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Author Topic: You Are My Sunshine - chapter 30 (4/11/2014)  (Read 98926 times)

Offline chiqinna

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Re: You Are My Sunshine - Chapter 4 [atsumina,Mayuki,Wmatsui+more]
« Reply #40 on: January 31, 2013, 08:37:09 AM »
 :bored:   i have nothing to do so...

Chapter 4

Acchan’s pov

That evening, I walk to the playground again to see whether that girl I saw yesterday was there playing.
As I arrived there, I can’t seem to see her anywhere at the playground. Maybe she did not come to play today.
 I don’t know but I feel disappointed for not seeing her today.
So, I just walk around since I don’t have anything to do. Usually I do my ‘work’ at night.
Suddenly, I bump into someone in front of me. It was my fault actually because I was looking
 at somewhere else at the time.
I apologized to the person that I was bumped into.

When I look at the person…. It was her. That playground girl.
She just looks at her ice cream that was on the ground.
 She looks like she was about to cry.
So my mouth acts on its own...
“Ehh, how about i buy you new ice cream?”
 I offer to buy her a new ice cream as a payback.
The moment she looks into my eyes asking if I really said that. “Really?”

That sparkling eyes…
“Y-yes…” I said still hypnotized by her eyes.
After I buy the ice cream, I gave it to her.
She take it happily, I unconsciously smile watching her like that.

But then I felt like someone was looking here.
I look to the direction.
I think I just saw… Black just now.
I turn my head to the front again

Suddenly I felt something soft on my lips.

She kissed me!

So many things appear on my head that time.

My first kiss!!

With a girl!

What to do?!!

After that she moved her lips away from mine.
I was just too stunned to say anything.
Her friend also shocked at what she just saw I guess.

“I was about to kiss your cheek…” said the girl innocently.
“Ah! Takamina, we have to go home now.” Said the girl’s friend grabbing her hand and walking away.
Then her friend looks at me and apologized.

I’m still shocked that I just walk away too…like a zombie.

*end of Acchan’s pov

After that day, they are having a normal life as usual.

After Black almost got caught by Acchan that day, She stop following Mayuyu for a while. She still doesn’t know where Mayuyu lives.
Looks like Acchan didn’t really care about it.


The six girls just stay in the house as they cleaning the house.
Sometimes they go out together and having fun.
After finished cleaning around the house, they gathered around in the living room.

“Mayuyu, aren’t you going home? Its weekend you know.” Ask Lovetan to Mayuyu who was sitting on a couch reading manga.
The rest are watching a variety show on TV.
“This is home Lovetan~~” answered Mayuyu.
“I mean your family’s home!!” said Lovetan.
“Why should I?”
“Well, they don’t know where you lived right now. They might be searching for you.” Explained Lovetan.

“*sighed* and how about you? Aren’t you going home?” ask Mayuyu to Lovetan.
“Mayuyu~~ my parents are at New York!!!” yelled Lovetan.
“I know~~ hehe~ “said Mayuyu smiling.
“Maybe you’re right, I should go home.” Said Mayuyu while wearing her hood on.
“I’m going!” tell mayuyu to them and going out of the house.

*Mayuyu’s house

Mayuyu just walking into the big house with her cyborg face.
Then her father saw her walking inside.
“Mayu, come here.” Said her father.
Lazily Mayuyu walk to his father who is sitting at the living room doing his work.
“Tell me, where you lived?” ask her father.
“That’s not of your business, father.”Answered Mayuyu.
“*sighed* I’m sorry for the last week okay-” tell her father.
“Easy for you to say sorry” said Mayuyu to her father flatly.

Then mayuyu walk straight to her room.
She just laid her body on her bed and looking at the blank ceiling.
Then she closed her eyes and fell asleep.

After her mother passed away, [in this story only okay!] Mayuyu start being different and so his father.
His father always busy with work and never spend time with Mayuyu.
This makes Mayuyu lonely… until she found her family, her best friends.
Lovetan start bringing Mayuyu to where they lived currently because she knows about Mayuyu’s family.
Then, Mayuyu lives with them whenever she had a problem with her father or whenever she wants.

Tomorrow is Monday;
Mayuyu is going back to her second home.

