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Author Topic: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~ New Fic Backwards Drama (WMatsui) Ch.9 12/09/2017  (Read 81030 times)

Offline kawaiiidolworld

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Backwards Drama (Wmatsui)

Ch.3 Also known as the day I had my first sleepover

Thursday arrived in a rush. The day of the audition. I felt bad. Daichi and I hadn't made up yet. He didn't show up to pick me up in the morning. I walked to school with Jurina instead. I should have made more of an effort to make up with him, but I couldn’t help it. I had the play to think about. It could wait.

Jurina helped me practice for my audition non-stop. She wasn't lying when she said she was a good actress. I felt intimidated, but it only inspire me to work harder. If I was going to be performing next to such a talented person I needed to give it my all. Still… I couldn't stop being… Nervous. I fidgeted with my hands as I waited backstage. Shinoda-sensei would be deciding the cast so it wouldn't be bias. Nearly everyone was trying out for the princess. I just hope my performance would be good enough.

"Nervous?" Jurina asked from behind. I spun around and nodded.

"Everyone is trying out for the princess. Maybe I should have chosen something else," I answered.

"Hey hey don't go having second guesses now. Besides you don't know unless you try right? I, for one, think you are perfect for the part," Jurina reassured me. I blushed. Jurina had this way of always always saying something that will make me turn red. At least she's had it for the past three days since we met.

"You're just saying that," I mumbled looking at my feet. Jurina clasped my hands. I looked up at her bewildered. The look in her face was so intense. It made my heart beat faster. What in the world?

"Hey I am NOT just saying it. I've practice with you. You are good. You have the lines down. Be more confident." Jurina declared with sincerity. I felt like I was melting. The feeling was strange. I never felt this way before. What was it? My mind began to wander to dangerous thoughts, but I shook them away. I had to focus.

"You're right. Thanks," I thanked with a smile.

She beamed. She let go of one hand, but she was still holding my other hand. I didn't let go either, so we just stood there holding hands. Her hand was soft and warm. Not in a gross way like Daichi was though. His were big and sweaty. I don't mean a little bit sweaty. Like a lot. It wasn't like Jurina's hand wasn't slightly moist, but it was nothing compared to him. I guess it's because she is a girl. I felt my fingers begin tracing her hand unconsciously. Her fingers were long and elegant. Nothing like mine. Mine had always been short and boyish. I hated them. Suddenly Jurina giggled.

"Rena-chan that tickles," Jurina managed between giggles. I quickly flushed becoming aware of what I was doing.

"I am SORRY!" I exclaimed quicky releasing her hand. What was wrong with me???

"Hey it's okay. Don't worry about it. If it makes you less nervous its fine," Jurina offered scratching the back of her head. But I couldn't shake the feelings she thought I was being weird. I sucked a breath to prepare myself for what I was about to say.

"Okay it's just I really hate my fingers. I couldn't help, but notice yours were really slim and nice. I am sorry. I know that's really odd," I revealed. Jurina looked surprised. She inspected her hands.

"Funny I really never thought of that. I guess they are pretty slim," she observed.

"Yeah at least compared to mine. I hate my hands," I admitted. Before I knew it Jurina was grabbing my hand. She stared at it for a couple of seconds before putting it down.

"J-Jurina?" I squeaked surprised by her sudden action.

"Your fingers aren't that bad. It's funny everything about you seems so elegant, but not your hands," She stated with a warm smile.

"You're just trying to be nice," I accused.

"Not in the slightest," she insisted.

"Matsui Rena."

I was next. I was so caught up with my discussion with Jurina I forgot all about the play. It was time. I took a deep breath.

"Good luck," Jurina whispered as I walked down the stage with an encouraging smile. I simply responded with a nervous look.

"Whenever you are ready." Shinoda-sensei called out.

Well it was now or never.


Jurina and Airi were waiting for me outside the building by the time I finished my audition. They practically jumped up when they saw me.

"So how did you do?" Airi questioned.

"Do you think you got it?" Jurina asked joining her. I smiled and gave them a thumbs up. The two rejoiced at this.

"That's great Rena-chan!  See? I told you that you had it in the bag," Jurina congratulated giving me a hug.

My eyes widen at the sudden embrace, but I returned it all the same. Jurina smelled nice. Like citrus. I wonder what perfume she used. I suddenly realized I was becoming way too aware of everything Jurina. It worried me. A lot. I never had these thoughts about anyone before girl or guy. What did this mean? I must have asked this questions a thousand times. Jurina broke away from the hug.

"Rena-chan are you okay? I thought you would be happy," Airi noted with a strange look in her face. 

"It's just… Never mind. It's nothing. Just a thought. I am happy. I think I have a good chance at getting the part," I answered.

I wanted to tell her about these thoughts, but I couldn't with Jurina present. Airi would have good advice. She always did. And right now good advice was what I needed more than anything. Airi had a knowing look in her face. To be honest it sort of scared me. I feel like she could see right through me. However she didn't question me any further.

"I am really happy to you Rena-chan. To be honest I had you in mind when I wrote the script. And Jurina-san here ended up being perfect for the prince. Did you know the prince was supposed to be a girl in disguise?" Airi stated changing the subject. I was relived.

"Seriously? Then I guess I am perfect then," Jurina laughed. They began discussing the play when I heard a voice behind me.


I turned to find Daichi with a bouquet of flowers in his hands. I looked at him in shock. F-Flowers?!?! I definitely wasn't expecting that. Not after our fight.

"Daichi…" I uttered confused by the situation. He responded with a nervous smile.

"Congratulations on your audition!" He congratulated handing me the flowers. I grabbed them hesitantly.

