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Author Topic: [END] Love Capture: SPECIAL ~ Valentine's Day?? [MaYuki] (03/02/16)  (Read 111920 times)

Offline Akblaire48

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Re: Love Capture: Chapter 09 Part 1 [MaYuki] (01/07/14)
« Reply #140 on: July 01, 2014, 05:53:09 PM »
Everyone knows that yuki loves mayu so much but mayu is still denying her feelings  :cry:
I want part 2 now, the more i read the more exciting it gets  :cathappy:
My gosh this is so interesting  :twothumbs
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Offline katekyohit

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Re: Love Capture: Chapter 09 Part 2 [MaYuki] (02/07/14)
« Reply #141 on: July 01, 2014, 08:44:12 PM »

@48matama: Both wMatsui are back! Hooray~ Hehe, Mayu is just too stubborn to admit that she have feelings for Yuki now.

@kcard: You’ll have to hold your tears more! XD I think the 2nd part is sad too, and will be more in later chapters UNTIL THE VERY ENDING. hahahah XD Glad you love my writing ;) Hope you enjoy the upcoming chapters as well :P

@Kirozoro: Maybe the time for her to realize her feelings has come! We’ll know more in later chapters~

@Kairi65: LOL it is a sad chapter indeed :P BUt don’t worry, more of it is coming! XDD

@Kiri-el: LOL The reason I update fast nowadays is because i’m on a break from uni! :P I wasn’t able to update fast due to workloads from school, especially next semester will be insane!!! But I’ll obviously update asap :D and back to the story, ah yes Rena is an adult~ Her relationship with Jurina will go fast since both of them are not as stubborn as Mayu! Aw, maybe you’ll forgive her after you know what will Mayu do after this chapter… :D

@Konoe: Reading your comments are sure entertaining for me! XD Love makes Yuki do crazy things isn’t?  She might be plotting to do something insane…but who knows~ But obviously Mayu was affected by that in a way. :D Glad you love and enjoy this fanfic! Clubhappy would always remind me to update every now and then.

@Akblaire48: Glad you enjoy it! More drama will be coming for both Mayu and Yuki.

Love Capture: CH09.2

It didn’t take that long for both of them to arrive at the park, which was the place they came for their first date. She remembered this place very well and went in deep to that very same place she sat down with the thief. After they arrived at the place, Mayu turned back to glare right into her eyes…those sparkling cold eyes stared deeply into her mind. Yuki knew that this was the moment that was either now or never.

“I need to talk to you.”


“…I want to talk about this revenge.”

Mayu looked very annoyed. After she had some heated argument with Takamina about this same topic, now she had to talk with the annoying officer about this again. She was dragged out this far to the park just for this talk she didn’t want to discuss at all. Before Mayu could shut her up, Yuki interrupted first and finished her explanation. 

“Will revenge make you feel better? Will it relief your pain??”

“…What do you know? Don’t say like you know it.”

“I know for sure that revenging will just make the whole chain continue!!”


“I know how hard it is to forgive someone for what they done intentionally.”

“Are you done with your blabbering?”

Mayu stayed stubborn and arrogant at the same time. She wouldn’t plan to listen to Yuki at all but it didn’t make her stop. She knew in some ways…her words would reach her, it was just that she had to say it out and to make her know that there would be people around her supporting her.

“What Takamina-san said is true. There will be people here supporting you. Don’t forget about Miyuki…she’s always worried about you, and yearn to be with you for all these years.”


The moment that Watanabe stayed in silence, it was a good sign she was listening to Yuki. That’s when the officer knew she successfully got Mayu’s attention and she pushed through it without holding back. If she wanted to save the mouse from the cycle of revenge, it was a moment of now or never…

“You two can be together again. She’s your only family member left! Don’t let this revenge feelings prevent you two from being together again…”

“…What do you know? I doubt you can say that if you were in my shoes.”

“I guess so. I would hate you so much that I want to kill you if you harm my father.”

“Then you should know—”

“But that’s before I met you and everyone.”


“You did many horrible things that couldn’t be forgiven. You killed people. You brought despair to many families…just like what my father did to yours.”

“I won’t deny that.”

Mayu stood firm with her believe and Yuki only stared back at her. Slowly, she approached her and took her hand. Holding it tightly that it grabbed Mayu’s full attention before she continued where she left off. Only but hoping her words would reach down to Mayu.

“But you don’t enjoy hurting others. I know it…you have a warm heart, and with all the rights I have…I want to use it all for just this one plead to you.”


It made Mayu stumbled slightly. This was the first time someone proposed her such an outrageous idea like this, by using all of her rights to make any plead to her for the sake of this one request. However, it told the mouse that it must be one of a huge request…and she waited to hear what the officer wanted to say to her.

“…Please stop the revenge, and go back to be with Miyuki.”


Her voice stuttered, at first she thought Yuki was joking, but that seriousness in her eyes didn’t say so. The officer was calm, decisive, and determined, she was full on serious with what she said and Mayu couldn’t believe how insane this woman was. She knew how much she cursed and hated Kashiwagi family for robbing everything from her…yet she was asking Mayu to stop this hatred that had been boiling for the past 12 years that easily? It did made her anger boiled up…and her hatred as well. The very own daughter of the man responsible for killing her parents told her to stop her revenge.

“What if I say no?”

That silence between the two of them, and only they stared into each other’s eyes without a single word after that. However, the spark of persistence and determination in Yuki’s eyes did not fade away at the slightest. It stared back at Mayu with such pure intentions. Just as much as Mayu was planning not to back down, Yuki was the same as well.

“Then I will stop you. I won’t let you take the revenge.”

“How could a weakling like you do to stop me?”

“…I will stop you, no matter what.”

Yuki held another hand and then brought it together closely to her heart. Letting Mayu felt her heart beating, and thankfully that she didn’t pull her hand away. Watanabe allowed her hands to feel that beat pounding against her ribs, that was the first time she realized that someone’s heartbeat could be that warm…

“No one can fight all their problems alone. Not you, or even me. That’s why, as I promised…I’ll never leave you, and I’ll carry that burden with you. I will never let go of you, I promise.”


Mayu was in utter shock, but as there was a little sign of resistance from her, Yuki pulled her in closely and rested her forehead onto Mayu’s. Feeling that warmth against her body, she felt amazingly comforted by it. The officer slowly moved her head away slightly allowing an eye contact with Watanabe…and it was like it's the first time she witnessed that life in those coldhearted eyes. Nothing was clouded in those beautiful orbs and only she could feel Mayu’s feelings through it…as if the real Mayu was staring back at her. It was like a moment of connection that it felt as if both of the were the only two in the world. Those eyes…Yuki could feel that vulnerable side that was hidden for the whole time resurfaced up. That was Mayu’s real self, she was a vulnerable girl with a fragile heart. The only way for her to survive was to be stronger and seek for revenge, its her fuel for her wounded soul to live on in this cruel world. Allowing the silence to do all the communication between the two. It was like everything was going in a flow as their faces slowly closed the gap between the two of them. That moment of life, Yuki finally saw Mayu’s real side and she was more than ready to embrace her in tenderly with love. Yuki moved in more as both of them slowly closed their eyes before their lips met one another.



Both of them flinched and its like Mayu realized herself allowing her hidden side to resurface up. She instantly pushed Yuki away and had that distress expression. That moment Yuki was able to reach her but that opportunity slipped away. But what was that scream? Before any of them could even say a word, they heard the next sound…the gunshot.



Gunshots. Screams of pain. What was going on? Both of them could hear the sound of men, women, and children screaming in fear…which just made Mayu’s face went pale instantly. She recognized that voice really well…it was the voice that belonged to one of the kids in the orphanage. She sprinted off immediately without giving any single and so Yuki rushed after her without further ado or else she would lose track of the mouse. She was certain a fast runner after all.



The sound of the child got louder as Mayu and Yuki eventually approached closer to the dark alley. As they made the turn at the corner at this public street, she could see listless bodies on the floor, and a kid that were cornered against the bricked wall in fear. Yuki finally caught up with her and witnessed the whole scene as well…she could see the one that wield the gun was in that official officer outfit, as well as that badge on the side of their arm indicated they were from the Crime Investigation Department…the same department as her. High likely they were her father’s men, only his men would be shooting civilians without hesitation. It was deadly obvious that her father would sent his men to look for his missing daughter, especially when she was kidnapped by someone. His daughter carried the secret of SuperSoldier project, as well as being his only family left too. 

“Tell me, do you see the woman name Yuki around here?”


One of the orphanage kids was threatened and it seemed the adults did try to protect them but they got shot instead. Without further ado, Mayu pulled out her gun and pulled the trigger immediately. She didn’t hesitate to shoot them in the head to stop them from harming the orphan girl. When it comes to protect the kids and her family, she turned into a merciless monster that was ready to kill anyone in her way.



The man that was threatening the child collapsed onto the floor and made all the other officers turned to her with their armed gun. Mayu wasn’t terrified at the slightest. She could see the young orphan ran away with that chance which that gave her a slight relief. Yuki rushed to her side immediately and stayed closely to her, and that was when the officers recognize her. She was the daughter of Kashiwagi Miura after all, the head of C.I. department, obviously her father’s men would recognize their boss’s daughter at that instant. The leader of the team ordered his men to put their aim down since they were ordered to find Yuki, not to kill her.

“Put your aim down!”

“Yes sir.”

They all replied in unison and lowered their aim down, but not Mayu, she was still holding the gun firmly and this time she aimed at the man whom was likely to be the leader of this group of officers. He came forward to confront with both Mayu and Yuki face to face. He lowered his head down softly and spoke to them calmly instead of using force.

“We’ve been looking for you, Yuki-san. Your father is worried about you.”

“…Is he?”