“Are you going away again? Be careful Mayu...its already dark out there.” tell her father while typing something on his laptop.
“Like you care…” mumbled Mayuyu without looking at her father and going out of the house.

“I do care… my daughter…” said her father softly after Mayuyu goes out of the house.

Then her father making a phone call.

“She is going to where she lived right now, go follow her.” Tell her father to the person on the phone.
“And if she found you, just tell her that it’s my order.” Tell him again.

*it was late night already

Mayuyu was walking alone to the house.
But sometimes she felt like someone was following her.

Without looking around, she stopped walking and just stands there
 There are houses around her so she doesn’t really scare.
“Just revealed yourself already!!” said Mayuyu knowing that the person is still there watching her.
Then she felt a strong wind passed by her.
And a black haired girl wearing a black jacket stand in front of her.
Mayuyu stare at her for a while.

“Who are you?” ask Mayuyu looking at her.
“Your father orders me to look for you.” Said the girl calmly.
Mayuyu sighed.
“He will never stop doing this…” said Mayuyu with a low voice.
“Just go away… tell him don’t disturb my life like this.” Said Mayuyu to the girl while looking other way.
“No, this is his order so I have to do it.” Tell her.
Mayuyu glare at her.

But then she suddenly smiles like she has something on her mind.
“Well, how about we make a deal.” Said Mayuyu.
Black was confused.
“Let’s see who run faster then if you win I will show you where I lived.” Continue Mayuyu
Black looking at her curiously.
“*sighed* don’t underestimate my ability. I’m smaller than you doesn’t mean that you can run faster than me.” Smirked Mayuyu try to convince her.
Black knowing that she is faster than Mayuyu then accepts the deal.
“Okay then, let’s see who is faster.” Said Black ready to run.

“Our stop is at the playground which is not far from here.” Explained Mayuyu.

They both were in a position ready to run.

“1, 2, 3… go!!!” said Mayuyu.

Then Black disappeared like a wind.

[Hehe...Mayuyu didn’t run  :lol:]

‘Wow~ she was fast…” said Mayuyu impressed.

“But she is a baka I guess…” added her.

Actually, Mayuyu already arrived home, the moment she stopped walking,
on her left is where the house that she lived located.

Mayuyu quickly enter the house before that girl comes back again.

Black stopped halfway [halfway means she already far from that place since she is fast]

She thinks for a while and then she realized that the girl is not behind her or in her front.

“That girl….” Mumbled Black. Well, feeling mad at herself because she was being fooled by a
 young girl.
Black thinking again,

“The house she lived might be around that place.” Thought Black.
Then Black going back home since it already late.

Oh my imagination~~~~  :nya:  :on gay:  :whistle:
« Last Edit: March 24, 2013, 08:54:17 AM by chiqinna »

Offline Hii_chan

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Re: You Are My Sunshine - Chapter 4 [Atsumina,Mayuki,Wmatsui+more]
« Reply #41 on: January 31, 2013, 09:09:41 AM »
Acchan was kissed by Takamina and her expression so funny :hiakhiakhiak: :hiakhiakhiak:
Mayuyu so smart fool Black so easy :hehehe: :hehehe:
I want to read more so please coutinue this fic fast :bow: :bow:
\\(''^0^)// Sou-chan  \\(^0^)//

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Re: You Are My Sunshine - Chapter 4 [Atsumina,Mayuki,Wmatsui+more]
« Reply #42 on: January 31, 2013, 12:56:32 PM »
hahaha Bakarin was fooled by Mayuyu XD

Jurina is my oshi forever!! (>w<)/
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Offline FNK23

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Re: You Are My Sunshine - Chapter 4 [Atsumina,Mayuki,Wmatsui+more]
« Reply #43 on: January 31, 2013, 02:47:31 PM »
wow it's really fast updatee~
mayu such a smart girl, even black can be fooled by her XDD
soo acchan, tell me, do you like the kiss or not ? :3

Offline stepk

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Re: You Are My Sunshine - Chapter 4 [Atsumina,Mayuki,Wmatsui+more]
« Reply #44 on: January 31, 2013, 07:01:53 PM »
You update
mayu is really intelligent
and black no so much  :lol:
how do you fall in stuff like that.  XD

Offline mayuki_daisuki

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Re: You Are My Sunshine - Chapter 4 [Atsumina,Mayuki,Wmatsui+more]
« Reply #45 on: January 31, 2013, 07:47:54 PM »
lol mayu outsmarted yuki :lol:
thanx for the update :cow:
My kami-oshi is Mayuyu, and my oshimen is Oku Manami.

