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Author Topic: All Angels - Chapter 06 [14/09/2015]  (Read 19870 times)

Offline melon-lover

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Re: All Angels - Chapter 04 [23/07/2014]
« Reply #20 on: July 23, 2014, 08:27:13 PM »
@ bunny_rabbit : Thanks! Hopefully I'll keep you guessing  :P
@ fuu_kun : Yeah, I can't imagine a sub Mayu either  :lol:
@ AshuraX : Lol! Imagine if Yuki had a twin... Or maybe it's Black? You shall find out in this chapter   :D
@ Ruka Kikuchi : What are Yuki's motives indeed  8)
@ kazutoryu : Updated  XD

Hello y'all! It's been a few months and finally I've updated! I apologise to those that have waited but I shall try my best to update all my fics more frequently.hopefully it works out I love it that many people are loving the mystery. This is the first time I've written a long-running suspense/supernatural fic and I'm really enjoying and I hope you all are enjoying reading as much I have loved writing.
Anyways, please read, like and comment  :D

“It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness.”

- Eleanor Roosevelt

04 – Hot Darkness

Jurina sat in the garden while Sae paced back and forth. Sae had been like this for the past thirty minutes and it was starting to irk Jurina who had merely wanted to read in the peaceful gardens on her own. Sae was about to take off into the town to search for Mayu, when Jurina stopped her. She reasoned that if Sae, the captain of the Knights were to suddenly show up and scour the town, the people would be able to sense something was wrong.  Begrudgingly, Sae accepted but this was at the cost of Jurina's own time. Even though she was annoyed that Mayu didn’t invite her to accompany her, Jurina wished Mayu would hurry up and come back.

Suddenly Jurina felt a jolt, recognition. Her wish was granted. However, it came with a price. A shiver went through Jurina’s spine, a feeling she remembered from last night, and she frowned.

“Mayu’s back.” said Jurina.

“What?” Sae exclaimed. “How do you know?”

“I just do.” Jurina replied. And before she could add anything, Sae was running into the palace. Jurina could only raise her brow and finish to herself, “And she’s with someone I don’t like.”

She looked in the direction of the forest that was just beyond the walls of the palace gardens. There, she saw the two eyes that stared through the darkness, like two candles that flicked with an intensity that it made Jurina remain focussed. However, even though they were so bright, they were oh so cold, it made Jurina want to recoil.

Then, as quick as candles, they blew out, disappearing into the darkness. However, Jurina had a feeling they would be back, much like her intuition that something bad was going to happen. 


Yuki ran through the woods at inhuman speeds, before she jumped a massive height into the treetops. Lightly jumping from branch to branch, rarely moving any as if her body was as light as a robin’s, Yuki finally reached her destination. Deep into the woods, where light barely shone, Yuki looked down at a single clearing just outside a cave. Even though it was already night and already dark as it was, Yuki stared at the entrance. After a few moments, examining the scene before her, Yuki saw the flash of pale eyes from within the cave. She rushed forward, entering the abode. Within the cave, the walls stretched deep into the mountain where there was a maze of tunnels, along with the pitch black. If someone were to ever stumble upon the cave and unwisely choose to enter, they would certainly meet their untimely death. When you enter, you would not be able to find the exit. However, Yuki had already memorised all the tunnels and where to the turn so she dashed easily through until she reached the centre.

After only moments, Yuki located the centre. Within the large chamber were two simple mats, a fire and other simple utensils. Everything was plain and bare. However, on the far wall, hung a large, worn tapestry. And on it, an image displayed two young girls – identical in black hair and pale skin and white dresses - standing on top of a castle. Underneath said tapestry was a stone altar and there sat the woman Yuki was appointed to meet. The small fire flickered, throwing shadows against the walls, giving the appearance that the objects and the woman were much larger than they actually were, more important than they actually seemed and as if they showed the true power they held. The woman's dark mane was similar to Yuki’s, as was her pale white skin. However, their eyes differed. Instead of Yuki’s black pupils that showed little emotion, hers glimmered with a light brown, so light that they were almost a golden amber.

“So your mind games didn’t work?” the woman smiled “Now that is a surprise.”

“Shut up Rena.” Yuki snarled. “I don’t know what happened but I’m sure it was a fluke. It will work next time.”

“Maybe I should give it a go.”

“Do not touch her, she is mine.” Yuki growled.

“Don’t worry Little Sister, I wouldn’t dream of it.” grinned Rena. “Her cousin on the other hand, will be prime meat.” she finished, licking her lips.

“Don’t.” Yuki said. “Do not hurt either of them before we planned.”

“Yeah, yeah I know.” Rena replied, waving her hand in a dismissive fashion. “As if you could stop me.” Rena continued, walking around the fire and slowly towards Yuki until she was just in front of her. “You know I’m the stronger one.” she whispered into Yuki’s ear.

Yuki glared as Rena stepped back, her words ringing patronisingly in Yuki’s ear. However, she did not say anything as Yuki saw Rena’s aura change drastically, a familiar glint of uncontrolled menace in her eyes. Suddenly, Rena grinned, patting Yuki’s shoulder.

“But for my Little Sis, anything.”

Though she would never admit it, Yuki relaxed a little.

“And you’re only slightly stronger than me because you’re a few hours older.” Yuki commented.

“And don’t you forget it.” Rena returned. “Now, don’t you think it’s time to return? We don’t want the little Queen to worry.”

Then, both grinned, their white teeth shining with a sinister gleam.


As Mayu headed to her own room to get changed, she was ambushed. It took a few moments for Mayu to realise she was being embraced. She had forgotten this feeling, of being in Sae’s arms. The last time they held each other like this was when Sae saw Mayu was sobbing in her room from the news of the tragic death of her parents. Sae had entered her room and simply held her, not caring that Mayu’s tears were soaking her shirt or that her own tears were dropping on Mayu’s small back that was destined to carry a heavy weight. However this embrace was different from back then, which was caring and tender. This sudden embrace held so much strength and desperation and urgency that it made Mayu lose her breath.