“He is indeed.”

“I really doubt that.”

Yuki confronted them and stood by Mayu’s side. It was so obvious that she was on the thief’s side and glared back at the officers right in front of her. She doubted that her father was worried about her…but at the same time she couldn’t tell what her father was plotting and thinking right now. After she had refused to agree with his plan and escaped away, Yuki couldn’t predict what would her father do after she returned back…everything would be different than before, for certain.

“We’re just here to bring you back. We come in peace.”

“My ass, you shot them…! They’re just civilians!”

“Unfortunately, they interfered and did not support the officer’s investigation. We will do anything to accomplish our objective. If it wasn’t for Yuki-san with you, we would’ve shoot you down without hesitation as well.”

“Don’t!! Don’t you dare shoot her or anyone!”

Yuki stepped forward and yelled angrily. She was angered when the young Watanabe was threatened. It made Mayu startled slightly as she can’t remember the last time she saw those eyes filled with anger. It seemed she got used to Yuki submitted herself and always let Mayu did what she wanted, and it just reminded her of the fierce hunter that used to hunt her down without any mercy of turning the gun at her…that officer Kashiwagi. So many things had changed since then until now, they used to turn their guns to each other, and now…they were somehow together.

“We don’t intend to hurt anyone, Yuki-san. We need to take you back home as we were ordered by your father.”


“He passed me a message to you…I give you the chance to come back unharmed. If not, we shall bring you back by force, no matter what ma’am.”

The man smiled before he uttered his words. The way he uttered just similar to what her father would say, cold and blunt. She could see the other officers behind the leader prepared their guns ready to fire at anytime. It really did left Yuki no choice, she didn’t want Mayu unharmed…and she could see the two adults on the floor squirmed in pain from the gunshot, they were still alive, but if they were not treated quickly it wouldn’t look nice at all.

“So what’s your answer Yuki-san?”

“…Very well, you win…I’ll go with you.”


Before Yuki could move forward, Mayu lowered her gun down and grabbed that thin wrist forcefully. She tugged her back roughly and it made them have that short eye contact with each other. Mayu made sure she hid her actual feelings underneath her angry poker face so no one would be able to read her thoughts. 

“Mayu, let me go.”

“I didn’t risk my life just to see you walk away like this. You know if you go back you’ll…”

“High likely I’ll be locked up in a cell again. I know that.”

“Then why—”

“Because I have to.”

She replied firmly without hesitation. Slowly took Mayu’s hand off from her wrist to make herself free. She seemed to have some thoughts run in mind and no one could tell what she was thinking. However, those eyes told Mayu more than enough…it was decisive, yet hinted with sadness in it…it didn’t give her such a good feeling, as if it would be the last time she would see Yuki. Those eyes were same to what her parents had right before their last breath…same to what Rena had before she disappeared…it were eyes filled with farewell intention.

“There are things that only I could, it might be my fate to do this… as the daughter of a man that destroy your family. We're just partners for benefit after all, there's nothing for us to lose after all.”


“Your revenge…I will end it. So please, it's the time you should find your happiness.”

She smiled for one last time and took off her necklace. She took her hand and put it onto her hand. It was the memento of her mother, it was her protective charm and it was the only thing she had she could give to Mayu. The thief was still stunned with Yuki’s decision and no words were uttered from her lips.

“I want you to keep it…and I guess it's a goodbye.”


She walked forward towards the group of officers, hoping that they would keep their words to not hurt others after she gave in to them. Despite Mayu wanted to run in to stop the crazy raven-haired woman from leaving, she wondered why she couldn’t move her feet at all. It was as if something inside her was preventing her from doing so. Only but remain in silence and watched Yuki slowly walked out from her life, it was the same feeling when she saw her parents…as they died right before her eyes. That traumatized feeling returned back and Mayu hated to admit that her body was actually trembling from it. Unconsciously, she was scared…

“If I go with you, please don’t hurt anyone.”

“…Yuki-san, your father is waiting.”

“Answer me first that you won’t hurt anyone.”

“Taking you back home is our priority, and our boss’s command is absolute ma’am.”

The officers raised their guns up and before anything could be done, the shot the two wounded men on the floor to end their life quickly. Making both Mayu and Yuki stunned, they turned the guns towards Mayu this time and pulled the trigger. The raven-haired’s eyes grew wide with fear and shock, however the officer close by to her locked her with handcuffs so to prevent her from escaping again. Gladly Mayu managed to dodge it but it sheared passed her cheek and left a thin cut on it.

“Don’t hurt her! PLEASE!!”

“Maybe I forgot to tell you what your father also said…he told us to clean up everything that came in our way too, in order to protect our department’s image and secret.”

Yuki was taken away and she was blindfolded as well. Only darkness consumed over her mind and it was filled with fear. She could only hear multiple gunshots and yelling everywhere. She screamed to the top of her lungs, calling Mayu’s name restlessly, obviously she struggled with all the strength she got but she couldn’t possibly win over her father’s elite men. She was thrown forcefully into this place and the momentum made the blindfold loosed up. She realized she was thrown into the van and her instinct was to escape from here, but the door shut tightly before she could do anything. She crashed her body against the door but it was pointless and she could only hear the voice of the team leader making an order to his men.

“Kill her, make sure they’re dead.”

“Yes sir.”

Yuki’s heart sank in utmost fear, only sounds of the gunshot were heard and she shook her head while her body was trembling. She was in complete terrified with the fact of the fighting happening outside and anything could happen to Mayu right now. Each sound of the trigger pulled…it haunted her how much each bullet could end Mayu’s life. She was too panicked to notice that the commander said ‘they’ instead of her, which meant that someone was also out there as well. Yuki’s  eyes became teary and banged her head against the metal door. Shaking her head while bit her lips…only she could pray that nothing would happen to her…hoping that Mayu would be safe and alive.

“Mayu…Mayu…! Please be alright…please.”

The vehicle moved despite the sound of the gunshots was going on. It seemed they were trying to take her out from there as quickly as possible. Despite she was utterly worried about Mayu, but she had something to do, she needed to prepare herself to confront with her father…and this time, there was no space for mistakes. At least, she wanted to make things right…and only she could do it.




“Taking you back home is our priority, and our boss’s command is absolute ma’am.”

The officers raised their guns up and before anything could be done, the shot the two wounded men on the floor to end their life quickly. Making both Mayu and Yuki stunned, they turned the guns towards Mayu this time and pulled the trigger. The raven-haired’s eyes grew wide with fear and shock, however the officer close by to her locked her with handcuffs so to prevent her from escaping again. Gladly Mayu managed to dodge it but it sheared passed her cheek and left a thin cut on it.

“Don’t hurt her! PLEASE!!”

“Maybe I forgot to tell you what your father also said…he told us to clean up everything that came in our way too, in order to protect our department’s image and secret.”

Yuki was taken away and she was blindfolded as well. Mayu could see the woman being taken away and she could see armed officers pointing the guns at her. It was the brink of life or death, and she instinctively pulled her gun up and fight back. Obviously they were not planning to keep their words with Yuki, and despite she wanted to take her toy back…she needed to survive through this first. She could hear that woman kept shouting out her name, with so much worries and fear…

“Mayu! Mayu!! Mayu!!”


She kept hearing it until she eventually was thrown into the van that was distance away. She could feel her own heart pounding strongly against her ribs. It was the moment she sense death so close to her and she managed to kill one more officer and injured two more, but it wasn’t enough to save her from a storm of officers in such an opened area like this. The commander ordered his men as he knew that he would win over Mayu in terms of quantity number of people, for just one individual to defeat the whole team of elite officers would likely to be impossible, even a SuperSoldier would truly have a tough time to deal with it. 

“Finish it.”


Before the officers could pull the trigger the gun snapped from their hands.  The brink of moment that she wasn’t dead, she thought she would be…if it weren’t for those gunshots that disarmed the officers. She could Yuko stood firmly on her ground as she managed to save Watanabe right on time. It was long enough to stun off the officers and to give Mayu the opportunity to retreat. She knew that Yuko did this to buy the time and the mouse had to have faith on her leg powers…to grant her the speed of wind.

“Kill that woman over there too.”

“Yes sir!”

They turned their guns towards Yuko but she was already gone. With a blink of moment, the squirrel had disappeared from their sight and that’s when the commander ordered them to pursue over the two of them immediately. No one that saw them must survive to say a word, which was what Kashiwagi Miura ordered them before they left.

“Kill her, make sure they’re dead.”

“Yes sir.”


They pursued after them deep into the dark alley and it seemed the mouse that finally caught up with the squirrel but Miura’s elite forces were still pursuing them. Obviously Mayu didn’t know how did Yuko know she was there and if it weren’t for her she would be in deep trouble.

“…How did you I’m here?”

“Saki told me you’re in danger.”

The kid that Mayu saved ran back to tell Yuko about her, and that saved her life. She was relieved that the orphan girl was safe and sound, but they had something to deal with right now. They could hear footsteps coming for them…the officers trying to hunt them down, but they wouldn’t lose that easily in their territory. They knew this place like a back of their hands… they both stopped at the same time and prepared their guns and waited for the officers to finally catch up with them. They hid at each side of the small path so let the officers ran passed the main path before they could give them a preemptive kill. A couple of officers ran passed them and that was when both the mouse and squirrel came out from their hiding and shot them all from behind. Obviously, they didn’t have the choice but to land all the vital spots so to kill them instantly without giving them prolonging death. However, there were more officers coming from behind them and they were more than ready to shoot the two of them any moment. However, both of them were not afraid at the slightest and did not turn back at all…they knew this place like a back of their hands, as well as they had allies that would protect their backs.

“Die you little piece of shits…!”

“Sorry I can’t let you do that.”

