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Author Topic: Crossroads (JuriYuu) - Cancelled (2014.02.19)  (Read 27388 times)

Offline rochilu

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Re: Crossroads (JuriYuu) - Chapter 3A (2013.09.19)
« Reply #20 on: September 20, 2013, 12:33:54 AM »
aww it was too short T^T i want to read more about this story :c
such a good person Yuko going to see Juritan :3 Hope you can make it to the next chapter :3

Offline kurumi

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Re: Crossroads (JuriYuu) - Chapter 3A (2013.09.19)
« Reply #21 on: September 21, 2013, 07:12:16 PM »
@sakura_drop_: Wow, you are always so fast! Thanks for following my story so closely.
I tried my best to make this scene as long as I possibly could. Sadly, due to my limited mental capacity, this was all I could come up with.
I get the feeling that the second half of Chapter 3 will be short as well… Will try my best to make it by Yuko's birthday. Please do your best too! Ganbatte!

@rochilu: I'm sorry that Chapter 3A was so short… Gomen! (>人<)
Just wanted to say that I like reading your cute comments a lot. Also, seeing Heimlich's picture in your signature always makes me smile.
I will work hard to try and get Chapter 3B out to you soon!

Offline LoyalFlutist

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Re: Crossroads (JuriYuu) - Chapter 3A (2013.09.19)
« Reply #22 on: September 22, 2013, 06:37:24 AM »
Finally got a chance to comment! I apologize for the late commenting since I'm ill and had to swim against the strong current that is called 'school' and 'ACT.' :doh:

Alright, time for some thoughts about this short section A on Chapter 3.

I can't help but giggle and even smile like a doofus with the conversations Yuko, Minami and Haruna are having together. The dialogues thrown from the characters at each other transitions smoothly from one another, making it easier to breeze through as though they actually are having a real life conversation in front of my face! (Oh I wish though, LOL.) And I couldn't help but laugh with this part in regards to Nyan Nyan...

“Harvesting mushrooms,” Haruna responded nonchalantly. She glanced up and saw looks of confusion upon her friends’ faces. “You don’t know Touch Detective?” she asked in a tone of disbelief. “The funghi are really cute!” Haruna proceeded to show her friends the various species of mushroom in the game.

I don't know why, but I just cracked up when I read it. Maybe it has to do with the mushrooms and her fascination of it? Or maybe it's because it's kinda... abnormal for one to play a game in regards to harvesting mushrooms rather than other sorts of typical plants one would think of in a flash. XD

So I see that Yuko have these two as close friends... That's good to hear. Though we have many friends in life, there is at least one person that has touched us in some sort of way and stuck with us till the end of time. Very rare to find these types of individuals, but I'm sure we've all met one at least once in our life so far. :cathappy: Hopefully the three continue to be close friends! Now moving onward with Jurina's situation... Aw! She broke up with her boyfriend! What's Yuko going to do now? I mean... Aside from hanging out with her two other friends, her boyfriend isn't really caring much about her emotional need and even what the hell she's doing... (Which I would wonder why she has yet to break up with him... Maybe soon?) Anyway, go and comfort Juju, Yuko! :thumbsup

Thank you so much for the update and I truly enjoyed reading it. (Even though it's short. XD) I look forward to seeing more parts of Chapter 3 and more of your work in the near future! :deco:

"You'll come to treasure these scars."

HIATUS: The Virus | How Far Are You Prepared To Go? | Sanity | Hidden Truth | Disappearance (Season 2) *Tumblr-only* | Vengeance
ACTIVE: Majisuka Gakuen OS | OS | Idol Royale
REMAKE: Disappearance S1 | Wandering Ship | Hidden Truth
COLLABORATIONS: Phantom Pain w/Llyloo

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Offline kurumi

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Re: Crossroads (JuriYuu) - Chapter 3A (2013.09.19)
« Reply #23 on: September 22, 2013, 07:23:43 AM »

Oh dear, I'm sorry to hear that you aren't feeling well. Hope you get better soon! And thanks so much for taking the time to write such a lovely comment despite your being ill.

Please, don't ever worry about taking time or even not being able to comment. I completely understand that everyone has commitments. Suddenly feel quite glad that I'm done with school!

As usual, your words brought a smile to my face and I even laughed out loud. This was my first attempt (ever) at writing a three-person dialogue, so I'm relieved to hear that it wasn't a flop.