Suddenly Sae heard a crunch and Mayu’s gasp. Sae immediately let go, while Mayu quickly opened her cloak. Seeing Mayu’s despaired expression, it made Sae’s cry out. “What’s wrong?”

Then, Mayu took out a small bag and quickly opened it. A sweet scent hit Sae’s nose and she watched as the bag opened to reveal broken cookies.

“Oh no.” breathed Mayu.

“I’m so sorry Your Majesty.” Sae flustered.

“No, no, don’t apologise. It’s just a shame they were broken, especially because they are for you.”

Sae stopped, looking at the smaller woman. “For me?”

“Yes. But it’s best if we just throw them-”

“No!” Sae exclaimed.

Mayu looked at her. “No?”

Sae blushed. “I mean, it would be a waste. They still look delicious.”

Saying that, Sae picked up a small piece and lightly threw it into her mouth. She instantly grinned as the buttery sweetness exploded on her tongue.

“Is it good?” Mayu asked.

Sae grinned. “Very good.”

Then, taking the small pouch, Sae placed it into her own robe and then, she held Mayu again. She just couldn’t bear to let her go again. Mayu smiled, allowing Sae’s warmth to embrace her again. It was endearing and comfortable. If Sae was truly her older sister, Mayu wondered what her life would be like. Probably not as complicated as it was now.

Suddenly a cough sounded. Yuki stood behind them. Embarrassed, Mayu broke first from Sae’s arms. Yuki saw the slight flicker in Sae’s eyes and knew she was affected Mayu’s response. She made sure to remember that. 

“Good evening Your Majesty. I just wondered if we could finish our tour.” Yuki said pleasantly.

“Yes of course.” replied Mayu.

Suddenly, Mayu remembered Sae next to her. “Oh, this is Miyazawa Sae, the captain of the Pieta Knights. This is Kashiwagi Yuki, our guest tonight.”

Yuki smiled and stepped forward. However, Sae gave her a guarded gaze. She wondered, just who this woman was. Last night she was merely Lord Akiyama’s accompaniment, now she was Mayu’s guest? Suddenly, Yuki held out her hand, as if she sensed Sae's hostility. Hesitantly, Sae shook her hand, only because Mayu was watching. Suddenly, a chill went through Sae's entire body and froze her core. It was as if Yuki was pulling out her deepest fears and forcing them back down her throat. However, just as quick as the terrible sensations overwhelmed her, they were over as soon as Yuki released her hand. Yuki continued to grin, while Mayu looked on unknowingly. Sae slowly returned her hand and behind her back, held it with the other hand. It was still cold.


A tension was felt at dinner. As soon as they all entered the room and Mayu introduced everyone, she could immediately sense something between Sae, Jurina and Yuki. Or rather, Sae and Jurina versus Yuki. Mayu wasn’t sure why, but the two people closest to her did not like her guest. Even though Mayu was the Queen and had to make many tough decisions, she didn’t know what to do now. It didn’t help now that the topic of discussion was borderline controversy and their discussion was more like a heated argument. Mayu and Aika could merely watch and hope they tired themselves out.

"You should know your place." Sae snapped.

“I had merely asked Queen Mayu how she runs the country.” Yuki defended. “She is so young and I can imagine she has had to make many decisions that I would consider beyond my capabilities.”

“Queen Mayu is fully capable of making decisions. Intelligence is not defined by age.” Sae returned.

“I did not say that. I’m just saying, it must be hard.” Yuki retorted. “Especially with the obvious difference in status between the rich and the poor.”

“The economy of this country's capital is something that should not be commented on by someone who doesn't even live here." Sae said. "Queen Mayu doesn’t have to explain her own choices if she doesn’t want to. She is doing her best to help everything and even if her results may not show immediately, the country is still better off than it’s ever been.”

The two continued to bicker and Mayu had had enough. She was tired of people speaking for her.

“That’s enough.” Mayu said. Even though her voice was soft, it immediately had the desired effect, silencing the whole room. “I think it’s time for everyone to retire. Thank you for the meal.”

Elegantly, Mayu first left the room, quickly followed by Aika. Then, Sae stormed off, while Jurina stood as well, but not before sending a glare in Yuki’s direction which was returned with a smirk. And then lastly, Yuki left, deserting the dining room, returning it to its usual desolation.


Jumping back, Mayu landed roughly onto the soft mattress, her arms out wide. In her room, she was allowed the privacy and pleasure of actually acting her age. She stared up at the clear ceiling, wishing her mind was as blank. She was starting to feel the fatigue. The day was too eventful that even her young body couldn’t keep up. Yuki stuck in Mayu’s head, preventing the sweet lull of sleep. Even though Yuki seemed wonderful in all aspects, for some reason, Sae and Jurina were at an unease. Mayu didn’t understand why and she wanted an unbiased opinion.

She listened as Aika closed the door behind them, sealing their secrets in together.

“Aika, you’re my best friend.” Mayu said. “What do you think of Yuki-san?”

She heard Aika stop, probably still surprised that Mayu considered anything more than just a maid, before starting again. Mayu kept her eyes upwards until she felt Aika’s presence next to the bed. Mayu turned to her and watched the furrowed expression.

“She’s… an interesting character.” Aika answered.

“What do you mean?” Mayu asked, pushing herself into a sitting position.

Aika looked at Mayu, the girl she treasured and the young woman she knew and the Queen she idolised.
“I would take care before you trust her.”

Mayu heeded Aika's warning, even though she didn't know why everyone was so wary of Yuki. Suddenly, Mayu remembered. Quickly going to the robe she wore this morning, Mayu rummaged through the pockets and found what she was looking for.

"Here." Mayu offered, holding the pouch. "They are cookies from town. They are very delicious."

Aika looked at the gift and felt her smile and tear ducts grow. "Thank you Qu-"

She felt Mayu give her the look. "Thank you Mayu." Aika corrected.

