loses it I don't know how you will be able to control her."

Torigoya leaned in really close to Sado to where they were only centimeters away from kissing. Then Torigoya smirked and said,

"You wanna see how strong I am? Give me a mission and I'll take it. Give me the best you got."

Sado smirked back and said,

"Go fight Yuko and bring her back."

Torigoya's face changed and she leaned back away from Sado.

"Are you serious?" she said.

"If you want to prove yourself worthy then go fight Yuko and bring her back. "Sado said.

"Very well. You're on. I'll be back in a couple days. Jaa nee~"

Torigoya left and Sado sighed with relief. She knew there was no way Torigoya could win against Yuko but she wanted to see what she could do. Something told Sado that Torigoya isn't a complete idiot as she looks to be.

Sorry for the short chapter but I've been having trouble so next time I'll have a better update. Again sorry for my laziness!
« Last Edit: November 26, 2012, 03:04:41 AM by miyumi »

Offline KojiYuu44

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Re: Silent Killer Chapter 6
« Reply #48 on: November 26, 2012, 07:34:07 AM »
Ohhhh!! Just started reading this!!!
I love how this fic is MG characters but fresh story :)
I think the story is great so far... I love the relationships between the characters
Please update soon :)

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Re: Silent Killer Chapter 6
« Reply #49 on: November 26, 2012, 12:27:13 PM »
Finally have time to comment in this fic where ive been so silent with all of the chapters!

the plot has a nice twist miyu
you still so good as always
you really know how to spoil your readers nyahahaha and im one of them
you know im bias with my otp XD
but i find this lovable!  :thumbsup

Offline Chanaline

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Re: Silent Killer Chapter 6
« Reply #50 on: November 26, 2012, 06:27:32 PM »
Wahaaaa~! They are just so cute!!!! :love:
Mayuki = Cutest couple

Married?!-Mayuki fanfic (maybe it will have another pair)

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Re: Silent Killer Chapter 6
« Reply #51 on: March 26, 2013, 04:27:18 PM »
>_> jusy checking, is this on hiatus?

sorry for intruding  :P Miyu-chama
“If you don’t go after what you want, you’ll never have it. If you don’t ask, the answer is always no.”

I'm glad I'm not popular.I'm already a bitch, no need to make my ego bigger.

You were always my favorite, no one loved me as much as you did.-Alison DiLaurentis.

Your first kiss isnt always the first person you kiss, or the first person you date.Your first love is the person that you will always compare everyone to.The person that you will never truly get over, even when you have convinced yourself that you have moved on.

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Re: Silent Killer Chapter 6
« Reply #52 on: March 27, 2013, 03:12:08 AM »

Should I continue it not? Up to you guys! I thought no one read so I just stopped.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2013, 03:32:11 AM by miyumi »

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Re: Silent Killer POLL
« Reply #53 on: March 27, 2013, 04:00:30 AM »
Please continue it
This is such a good story line
I'm reading and ill keep waiting :)

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Re: Silent Killer POLL
« Reply #54 on: March 27, 2013, 09:01:17 AM »
Nezumi is a kind girl...

Yeah... Atsuko is being reunited with Minami....

Yeah... Black please keep taking care of Nezumi....

Eh.... Torigoya is going to attack Yuko....

Nobody can win against Yuko....

I can't wait to see the next

Thank you for the lovely update

 :wub: :inlove: :heart: :love:

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Re: Silent Killer POLL
« Reply #55 on: March 28, 2013, 02:36:03 PM »
Please continue your story.. I like how the story flow.. Hope you update soon... :3

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Re: Silent Killer update Chapter 7
« Reply #56 on: March 31, 2013, 03:57:14 AM »
Well it looks like you guys want me to continue the story so I will! Which means the others will be put on hold until I finish this one. Plus I don't have many ideas for the new season or a new story. Anyways I hope you guys enjoy it and let's see how things turn out!

