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Author Topic: Majisuka Gakuran (Chapter 16/16) [Mayuki, Saeyui] - FINAL - [Complete]  (Read 51930 times)

Offline millca

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Re: Majisuka Gakuran (Saeyui, Mayuki, fake-Saeyuki) (Chapter 10/16)
« Reply #60 on: July 18, 2013, 10:55:05 PM »
Nice update! haha! I'm really amazed how you patch things up from the real series. XD And the SaeYui scene is really heartbreaking. </3 I guess it can't be helped since Yuki is a yankee, but Sae should stop blaming her mom and elope with Yui seriously.haha! jk

I actually saw that vid before and I still feel like it was bromance between them.XDD cuz I kinda ship YuiParu, and Yui is the guy LOL
but thanks for the link anyways.haha! still funny how many times I watched it. Sae and Yui are so cute  :heart:


♥ YuiParu ♥ KojiYuu ♥ AtsuYuu ♥ SaeYuki ♥ SaeRena ♥ JuriMayu ♥ MomooHarem ♥

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Re: Majisuka Gakuran (Saeyui, Mayuki, fake-Saeyuki) (Chapter 10/16)
« Reply #61 on: July 18, 2013, 11:50:09 PM »
...THat episode...
Daruma... Lol...
It's funny how it turned out... like the fake love that died...
the end segment was really... sad... that's not really the right word... but sad...

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Re: Majisuka Gakuran (Saeyui, Mayuki, fake-Saeyuki) (Chapter 10/16)
« Reply #62 on: July 19, 2013, 04:02:26 AM »

Offline fuu_kun

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Re: Majisuka Gakuran (Saeyui, Mayuki, fake-Saeyuki) (Chapter 10/16)
« Reply #63 on: July 19, 2013, 12:02:21 PM »
Well, becoz im too bored at my work, so I re read this again,, and something suprised me...

you already write at chap 10, in chappy 4.. Sugoiii~ are u done make all chap?

me waiting another cutey saeyui...... >w< I hope there smoothy part.. /Gethit/ :lol:

great chapterr like alwaysss.. Too many mayuki neh? Hehehe its okay XD

looking foward for your next chappy.. Thanks! :bow:

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Re: Majisuka Gakuran (Saeyui, Mayuki, fake-Saeyuki) (Chapter 10/16)
« Reply #64 on: July 20, 2013, 06:54:39 PM »
@kurogumi: I'm glad you found it funny! I thought that the whole Gakuran episode on Daruma and Acchan to be extremely funny so I tried to describe it from Gakuran's point of view here, which is supposed to be very clueless and a bit :D I was afraid that the later parts of the story would make it too sad, so I'm happy that you did laugh out when reading!

@millca: thanks for your comments! Sae had been quite self-entitled when she first got framed and expelled from school, but since her time at Yuko-Majisuka, she had already stopped blaming her mama. These are just memories from the flashback. She's now all mayuki shipper lol. Saeyui is cuttte, but the flashback below will be a bit sad too. However, because I ship YuiParu as well, she made a cameo here. Hope you will enjoy!

@Shinoki: It is sad, Shinoki-san! But I'm happy that you found the first part to be funny, thanks! Sae's heart changes quickly, just like boys!

@geki geki: MUAHAHAHAHA! Glad you enjoyed Sae's desperate attempts to fake-love someone and got herself into this mess...keke

@fuu_kun: Thanks for reading all over again and commenting!! Did you mean you read something about chapter 10 in chapter 4? Yup, the flashback scenes are related. I have written the whole thing already, but I usually edited a lot and add some parts in as I post each chapter. Actually, I thought I would be quicker than I am now....I'm so glad that I wrote the whole thing before trying to post it here because I might not be able to finish the story otherwise...I'm not as disciplined as other writers here!

Thank you all for reading up till this far. There will be another turning point in this tell me what you think after this!!


Chapter 11 - Maeda's Army vs Black

After my defeat in the hands of Atsuko, I told Yuko-san that I will be on Maeda's side until the day she challenges her.

"My seriousness is reserved for Atsuko." I said it as I punch the air and gaze at Yuko-san with razor-sharp determined eyes.

"HAHAHAHA! I've heard rumors that you're quite a playboy, Gakuran-sama. Last time I heard, you have a penchant for big, round faces, no?" Yuko-san flashes her squirrel-like grin.

"That's, its''s just a rumor!" I stuttered as I scratched my neck. "It's a misunderstanding...I'm just interested in whoever Maeda's close with....yup, that's the reason, I'm stalking Maeda, not Daruma." I nod to assure myself.

Yuko's laughing so hard that her head's leaned back and her face is turning red. "And before're also two-timing with a heavenly king, aren't you?"

"NO!" Yuko-san, I'm not a player!! "We're just friends! I never liked her, and she never liked me!" I leapt towards her bedside again, clasping her hand and looking up at her with my puppy eyes, which have always worked with Choukoku...

"KEKEKEke....ok, I'll stop teasing you, stupid boy!" She clears her throat and continued in a much calmer tone. "You've probably done something crazy to get these rumors flying around... but it's not about love, is it?"

"..."I'm surprised how much she knows me even though we don't hang out that much.

"From the first day I met you, I knew your heart's occupied by someone else. She must be really lucky...the girl you love." She sighs heavily and looked up. "I saw it in your eyes when you sat alone and stared out the window at home. You know what? You've taken up that spot, which was my favorite daydream spot too."

"Sorry." I pursed my lips and lowered my head.

"Nah, it's fine." Yuko-san quickly waves her hand off, turned her head away casually, and continued. "I also had someone. That's why I knew it the second I see you....and Maeda." She glances at me when she said her name.

"Yuko-san, Atsuko is strong, but she's so helpless at the same time. I want to help her. I want to know why she's wasting her life away like that, refusing to accept anyone's kindness. Also, with her dedication to become a nurse....studying so hard at school, I think, I can understand her more than other people."

