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Author Topic: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner S.2 Epilogue~!! - COMPLETED  (Read 272490 times)

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner S.2 (Chapter 25) UPDATE!
« Reply #840 on: December 02, 2013, 12:04:45 AM »
Yuki went insane.... would she be able to overcome it?

Well... I can understand Mayu's decision about wanting to just sign a truce

So no one would be injured anymore and she could save Yuki

But somehow Akane did not want it... why?

What kind of training are they going to go through?

Would Rena be able to get any explanation from Jurina?

Who would Hellsing or Demons that stand as the final winner?

What's going to happen next?

Can't wait to find out

Thank you for the update

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline anakpanti

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner S.2 (Chapter 25) UPDATE!
« Reply #841 on: December 02, 2013, 03:10:34 AM »
Wow... fast update. I love you.  :inlove:

Kumi... her power is really-really-really amazing.
Why Yuki keep challenging her? How can she's so sure that she can fight with demon generals.... alone??!!
I feel pity for Mayu..

I'm start to fangirling over Demon Generals and Center.  :wub:

Oh come on Van Hellsing... just sign the truce... If the Demon break their promise, then you can start the war.
Why they keep their stubborn :?

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner S.2 (Chapter 25) UPDATE!
« Reply #842 on: December 02, 2013, 03:40:12 PM »

Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner S.2 (Chapter 19) UPDATE!
« Reply #843 on: December 09, 2013, 04:48:08 AM »

Okay, I'm sorry, but I gotta say something. I've had this really... really.... REALLY strong suspision about Jurina. I don't think ANY of this can be true. Unless Jurina is a master actress, that cannot, and I mean cannot be Jurina. And, I don't think it can be Center, either. Cuz she long gone.

Who's the only one left? Think, that mask is on her left eye. Who else could it be?

I'll tell ya who.


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Offline kevinwkl

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner S.2 (Chapter 25) UPDATE!
« Reply #844 on: December 10, 2013, 06:03:06 PM »

Chapter 26 - Final Training

Annin found her way and entered the SKE forest. “I wonder what Center did in this forest that made her lose her temper.. Did something happen in this forest?”

After hiking for quite some time, she sighed. There’s nothing in this forest worth getting angry about. Just dead trees and crunchy leaves laying all over the floor. She suddenly noticed something attractive from a distance. It was a hill full of flowers. It was stunning. “Hey.. I never knew there was a flowery hill in this forest..”

Annin continued hiking up to the top of the hill to see the most beautiful scenery she had ever seen. Who would have thought that there was going to be a huge sakura tree on the very top of this hill?

“Wow... It’ beautiful up here... I feel so....calm.. So refreshing...” Annin closed her eyes and inhaled the fresh air.

“Why would Center be so angry after visiting this place? It just doesn’t make any sense. Something must have happened.”

Something caught Annin’s attention. A flower of pure white, whiter than snow itself, lying right beneath the sakura tree. Even the stem of the flower was pure white. It was the most beautiful flower Annin had ever seen. It was so beautiful that people would think it’s fake. She approached the flower and kneeled down. “It’ beautiful...”

As she was reaching for it, someone grabbed onto her arm, halting her from reaching to the flower.

“What are you trying to do, Annin?” A loud voice sounded from the side.

Shocked by the voice, Annin turned and noticed a pair of eyes glaring right at her. “C-Center!”

Jurina pulled Annin up and pinned her on the sakura tree with her brute force. Jurina’s grip on Annin’s arm was so hard that Annin thought her arm was breaking apart. “L-Let go, Center!”

Jurina squeezed her arm tighter, causing Annin to start flinching. “I said let go, Center!!” Annin released her barrier to push Jurina away but to no avail as the barrier merely passed right through Jurina’s body.

Jurina scoffed. “I’m in possession of the Yamata no Orochi, Annin. I’m basically immune to all your powers. You are nothing compared to the power I’m wielding right now, you hear me?! Now tell me what the hell were you doing here!?”

“Let go of my arm, Jurina... My arm hurts...” Annin said softly.

Realizing her actions, Jurina immediately let go of her grip. As soon as Annin was released, she fell into kneeling position while grabbing onto her slightly injured arm. “F-Forgive my actions...” Jurina apologized.

Annin stood back up and smiled. “It’s alright.. But why were you so angry, Center?”

“...” Jurina kept silent.

“And why were you so angry the other day?”

Annin’s statement caught Jurina’s attention. “What do you mean the other day?”

“Umeda said she saw you entering to SKE forest.. This forest. When you came back, you just lost your temper. Why?”

“Was that all Umeda saw?” Jurina asked.

“She said that she only saw you entering the forest and that she was not able to see anything more than that. Strange. It’s hard to find Umeda has something she couldn’t see eventhough it was within her range.”

“So that’s why you came to this forest? To look for answers for me losing my temper?”

“Uh-huh..” Annin nodded her head.

“How childish..” Jurina looked at Annin blankly.

“E-Eh?” Annin ooked confused.

“There are so many more important things to care about rather than something as petty as ‘looking for answers for me losing my temper’.” Jurina stated.

“I AM doing something important.. Y-You are what I care about most, Center. Whenever you feel angry and lose your temper, it just makes me really sad.. So I feel it’s important to find out the cause of it.” Annin explained.

“...” Jurina became silent again.

“Just tell me, Center... What happened here? Who made you so angry? I’m worried about you. You know you can open up to me any time you want about your problems.. I can promise you that I’ll keep it a secret.” Annin begged.

“Nothing happened here, actually...” Jurina finally spoke up.

“Huh? Then why were you so angry? Something must have triggered your anger, Center.”

“I’ve always been angry.”

“No, Center.. You weren’t like this.. Please.. Tell me..”

“No, Annin. Enough! We’re leaving now!” Jurina grabbed Annin’s arm.

Annin immediately pulled her arm away. “No! I will not leave until you tell me what happened here, Center! Stop being so stubborn!”

“I said no, Annin! It’s none of your business!! Now leave or i WILL force you to leave!” Jurina screamed.

“I’d rather die than to let you drown and suffer in your problems by yourself! I will not let you go through all this by yourself!” Annin screamed back.

Jurina furiously walked over and pulled Annin up by the collar. “YOU DON’T DESERVE TO BE HERE, YOU HEAR ME!? YOU DON’T DESERVE IT!!! YOU SIMPLY DON’T DESERVE IT!!”

Annin’s eyes widened from Jurina’s anger. Annin’s voice was shaking badly. “H-Huh?”

“Listen here, Annin!” Jurina tugged and pulled Annin closer to her face in anger. “Listen here!! This hill is a holy place! You’re a demon, Annin! The longer you stay here, your life force will gradually fade away! And you see that white flower over there??? You see it!?” Jurina pointed at the flower and emphasized it twice. “That flower is made of a pure holy essence, Annin! If I hadn’t stop you that time, your whole body would have been burnt into crisp! You get me now!? Huh?? You get me?!?!”

Trembling at Jurina’s outburst once again, Annin nodded and said in a soft and apologetic voice. “I get it. I get it. I’m sorry..”

Jurina was puffing and huffing as soon as she was done with her screaming. Jurina let go of Annin’s collar and took a few steps back. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t let my anger consume me...”

Annin shooked her head vigorously. “No, you don’t have to apologize to me, Center.. I should be the one to apologize for trying to invade your private life.. You even saved me from the holy flower, Center..”

“You’re not angry with me even after all that scolding you got from me?” Jurina frowned.

“Of course not, Center! I would never be angry at you! That’s because I lo-” Annin blushed immediately.

“Because?” Jurina asked in a musical tone.

“N-Nothing..” Annin felt wobbly suddenly. Before she tripped over, Jurina grabbed onto her.

“See what I mean? Staying in this place long will do you no good.” Jurina sighed. “No choice then.” Jurina pulled Annin up and piggy backed her.

“W-What are you doing, Center?? Put me down!” Annin blushed once again.

“I doubt you even have much energy left to stand. If I let you down now, you’ll fall down flat on the ground.”

“I...” Before Annin could finish her statement, Jurina intercepted her

“Just shut up and grab on tightly, Annin.” Jurina spread her wings and took off from SKE Forest.