I have a friend (in real life) who is addicted to the mushroom game. She periodically harvests her mushrooms even when we are out together. I must admit that they are rather cute. Shall attach a video at the end of this message just in case you're interested.

Yes, when you get to my age, it becomes very clear who will remain your close friends for life. I urge everyone to treasure all their friends now because people eventually find jobs, get married, have kids, etc., and thus aren't able to "hang out" as often.

Good luck with your college application process and I sincerely hope that you get accepted into your school of choice.

Offline kurumi

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Re: Crossroads (JuriYuu) - Chapter 3B (2013.10.03)
« Reply #24 on: October 03, 2013, 08:00:02 PM »
It's me, again! (The producer of super short chapters in which nothing ever happens.)

As expected, all the 'thank-yous' and comments for Chapter 3A did indeed motivate me to make quick progress, and I managed to complete 3B waaaaay before October 17th. This is my early birthday present to "Yuko-sama".

This time round, I decided to give 'fluff' a shot, and spent quite a lot of time sitting in front of my computer being embarrassed at myself. (Non-fiction isn't exactly cute.)

I hope you all enjoy this (longer) second half of Chapter 3!

Crossroads - Chapter 3B

     Yuko quickened her pace as she stepped out of the 7-Eleven near Shinagawa station. She was not exactly sure why she felt such an inexplicable desire to cheer on her pen friend whom she had only met once before. Over the years, she had learnt to simply trust her own instinct.

     When Jurina answered the door, Yuko noticed that it was not the same cheery girl she had met back in April. Jurina’s cheeks were looking somewhat sunken and she appeared a little sleep-deprived. She was sloppily dressed in an oversized t-shirt and a pair of shorts. From her dishevelled hair, Yuko figured that Jurina must have been moping in bed the entire time.
     “You look a mess. Here, I got us dinner from the convenience store. Let’s eat, I’m starving!” Yuko took ahold of Jurina’s hand and led the younger girl to the dining room. “I only bought onigiri and purin – nothing fancy. Where are your housemates?” She scanned the apartment for traces of the other two occupants.
     “They’re sorta party animals and are never home on the weekends. They disappear every Friday night and I only see them again on Monday mornings. I don’t have that kinda energy,” Jurina explained, slumping down in a chair across from the older girl.
     “I see. I’m sure stewardess training is hard enough as it is,” Yuko replied with compassion as she took her seat. Prying the plastic lids off the custard pudding containers, she continued excitedly, “Let’s do dessert first! I’ve been meaning to try this limited summer flavour!”
     “You’re turning my ordered life topsy-turvy!” Jurina snickered, a smile creeping up the corners her lips.
     “You finally smiled! Yay! Cheers!” Yuko happily clinked her custard cup against Jurina’s.
     The short-haired girl stifled a laugh as she passed the ponytailed elder girl one of the two disposable spoons. Yuko resisted a self-satisfied grin and started to eat.
     “As expected, things didn’t work out with that guy back in Aichi. I knew all along that this would happen and I’m really not all that upset, but… I don’t know… I just feel so low these days,” Jurina admitted, grimacing ever so slightly.
     The more she observed Jurina’s downcast expression, the more Yuko felt herself grow helpless. They ate their desserts in silence. A gentle breeze wafted through the open window, making the wind chime hanging in the kitchen tinkle melodiously.
     Unable to contain herself any longer, Yuko blurted out, “I think you’re homesick and lonely. I felt the same way when my family moved back to Tochigi. And it’s not helping that you aren’t exactly chummy with your housemates.”
     Yuko watched as Jurina dropped the small plastic spoon into her half-eaten pudding. Before she knew it, Jurina’s eyes had welled up with tears. The younger girl laid her cheek on the dining table and started sobbing quietly. Yuko then realised that despite her age, Jurina was still a child.
     “Chin up! You’ll be just fine,” coaxed Yuko as she lightly patted the weeping girl on the head.
     “I often wonder if I made the right choice coming to Tokyo…” Jurina whispered between sobs, gradually clenching her fists into tight balls.
     Reaching towards the box of tissues sitting at the end of the dining table, Yuko grabbed two sheets and handed them to Jurina.
     “What made you decide to become a flight attendant?” Yuko probed, her eyebrows raised in question.
     “I was getting sick of living in a small town and wanted to see the world,” Jurina stuttered, sitting back up and dabbing her face with the tissues. “Also, I’m the only child and living in that house with my parents was becoming a little suffocating.”
     Yuko nodded with empathy in hopes that the girl would carry on bearing her heart. She could tell that Jurina was the type of person who did not like to show weakness.
     “I failed the interviews for international carriers like Japan Airlines and All Nippon Airways because my English isn’t good enough. Skymark was the only company that accepted me,” she finally said in a dejected tone, propping her chin with her left hand.
     “I thought your English was really good when we used to write to each other!” Yuko cried in insistence, slamming both her palms on the table.
     Having not expected Yuko to get so worked up, Jurina’s eyes widened in surprise.
     “My written skills are a lot better than my verbal ones. But I think working in Skymark will provide me with opportunities to get some speech practice, and I’m really hoping that my spoken English will improve with time,” the younger girl declared. Pursing her lips together and giving a firm nod, she appeared optimistic and resolute.
     “With such determination, I’m sure you can do it,” reassured Yuko. “Don’t give up!” She sprung up from her chair and did a fist pump.
     “You’re so animated!” Jurina exclaimed, and with that, she broke into hysterical laughter.
     Yuko felt relieved to see that the girl was now shedding happy tears and had to make a conscious effort not to be affected by the infectious chortles.
     “Let’s eat onigiri! I don’t know what flavour you like so I got them all,” said Yuko as she retrieved four rice balls from the plastic bag and laid them out on the dining table.
     “Tuna mayonnaise!” squealed Jurina, grabbing the eyed prize without second thought. Flashing her usual dimpled, mischievous grin, she declared, “It’s my favourite.”