Atsuko reminds me of my own obsession with studying. I knew that no matter what I do, I won't be able to get back into a prestigious girls' school like Cattleya. However, I'm still holding on to my studies, like a lifeline. Whenever I see Atsuko flipping through the textbook, I know she's going through the same thing as I do.

"I think fights will be good for her, so Rappapa will challenge her with all our might. The fights will teach her what 'seriousness' really means." She gets into a fit of coughs again. "I hope I can see her reignited self again someday...before I..."

"You will. I will make sure that happens. For her sake, and yours too." I squeezed her hand gently.

She looks at my hands and went into deep thought, then she blurts out of the blue, "When I knew I don't have much time left, I...went to see her and held her into my arms, but I didn't dare to look at her face, because I knew I wouldn't be able to contain myself. Hm hm...I'm such a coward when it comes to those things..."

I wonder who her 'somebody' is in the back of my mind. I didn't ask in the end.

/*flashback begins

Even though I've promised not to see Yui anymore, I still disguised myself and traveled to Cattleya to watch her from afar. Looking at the entrance of the school, I couldn't help but feel humbled by the majestic architecture and the solemn atmosphere. The plaque at the door is decorated with elaborate bevels in classical style. The marble statue of this girls' school founder stands magnificently and shines under the sun. In contrast, I was dressed in a shabby, black tracksuit, zipped all the way to the top, hiding my face underneath like a thief. My hair had just been cut short after the burn, so I was quite sure that Yui wouldn't recognize me.

What am I doing? I felt like a pathetic runaway. The day I decided to protect her this way, I should've had the resolve to give her up. But I'm weak and I couldn't do this, even after my promise to her mum. I'm still the worst....

Girls were starting to leave school from the entrance now, going in pairs or in groups, frolicking and laughing with each other. Before long, Yui appeared with another girl. They are walking along the sidewalk towards the train station, while I follow them across the road on the other side.

"Today's science experiment is so interesting, ne Yui-chan?"

"Sou-sou, and Haru-chan's expression when she broke the beaker...hahaha!" Both girls covered their mouths and bent their waists laughing.

"Paruru, but the salty face you pulled when the teacher asked you to help clean up was equally funny!" They started pushing each other in a playful manner. Even fights in Cattleya are so innocent and elegant.

"Mou...ok, stop it, it's toooo ticklish!!" the girl called Paruru raised her hand to surrender after Yui employed her favorite tactic to succumb her opponents. The two girls started holding hands and skipping happily. My heart warmed up as I see Yui swinging her bag and laughing with her new friend. She's happy, and that's all that matters.

At the crossroads near the station, they parted separate ways, with Paruru walking down the other side and Yui heading to the station for a short ride home.

We entered the station in separate entrances and got into different carriages. The thought of occupying the same space with her was enough to keep me content. I couldn't really see her expression from that far, but she's justing gazing at the setting sun as the train made its way through town.

We got off the train and exited the station, with me still staying at a safe distance behind her. It's about 10 minutes away from her house. My heart already began sinking as I thought that our moment together would end soon. A few droplets started to hit on my hair, and I looked up naturally. It's rain.

I looked back down, and to my surprise, Yui didn't start running to find shelter. Instead, she stood still and dropped her bag. I couldn't see her face because her back was facing me. The rain got heavier, but she's still as a statue. I wanted to dash towards her and cover her with my jacket, or just anything, but I didn't. I just stood and watch her in the pouring rain.

Her shoulders shuddered a little bit, and then they started convulsing like she's containing her sobs, and slowly, she began to bend down in a crouch. I walked towards her silently, with the cries escaping from her getting louder and louder, each of them like nails driving down my foot, dragging me to a halt. I reached out my hand, but put it down again.

Why aren't you happy? What's wrong? Was it still, because of me? I wanted to know!

I had already done the most that I could do for you, but I still couldn't protect you. What, what can I do?

I took my wind breaker off, knelt down from behind, swung the jacket over her head, then wrapped my arms around her.

"Don't." I said as she tried to turn around to look. We stayed like that for a while, until the rain started to get lighter and lighter. Your shudders turned into tremors, and they finally died down. Through the cold, wet fabric, I could feel the softness of your skin, and the warmth of your heartbeat. You raised your hand towards your chest and clung loosely onto my arm. The moment our skins touched, I felt so close to you that we became one. If only I could see your face...but I musn't.

I left my jacket round her and sprinted away as fast as I could. I didn't know if she called back at me as my mind had already gone blank.

*/flashback ends

I left the hospital and went back to school. Things in Rappapa with Yuko-san's absence seems to be going on as usual. As for Black and I, our paths have diverged after my fight with Atsuko. I no longer really see her around, and even when rumors about Atsuko being a murderer were surfacing, the heavenly king doesn't seem to take any interest in it.

However, Nezumi strikes again. I just learnt that she's tricked Choukoku into fighting Maeda. Originally, their paths should not cross because she knows that Atsuko's just a dead person walking, not to mention that she's only interested in beating those guys on the top floor. Nezumi...that girl!!

"Shouldn't you be busy pitting fights with Maeda against Rappapa?  Why pull Sayaka into all this?" I have already shoved Nezumi to the corner, ready to punch her any minute.

"Rappapa does not strike easily." Nezumi smiles and pushes me off, straightening her hoodie.

"What do you actually want?"

"I'm just curious. Curious about how far I can push, before I get to know the truth." She starts scribbling some formulas and equations on the board. The screeching sound of the chalk is hurting my ears.

"I wonder, would you go help Choukoku, or would you let your dear Atsuko defeat her? Your best friend and your lover, it's so hard to choose, right?"

"..." Is she doing this to torment me?

"You asked me to try harder, so I came to this school. I don't know why, but the more I see her try to stop me, the more excited I am. I want to see Rappapa crumble, because I can't wait to see her face when she sees my master plan realize. Then too...the way she looks at you annoys me." Her face spells of pure evilness and fascination at Black's pain. But her expression suddenly switches to a blank one, with a chilling sense of hollowness. "I wonder, why, that's the case?"