"Thanks," I mumbled unsure of what to make of the awkward situation. Airi tugged on Jurina's sleeve.

"Let's go," Airi coughed dragging Jurina towards the door. I watched at Jurina gave us one final look before leaving.

I didn't really wanted them to leave. I didn't know what to make of the situation. Daichi and I haven't talked in a whole day. Now I was receiving flowers from him. It was much too strange. Much too awkward. And I felt slightly guilty for now trying to make up sooner. It simply haven't been a priority to me. That was horrible.

"So hey," I said unsure of what else to say.

"Hey. I just wanted to apologize. I been nothing, but a jerk these past few days even though I knew you had an important audition coming up. All over nothing. You were just being nice and trying to help someone. I guess I was jealous. I am not used to seeing you give attention to other people," Daichi explained. He was… Jealous… Of Jurina?

"I didn't understand. I knew you had made the time to wait for me, but I couldn't just leave the girl on her own. I guess I should have invited you to tag along, but you seemed so upset so I didn't. I should have answered you calls sooner. I am sorry too," I apologized knowing it was wrong for me to ignore his texts. He beamed at this.

"So we're good?" He asked.

"We're good," I repeated.

 Then it happened like it did many times before. He tried to kiss me. Before I knew he
was closing the space between us. Today the instinct to move out of the way was
strong. In fact if I am honest the thought was border line repulsive. I pulled him to a
hug instead invading the kiss.

"You have nothing to worry about. Jurina and I are just friends. I promise."

I have never been one to sleep early. I was a night owl by nature. Not to mention the day's events were still in my mind. So naturally at 12:34 a.m. instead of being in bed I was playing Pokémon on my DS. Yes, I was a nerd like that. I was dwelling on that almost kiss with Daichi when I received her text.

Jurina: You awake?

I was pretty surprised to receive a text from her so late, but I was intrigued so I instantly replied.

Yeah. What's up?

After that my phone buzz instantly.

Jurina: Do you mind coming out?

I raised an eyebrow, but nonetheless typed sure. I opened my window to find Jurina staring at the sky. God. She looked beautiful. I stopped myself. Beautiful? What was wrong with my brain all of a sudden? I seriously needed to talk to Airi.

"Hey I got your text. What gives?" I inquired my voice laced with curiosity.

"Can't sleep. The house makes too many noises. Our apartment in Tokyo wasn't like that," Jurina explained with a sigh.  She sounded beyond sleepy. Then I notice there were bags in her eyes. I felt bad for her. I hadn't noticed them until she mentioned the lack of sleep.

"Jurina how long has it been since you slept?" I asked her in a worried tone.

"I haven't slept since we got here. The noises scare the crap out of me. I thought I be used to them by now. I am sorry. Did I wake you up?" she asked with a guilty look. I quickly shook my head.

"I was just playing Pokémon. I am kind of a night owl. I don't usually sleep till 2 am. It drives my mom insane," I admitted with a laugh. Jurina joined in with a quiet musical laugh. She was way more toned down than when we were at school. She must be really sleepy.

"That makes sense. You seem to always be in a bad mood in the morning. Now I know why," Jurina mused.

"I am NOT!" I denied even though deep down I knew it was true. I was surprised the she pick up on it so quickly though. Jurina giggled in a low voice. She sounded way too tired. Could she go on with no sleep? Surely she fall asleep in class or something.

With this in mind these words escape my mouth, "Well I mean if you don't mind you could always try sleeping over here. You can't sleep because you are scared right?"

"Seriously?" Jurina exclaimed sounding surprised. I nodded. I gave the big tree a wary look.

"You said you could get here through the tree right? What do you say?" I asked. I didn't trust the tree, but Jurina seemed so sure she could do it earlier.

"Yeah I can. I don't like to impose, but I am really desperate," Jurina answered shyly.

"It's fine. But don't you dare fall. I don't want this to end up in the front page of the newspaper," I warned.

So that's how Jurina ended up climbing the tree to my room in the middle of the night. I could just picture what the neighbors would think if they happened to look out in their window. Thankfully Jurina didn't fall and before I knew it she was in my room.

"See no falling," she told me with a smirk in her face. I rolled my eyes.

"Well excuse me for being concerned over your well being," I grumbled.

Jurina laughed. I suddenly became aware of the oddness of the situation. Jurina was sleeping over. In my room. I've never had anyone sleep over in my room before. The fact that it was Jurina made me a little more nervous.

"Well I guess I am going to go bring an extra blanket and pillows. You can just feel free to sit down or look around if you like. I'll be right back," I told her.

This was too weird. I hadn't occurred to me until I had Jurina in my room. But at the same time it didn't feel weird. Having Jurina in my room didn't feel unusual. I think that is what is more worrisome. Because if I step back and look at the situation from an outsider's point of view it is definitely strange.

When I went back to the room I found Jurina staring at a picture of me and Daichi when we were kids. I cleared my throat.

"Sorry to keep you waiting," I apologized placing the blanket and pillows on my bed. Jurina quickly shook her head.

"It's no problem. Don't worry about it," Jurina replied.

She seemed embarrassed. It was kind of cute. She was usually so sure and confident. I felt like I was seeing her in a whole different light. But not in a bad way. I grabbed the blanket and pillows from the bed, and began setting up a make-shift bed on the floor. Jurina frowned.

"What are you doing?" Jurina questioned.

"I am setting up to sleep of course," I answered. I never had a sleepover before, but even I knew that having the guest sleep in the bed was the polite thing to do.

"In the floor? No way. I am the one who imposed on you. I'll sleep in the floor," Jurina offered.