     Yuko looked on in amusement as Jurina started wolfing down a second rice ball.
     It’s like she hasn’t eaten in days.
     “You know…” Yuko spoke with hesitation. “I’m not sure if this is a good time to be mentioning it, but… my parents got divorced when I was 12 years old. At that time, I was so depressed and thought that it would be the end of the world.”
     Jurina’s expression changed to a serious one and she nodded to indicate that she was paying attention.
     “It took me a long time to completely get over it, and I couldn’t have done it without the support from my family and friends. I believe all experiences, good and bad, help a person grow. In the future, I’m sure you’ll think back and be glad you came to Tokyo,” assured Yuko as she rested her palm atop the other girl’s hand.
     Jurina gazed downward at Yuko’s small hand and bit her lower lip. With renewed sparkle, she looked the older girl in the eyes and said rhetorically, “I probably will, won’t I?”
_  _  _  _  _

     Yuko awoke to the savoury scent of butter and toast. She stretched both arms up and outward while yawning. Her limbs were feeling cramped having spent the entire night curled up on the undersized sofa. Squinting through sleepy eyes, she saw Jurina pottering about the kitchen basked in sunlight.
     “Good morning! What are you doing?” asked Yuko as she sat up tardily, rubbing her eyes.
     “Making breakfast for you 'cos you brought me dinner last night,” Jurina stated matter-of-factly. The aproned girl turned around and gave Yuko a playful wink.
     “It smells really good,” Yuko commended. Now fully awakened, she skipped towards the kitchen enthusiastically.
     “This is my mother’s recipe. She makes the best nattō toast!” Jurina expressed with pride.
     When Yuko saw the fermented soybeans, she wrinkled her nose with distaste. “Ah, I don’t like nattō! I’ve never liked its gooey texture.”
     Sticking out her lower lip, Jurina pouted and started whimpering like a small dog. Her look of extreme disappointment was too much for Yuko to bear.
     “Okay, okay! I’ll try some!” Yuko relented, her palms faced out in surrender.
     In the twinkling of an eye, Jurina’s delighted countenance was restored and with haste, she held up a slice of toast near the older girl’s mouth.
     “Open wide!” cried the younger girl, who then proceeded to gape in an exaggerated fashion.
     Feeling her cheeks growing warm, Yuko took a small bite. After chewing for some time, her face lit up in pleasant astonishment. Covering her mouth with her right hand, Yuko professed, “This is good! The butter counteracts the strong flavour of nattō.”
     “I told you so! Butter makes everything taste better,” Jurina proclaimed victoriously, forming her free hand into the shape of a gun and pointing it at Yuko.
     “Thanks to you, I might’ve finally managed to overcome my dislike of it. Today is a day to remember!” announced Yuko, her hands clasped in glee.
     “Speaking of which, do you already have plans for today?” Jurina inquired, tilting her head to one side.
     “Nope. I was just going to rent a movie and watch it at home,” Yuko confessed, embarrassed at having revealed what a boring life she led.
     “Can I go with you? I don’t wanna stay here alone…” Jurina asked expectantly with droopy puppy eyes.
     “Sure! Let’s rent ten DVDs from Tsutaya and watch them back-to-back until tomorrow!” Yuko raised her fist in the air and gave a small hop.
     “Yay! In that case, I’ll go pack my toiletries and pyjamas!” Jurina was thrilled and quickly placed down the slice of toast she had been holding. In a split second, she had already run to her bedroom and begun rummaging through her drawers.