My eyes narrowed in anger, but the image of her grabbing her head in pain by the poolside conjured up in my mind.

"Did no one ever, in your life, take any interest in you?" Her eyebrows twitched as I asked. "She's the first person to do so, right?" You're confused, you're insecure and you don't want her attention to stop. You are jealous of me, but you're grappling with the wrong monster, Mayu.

"That's not true. Someone did, but it turned out sour." I know she's referring to Saito, the girl who betrayed her. "I will not let history repeat itself."

"All I can say is, Black will never leave you, even if you become good again. So trust her....please." I look at her in pity, wishing she could understand more about her conflicted feelings.

Without knowing what I'm doing, I draw her into my arms and hug her tight, resting my head on her nape.

"Have you ever done that to Black? Maybe you'll understand something more, if you do it."

Nezumi stayed still for a few seconds, then with a jolt, she pushed me away and ran out of the classroom. I stand there alone, thinking back about what I did just now. I don't know where this feeling came from, the desire for Nezumi to be happy and the desire to not see her hurt. But I realize that when we fought a long time ago, when I accidentally let her go at the brink of her defeat, it's not an accident at all.

It's not just for the sake of Black, there's something deeper about Watanabe Mayu that's driving me to do all this. Something that reminds me of a very very distant and fogged up memory.


The news of Rappapa's Shibuya losing her fight with Atsuko in a single headbutt spread like fire. For the first time, the tension between Maeda's Army and Rappapa has surfaced into full limelight, and Sado's forced to make her move. Gekikara has just gotten out of detention/therapy, and Torigoya doesn't look like she fights well. So the task naturally falls into Black's hands.

"Sado, please, don't do that." It's the first time I actually went upstairs to the bandroom and  speak with the vice-president of Rappapa.

"Gakuran, I know you're Yuko's friend, and you've helped Gekikara, but you are not part of the instrument's club." She said simply while playing with her silver ball.

"I know, but...I don't want to see anyone get hurt."

"Well, didn't see you have such an opinion then when we fought other gangs." Sado gives a heavy yank on my stomach, sending me to the floor. "I can tolerate you not joining us. But there's a limit to my toleration. You are Yuko's friend, how can you do that to her?"

"I know what you're thinking, Sado-san. You want to protect and preserve Rappapa, for Yuko-san's sake. And you're fighting Maeda, with whatever it takes. I appreciate this, but I...I also have friends that I want to protect." I stood up without any desire to retaliate her kick, and walked towards the door, sliding it open.

"You have chosen your side already, Gakuran. You gave up Black a long time ago. You have no right but to stand on the opposite side now."


"The path to the moon will appear once again..." Daruma repeated the words of warning Black uttered to Atsuko last night.

I shoot Daruma an annoyed face. "How would I know what she's trying to say?"

"But you guys were lovers!"

"No, we aren't!" How many times do I have to say this, Daruma-chan! " And I don't read gothic shit."

As Daruma continues to fret and wail about Atsu-ne's safety, I wonder who among the two will win if they do fight. Black is very fast, but at the end of the day, she's not that strong. On the other hand, Atsuko's moves are a lot slower, putting her into distinct disadvantage, but her strength is enormous and it's really questionable who will be standing tall in the end...

Two days later, I got a text message from Daruma, asking us to go help her fight Black because Atsuko has her own dreams to fulfill. Dreams? Whatever that's holding her back, it will now put Daruma in grave danger. Black will surely defeat her in a heartbeat, but knowing Daruma, she will not give up that easily, so she's surely going to get hurt bad. However, I can't bring myself to fight Black either. Not to mention, even if I do, I will definitely lose. I hear the clock above me ticking louder and louder.

"Gakuran!" The older kabuki sister barged in to the library angrily.

"Which side are you on, Maeda's....or Rappapa?"

I look at them incredulously and stood up. "My seriousness, is all for the sake of Atsuko."


"Sorry we're late..." We made an entrance to the alley and pulled the injured Daruma up from the floor. Yikes...things aren't going good for her...

"What's with all this?" Black looks alarmed that I'm joining in the fight.

"I'm the only one who can issue Atsuko's death verdict, Black-san." I taunt Black and hope she can be slightly intimidated. Fat chance.

"Stupid..." she hisses and we start fighting. Even though she's outnumbered, we are all too weak to even lay a finger on her. She knocks us all down in a move, kicked me to a corner and stepped on my face.

"Don't mind business that's not yours." She's then distracted by Kabuki sister's attack and momentarily got off me. Exchanging turns to attack, we'd somehow managed to keep Black at bay. I am cursing under my breath that why I don't inherit any of the agility and swiftness from her except the big potato nose. Then I saw a chance and squarely threw a punch on her face, sending her across to the fence.

Yatta!! I scream inside myself, with Black simply looking at me blankly. Is she looking down on me, huh? Grrrrrrr...I will show her my true powers! We continued to fight some more but it seems clear that we have exhausted our strength and will lose any minute.

At that moment, one of the kabuki's accidentally pulls the rosary necklace off her. She stares at the cross dropped on the ground in shock. Here's our chance!!! Big Kabuki and I threw a punch on her face, sending her backwards towards Daruma, who just tripped over Small Kabuki and headbutted her in full force. My jaw drops as I see Daruma crushing Black right to the ground.

After mumbling some poetic stuff like "the end has come," Black passes out under Daruma's weight.

Somehow, we defeated Black. Wow...what? We defeated a heavenly king? Yayyyyyyyyyy!!!! Daruma forced us to eat those victory chicken wings with her, and I can't help but smile at the wonderfully single-minded yankee, feeling happy that Atsuko has such a nice person beside her. Is it enough to make her find meaning in life once again? I am sure it is. Atsuko is now safe in the hands of her friends, but on the other hand, I look at Black and's she doing with Nezumi?