"I invited you. You're my guest therefore you sleep in the bed," I insisted. Before I knew it Jurina was sitting next to me with a stubborn look in her eye.

"I am not moving from here so you might as well take the bed," Jurina declared. I began to feel irritated.

"Tsk. I should have known you be this stubborn. But just so you know I am not moving either," I argued crossing my arm.



I am not sure how long we remained like that. Probably a good ten minutes. Jurina may be stubborn, but so was I. Still none of us was going to get any sleep like this. And that defeated the purpose of Jurina sleeping over.

 Finally I craved, "How about we both just sleep in the bed and get this over

Jurina looked at me curiously, "Seriously?"

"Yes! Now come on before I change my mind," I growled making my way to the bed.
Jurina chuckled and followed suit. Soon we were both lying in bed staring at the ceiling. I instantly regretted my decision. My bed was small. There was literally no space between us. I wouldn't be surprised if one of us fell during the night. Stupid
stubborn Jurina. Should have let her sleep in the floor.

"You better not snore," I grumbled. Jurina laughed.

"I don't. I promise," she reassured me. I don't know if it was me, but I felt Jurina was enjoying annoying the hell out of me. I wasted no time voicing this.

"This amuses you doesn't it?" I stated.

"I can't help it. You're funny when you are mad," Jurina replied honestly. I turned away from her.

"Whatever. Goodnight," I hissed. I wasn't really that annoyed, but with each passing movement I was becoming more aware with how close we were. If I let it get to me I wouldn't get any sleep at all.

"Night, Rena-chan." Jurina answered.

I tried my best to shut my eyes and go to sleep, but I couldn't. I was too aware of the extra warmth in my bed. Why did I think this was a good idea? I had never slept with everyone in my life. But there was no going back now. I urged my brain to shut down with no luck.

Then Jurina spoke, "Rena-chan are you still awake?"

I turned around to face her, "Yeah still awake."

Jurina laid on her back staring at the ceiling. She looked thoughtful. I wondered what was in her mind. Suddenly I realized I wanted to know more. I wanted to know more about her. What types of things does Jurina think about? What are her likes? What are her dislikes? I wanted to know everything. The sensation itself overwhelmed me.

"You and you boyfriend. How long have you known each other?" Jurina asked. I thought it was strange, but then I remembered she had been looking at the picture earlier.

"Ah you saw the picture in my wall right? We know each other since grade soon, but we have only been dating for a few months," I explained.

"Childhood friends, huh?" her voice sounded sad. Defeated. I wondered what could be bothering her.

"Is something wrong?" I questioned. Jurina shook her head.

"I am just jealous that's all."

I didn't have the guts to ask her what she was jealous about.
« Last Edit: March 08, 2016, 03:42:00 AM by kawaiiidolworld »

Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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Offline kawaiiidolworld

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Backwards Drama (Wmatsui)

Ch.4 Also known as the day my opinion didn't matter

Heavy… Something was heavy. I tried to get up, but I couldn't. There was too much weight. I furrowed my eyebrows. My eyes fluttered open to find myself pinned down by a sleeping Jurina. My face turned beet red. Jurina somehow during the night had ended up cuddling me during the night. Her arm was wrapped around me and her head was resting in my left arm. Which I could no longer feel. Her mouth was slightly open as she slept. I suppressed a giggle. It was kind of adorable. She looked so peaceful.

Then I panicked. It was cute now, but probably not when she was awake. Then she'll realize what had occurred. I needed to be get up before we were stuck in yet another awkward situation. Unfortunately before I could move my loud shill alarm clock began to ring. It was a horrible alarm. It pretty much echoed throughout the house. The only reason my parents didn't mind was because they were gone by the time I woke up. Jurina instantly jumped off me bewildered.

"W-What???" she yelped searching for the source of the noise.

"I am SORRY!" I exclaimed racing to my bed stand to turn off the loud alarm.

It took me a while to turn it off. It always did. Jurina was right to assume I wasn't a morning person. That's why I had such a loud alarm. To make sure I didn't sleep through it. I didn't consider that my guest would probably not be too used to it.

"What in the world was that?" Jurina demanded looking very freaked out. I let out a nervous laugh.

"My alarm. I am really really sorry. I really should have turned it off last night," I apologized. Jurina looked at me with a blank face.

"You're… You're not joking," Jurina deadpanned.

"It's the only way I can wake up," I explained.

"I thought it was a fire alarm or something! I seriously freaked out!" Jurina exclaimed.

I noted she wasn't mentioning anything about the position we woke up in. Then I realized Jurina was so scared by the alarm she never noticed she slept on top of me. I was relieved. At least we wouldn't have to have THAT awkward conversation. I chuckled at her reaction.

"That is what it takes to wake me up in the mornings," I told her. Jurina burst out laughing.

"You're so silly Rena-chan. I swear. Okay I should probably go back home and change now," Jurina said opening the window. Oh boy. She was going to climb out the tree again. This time in board day light. I ran behind her.

"You can use…" It was too late she was already climbing back to her window.
"Door…" I finished even though she was no longer listening. Once she was in her window she waved.

"See you in a bit," she called out and closed the window. I shut my window. Suddenly my phone buzz.

Daichi: Did Matsui Jurina just climb out of your window?

I burst out laughing. I couldn't help it. I could just picture Daichi's confused face as he watched Jurina climb the tree. I had forgotten he came to get me any morning. Still what are the odds he be early today.
It's a long story. I'll be down in a bit.