Offline kahem

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Re: You Are My Sunshine - Chapter 4 [Atsumina,Mayuki,Wmatsui+more]
« Reply #46 on: February 01, 2013, 01:54:48 AM »
lol good job Mayuyu ^^

Offline cisda83

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Re: You Are My Sunshine - Chapter 4 [Atsumina,Mayuki,Wmatsui+more]
« Reply #47 on: February 01, 2013, 04:59:10 AM »
Eh... Atsuko is going to the park just to see Minami....

Interesting.... hahaha she got kissed accidentally....

Mayu is good to be able to trick Black....

So it was Mayu's father that asking Black to find out about Mayu's whereabouts...

but it's quite weird for Mayu's father to make a acquaintance with a yankee like Black....

How do they know each other?

More mysteries... can't wait to see more

Thank you for the update

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline chiqinna

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Re: You Are My Sunshine - Chapter 4 [Atsumina,Mayuki,Wmatsui+more]
« Reply #48 on: February 01, 2013, 07:41:20 AM » much mysteries lol~

Offline chiqinna

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Re: You Are My Sunshine - Chapter 5 [Atsumina,Mayuki,Wmatsui+more]
« Reply #49 on: February 03, 2013, 07:55:12 AM »
Chapter 5

Black have been stalking Mayuyu for a several days, she finally found out where Mayuyu lived.
Black went to Watanabe’s Villa to give the information.
“I have found where she lived.” Tell her to Mayuyu’s father.
“Where? With who?” asked him.
“She lived with her friends, the house is not far from her school. “Explained Black.
Mayuyu’s father, Watanabe Hiroshi, think for a while...

Then he looks at Black
“I want you to be her bodyguard.” Tell him.
Looks like Black doesn’t like at what had the man said.
“No.” said her shortly.
“It’s my order. You have to.”
“She will not agree.” Insist Black.
“She will. I need someone to take care of her. She is my only daughter. Besides, my rivals
already know about her and I’m afraid they will go after her.” Tell him.
“Why me? Why not the other bodyguard?” ask her.
“Look, I already did that long time ago. But she said she doesn’t like a man to guard her, so maybe
you as her bodyguard would work.” Explained him.
‘That girl have fooled me once. How can I be her bodyguard?!’ thought Black.
“Remember Black, you owe your life to me.”  Said Watanabe to her.
Hearing that, she doesn’t have any choice than to be a bodyguard to Mayuyu.
“I will ask Mayu to come back home and tell her “said him.

Mayuyu currently playing video games with Takamina in the living room.
Only two of them in that house. Miichan is working while the rest are at school.

Looks like she skips school today.
‘How come this ‘kid’ is so good at this?’ thought Mayuyu impressed by how Takamina playing the video games.

The front door opened.
“We’re back!” shout Jurina while opening the door and enter the house followed by Kanon and Lovetan.
“Aahhhh~ school is sooo tiring~” said Jurina throwing herself to the soft couch.
“Yeah~ being a good student is tiring~~” mocked Mayuyu still playing.
Jurina just ignored her.

Suddenly Mayuyu’s phone rang.
Mayuyu stop playing and look at her phone.
‘Father? What did he want now?’ thought her.
She answered it. Her father is telling her to come home immediately because he has something to say.
“Jurina you play with Takamina, I have to go home now.” Said Mayuyu while giving the game controller to Jurina.
Even though Mayuyu is still mad at her father, but still he is her father after all.
After that Mayuyu goes to her house.

*Watanabe’s villa

Mayuyu enter to her father’s office room in the house.
She was a little shocked when she saw that girl that she had been fooled that night.
“Well, since you are here. Let me introduced to you, your new bodyguard, Black” tell her father.
“BODYGUARD??!! HER?!?!!” shout Mayuyu shocked by her father’s statement.
“Yes. She will be your bodyguard since you said you don’t like a man to be your bodyguard.” Explained him

Mayuyu is totally mad right now.