Note: I recently found out that I had made a mistake in Yuko's family history, and have since tried my best to rectify it. The translated interview can be found here.


@Hitobo: Thanks so much for the invaluable writing tips. I tried my best to heed your advice while working on this chapter; hopefully there has been some improvement. I was particularly grateful for your reminding me that there exist senses other than sight.

@seigus: Thanks for having that discussion on Yuko's characterisation with me. I'm glad that she has a new drama coming up as it will certainly provide me with a lot more opportunities to study her expressions and mannerisms.

@LoyalFlutist: Thanks again for writing that JuriYuu OS! I was very happy, and it made me realise that I needed get my act together to make progress in 3B. Hopefully the chapter above met your expectations.

To everyone else: Thanks for reading! I have not given Chapter 4 any thought at all yet, and will probably require some time to plan and research. Hopefully more inspiration will manifest soon.
« Last Edit: October 04, 2013, 04:03:07 AM by kurumi »

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Re: Crossroads (JuriYuu) - Chapter 3B (2013.10.03)
« Reply #25 on: October 03, 2013, 09:57:58 PM »
This was a splendid and sweet/touching chapter!!  :deco:

Sorry for not leaving a longer health has been weak recently...and with lots of studies and unfinished works piling up...hard to keep head clear...

Anyways, I'll be patiently waiting for the next chapter!  ;)
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

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Offline LoyalFlutist

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Re: Crossroads (JuriYuu) - Chapter 3B (2013.10.03)
« Reply #26 on: October 04, 2013, 02:07:37 AM »
My life this week has been getting really hectic thanks to Homecoming week and I've been getting stressed out with the amount of school-related topics. Not to mention how tired I am. :catglare: But seeing this fiction update from you instantly cheered me up. :cathappy: And don't say you're the 'producer of super short chapters in which nothing ever happens.'! Even if there is 'nothing' going on within the chapter, there's always character(s) progression in terms of their relationship, personality, etc. Not all chapters are going to have some sort of dramatic event blowing up like an atomic bomb (exaggeration intended). XD You're doing great with these chapters and I'm loving them! Plus you're not meeting my expectation; you're EXCEEDING them. :thumbsup

Alright, so I see that Yuko got the chance to head over to Jurina's apartment. The way that Yuko is describing the younger girl... It doesn't look like Jurina is feeling great after that break up... I'm personally really glad that the squirrel came over to see her. I can't even imagine how much pain Jurina would take in without another friend to help her out... God. Even thinking about it just makes me feel terrible. :bleed eyes: But alas, that hasn't happened thanks to the great Oshima Yuko! Nothing is better than having a good friend stop by to comfort you during your down times. :deco:

Some history of both Yuko and Jurina are shown here in the fiction. Poor Juju... On a personal level, though I haven't been away from my family any longer than ten full days, it does ache slightly when you noticed missing your folks. Not to mention I was states... states... states away from my family (I was at Berkeley, California while my family were still at Land O' Lakes, Florida), so that didn't help. :sweatdrop: Somewhat can empathize with the girl here. And I was at first shocked to know that Yuko's parents divorced! When you added the link below about her actual history, I couldn't help but feel my heart clench when you made that allusion/reference about Yuko's past between her and her parents. UGH. On a side note not relating towards the story, but I'm glad she has a good relationship with her mom and father that silently supports her. Daddy power to a daughter is one of the best~ :deco:

Anyway, my favorite quote from this chapter so far is:

     “It took me a long time to completely get over it, and I couldn’t have done it without the support from my family and friends. I believe all experiences, good and bad, help a person grow. In the future, I’m sure you’ll think back and be glad you came to Tokyo,” assured Yuko as she rested her palm atop the other girl’s hand.
     Jurina gazed downward at Yuko’s small hand and bit her lower lip. With renewed sparkle, she looked the older girl in the eyes and said rhetorically, “I probably will, won’t I?”