I changed into my uniform in a rush and grabbed my backpack. With all the Jurina issue I was running a little bit late. A banana for breakfast would have to do it. With that I was out the door and facing an annoyed Daichi.

"Hey!" I waved making my way towards Daichi.

It never failed to surprise me how he was waiting for me before I was even ready. He lived two blocks away. It was impressive. I asked him about this before, but he waves me off saying he is a morning person. It still made me feel bad though. Especially today that I was running late.

"You're in high spirits." He commented sounding a little annoyed. I shrugged.

"You think so? I don't really see any difference," I replied.

"Yeah. Anyways what the hell was Matsui-san doing climbing out of your window?" Daichi questioned.

"She couldn't sleep last night and well her room is across from mine, so I let her sleep over," I explained. Daichi looked confused.

"You didn't tell me you were neighbors," Daichi accused.

"We haven't exactly been talking every much these days have we?" I shot back annoyed he was making a big deal out of nothing. He was silent.

"Hey Rena-chan I was hoping we could walk to school together… Oh hey I didn't know he was here," Jurina finished awkwardly.

"He has a name," Daichi snapped. Jurina shrugged.

"Sorry I forgot," Jurina answered not sounding very sorry.

"Rena…" Daichi started. I sighed.

"Daichi just this once. She'll get lost," I pleaded.

"Seriously?" Daichi retorted.

"Yeah I am seriously bad with directions. It's kind of embarrassing," Jurina chimed in. Daichi rolled his eyes.


With that we began to set out to school with a tense silence. I wasn't sure what to say. It was becoming more and more evident with every passing moment that Daichi and Jurina did not like each other. I never seen Daichi dislike a person so quickly. He was the type to give everyone a chance. Everyone expect Jurina apparently. The silence was interrupted by a loud grumble.

"I was in such a rush I forgot to eat breakfast," Jurina blurted out. I sighed and pulled the banana out of my backpack. I split it in half.

"Here take half," I told her.

"You can't just give her your food. It's her fault she didn't eat," Daichi reprimanded. Jurina nodded in agreement.

"As much as I hate to admit it he's right. You should eat it," Jurina insisted. I sighed and put the banana in her hand.

"Just take it. I am not taking no for an answer. You'll be no good without food," I maintained stubbornly. I wasn't too sure why, but something about Jurina made me want to spoil her. Much to Daichi's dismay. Jurina looked pleasantly surprised.

"T-Thanks. Sorry about this. And about last night. You are too nice to me Rena-chan," Jurina beamed happily munching on the banana.

"A little too nice," Daichi murmured under his breath.

I tried my best not to be irritated, but this was becoming more and more annoying with every passing moment. With the way he was acting Daichi was beginning to feel like an annoying third wheel. Which was funny because technically Jurina was the third wheel.

"Say I was wondering if you like to get together to practice for the play after school today," Jurina suggested.

"Yeah that be-" I was quickly cut off by Daichi.

"Rena we were supposed to go on a date today after school remember?" Daichi piped in. Date? Since when did we have a date planned out?

I was about to voice this out loud when Jurina spoke," That's great and all, but the play is in two weeks. We should really be taking every chance we get to practice."

She was right. We should be practicing. But then again we could also practice in the morning. It wasn't that big of a deal. But the date could wait till the play was over. We saw each other all the time anyways. Again the moment I opened my mouth I was cut off.

"Its two weeks since we last went on a date, Rena," Daichi reminded me. Jurina gave him a weird look.


"That's not a very long time," Jurina pointed out.

"It is for us," Daichi replied his voice raising.

"That's not healthy. All the more reason you should practice after school with me instead," Jurina insisted.

"She is not going!" Daichi hissed.

"I think Rena-chan can make her own decisions." I felt myself getting more and more annoyed. They weren't letting me talk. At all.

"She wants to go on this date! You're the one butting into things."

"I am not butting into anything. I merely asked a question and YOU butted in."

"I didn't butt in. I was just reminding Rena she had prior commitments."

"Enough! No date. No rehearsal. I am busy today!" I snapped storming away.

"Wait Rena-chan!" I heard Jurina call out.

Thankfully we were close to the school already, so I didn't have to walk alone that much. Once I got to school I instantly headed to the drama room. Daichi wouldn't look for me there. Jurina might try, but judging by her lack of sense of direction I doubted she would find me. I sighed.

When did things get so complicated? I didn't know which of the two to be more annoyed at. If at Daichi for acting like I was his property or at Jurina for annoying him on purpose. Although I didn't blame her for her reaction. She was technically right. He did butt in. We didn't even have a date planned. He just didn't want me to hang out with Jurina. It was painfully obvious. I felt my irritation rise.

"It's rare to see you here in the morning," Airi told me emerging from the closet. I sighed and ran my hand through my hair.

"They were being so annoying. Jurina and Daichi. I couldn't deal with them anymore," I answered exasperated.

"What do you mean?" Airi asked.

So I told her everything. About how Jurina ended up staying over in my house. About Daichi's reaction to her invitation. Heck I even told her about the weird feelings I get around Jurina sometimes. And you know what she did. She started laughing. Hard. I resisted the urge to smack her in the face.

"It's NOT funny Airi! I literally do not want to go to class right now. I am seriously considering skipping," I hissed. Airi tried to stop laughing, but failed miserably. It took a few minutes, but she finally stopped laughing. I gritted my teeth. I did not see the humor in this.

"I am worried Rena-chan, but it is literally so simple. He's jealous of Jurina-san. I can't believe you didn't see it. It's painfully obvious. And honestly I don't blame him," Airi said. My eyes narrowed.