So after we left, I pretended to go home but walked back to the alleyway. To my surprise, someone beat me there. Nezumi is standing beside her, chewing her gum and landing one of her boots on her head gently. She must have observed the whole fight in the dark. She's not going to.......?

I am about to rush out to stop her, but she lifted her boot and sighed, slowly crouching down to look at her closely. Black still lay motionless on the ground, with blood bleeding from her nose. Nezumi reluctantly pulls her sleeves over to cover her hand, and began to wipe the blood off the poor girl's face. This act of kindness seemed to have triggered something buried deep inside the little mouse's mind, as she grabs hold of Black emotionally, staring at her with teary eyes. She lips are trembling as if she's finding words to say, but nothing came out of her mouth.

Then as suddenly as she had grabbed her, she threw her arms around Black. At first, they were both still, but then, Nezumi begins to breathe harder and harder, until she's almost hyperventilating, her eyes widen in shock.

"Yukirin...Yukirin..." she whispers her nickname again and again. I've never actually seen anyone else refer her as that, not even Yuko. I think I'm beginning to understand now. It's the childhood nickname that only Mayu used to call her. Indeed, she's been missing Mayu so much that she confuses my kindness with her love, so much that she wanted me to call her that. Black has never stopped loving Nezumi. I smirk at how lovesick she is....

Still grabbing Black with one hand, Nezumi began to hold onto her own head, which seems to be throbbing in pain. I think the memories of her past are finally gushing back into her head, all at once. At this point, Black shrugged and seemed to be gaining consciousness. To my dismay, the startled Nezumi quickly let go of her and ran away.

Useless! I scold Mayu inside my mind. But I guess the girl needs some time to gather herself. Seeing that Black has slowly woken up and started to gather her broken necklace and red book, I left the scene quietly. After all, a rush of guilt overwhelms me, as I see her hold on to the cross tightly. The bond between us is undeniably strong, even after all that had happened. It's something way beyond friendship, even though it's not love. However, it weighs just as heavily as love. She must be feeling quite hurt that Nezumi's doing all this to her, and now, even I am siding with her enemy. I'm sorry Black...I kept on walking and thinking about the times we spent together in the past year.

My footsteps suddenly stopped when an image I had a few moments ago arose again. A man had just walked casually past me, both of us taking no notice of each other. However, I sense something very wrong, and my instincts tell me to return to the dark alley.

When I reached there, I saw the man on top of Black, who's too weak to defend against his advances. He's forcing his kiss onto her, who could only let out broken noises of cries and screams. Half of her clothes have already been stripped off, revealing her pale skin underneath her dark outfit.

"Stop this!" I pulled the man up and punched him.

"None of your business, boy!" He towers over me, but he's not my match. In a few moves, I incapacitated him, slowly forcing him to a corner.

"I'm going to kill you for touching Yuki!" I grabbed his collars and shouted.

The man, who was so fierce and horny a few minutes ago, is now cowering in fear like a wimp.

"I'm sorry!! I will never touch your woman again...Please, let me go!!"

"Sae..." a weak voice is heard, and I turned to look at Black, who's raising her hand towards me. The man seized this moment of distraction and punch me on my face, struggling off. I tried to grab him from behind as I fall, but all I am left with was his jacket, which he stripped to escape from me.

"Damn it!" I gave up chasing as Black called me once again. I dashed towards her and hold her inside my arms. I can feel her shaking madly, out of control. Her hands are clasped onto my back tightly, as if she's holding on a buoy that's floating away from her.

"It's okay,'s okay." I rub her bare back to soothe her for a bit, then took my jacket off and wrapped it around her, covering her exposed figure. I didn't mean to look, but it shocked me that she's so well endowed, something that again, I didn't inherit. The bruise marks on her breast once again reminded me of the atrocity that almost occurred, and I hugged her closer again, holding back my tears as I try to calm her down. Black, what would've happened if I didn't come back?

I look at the man's jacket, which is left beside me. This is a piece of clue left for me to hunt him down. The collar of the jacket is exposed, and on it, a tiny label that seems to have a name embroidered on it.

It reads, "Miyazawa".

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Re: Majisuka Gakuran (Saeyui, Mayuki, fake-Saeyuki) (Chapter 11/16)
« Reply #65 on: July 20, 2013, 09:31:44 PM »
OMG! that was so awesome!!!
i really love when Mayu came to Yuki but in the end she get coward and run away, gambatte Nezumi! you can trust in the people that love you D: so, Nezumi just remember Yuki? :o
and the end, WOW >.< He is Sae's father? or not yet? xD waa, i wanna read the next chapter! keep going like this, i really like it

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Re: Majisuka Gakuran (Saeyui, Mayuki, fake-Saeyuki) (Chapter 11/16)
« Reply #66 on: July 20, 2013, 09:36:23 PM »
Uh wow, Sae beat up her future biological father? Does this mean that she will vanish since she changed the history where Black was supposedly got raped? O.o
Mou, quick update this XD
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Re: Majisuka Gakuran (Saeyui, Mayuki, fake-Saeyuki) (Chapter 11/16)
« Reply #67 on: July 21, 2013, 12:26:05 AM »
WHadddhe??? N-No ! No way! Dx how could that bastard name is miyazawa ? I cant accept that :cry: ugh.. My heart hurts.. And my mind wanting more an update.. Please update soon.. :bow: a.s.a.p please...... /Im dying/

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Re: Majisuka Gakuran (Saeyui, Mayuki, fake-Saeyuki) (Chapter 11/16)
« Reply #68 on: July 21, 2013, 09:33:30 AM »

SaeYui's part is heartbreaking. awwwwwww. Even though there's YuiParu. I just can't... :bleed eyes:

And the rapist's name is Miyazawa  :O :shocked It's a good thing Gakuran prevented him doing something bad to Black, but,
how will she appear in the future??