“I’m sorry, Center.. I’m always causing you trouble..” Annin apologized.

“If you know you’re always causing me trouble then stop doing it. I can’t even take care of myself properly with all the current events and now I have to take care of you..” Jurina stated.

“T-T-Take care of me??” Annin’s face flashed red.

“Yes, Annin... You’re basically giving me more work to do. For now just be silent and conserve your energy.”

Annin smiled happily and tightened her hug around Jurina’s shoulder. She then laid her head down on Jurina’s back and closed her eyes before mumbling. “Thank you, Center..”

Jurina didn’t reply, but she showed a slight smile and mumbled as well. “Troublesome girl..”

The journey was short since Jurina could fly with a tremendous speed. As Jurina landed from the sky, Annin was still holding onto Jurina tightly. “Hey Annin, we’re here. Let go.”

“...” No reply from Annin.

“Hey, Anni-” Jurina turned her head back to notice Annin snoozing on her back. Jurina sighed once again. “This girl really does get my hands full..”

Jurina carried Annin into her room and placed her on the bed. Right when Jurina turned around, Annin grabbed onto her arm. “Center?”

Jurina turned around and looked at Annin once again. “Yea?”

“Thanks for caring about me, Center.” Annin woke up and landed a kiss on Jurina’s cheek.

Feeling completely shocked from Annin’s action, Jurina flinched away and covered her cheek with her palm. Annin then immediately hid inside her duvet. Jurina could have sworn she heard a squeal from within the duvet. “Good night, Annin..”

Jurina exited the room, still feeling confused while her palm is still covering her cheek.

Annin suddenly shot out from her duvet and had a weird thought. “Wait.. What was something that holy even doing in the SKE Forest? What is she even doing in a place like this? Oh well, better not bother Center about this matter anymore. She wouldn’t like it.” Why is something like this be doing on the surface of the Earth, what more in the SKE Forest and why Jurina lost her temper the other day remains unknown.......for now.

In the Hospital

“How’s she, Takamina?” Mayu asked.

“No good. She’s not recovering to her usual self. She still screams a lot.. We put her to sleep for a dozen times already, but everytime she opens her eyes, she would start screaming all over again. We just only put her to sleep again.. Like for the 13th time i think.” Takamina explained.

Rena frowned. “What? You put her to sleep 13 times? Wouldn’t she get cancer from that or something?”

“Rena!” Mayu smacked Rena on the shoulder.

“Oh, don’t you worry about that, Rena. Yuki’s a vampire.. Her body is way stronger than a humans’. She’ll be fine.” Takamina explained.

“Wait.. Let’s check the security camera from the supermarket.. Maybe we can find some clues about what actually happened to Yuki..” Mayu stated.

At that time, Akane tossed a tape at Mayu. Mayu grabbed it and looked at Akane. “Eh?”

“Took you so long to think of this idea. You’re always one step late, captain. As soon as I heard the news about Yuki, I went straight for the security camera for clues already. Let’s see how bright you are in looking for clues.” Akane said.

Mayu borrowed one of the nurse’s computer and played the tape. “Let’s watch together..”

Akane, Rena and Mayu sat down and watched the whole scene. Sasshi’s head popped out of nowhere. “Hey, you guys watching a movie or something?”

“Shh!! We’re trying to listen to the conversation in the CCTV recording.” Mayu scoffed.

Sasshi’s ears got pulled up immediately. “What are you doing outside your ward, Sasshi?”

“E-Eh? Lovetan?” Sasshi was shocked.

“Get back to your ward now. You’re not fully healed yet.” Lovetan said.

“Exactly. Who gave you the permission to roam around this place, huh?” Takamina came closer.

“What? I’m the Lord of the zombies! I can do whatever I want!” Sasshi did the supermn pose.

Takamina and Lovetan looked at each other.

The next scene showed Sasshi being dragged back to the ward by both Sasshi and Takamina. “You can’t do this to me! I’m the Zombie Lord!!” And they were gone from the scene.

After they watched the recording, Akane smiled. “So, what do you think about it, captain?”

“From what I see, apparently this Demon General Kumi has the powers to block all the human senses completely, while keeping their mind intact. This explains why the victim will literally go crazy. But she has a weakness.. She will be extremely vulnerable to physical attacks when she activates her powers.”

Akane shook her head. “That’s not what I was asking for, captain. Those points that you stated were way too obvious. I can’t think of anyone who can miss out any of the facts that you stated.”

“You know what? I’m just gonna keep quiet and not say anything.” Rena remained silent after that.

Akane continued. “What I wanted to know is how do we cure Yuki.”

Mayu frowned. “Huh? It wasn’t in the video recording, Akane.”

“Yes it was, captain... You weren’t observant enough.” Akane said.

Rena hands up. “Yea.. I can be a witness to that, Akane.. I didn’t see or hear anything about how to cure the victim.”

“Keep quiet, Rena. I wasn’t asking you. I was asking the captain.” Akane stated.

“Ok...” Rena slowly put down her arm.

“Hmm...” Mayu squeezed her brain.

“Come on, captain. I have high hopes in you. Figure it out now and Yuki will be saved immediately.” Akane explained.

“But why don’t you just say it out now and save Yuki first??” Mayu asked.

“Sorry to tell you this, captain. But no. I’m not going to tell any of you anything until YOU figure out what it is, captain. I wat to train you to be more observant. So don’t expect me to spoonfeed you.” Akane said.

Mayu shot up from her seat suddenly. “Wait a min...” Mayu was stunned for a short moment. “I’ve got it!!”

Akane smiled. “Good. Now let’s put your theory to the test.”

Mayu rushed into the emergency room immediately followed by Rena and Akane. As expected, Yuki was already awake and still screaming madly. Yuki was tied up onto the bed with an iron chain in case she goes berserk. Mayu stood beside Yuki’s bed and and looked at her own palm. She then clenched her fist hard and landed a powerful punch right on Yuki’s stomach. Yuki spit out blood at the impact and started groaning. Yuki stopped screaming now. She’s just groaning and mumbling undecipherable words.

“Mayu!! What are you doing!?” Rena was shocked. As Rena walked over to Mayu, she got pulled back by Akane. “Let the captain do her thing. Seems like she has finally got it..” Akane shot a smile of satisfaction.

“Huh?” Rena looked confused.

Once again, Mayu clenched her fist and punched Yuki’s stomach. Yuki spit out blood once again and she started shifting her hand to her stomach slowly. “P-P-P-P-Pain.....”

“W-What??” Rena’s eyes widened in shock.

“It really worked!!” Mayu released Yuki from the chains. She laid down on Yuki’s body and hugged her tightly.

“I-I-It hurts, N-N-Nezumi-s-sama....” Yuki mumbled.

“Thank god you’re alright now, Yuki.. I was so worried..” Mayu glomped herself on Yuki. Yuki replied it with a tight hug.

“Y-Yea.. I’m fine now..” Yuki smied faintly. “But I’m still feeling a little dizzy..”

“Just take some rest for now, Yuki.. You’ve been through a lot.” Mayu smiled.

“I knew you would figure it out sooner or later, captain.” Akane nodded.

“Wait! Wait! Wait! Wait! Hold up! Hold up! Hold up! Someone please explain this to me..What’s going on?? I don’t get it! Why did Yuki suddenly regain consciousness?” Rena scratched her head.

“Yuki, answer me one question.. Kumi’s punches.. Were they all completely powerless?” Mayu asked.

“Now that remember it... They were completely powerless.. It was just of a normal human’s strength. I wonder why..” Yuki stated while still grabbing her stomach in pain.

“Exactly my point.. When she activates her powers, her physical strength is further decreased. Don’t you find it any bit suspicious?” Mayu asked Rena.

“Err.... Can’t say that I understand it yet..” Rena shrugged her shoulders.

“She did that to make sure that she will NEVER inflict any pain to Yuki..” Mayu stated.

“Ah... I get it now!” Rena finally got it.

“In other words... As long as the victim is in pain, it will cancel off Kumi’s silencing effect immediately.” Mayu explained.

“But it’s still dangerous to go against her.. You can never end a fight with her unharmed. Throughout the fight with her, you might have to keep hurting yourself.” Akane said.