The two giggled, and began their routine of talking about general topics, as if they had no status difference and they were merely  normal adolescent girls.


Aika bowed as she left Mayu’s room. It was late night and the corridors were dimly lit by the glowing candles. She was used to this atmosphere. Frequently she would stay late with Mayu, until she had to sleep, and then Aika would retreat to the maids’ quarters and prepare for the next day.

Yet, for some reason, the darkened corridors felt eerier and more frightening than before. Her steps were echoing on the floor boards, while her breath seemed hitched. The air was colder even though the multiple flames burned. Aika felt her skin tingle and felt an ominous presence behind her, looming over her like a shadow. She turned but no-one was there. Aika quietly laughed to herself, even though it came out as a nervous chortle. She felt ridiculously paranoid. Even though she told herself it was nothing, Aika hurried her pace.

Relief filled her when she saw the maids’ door just down the small corridor. Just a few more metres and she would reach the safety and company of others. Aika took out the bag of cookies that still smelt delicious. She wondered if Sashihara Rino was awake. If she was then-

Suddenly she felt hands grab her, one around her throat lodging her scream in her neck, while the other on her waist, like an iron claw. Aika's hands immediately flew to the own at her throat, attempting to pry it away from her breathing tube. In the action, Aika dropped the bag, spilling its contents on the floor, their shoes crunching over  the precious cookies. The cold chilled her bones but in reality, fear was what froze Aika.

“I heard what you were saying about me Aika-chan.” said Aika’s capturer, her voice familiar.

She tilted Aika’s head slowly but forcefully until Aika could meet her eyes. The cold, black eyes. Aika’s expression widened with sudden acknowledgment and horrified recognition.

Yuki grinned, her smile gleaming unnaturally in the dark night. “And I didn’t like it.”

Suddenly, Yuki bites into Aika’s neck, her hand muffling the resulting shrieks of excruciating pain. Aika’s neck crunches like an unripe apple. Aika tried to struggle against Yuki’s grip but it was futile as the pain overrode her senses and she felt the flicker of unconsciousness at the edges of her vision along with the hot tears that fell from her eyes. Before long, Aika simply stood allowing Yuki to feed from her.

As her consciousness was fading, someone flashed in front of her mind. A buried memory began to unearth itself, as if her mind was sensing this was the end and Aika might as well be awarded with a pleasant send off. She was a baby again, barely awake, but the feeling was imprinted into her head. Looking up, as she was cradled against the warm body, Aika saw her mother looking down. Her mother smiled, while Aika reached up with her tiny fists and grabbed her finger.

Another crunch sounded and Aika, now numb, snapped back into reality. That short memory was probably the only one she held of her mother. Aika wondered, would she be able to be with her mother again. As the life began to drain from Aika’s eyes, she could see her mother once again, this time she was standing just in front of Aika. Aika reached out to the smiling figure.

“It’s cold… Mama…”

However, just before she could hold her mother’s hand, Aika’s hand dropped lifelessly and so did her entire body.

« Last Edit: July 24, 2014, 12:27:00 AM by melon-lover »

Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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Re: All Angels - UPDATED!!! Chapter 04 [23/07/2014]
« Reply #21 on: July 23, 2014, 09:04:33 PM »
Holy cow! Yuki is a freaking vampire!

That strength and speed! And a fearsome bite, too! :twisted:

And she tried to hypnotize Mayu. But now is she going to hypnotize someone else to get to her? :shocked:

Now this is exciting! Rena and Yuki are sisters. But since Rena's older, that means she's stronger(Gekikara to appear?). Kowai!

I can't wait! Update soon! :inlove:
« Last Edit: July 23, 2014, 11:35:50 PM by Ruka Kikuchi »

:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
:heart: l Collab threads: Sky&Ruka l Ruka&Michael l :heart:
 l Compilation thread: 48G New Gen l :heart:


Offline qr.rima

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Re: All Angels - UPDATED!!! Chapter 04 [23/07/2014]
« Reply #22 on: July 24, 2014, 01:15:41 PM »
With the new update things started to clear a bit.

Yukirena could be the two girls drawn to the tapestry or their descendants. Original ruler of the kingdom, Fanged and feared, they were banished from their own Kingdom by their own people. I wouldn't be surprised if they came back seeking revenge.<but revenge, IMHO is boring and already overused.

Former rulers of mayu's Kingdom must have known about the two girls residing in the forest. Maybe that is why they continue to refuse that guy's proposal. a way to protect their people from getting themselves killed.? Idk

And mayu... No wonder things would be complicated for her. She chose to ignore the signs... She wouldn't even ask jurina or sae WHY they feel that way towards yuki.

Well.. not that they would give out straightforward answers. They seem to be very fond of giving out all these vague answers to all the important questions.

I'm more interested in knowing jurina's lineage, yukirena's back story and mayu's character development.

.rant end.?

Offline melon-lover

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Re: All Angels - UPDATED!!! Chapter 05 [03/09/2015]
« Reply #23 on: September 03, 2015, 08:10:48 PM »
“If you know the enemy and know yourself you need not fear the results of a hundred battles.”

- Sun Tzu

05 – Something Is Coming

Red droplets fell into the sink which quickly disappeared down the swirling water. As if her gums were bleeding, the metal tasting liquid filled her mouth. Yuki spat out the remnants of blood, disgusted.

“You’ve gone and done it now.”

Yuki looked towards the open window of her bathroom. Rena sat on the castle stones, her legs swinging from the high ledge without fear, even though it was at least a hundred feet drop. 

“I thought you didn’t want to cause a scene yet.” Rena pointed out.   

“I didn’t.” Yuki replied. “I prevented one from happening. I need to gain her full trust. So, to stop the nasty words the girl was passing onto her master, I chose to halt her hindrance.”

“Especially now you do, since the mind control isn’t working. What is it with all the Watanabes?”

“How should I know?” Yuki said, feeling irked at the topic of the Watanabes. They always seemed to bring trouble to them.