Your killing me here author-san. Please UPDATE SOON!  :bleed eyes:

♥ YuiParu ♥ KojiYuu ♥ AtsuYuu ♥ SaeYuki ♥ SaeRena ♥ JuriMayu ♥ MomooHarem ♥

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Re: Majisuka Gakuran (Saeyui, Mayuki, fake-Saeyuki) (Chapter 11/16)
« Reply #69 on: July 21, 2013, 10:00:36 AM »
Oh no!

Is that miyazawa jerk already did it with yuki?

Is sae late? But it must be done or sae never be born in this world

This moment hurt both sae and yuki,knowing that mawWbe yuki hated her,hated the child that man

Ah mayu should not leave aww

Saeyu-san it break my heart seeing them


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Re: Majisuka Gakuran (Saeyui, Mayuki, fake-Saeyuki) (Chapter 11/16)
« Reply #70 on: July 21, 2013, 02:17:45 PM »
I re read the last chap, and i find something... No! I "think" that miyazawa man isnt the man who raped yukirin xd he just came in the wrong time where sae found it out.. There's no way miyazawa clan do that :cry:

umm, well.. I just dont wanna negative thinking to my oshi XD hehehehe *peace

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Re: Majisuka Gakuran (Saeyui, Mayuki, fake-Saeyuki) (Chapter 11/16)
« Reply #71 on: July 21, 2013, 03:13:18 PM »
sae was such a gentleman...but have no guts to confess before :err:

that miyazawa dude was sae's biological dad :dunno: poor him got beaten by his future kid... :on lol:

potato nose :on lol: :hiakhiakhiak:

OOT:honmayan...yui is the new captain...omedetou hime :onioncheer: :on woohoo:

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Re: Majisuka Gakuran (Saeyui, Mayuki, fake-Saeyuki) (Chapter 11/16)
« Reply #72 on: July 21, 2013, 04:57:59 PM »
I really love how the story plays out to how the drama runs with its plot~ And it's in Sae's/Gakuran's point of view, so makes it even more interesting! I had to laugh with Sae's biting remarks about Daruma when she's trying to prove that she doesn't love Black. Must be pretty conflicting when she doesn't exactly know how to tell Yuki she doesn't love her in a romantic-kind-of-way without blowing her cover that she came from the future. (Or even if she did, I doubt anyone would believe in her. :sweatdrop:)

Interaction between Mayu and Yuki is heartbreaking after Sae had taken Black down with the help of Daruma and Kabuki Sisters. And this might just be me, but I agreed with Sae when she mentally screamed out 'Useless!' to Mayu when she ran away the instant Yuki stirred awake. Ahhhhhh, if only she stuck a little longer, then she'll be able to save Yuki instead of Sae from her possible father? :panic:

The flashbacks of the past with Sae and Yui makes me feel so bad for the two! Like two tragic lovers that won't be able to meet and see each other normally due to society and their stereotypical views on yankees. And when Yui was crying, my heart felt like it could've shattered! But I'm glad Sae ran up to comfort the other girl in the rain. Sad that she wasn't able to stick around Yui for long... :cry:

Sorry for my slow commenting! :sweatdrop: I'm looking forward to more of your updates! :deco:

"You'll come to treasure these scars."

HIATUS: The Virus | How Far Are You Prepared To Go? | Sanity | Hidden Truth | Disappearance (Season 2) *Tumblr-only* | Vengeance
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Re: Majisuka Gakuran (Saeyui, Mayuki, fake-Saeyuki) (Chapter 11/16)
« Reply #73 on: July 21, 2013, 10:05:02 PM »
...ah... so that's how you interpret it...
SaeYui... yeah... poor Sae...
Oh, this scene...
Daruma is the source of happiness and comedy in season 1

Offline rochilu

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Re: Majisuka Gakuran (Saeyui, Mayuki, fake-Saeyuki) (Chapter 11/16)
« Reply #74 on: July 22, 2013, 03:11:21 AM »
hi, again me xD
now that i'm thinking about that... supposing... that man is Sae's father, what if Sae stops him before he could rape Yuki... Sae wouldn't be born?! D:
gaaad, i'm waiting for your nexts chapters. I wanna know how the story will be going ~

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Re: Majisuka Gakuran (Saeyui, Mayuki, fake-Saeyuki) (Chapter 11/16)
« Reply #75 on: July 23, 2013, 08:13:56 AM »
Saeyu saaan~ you still there huh? I miss yaa <3

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Re: Majisuka Gakuran (Saeyui, Mayuki, fake-Saeyuki) (Chapter 11/16)
« Reply #76 on: July 23, 2013, 04:29:09 PM »
@rochilu: your observations are quite right, and this thing about Sae's existence is troubling her too. Nezumi will do her thing this chapter, so please look forward to it!

@Yuki88: That's what Sae thinks too...her mind will go wild with imagination of what could've happened. But this is not a very sad story, so hopefully things will turn out fine!

@fuu_kun: thanks for your messages and sorry to have made you wait! Too bad that the guy who assaulted Black is Miyazawa...the scumbag even said those hurtful words to Gakuran so it couldn't be anyone else. But what will happen to Sae? And what will she do? Please find out below!

@millca: yup! Is it the right thing to do? ---that's troubling Sae too. The mystery will be solved in the next few chapters, bit by bit... Yui takes a backseat in this chapter.

@kurogumi: Don't worry, Sae came in time! It's kind of heartbreaking, but worse could've happened? Anyway, you're right that it seems Sae's existence is threatened. Please read on to find out-- the truth may not be always the way we connect our dots...

@bunny_rabbit: yes!! congrats to HONMAYAN-CAPTAIN! There's really no one else better than Yui to do this! Of course there is sou-chan (Takamina), but it's different. Ganbatte Yokoyama-Team A, please take care of my Karen-chan and Tanochan too!

@LoyalFlutist: Thank you so much for your lovely comments!! I'm the one who should be sorry, since I'm just concentrated on finishing the fic now, and kept on dropping out on reading other stories OTL. Hopefully, I can read one of your fics soon, but there's a lot to catch up on! SaeYui is tragic in the flashbacks, but the important thing is what they will do next  :)

@Shinoki: I found Daruma to be annoying at first, but slowly I began to respect her a lot! Though I can never understand what Gakuran saw in her too :nervous so's how I interpret Gakuran's crazy mind...kekeke

Thanks for your comments again, and sorry for the late update. More will come soon!