A calm mature voice echoed in the alley before they realized one more enemy jumped from above. Rena grabbed both of the officer’s back neck and snapped it with brute force. The power of the SuperSoldier lies in her despite she was not a successful subject; at the very least she trained to be able to bring her powers out to its maximum potential. There were a few survived officers that were lucky that were not in the front line. They were glaring at them with such fear…they were just too strong. That’s when they realize that they couldn’t kill them if they were together…they were completely invisible. However, before they could run away, there was a young girl that was behind trapping them already. She was cracking her fingers with that ecstatic grin across her face. It seemed Center had came out to take the fun role of hunting even just a little. This was truly essential, and she needed to kill them.

“Too bad, I can’t let you get away…alive.”


They all cleaned up all the officers that came for them. At least they did not hear anything anymore so they were safe, for now. However, another serious issue arose up as Yuki went with them for the sake of ensuring Mayu and the other two wounded men’s safety…but they broke the promise. The mouse had to inform Yuko about the unfortunate death of the two men that saved Saki, but she was unable to save them in return. These officers were far more serious than what anyone of them thought…it seemed they were getting close to their main enemies after all. He wouldn’t leave them be as well after they killed his met like vegetables. It was about time they needed to discuss about this matter seriously. Mayu told everything she knew and how Kashiwagi Miura, the man responsible for her family’s massacre planned to revive the SuperSoldier Project up again. Mariko sure knew that Miura was a part of the project that was long disappeared…and a decade after that he planned to revive it. It seemed Mariko knew about it but wasn’t so sure whether that information was true or not, but now that she got Mayu’s confirmation, it made her decision became solid. That was when Mariko decided to take action on this matter. After this horrified project had disappeared…she swore she would never allow it to revive back again. There were enough victims from this already, just like Jurina, Rena, and her. Maybe it was the time for them to make a move on this, either ways, Miura wouldn’t let them go freely that easily as well. They had two choices to pick, either do something, or wait for them to come kill every single one in dark alley. The right person to end all of this mess would be the test subjects from the project themselves, let the creation destroy the creator.

“Rena, Yuko, I’ll need you two to help gather information for me, it is about time we make the move.”

“Yes ma’am.”

Both of the older women nodded firmly to their order before Mariko turned to the other two younger girls. She asked Jurina to look after Mayu since she still needed to recover from her old wounds. She ordered the mouse to rest as much as she could in order to be ready for their strike. There were a couple of things that Mariko wished to discuss to only Yuko and Rena, and so the two younger ones had to leave the room.


Jurina simply followed her friend around as she was asked to look after Mayu at all cost. However, by the time they arrived in front of the mouse’s private room, she requested to be alone and she would only be in her room. She wanted to have some time alone to think of things right now, her mind seemed to be messed up somehow.

“Come nag me later when I got out from my room. I want to be alone.”

“Okay, if you need anything I’ll be sitting out here waiting for Rena-chan.”


Finally Mayu got her time to be alone in her room to reflect over many things that happened. She could smell a different scent in her room…it was Yuki’s scent. It just reminded her that she was in this room today when they were talking about how Mayu despised her. After she had put some thought to it again she wondered whether she really did meant it or not. Slowly, she dug her hand into her pocket and pulled out that small golden necklace…that Yuki left for her. She only stared at it and remembered it used to be around her neck all the time, the officer never let it stay away from her at all, and it must be special to her.


She sighed as she slowly sat on her bed while playing with that necklace with her fingers. If Mariko planned to annihilate the SuperSoldier project along with Kashiwagi Miura, would that mean that she would have to pull the trigger on Yuki? Would she be able to do so? For some reason it made her heart throbbed in pain just to think about it. Never she felt this way before and she could never understand why she’s feeling like this. Just as much as it brought her annoyance…it brought her fear and devastation. She shook her head, having such a huge confusion of her life. Using all her time silently in her room…her mind was completely occupied with just one thing…just about Yuki.


« Last Edit: July 02, 2014, 07:34:04 AM by katekyohit »

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Re: Love Capture: Chapter 09 Part 2 [MaYuki] (02/07/14)
« Reply #142 on: July 01, 2014, 08:58:34 PM »
NOOO!!! Yukirin! Mayu please save her and stop being stubborn girl!!! But at least, Mayu starting to opened her heart to Yuki even she keep denying it. :cry:'s too heartbreaking! J-just update soon... :banghead:
« Last Edit: July 01, 2014, 09:37:13 PM by Tupi »

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Re: Love Capture: Chapter 09 Part 2 [MaYuki] (02/07/14)
« Reply #143 on: July 01, 2014, 09:58:06 PM »
is this fic about to an end? dont hurt my yuki sama please kate-san! LOL


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Re: Love Capture: Chapter 09 Part 2 [MaYuki] (02/07/14)
« Reply #144 on: July 01, 2014, 10:14:52 PM »
Wait a sec...

"SuperSoldier Project"?

"Pull the trigger on Yuki"?!

...No way.... ...It can't be...!



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Re: Love Capture: Chapter 09 Part 2 [MaYuki] (02/07/14)
« Reply #145 on: July 02, 2014, 12:30:44 AM »
 :gyaaah: :pleeease: Such a heartbreaking.....

Mayu, save Yuki again ok!!!!!  :thumbsup

Hope Yuki is fine....

Need next chapter...  :bow:

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Re: Love Capture: Chapter 09 Part 2 [MaYuki] (02/07/14)
« Reply #146 on: July 02, 2014, 12:51:43 AM »
Oh master Kate, I shall give you a nice comment but I am too stunned in awe  :wub: :wub: :wub:

Rena-sama and Yuko-sama, just so awesome  :inlove: :inlove: :inlove: :inlove: :inlove: :inlove:

Everything is epic so just...

*insert lots of emoticons*

 :bow: :bow: :bow:
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

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Re: Love Capture: Chapter 09 Part 2 [MaYuki] (02/07/14)
« Reply #147 on: July 02, 2014, 02:15:47 AM »
Damn those officer they shiuld not be called officer anymore

I hope there a good way to solve this

Dont made anyone dies pls ><!!

Update soon

Offline sastio13

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Re: Love Capture: Chapter 09 Part 1 [MaYuki] (01/07/14)
« Reply #148 on: July 02, 2014, 04:17:39 AM »
wow you update fast kate, am really happy :D
a-ano... umm... i don't what to say, i lost of words
you, make me smiling and holding tears while read this story... somehow i can feel it :cry:
just keep continue kate! thank you
Yo, i'm sastio! i like to read fanfics! :)
a silent reader :grin:

Oshi: Shinoda Mariko,
Kashiwagi Yuki, Matsui Rena, Yagami Kumi, Okada Nana, Shinobu Mogi, Thalia, etc.
overall, i like all members hehe

every pairing is fine, as long as i enjoy :)

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Re: Love Capture: Chapter 09 Part 2 [MaYuki] (02/07/14)
« Reply #149 on: July 02, 2014, 05:19:53 AM »
I seriously hope Yuki would not have to sacrifice her life to stop the insane killing of her father, or in order to let Mayu realize her true feelings, and to put a permanent stop to the revenge cycle.

Like the title of the fanfic, it is indeed very appropriate, Love Capture.
Visit my FFs:
We Love the Hospital! OS (Mayuki + Wmatsui) + Omake

The Foreigner Husband and The Traditional Wife (Wmatsui)

[Short OS] "Puppy" Love (Pairings: JR + YH)

My Little Brother Can't Be This Cute!

Derailed - OS featuring Aya x Nao

Offline kazutoryu

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Re: Love Capture: Chapter 09 Part 2 [MaYuki] (02/07/14)
« Reply #150 on: July 02, 2014, 07:14:40 PM »
I seriously hope Yuki would not have to sacrifice her life to stop the insane killing of her father, or in order to let Mayu realize her true feelings, and to put a permanent stop to the revenge cycle.

Like the title of the fanfic, it is indeed very appropriate, Love Capture.

I agree too!! please dont kill yuki! give yuki back to mayu  :panic:

Offline 48matama

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Re: Love Capture: Chapter 09 Part 2 [MaYuki] (02/07/14)
« Reply #151 on: July 02, 2014, 08:22:19 PM »
NOOOOOO YUKIRIN DON'T GOOOOOO COMEBACK TO MAYUUUUUU   :OMG: :frustrated: :pleeease: :on blackhole: :gyaaah:

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Re: Love Capture: Chapter 09 Part 2 [MaYuki] (02/07/14)
« Reply #152 on: July 02, 2014, 11:29:23 PM »
Oh Kate san i just read this and i don't know what t say..
Sure Yuki's father is such an evil man... I AM HOPING THAT THEY DON'T DO ANYTHING STUPID TO YUKI  :cry: oh i just wanna see her happy~ :bleed eyes:
And Mayu!!! When will you realize youe feelings to Yuki oh jeez :(
Looking forward to your update, Kate san! :thumbsup
Really want to know what's going to happe  next..

Offline katekyohit

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Re: Love Capture: Chapter 10 Part 1 + 2 [MaYuki] (06/07/14)
« Reply #153 on: July 05, 2014, 07:46:35 PM »
@Tupi: Mayu is going going~ Going to go rescue her princess xD Here’s the update! I know its heartbreaking… :P

@kurogami: It’s about to end, chapter 12. I’ll try not to hurt Yuki…I’ll try :D

@Ruka Kikuchi: LOL! I wonder what thoughts are running inside your head~ Let’s see how this goes! XD Will Mayu have to fight against Yuki? Hahahaha~

@achina-chan: LOL!!! Yes! Heartbreaking!!! XD Mayu will definitely do something~ I wonder~ Let’s see in this chapter then :D

@sakura_drop_: Ello, too stunned in awe? LOL!!! XD Glad you like both Rena and Yuko in this fic! Thanks for your compliment :P Hope you enjoy this next chap.