Chapter 7

Black and Nezumi had received a mission to take out a pimp who was going around selling woman. One of the woman happened to be one Ojou-sama's good friends who was kidnapped and forced into the business. It was up to Black and Nezumi to get her back so they were heading for the geisha house first. There were many geisha houses in the town they were in so the question was which one was she in. With the first one they checked they had no luck because none of the girls matched the picture. Then thanks to Nezumi who rudely broke into every room to look they were banned from all other geisha houses. Now they couldn't even get into the place they wanted to get into without getting their faces slammed on by doors or kicked out by guards. They found the place where the girl was being held but now the problem was they couldn't get in. There was only one option left and Black wasn't very excited about it.

"Come one Black you look fine. Now get out here and let me see how you look."

Black came out in a male samurai outfit. With her hair pulled back and half her face hidden she looked like a really tough samurai. Black took a deep breath but winced in pain when she remembered how tight her chest binding was. Black wondered why Nezumi wasn't the one in the outfit. Nezumi walked over and handed Black a small bag of money.

"You go in and find the girl. Get her and then get out."

"This should be you.." Black growled.

Nezumi smiled and then pushed her towards the building. She stood in front of the guard and tried to look as masculine as she could. The guard nodded and moved out of the way letting her in. Black walked in and was blasted with the scent of several different perfumes. The smell was almost overwhelming but luckily the mask protected her. She walked down the hall into a main room where there were a bunch of geisha's talking to other men. Black started to walk around looking for the right one. However she suddenly felt someone pull her down onto a chair. Then two woman hovered over her with hungry looks.

"Well hello there samurai-sama~" one said.

"How about you take off the mask and we can have some fun?" the other said.

Black shook her head and stood up. She walked away before the two women could find her and she started looking again. There was a possibility that she was in the middle of "seeing" a customer and she may have to wait. If she had a name this would be a lot easier. She tried to stay away from all the women but every once in a while she would be pulled back in. There must be something about her that attract girls or something. Black was about to leave but then she saw her come out with a man who was smiling. Black rushed over to her and tried to take her but the man pulled her back.

"Sorry man but I just bought this one. She's mine."

In a deep voice she said,

"I'll pay if you let me see her for ten minutes."

"How much?"

Black showed her the bag of money and the man's eyes widened.

"Alright ten minutes. Any longer and I'll come in."

"Thank you."

Black took the girl into a different room and shut the door. When she turned around she saw the girl starting to undress. Black quickly rushed over and stopped her before she saw anything too dirty. She explained she was a worker for Oujou-sama the the girl was extremely happy. Black broke one of the windows and then helped the girl escape. They quickly ran away from the geisha house and back to where Nezumi was. She thanked Nezumi and Black and then left. The job was surprisingly easy and almost too easy. The guys didn't even chase after Black which was really surprising. Something must have happened but they didn't care. They just decided to ignore it and go goof around in the city. They went around the town buying snacks and playing games but then suddenly out of the corner of Black's eye she saw the guys from the geisha house. When they saw Black they rushed towards them but then something suddenly killed them right on the spot. Black looked around and didn't see anyone but the dead bodies on the ground. Someone had killed them but the question was who.

(Meanwhile over at Yuko's house...)

"So this is the place..."

Torigoya stepped in the house and looked around. It looked like there was no one there and they must have been out. She decided to sit on the bed and rest before Yuko came home. She started to remember all the fun times the two had together but also the bad ones. On the day she left Torigoya felt abandoned. Her closest friend left her for some demon and didn't even say goodbye. The thought made Torigoya's anger grow and she wanted to beat Yuko up badly. Then the door opened and the two walked in. Torigoya quickly snuck past Yuko and grabbed Rena. She pulled her back and pulled out a knife where she held it up against her neck. Yuko froze and looked at Torigoya while Rena struggled to get loose.

"Yuko-san who is this person?" Rena said.

"What are you doing Torigoya?" Yuko said.

"Simple I came to take you back." Torigoya said.

"Take me back?"

"To the palace. Sado misses you a lot and we want you back."

"I'm not going back Torigoya you know that."

"Then you should bring her along with."

"I can't do that either."

"Ha of course you can't."

"Torigoya let her go."

Torigoya laughed and pulled Rena closer to her.

"If you're not going to come back then maybe I'll play with your friend here."

"Torigoya no!"