“Rest well, Yuki.. When you’re released from the hospital, everyone of you will undergo a really intense training.” Akane told Yuki.

“Why must we go through all this? Why don’t we sign the truce with them?? This way, as long as we don’t touch them, they won’t touch us!” Mayu asked once again.

“You want to sign truce with demons?? Answer me, captain.. Will you be 100% sure that they will keep their words?” Akane frowned.

“Most probably they will contain their demons and not attack us..”

“You’re not answering my question, captain. Are you 100% SURE that they will never EVER attack humans? 100% sure?” Akane emphasized once again.

“I...” Mayu became lost for words.

“You see, captain.. As long as we know demons still roam around this world, we will never live in peace. And there’s another reason to not sign the truce..” Akane said.

“Which is?” Mayu asked.

“Jurina.” Akane’s word made everyone in the room silent. “If we sign the truce, we will never ever be able to see Jurina again. Do you want that to happen?”

“Why not we just sign the truce for now then we just break the truce when we invade their castle?”

“Why even bother signing the truce then? By signing the truce and then breaking it after, it makes us the bad people instead.. It leaves a very bad impression of Hellsing. I don’t want that to happen.” Akane explained.

“You’ve got a point there..” Rena nodded her head.

“For now... Take a good rest, Yuki..” Akane ordered.

Few days later, Hellsing meeting room

“Now let’s analyze the powers of all four of the Demon Generals..” Akane pulled down four posters of the Demon Generals. Each with one of their faces.

Akane started. “First, the Demon General Umeda.. As we all already know, she possess unbelievable strength and speed, not to mention she can read all our movements.”

“Not everybody’s.. She couldn’t read mine.” Sasshi voiced out.

“Good. So you’ll be the best person to go against Umeda. Watch out for her movements. Her movements are really tricky. As long as you’re able to read her movements, you’ll be on the advantage. I’ll put my trust on you, Sasshi.” Akane explained.

“Got it.” Sasshi nodded.

“Next is the Demon General Kumi. We know her powers already. Her powers are silencing all the human senses. It’s a deadly power. But there is a flaw. As long as you’re in pain, her silencing effects will cancel off. In other words, the one to go against her must be the one with an extremely high endurance of pain because you’ll be hurting yourself a lot. So, Chokoku would be the best to go against Kumi.” Akane continued.

“I’ll try my best.” Chokoku agreed.

“Listen here, Chokoku. Avoid getting in contact with her hand and end the fight as soon as possible. I don’t expect you to be able to hurt yourself forever.”

“Got it.” Chokoku nodded.

“Third, the Demon General Annin. From what we have seen before, she had the power to create barriers and also healing powers. Not much is known about her. We do not know if that is the extent of her powers or if she has an offensive power. So I can’t assign her to anyone. Anyone who faced her, I wish you good luck.”

“That was the demon who kissed Jurina on the cheek.. I will go against her. I have a lot to talk to her about.” Rena offered herself.

“Remember, Rena.. Her powers will repel any damage dealt to her back at you. So, think of a plan before you strike.”

“Got it.” Rena nodded.

“Finally, the one I find most interesting.. Demon General Sayanee, the swordsman. Her swordplay is frightening. I will go against her.” Akane suggested.

“Wait.. Talking about swordsman... Where is Nishishi?” Rena asked.

“She left for her own adventure around the world to discover more swords. So, she won’t be joining us in this mission.” Akane explained.

“Still the same old sword-loving, Nishishi..” Mayu shook her head.

“Well what about their assistants?” Gakuran asked.

“I can tell you about their assistants...” Lovetan entered the room at that time.

“I see.. Do tell us then..” Akane said.

“There’s Kumi-sama’s assistants, Kanon and Yuria.. They possess the powers of Hell Flames and Hell Ice respectively. Despite them being cute most of the times, they can actually transform into their respective beast mode..” Lovetan explained.

“B-Beast mode?” Mayu swallowed her saliva.

“Yup. It’s quite terrifying to tell the truth..” Lovetan said. “Annin-sama doesn’t have any assistant.”

Akane continued. “That leaves us with only Milky. She has territorial effect powers. As the name suggests, she can create any territory she wants all around her. Given her fearsome powers and intellect, I’d say she is even on par with the other Demon Generals.”

“I hate her ego.. I’ll go against her then.” Mayu sneered.

“Who said you’re joining this mission, captain?” Akane sounded.

“As you said, Akane.. We’re dealing with demons here. We need more people for this mission. It will definitely increase the percentage of success rate of this mission.” Mayu replied.

“You have no combat skills, captain. Sending you on this mission is the same as sending you right to your grave.” Akane said.

“Then let me undergo the training everyone is about to go through.” Mayu said.

“You’re too weak for that, captain. You will not survive 10 minutes in the training.” Akane said.

“I don’t care what you say this time, Akane.. I’m joining this fight as well..” Mayu insisted.

Akane nodded. “Alright then.. I will see how well you do in the training.”

“I’m going as well!” Lovetan sounded.

“No, Lovetan.. You’re not coming along. It’s too dangerous.” Sasshi said.

“No way I’m letting all of you go while I sit around here and do nothing! I’m going!” Lovetan retorted.

“No, you’re not! I’m not letting you go, Lovetan..” Sasshi replied.

“ Alright then... I wonder... where exactly is the location of the Demon General Castle..” Lovetan said in a sarcastic voice. Everyone in the room became silent.

“Alright then! You can come along!” Sasshi rolled her eyes.

“Jurina’s crowning as the Demon King will be in a week time. We will have enough time to train.” Akane held her palm out to them. “Five days is all I need to train all of you.”

“Wow.. So, when will the training start?” Rena asked.

“Now.” The whole room remained silent for a moment.

“Well, what are we waiting for then? Let’s get this training started!” Rena shot up from her seat.

“All of you, follow me.” Akane walked into the training room. Everybody followed her. It was as large as a football field.

“As you can see, there will be a bathroom at the corner of this training room. Food will be provided to all of you everyday, so do not worry about that.” Akane said.

“Eh?” Everyone looked confused.

“Your training is just to live in this training room for 5 days.” Akane told them.

“That’s it? What’s there to train? I thought you said I wouldn’t survive 10 minutes here.” Mayu frowned.

“Alright, then.. Let’s put it to the test, shall we? Chokoku, you have the strongest physical force among everyone here. So you remain in this training room. Others, follow me out." As soon as they did, Akane closed the door. They looked through the glass and looked at Chokoku.

“Brace yourself, Chokoku...” Akane ordered.

“Brace myself? From what?” Chokoku asked.

Akane clicked the big red button. Chokoku suddenly looked suppressed as she is seen trying to resisting something. Her whole body was trembling as if she is using a lot of energy. Her body is seen gradually sinking lower and lower. That is when Akane clicked the button again. Chokoku then fell onto the ground, puffing and huffing while sweating buckets.

“See what I mean now?” Akane looked at Mayu.

Chokoku then stood up and walked out of the training room. Akane asked Chokoku. “So how was it?”

“We’re supposed to live in there for 5 whole days?” Chokoku still puffed and huffed.

“Yes. I told you already. This will be the most intense training you’ll experience ever.” Akane replied.

“What kind of training is this?” Rena asked, being curious.

“You’ll be living in the training room that has 100x the gravity of the earth. Your movements will be quite restricted while you’re in there. But once you get used to the weight, I promise you, your powers will increase a few folds. Don’t worry. I’ll be joining all of you in this training as well.” Akane assured.

“100x gravity of the earth? That’s crazy!” Mayu retorted.

“You can always back out anytime you want, captain.” Akane said.

“N-No. I’m not going to back out on this. We’re doing this to save Jurina.” Mayu answered.

Rena nodded. “For Jurina.”

Yuki and Sasshi followed. “For Jurina.”

Finally Gakuran and Chokoku. “For Jurina.”

Akane smiled. “Are you all ready?”

“Yes.” Everyone answered simultaneously and entered the training room. The big red button was clicked and so the final training begins...