"I am not sure I follow. Why would he be jealous of her?" I asked.
"Because well I don't know how to tell you this, but you clearly like her," Airi told me.

"Airi I swear if this is the punchline to one of your jokes it's not very funny." I shot back. Airi looked at me with the most serious expression I had seen her wear that morning.

"I am not kidding," Airi stated.

I opened my mouth and then close it. I was dumbfound. I wasn't sure if I understood what she was implying. I mean I thought I did, but that was impossible. Surely that was not what Airi meant.

"Well of course I like her silly. She is my friend. Yeah it's a little fast to say that, but I think we are going to be very good friends," I answered with a nervous smile.

"That's not what I meant," Airi told me. I swallowed. She was going there. But I was with Daichi. I wasn't gay. I mean there is nothing wrong with it, but it wasn''t me. I mean I think I would know it I was gay.

"I think you're going to far Airi. I am simply being nice," I answered. Airi sighed.
"Whatever you say Rena-chan, but honestly I never seen you so invested in someone as I have with Jurina-san. So you might want to rethink if being good friends is all it is," Airi said. The bell rang.

"Oh look time for class," I announced in a carefree matter.

But truly her words had shaken me.

The rest of the morning was uneventful. Avoiding Daichi turned out to be surprisingly easy. As luck would have it Daichi had a baseball meeting that could not be missed. As for Jurina, well she never showed up to class. I was surprised. I didn't think she would skip due to the confrontation in the morning. I mean it wasn't that big of a deal. Something seemed off.

I tried texting her. No reply. Was she mad at me? Because of what happened this morning. I don't see why she would be. I didn't do anything. If anything I should be mad at her. I sighed. A roar of thunder broke me away from my thoughts. I jumped.
"A storm, huh? Pretty rare around here," Airi commented.

We were having lunch at the drama room. It was a good break from Daichi. I rather liked having lunch with Airi. It was more comfortable and carefree. I've never noticed how awkward lunch could be with Daichi until now. Well since we started dating anyways. I nodded in agreement.

"Yeah. I just hope it doesn't flood like the last time," I replied. I turned to look at the window. It was raining pretty hard. Airi put down her chopsticks.

"Say have you texted Jurina-san?" Airi questioned. Ugh there it is. The conversation I had been dreading. I was hoping Airi wouldn't bring up Jurina's absence. I didn't want to have to think any more about than I already was. Especially after our discussion this morning. I nodded.

"She didn't reply. I swear I didn't think it be that big of a deal. At least not to miss school," I answered with a groan. Why were things so complicated all of a sudden? Airi looked thoughtful.

"Well as much as I hate to admit it you are right. It is a tad much," Airi agreed. I winced as I heard thunder once more. I hated storms. Once when I was five I got lost in a store during a storm. It was terrifying. I wandered a long time before my parents found me. Lost… For some reason the word kept echoing in my head. Lost… Then it hit me.

"I am horrible with directions. I get lost pretty often…"

Shit. I rose out of my seat. Airi looked at me bewildered.

"I think I know why Jurina didn't come to school."

I bolted out of the drama room ignoring Airi's shouts. I didn't have time to explain. Because if I was right I didn't have a lot of time. I ran until I finally reached my destination. I threw the door open. Everyone started in me surprised. The coach merely looked annoyed.

"Is there something I can help you with young lady?" the coach asked annoyed. I tried to control my erratic breathing.

"I-I need to speak with Daichi," I managed my voice breathless. Daichi was studying me. Probably confused as to why I was calling him out.

"Can't it wait after school? We are in the middle of a meeting," the coach said in an exasperated tone.

"I promise you it can't," I replied. Please say yes please say yes. The coach sighed.
"You have five minutes."

Daichi looked surprised, but joined me outside. He grinned.

"Hey about this morning. You didn't have to do this," He told me.

"Listen after you left where did Jurina go?" I demanded. His eyes darken.

"Really? That's what you so desperately needed to talk about? Jurina?" Daichi questioned with a glare. I felt bad, but I didn't have time for this.

"Just answer the question!" I snapped. He looked taken aback. It was rare for me to raise my voice. Especially at him.

"Okay okay. She went the opposite direction I was headed. I figured she was heading back home. Rena what is this about?" Dachi asked.

"Sorry no time. Got to go."

I took off in a rush.

"Rena where are you going?" he yelled.

I didn't answer. Because truthfully I didn't know either.

Offline daichi matsui

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  • If i left comment = Congratulation you are a great author!!
Whooa good as always author-san  :thumbup
Interesting story, and i kinda like the idea with rena didn't aware about "her-being-guy"
I spotted my name there  :sweat:

Offline junchan48

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Well. Wow. Great!
This fic is really interesting.
I start to feel annoyed with that Daichi-,-

Now I want more>o<
Gonna wait for the next chapter, Kawaii-san^o^
Newbie. Yoroshiku Oneigashimasu ^^

Offline kawaiiidolworld

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Whooa good as always author-san  :thumbup
Interesting story, and i kinda like the idea with rena didn't aware about "her-being-guy"
I spotted my name there  :sweat:

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.  :on drench: :on drench: Haha just throwing it out there lol

Offline kawaiiidolworld

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Well. Wow. Great!
This fic is really interesting.
I start to feel annoyed with that Daichi-,-

Now I want more>o<
Gonna wait for the next chapter, Kawaii-san^o^

We are all annoyed with Daichi although I meant to make him more likable. On his defense he didn't know Jurina would get lost.