Torigoya leaned in to Rena and whispered something in her ear. Rena suddenly started shaking and then fell to the ground. Yuko became mad and jumped on Torigoya. She tackled her to the ground and then started to punch her face. Torigoya giggled and pushed Yuko off her. Then she moved over to Rena and whispered more words. Rena screamed and Yuko was becoming more enraged. She pulled out a knife and threw it at Torigoya's head. Torigoya dodged but got a small scratch on her face. Yuko charged and knocked Torigoya over and then tied her hands and legs with a seal. Then she ran over to Rena who was shaking violently and thrashing. Torigoya had sent Rena into a spiraling suicide crash. Torigoya's ability to warp the memories of her victims to make them kill themselves is very strong and hard to break. Rena right know was reliving horrible memories that Yuko had erased but now they were back. Yuko pulled out a seal tag and placed it on Rena's head. She kissed her forehead and then dove into Rena's mind.

Within Rena Yuko could see everything Rena saw. The memory Rena was seeing was one that was truly horrible. The memory was the time when Rena's powers grew out of control and she was killing her parents. There she could see Rena on top of her parents stabbing their necks. Then she walked over and tore open their stomachs. What was the most disturbing was Rena pulled out the organs and started eating them. The sight was truly horrifying and it was something Yuko had never seen before. However she had to pull Rena out and she had to find her. She looked around and saw Rena to the side watching the whole scene. Yuko ran over to her and started to shake her.

"Rena come on! We're leaving."

Rena stood there cold as stone. She wouldn't budge no matter how hard Yuko tried. Rena stared at the scene watching in horror. Then suddenly Rena cried out when she saw herself focus on a little girl crying in the corner. The girl was Jurina and she was very scared at the sight. The other Rena stood up and started to walk towards her with bloody hands.


Rena tried to stop her but the other one turned around and looked at Rena with the same red eyes. She froze and when Yuko tired to step in she felt something grab her. She turned around and saw Torigoya holding her back. She tried to punch her but her fist went right through her. Yuko forgot she was in Torigoya's world and there was nothing she could do. Yuko watched as Rena walked over to Jurina who was still scared. Then when Rena was about to strike Jurina, Jurina cried out and the whole area caught fire. Rena was covered in burns and Jurina just kept crying. The more she cried the stronger the flames grew. Then with the both of them, horns came out of their heads. Rena stood there in horror watching the scene and then felt her own horn. The whole scene was destroying Rena on the inside and Yuko knew she was reaching her limit. The memory started to burn with the flames and everything became dark. Yuko started running towards Rena but then a sharp pain shot through her side. She looked over and saw Torigoya smiling and next to her was a dagger in her leg.

"Let me play with Rena for a while ok?"

Then Yuko passed out and didn't know what was going to happen with Rena and Torigoya.

(Back to Black and Nezumi...)

 Black and Nezumi left the town hoping whatever killed those men weren't following them. When the area was clear they stopped an Black took off the samurai armor. The two talked for a while and then suddenly Center came out. She smiled and said,

"You guys owe me~"

"What for?" Nezumi said.

"Those guys back there. I took care of them for you. You're welcome."

"That was you?!"


"Well thanks. We'll pay you back another time."

"You better because I-"

Center suddenly felt a sharp pain in her head and then collapsed. Black and Nezumi tried to help but Center cried out and a ring of fire surrounded her. They couldn't touch her because every time they tried to get closer the fire roared protecting Center. Center was seeing things that she didn't know where they were coming from. She saw flashes of her childhood. She saw Rena and her parents. She saw them dead and Rena walking towards them. She saw the flames of the fire and the horns grow from her head. All the memories rushing to her head made something inside her crack. Then she saw something that looked different. She saw Torigoya being beaten and bloody by someone but who? Center couldn't tell because it was only for a moment. Then the memory faded and Center calmed down. The flames died down and everything went back to normal.

"Hey are you ok?" Nezumi asked.
"It's nothing!"

Center quickly disappeared leaving Black and Nezumi confused.

(Back at the Palace...)