Chapter 26 - Final Training

PS : The next chapter will be a special chapter about the Demon Generals' history~
« Last Edit: December 10, 2013, 06:53:42 PM by kevinwkl »

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner S.2 (Chapter 26) UPDATE!
« Reply #845 on: December 10, 2013, 06:17:08 PM »
That training... reminds me of Dragon Ball (Z Kai... I think...)... XD
Ooh... Kumi-san... (for some reason I'm worrying about Kumi more than the main characters... lol)
holy flower... hrm...

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner S.2 (Chapter 26) UPDATE!
« Reply #846 on: December 10, 2013, 06:24:24 PM »
Shinoki : You're right actually.. I took it from Dragon Ball  XD

Offline anakpanti

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner S.2 (Chapter 26) UPDATE!
« Reply #847 on: December 10, 2013, 07:21:54 PM »
*Just restarting my laptop* *sigh*

Finally!! Update. Yeaayy!

Jurina and Annin... I love them so much!  XD
Honestly... when they're on SKE Forest, I didn't think about Rena.. not even slight a bit.  :P
They're just.... sweet. Especially when Jurina piggyback Annin.  :inlove:
I saw that Jurina became warmer to Annin. I'm happy.

I'm fangirling at Jurina x Annin because of this fanfic. I even willing to watch MG3 too.
Well... like I said before, I'm demon generals fans.  :lol:

Annin then immediately hid inside her duvet. Jurina could have sworn she heard a squeal from within the duvet.
What is it means?

Mayu... she's too genius!  :lol:
She and Akane just need to watch the CCTV and then problem solved.
“In other words... As long as the victim is in pain, it will cancel off Kumi’s silencing effect immediately.” Mayu explained.
Great job!

Sashi vs. Umeda
Rena vs. Annin
Chokoku vs. Kumi
Akane vs. Sayanee
Ex-assistant + Mayu vs. Assistants

:ding: I can't wait until this battle happen. I'm eagerly waiting for this battle.

Yeahh... Dragon Ball. Gravitation training. XD
Suddenly, I remembering Songoku in his.  :lol:

Ano... please make sure that Mayu won't die.  :P
She still lacking in fight skill.

Nice update, Kevin.  :twothumbs

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner S.2 (Chapter 26) UPDATE!
« Reply #848 on: December 10, 2013, 09:12:51 PM »
Annin then immediately hid inside her duvet. Jurina could have sworn she heard a squeal from within the duvet.
What is it means?

It means Annin hide inside her own blanket and went "KYA!!" at her own action of kissing Jurina.. she's being shy..  XD

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner S.2 (Chapter 26) UPDATE!
« Reply #849 on: December 10, 2013, 09:39:34 PM »
Thx you for the update ><!!

They finally start to train for the battle

Everyone look so cool while discust about the Demon General

I want to see how they trainning

Please update soon

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner S.2 (Chapter 26) UPDATE!
« Reply #850 on: December 11, 2013, 06:48:02 AM »
Ok~!!!! This will inspires me to update mine as soon as possible....

Gonna do it now... *types*

I wonder about Rabutan's ability aside from able to track anything.  :? :? :?

Waiting for your next update.  :) :) :)
(To meet you someday, was the last thing I will wish for.)
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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner S.2 (Chapter 26) UPDATE!
« Reply #851 on: December 11, 2013, 12:51:10 PM »
A hell of training program there

Eh... Kumi's power very easy encounter...

What's going to happen to her when she fight against sayaka?

Mostly... Akane already set nearly everyone with their own enemy to fight

What's going to happen to them in their training and in the final showdown?

Can't wait to find out

Thank you for the update

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner S.2 (Chapter 26) UPDATE!
« Reply #852 on: December 13, 2013, 02:35:51 PM »
update!!!!!!! :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow:

thank you~~~~!!!!!
mayuyu and rena is <3

mayuki and mayurena is my fav <3

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner S.2 (Chapter 26) UPDATE!
« Reply #853 on: December 13, 2013, 03:01:45 PM »
Annin vs rena LOL i could sense rena jealousy

Im a bit confused with jurina,but i wait the answer on the next chapter

The demon not that bad nee,at least they know love

I will sad if the demon general will die on the battle vs the hellsing members

Yeah that was totaly dragon ball Z 



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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner S.2 (Chapter 26) UPDATE!
« Reply #854 on: December 13, 2013, 07:32:10 PM »
They have to train in THERE?! :shocked Hope it'll all be worth it...

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner S.2 (Chapter 26) UPDATE!
« Reply #855 on: December 14, 2013, 04:02:39 AM »
yo yo yo hellsing team!! chrush the demon!!!

nishishi really suspicious

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Runners, until the race is run
Soldiers, you've got to soldier on
Sometimes even right is wrong

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner S.2 (Chapter 26) UPDATE!
« Reply #856 on: December 24, 2013, 09:22:40 AM »


Special Chapter - Demon General's History

“Is that all you can do, Umeda? If this continues, you will lose all your chances to be a Demon General.” The man stood in front of the already tired Umeda. Maybe because she’s still a young demon, she couldn’t stand the destructive power of a Demon General yet. She was literally sweating buckets. The man snickered. “What’s the matter? Tired already?”

“I’m still far from tired, you old fart!” Umeda stood up and glared right back at the man.

The man snickered at Umeda’s statement. “How polite of you to address me as an old fart. I watch you grow up with my own eyes.”

“Yea.. And that does not mean anything. Just get back to the training!”

“Okay then.. Let’s get back to our training.. Your only task is to touch me. You already spent 5 hours and yet you can’t even get close to me. Is it really so difficult? This is your last chance, Umeda. If you fail, I might even end up burning you alive.” The man sneered at the young demon.

Feeling insulted, Umeda leaped towards the man and attempted a punch. The man immediately raised his arm and shot out a lot of fireballs at her direction. Not just a lot. At a gatling gun rate as well. This caused Umeda to continue dodging all the fireballs before getting grazed at her shoulder once again. It was scorching pain for Umeda. The series of fireballs does not stop and they were headed straight for the helpless young demon.

A female figure appeared in front of Umeda and unsheathed her katana. Her katana looked completely blunt. One slash and all the fireballs got deflected away, blasting the walls instead. She then sheathed her katana back into the cover. She spoke up to the man. “That’s enough, Caym. At this rate, you’ll end up killing her instead of training her.”

Caym let out a smile of satisfaction. “So, it’s you, Sayanee.. I should have known. You’re the only one who can deflect my fireballs away..”

“Now’s not the time to be impressed with my skills.. You know.. You really should change your style of training. You’re pushing them way too hard. You even accidentally killed a few Demon General candidates before this. They are supposed to train.. Not being killed by you.” Sayanee lectured.

“Hey, it’s not my fault that they are not capable of my level yet.” Caym replied sarcastically.

Sayanee sighed. “We’re both Demon Generals. Of course they are not capable of our level yet. That’s the reason why they have to train.”

“Hey, Kumi was good. Well, she’s really lazy.. But she has potential.” Caym exclaimed.

“Kumi is different. Her powers can be activated from a distance. Umeda is specialized in hand-to-hand combat. So she’s in a disadvantage against you.. A range type.”

Caym held both his hands up. “Okay. Okay. Fine. You win. Geez.. You are so strict at times.”

Sayanee shook her head before looking at Umeda’s direction. “Tell me you’re still alive..”

“Y-You must be kidding. T-That wasn’t e-enough to take me down...” Umeda lost consciousness right after her statement.

This made Sayanee glare at Caym. “You see what I mean?”

Caym just shrugged at Sayanee’s statement. “Hey, you do know what my name means, right? It’s The Grand President of Hell. In other words, I’m the president. I do whatever I want.”

“The Grand President of Hell is just a name. You’re not a real president. Deal with it.” Sayanee carried Umeda.

“You’re carrying her now? Hey, you know what? You should totally get an assistant. So, you don’t have to do all these carrying job all by yourself.” Caym exclaimed.

“I will... Soon.” Sayanee soon left the room, leaving Caym in the room.

Something then caught the attention of Caym. He crossed his arm and looked towards the wall and smiled. “I can still see you. Come on out.. Don’t be shy..”


“There’s no use keeping silent while camouflaging behind your barrier, Annin. I can still sense you. Now, come on out.” Caym said in a fatherly tone.