@Kirozoro: Let’s see everything will end nicely or not…or there will be some deaths!? I don’t know!! XD Depends on my mood while I’m writing :P

@sastio13: Yeah I update fast right now because I’m on a uni break~ But when uni starts again I will update SUPER SLOW T_T So lets enjoy this moment even its a short while~ :D Oh wow, save the tears! You might cry later :P Might.

@DC2805: We will see the story between Mayu and Yuki in this next update! There’s actually a deeper meaning to the name “Love Capture” than just that. It will be revealed in the last chap~ Maybe you realize it already but didn’t point it out yet. XD It’s quite obvious in a way.

@kazutoryu: Hehe, let this update answer your plead :D

@48matama: LOL!!!!! Hehehehe XD

@affiber: Here’s the next update!! I hope you enjoy it~ We will see how this goes and how will it end~ Only thing i can say is that there will be loads of fight and drama before the ending :P

Love Capture: CH10.1

That evening, everyone was gathered at Mariko’s office room in order to discuss the real serious business. Obviously, especially someone like Mariko, Rena, and Jurina would have the highest motive in this plan…to obliterate the SuperSoldier project from this world. So the leader had discussed the plan after she had a private conversation with both Yuko and Rena. Their objective of this plan is to destroy all the information and knowledge of SuperSoldier forever, and that could mean that they needed to kill Kashiwagi Miura as well. He used to work in the old project…and now he was being the leader. They couldn’t risk this happening again in the future. Too many victims were contributed into this already…only the three survivors of the project, was more than enough curse. However, Jurina got a question on how they would know where Kashiwagi Miura would be…he could be anywhere, as well as the data of SuperSoldier project too.  It was like searching for a needle in a vast deep ocean.

“How would we know where will he be?”

“I assume where his daughter is…he will be there.”

Mariko pressed the button on her laptop and showed GPS on the projector right in front of them. Mayu stared in front of the screen and could see where it was located in the C.I. main headquarters and for a sharp mouse…she knew immediately who carried that GPS. She diverted her eyes to her leader and it seemed it was all according to her plan.

“Since when did—”

“She offered it, the GPS is in her earring and so high likely no officers would detect it.”


Mayu was completely lost. However, the more that Mariko explained the situation the more she was shocked. Her leader used Yuki as to help them track Kashiwagi Miura, their main target for their assault. It was like Yuki had secretly cooperated with Mariko with this plan. It just sound so impossible to Mayu that a person like Yuki would do something risky like this…against her own father. Mariko was extremely confident that the new laboratory would be located at that same old warehouse…where the old laboratory was located. That place was a part of to C.I. department’s property, and so it had all of those abandoned equipment that was essential for the human-experimenting project. Or at most they would be close by to that place. It was the best area to conduct such an inhuman experiment without having anyone caught them. As Mayu listened to the whole thing…she was stunned, and in a state of shock. It made the mouse reflected on many things that happened…and none of those incidents seemed to make Mariko surprise at all.

“…It’s all planned?”


Others around were confused with what the mouse uttered, but not Mariko. She only looked back with those clam emotionless eyes as if she understood what Mayu was saying. The young thief looked back into her leader’s eyes…and realized that her instinct said was true. It was all planned. When she put some thought into it…how would the officers knew this area out of a sudden. How did they manage to come so close to the dark alley? If they knew where she was they would’ve come since the beginning already…if it was by luck then they would’ve found them many years ago. Watanabe realized…something was odd about it.

“Those officers…! It is all planned isn’t!?”

“…Sometimes, you can be too sharp for your own sake, Mayu.”

“Eh? I’m lost, what are you talking about Mayu?”

Jurina was lost, but not the other two ladies. They knew about it already during the private discussion that happened before this official meeting. They did know all the truth through Mariko and all the hidden plans she had been plotting…with Yuki. The squirrel was shocked to learn the truth… such things like this wasn’t something she would expect at all, from both Mariko and Yuki. As for Mayu, she seemed to be enraged for some reason. In some ways, Mariko leaked the information about Yuki that she was close by to the dark alley so to have Yuki be abducted by her father once again. Mayu couldn’t think straight at the moment, right now, she was angry. All she could feel was the anger boiling inside her when she knew the hidden scheme Mariko plotted.

“About how those officers came so close to dark alley…about that woman giving herself in…it’s all the plan??”

“…Yes. It is.”

“People were killed from that!! If I wasn’t there Saki would be dead too! Also…you knew how much risk is this and yet you used her—!”

“It’s a deal I made with Kashiwagi Yuki. I did tell her the risk, but she still accepted it. It is a fair deal that we came to an agreement with.”

Mariko stayed so firm to what she said and she even explained the deal she made with Yuki. She told how the officer Kashiwagi would be her spy and force herself to get involve with SuperSoldier project in order to find its exact location. The more Mayu listened to it the more she couldn’t believe it. It’s so outrageous that she couldn’t believe Yuki was willingly to do something like this. She was literally selling her father out to Mariko, and the mouse knew her leader very well…that she could be so heartless that could make the ruthless Watanabe terrified.

“…I know you’re good with manipulating people. Someone like her wouldn’t be selling her father out so easily.”

“How much did you know her anyways, Mayu?”


How much did she know Yuki? It just made Watanabe wondered what and how much did Mariko knew her…she barely saw any moments that Yuki could be alone with her leader. She did take some confidence that she knew the officer the most since she was with her majority of the time in dark alley. But seeing that confidence in Mariko’s eyes, Mayu didn’t know what to argue back to her at all. It was the moment she started to realize that she didn’t actually know Yuki as much at all.

“We will commence the moment we received a signal from her, telling us the exact location of where the project is continuing.”

“Yes ma’am.”

Everyone replied in unison but except Mayu. There were too many things for her to process and many of it was unbelievable to her. Part of her couldn't believe how Mariko plotted of these with Yuki…and that officer giving information to their leader too. At least she was getting the information into her head but then the next thing that Mariko stated gave her a heart attack…

“Mayu, you’ll be staying here and look after the base while everyone goes on the mission.”

It wasn’t just Mayu, but literally everyone except Mariko. They were shocked, and couldn’t think of a reason why Mayu shouldn’t be going at all. She was a strong and smart fighter that was essential for their front line. The best hacker out of everyone living in the dark alley, it would be her. None of them couldn’t figure out what would be the reason behind Mariko’s order to leave Mayu at the base…obviously Watanabe rebelled and protest against it.

“What the—! Why!?”

“It is not your problem, you shouldn’t risk your life on something that’s not a matter related to you.”

“For all these years, none of the task I did is related to my matter! Why now!?”

“The deal is what needs to be kept. In return for Yuki’s cooperation, is to ensure you won’t participate in this mission.”


She was stunned. Completely stunned. Mariko said it was the deal she made with Yuki…whatever you received; you’ll have to pay equally back. As Yuki gave her cooperation to Mariko to be the spy in the enemy’s headquarters…so definitely she knew that Shinoda Mariko would launch an invasion into the base to annihilate the project once and for all. Therefore, Yuki requested for Mayu not to go…for Mayu not to participate in this mission. That somehow replayed her words in her head about how Yuki would stop her from revenging…was this her plan all along? To prevent her from going to kill Kashiwagi Miura? This just made her so annoyed with how a weak woman like her was capable for such a thing to make a deal with Mariko. Not many dared to do such a thing…and hardly Mariko would accept a deal with someone unless she found it as an extreme good deal. Yuki alone wouldn’t be able to stop her from going. Even Yuko, Rena, or Jurina… They wouldn’t be able to stop Mayu if she was being really serious. But if it was Mariko, then that would be a totally different story, since probably she was the only one that could order over Mayu unconditionally.

“You’ll remain station here, without any further arguments.”


Others could see how much Mayu was struggling against that absolute order. Everyone knew that Watanabe was the one that wanted to go the most since her whole living was for this day…to revenge on Kashiwagi Miura. However, despite how much Mayu wanted to disobey her, she couldn’t do it. Mariko’s order was absolute to everyone and no matter how much she despised it; she needed to do it…that’s the golden rule within the family. Leader’s order is absolute.

“Right now, prepare for the commence any second from now. Be ready to leave at anytime when we receive the signal from our spy.”

“Yes ma’am.”

Mayu remained in silence without saying anything. She tightened her grip without being rebellious against Mariko at the slightest. Rena glanced at the corner of her eyes and saw how upset Mayu was…from her actions, from her expression, it said it all. She just stood there listening to the plan that she wouldn’t be participating…for Rena to just watch the poor girl looking down onto the floor like this made her hurt. As for Watanabe…she was hopeless with what to do. She even wanted to storm out from this place immediately because it was utterly pointless for her to even be here and listen if she was to stay at this place. She really did underestimated Yuki after all; the woman really did make her stop the revenge, forcefully, by having her locked up in this place. She did just stood there in silence until the whole discussion ended. It wasn’t just anger that was stirring inside her heart…but it was filled with fear as well. She couldn’t understand why… The more she heard the plan that Mariko organized, the more she was scared. The mix of fear and anger create a complete mess that she didn’t know what to feel anymore.


After the whole discussion was done, Mayu was the first to leave the room and Rena could see that. She seemed to know what was going on inside Mayu’s mind and gave the girl sometime to cool herself down first before she plan to approach her. Probably no one could understand how she felt right now…Mayu obviously needed to calm herself down, and so she went to the roof deck to get some cold breeze of the night. 