I completely agree on Yuko's point here. Experiences help each individual grow no matter what age nor predicament they're placed in. :) As of currently in my life, there are many things that I regret and hate having happened in it. Times where I would do more than anything in the world to erase them from my history. Yet without them, I wouldn't be the person I would be now despite the hardship of my family and the certain individuals. It sounds a little silly since I'm just a 16-almost-17 year old girl, but we are who we are from past experiences. As the saying goes... Experience is the best teacher out here, yes?

And....................... I ended up ranting about some weird stuff, LOL. Forgive me about it. XD I'm so glad to have read this chapter today and thank you so much for posting it up! I will wait patiently for your next update and future work~ :deco: On another side note, I'll try my best to start writing more unique pairings in the near future! :)

"You'll come to treasure these scars."

HIATUS: The Virus | How Far Are You Prepared To Go? | Sanity | Hidden Truth | Disappearance (Season 2) *Tumblr-only* | Vengeance
ACTIVE: Majisuka Gakuen OS | OS | Idol Royale
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Offline rochilu

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Re: Crossroads (JuriYuu) - Chapter 3B (2013.10.03)
« Reply #27 on: October 04, 2013, 05:02:31 AM »
i know, right? Heimlich is just so asdjkas >u< haha
aww i'm happy that you can make it before the 17!  Come on Yuko! you can cheer up Juribb go go go! :3

Offline kurumi

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Re: Crossroads (JuriYuu) - Chapter 3B (2013.10.03)
« Reply #28 on: October 04, 2013, 11:07:40 PM »
I'm always impressed at how quickly everyone responds! I wish my friends in real life were like you all. (And not ignore my text messages for a week…)

@sakura_drop_: #1 to comment, as always! I hope both you and LoyalFlutist recover fully soon.

I thought it would be most appropriate to write such a heartwarming chapter as Yuko-sama's birthday gift, and am glad that you enjoyed it. I tried my best to highlight some of Yuko's strengths in this chapter. These days, I find myself asking the question, "What would Yuko do?" very often.

@LoyalFlutist: Whoa, whoa, whoa! I honestly did not expect my writing to be so very thought-provoking! It makes me very, very happy to hear that my humble chapter (comprising only 1,539 words) can invoke such a strong reaction. You seem to have a lot of life experience for a 16-going-on-17-year-old girl. (Typing that reminds me of from The Sound of Music.)

I wish I could share more about myself, but frankly, feel uncomfortable doing so in such a public space. Also, I think it may affect the way you interpret my story. Thus, I ask for your kind understanding in allowing me to remain somewhat enigmatic for now. Perhaps we can talk more once Crossroads is completed.

I'll let you in on a secret, though. When writing my chapters, I have the tendency to enact the characters while alone in my study room. I was resting my own palm atop my own hand. It was really quite funny.

Don't ever feel bad about your so-called "ranting". I enjoy reading such honest feedback and opinions. I'll be taking a short break from writing, and once again, am grateful for everyone's patience.

@rochilu: Yes, totally asdjkas! Yuko always cheers me up. I wish I had a sister like her! (-_^)

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Re: Crossroads (JuriYuu) - Chapter 3B (2013.10.03)
« Reply #29 on: October 04, 2013, 11:11:24 PM »
It's me, again! (The producer of super short chapters in which nothing ever happens.)

Hey, your self-imposed title is too similar to mine!  (Hitobo: The producer of super long chapters in which nothing ever happens.)

All joking aside (and I really did laugh at that introduction), as LoyalFlutist said, this chapter was certainly far from nothing happening.  It's not full of Hollywood, edge of your seat action, but it introduced new characters, the season has changed, a relationship has ended, a friendship has been strengthened, and in one line that could be easily overlooked ("She had failed to notice the tinge of disappointment in Haruna’s demeanor."), you've suggested future tension between two close friends.