A head of a girl popped out from behind the barrier and smiled. “Oops... I was found out.”

The girl ran towards Caym and hugged him. From the looks of it, she looked like a 6 year old girl. “It’s nice to see you again, Caym-sama..”

Caym returned the hug and smiled. “Hey, kiddo. How many times must I tell you to drop the -sama and call me uncle instead, hmm? I was close to your dad. So, please do call me uncle instead.”

“I.. Forgot.. Uncle Caym..” Annin smiled and scratched her head.

Caym patted Annin’s head. “Good. Now let’s keep it as uncle from now on, okay?”

Annin nodded her head cutely.

“So... Mind telling me what were you doing, hiding behind the barrier and spying on us?”

“I...Erm..You see...She....Umeda...No no no...Caym-sama...No, that ain’t right...uncle...I....erm...was....well....” Annin rolled her eyes left to right, trying to think of an explanation.

Caym laughed at Annin’s blabbering and stuttering. A kid stuttering like this really does amaze him a lot. He just finds her adorable. “Hey, hey... Calm down now. I’m not gonna eat you up. Just speak up.”

“Well... I was looking at you, uncle... You looked so cool when you’re fighting. Y-You know how much I look up on you..” Annin stated in awe.

“Yes, I know...” Caym smiled and ruffled Annin’s hair. Anyone who has a daughter as cute as Annin really does make Caym happy. He then lost his smile for a moment, remembering something.

“Uncle? What’s wrong? You don’t look so good.” Annin asked.

Caym regained his smile and kneeled down to Annin’s level. “Hey, can you keep a secret for me Annin?”

“Of course..” Annin smiled.

“Truthfully, I’m expecting a daughter quite soon.” Caym said in a bitter smile.

“Wow, that’s really nice to hear, uncle!” Annin became excited.

“Yea... That’s....nice to hear..” Caym faked a smile.

“So where is she now?” Annin asked excitedly.

“She’s still in her mother’s stomach, silly..” Caym ruffled Annin’s hair.

“Oh right...” Annin scratched her head.

Caym let out a deep breath. “Annin, listen to me, ok? If I were to...erm...not able to take care of my daughter under certain circumstances, will you help me take care of her?”

“But she’s still in the mother’s tummy.” Annin said in a cute voice.

Caym giggled a little at Annin’s statement. “No, what I meant is after she is born. Not now.”

“Huh? Why? Where are you going after your daughter is born? Are you going to abandon your responsibility as a father?”

Caym rolled his eyes and thought to himself. “Wow, this little girl is naive in almost everything but she ranks first in judging other people...” Caym of course giggled at Annin’s statement. “Not that I’m not responsible or anything, Annin.. It’s just that...I might be on a very long trip to a far away land. I may not be able to come back..”

Annin asked again in her cute and innocent tone. “Why? Did the mommy kick you out of the house?”

Caym smacked himself on the head and thought. “Man, what is wrong with this girl??”

A voice echoed in the halls, attracting both Caym and Annin’s attention. “Annin. It’s past your bed time. Go back to your room now.”

“Sayanee-sama...” Annin stood up and bowed her head in respect. “I have to go sleep now, uncle.. Good night.” Annin landed a peck on Caym’s cheek. Annin then whispered at Caym’s ear. “Don’t worry, uncle.. Your secret is safe with me. And I will take good care of your daughter if we ever meet in the future.” Right after whispering, Annin jogged back into her room with her little footsteps.

After seeing Annin back into her room, Sayanee looked at Caym. He just stood up as if nothing happened and looked back at Sayanee. “What?”

“Let’s talk, Caym..” Sayanee suggested.

“I don’t think there’s anything to talk about, Sayanee. I’m tired. I should be heading back to my room now.” Caym started making a move before Sayanee voiced out.

“Sit down, Caym..”


“I said sit....down....” There was something about Sayanee that truely intimidate Caym a lot. So, he just followed her orders.

“Okay.. What do you want to talk about?”

Sayanee shook her head. “Don’t act dumb with me, Caym. You know what I want to talk about.”

Caym looked up at Sayanee. “My vacation?”

Sayanee shook her head once again. “No. The angel...”

“I know what you’re trying to tell me, Sayanee.. I loved her more than anything in the world. And that is a fact that will never change.” Caym stood up from his seat.

“It’s only a matter of time till the Demon King finds out about this matter. You can’t hide this forever.”

“Yes, I know, Sayanee.. Just keep this between us for now.. My daughter must live.”

“Just keep it between us? Caym, we stayed in this castle together for more than a thousand years. I know you very well. You were better than this.. You’re not a man who will hide from your mistakes.”

“Love knows no boundaries, Sayanee..”

“Tell that to the Demon King when he finds out about this. You are a demon and yet you had an affair with an angel... That is the worst rule to break. And what more you even had a child with that angel. That child of yours is not supposed to exist.”

“What am I supposed to do then? You don’t expect me to kill my own daughter even before she is born?”

“She’ll be rejected by both worlds, Caym. Neither the heavens or the hell will accept her mixed blood.”

“Then just let her live on the earth. Like a human.”

“...” Sayanee became lost for words.

“Please, Sayanee.. At least keep it a secret till my daughter is born. Just a few more days... Then I will surrender myself.” Caym lowered his knee wanting to beg Sayanee even further. Before he could kneel down completely, the tip of Sayanee’s katana was already touching his neck.

“I will not allow you to kneel before me, Caym..” Sayanee shook her head. “Not you.. Stand now or I will cut you up if you kneel.”

“I guess there has to be a strong reason for a respectable demon like you to kneel before me..”

“Though there may be another reason as to why I am even bowing before you... You should know..” Caym looked at Sayanee.

“Now’s not the time to talk about that.” Sayanee sighed. “Fine.. I’ll keep it between us for now.. Then after your daughter is born?”

“You don’t have to worry about that, Sayanee.. I just want to live long enough to know that my daughter is born safe and sound. I will not run away from my punishment. I promise.”

Sayanee nodded her head. “That’s good to hear then. You’re a respectable man, Caym. Goofy most of the times, but an honorable Demon General. No wonder Annin likes you a lot..”

“Of course I am respectable. As you said, Sayanee.. We lived together for more than a thousand years. You should know I never run away from my responsibilities..”

Sayanee smiled. “So, did you name her yet?”

“Name, huh.. Yea, we thought of it before.. Since she will be a nephilim... A hybrid of an angel and a demon... She will soon reign above all angels and all demons, standing in the center of both heavens and hell. Her name...will be Center.”

“Center... That’s a nice name.” Sayanee smiled and nodded.

“Yea.. I know right.. But still.. Who knows what might happen in the future.. She might end up going against the demons.. Or she might even end up leading the demons. Only future can tell..”

Few days later

Caym paced left to right, right to left, sighing again and again. “Damn it, where is Kumi? It’s supposed to be her training now.”

“Ano....” A voice of a cute girl sounded from behind Caym.

Being a little impatient, he looked back at the owner of the voice in anger. “What!?”

“C-C-Caym s-s-sama....” the girl hid behind another girl.

“H-Hey! Why did you hide behind me! Come out!”

“No, you go explain to him!”

“We’re going to explain it together.”

Caym stopped their argument immediately. “Enough! Both of you.. Who are you and what do you two want from me?”

“M-My name is Yuria..” said the girl behind.

“My name is Kanon.” said the girl in front.

“Yuria and Kanon. Yea, ok. What do you want from me?”

“Well.. We’re here to inform you that...erm...Kumi-sama didn’t want to come.” Kanon smiled fakely.

“She said she wanted to sleep.” Yuria continued.

“So she doesn’t want to come because she wanted to sleep?”

“Yea.. She took a bunch of bananas into her room and said that she wanted to sleep.”

“She told us to inform you about it..”

“That Kumi... She has to get rid of her laziness or she will never step up as a general. I guess she’s at that rebellious age.” Caym sighed.

“Kumi-sama is at her rebellious age?” Yuria looked at Kanon. Kanon merely shrugged.

“Yes.. Probably about 500 years old or so.. Kumi’s around that age. So I could understand if she doesn’t want to come.” Caym sighed once again.