“I.don’t.need.any.bodyguard!”Said Mayuyu.
“Mayu, please this time listen to me. It’s dangerous for a young girl to roaming around the town by herself.” Her father tries to convince her.
Mayuyu keep quiet. She really doesn’t like the idea of having a bodyguard.
“I know you still mad at me but please, this is for your own sake.”
Then Mayuyu look at Black. Black just standing there looks other way.

“*Mayuyu sighed* Fine…” she accepted it but actually she smirked in her mind.
“Good, btw you can call her Black. She will start be your bodyguard tomorrow. You can go now.” Tell her father.
After that Mayuyu goes back to the house.

*that night

At Shinoda’s mansion

The members are gathering at the dining room.
Shinoda Mariko, Matsui Rena, Maeda Atsuko, Sashihara Rino,
including Black who just comes back from her business.
Everyone was looking at Acchan weirdly. Looks like she is in other world,
staring at the food, playing with the fork.

“Acchan” called Mariko.
Maybe Acchan did not hear Mariko that she still in her deep thought.
Then, Sasshi who sit beside her tap her shoulder.
Acchan finally back to the reality.
“So, Acchan how’s our business?”Asked Mariko.
“Don’t worry, our business is going fine. Besides, I have Sasshi to help me.” Explained her.
“Good. Don’t let the others disturb our business.”

“And Black, I just heard from Watanabe Hiroshi that he made you her daughter’s bodyguard isn’t?” asked Mariko to Black.
“Yes” answered Black shortly.
“Bodyguard?” said Rena smiling suddenly earning a glare from Black.
“If it’s like that then, you should stop doing our business and do your job as a bodyguard.” Tell Mariko.
“But-“before Black say anything mariko cut her.
“Its okay, Watanabe is also our client, don’t disappoint him.”
Black just nodded silently.

“I need to go to my room” said Acchan suddenly stand up from the chair and leaving them.
Looks like something has been bothering her lately. Or someone?
After that they all go back to their own room.

*Acchan is laying on her bed

Acchan’s pov

What is wrong with me…?

Why I keep thinking about her...

Why my heart beats fast when she kissed me…
on the lips...


What is wrong with me…?

Every time I think about the kiss,

My heart beats faster than usual…

Who is that girl!!
Why I feel like I have met her before…?
I need to find out about her…

*the next morning in Miichan’s house
[Let’s just call it Miichan’s house]

Mayuyu, Lovetan, Jurina and Kanon are getting ready to go to school.
Once they are out of the house, there was a girl with a black jacket
outside the house, looks like she is waiting for someone.

“Who is that?” asked Jurina.
Mayuyu who knows it answered calmly.
“My bodyguard.” She said blankly.
“Bodyguard?” said Lovetan.
“It must be your father’s order right?” asked Lovetan.
“*sighed* who else…” said Mayuyu while start walking.
Black just following them from behind.

When they enter the school, Mayuyu told Black to go since she already arrived.
Mayuyu hope that she will not waiting for her. Its annoying.
When they finish school, Black is there waiting for her.
“Seriously, Mayuyu your bodyguard doesn’t look friendly..” said Lovetan.
“I don’t know...let’s just wait and see~” said Mayuyu with her cyborg face.


sorry~  :kneelbow:
if this chapter is boring..

btw..  :on cny1:
« Last Edit: March 24, 2013, 08:54:36 AM by chiqinna »

Offline chichay12

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Re: You Are My Sunshine - Chapter 5 [Atsumina,Mayuki,Wmatsui+more]
« Reply #50 on: February 03, 2013, 08:23:24 AM »
sorry~  :kneelbow:
if this chapter is boring..