So no, this was not a chapter in which nothing happened.

Yes, I can see great improvement.  Yet, as is true for all of us, there is still room for more.  Keep at it; this is only the beginning of what I hope will become a rewarding experience for you.

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Re: Crossroads (JuriYuu) - Chapter 3B (2013.10.03)
« Reply #30 on: October 04, 2013, 11:40:37 PM »
(Hitobo: The producer of super long chapters in which nothing ever happens.)
That really cracked me up! I can only imagine if the two of us ever get together. It sure would be one hell of a party.

In all honesty, I'm not sure if I can take all this pressure. One can't possibly be constantly exceeding expectations.

I am looking forward to our future discussions and more of your mentorship. 1! 2! 3! 4! Yoroshiku!

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Re: Crossroads (JuriYuu) - Chapter 4 (2013.11.08)
« Reply #31 on: November 08, 2013, 03:10:14 PM »
I'm back - this time round with a much longer chapter. I tried my best! It is rather undramatic, as per usual, although I did add a couple of 'explosions' for LoyalFlutist.

If you're the kind of person who likes a photo accompanying a story, here's the picture I was staring at the entire time while writing this chapter.

Crossroads - Chapter 4

     Yuko smiled at her own reflection in the full-length mirror. She was definitely feeling happier these days. Over the course of the past two months, she had been spending more and more time with Jurina. They had been meeting practically every weekend, and Yuko found it curious how she derived so much joy from doing simple things such as having meals, watching movies, and going shopping together with the other girl.
     Even Seiji had noticed the increased cheerfulness in her voice. There were occasions when she missed their usual Sunday morning phone conversations due to prior arrangements with Jurina, but Seiji did not appear to be the least bit bothered. On the contrary, he encouraged Yuko to make more friends to ease the monotony and loneliness that came hand-in-hand with working life. Yuko was pleased to see that this newfound friendship had brought nothing but positive impact into her life.
     Holding in her stomach, she made a final adjustment to her obi sash. During one of their outings a couple of weeks ago, she and Jurina had impulsively decided to purchase new summer kimonos to wear to the annual Tamagawa Fireworks Festival. The previous year, Yuko had attended the fireworks display with Mayu and Yuki, and by the end of it all, was feeling very much like a third wheel. She had sworn never again to subject herself to such torture.
     Yuko took a quick glance at her cell phone on the dresser and realised that she needed to leave soon if she was to punctually arrive at Futakotamagawa station. After checking her hair in the mirror one last time, she gathered her things and left the apartment, humming in high spirits.

     The song of the cicadas had recently decreased considerably in volume, indicating that summer would soon be coming to an end. Swinging her kinchaku drawstring bag with outstretched arms, Yuko carefully tiptoed through the sea of cicada shells. She tried her best not to step on too many of the discarded husks.
     For some reason or other, cicadas always reminded Yuko of her mother. Perhaps this was because she remembered that as a child, she often went cycling with her mother during the summertime. She recalled being extremely frightened the first time she saw a blanket of cicada shells covering the ground. Her mother had then explained that these were not actually the bugs themselves, but simply unwanted clothing shed by the insects. Shortly after, Yuko stopped being afraid of cicadas.
     I should contact mum one of these days. It’s been a while since I last met up with her.