Something caught Caym’s attention. “Wait a minute.. Who are you two again?”

“It’s Kanon and Yuria, Caym-sama..”

“No no... What are you two even doing in this castle? From what I know, only the Demon Generals, their assistants and candidates for the next Demon General are allowed in this castle.” Caym crossed his arms.

“Well....” Yuria scratched her head.

“Well? Spit it out or I may end up ripping both of you apart.” Caym said.

“E-Eh???????” Kanon and Yuria’s eyes widened. Both of them kneeled down immediately.

“Kill her! Kill her!” Yuria pointed at Kanon.

“Oi oi! What do you mean kill me!? Kill her!” Kanon pointed at Yuria.

Caym’s eyes turned firey red and sharp fangs emerged from his mouth. He bend down and moved his face close to both of them and let out the most evil grin ever. “Answer me and I won’t devour you..”

Caym’s demonic voice scared both of them so much that they started crying. Of course they would. Calculating using human age, both Kanon and Yuria are only of a six year old child. About Annin’s age. Of course they would be afraid.

“Gomen! Gomen!” A girl wearing leather gloves came running in through the door and rushed towards them. She hugged both of them in her arms while looking at Caym. “Please forgive me, Caym-sama. I forgot to tell you about them. They’re my errand girls. They do things for me.”

“Kumi-sama!!” Both Kanon and Yuria hugged Kumi tightly and continued crying.

“So.. Errand girls... Fine then. They’re free to leave.” Caym stated.

“Ok, both of you are fine now.. Let’s go back.” Kumi smiled and brought them along.

Kumi’s footsteps were then halted as Caym pulled her up at the back of her collar. “I said they’re free to leave.. Not you.”

“Ehh?” Kumi started sweating.

“B-But Kumi-sama is going to bring us back to the room....” Kanon looked at Caym.

“Both of you are old enough to go back to your room by yourself. You don’t need Kumi for that.” Caym stated.

Kumi signaled both of them to make up an even better excuse to let Kumi go.

“Erm... K-Kumi-sama has to-” Before Yuria had the chance to finish her statement, Caym let out a very loud demonic roar at them. So loud and scary that it made both Yuria and Kanon screamed out loud and ran for their lives.

“N-No... Come back! Get me out of here!” Kumi shouted at Kanon and Yuria’s back. Since they were too afraid to hear or notice anything, they simply rushed out of the room without looking back.

Caym sighed. “I really don’t like to do that to little kids..”

“Erm.. Can you put me down now?” Kumi told Caym who was still lifting her up from the back of her collar.

“Are you gonna run away when i put you down?”

Kumi rolled her eyes. “Not like I will have the chance anymore..”

Caym put Kumi down right away. “Remove your gloves, Kumi. We shall start the training now.”

Kumi took off her gloves and her eyes turned black.

Caym rushed forwards to land a punch. “This is the first time I heard that a demon general candidate has errand girls. So, tell me more about those errand girls of yours..”

Kumi dodged to the side. “They were stray demons. Roaming all over the underworld. So I took them in.”

Caym attempted another round house kick. “There are so many stray demons in the underworld.. Why them?”

Kumi jumped backwards to evade. “They were too young...”

“I see.. They get bullied by bigger demons a lot?”

“That’s not what I meant, Caym-sama. From their looks, it may seem like they get bullied a lot.. Coz they’re small..... But it’s actually the complete opposite.. They actually killed a lot of demons much bigger than themselves before.”

“Those cute kids took on bigger demons? They don’t seem like that at all.”

“As I said, they were still too young. They couldn’t control their immense power within them. They didn’t know what’s right or wrong. When they kill...They just kill... But of course they changed after I took them in.”

“I see.. You wanted to lead them to the right path. So you took them in.” Caym nodded.

“Yea.. I just thought maybe if someone could just guide them, they might be very helpful. They could do nothing against me. If they try to attack me, I’ll just silence them for the moment until they lose consciousness.”

“But of course that is not the case here.. They seem to have taken a liking over you. They wouldn’t hurt you.”

“I know. So, I knew it was the right choice to bring them in the first place. They just needed a home.” Kumi raised her palm at Caym, readying to activate her powers.

In just a blink of an eye, Caym was already standing behind Kumi. “You’ll be a good role model for both of them, Kumi. Keep it up.” As soon as Caym finished his statement, he released a flaming kick on Kumi’s head, sending her crashing onto the wall. “So, I’ve already guessed, you would choose them to be your assistants in the future?”

Kumi wiped the blood off her mouth, stood up and smiled back. “Most definitely. I will not accept any other demons as my assistants other than them. I care very much for the both of them.”

Caym smiled back and nodded. “They must be so proud to be working under you.”

“Thanks for your praise, Caym-sama.”

Caym looked at his own palm and smiled again. “You’ve improved once again, Kumi.. You actually silenced my sense of touch right before I kicked you so that I lose sense of the energy i use to kick you. So I ended up kicking you much softer instead.”

“I have to learn to utilize my powers to its fullest.”

Caym nodded. “Okay. Your training ends here for today. We’ll continue next time if I’m still around.”

“If you’re still around? What does that mean?”

“It’s nothing. Dismissed..” Kumi shrugged and walked out of the room. At the same time, Annin entered.

“Uncle..” Annin walked over to Caym.

“Yes, Annin. What is it?” Caym lowered himself to put himself in an eye to eye position with Annin.

“I just want to talk to you, that’s all..” Annin smiled.

“Sure.. What do you want to talk about?”

“Uncle, why am I living in this castle?” Annin questioned in a tone.

“Why, you ask? That’s because you’re special, Annin. Your powers are unusual.”

“I mean.. What so special about my powers?”

“Because of your bloodline.”

“My bloodline?” Annin scratched her head.

“Mm-hm.. You can create barriers and heal other people, don’t you?”

“Yup.. But what so special about it?”

“Annin.. Normal demons do not have healing powers or have the powers to create barriers. Only angels has them. That’s what makes you special. Your demon bloodline is the only one who possess these angelic type of powers despite being a full-fledged demon. Your ancestors were the personal guard and medic of the Demon King including your dad. Now that your dad’s not here anymore, you’ll be the next one in line as the Demon King’s royal medic. You have a tough job, Annin..” Caym explained.

“So, that’s why I’m living in this castle?”

“Of course you’ll also be given the title of Demon General when the time is right.” Caym smiled.

“Is that rank important?” Annin asked.

“Are you kidding me? Your rank is the most important one in the underworld. The Demon King’s personal medic. Basically you’re the one who takes care of the Demon King.”

“I see..” Annin nodded. “Ah.. One more thing.. When is your daughter coming out?”

“Probably in a few days time, Annin. Why do you ask?”

“It’s just that I can’t wait to see her. Is she pretty?” Annin asked.

“She’s definitely pretty..” Caym smiled warmly.

“Will she be as goofy and playful as you?”

“Who knows? She might grow up to be very playful.” Caym giggled.

“Then will she be as fierce as Umeda? Will she be as lazy as Kumi? Will she be as cool as Sayanee-sama?”

“Gosh.. You sure do have a lot of questions. Well, I won’t be so sure about all of that, but one thing I’m sure about is that she’ll be as adorable as little Annin.” Caym poked Annin’s little nose.

“Wow.. If that was the case, we’re going to be best friends.” Annin became excited.

“That’s if both of you are ever going to meet up.”

“Both of us won’t meet up? Why?” Annin pouted.

“No, I didn’t say that both of you won’t meet up. What I meant is that there will only be a little chance of both of you meeting up in the future.” Caym explained.


“That’s because... She might not belong here..”

“Why don’t she belong here?” Annin asked.

That’s because the mother doesn’t belong here...”

“Why don’t the mother belong here?” Annin asked yet again.

Caym sighed. “Annin, the question ‘why’ is never ending question.. So, it’ll be best if you stop asking why. Ok?”

“...” Annin blinked.

“Understand?” Caym emphasized it again.


Caym smacked himself on the head.

“I should have known!” An angry voice roared at Caym.


“Shut up!” Umeda shouted.

“Excuse me?”

“Your conversation with Sayanee the other day... I heard everything.. I never knew you were this low, Caym. You’re a disgrace.” Umeda scoffed.