NO!!! not at all  :farofflook:
i want more!!!
 :on gay: :on gay: :on gay:

Offline Hii_chan

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Re: You Are My Sunshine - Chapter 5 [Atsumina,Mayuki,Wmatsui+more]
« Reply #51 on: February 03, 2013, 11:00:22 AM »
how can it be boring when it do interesting :twothumbs
Black become Mayuyu's bodyguard?
I want to know more
\\(''^0^)// Sou-chan  \\(^0^)//

Offline cisda83

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Re: You Are My Sunshine - Chapter 5 [Atsumina,Mayuki,Wmatsui+more]
« Reply #52 on: February 03, 2013, 01:20:55 PM »
Thank you for the nice update

Ah... so Black became Mayu's bodyguard... I think she will play trick on Black somehow in the future.

Black owned a life debt to Mayu's father, how? when? where?

Atsuko has love sickness... She has seen Takamina before now, how? when? where?

More mysteries....

Can't wait to see the next

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline Chanaline

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Re: You Are My Sunshine - Chapter 5 [Atsumina,Mayuki,Wmatsui+more]
« Reply #53 on: February 03, 2013, 02:11:43 PM »
Black and Mayu OhOOOOOhhh!!

Black as Mayu's bodyguard!! Black cold...

My comment became weird... I stop it now...
Mayuki = Cutest couple

Married?!-Mayuki fanfic (maybe it will have another pair)

Offline arrow27

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Re: You Are My Sunshine - Chapter 5 [Atsumina,Mayuki,Wmatsui+more]
« Reply #54 on: February 03, 2013, 02:13:17 PM »
thanks for the update, great chap as always :D

Aw, Atsuko is thinking about Minami :) I'm curious as so why Minami is familiar to her.

& interesting development that Yuki became Mayu's bodyguard :P

Looking forward to the next :D

Offline FNK23

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Re: You Are My Sunshine - Chapter 5 [Atsumina,Mayuki,Wmatsui+more]
« Reply #55 on: February 03, 2013, 02:41:54 PM »
no kissu moment ?? I thought there will be another kiss from minami jajajaa
black become mayu bodyguard! Yeaahhh !! I wonder what'll happen between them

Offline stepk

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Re: You Are My Sunshine - Chapter 5 [Atsumina,Mayuki,Wmatsui+more]
« Reply #56 on: February 04, 2013, 02:43:44 AM »
Acchan thought about the kiss  :wub:
I'm waiting when black is so great and protector
with mayu, and then mayu fall in love.  :inlove:
please continuous  :panic:

Offline chiqinna

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Re: You Are My Sunshine - Chapter 5 [Atsumina,Mayuki,Wmatsui+more]
« Reply #57 on: February 04, 2013, 04:54:59 AM »
Chichay12: its not? hmm... maybe its just me who felt boring when i write it..hehe  :lol:
Hii_chan: I'm glad you said it interesting~ hehe thank you~  :)
cisda83: well...lets see for the next update~ :)
Chanaline: don't stop! I love weird comments~ teehee~
arrow27: I'm curious too~  :? why is atsuko felt minami is familiar..
FNK23: I'm not good at this kiss kiss thing~  :D
stepk: lol your imagination~~~  :twothumbs

I don't know whether I will update this fic sooner or later...  :err:
I just lose someone that I can called a good neighbour of mine..  :cry:
she just died this early in the morning.. it was so sudden that I didn't have a chance to talk to her..
the day before she is just as healthy as usual but that evening she suddenly lose conscious..
she always tease me~ I hate it but now i'm going to miss it...  :(
a lot if things happen this past few days..  :fainted:
I can't sleep last night.. actually every night I have a hard time to sleep..
I think I need someone to lullaby me~ =.=

when I feel better I will update this fic as soon as possible okay!  :)
thank you for reading...  :kneelbow:

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Re: You Are My Sunshine - Chapter 5 [Atsumina,Mayuki,Wmatsui+more]
« Reply #58 on: February 04, 2013, 05:49:40 AM »
i want more atsumina moments :B

Offline chiqinna

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Re: You Are My Sunshine - Chapter 6 [Atsumina,Mayuki,Wmatsui+more]
« Reply #59 on: February 08, 2013, 08:48:54 AM »
The life must go on~  :cool1:

Chapter 6

“ne...what should we name our baby girl, honey?”
“ about Jurina?”
“that sounds nice! Baby Jurina then~ hehe”
“whats wrong my wife? What are you thinking about?”
“honey,do you think we should tell Rena that she is not our real daughter?”
“hmm...I don’t know, she is still young to know about this yet..
Besides, I’m afraid that she could not accept the truth.”
“me too...I’m afraid that she will hate us and leave us”
“Don’t worry, you should not thinking about this too much you know, you  just giving birth to our Jurina yesterday...”