Chapter 12 - Secrets and nightmares we will never tell

I didn't say a word that night, as I brought Black home and put her to sleep, staying by her side until morning comes. She's still clutching the necklace tight in her dreams, but occasionally, she utters "Mayu, Mayuyu...", so I think she's dreaming about her.

I feel like I've just learnt the dirtiest secret on earth, and nothing pleases me more than to disappear from Black's life, forever and forever, this very second.

After she woke up, I fed her something, and she seemed quiet but fine, so I left the apartment, lying that I would go to school. Instead, I went home and locked myself in the room. At this moment, I am grabbing on to the jacket that rapist left behind, wanting to tear it into a million pieces.

I look at the dreaded label on the collar once again. The timing and situation perfectly explains everything. I was born around 9 months from now, and she named me Miyazawa instead of Kashiwagi. If I wasn't there last night, that....thing....would have carried on, as expected. I am not a child of love, or even a sad relationship. Black didn't choose to have me.

But now that I have foiled the assault, why am I still here? I shouldn't be born, right? I look at my hands, half expecting them to get translucent, like those plot lines in movies. They are as solid and fleshy as I last saw them. But why? I can't begin to think how much of history I have altered, and whether it will affect anything between Black and Nezumi.

Maybe he'll strike again, succeeding the next time?

Maybe it's just a coincidence, that he's...not my dad....but how else could it have been? Maybe he was there, he did it, and Nezumi found out later, so she tried to take revenge....and she gave her life for me? Yes, that's what Sayaka-ne said, that Watanabe Mayu gave her life for that's what she meant? My imagination, conjectures, assumptions, presumptions...they all began to churn furiously in my mind. ARGGGGH............

I don't know why I felt like I need to do this, but I set up a fire in a waste backyard near home and put the jacket into the flames, burning my secret with it.

In the afternoon, I went back to school to see if there's any news about Maeda or Nezumi. Atsuko seems all right, as her usual self. I smile, seeing that at least, I have done something right. I then went downstairs, and found Nezumi sitting alone on the bench, swinging her legs absent-mindedly.

"Watanabe Mayu..." I decided to approach her.

She's a bit jaded when she looks at me.

"What have I been doing all this time?" She simply asks, looking into the distance.

"Why don't you...convey what you've seen to her?" I ventured.

"I don't think, I deserve to speak to her anymore."

"She's waiting for you. All this time, she's waiting. So screw what happened, stay by her side. She needs you."

"She needs me?" She looks at me, puzzled at this thought. "No one ever needs me. I'm a trouble maker, an evil person. I have no friends."

"Black is your friend! She never gives up on you, why are you giving up so quickly? Haven't you found the most precious key already? So why not unlock the treasure with it, now!"

Tears are rolling down her cheeks as she lowers her head in guilt.

"There's....em...Something bad happened last night. She's been calling your name again and again in her nightmares, so please, go to her now..." I steal a glance at her as I said it, as I'm also guilt-stricken with the secret I buried .

"Is she fine?" She rushed towards me and locked my shoulders in her tight grip, gazing at me with wide, concerned eyes. "It's horrible, isn't it? Traumas become nightmares, and nightmares slowly creep into the day, until all is burnt out..." Her hands slipped down my arms, and she began to slump down, so I caught her in my arms. Her eyes are now hollow, lacking the intensity she displayed just a moment ago.

"If you think that Saito's the source of my nightmare, you are wrong. After I'd been trapped in the pitch-black locker for the whole night, I broke down and threw myself into fathers' arms. But even he...he betrayed me too. Later, I discovered it's not the first time;  the reason why he kept my past from me and moved away, was to use me as a 'victim' to pursue a law that will tear down facilities and parks for new business developments, in the name of protecting kids from accidents. The reason why I had to attend school was just so he could enter a political clique. The reason why he asked me to shut up after getting hurt was because I am not as useful as the politicians he's sucking up to. Don't you see? I had no one to trust, no one to turn to, I can't even trust the person closest to me! From that day on, I kept dreaming and dreaming about the same scenes and the same stupid words they utter to me, so so vapid and insignificant, but they never go away! I don't want Yuki to experience the same thing!! Why, why did I just let go of her?"

I think back on the sight of her abandoning Black in the alley as she regained her memories. Nezumi started hammering her fists on me and buried her crying face in my embrace. The cries are muffled, but they are sharp as daggers. How could I tell her the worse thing that came afterwards, when she's already so traumatized by Black's defeat last night? I let her cry in my arms for god knows how long, till those muffled sobs have died down.

"I remember, that day, before we went to the park and climb that tree, I was making a cake. A strawberry shortcake to surprise her. I put it in the oven even though I've messed up some of the ingredients..."she burst into a small laugh. "I was only eight. Anyway, that's what I promised her. A surprise. But all of that ended with a black-out. Then, it seems like I've been in a long, lonely winter. A winter that carried on for years, until yesterday..."

"A shortcake..." I gasped. It triggered a lot of memories, some of which I'd rather not think about now. The important thing is, that whatever happened afterwards, Yui did eat my cake. There's a reason why I made a strawberry shortcake on Yui's birthday, not only because she likes eating it, but also because it's the cake Mama taught me how to bake. That cake, must also mean a lot between them.

"Bake another cake and give it to her. You lost your chance eight years ago, don't break your promise to her again." I spoke this and left without divulging anything further about what happened last night.


The next day and the day after, I didn't see Nezumi or Black at school anymore. The war that the rat has instigated is already in full force, and it will carry on without her here. As for Black, being a defeated heavenly king, all the attention has already shifted to the other top guns that are still standing. In short, no one is giving a damn about their absence.