Offline genkingblack

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Hey its me ( I dont think you remember the one who reblogged your tmblr with silly comments) *lol

first yeah it is interesting plot..
something like discover "herself" :D

I dunno mybe i'm taking this fic seriously hahahaha
I dont hate daichi at all.. like literally
I believe it was the normal act, if you see your girlfriend is like slowly invest her time to somebody else than you, I totally understand

I think he love rena too much, like never said anything that they never kiss (i bet he will bring up this topic when they are going to break up someday)
like "i was giving my all, yet you gave me this?"

for Rena... ah I wish she'll not hurt anybody.

for Jurina, its not good to flirting with someone's girlfriend

about Airi , I wish churi will come out and show them how happy they are :3

I think I made a long comment XD
thank you for lot chapter for today~ :on gay:
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Offline kawaiiidolworld

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Hey its me ( I dont think you remember the one who reblogged your tmblr with silly comments) *lol

first yeah it is interesting plot..
something like discover "herself" :D

I dunno mybe i'm taking this fic seriously hahahaha
I dont hate daichi at all.. like literally
I believe it was the normal act, if you see your girlfriend is like slowly invest her time to somebody else than you, I totally understand

I think he love rena too much, like never said anything that they never kiss (i bet he will bring up this topic when they are going to break up someday)
like "i was giving my all, yet you gave me this?"

for Rena... ah I wish she'll not hurt anybody.

for Jurina, its not good to flirting with someone's girlfriend

about Airi , I wish churi will come out and show them how happy they are :3

I think I made a long comment XD
thank you for lot chapter for today~ :on gay:

Lol it's okay spam my tumblr as much as you like. I don't mind :) And as for Jurina she really isn't flirting with Rena anymore. The whole argument between Daichi and her was because she was annoyed at the way Daichi was talking to her. And obviously she is jealous too. But if anyone is flirting I say it's Rena DX It's complicated. I want Churi to appear too, but I haven't figured out exactly when it be appropriate.

Offline Minami-chan

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Oh! oh! it seems that someone is missing.

Offline genkingblack

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Lol it's okay spam my tumblr as much as you like. I don't mind :) And as for Jurina she really isn't flirting with Rena anymore. The whole argument between Daichi and her was because she was annoyed at the way Daichi was talking to her. And obviously she is jealous too. But if anyone is flirting I say it's Rena DX It's complicated. I want Churi to appear too, but I haven't figured out exactly when it be appropriate.

Yeah i mean she keep in between Daichi and Rena, thats the first problem. like domino effect, she did that, that was the reasons why Daichi annoyed with her
but that are "spices" in this story i believe :D
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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~ New Fic Backwards Drama (Wmatsui) Ch.5 Update
« Reply #171 on: March 19, 2016, 06:46:50 PM »

Backwards Drama (Wmatsui)

Ch.5 Also known as the day I found her in the rain

A storm. Why did it have to be during a storm? I shivered as the cold rain drops hit my bare skin. I regretted not bringing an umbrella with me, but then again rain was not expected today. I was running aimlessly. Where do you look for someone who is lost? She could be anywhere. Oh god why wasn’t she answering her phone dammit. Did something happen to her? The streets were flooding. Water swept into my shoes. Murky brown water was accumulating everywhere.

Dammit! Jurina where are you? At this rate we were both going to end up with a severe cold. At best. My phone kept buzzing in my pocket. I checked frantically hoping it was Jurina, but it was just Airi and Daichi. They could wait. Explanations would have to come after I found Jurina.

I felt like such an idiot. I should have recruited Airi to help me. Sure this was a small town, but it was still too much for one person to cover. I felt hopeless. I screamed unintentionally as I heard a clap of thunder. I wrapped my arms around me and pushed on.

I had to keep going. I couldn’t imagine what Jurina was feeling. She’s been lost all day! I passed by the nearby park, but no Jurina. I was just about to give up when I saw her. She was standing under the jungle gym. Probably trying to take cover from the rain without a doubt. I quickly raced to her side.


She spun around. I caught sight of her redden eyes. She had been crying. I instantly felt worst. This was all my fault. Without thinking I pulled her into a tight embrace.

“Where have you been Jurina? I was worried sick. Why didn’t you answer my texts?” I cried into her shoulder. She was safe. Relatively. Her body was so wet. She was shivering. How long had she been stuck in the rain? I cursed myself for not realizing her disappearance sooner.

“Rena… How did you know?” she whispered as I held on to her. Her voice was soft and velvety. It was almost… Attractive? I would have probably been distracted by it if I wasn’t so upset.

“I don’t know. It hit me at lunch. Don’t avoid my question! Why didn’t you text me? I get that you were angry, but I was so so worried!” I yelled pushing her away. She gave me a concerned look.

I hadn’t meant to yell. It was just the stress of the situation getting to me. The fight in the morning, Airi’s statement, Jurina being missing, and the storm to top it off was simply too much. I felt tears flowing out of my eyes before I could stop them. There was a tightening in my chest I didn’t quite comprehend, but it wasn’t letting me breathe. I never had a panic attack before, but I think I am having one now. I struggled for air. Jurina looked panicked.

“R-Rena? God Rena are you okay?” Jurina exclaimed her voice laced with concern. She grasped my shoulders trying to reorientate me.

A clasp of thunder was heard once more. I couldn’t… We had to get out of here. But I couldn’t say a word. I felt my breathing get heavy. Before I knew it Jurina’s arms were around me. I felt myself relax at the little warmth that provided. Slowly the tension left my body.

I don’t know how long we stood that way until Jurina spoke, “Better?” I nodded weakly.

“I am sorry. I am terrified of storms,” I revealed holding her tighter when I heard thunder. Jurina pulled away slightly. Only enough so that she could see my face. Disbelief was written all over her face.