 They don’t realized that there is someone outside the room that has been listening to their conversation..
“I’m.....not... their real daughter....” said her in a low voice still shocked after hearing the fact about herself.

Rena wake up from her sleep...
“this dream again...” thought Rena suddenly feeling sad.
“I wonder how is Jurina right now...she must be growing up her mother..” thought Rena again.

Black has been Mayuyu’s bodyguard for a week now...
So far so good...
Which means Mayuyu have been ‘nice’ to her bodyguard.
Sometimes it irritates her that Black even follow her everywhere she go.
For Black, she does that because it was her job.
She has to protect Mayuyu.

Right now Mayuyu is bringing Takamina to the playground..
of course Black was with them.
Mayuyu is sitting on a bench near the playground watching Takamina playing there while Black standing next to her.
“Is she going to stand like that the whole time?” thought Mayuyu feel annoyed.
Mayuyu then stand up from the bench and stand in front of Black.
“Buy us an ice cream.” Command her.
Black nodded as following the command.
“Takamina loves chocolate flavour, I want strawberri and Vanilla.” Tell Mayuyu.
Then Black goes to buy ice cream.

Mayuyu walk to Takamina and join her play. xD
 Then Black appeared out of nowhere with ice cream on her hand.
“wow~ that was fast...” said Mayuyu in her mind.
“Ice cream!!!!” shout Takamina happily when she saw ice cream on Black‘s hand.
They stop playing for a while to enjoy the ice cream.
“’s your ice cream?” asked Mayuyu.
“mmmm...oishiii~~~” answered Takamina while licking the ice cream that melt on her hand.
“You have to thank Black for buying the ice cream for you~” smirked Mayuyu.

Black doesn’t know anything.

“ne...Black-chan~ thank you!!” said Takamina to Black.
Black eyes opened widely as she felt something soft..and cold..on her right cheek.
[ guys know what happen...  :bigdeal:]
Takamina giggled seeing Black’s reaction then continue eating her ice cream.
Mayuyu just watch with a smirked on her face.

Mayuyu felt like she want to go buy a new manga.
But she can’t leave Takamina alone.
“Black, I want you to watch Takamina for a while, I need to go buy something.” Said Mayuyu to Black.
“I’m your bodyguard, not hers.”tell Black doesn’t want to let Mayuyu go alone.
“I know, as my bodyguard, you also must listen to me. Now go watch her, or play together with her... “ explained Mayuyu.
“Don’t worry, I’m not taking a long time.” Added her while walking to the store that sell manga.
After seeing Mayuyu walk away, Black turn her head to watch over Takamina.
Black already know Takamina’s condition, Mayuyu told her.
20 minutes have passed, but Mayuyu haven’t come back yet.
Black start feeling worried that something happen to Mayuyu, so she goes to find Mayuyu..
And she forget about Takamina.
Black enter every stores in that place to find Mayuyu. Since she is fast so it was easy for her..-.-
Then she found Mayuyu inside one of the store. Mayuyu is standing while reading a manga.
She still doesn’t realized that Black is there.
Black walk to Mayuyu. Then Mayuyu sense someone is walking to her.
Mayuyu turn her head to the person and saw Black.
“Black, what are you doing here?” asked Mayuyu.
“You said you’re not taking a long time but its already 20 minutes so I go search for you.” Answered Black.
“ouh..sorry, I was to focus on reading this that I forgot about time.” Said Mayuyu showing the manga that she read earlier.
Then Mayuyu pick some of her favourite mangas and go to the counter to buy it.

After they out from the store, Mayuyu realized something.
Then she looks at Black.
“Did you just leave Takamina alone at the playground?!” asked Mayuyu.
Black just realized about that now..
“I forgot about her...” said Black.
“Arrghh!! I hope she is still playing there!” said Mayuyu while walking fastly to the playground.
Black felt guilty about that.