“That girl is going to lose control sooner or later.”

“Don’t worry. I didn’t give her any of my blood. If anything, I should have. She would be like us.” They both grinned at Yuki’s statement, like it was a joke. “Besides, I know I have control over her. I can use her to make me look the hero.”

“Come here.” Rena beckoned.

Obediently, Yuki stepped towards her sister. Rena reached forward but as if there was an invisible wall, an impenetrable force stopped her hand. They both knew what this meant. Ownership could only last for so long, especially if you had stolen it in the first place. Yuki drew closer, until she could feel the soft night breeze, and smell Rena’s enticing scent. Yuki felt Rena’s hand hold the bottom of her face. Yuki stared at the dark pupils, identical to her own. She felt the hardened grip, Rena’s nails about to pierce her skin. Rena grinned, her gaze glancing down to Yuki’s lips, her teeth sharpened. Suddenly, Rena released her. She used her thumb and wiped Yuki’s bottom lip. Rena brought the red smeared digit to her lips and lightly licked the blood, tasting it.



Mayu groaned when a vicious light attacked her eyes. Gathering the courage to remove the blanket from her head, Mayu squinted through the abrupt daylight. When her vision corrected itself, she glanced towards the source. She saw that someone had opened the curtains, allowing the offensive light to shine through. It struck her as unusual to be awoken this way, but she didn’t put much weight on it.

“Good morning Aika.”

Her maid and best friend turned to her and Mayu immediately felt something was odd. She wasn’t sure if it was the morning haze, but she felt awkward.

“Aika, are you okay?”

Her friend looked at her with a blank stare.

“I’m fine.” she simply replied.

However, under the bright light, Mayu could see Aika’s skin was pale and grey, like the castle’s stone walls. Mayu rose from the bed and touched Aika’s forehead. It was stone cold.

“You’re freezing.” Mayu said, filling with concern. “Go rest. I can get ready by myself today.”

Aika nodded and silently headed towards the door. Something nibbled on Mayu’s mind, something that bothered her, but she couldn’t give voice to it. Suddenly, she noticed the bright colour around Aika’s neck, the red colour deeply contrasting against her dreary skin. 

“That’s a nice scarf.” Mayu voiced.

Aika stopped and Mayu saw a flash in her eyes. Aika’s expression almost changed into one of confusion, but all of a sudden, a small smile replaced it. It was unlike any smile Mayu had seen on Aika’s face. It was almost dreamy, like she was in a trance. It was haunting.

“Thank you.” Aika said, lightly fingering the silk. “For some reason… today I felt like wearing it.”

Then, Aika left, closing the door behind her and deserting Mayu for the first time since her reign.


Sae marched down the corridor towards the training grounds. After yesterday’s fiasco, Sae was determined to train the soldiers into competent knights who were worthy of serving the Queen. No more will she be shamed and distraught with the thought of Queen Mayu being in danger. Hearing yesterday’s news of Mayu’s disappearance made her realise this necessity of preparing for the worst.

Suddenly, her boot crunched under something. Looking down, she saw a small bag. Carefully, she opened the pouch.

“Are these cookies?”

A waft of butter rose to her nostrils. Recognition ticked in Sae’s mind. The pouch was the same as hers, the one that Mayu presented to her last night. They were Mayu’s cookies that she bought from the Capital. However, why were they here? Sae knew that her own supply was safety stored in her own chambers, in the locked drawer under her dresser. So who did these ones belong to? Knowing Mayu, she would have liked to bring dozens of cookies with her. However, having to be discreet, she could only bring some. With the knowledge of her own stash, and knowing that Kameko had a bag – and seeing that he had devoured the entire pouch meticulously - Sae narrowed it down to one more person.

However, why would Aika have left her cookies here? She wouldn’t have carelessly dropped them; Aika wasn’t that type of person. But then, how could Sae explain the crushed cookies in her hand. All of a sudden, her eyes picked something from the floor. Next to the crumbs, she stared at a spot on the carpet. It was well hidden in the rich coloured flooring, but Sae’s eyes detected the subtle change. Kneeling down, she examined the small patch. Sae noticed the dark spots, making the maroon material a deeper red. Sae touched it and felt the prick of dried cotton. Instantly, an ominous feeling hit her. It was blood.

Getting up, Sae hurried to the gardens. Sae sensed something was very wrong. And this time, she was the one to do something about it.


Lightly, Mayu stepped through the Palace gardens. She decided to take refuge in this quiet place because she was unsure how to face her council after yesterday’s incident. Eventually, Mayu will have to face them, that time being in one moment, this afternoon, or the day after. However, right now, Mayu wanted to be alone.

“This garden is beautiful.”

Her heart jumped in her chest and Mayu spun round. Stood in front of Mayu, smiling without a worry, was Yuki. Mayu didn’t hear her steps. She must have been more distracted than she thought.

“You frightened me Yuki-san.”

“I’m sorry.” Yuki softly giggled. “And I don’t mean to laugh, but your expression was priceless. I didn’t know the Queen of Pieta could make such an adorable face.”

Despite the initially fright, Mayu felt elevated. She wondered if it was something to do with what Yuki said.

“Never mind.” Mayu replied, accepting Yuki’s delightful apology. “What brings you here Yuki-san?”

“I was passing by when I saw a beautiful flower and I couldn’t help but observe her beauty up close. And I wanted to gaze upon the roses too.”

Mayu felt her cheeks warm at Yuki’s rather forward comment. Even if she was naïve, Mayu knew that Yuki was being flirtatious. It made Mayu’s heart beat unusually fast. It was uncomfortable for Mayu, knowing that this woman could cause her to feel at such unease. She turned away from Yuki, making sure to hide her flushed face. Instead, she quickly changed the subject from herself, to the flowers.

“Yes.” Mayu said, keeping her voice from shaking. She stroked the soft petals of the red rose that hung from the large rose bush and immediately felt calmer. “This garden, it was my parents’ favourite place.”