Sitting under the moonlight, watching the clear sky having few stars and the full moon. She allowed the cold breeze to tackle her bare skin in order to calm herself down from her anger from Mariko and Yuki. She was wearing her usual sleeveless black shirt and shorts in order to allow her limbs make contact with the wind. She was sitting down on that cold concrete floor while her mind drifted off. Their stupid deal just prevented her from the goal of her life…to take revenge on Kashiwagi Miura. She lived for 12 years for this, but both of them came to stop her so easily like it's a piece of cake. Obviously she would be so angry about it…but it wasn’t just anger that was dominating her feelings, it was fear. She had this overwhelming fear ever since the discussion started and the more Yuki was mentioned from Mariko. The more the leader mentioned the more she felt lost…she didn’t know what Yuki was doing at all. It felt as if she didn’t know her at all…but then Mayu questioned why she was feeling like that. Yuki was nothing to her…she was just a toy, a mere toy, and nothing else. But deep down could she always deny that?

“Ugh! Dammit…! Fucking hell!!”

Mayu banged her fist onto the floor with full force and sighed when she replayed the discussion in her head once again. So Yuki knew about the officers…she knew they would appear, she plotted to tell her to stop the revenge. It was all planned. At that moment she was actually swayed by Yuki’s words and she didn’t know whether to believe it or not. She was confused…half of her wanted to believe that she’s a liar and only did good things to her to trick her.  However…another half that she couldn’t deny was that she wanted to believe in her, that her words were real, and it’s not trying to deceive her in any kind of way. Watanabe only could bit her lips and shook her head. The more she think about Yuki, the more fear accumulated inside her heart. She feared what will happen to her after this? She was with her father, Miura, the main target, would she be okay? Will she be safe? Will she be harmed? Will she die? The more she thought of it, she could feel her heart trembling and she was having a shortness of breath. She squeezed her eyes shut and banged her tightened hand onto the floor without mercy for her hand. The only way to express her stress and frustration would be inflicting pain to herself. By coming out to gaze at the moon didn’t really help her at all.

“That woman…frigging hell…”

Mayu sighed and was completely lost. She didn’t know what to do anymore…she was prohibited to go in the mission…it just reminded herself that last smile she saw…that farewell smile. It gave her a chill down her spine, which it left an impression that it would be the last time she would meet Yuki. There wouldn’t be that genuine smile and touch anymore. She had to admit that even for a short while…she experienced the feeling to be cared and loved. She hated to admit that she missed that feeling…she missed Yuki’s presence beside her. The only thing she carried right now was that necklace that the officer let behind. She took it out form her pocket and stared at it while it was resting on her palm. Having the chance to observe the pendant, it was an outline of a tree in the middle of the circle. It was made from gold, and seemed to be quite old too. She clutched onto it and remembered how this necklace used to be around that woman’s neck. When she thought about it…ever since she met her, she never called her by her name, not even once. How many times did Yuki call her name already? So many times that it was uncountable. Never she had uttered through those lips at her at all. She sighed again and looked back up to the shining moon. It was beautiful, and unfortunately, Yuki wasn’t there to see it.

“Yuki: Wow…it’s so beautiful. It’s not something I can see in the city.”

“…I guess that’s what she will say.”

Unconsciously without realizing, she actually thought about what would the officer say if she were to be here. Her mind was truly occupied about Kashiwagi, for the entire time. She didn’t know how long she had been up here, but it must’ve been for quite a long while already. Maybe an hour or two? Or longer than that? She was lost with time until she heard the door roof deck door opened. Mayu glanced to see who it was and it was the tall raven-haired woman. That moment she thought it was Yuki…her eyes grew wide and she was about to stand up already.


“I thought about waiting for you to come down, but I give up.”

She walked out from the shade and revealed that gentle eyes of hers. It was Matsui Rena. She was completely deceived, that was when Mayu realized that Rena’s appearance was similar to Kashiwagi’s. She almost mistook her as Yuki already, thankfully she didn’t utter her name out by accident, or else it would be so embarrassing and humiliating.

“Can I sit with you?”


She sat down beside Mayu and looked up into the sky. It was a beautiful scene today. She only smiled while she enjoyed the scene above her along with the nice cool breeze. They didn’t utter a single word for quite a while and enjoyed the silence along with each other’s accompany. However, it hit the point that Mayu got curious with the reason Rena came up here to talk to her.

“…Rena-san, what is it that you want to talk to me?”

“I know you’re upset with Mariko stopping you from going, yes?”

“…Pretty much.”

“Are you scared?”


Mayu was surprised with how Rena was able to read through her thoroughly. She expected others to think that she was angry and upset…but not scared. Mayu just simply nodded softly while she played around the necklace on her hand without saying a word. Rena simply just watched over her actions and threw in more questions at Watanabe.

“Can you tell me why are you scared?”


“Go on.”

Rena was probably the only person that Mayu could talk to openly. She always had this gentle motherly older sister, which made her always comfortable to talk about her feelings and issues. It was always like this ever since Mayu became a part of the family. Rena was probably the one that the mouse respected and was able to open herself to…but after the older Matsui disappeared, Mayu had no one to talk to. Even though she knew Jurina and Yuko for so long…for some reason, she couldn’t talk to them about it. So Mayu talked about the fear that ran inside her…the fear about Yuki. Obviously she wasn’t telling everything but she did told quite a lot coming from Mayu, who never said her feelings to anyone. She told how this was the first time she was ever scared like this…ever since that night when her parents were killed right before her eyes. She couldn’t understand why she would be so afraid like this.

“I…can’t stop wondering about it. That frigging woman, become Mariko-sama’s spy? Is she nuts? Ugh…I can’t believe it.”


“I can’t stop thinking about her. I can’t understand why is she doing this…and what’s the point of it. She could die…yet she didn’t care about it at all.”


“…It annoys me, it really did…and I’m so confused too. I don’t understand these hectic emotions inside me at all. I can’t believe I’m scared so much like this….the last time, would be that night my parents were killed.”

“Eh~ Haha, I see.”

Mayu was surprised that Rena was laughing at her after she vented out her feelings. She didn’t understand what part of it that was funny for the older raven-haired woman at all. She had that puzzled look at her and couldn’t wait to ask her what was the reason behind her laugh. The curious mouse demanded for an answer.

“W-What was that for??”

“Haha~ you’ve become so cute for the past years.”

“Ehhh??? What?! I don’t get it!”



Mayu got a little more curious and frustrated with what Rena was thinking. After all these years that both of them didn’t have their private conversation, nothing really did change at all. Despite Mayu became colder and more merciless, but she was still the same old innocent Watanabe Mayu that Rena always took care of. After she did enjoy her moments teasing her, she decided to go to the main point in order help the lost sheep understand her feelings.

“…You love her, didn’t you?”

“E-Eh?? W-What?! NO!! No way that I—!!”

Mayu was blushing madly. Her heart started to pick up the pace and her face started to burn. She couldn’t believe that Rena asked that at all and she was flustering and panicking even more. She couldn’t understand why would she be so restless like this. The older woman just only giggled at her and looked away with that cheeky smile across her face. The answer for Rena was just so obvious that she couldn’t believe Mayu was purely dense to not realize her feelings. She couldn’t help but to pat the younger girl’s head while laughing at how naïve Mayu could be. The young girl would always be the little Mayu that Rena knew.

“…I had enough with running away from Jurina, for nine years isn’t?”


“Even it looks impossible for both of us, Jurina showed me we can do it together…she reclaimed what is hers…and taught me that nothing is impossible.”


Rena told everything to Mayu about how Jurina declared a challenge against her. It was that famous rule among people of dark alley; the winner takes everything while the loser surrenders unconditionally. What Jurina claimed as her victory prize was Rena’s life, which was why she was taken back to the dark alley to be with everyone again. As Mayu listened to the whole story she wasn’t surprise as much since it was Jurina after all. The young innocent puppy, she could so outrageous when she was truly serious with something. The young mouse watched Rena’s expression and she could see that warm gentle smile from her as she talked about Jurina. She was happy. She could tell that Rena was happy that her life belonged to Jurina forever. For some reason, it quite somehow reminded her of Yuki…how she sold her body and soul, just in order to be with Mayu. 

 “That’s why, I will never run away from anything anymore, we will walk down this rough path together…with hope in our hearts.”



Rena turned to Mayu and patted her head again before she told her gratefulness that she had. She never felt this much relieved for her entire life until Jurina broke into her comfort zone. It made her realize that she always ran away from the future because she was scared to confront it. Always lurking in the shadows and running away from everything.  She was scared of Center, Nobunaga, and even Jurina. She was terrified with the unknown future up ahead…but the warmth from Jurina’s hand told her everything would be fine, and there was nothing to fear. If Jurina was with her, she had faith that she could move on without being afraid anymore. Rena found the one that she wanted to be with and wanted to move on together with. As Mayu listened carefully word-by-word, she was in a moment of awe. She seemed to be able to relate her feelings to Rena and was deeply touched by her words.


“...I believe you found it too. That person you want to walk down the path together with…right?”

Only but silence remains between the two, and no replies from Mayu. But just by glancing at her was more than enough; Rena could obviously saw that blush across Mayu’s ears. She simply looked away without answering back; it was a form of indirect acceptance.  Obviously the older Matsui didn’t push on further and only sat there closely by Mayu’s side. The young girl obviously needed the time to understand her feelings; especially she was a stubborn type as well. Just as much as Rena was very smart, Mayu was as well. She could tell that Rena saw through her, completely. The raven-haired woman’s words made her realize that either way, she needed to admit these feelings inside her no matter what. Despite how much she wanted to deny its existence…it would never disappear and it would grew even more too. The moment Rena asked her that question, her face popped up, Yuki’s smile came into her head.