Against my judgement, on the third day, I couldn't resist and went to Black's place, staring at the closed windows and pulled curtains of her apartment from downstairs. I wonder if she's doing okay, if Nezumi has approached her, or if she's simply dealing with the trauma on her own again. How do I tell her about that jacket?

As I'm still hesitating,, Mayu is walking towards me, with two grocery bags in her hands.

"Gakuran! Come up with me!! Yukirin will be delighted to see you!" The smile she's beaming is so pure with joy, that I can't hide my shock.

"What?" She glares at me as if I'm not supposed to be surprised. When we reached the door, I'm still hesitant about whether I should go in, but before opening the door, Mayu whispers into my ear and fakes a punch with her fist right there between my thighs.

"Don't even think about going after Yukirin. She's mine now." I gulped at this statement, or threat, although I'm relieved at the same time. It seems like their relationship has gone in heaps and bounds within these few days.

"Don't worry one bit..." I faked a smile as I carefully brushed her fist away. Nezumi beams back in an 'innocent' smile and opens the door.

"Black..." I scratched my head uneasily as I go in. Sitting at the table, she smiles gently at me.

"Gakuran, thanks for coming to see me." We all sat down, and Mayu started recounting how her shortcake had melted her Yukirin's heart the moment she saw it. She proceeded to reenact the moment she confessed to her, and I've got to say this girl had guts to just barge in and say 'I love you'. Then for a few seconds, she got really mad at the unknown guy who tried to rape her; it appears that Yuki had opened up about that soon after she got there. But then, Mayu calms down quickly when she talks about how Yukirin hasn't changed much behind that gothic facade.

"She still pouts when she sees green pepper in dishes, which is why I'm going to make some more for dinner tonight." She dangles that bag in front of Black, who's flared up her nostrils disapprovingly, before she leaves us and started preparing food in the kitchen.

"Ne, Black...are you completely fine now?"

Black looks at me and nods genuinely. "Yes, nothing really happened in the end, right? Thanks for saving me. I remember that night, I had a nightmare, but it didn't have anything to do with the man. It was me, getting lost in the secret garden, running around in circles, sometimes seeing Mayuyu's back, and sometimes loosing her from my grasp. I hadn't felt so near to, yet so far from her for a long long time. I woke up thinking, 'Is she coming back to me?' Then really, she came! So, Gakuran, thanks for all you've done for Mayuyu and I." She smiles sweetly when she mentioned the mischievous girl's name. Mayuyu this....Mayuyu's giving me goosebumps!

"I'm glad you're doing fine. I knew you're in love with her, ever since I see you fight her that day." I told her about the time when I hid and saw her confront Nezumi in the underpass. "When you said you knew her more than she remembered, the softness in your eyes betray the cool in your voice. But both of you were too blind to notice it."

"Really?" Black looks down and smiles embarrassingly, a slight pinkness covering her cheeks.

"Anyway..." I added. "Nezumi and I will try our best to find out who did that horrible thing..."

"No it's fine!" Black quickly interjected. "I don't want any of you to get into trouble. You two are the only family to me. All I ask is for you to stay by my side..." her voice trails off as she eyes Mayu, who doesn't seem to be listening to us.

"Mayuyu is angry, but I don't want her to do any silly things. Promise me, don't let her know any details about what happened..."she whispers in a low voice.

Hesitantly, I nodded. Suddenly, Mayu appeared behind her back and threw her arms around her, stealing a kiss on her lips.

"What are you trying to hide from me?" She teases jokingly. "Dinner is almost ready." She continues to assault Black with a series of kisses on her cheeks, lips, neck and nape. Like I totally do not exist.

"Oi...stop that..." Black pushes her away laughingly. "There's someone here."

I notice a few marks exposed on her collarbone, behind the slightly pulled down shirt. Wow....has it been second base, third base...or home run already?

"eh-hem! I am having dinner with the Kabuki Sisters tonight, so I better leave now..."

"O what a pity..." Mayu looks at me expectantly. "I was hoping you could stay for a while longer..."

"O it's okay...good to see you both...happy. Ciao ciao!" I saluted them and left the apartment quickly, exhaling a breath of relief as I closed the door. Wow, is that what they call, love? That's way, way, way too much for me to process!


We all began to go back to school as usual, and Maeda's Army kept marching on. After Geki's inconclusive fight with Atsuko, I went to visit Yuko again. But to my alarm, she's clamoring to leave bed in her frail body as I entered the room.

"Oi, Yuko!" I scolded as I scooped her up and forced her back to the bed. "Did you think the doctors were joking when they forbid you to leave this room?"

"No, Gakuran..." Yuko-san tried to push me off, but she's panting even just to raise her arms. "I...must...stop.........Haruna..."

"Haruna?" I've never heard of this person before.

She looks up with desperate and pleading eyes. "Please, Sae, let me....stop....her. She... Sado can't...wake....her....up...."

She blacks out for a few seconds as she collapsed onto me. But I saw it, I saw it in her eyes.

"Torigoya, she's the one you love, right?"

"Haruna can't stand Torigoya, her powers will hurt her! We fought and fought, until she read my pain and got overwhelmed....that's how I locked Torigoya away, along with...."

"Along with your love, right? That's why she can't recall anything except your kindness to her as Rappapa's Bucho! You're so silly, Yuko!" I wanted to stand up and find Torigoya now, but Yuko-san pulled my arm.

"No! I don't want her to remember anything! Just, just stop Maeda...please?"

I sighed and told her the truth, "They are fighting now, it's too late... But don't worry, maybe's Atsuko's past will be a good medicine for her too...maybe then, Torigoya and Haruna can tolerate each other more, you'd never know..."

Torigoya was indeed defeated by Maeda's guilt. Atsuko must be going through so much pain everyday, so much that it purged Torigoya from Haruna's body again, turning her back to a timid girl who got owned by Astuko easily. In the end, I don't think Haruna will remember Yuko-san properly, but I respect Yuko's decision as I would've done the same thing myself. Like me, she will do anything protect the person she loves from even more pain, whether it's from other people, or from she herself....