Mayu remembered when she was ten. She was studying with Kameko, about etiquette or what-not. Then, in the middle of her studies, she became distracted with the sound of laughter. Her mother’s high pitched tone, and her father’s gruff chortles, harmonised into a musical merriment. She watched quietly as her father, the King, chased after his Queen. It brought a smile to Mayu when she remembered how Kameko, once noticing what was happening, scolded the King.

“Now, it is Jurina’s favourite.” Mayu mused. “And mine as well.”

“Why is that?”

An image of her mother perpetrated her mind. Mayu was around eight and after running around excitedly, being chased by Aika, she sat by her mother’s feet. Out of breath, she stared up at the Queen’s tall figure, watching as she smiled while gazing at her roses. It was like Mayu’s mother was a fairy, a being who would remain to protect the Palace gardens, as well as Princess Mayu.

“It’s like another world.” Mayu quietly said. “Here, you can escape from anything.”

On the dawn of her parents’ funeral, Mayu had hid in the dense growth and allowed herself to cry. Moments later, she was found by Sae, but that relief of having released most of her anguish couldn’t be replaced. She was thankful for this place, even if it held sad memories. Besides, the happier memories heavily outweighed the depressing moments.

There was a pause, where Yuki could almost see the memories that laid buried under Mayu’s consciousness. It was almost as if Yuki didn’t belong there. Almost.

“You never answered my question.” Yuki said, making Mayu finally face her. “How do you do it?”

“Do what?”

“Your job. Your duty. Be the Queen of an entire country.”

Mayu carefully thought for a moment. She thought about all the hardships and ridicule she has had to face. She thought about how her heart broke when met with the poverty-ridden faces on children, mothers and the elderly.  And she thought about the angry voices that could be heard miles away from the Capital.

However, she also considered the smiles that her citizens wore as they worked throughout the day. She deliberated over the words that she heard yesterday, that praised her work and the royal council. She remembered, that this was her home and she paid attention to the wild desire to make this kingdom the very best.

“Sometimes you just have to be brave.” Mayu finally answered. “You have to be strong. Sometimes you just can’t give in to weak thoughts. You have to beat down those devils that get inside your head and try to make you panic. You struggle along, putting one foot a little bit ahead of the other, hoping not to trip over your own two feet. You just have to remember, at the end of the long road, there’s a light that will reward you for the hardships you have faced. Though there are obstacles, it’s not all that bad. There are perks.”

“I can imagine.” Yuki said, gesturing to their surroundings. “You get to live in this beauty of a castle.”

“That is a privilege.” lightly laughed Mayu, agreeing with Yuki, having lived all her life in the Palace. “But I mean benefits of the heart.” Noticing Yuki was confused, Mayu elaborated. “When you see the smiles of the citizens that are helped, and you hear the word of thanks, it makes this and anything else worthwhile.”

Suddenly, Mayu saw Sae gesturing to her. Even from afar, she could see the distressed expression on Sae’s face. She felt the urge to rush to Sae’s side.

“If you will excuse me Yuki-san.” Mayu hurriedly said.

When Mayu left, quickly disappearing with Sae into the Palace, Yuki was left alone. Isolated with her thoughts, Yuki pondered over Mayu's answer. She truly was the opposite of Yuki, in perception and personality. Yuki lightly brushed the same rose that Mayu had touched. Her eyes widened with surprise. It may have been her imagination but she felt a familiar sensation she would have once named warmth, but it quickly disappeared. Yuki grasped the rose, before violently tearing it off. Then, opening her fists, she let the petals fall from her palm like droplets of blood. 


Moments later, Jurina had awoken. She was usually the last to wake inside the Palace, having the luxury of little responsibilities other than some classes now and again. After getting ready, her senses told her to go to the gardens. It was her favourite place to visit, besides the library. However, recently, the urge to go there had risen and she wasn’t sure why.

When she arrived, Jurina spotted the pile of rose petals. Stepping closer, she felt a cold aura. It was something she had felt before, but this was a weaker version. She crouched down and lightly touched the pile with her fingertips. Inhaling deeply and closing her eyes, Jurina focussed all her energy into her fingers and the feeling of the rose petals just on her tips. Feeling the rush of light, Jurina opened her eyes. On the floor now, where there used to be the pile of petals, was now a new gleaming rose. Smiling, Jurina picked it up, feeling its red warmth. With a small blow, Jurina attached it back onto the bush, good as new.

When Jurina turned and disappeared back into the Palace, the rose that she had magically formed, burst into flames.
« Last Edit: September 03, 2015, 10:33:24 PM by melon-lover »

Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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Re: All Angels - UPDATED!!! Chapter 05 [03/09/2015]
« Reply #24 on: September 03, 2015, 08:20:01 PM »

:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
:heart: l Collab threads: Sky&Ruka l Ruka&Michael l :heart:
 l Compilation thread: 48G New Gen l :heart:


Offline melon-lover

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Re: All Angels - Chapter 06 [14/09/2015]
« Reply #25 on: September 14, 2015, 06:02:01 PM »
@ Ruka Kikuchi: Thank you! I'm glad you've enjoyed it  :D Hope you like this chapter

“The scariest monsters are the ones that lurk within our souls.”

- Edgar Allan Poe

06 – Monsters

After seeing the blood, Sae rushed to the training grounds. She would notify her knights on her suspicion that something was wrong. Something was coming, and they had to prepare themselves.

Her fears were coming true. Sae remembered clearly the day she witnessed Princess Jurina’s powers. She had caught only the end of the incident, after she had returned back to the room because she sensed something was wrong, but she could still see the sapphire pupils that shone with frightening power. Most of all, Sae remembered what Jurina had said to Queen Mayu.
“The entire kingdom will fall in the bleaks of despair and tragedy. And you… You will suffer the cruellest of choices that will decide the future of your world.”