Caym lowered his head. “So.. You heard the conversation the other day.. The walls were at least 10meters thick. Your hearing improved..”

“I don’t need any praises from you. I thought you were a better man than this. I dreamt to be as powerful as you in the future.. But after knowing this... I finally know.. You’re just a prideless demon who falls in love with an angel scum.”

Caym nodded his head. “Good.”

Umeda looked confused at Caym’s word. “Huh?”

Before Umeda could catch on, she already got blasted into the wall by a flaming kick. Umeda spit out blood immediately. As she was falling off from the wall, she got pin back up immediately by the neck.

“With that final sentence, you are officially asking for your own death. How rude must you call her a scum. I can stand you being completely rude to me. I can stand you calling me a scum.. But not her.. Not the woman i loved the most.”

Umeda was choking and attempted to release herself from Caym’s grip.

“U-Uncle, what are you doing to Umeda? Put her down now!” Annin looked completely confused.

A katana appeared on Caym’s neck all of a sudden. “You’re scaring Annin, Caym. That’s enough. Put Umeda down now.”

“Sayanee!” Caym released Umeda from his grip immediately.

“Are you done venting your anger? If you’re not done, I’ll be happy to fight you next. Leave them alone.” Sayanee warned.

“You know I will never fight you, Sayanee..” Caym shook his head.

“Then get your act straight.” Sayanee remained silent for a moment before speaking up again. “Your daughter was already born, Caym.”

Caym’s eyes shot wide open. “What? Is she ok? Is she safe?”

“You don’t have to worry about your daughter. She’s safely born on earth. She’ll do just fine.”

“Thank goodness...” Caym smiled happily.

“Her mother already went for her punishment..” Sayanee looked at Caym.

“What? Why must the mother undergo punishment?” Annin asked.

“You don’t know anything, Annin. This bastard Caym made love with an angel and had a child!” Umeda scoffed as she stood back up.

“Huh? The mother was an angel?” Annin looked surprised.

Sayanee took a few steps forward to Caym and looked right into his eye from up close. “You’re hereby stripped off your position as the Demon General and you will be sentenced to an eternal torture punishment, Caym.”

“What? Where are you taking uncle? You’re not taking him anywhere!” Annin stood in front of Caym and screamed at Sayanee.

“Annin.. I committed a crime. It’s forbidden for a demon to be in a relationship with an angel.. I must answer to my mistakes.” Caym explained softly.

“No.. This is wrong!” Annin screamed. “Whether it’s an angel or not, there is nothing wrong about loving someone!”

“You’re still too young to understand, Annin. Angels and demons do not click together.” Sayanee said.

“No! You’re just too stupid to understand what is love! There should never be any boundary for loving someone. You’re just a fool!!” Annin screamed.

“Annin! That is not how you’re supposed to talk to Sayanee! I said already I’m going for my punishment! Don’t make me repeat this again.” Caym scolded.

“Then what about me? You’re leaving me? Who’s going to take care of me from now on?” Annin teared up. “Who’s going to tell me bed time stories when I can’t sleep? Who’s going to play with me?”

Caym looked down and gritted his teeth. “Please don’t make things harder than it already is, Annin... Please...”

“Why? Why can’t you love someone freely? Why must you undergo punishment just because you love someone?”

At this time, Caym knocked Annin out with a hit at the back of her neck. “Kids... They’re forever full of curiosity..”

Sayanee was a little shocked with Caym’s action because this is actually the first time Caym had ever done any harm to Annin. “...”

“Thanks for the news about my daughter, Sayanee. I will never be able to repay you.” Caym bowed his head in respect.

Sayanee shook her head. “Don’t be. I feel bad enough being the one to send you to your eternal punishment.”

Caym kneeled down and ruffled through Annin’s hair. “Sayanee... You’ll help me take care of Annin, right? She’s like a daughter to me.. I’m worried about her..”

“I’ll do my best..”

“Kumi and Umeda as well?”

“Don’t worry about that.. I’ll take care of them.”

Caym sighed and stood up. “Ok then... I’m ready..”

Sayanee led Caym to the torture chamber. On the way, they had their final chat among friends. “Hey, Sayanee...”


“My daughter... How is she like?”

“She cries a lot... And loud. Just like you..”

Caym seemed satisfied with Sayanee’s statement. “So she seemed to have inherited my loudness.. I wonder if she inherited my clinginess as well.”

“I’m not sure about that, but she does look like her mother.”

Caym smiled. “She must be really beautiful then..”

“Very beautiful indeed..” Sayanee nodded.

“I hope my daughter will grow up to be as pretty as Annin.. Or maybe prettier..” Caym sighed. “I just wish I could get a glance at my daughter’s face just once..”

“Who knows? Your wish might just come true.” Sayanee and Caym stood right in front of the chamber.

Caym let out a loud and long sigh. “I’m here... It’s been an honor, Sayanee..”

Sayanee nodded. “It’s been an honor. You’re the most responsible friend I ever had. You never tried to run away even till the very end. I’ll never forget having a friend like you.”

“Enough with the sweet talk, Sayanee.. If you keep this up, you’re going to make me tear up.. So this is it.” The door of the chamber opened slowly to reveal a sight so evil and torturous it can’t be explained in words. “I guess this is goodbye.. I’ll see you in the after life. And get an assistant.”

Sayanee smiled. “We’ll see..”

Caym finally entered the torture chamber. The doors closed up tightly and never to be opened again...

A few hundred years later

Sayanee stood on the top of a hill looking up at the starry night of the sky.

“It’s beautiful isn’t it..” A smooth voice of a girl sounded.

Sayanee looked towards the direction and saw a beautiful girl leaning by a tree. She was a little smaller in size compared to Sayanee.

“But something’s still missing here...” The girl said. “It needs to be more...flashy...” The girl raised her palm towards the sky. “Territorial Effect : Meteor Range”

As soon as she finished her statement, a beautiful meteor shower came from the sky. The girl let out a smile of satisfaction. “That’s more like it.”

Knowing that this girl is not an ordinary girl, Sayanee decided to speak out to her.

“Hey..” Sayanee sounded, gaining the attention of the girl.

“Oh, you’re speaking to me?” The girl looked over and blinked.

“Well, unless this tree you’re leaning on has a soul..” Sayanee answered.

“You’re trying to act smart in front of me?” The girl asked.

“You’re the one who’s acting dumb.. So you’re a demon?”

“Mm-hmm... Probably the smartest demon alive.” the girl answered confidently.

“Full of pride... I like that.” Sayanee smiled.

“What’s your name?” Sayanee asked.

“The name’s Milky..” The girl finally revealed her name.

“Milky... That’s a cute name. It suits someone as cute as you..”

“H-Huh?” Milky looked surprised and blushed a little. Milky slapped herself on the both side of her face. “Why am I even blushing... I’m not like this.”

“Where do you live?” Sayanee asked.

“You wouldn’t believe me even if I told you.” Milky said.

“Try me.” Sayanee crossed her arms.

“All this time I’ve been living in the Demon General’s castle.” Milky’s statement gave Sayanee a little shock.

“How is that possible..” Sayanee shook her head.

“I told you that you wouldn’t believe me even if I told you.... You see.. Everything has a flaw. There are no such thing as perfect. Even a place as ‘perfect’ as the Demon General castle has a flaw. And I breached right through it and lived in the castle ever since.. It’s been quite some time.” Milky explained.

“How is it that nobody sensed you before? Umeda should have at least seen you. Her range of sight covers almost the whole castle.” Sayanee frowned.

“Exactly... ALMOST the whole castle.. But she can’t see everything. Even someone with a perfect sight like Umeda has a flaw. A blindspot. All I have to do is just know her habits and her daily schedule so that I can remain staying in her blindspot. It’s pretty simple actually.”

“So you spied on us everyday?” Sayanee asked.

“Nah.. I’m not interested in spying...” Milky looked up at Sayanee. “Except for one person maybe...”

“You’re talking about me.”

Milky looked away immediately. “Pfft.. No, I’m not.”

“Everyone has a flaw, Milky.. You don’t have to lie. I can see right through your expression.”