Sado was reading a book when the doors opened and there standing was Torigoya. At first she looked fine but then when she took one step she collapsed onto the floor. Sado rushed over and almost gagged from Torigoya's injuries. There were horrible gashes everywhere and even some bite marks. She was barely breathing and it looked like she was practically dead. Mariko called in all her medics and had them treat Torigoya. During the middle of all of it Center had just gotten back and saw Torigoya. When she asked Sado what happened Sado didn't respond and told her to go to bed. Center went up to her room where she thought long and hard about what had happened. The memories she saw were things she had seen before. However the visions of Torigoya being beaten was something she had never seen before. She was seeing the visions of someone else but the question was who? That night Center got little sleep because she wondered through who's eyes was she seeing through.

(Back at Yuko's place...)

When Yuko came to, she saw the house in ruins and Rena gone. She looked around and saw blood everywhere. Then in the middle of the floor there was Rena out cold but alive. When she held Rena she saw another mark on her neck. It was Torigoya's seal which means Rena was back to normal. Torigoya must have gotten beaten badly seeing all the blood and not a scratch on Rena. Yuko took Rena to bed and cleaned the mess. When it was finished she walked over to Rena and pulled out a green stone. She placed in on Rena's forehead and dripped some blood onto it. The blood hit the stone and it started to glow. Yuko said some words and slowly, the stone started to absorb a red energy from Rena's head. The stone absorbed all the energy and when it was finished it stopped glowing and was now red. Yuko put away the stone and then cuddled next to Rena. Hopefully the stone worked and Rena wouldn't remember anything. That's all she could do as she to fell asleep.

Well hope you guys liked the update. Look forward to the next one!

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Re: Silent Killer update Chapter 7
« Reply #57 on: March 31, 2013, 09:17:10 AM »
R-Rena O_O

Jurina is my oshi forever!! (>w<)/
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Re: Silent Killer update Chapter 7
« Reply #58 on: March 31, 2013, 04:20:11 PM »
Sooooo happy the update of this fic!!

Torigoya what did she do to Rena with the spell???

Yukirin danso!!! \(^o^)/

Ah! Jurina will remember!! And Rena is scare me :shocked
Mayuki = Cutest couple

Married?!-Mayuki fanfic (maybe it will have another pair)

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Re: Silent Killer update Chapter 8
« Reply #59 on: March 31, 2013, 10:45:29 PM »
It seems everyone thinks that Rena is a really scary and dangerous person. Well I want to show everyone that she isn't as dangerous as you all think and I'm going to show you in this chapter. I hope you enjoy it!
Chapter 8

Rena woke up and found Yuko in the bed next to her. She sat up but then felt a sharp pain in her head. Flashes of blurs shot into her head but she couldn't see them clearly. The only thing she remembered was seeing a strange girl who was trying to kill her and that was it. Now she had no idea what was going on or what had happened last night. Rena got out of the bed and walked into the kitchen where she ate some food. Then she decided to go into town to try to relax a little seeing how Yuko was out for a while Rena put on her cloak and hood and stepped outside. She walked to the town near her home and into the busy streets. There were people moving about going somewhere or meeting people. Rena was usually never allowed into the town unless Yuko was with her so this was truly a trip worthy of an adventure for Rena. She walked over to a market where a man was selling some meat on a stick. The meat looked good to Rena but she had no money to pay for it. She only stared at the meat with wide eyes and a watery mouth. Then suddenly she felt a small tug on her cloak. She looked down and saw a small little boy.

“Nee-chan are you hungry?” he asked.

Rena wanted to say something but remembered the rule Yuko said about talking to people and remembered she had to stay silent. Instead Rena nodded her head and pointed to the meat.

“Well here!”

The boy bought the meat and gave it to Rena who quickly scarfed it down in two bites. The boy started in amazement and then bought Rena another stick. Once again Rena ate it and the boy clapped his hands and said,


Rena smiled and the boy said,

“My name is Kato. You wanna come play with me and my friends?”

Rena nodded her head and the boy smiled. He then took her head and led her into the forest. There she met Kato’s friends and they played a game of demon slayers. Rena had to be the demon while the others had to try to kill her. Rena did a pretty good job as she ran around chasing the kids. However suddenly her cloak caught a branch and it came off. Rena didn’t notice but the boys did and stopped. There they stood staring at Rena’s horns. When Rena realized she grabbed her cloak and covered up. Then she turned around and was about to run but then Kato stopped her.

“Don’t go! We were just starting to have fun! You’re horns are really cool.” he said.