“Then why would you come after me?” She questioned desperately. Her eyebrows her furrowed. There was a slight crease in her forehead. She looked so utterly lost. Somehow it was the cutest thing I had ever seen. I swallowed unsure of why those thoughts were emerging at such a inappropriate time. I gave her a weak smile.

“You were lost. It’s not that complicated,” I answered simply. Because isn’t that what friends do? My mind told me that was flawed logic. That I wouldn’t do that for just anyone, but then again I didn’t have many friends. I am assuming this is what friends would do. She looked like she wanted to say more, but stopped herself.

“You’re not being very fair, Rena.”

I wasn’t entirely sure, but I thought I heard her whisper that under her breath. But that didn’t make any sense. How was I being unfair? What did that have to do with the conversation? I wanted to ask, but it seemed like I would be invading Jurina’s personal thoughts. I supposed I would just have to let it go.

“So why didn’t you answer your phone? I repeated once more. Jurina sighed running her hands through her soaked hair.

“I left it at home along with my lunch. I didn’t notice until it was way too late,” Jurina explained. Oh that made sense. She did leave her house in an awful hurry.

“Oh… I thought you aren’t replying because you were mad about this morning. I am sorry by the way,” I apologized slightly bowing my head. Jurina bit her lip. There was an unsure look in her eyes.

“No don’t apologize. I was acting like a child. I didn’t even let you speak earlier. Even though I was telling Daichi to let you decide I was pretty much trying to decide for you too. I am not surprised you stormed out. It’s just I was annoyed he interrupted me, but I should have kept my mouth shut. I am sorry,” Jurina admitted with an apology.

I was surprised. Then relived. She wasn’t angry. Thank goodness. I was really worried about that. I was so sure she hated me. I couldn’t help, but smile.

“Let’s just forget about this and go home. What do you say?” I suggested stepping out of the jungle gym. Jurina flashed me a soft smile.

“I would like that very much.”

I suppose it shouldn’t have been much of a surprise that when we arrived to my house I found Daichi waiting outside under an umbrella. I wasn’t too surprised that he had an umbrella. Although it hardly rained around here Daichi was the type of fellow to carry an umbrella regardless. As soon as we were in eyesight he rushed to my side.

“Rena! Where the hell have you been? Why didn’t you answer my texts? Oh god you are soaking wet!” Daichi exclaimed pulling me under his umbrella.

“I am fine Daichi. I am sorry! I was distracted,” I replied calmly. Odd. I had felt so distressed just ten minutes ago. I guess I was just relieved that I had found Jurina. Daichi didn’t look convinced. He glared at Jurina.

“You! It was your fault wasn’t it? I bet you wouldn’t know, but Rena is severely scared of storms! She could have been hurt!” Daichi yelled like a crazed maniac. Jurina looked like a kicked puppy. I felt the urge to kick him. Was that seriously necessary? I wasn’t even hurt. It wasn’t even Jurina’s fault.

“It isn’t her fault! She couldn’t have possibly known. Besides I am the one who went after her. She didn’t ask me to! Not to mention-” I shot back stepping out of the umbrella. Jurina put her hand on my shoulder efficiently cutting me off. She shook her head. I was silent.

“No, he’s right. No matter how pissed off I was I should have never wandered off like that without knowing where I was going. I am sorry,” Jurina bowed. Daichi looked surprised. I guess he didn’t expect her to own up to what she did. As if she did anything, but whatever.

“Y-Yeah umm apology accepted.” Daichi replied in an unsure tone. Jurina gave him a small smile.

“I’ll leave you two then,” Jurina concluded.

Her face was more serious than I had ever seen her. I wondered if something was bothering her. Maybe getting lost wore her out. Something was telling me it was much more than that. I wanted to ask, but I knew this wasn’t the right moment. I watched as she started to walk into her house.

“Wait! I am sorry too… For being a jerk earlier,” Daichi called out. Jurina spun around.

“Thanks,” was all she responded before entering her house.

It seemed like they were finally getting along. However for some reason it didn’t make me feel any better. Something about it seemed off. Her apology. While it was sincere I didn’t like it. For some reason to me it seemed like she was just giving up. Giving up on what I wasn’t so sure? On me? The thought crossed my mind, but I dismissed it as irrational. It made no sense. Then again when it came to Jurina nothing made sense.

There was an awkward silence after she left. We stood outside my house without saying anything. I feel like I should be saying something, but I have nothing to say. An apology? It seemed that might be the appropriate thing to do, but I didn’t feel like I had anything to apologize for. I did nothing wrong except help a friend in need. Surely anyone would do that. Daichi didn’t seem to agree with this.

“Why didn’t you answer my texts? Do you understand how worried I was, Rena?” Daichi demanded. He kept saying that. It’s not that I don’t understand. I did. But we just discussed what happened. I don’t see why this is this a topic of conversation. I sighed.

“Look Daichi I am tired. I told you earlier I was distracted. Can we drop this please?” I answered tiredly. I wanted nothing more than to go home and take a warm shower. After that maybe I could run some lines with Jurina. Daichi gave me a hurt look.

“Why are you being like this Rena? I don’t understand. We been friends for years. Then suddenly Jurina came around and you are a completely different person,” Daichi pointed out sadly. I tried my best not to be annoyed. Again he was making a big deal about Jurina. Maybe I was just tired, but I really didn’t want to have this conversation.

“Again with the Jurina thing? I already told you that you have nothing to be jealous about. I don’t see how I could have possibly changed within four days. I think maybe you need to back off and give me some space!” I snapped. I hadn’t meant to do it, but I had it. Daichi ran his fingers through his hair in frustration.