After then, Jurina had collapsed. Sae had rushed into the room and took Jurina to the doctor’s office. When she looked at Mayu, she could see the utter terror spread across her face. And when Sae looked down, she saw the tiny Princess Jurina in her arms. However, the person before, who spoke of the future, was someone Sae did not know. Thinking of it sent shivers down her spine. The unknown always frightened Sae. However, once Jurina woke, she had no recollection. However, from then, neither Sae nor Mayu spoke of that day. Even when Jurina’s mother died, or when the Queen and King met their tragic end, they did not speak about it because if they were to do such a thing, it would give material to what Jurina had said. However, Sae wondered, was this what Jurina meant?

Suddenly, Sae was knocked back. In front of her was Aika, collapsed on the floor because of the sudden impact.

“I’m sorry Aika.” Sae said, rushing to her side.

Aika did not reply. Panic filled Sae when she noticed Aika had lost consciousness. Quickly, she gathered Aika into her arms. However, when she touched Aika, Sae drew back. It was a familiar sensation. One she had felt before. Aika was freezing cold. Dread filled her. Immediately, Sae put Aika’s mouth close to her ear. She listened. There was no sound. Standing up, Sae sprinted with Aika down to the doctor’s room. She wasn’t going to let another person die.

When Sae reached the doctor’s office, she almost kicked down the door.

“Dr. Ayame!” shouted Sae.

Quickly a woman appeared, carrying a medical kit. She saw Aika in Sae’s arms and immediately led them to the patients’ ward. In the small room, holding four beds with thin curtains around them, Dr. Ayame and a nurse helped Sae put Aika down. Sae stepped back and allowed them space to do their work.

“Nurse, let’s check her vitals.” Dr. Ayame said. “So tell me what happened Sae-san.”

“I don’t know.” Sae hastily said. “I was rushing to the training grounds, not really paying attention, and then I bumped into Aika. The collision was quite hard, but when I gathered my senses, she was on the floor. I saw she was unconscious and then I checked her breathing and…”

Sae trailed off because she didn’t know what was going on. She tried to keep her composure, but it was becoming difficult, especially when it came to her few precious friends. Everything was not making sense. 

“Okay, Sae-san. I haven’t found any superficial wounds yet so let me check her pulse.” Dr. Ayame reassured.

The doctor touched Aika’s wrist. Seconds passed, which felt like a decade to Sae. A frown formed on Dr. Ayame’s brow.

“What’s wrong?” Sae asked.

“It’s strange… I can’t feel anything.”

“But that’s impossible.” Sae retorted. “You can’t mean she died? All I did was bump into her!”

“Wait Sae-san. Please calm down. We haven’t done all our checks.” Dr. Ayame hushed. “Let me check once more.”

Dr. Ayame then removed Aika’s scarf, approaching to check her pulse from a different source. However, they both stopped. Sae, to her horror, sees the two huge holes penetrating Aika’s necks.

“What…” Dr. Ayame was lost for words.

Suddenly Aika gasped. It resembled a drowning person who was saved, their first breath desperate and uncontrolled. Then, Aika started to shake violently. Sae watched with horror as Aika started to have a seizure.

“Quick nurse.” Dr. Ayame commanded.

The nurse knew what to do. She quickly brought over a syringe kit. Sae could only stand in utter shock as the doctor pulled out the long needle, attached it to the syringe, and drew a clear blue liquid from one of the vials. Aika continued to groan, creating frog-like demonic croaks as her neck craned in circles like she was searching for something. Her eyes had rolled back into Aika’s head, the whites of her eyes shining in the afternoon light. Horrified, Sae couldn’t believe what was happening in front of her. Finally, with the nurse restraining Aika, Dr. Ayame pierced Aika’s arm with the large needle. Sae observed as the liquid slowly drained into Aika’s bloodstream. Then, like magic, Aika’s noises stopped and her body stopped shuddering. It was peaceful, as if Aika was asleep.

“Sae-san, I don’t know what happened but it would be best if we keep a careful eye on Aika-san.”

However, when Dr. Ayame turned to where Sae was, she found an empty space.


Sae sprinted to the library, intent on finding answers to what was happening. As she ran, for some reason, Sae remembered one night at the Capital’s local inn, where she spent talking with her best friend, the innkeeper and barkeep.

“Recently, I’ve heard strange rumours.” said Sayaka, leaning over as if she was telling a secret.

“Please tell.” Sae grinned. She always enjoyed listening the city’s rumours and happenings. It was especially interesting with a jug of ale in her hand.

“Well, recently there have been some rumours about the forests.”

“There are always rumours about that place.” Sae said.

And she understood why. The Pieta forests were deep, dense and seemingly endless. Even skilled navigators have gotten lost in its darkness. There have been ghost stories and scary stories which warned children to never enter the forests. It’s been said that was the hiding place or murderers, thieves and monsters. In addition, that was the place where the bodies of the previous Royal King and Queen were found. How could there not be any stories about the forest. It’s strange how Sae used to call that place home.

“Well this time it’s different.” Sayaka returned. “They say that anyone that enters the forests, especially at night, when they return they seem like they are in a trance. Like zombies. Then after a day, they return to normal but they have no recollection of what they’ve done in the past 24 hours. It’s so strange.”

“Indeed.” Sae agreed.

“They say that there are these creatures that reside in the forest. They only roam in the darkness and they are as nimble and silent as cats. However, one creature is stronger than twenty grown men. And you know what they survive on.”


Sayaka drew Sae in closer and softly whispered. “Human blood.”

Sae frantically searched the Palace’s vast library. She remembered Jurina was looking at the book only the other day. Suddenly, she recognised the spine of the large volume. Pulling it out, Sae saw how old the book was, the pages yellow with age and the cover withered with use. However, the title still remained shimmering gold.

‘Mystical Beings and Magical Creatures’

Quickly, Sae searched through the book, looking for the identity of the creature that Sayaka described. One page was dog-eared and she glanced at it. It was a section about witches. This was not what Sae was looking for so she skipped past it. She wasn’t exactly sure why, but Sae had a feeling that the events that were occurring within the kingdom were not ordinary. And Sae always trusted her instinct. Her instinct led her to be found by the King of Pieta, who took her in.