She remembered the moment she unconsciously gave in to the officer at the park…deep down inside her heart, she accepted Yuki. She was yearning for her because she had faith that Yuki could heal the severed wound on her soul. The times she spent with her, was probably the most comforting and relaxing moments of her life. When she disappeared and everything returned back to how it used to be, it felt utterly empty inside. She felt like she lost the light and purpose of her life. She felt like she was a living corpse, like how she used to feel ever since her family’s massacre. In the end, she seemed to have figured out what was the cause of her fear. She was scared to be alone again. She was worried about Yuki’s whereabouts and safety. She was scared for Yuki… it was the moment everything seemed to fit perfectly like a puzzle. The clouds in her mind started to disappear and she started to realize the truth regarding her feelings…

“…If you want anything, then take it with everything you’ve got, in order to claim that is your and only yours. Isn’t that our style?”


Mayu turned back to her and stared with those innocent eyes. The moment of realization of her feelings and what Rena was attempting to teach her. If she wanted anything, she needed to claim that it’s hers…by force. It was always the golden rule of the dark alley. If you want it, steal it, take it, and claim that it’s yours until the last moment of your satisfaction. Those words just somehow calmed Mayu’s feelings down instantly as if it gave the answer to what she wanted. Her eyes became softer and Rena could tell that Mayu finally reached the point of realizing her true feelings. She was no longer in a state of denial anymore and then she patted the young mouse’s head again.  Rena was relieved to see her young girl finally understand her real feelings without having anything to cloud it any longer.

“I believe your worries are solved right?”

“…It is.”

“We will always take what we want…and desperately steal what truly belongs to us, to show that we’re the rightful ownership.”

“…Yes, we will.”

“Hehe, it does feel relief, isn’t?”

“It does…. Thank you, Rena-san.”

“Always, you will always be my little sister.”

Rena patted her head again and made Mayu smiled out with utmost relief. Just from their conversation, it seemed the young arrogant mouse had changed. The life in her eyes became softer and seemed to be livelier than usual. It was as Rena thought to be…she knew that Yuki was the right person that will bring the real Mayu out from the shadows. Thankfully, things were not too late between her and Jurina…but she wouldn’t want Mayu to experience that pain. To be running away from herself for 9 years never gave her a pleasant or peaceful feeling at the slightest.

“Let’s go talk to Mariko, I’ll convince her for you to come.”

“E-Eh!? Really??”

“Yes, it was because you have a new reason to go there.”

She slowly stood up from the floor and extended her hand to Mayu. Without any words exchanged, the young mouse took that hand and was pulled up to stand on her feet. After Rena pointed it out…the reason she wanted to go seemed to have changed. Mayu was utterly surprised; the feeling of revenge was not her main motivation anymore…the reason that was driving her to go was to go to see Kashiwagi Yuki. She needed to see her…and reclaiming the ownership on her property.

“You know I never can support you for your revenge. But if is for your new reason, then I’m more than glad to fight for you.”


“You better rest well and get ready soon, it will be a tough fight.”

“…It will be.”

“Let’s go back in then.”

Rena leaded the way as Mayu followed her from behind. She glanced at that necklace in her hand again and returned it back into her pocket. She looked forward and it was so obvious the life in her eyes changed. It was not hunger for revenge as usual. It was filled with hope and determination that was overwhelming inside her heart. She didn’t utter any single word out, but it seemed her mind was made up already. Nothing would cloud her emotions and feelings anymore…after she had realized what she truly wanted.



« Last Edit: July 05, 2014, 07:52:52 PM by katekyohit »

Offline katekyohit

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Re: Love Capture: Chapter 10 Part 1 + 2 [MaYuki] (06/07/14)
« Reply #154 on: July 05, 2014, 07:50:14 PM »

Love Capture: CH10.2

On Yuki’s side, she was surrounded by officers and was taken back to the headquarters where her father was waiting for her. The moment she arrived at the room, the handcuffs were still on her though. However, one of the officers came to her and unlocked it since Kashiwagi Miura wouldn’t want to treat his daughter as his prisoner. However, the officers couldn’t leave the woman with her father all alone after she had escaped from here once.

“My sweet girl, I’m glad you’re alright.”


“I believe those thieves are evil to you, aren’t they?”


“It’s okay now, you’re safe here with me.”


Yuki tightened up her grip and went along with the flow. She didn’t want to argue or fight back against him; she only looked down onto the floor in order to avoid eye contact with him. The commander that lead the team to take Yuki back knew how Kashiwagi had grew attached to the thief, to Mayu. It was about time her father did the interrogation on her to find out the objective of the thieves that kidnapped her out.

“What did they want from you?”


“It’s quite unusual for someone to break into the headquarters to kidnap someone they didn’t know…she knew them didn’t you?”


Her father saw through her completely. He wasn’t the head of the Crime Investigation department for nothing. He was used to interrogating with criminals and investigated on them to find out the truth behind their lies. He was basically doing the same thing on Yuki right now. It would be obvious as well that he realized his daughter was willingly to go with that criminal…as if she knew that person.

“Are you going to tell the truth or do you want me to bring them here instead?”

“W-Wait! Please…”

The moment Yuki finally realized how terrified her father was. He was showing no mercy on her and allowed his daughter to confess everything that she knew. He wouldn’t stop interrogating her until he got what he wanted as well…it would be a very tough moment for Yuki in order to sway him to believe that she wanted to side with him…it was the deal she made with Mariko after all, to be Mariko’s spy.

“Let me ask again. What did they want from you?”

“…The SuperSoldier project. They knew you were behind all the plans.”

Yuki began making up the story about how she was taken into custody and interrogated regarding the project, but she didn’t tell anything to them. She kept on going telling about her situation until the officer saved her out from that situation. However, the information wasn’t satisfying for Miura yet. There were few spots that made him still wondering about the truth.

“You knew they were criminals?”

“I didn’t…”

“But you knew them.”

“…I did. They were friends of my friend again. I met them in the old school reunion party, we knew each other as acquaintance.”

“Then why did you go with them?”

“…I let my guard down because I knew her, the second thing that happened was that she threatened to kill me if I don’t go with them.”

Yuki forced a lie through her poker face every second that Miura threw a question at her. It reminded her the conversation she had with Mariko right after they made a deal with each other. It seemed the leader was truly smart enough to know that Miura would try to dig every bits of information from her after she returned back to him. She sort of gave Yuki an order for her what to do and those words repeated in her head again…


“Do sell us out as much as you have to, as long as you become part of your father’s team…that more than enough of what I need.”

“Shinoda-san, but that’s—”

“Risky, I know. Can you do that?”


She bit her lips softly before she looked up to her father. She needed to put on a full act against her last family member for the sake of her justice. She knew what she was doing was no different from selling her father out to the enemy, but all the crime he had done behind the word “justice” was just as worse as a criminal himself. She really wished for things to be right…for Mayu to no longer have revenge and her father stopped this human-experimenting project, but life couldn’t be so beautiful like that though.

“But what I heard from my men, it said you resisted against coming back. If they were ruthless to you then why did you fight back to ensure their safety?”

“…I’m sorry father…I don’t like seeing people hurt. I-I didn’t really think thoroughly at all, I just—”

“That’s enough, I know what you mean…you really did take a lot from your mother. Both Yumi and you really took from her.”


The man seemed to be satisfied with the answers he got from Yuki, and it was about time they went into deep serious business. The first offer he gave, Yuki declined on him, but for him to be the leader of the project, he needed his daughter to support him as well…to have her hands tainted along with him. He planned to offer her again, for one last time, and hoped that Yuki will take into consideration or accept it.

“Allow me to ask for one last time, Yuki, please work with me. For Yumi, and many fallen officers…we need this project for human race to move on.”

“Even though…many will die?”

“Sacrifices needed to be done for a better future. That’s how the world in the past ran and gave us a wealthy life right now. ”

“…I understand, father. I understand what you mean.”

“So does that mean?”

“…I agree with you. I’ll join with you, for Yumi-neechan’s sake.”

The man smiled with relief after his daughter finally accepted his offer. He got up from his chair and went to her, stroking her head tenderly with love for his daughter. He was happy that she finally opened her eyes and realized what needed to be done for the sake of humanity. Yuki only stood there and looked down with relief after she successfully got herself into her father’s plan.

“Then I want you to come with me for the conference in today in about 15 minutes. Regarding the project, we’ll be talking about getting our supplies.”


Supplies for human-experimenting project…that would mean he was referring to human subjects. Yuki froze for a second before her father continued explaining what would he be talking in the meeting today. It wasn’t that long before the meeting started and that was when Yuki saw many elite officers like her father was contributing in this as well. They were the people that she used to believe to be a person filled with justice and integrity, so much disappointment in how corrupted justice could be. Everyone seemed to know that she was Miura’s daughter and so they didn’t question her appearance at the meeting.

“How’s the update of the laboratory? Is it done yet?”

“Yes, it is sir, thanks to the technology that was left behind in the old laboratory, it allowed us to finish faster than we predicted.”

“Good to hear.”

Miura replied and was satisfied with the answer. Everything seemed to progress in a good pace and it was about time they discussed the main topic of the conference today…one of the hardest task ever for a human-experimenting project would be human subjects. It was already hard to gather subjects, but they needed ones that are compatible with the drugs.

“Kashiwagi-san, how are we going to find subjects? How did the old project team manage to gather that much of the subjects?”

“…Homeless ones, and also criminals could be a good use as well. I know there are quite a long of people along the outskirt of the city.”

Yuki’s heart sank for a second when she heard that, it was the location where Mayu and others were. She had flash back memories of the time she spent and met with many people there especially the orphan children. If she recalled correctly from her memories, Mayu said she was compatible with the drunk as she survived through the testing sample, but it brought her pain beyond imagination. The fear started to grow but it became even worse when her father uttered that heartless statement.

“Children will be the best subject, they have higher potential to become a successful subject. The legendary success one started the experiment when she’s an baby.”