“Why is it every time Jurina is brought up you get this defensive? Just listen to yourself!” Daichi shot back.

“Well if I changed ever since Jurina came around so did you! You blew up my phone angrily and ignored me for a full day for no legit reason. All I did not walk with you for one day and you blew it out of proportion. Then the morning after you apologize you don’t even let me answer a friend’s request to hang out because suddenly you own my time! You didn’t even know what I was going to answer. And you know what Jurina got lost because you were rude. Maybe if you haven’t interrupted her for no reason she wouldn’t have gotten lost and we wouldn’t be having this conversation!” I yelled releasing all of my frustration.

Daichi was silent. Getting that out of my chest should have made me feel better, but for some reason I just felt awful.

“Daichi… I-”

“Don’t apologize. You’re right. I was so caught up in my ridiculous jealousy I didn’t think about how I was making you feel. Of course you wouldn’t you want to be around me lately. I been acting like a complete jerk. I am sorry,” Daichi apologized. My jaw dropped. He was apologizing? I wasn’t expecting that. I look a deep breath.

“It’s okay. As long as you get it now we’ll be good. Besides we’re only hanging out a lot because of the play, but I promise we’ll spend more time together when it’s done,” I reassured him. Daichi grinned.

“Thank you Rena,” he answered. Then I sneezed and sneezed. Oh no… Daichi chuckled.

“You should probably go inside and change to dry clothes,” Daichi suggested. I nodded.

“Yeah that I will do. Bye Daichi,” I said making my way towards my door.

“So I’ll see you tomorrow morning?” Daichi asked as he walked away.

“Yeah tomorrow!”

After my warm bath rather than feeling relaxed I felt… Restless. I couldn’t quite put my finger on it, but something was bothering me. Jurina. The answer came to me automatically. It didn’t make any sense, so I tried to dismiss it again. I sat on my desk and pulled out the play script. There was no homework tonight. It was the perfect time to practice my lines and clear my mind. I began reading them, but no matter how hard I tried my thoughts went back to Jurina.

She just looked so upset earlier. She didn’t voice it. Her facial expression didn’t give it away, but somehow I just knew. I felt like it was all my fault. I stared at the ceiling. Maybe Daichi was right. Maybe I did change ever since Jurina came around. Maybe I should stay away from Jurina, but before I knew it I was texting her.

Are you busy?

The text was sent, but I didn’t know why I had texted her. My phone buzzed.

Jurina: No. What’s up?

I searched my head for an excuse for texting her. My eyes landed on the script.

Want to practice our lines together?

Almost in an instant the phone buzzed again.

Jurina: I am tired.

It hurt. I don’t know why. Logically it makes sense that she would be tired. She wandered who knows how long in the streets in the rain. I was tired too. But I wanted to see her. I wanted to know everything was okay between us. It was irrational. We were fine, but I couldn’t shake the feeling.

Oh… Are you sleeping over again?

Jurina: No.

Do you think you’ll be alright?

Jurina: I’ll manage. Also Airi is walking me to school tomorrow. No need to wait up. I am going to bed. Night Rena

I was upset. I didn’t know why I was upset to the point I wanted to cry, but I was. I practiced my lines for about an hour. When I glanced towards Jurina’s window the light was still on.
« Last Edit: March 20, 2016, 04:20:52 AM by kawaiiidolworld »

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~ New Fic Backwards Drama (Wmatsui) Ch.5 Update
« Reply #172 on: March 19, 2016, 10:54:06 PM »
I'm waiting for you're update :)
Finally :)
Why jurina's so upset? Already give up ?
Thanks for the updates, i'm waiting for the next chapter

Offline kumabear

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~ New Fic Backwards Drama (Wmatsui) Ch.5 Update
« Reply #173 on: March 19, 2016, 11:13:36 PM »
Yossha updatee~
Thank you :)

Offline kawaiiidolworld

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~ New Fic Backwards Drama (Wmatsui) Ch.5 Update
« Reply #175 on: March 20, 2016, 04:22:01 AM »
Ah you guys are so nice even after the editing mistake I made

Offline genkingblack

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~ New Fic Backwards Drama (Wmatsui) Ch.5 Update
« Reply #176 on: March 20, 2016, 09:14:40 AM »
couldn't agree more with Jurina...

Rena isn't being fair in this one,

but i'm glad Jurina drew a clear line between them

well just wait and see how Rena will react...

actually i read it last nite, but its hard to comment via wap. Well thank you for updating this fic kawaii-san~ :on gay:
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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~ New Fic Backwards Drama (Wmatsui) Ch.5 Update
« Reply #177 on: March 20, 2016, 01:41:52 PM »
poor Jurina.
Jurina do not give up, please!

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~ New Fic Backwards Drama (Wmatsui) Ch.5 Update
« Reply #178 on: March 22, 2016, 11:29:38 AM »
Aw my heart! :gyaaah:

-sorry for my bad english, still learning with uncle Sae :hee:

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~ New Fic Backwards Drama (Wmatsui) Ch.5 Update
« Reply #179 on: March 22, 2016, 08:14:58 PM »
Author-san you make a new story. I'm sorry for just reading it now. hehe... XD
Anyway I'm always delighted when I read your story. Its awesome. :thumbsup

Ah.. poor jurina and poor rena too..  :cry:
How long until rena realize her own feeling?
And I think I know why jurina want to give up on her. Jurina from the start have been open about her feelings.
But cz Rena have daichi, Jurina doesn't want to hurt rena but now she hurt herself for rejecting her own feelings.
Ah... tragedy.. :banghead:

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