When they arrived, Mayuyu doesn’t see anyone playing there.
There’s no shadow of Takamina anywhere.
Mayuyu started to get worried.
“Where is she...” said Mayuyu while looking around.
“I told you to watch over her and look what happen now!” said Mayuyu feeling mad to Black.
“Sorry, I was worried about you that I forgot to watch over her.” Said Black.

Then they heard someone’s laugh not far from the playground.
“Its Takamina’s voice..” thought Mayuyu then try to find where the source of the voice come from.
Then she saw Takamina’s walking towards the playground...with a girl...holding hands...
“Takamina! Where did you go? I was worried that you were gone just now you know!”said Mayuyu to Takamina.
Takamina walk to Mayuyu with a happy smile on her face.
“I’m walking with Acchan! Look! She buy me a candy!” said Takamina showing the candy that Acchan’s bought for her.
“Acchan?? Who is that?” Mayuyu looks at the girl who was with Takamina.
“Ahhh~~ its you...the girl that day...” said Mayuyu remembered the scene where Takamina accidently kissed her lips.
Acchan felt like her face is heating up when Mayuyu said ‘the girl that day’... it reminds her of the kiss.

Then Acchan looks at the other girl beside Mayuyu.
“Black?!” said Acchan looking at Black who was looking at her too.
Black was looking at Acchan curiously.
“What is she doing here?”said Black in her mind.
“you guys know each other?”asked Mayuyu watching both of the girls looking at each other.
Black and Acchan doesn’t want to exposed their true identity so they lied.
“She was my classmate during high school” lied Black while looking at Acchan like try to make Acchan agree with her.
“Y-yes..we are..” said Acchan agreed.
“Really? No wonder you two looks like you know each other.” Said Mayuyu but feeling the awkwardness between those two.
“Maybe they aren’t really close I guess..” thought Mayuyu.

“Its getting dark, Takamina lets go home.” Tell Mayuyu.
“But, I want to play with Acchan~~” said Takamina frowned.
“Ne..Takamina, we can play tomorrow if you want..”said Acchan smiling at her.
“really? Promise?” said Takamina while let out her pinky finger to Acchan as a promise.
 Acchan chuckled. “I promise~” said her while interwined their pinky fingers.
“hmmm...I wonder what happen to those two when me and Black is gone..” thought Mayuyu while making a thinking pose.

flashback  (when Black leave Takamina alone to find Mayuyu)

“Mayuyu! Lets play together!” said Takamina while run to where Mayuyu sat earlier.
“Eh? Where is Mayuyu? Black-chan? Where are you?” said her noticing that both of them are not there.
Takamina was looking around searching for Black and Mayuyu.
Then she start feeling scared for being left alone by Mayuyu.
“Mayuyu, where are you~~” said her sadly.
Takamina kneeled down and put her arm on her knees.
She was looking down and about to cry.. [I think she cried already~]

“Are you okay?” Takamina heard someone’s voice so she look up.
“I’m scared...” said Takamina to the person who bend down to look at her.
“Why are you scared?” asked her again.
“Mayuyu left me...” said Takamina sadly.
“Hmm...Mayuyu will not left you...maybe she just going to buy something..” said the person to Takamina.
Takamina just look at her.
“How about we go to buy something for you?” said her to make Takamina happy.
“but I don’t know you...Miichan said don’t talk to strangers” said Takamina.
“Okay, My name is Acchan...and your name is?” asked Acchan.
“Takamina...” said Takamina still feeling insecured.
“Well, we know each other now right?” asked Acchan again.
“Un.”answered Takamina.
“Don’t worry, I’m a good person. We go buy food first then we come back here.. okay?” tell Acchan to convince her.
Takamina think she felt safe with her so she just nodded.
“Come on.” Acchan extend her hand to Takamina to help her to stand up.
“Lets go.” Said Acchan. She was about to let go of Takamina’s hand but Takamina held her hand tight.

Acchan just smiled. Then they walk to buy candy.

Flashback end.


hmmm..should I make Acchan's pov for the flashback too???  :dunno:

« Last Edit: March 24, 2013, 08:55:10 AM by chiqinna »

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