They were referring to Jurina. The more Yuki learned about this the more she felt the pain aching inside her heart. She remembered that innocent puppy smile from Jurina…and couldn’t believe that she was the successful test subject from the previous experiment. She couldn’t possibly imagine if those kids she met at the orphanage would become the test subjects…how about Mayu? She was compatible with the drugs, would she be used as a subject as well if she was caught? The more Yuki thought about it the more her hands were trembling. But she needed to remain her posture and keep that poker face on all the time despite how much she was suffering from this. She needed to do this for the kid’s, everyone’s, and Mayu’s sake.

“They were some group in that area that knows about the project and we need to get rid of them as soon as possible.  At least it will be a good punishment of them for abducting you away, what do you think Yuki?”


The woman was shocked that he father turned the statement to her. He was asking her to make that call on punishing Mayu and others…was this his way of testing whether Yuki was truly dedicated to this or not. If she was able to pass through this ordeal, then she would likely to gain her trust from her father…but with the cost of Mayu and other people’s life. She began to hesitate to reply, but then Mariko’s words came into her head again…it reminded her duty that she was here. It prevented her from being lost and surrendered into the cruelty of these people around her. 


“No matter what you need to gain your father’s trust, even it costs our safety and life. You need to do it.”


“Either ways, everyone’s life here is already threatened. Just adding more tension to it will not matter anyways.”

“But…! I ah…”

“That is all I’m asking, Yuki, sell all of us to your father, and make him trust you. We will figure out the way to protect ourselves…and I promise I will protect Mayu at all cost.”

“…Understood, I will do it.”

“Don’t allow yourself to be engulfed by the cruelty of humanity, don’t forget your duty. It will be tough of you, but I do have expectations it will be successful. Let our deal, be your strength.”

“Yes…thank you for your advice, Shinoda-san.”


Her words made Yuki realized her duty at this place. She needed to carry on this mission as she promised Mariko; she needed to trust her in order to proceed on forward. She finally understood what Mariko meant after all…it would be tough and suffering when she allowed herself to step into this inhumane darkness. That was when Yuki looked firmly back at her father and nodded without a single word. Miura was honestly surprised to see such determination in those eyes, which made him realize that he could trust his daughter for this matter. He only smiled before he turned to other officers that were waiting for him to speak.

“Very well then, we will send our men to collect subjects for the experiment in few days after all the preparations are ready. Dismiss.”

“Yes sir.”

Everyone took their paper files and left the room after the meeting was over. Yuki sat there and sighed with relief after the whole meeting was over, and then she could feel those big rough hands patted on her shoulder. She turned back to look and it was her father, smiling back at her gently.

“You did well Yuki, it’s getting late now…let us have dinner before we go home.”

“…Yes, father.”

She followed him out from the room with that heavy burden on her chest. She finally allowed herself to step into this world filled with pure cruelty. There was no turning back from this. She needed to move on and must create the chance for herself to visit that laboratory place as soon as possible. Maybe the time with her father today could give her the opportunity to collect more information regarding this project. However, she realized that the more she knew, the more burdens and pain she carried. If anything were to happen to Mayu because of her actions…she would regret for the rest of her life and would prefer to die than to live in shame.


Yuki had dinner with her father in this restaurant in the city alone. It was one of the rare moments she was able to spend her family time with her father, but not in a situation like this. While she was eating she finally spoke up to him and caught his attention.


“What’s a matter?”

“Uh, well, there are still many things I don’t know and so I…”

“You want to know, right?”

“…Yes, is it okay?”

“Of course it is okay, you’re my daughter. It is better we talk in the car when we’re heading back home than in a public restaurant.”


It seemed everything was going smoothly as Yuki realized. After they finished the dinner they went into the car and Miura was the one driving back home. Yuki sat on the passenger seat beside him and it was about time they return back to their sweet home once again. It’s been quite a while Yuki was away from her home after Mayu saved her…

“So what do you want to know?”

“Oh, well…I heard in the meeting today…about the laboratory.”

“We technically used the same place as where the old laboratory is located due to its convenient technology. However it was quite a huge mess in there and it took quite a long while to clean everything to become useable again.”

“Ah…I see.”

“I’ll be heading over there tomorrow, if you want to come with me.”

“C-Can I?”

“Sure, I was planning to take you there with me…there are many things you need to learn.”


The conversation seemed to end there but Yuki was making a huge progress right now. She would be heading to the location of the new laboratory that was basically where the old laboratory was. She would be able to send the information to Mariko before the officers would be invading the dark alley to take the homeless and orphans for the experiment. She thought about many things that Mariko said, the time she spent at dark alley, and the moments she had with Mayu. By the time she realized again she already arrived back at her sweet home.

“Go and rest, today must be a rough day for you.”

“Ah…it is. Thank you father.”

“Sweet dreams Yuki.”

“You too father.”

Yuki went to her room, her old familiar room. Even for a short while she wasn’t here, it felt so long to her. The time she spent with everyone at the dark alley felt like forever. She went straight to take a shower to wash all the sweats and the exhaustion on her skin. It was getting late and she needed to go to bed because tomorrow would be another intense day again. She would be visiting the new laboratory with her father…and she would click the button on her earring to send the signal to Mariko for the location of the new laboratory. Everything was going according to the plan that Shinoda organized…and Yuki hoped that everything would be fine though.


She muttered her name out while she clutched her hands tightly on top of her chest. She felt that heavy pain on her heart after she was forced to sell everyone to her father, but it wasn’t like she had a choice for it after all. If she didn’t do it then she would still be suspected of betraying her father again. It was as Mariko said to her…it would be a tough role for her and how ironically she offered it herself. She recalled the last conversation she had with Mariko before she went to sleep.


“You knew that there’s a chance we will kill your father. Yet you’re still planning to help us?”

“…For all I know, this human-experiment, it is not right.”

“For that ideal justice, you’re willingly to sell your father out?”

“It’s not an ideal justice…I just don’t have anything to lose. Plus…”

Yuki remembered her very kind gently father. But that was before her mother and Yumi’s death. After Yumi’s incident…she changed so much as if he was a different man. He became less interactive with her and focused only on work. He was no longer the father that Yuki always knew and loved. Her beloved father was a man that would never treat people like subjects and disposable toy like this. His passion that drove him was sadness and hatred towards criminals. It was his source of motivation…just so similar to Mayu. She finally realize they were both similar in a way, they were both cursed their fate and seek for revenge against this cursed fate.

“…He’s not the father I used to know anymore. He’s an insane man that only seeks revenge against his cursed life, just like Mayu.”


Mariko was surprised, not just because Yuki said the bad things of her father, but it was the fact that she saw through Mayu. The mouse always sought for revenge against her cursed life and fate that robbed everything from her. Just to kill Kashiwagi Miura would not heal her from the hatred and anger she had towards her life. It seemed Yuki wasn’t any ordinary woman after all, Mariko started to realize how she was able to understand Watanabe Mayu, but the matter regard her determination was a different story.

“You love her that much to risk your whole life?”

“…I guess love makes people do stupid things. As I said, I don’t have anything to lose.”

“That is not true.”


“Mayu. Before, you’re likely to not have anything to lose, but now you do. You have her, and you wouldn’t want to lose her…that’s why you’re here, to offer a deal.”


Mariko was just so sharp that she saw through Yuki completely. The officer didn’t deny that matter and simply nodded her head softly with silence. No more words needed to be uttered. The older woman continued where she left off and interrogated Kashiwagi in order to understand all her reasons behind her insane decisions.

“So, what’s your real motive? Kashiwagi Yuki…”

“…It was my father’s insanity that made Mayu become one as well, and this will be a never-ending cycle of hatred and revenge. At the very least…I want to save her, even it could cost my life for it, and I admit that love her that much to not hesitate making this decision.”

She replied with complete honesty and with those determined eyes. She didn’t know whether her answer would be impressive enough for Mariko, only but silence remained between the two. It started to make her wonder whether the leader of dark alley would accept her deal or not… but then the lady approached her and brought back her attention to her once again. They stared into each other’s eyes and she felt as if the leader was reading everything that was inside her mind through her eyes.

“…You have something to lose, Kashiwagi Yuki, and that’s Watanabe Mayu.”


“Because you have something to fight for, something to protect, that’s why you’re right here in front of me. That persistence was more than enough to sway me to accept your deal.”


“Kashiwagi Yuki, I’m gladly to accept your deal, I will ensure Mayu is staying away from this matter, in return you have to be my spy in the enemy’s base and do as I said. Got that?”


She remembered that she shook hands with Mariko and their deal was forged. That was why she was here…back home…and betraying her father. She had to put an act as if she betrayed Mayu and everyone in order to gain his trust…while in reality she was betraying her very own father. The old her wouldn’t be able to put such an act like this if she didn’t have enough determination and persistence to do this. Her only motivation was to stop Mayu…at the very least; she wanted to save her from turning into a monster like her father…she wouldn’t be able to afford seeing someone she loved and cared become such a demon like that anymore.





The next morning, there was a meeting again in Mariko’s office. Everyone was summoned there except for Mayu since she was not a part of the mission. But before anything could’ve start, Rena wanted to object something and it caught everyone’s attention. It forced the meeting to halt temporary and discussed about her objection.

“Mariko, I want you to reconsider having Mayu as a part of the mission.”

“My decision is made, she’s not going to be a part of it, and I’m surprised that you’re supporting her revengeful motives.”

“Maybe after you’ve talk to her…you might change your mind like me.”

Rena turned to the door and that was when Mayu entered the room. She was in her usual outfit for battle. In her black thin hoodie and dark navy trouser. She came in with those eyes filled with determination and it somehow surprised Mariko…everyone seemed to realize the change in the air around Mayu. It was different from usual. There was actually life within her eyes.