Sae was only ten when she was running through the forests. Her feet were bare and bloody, but she continued to run. Sae had forgotten what she was escaping from, but she knew she had to get away. Her thin body was dirty with small cuts and scrapes, and her chest screamed for her to stop. However, Sae needed to get of the forest. She had to leave. Finally, like a burst of fresh air, Sae fell out of the woods. Hit by her sudden exhaustion, Sae collapsed by the road side. She was so tired; she barely heard the sound of a horse carriage ride next to her. She didn’t notice it stop nor did she hear the sounds of someone stepping out and carrying her into the carriage. It was only when Sae woke that she recognised she was no longer outside. She quickly sat up and was about to escape when her body halted her. She ached from top to toe, especially her thin legs that were shattered from running. Suddenly, she saw a man sitting by her side on a simple chair. He was asleep but from his flattering robes, Sae could tell he was important. She wondered why he was there.

“Father.” suddenly called a young voice.

Sae instantly became guarded. The voice grew closer and closer.


Suddenly, a young girl appeared behind the curtain. Sae stared at her. From what she could tell, from her fluttering dress, she was also important and the daughter of the important man. The girl looked at Sae with curiosity.

“Who are you?” she asked.

Sae didn’t answer.

“Oh I forgot. I’m supposed to introduce myself first before asking others.”

The young girl suddenly curtsied. “I’m Watanabe Mayu. And you are?”
“…Miyazawa Sae.” quietly replied Sae.

Mayu smiled. “Nice to meet you Sae. Why are you here? Are you hurt?”

Before Sae could reply, the man arose from his slumber.

“Father!” Mayu happily exclaimed.

Even though he was drowsy, the man happily gathered his daughter into his arms. Sae felt a sudden longing.

The man turned to Sae after a short moment with his daughter.

“So you’re awake. How are you feeling?” he asked.

“Fine.” Sae curtly responded.

The man nodded. “That’s good. I don’t know if you remember, but I found you on the side of the road by the forest. Do you remember why you were there?”

Sae shook her head. She really couldn’t remember. She just recalled her instinct telling her to run.

“Then what of your parents? Your family?”

Sae tried to remember, but she suddenly felt a pang of pain in her temple. She frowned as she tried to ignore it and continued searching her memories. However, the pain intensified. In her mind, her memories of the past day were gone. It was blank. All she could see in the darkness were flashes of pictures of blood and a fallen home. However, she understood that she no longer had her parents.

Sae shook her head. “They’re gone.”

It was just a whisper but it was enough to make Sae realise the truth. She was now an orphan. Suddenly, small arms held her also small body. The then eight year old Mayu tightly embraced Sae, despite her being covered in dirt. Even though her body ached and sensitive through her wounds, Sae did not remove herself.

“It’s okay.” Mayu softly comforted.

Then, Sae sobbed into the Princess’s arms. She cried for her loss and she cried for her parents. She cried because of frustration from her vanished memories and she cried for her uncertain future. Sae no longer had a home. She could not turn back time and she could not change the events that have happened. She could only remember the love that her parents gave her. Sae sobbed with unrepressed despair, because that was all she could do.

She didn’t know how she stopped because Sae thought she could have cried for a lifetime. However, her tears eventually dried and she was a sniffling mess, still in Mayu’s warm hold. All the while, the man quietly watched and offered his sombre respects.

“Sae, I would like it very much if you stayed with us, in the palace.”

Sae stared at the man, surprised. She turned to Mayu who grinned widely, despite crying herself. She wondered who this girl was, who could so easily empathise with Sae, yet was able to comfort her so easily. Sae wanted to be with her for longer.

“Is that okay?” Sae asked.

The man guffawed. It was loud and powerful, like the aura the man commanded.

“I think it should be fine.” he said. “I am the King of Pieta after all.”

At ten, Sae knew what that meant. He was the almighty ruler of the country. That would also mean the girl who was holding her, was the Princess of Pieta. Suddenly, Sae had never felt so blessed and overwhelmed.

Eventually, after formal greetings were exchanged and royal respects were paid, much to the amusement of the King, Mayu and he left to allow Sae to recover and get changed. As Sae undressed, excited to get into clean clothes, she stopped. Sae stared at her leg which was previously covered by her long shorts. There, on her upper thigh, she saw two large bloody holes pierced into her flesh. She wondered what it was. Then, recognition struck in her young mind.

It was a bite mark.


Sae rummaged through her closet. In a small box, where she held treasured possessions, she found the old dagger that her father had passed to her. The only thing she carried on that day she ran away. It was made from the legendary old oak tree in the Pieta forests that was said to be over 200 years old. Her father had said that his own grandfather braved the coldest winter nights to reach the tree to fashion this small weapon. It had been passed down along in the family and now it would be hers. 

She held it. Sae reminisced how big it felt in her small hands, and how she didn’t really understand how such a thing could be a weapon. Now, she still wondered if she would be able to use it.

However, from what she read in the library, Sae knew she would wield it.

Sae had stared at the pages, decorated with drawings of blood and depictions of black creatures that hid in the dark night.

Vampires are creatures that are neither human nor animal. They are soulless monsters that take human form. They are dead demons that roam the darkest lands. They cannot cry and are cold to touch. They do not have a pulse and they possess inhuman strength. They are quick and cunning, like a feline. However, their only life force is blood, mainly human blood.

The strongest and oldest forms are pure bloods. It is unknown how they originated, but it has also been said that they have roamed the earth with the humans for centuries. Pure bloods have the ability to walk during light hours, even in the summers although they find it uncomfortable and will most likely wear heavy cloaks to shield their sensitive skin. They can also control their victims using psychic abilities. Furthermore, only pure bloods have the ability to turn humans into vampires. By doing this, they feed the victim their own blood. Then, if the victim feeds on human blood within the day of being transitioning, they will too become a pure blood. If not, they become a half-blood.