Rena looked confused at first but then Kato led her back to the group where the others were. They all said how cool Rena was and then continued their little game. As they played though Kato suddenly fell over and hurt his knee. He was crying and the others didn’t know what to do. Rena remembered something that Yuko did for her. She looked around and found a small plant with orange berries on them. Rena grabbed some of the berries and squeezed the juice. The juices leaked onto Kato’s wound and slowly it started to heal. The boys watched in awe as the wound slowly healed away and when it was gone Kato got up and started walking again.

“Hey it doesn’t hurt anymore! Thank you nee-chan!” he said.

Rena smiled but then they were interrupted with a loud growl coming from Rena’s stomach. The boys laughed and then all decided to head to Kato’s home where his mother made lunch. When Kato’s parents saw Rena they didn’t know what to say but just played around and decided they would handle Rena later. First they made the lunch for the boys and then when they finished they went back outside to play some more. Meanwhile Kato’s parents ran off to find some guards to take away Rena but it would be a while before they came back. In the meantime Rena was now playing with the boys and was having a fun time. They were playing all kinds of different games that Rena had never played before and was actually having a fun time. One of the games they were playing was called blind man where one person was blindfolded and had to find the others.

It was Rena’s turn to be the blind man so she but on the blindfold and started to feel around for the boys. However when the blind fold came on a whole new field of vision opened to her eyes. Everything was blue and the boys were glowing red. She ran over to one of them and tagged them. He shouted and Rena took off her blind fold. She saw one of the boys pouting and said,

“No fair she cheated!”

Kato ran over and said

“No she wasn’t you’re just a sore loser.”

“Am not!”

The two got into an argument and Rena didn’t like seeing them fighting so she decided to do something to help them make up for it. She had Kato stand still and placed an apple on his head. Then she head the other boy stand next to her and watch her. Rena stepped back and pulled out a rock. She pointed right at the apple and then threw the rock.  It was moving fast and looked like it was going to hit Kato but the rock hit the apple and was sent flying back. The boys cheered and couldn’t believe what they just saw. Kato was a little shook up but still amazed and the other boy confirmed that she couldn’t see anything. It was then they decided to have Rena try hitting different things. They took a bunch of different objects and told Rena to hit them blindfolded. Rena agreed to do it and once it was set up Rena took the rocks and shot them at different points. They all hit their targets and the boys clapped. However Rena wanted to show them more so she threw more rocks only more powerful. One went straight through a tree and was knocked over instantly while another skipped across a river all the way to the other end. Then the last one went through a log and then accidently hit a man in the head. He looked over and saw the kids and Rena and was furious.

“Get those brats!”


The boys started to run and Kato grabbed Rena as well. They ran as fast as they could but then suddenly more men surrounded them. They were trapped and had no way to run. The man who was hit walked over and said,

“Which one of you threw this rock at me?!”

All the boys pointed at Rena who only stared at the man with a confused look. When the man saw Rena he looked at her body up and down and smiled. He grabbed her arm and pulled her close to him.

“You owe me for hurting me. You’re coming with me.”

He started to pull Rena but Rena pulled back. The man grew angry and pulled harder but Rena pulled even harder and flipped the man over. Now he was really angry and pulled out his sword. The boys got scared and ran and the only one left was Rena and Kato. The man pointed his sword at Rena and was going to strike but then Kato got in the way. The man cut Kato’s arm and fell hard onto the ground. The boy started to cry and his arm was bleeding. Seeing this made something inside Rena crack and now she was angry.

“Stupid brat now where was I?”

The man turned to face Rena only to meet a hard fist to the face. He flew back and the other men just stood there and stared. The one who was punched stood up and said,

“Kill her!”

The other men pulled out their swords as well and aimed at Rena. This actions only caused Rena to become more enraged and went on a rampage. She ran over and punched one in the face and the other in the stomach. Then she took a branch and stabbed the man’s leg while kicking his groin. As for the last one all she did was look at him before he gave up and ran for his life. Now it was just the one guy who was scared to death. He held his sword with a shaky grip and started to run towards Rena. However before the blade even touched her Rena grabbed the blade and bent it at a ninety degree angle. The man couldn’t believe it and before he could do anything Rena gave him one powerful punch to the face and sent him soaring to the sky. When the battle was over, she ran back over to Kato who was still crying. Rena didn’t know what to do about an injury like his but if she didn’t do something then things could get bad. Rena looked around for help but couldn’t find any. She then decided to pick Kato up and run into the town.