“Mariko-sama, I beg you, please let me participate, let me go.”

“…Why is that? To kill Kashiwagi Miura with your hands?”


Everyone was startled when Mayu said that she didn’t want to go for revenge. Only but Rena understood the feelings that was inside the young mouse. As for the leader, she remembered that yesterday she still had those vengeful eyes she usually had…but it was no longer there anymore. It was like she was a completely different individual right now…as if it was the real Mayu. Those were not eyes of filled with hatred and sought for revenge, but it was filled with determination and persistence for something…for something she held dearly to her. It was similar to the eyes that Kashiwagi Yuki had when she confronted with her…and that blink of moment; Mariko was actually slightly swayed by that strong passion coming out from Mayu.

“…So what is your reason that you’re coming?”

“I want to reclaim what belongs to me…and with my own hands. I need to go and confront with her, and then I will able to find the answer that I’m looking for.”


Everyone was in state of surprise. It sounded so different from the usual ruthless Mayu they knew. It was as if she came to enlighten something, and she needed to do this in order to find the answer to her heart. Mariko could see how the youngster wouldn’t give up that easily even though she said no…and even though she said no, she was certain that Mayu would be going anyways. She overcame the point that she would disobey everyone that tried to stop her, even though it was Mariko. Her eyes told how much she was serious about this and never even once in these past 12 years she saw those eyes before…and now, it was as if she matured out of blue.

(Since when did this kid…)

Mariko was still in shock before she glanced shortly to Rena. She was just smiling back at her with a nod and that was when Mariko realized what was the cause for all of this matter…Mayu was changing, and it was because of Yuki. Something inside the young girl was changing. The leader’s eyes grew wider as she recalled her talk with Yuki about Mayu walking down the same path as Kashiwagi Miura…but they were wrong after all. It seemed Mayu would never turn into a man like Miura, after Mariko had witnessed that passion in those eyes. It made her sighed softly before she leaned back against her working table.

“Mariko-sama! Please!!”

Seriously, Mariko’s mind was blown away. Mayu became like a complete different person from last night. It just made her wonder what did Rena talk to her to make Mayu become such a different person like this. Mayu was pleading her to let her go than the usual yelling and being arrogant. It wasn’t just Mariko was surprised, but both Yuko and Jurina as well. The only person that seemed to knowing everything that was going on was Rena and she was just smiled and supported the young Watanabe.

“Such passion that can sway people’s mind, isn’t?”

“…Oh god this kid.”


She sighed again, and finally had decided to speak after all the things she had witnessed from Mayu. However, there was one thing that was stopping her to let that was the deal she made with Yuki. The condition was that she needed to keep Mayu out of this for her safety.

“The deal I made with Yuki was to guarantee your safety in return for her being our spy.”

“I’ll talk to her about it! Just please let me go!”

“Let me finish what I need to say.”


Mayu was being more obedient than usual. Mariko started to wonder did this girl realize the drastic change she was making? Or she was just too desperate and focused to go along with this mission just to see Yuki again. It just made her remember when Yuki said how love could make her do stupid things such as giving herself to Mayu just for the sake of holding her closely. It seemed she had left a huge impact on the young Watanabe…and she was being too crazily insane right now too.

“She didn’t want you to go down the same path as her father…cursing your own life with all the hatred you have. Revenge will not make you stop the thirst and Yuki realized that.”


“She wanted to end the cycle of hatred and revenge for your sake even though it’s risking her life on the line.”


”But that was only if your intention is to revenge against Kashiwagi Miura.”

Mariko’s words made Mayu and others stumbled. She looked back up with eyes filled surprise and could see her leader sighing with that smirk across her face. That somehow made Mayu saw the hope and then Mariko continued where she left off.

“If your reason…is to reclaim your possession. Then that’s out of the deal she offered.”

“Yes! Thank you so much Mariko-sama!!”

“But I’m violating one of her conditions, your safety. What are you going to do with that?”

“…I’ll do anything, please let me go. That’s my deal!”

Mayu was basically making a deal that violates Yuki’s deal with Mariko. The usual Watanabe Mayu wouldn’t do something so insane and rashly like this…but she wasn’t the usual coldhearted one anymore. For once in her lifetime, Mariko was going to be flexible with the golden rule for the sake of her love for her family…she rather have Mayu under her mission than for her to run over there herself like a mad girl. It was more than enough to prove Mariko that Mayu was actually in love with Yuki…and it was more than enough reason for her not to stop the young Watanabe.

“Okay, I’m not let you do that. To make a deal with me to violate other person’s deal is prohibited and I won’t tolerate such an act.”


“If I say no, you’ll go on run into enemy’s base again to find her, right?”


“Therefore its safer that I actually take you with the mission in order to have you under my lead… so do you know what that means?”


Everyone understood Mariko’s last statement. At this state, for Mariko to take Mayu on the mission would be safer than to just leave her behind. This girl was ready to do anything crazy and charge right into the enemy’s base recklessly just to see Yuki. It seemed like a coincidence that the new Mayu completely got out from the condition Yuki established…as if it was a miracle. The youngster’s objective was not for revenge, and she would be less safe if she were actually left behind. How coincidence all that everything seemed to let Mayu go along in the mission…Maybe things were meant to be that way.

“Good you’re here, let’s discuss the plan.”


Mayu was finally accepted to join the plan and it seemed they took their time talking for quite a long while. Time went by so fast and before they realized it they were losing too much of their valuable time. But then good news happened, Mariko received a signal from Yuki’s earring device that gave out the location of the new laboratory.

“…That’s from Yuki.”

Mariko went to check her computer immediately and projected the screen onto the projector. That was when they saw the blinking red dot on the map…at that very familiar place they all knew well. As long as Mayu been there once, she would remember its precise location and she knew immediately where it was…that that old laboratory used for the experiment. It was the place where Mariko, Rena, and Jurina came from. They really did use the old laboratory after all…and it was the best place for the three super soldiers to fight since they knew the place like a back of their hands. They also had the whole map of the each underground floors of the laboratory as Mayu retrieved the information from her first and last visit.  Everyone was assigned to different tasks…Yuko would be stalling and acted as the bait to get all the enemy’s attention. Jurina and Rena were assigned to destroy every machine and technology that came in their way. They would be armed with mini bombs to destroy everything. Their objective in this mission was to destroy every trace so the SuperSoldier project will never be revived again.

“I allow you two to activate your own persona to fight as well. Go all out.”


They replied in unison and exchanged a look with each other with a soft smile across their faces. Mariko was no longer afraid of Jurina being controlled over Center or Nobunaga…the young puppy had Rena and she had grown up to become a young adult already. Then lastly, the last person was Mayu.

“…As for you, do whatever you want.”

“Huh?? Eh?”

“Go claim what is yours, okay?”

Mayu was surprised that Mariko was putting much trust and faith in her. In such an important mission like this, she allowed the youngster to do what she needed to do. She smiled with relief and nodded firmly before she looked back at her leader with that utmost determination in her heart.


“As lastly for me, I will hack into the program and make sure everything is eradiated. I need to clean this up with my own hands. Now, ready or not, I told you all to be ready ever since yesterday, we’re leaving in 30 minutes.”

“Yes ma’am!”

Everyone replied in unison and they made sure that they were fully prepared for this final mission of their life. It was the moment for the unfortunate subjects like Mariko, Jurina, and Rena to realize that everything was about to come to an end. It was the time that the creation will destroy the creator. As for Yuko, she loaded her gun and made sure she had everything she needed…realizing that there might be a chance that she would confront with Haruna, she would confront with her with that strong determination to protect her family, at all cost. Lastly…for Mayu, she put the necklace into her pocket and remembered about how Yuki told her it was her lucky charm. She took a deep breath before she went to join with everyone else that were preparing to depart any moment. She took off the bandage around her head as her wound was completely healed…she was more than ready to go into the battlefield and do what she needed to do…to meet with Yuki again and retrieve the answer that her heart sought for.



Offline rhin12

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Re: Love Capture: Chapter 10 Part 1 + 2 [MaYuki] (06/07/14)
« Reply #155 on: July 05, 2014, 07:51:18 PM »
Mayu finally recognised her feelings for Yuki!  :cow: next part please  :bow:

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Re: Love Capture: Chapter 10 Part 1 + 2 [MaYuki] (06/07/14)
« Reply #156 on: July 06, 2014, 01:25:49 AM »
Yay Mayu finally realize her feeling for Yuki

O-O Yuki and Mariko work together since the beginning?!

The real Mayu finally out the cell

Update soon 

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Re: Love Capture: Chapter 10 Part 1 + 2 [MaYuki] (06/07/14)
« Reply #157 on: July 06, 2014, 01:41:12 AM »
Great update as always, kate :twothumbs
Woaah no more emotionless mouse girl :P2
Go mayu goo! Reclaim your princess 8)2 ah how about miyuki?
But, the ending is near :cry:

"Once I told Yui a message, 'no matter what happens, I only want Yui to be by my side.' To think of it, it just become a vogue, isn't it?"

-Shimazaki Haruka-

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Re: Love Capture: Chapter 10 Part 1 + 2 [MaYuki] (06/07/14)
« Reply #158 on: July 06, 2014, 02:03:21 AM »
Yukirin's father is an evil  :scolding:


Can't wait for the next update! :farofflook:

please update it quickly :on gay:

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Re: Love Capture: Chapter 10 Part 1 + 2 [MaYuki] (06/07/14)
« Reply #159 on: July 06, 2014, 05:35:17 AM »
Eh??? It's end on chapter 12 whoaa

It's surprised me because it finish more fast than AMNESia your first fic
And i do love this love capture

Love capture ah finally,maybe yuki not captured mayu as criminal but she capture mayu's love ehehehe

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