Half-bloods have the similar characteristics but lack the same amount of strength and ability to protect themselves against direct sunlight. Additionally, if a half-blood were to change a human, then that human would become something that was neither a vampire nor a human. The poor soul would simply be a beast.

It is rare for a person to die from a vampire bite, but victims will show signs of confusion and memory loss. They will appear to be in a trance in the first 24 hours of being bitten. Then, they will return to their original selves once that time has passed, but with no memory of what happened. Bite marks will usually last one week if they are allowed to heal.

However, though they are strong, vampires have a number of weaknesses. First, to truly detect a vampire, you only need the scent of blood. Once they detect the smell of blood, their pupils turn pure black like that of a shark, filled with only the desire to feed. It is unlike their usual honey coloured pupils. Furthermore, they cannot enter an abode unless they are invited. Other weaknesses consist of direct sunlight, fire, and wooden weapons.

To kill vampires, you will need to stake their heart with a wooden weapon and burn their bodies. Vampires can die by being burned alive, but it is far more difficult. It is the same with direct sunlight. Their skin will blister and sore, but long hours of exposure are needed to do any true damage to vampires. In addition, pure bloods can only be killed by weapons made from trees that are older than them. However, all wooden weapons will do harm upon a vampire’s body.

“Well, well, if it isn’t the Queen’s little soldier.”

Sae spun round, tucking her dagger into her belt. Stood in her doorway, was Yuki. Instantly, her hand tightened around the handle of her dagger.

“I know what you are.” Sae condemned.

“Oh really?” Yuki replied, wearing an amused expression “Tell me, what am I?”

“A monster.”

Yuki simply laughed. Her flippant attitude outraged Sae.

“I don’t know what you plan to do but I assure you, if you even think of leaving a finger on Lady Mayu, I will kill you.”

“Oh I’m shivering in my grave.” Yuki jeered. “Unless you have proof, there is no way I am leaving the Queen’s side. Not until I draw every last drop of blood-“

Yuki dodged when Sae swung her sword, but it just missed her. She checked her arm, seeing a large gash on her forearm. However, very little blood came from the rather deep wound.

“I knew it.” pointed Sae. “You are a monster.”

“That’s quite harsh from someone like you.” Yuki said, her smile gone. “I know how you really see the Queen. I see the way your dirty mind undresses Mayu. It’s utterly filthy.”

Rage seared within Sae. She had never felt so much anger towards a single being. It was not true. She didn’t see Mayu in such a way. Yes, she loved Mayu, but it was no way impure. She just cherished Mayu more than anything. That was it.

However, if that was all it was, why did Sae feel so guilty?

“Silence you monster!” shouted Sae.

“Have I hit a nerve? The truth always does hurt.”

Sae stood guarded. She was ready to draw out the dagger when Yuki least expected it. She was going to vanquish this entity from the palace, and from Mayu’s life.

“By the way.” Yuki spoke. “That woman you spoke to, the innkeeper.  I wouldn’t bother going to see her again. She’s been… disposed of.”

Sae’s blood ran cold. “Sayaka? What have you done to her?”

Yuki simply smirked. Anger clouded her senses and Sae jumped forward, wielding the dagger. However, Yuki disappeared, jumping out of the window. Sae rushed to the window ledge, but Yuki left no trace. Sae cursed at herself. She had revealed her secret weapon and put the lives of the people she cared about in danger. Quickly, she called for a Pieta knight.

“Send a messenger to the Capital’s inn and return to me with a status report of the establishment.” Sae said to a guard. “I especially want word to be passed to Sayaka, the innkeeper. Tell her to keep safe. Close the inn and move away if she has to. It is no longer safe for her to be in the Capital.”

“Understood Commander.”

When he disappeared to complete his task, Sae rushed to the gardens. She didn’t know if Mayu would be there, but she had to warn her of Yuki’s true self as soon as possible.


Sae, after running around all day, was grateful for her years of training. Stamina has yet to be an issue and she was putting to the test as she sprinted to the Palace gardens. When she reached the gardens, she quickly spotted the Queen, amongst the nearby rose bushes. However, she was not alone. Fear struck Sae in a way she had never felt before when she saw Mayu standing with Yuki. It was ten folds stronger then yesterday, when she had lost Mayu in the Capital. Mayu was in immediate danger and she had to save her. 

Thankfully, Mayu saw Sae and she swiftly retreated away from Yuki and headed to her without any delay. Sae was half expecting Yuki to hold Mayu captive, especially after Sae had discovered the truth. However, it was Yuki showing how little Sae concerned her. Yuki disregarded Sae as a mere pest. She was a weak human, and no matter how many people she gathered, Yuki was still a vampire. A monster.

“What is it Sae?”

Instantly, Sae took Mayu’s hand. Like how she first guided Mayu out of the Palace, Mayu’s hand felt soft in hers. However, Sae had no time to linger on her feelings. Mayu’s safety was top priority.

Once they were at a safer distance, Sae spun round so quickly, it surprised Mayu. She stared up at the taller woman, whose gaze was so deep that Mayu thought she would lose herself in them.

“Mayu, you have to listen to me.” Sae stated intensely.

This was the first time that Mayu could remember which Sae actually addressed her without any title. Something must have happened that was incredibly serious.

“What is it?” Mayu inquired again, her concern building by each moment.

“You are in grave danger. Kashiwagi Yuki. That woman. That thing. She is a vampire.”

Offline Weird Panda

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Re: All Angels - Chapter 06 [14/09/2015]
« Reply #26 on: December 23, 2015, 06:40:11 PM »
I just read the new chapter of this great story of yours.
And now, I feel really... CURIOUS.

What Sae's gonna do?
Will Jurina also take a role to help Mayu? If yes, with what? With her psychic power?
Will Mayu believe or deny Sae?
Where's Rena? When will she show up?
When will you update???

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