“So what if I was spying on you?”

“Then why is it that I have never noticed you before?” Sayanee crossed her arms.

“Then are you by any chance in love with me?” Milky went straight to the point.

“What does that got to do with anything?”

“Well there’s a phrase called blinded by love.. You could be so in love with me that you never noticed me.”

“That made no sense at all..”

“Oh, that made sense, alright.. Just like me.. When I’m in love, I start saying things that do not make sense. Get what I mean?”

Noticing where this conversation is heading, Sayanee smiled and nodded her head. “So, are you saying that you’re in love with me?”

“And what makes you say that?” Milky said in a voice full of pride.

“You just said something that doesn’t make any sense.. So, you do love me.”

“No, I don’t.” Milky said.

Sayanee stepped closer towards Milky. So close that their nose were almost touching. Milky slowly stepped backwards till she leaned onto the tree trunk. Sayanee placed an arm on the trunk right beside Milkly’s head and pulled her head closer to Milky’s. Sayane then said in a whispering tone. “Then why did you spy on me?”

Milky’s heart felt like it was about to burst soon as it was beating hundred miles per hour. She was completely red. “I...wanted to study your habits... That’s all.....”

Sayanee’s face got closer and closer to Milky’s face. “Is it because you love me?” It was as if Sayanee ignored Milky’s statement.

“I.... I....” Milky blinked her eyes.

Sayanee immediately pulled Milky in for a long and deep kiss. Milky blushed like mad. As Sayanee pulled away from the kiss, she whispered into Milky’s ear. “Do you love me now?”

“W-Why did you kiss me? You don’t just kiss someone you just met!” Milky’s face is still tomato red.

“Like you said... When someone’s in love, you start saying things or doing things that do not make sense.”

“Y-You’re not in love with me! You just met me!”

“I believe in love at first sight.

“L-Love at first sight?” Milky blushed again.

“Like how I fell for you right when I saw you leaning by the tree... So beautiful...” Sayanee leaned closer again. “So mesmerizing... So...irresistible...” Both of them locked lips once again for a long time.

They finally pulled away, gasping for air. “I love you, Sayanee.. I always have...”

“Even though I just met you, somehow, I get the feeling that I have known you for a long time already.”

Milky smiled at Sayanee’s statement.

“Do you have any plans to come out of hiding and live in the castle officially?”

“You mean...”

“Be my assistant. Live with me...”

“But... We just met... Are you sure about this?”

“My judgement is never wrong. You might be cunning.. But I trust you. Come. Let’s go back.”

As soon as they reached back to the castle, they were greeted by Annin. “Welcome back, Sayanee..” Annin looked at Milky. “Who’s this?”

“Her name’s Milky. She’ll be my new assistant.” Sayanee stated.

“Ah.. It’s nice to meet you. I’m Annin.” Annin bowed a little before Sayanee stopped her from bowing further.

“Annin.. Demon Generals do not bow. I taught you that before.” Sayanee said.

“Oh.. Right.. I have to get used to this... I’m a new Demon General anyway..” Annin smiled.

“I know you... You’re the one with the special bloodline. The Demon King’s royal medic.” Milky said.

“So, you finally decided to get yourself an assistant.” Umeda sounded from her throne on the stage. “After so long...”

“You must be Umeda..” Milky smiled.

“You’re not even a Demon General. You should address me as -sama.” Umeda glared.

“Sorry, but I do not respect people who do not respect me.” Milky looked away.

“You insolent brat!” Umeda clenched her fist and leaped towards Milky.

Before she knew it, Sayanee’s katana is already on Umeda’s neck, halting her movements. “Touch her and this will be the end of you, Umeda. Understand?”

“Tch- Everyone’s hating on me..” Umeda turned and walked away.

“Don’t mind her, Milky. She’s always angry no matter what happens.” Sayanee explained.

“Oh no.. I don’t mind about uncivilized apes.” Milky smiled at Sayanee.

Umeda turned back and glared. Noticing this, Annin quickly went and rushed Umeda back into her room. “Y-You heard it wrongly, Umeda.. Let’s go back to your room..”

“Tch- Lovetan! Let’s go!” Umeda ordered. Lovetan followed Umeda back into her room.

“Lovetan... She’s an interesting one...” Milky smiled.

“So, you know a lot about us?”

“Not that I know a lot.. It’s that I know everything about everyone here.. Habits, schedules, powers..” Milky looked at her own watch then pointed at Kumi’s door. “For example, that door will open in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1..”

True enough, the door really did open. Kumi walked out to the kitchen.

“Kumi will get her bunch of bananas at this time of the day, every single day.” Milky said.

As expected, Kumi did grab a bunch of bananas before looking over. She blinked a few times at the sight of Milky.

“Kumi, I want you to meet my new assistant, Milky.” Sayanee said.

Kumi held one hand up. “Yo.” and walked back to her room right after that.

“Kumi’s a little lazy.” Sayanee stated.

“Even her greeting is lazy..” Milky agreed.

“So I guess that’s all the Demon Generals here. Feel free to make yourself at home.” Sayanee suggested.

“Sure..” Milky rushed and hopped onto the couch immediately.

At this time, Kanon and Yuria walked out and stood in front of the couch, looking at Milky. “Yes, may I help you two?” Milky asked.

“Erm.. That’s my couch..” Kanon said.

“No, it’s not! It’s my couch!” Yuria argued.

“Kumi-sama said it’s for me. So, it’s mine. Not yours.”

“And you’re definitely day dreaming. I have never heard Kumi-sama said anything like that before.”

Milky laughed at both of them arguing over a couch and pulled both of them down to sit on the couch together. “Why don’t we assistants just share the couch together.. Hmm?”

“No, I’m not sharing with this creep right here!” Kanon pointed at Yuria.

Yuria placed her hands on her waist. “Who’re you calling creep, you flaming piece of crap!”

“I’m a flaming piece of crap? Wow.. Your brain must have been so frozen that you can’t think properly anymore.”

“Oh, come on, guys.. There’s no need to fight over something so petty. We should be friends..” Milky place an arm over their shoulders.

“This creep ain’t my friend.” Yuria stick her tongue out at Kanon.

“And this icicle ain’t my friend either.” Kanon stick her tongue out as well.

“Kanon! Yuria!” Kumi came out of her room again.

“Yes, Kumi-sama..” Both of them ran towards Kumi and clinged onto her arm.    Kanon on the left, Yuria on the right.

“Hey, let go of Kumi-sama.” Yuria smacked Kanon’s hand away.

“Oi, you too then.” Kanon pulled Yuria away.

Kumi pulled both their ears, stopping them from fighting. “I’m out of bananas.. Get me more.”

“Kumi sure do love bananas a lot..” Milky said

“She has always been like that.. You should know.” Sayanee said.

“Seems like I’ll be here from now on..”

Sayanee nodded. “Seems like it.. Welcome to the family.”

Special Chapter - Demon General's History

P.S : Next chapter will be the start of the Hellsing invasion to the Demon General's castle~ The final part of the story~ Stay tuned~~

Offline sayanee123

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner S.2 (Special Chapter) UPDATE!
« Reply #857 on: December 24, 2013, 11:26:38 AM »
so, Caym is Jurina's father
but how Caym met jurina on previous chapter?
how Caym get out from torture chamber? :?
you said that torture chamber never to be opened again, right?
ahh i'm confused  :panic:
please update soon  :bow: :bow:
(sorry if my english is bad  :nervous)

Offline kevinwkl

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner S.2 (Special Chapter) UPDATE!
« Reply #858 on: December 24, 2013, 11:33:20 AM »
so, Caym is Jurina's father
but how Caym met jurina on previous chapter?
how Caym get out from torture chamber? :?
you said that torture chamber never to be opened again, right?
ahh i'm confused  :panic:
please update soon  :bow: :bow:
(sorry if my english is bad  :nervous)

Emm.. sorry, but I don't think that I mentioned that Jurina met with her dad before ^^'

Offline sayanee123

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner S.2 (Special Chapter) UPDATE!
« Reply #859 on: December 24, 2013, 11:51:47 AM »
ah sorry, i think i read it in other fic  :lol:
i'm sorry  :bow:

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