/*flashback begins

"Sae! Open up! I knew you're in there!" The banging at the front door was incessant.

"Bisu misses you! Please, I'm sorry, it's my fault, please let me see you!" No it's not, and I don't want to see you! I almost broke my promise that day when you cried in the rain, but there's nothing I could give you, even if I showed up now!

"Come on, I will really break this door, now!" Yui's voice is close to roaring. Sometimes, I wondered if she'd become one of those angry obasans chasing their kids around, kind of like Gian's mom.

I picked the phone up and finally called. "Is this OO police station? Could you send someone over? There's a stalker at my house and I don't want to see her."

I peeked through the curtains as I saw her being dragged away by the police. Somehow, seeing her furious face instead of a crying one was encouraging. The two officers found it hard to restrain her; I didn;t realize she's that resilent! Maybe if she became a yankee, she would be stronger than me... but anyway, even without each other, we might just be able to move on after all...

*/flashback ends

The fight between Maeda and Sado has culminated into Atsuko's victory, and the distant rings of Yuko's death knell could be heard. We all rushed to the hospital after the fight, with Yuko-san promising to attend the graduation ceremony no matter what.

"Yuko..." I grab her hands tightly, trying to suppress my tears.

" have changed."

"..." I bit my lips as I struggle to respond.

"Do you find purpose in fighting now? It's not just to protect people you's more than that. I hope you found something important in yourself after each fight, like Maeda did."

"Yes, I did. Even though I don't know the effects of what I've done," I was still thinking back at that night when I found the 'Miyazawa' jacket, "I knew they're all for my friends' sake."

"Don't worry. There must be a purpose for you to be here, everything that's must believe that you've changed history for good." Her expressive eyes told me that she meant exactly what she said.

" you already know?"

"That you don't belong here? Even though it's hard to believe, but I can guess. The way you talked about yourself the first day we met...that can't be a stupid prank, can it? Whatever it is, you've helped me. You've helped Maeda....and I saw how Black has changed. Thank you....And, your secret will be safe with me, since I'm bringing it to the grave soon."

"Sshh" I stopped her from talking and hugged her. Thank you, Yuko, for standing by me even when I'm doubting myself!

"But what about Haruna?" I asked one more time.

"Don't you see how she's balling her eyes out outside?" She chuckles as she said that. A broad smile spreads on her face as she gazes at the door. "She's so fine, the way she is now. Knowing that is enough to make me the happiest person on earth."


That was my last private meeting with Yuko. Graduation came, and I witnessed the moment when Yuko-san finally passed the torch to Maeda. An era of Rappapa has ended.

I'm now on my way back home after dinner with Choukoku, who said she'll be looking for a job tomorrow. With Maeda on the throne, and everyone else happy and graduated, the second year of me in Majisuka has come to a close. Yet it leaves me wondering why I am still here. What's the purpose? Unconsciously, I have walked into the field where Yuko-san have found me. I wonder how I could go back, and if I do, what's the future like? Maybe I can't anymore, because I'm not supposed to exist now....


The voice of Mayu startled me. I didn't expect to see her here.

"I found him. I found who almost did it."

"Mayu...." How's that possible? She found the rapist?

"I was there that night." She crosses her arms and looks at me coldly. "Like you, I went back to see her, but all I saw was a shadow of a man running away, and you, hugging Yuki in your arms. took me long and hard to find out, with no evidence or clues, not even the stupid jacket, which you've purposedly hidden from me. After I found out the guy's identity, I think I know the reason."

"No Mayu, don't seek revenge!" I begged her in frustration, not because I wanted to protect my so-called Dad, but the vision of Mayu's gravestone kept creeping up in my mind. My sixth sense tells me that her death must have something to do with this.

"Of course you don't want to, Miyazawa Sae!"

My eyes widen in realization of what she must be wrongly thinking right now.

"Miyazawa Kengo, a senior at Sabado High School. You guys are related, aren't you?" Without waiting for me to reply she punches me hard on my face.

"Mayu..." Not idling for a second, she pulled my collar and punched me yet again.

"Ouch!" I grabbed onto the arm that's about to strike again. "Mayu...listen! It's not like that, I don't know this person at all!"

"Then why, why are you hiding this?" Her menacing look could kill someone.

"It's, it's not meant to be like this..." That's all I could manage to say, not very convincing, eh?

"Ha? Don't call yourself Yuki's friend if you are not serious!" She finally lets go of me and straightened her hoodie. "Still, for what you have done for us, I will let you redeem yourself. Are you coming with me then, to seek revenge?"

I looked at her and thought...if anything bad happens, at least, I can stop her from getting hurt.

"OK, but we're not going to kill him. Don't do anything silly, promise me."

"Just like you to your Atsuko, my seriousness is all reserved for Yuki." Her face darkens with an evil grin. "Besides, Nezumi can get away with everything."

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Re: Majisuka Gakuran (Saeyui, Mayuki, fake-Saeyuki) (Chapter 12/16)
« Reply #77 on: July 23, 2013, 05:10:45 PM »
Thanks for the update... :bow:

Mayuki finally together  :inlove:

What's gonna happen next??

Can't wait for the next chapter... :grin:

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Re: Majisuka Gakuran (Saeyui, Mayuki, fake-Saeyuki) (Chapter 12/16)
« Reply #78 on: July 23, 2013, 05:12:45 PM »
Finally Nezumi is together with Black XD
And my god Nezumi is going for the revenge, will she be okay with Gakuran with her, I wonder? Hope she will be... :(
Anyway I love chapter 12 so much XD thanks for the update, you sure are fast :P
And sorry for reading your fics for a while without commenting m(_ _)m

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Re: Majisuka Gakuran (Saeyui, Mayuki, fake-Saeyuki) (Chapter 12/16)
« Reply #79 on: July 23, 2013, 05:17:04 PM »
Nooo don't do it, Mayu. Please don't die :cry:

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