She ran as fast as she could with Kato in her arms and the people getting in her way. Kato needed help badly so she charged through everyone knocking people over. Rena made it all the ways to Kato’s house where his parents screamed when they saw Kato. Rena handed Kato to them and they called a medic who came to treat him. At the same time Rena was waiting in the other room hoping Kato was going to be alright. A couple minutes later the parents came out and the mother said,

“He’s going to be ok…”

Rena smiled and tried to walk into Kato’s room but the father drew a sword and said,

“Leave now you monster before we call the guards.”

Rena had no choice but to leave however she wasn’t happy. Anger grew inside Rena for she was mad that she couldn’t see Kato. Once again she charged through the streets knocking over anyone that got in her way. Then at one point a person grabbed Rena and pulled her back. Then he punched Rena in the face causing her to fall over. A familiar copper taste stimulated her tongue as she licked the inside of her mouth. The taste of blood awakened Rena and everyone was about to become a victim of her wrath. She stood up and grabbed the man who had punched her and looked at him with deadly eyes. He didn’t seem to care and looked at it more as a challenge. He raised his fist and was about to punch again but Rena grabbed it and pulled his entire hand off. The crowd screamed in horror and ran as the man fell to the ground screaming in pain. Rena smiled and was about to grab him again but she heard a voice.


There standing in a doorway was Kato and he had a disturbed look on his face. Seeing his face made Rena stop what she was doing and stare at him. There was something in her brain that was trying to decide whether or not to kill him. She took one step towards Kato and his face changed to an expression of fear. Seeing the feared expression made Rena stop completely and something flashed into her memory. She saw a little girl cowering in the corner crying and scared surrounded by flames. The image was gone in a second and Rena was back at staring at Kato. She tried to walk towards him but the parents pushed him inside and locked the door. Soon after guards came in and surrounded Rena. Rena didn’t want to fight so she jumped onto the roofs and started running fast. The guards were no match for her and lost her in an instant. Rena ran back to the place they were playing and sat on a rock. Then she started crying remembering what Yuko had told her about stepping outside the house.

“Rena if people see you’ll they’ll see you as a monster. They’ll try to kill you which is why you can never leave this place. Never go outside and always stay with me understand?”

Yuko was right when she said people would see her as a monster. Rena cried and cried knowing she was never going to have any other friends. As she sat there she heard some rustling in the bushes. She stood up expecting it to be some other guards. However to her surprise it was Kato. He walked over to her but Rena backed away. Kato held out his hand and said,

“It’s ok. I know you’re not going to hurt me.”

Rena nodded her head and held out her hand. He grabbed hers and said,

“Nee I’m sorry for getting hurt and making people try to hurt you. I shouldn’t have gotten in your way.”

Rena nodded her head and pointed at herself. She hit her head and said,


The boy laughed and said,

“It’s not your fault nee-chan. Nee when everything settles down how about you come back and we can meet here. This will be our little hiding place where we can play and no one will find us!”

Rena became extremely happy and nodded her head.

“Then promise me you’ll come back here ok?”


The boy held out his pinky and Rena held out hers. They grabbed pinky’s and shook on it promising Rena would come back. Then the sound of guards grew closer and Rena had to run. She waved goodbye one last time before running to the forest. When she came out she was back at the house where Yuko was angry and scolded Rena.

“You could’ve been killed you know that?! How could you leave without my permission?!”

Rena only stayed silent and nodded her head and said she was sorry. Yuko forgave her and took Rena to bed where the two cuddled until they passed out. However Rena fell asleep with a smile on her face remembering that in a couple days she would be able to see Kato again and they would have another fun day together with just the two of them.

Well I hope now you guys see that Rena isn't such a bad person and had a chance to see the kinder side of Rena. Now it's back to Black and Nezumi and let's just say I have a big surprise for chapter 10! But let's not get ahead now shall we? For now just enjoy the chapter and look forward to the next update!

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