     When Yuko arrived at the destination, it did not take her long to spot Jurina’s blue and lavender striped yukata amidst the crowd. She had originally taken a fancy to that design, but as soon as she had lifted the article of clothing off the store rack, Jurina had come bounding along squealing in delight, profusely thanking the older girl for having discovered the yukata of her dreams. In the end, Yuko wound up purchasing her second favourite piece – one that was patterned with brightly coloured splotches. She did not mind giving in to the other girl’s childish whims every once in a while. To her, Jurina was like the younger sister she never had.
     Jurina was engaged in chitchat with an elderly man who owned the candyfloss cart, and was so preoccupied that she did not notice Yuko had snuck up right beside her.
     “Boo!” cried Yuko, smacking Jurina’s arm.
     “Oh my goodness, you gave me a fright!” Jurina placed her hand on her chest, startled. “I was just asking this gentleman here if mixing blue and red crystals results in purple candyfloss. He said he’s never tried.”
     “It should. If you mix strawberries and blueberries in a blender, I think you’ll get a purplish smoothie. Just like this colour on your yukata,” said Yuko, pointing at Jurina’s sleeve. “You look really cute today, by the way.”
     “Why, thank you! Yuko’s cute too.”
     Yuko guffawed in order to disguise the contentment of being praised. “C’mon, let’s get out of this man’s way. We’re obstructing traffic.” Nodding apologetically to the candyfloss vendor, she gently nudged Jurina’s lower back.
     After ushering Jurina to a less crowded spot, Yuko spun around to face the younger girl. “I’ve been meaning to say, you cut your fringe!” She pointed excitedly at Jurina’s forehead.
     “Oh, oh! Yes! I wanted to tell you the story behind it. Guess what.”
     “Skymark issues a calendar annually and I was chosen to be a model for next year’s desk calendar!” Jurina declared, looking rather pleased with herself.
     “Wow!” Yuko exclaimed as she grabbed both of Jurina’s hands. She then started swinging them about. “That’s wonderful!”
     “I was really shocked because it seems like I was the only trainee selected. The other eleven girls are all seniors…” Jurina cast her eyes on the ground, and Yuko couldn’t help but notice a troubled look on the girl’s face.
     Giving Jurina’s arms a firm jolt, Yuko chided, “You really need to have more confidence in yourself! I think it’s great that you’re being given this much recognition despite having joined the organisation only a few months ago. You must be doing something right for them to take notice.”
     Breaking into a wide, Cheshire-cat grin, Jurina averted her eyes from Yuko’s sharp gaze. “You really have a way with words. Anyway, back to the bangs. I thought that this hairstyle would make me look fresher and maybe a little more feminine. What do you think?”
     “Juritan looks good with any hairstyle!”
     “Okay, you can stop the sweet-talking now.” Jurina feigned annoyance and pouted, even though she was secretly chuffed.
     “I like it, but I also like your previous bob cut with the longer fringe. Maybe you should try growing your hair out long next. That’ll be even more ladylike. Ah, now I feel like changing up my hairstyle, too!” Yuko whined, placing her hands on her head.
     “Let me know if you ever want someone to accompany you to the salon,” Jurina volunteered, directing her thumb at herself.
     Yuko nodded with a toothy smile and casually took hold of the taller girl’s hand. “Let’s go check out the stalls! Don’t let go otherwise you’ll get lost in the crowd. I’d prefer to not have to request a lost child announcement,” she teased.

     Jurina furrowed her eyebrows and grunted in exasperation. Yuko had suggested that they try their luck at goldfish scooping as it was apparently something she had not done since her middle school days. As of that moment, the younger girl was not buying this tale. For when the older girl received her first paper scooper from the stall vendor, she had instantaneously succeeded in scoring herself a fat, orange goldfish. (She had also jumped to her feet and broken into some sort of embarrassing victory dance.) Jurina was not convinced that such a specific talent, namely scooping goldfish, could come as second nature to a person.
     Throwing down her second torn scooper, Jurina wailed, “This is impossible! I don’t want to waste any more money on this!”
     “No, no! Just one more time! Here, I’ll pay for one more poi.” Yuko purchased another plastic scoop from the stall owner and placed it securely in Jurina’s right palm. This activity was making her feel young all over again and also very tickled at the same time. She had never seen anyone get this fired up over goldfish before.
     She’s so competitive it’s funny.
     Jurina’s face contorted into one of serious concentration. “I will get you!” she yelled at the pool of fish. “If Yuko can do it, so can I!”
     “That’s the spirit! There is great power in positive thinking. It’s like how I look in the mirror every day, and tell myself I appear as youthful as I did ten years ago,” said Yuko, flashing a peace sign with two fingers.
     “I’m trying to focus here!” Jurina complained, trying her hardest to keep a straight face. Taking a deep breath, she lowered the poi into the water and in one swift manoeuvre, captured a small, black goldfish. Just as the thin paper net was about to tear, she managed to promptly place the tiny creature in the metal bowl containing the fish Yuko had caught earlier on.
     “You did it!” congratulated Yuko, giving her companion a pat on the back. “I guess third time’s the charm.”

     Yuko appeared to be thoroughly pleased with their little achievement of the day, and was grinning from ear to ear. Dangling the plastic bag with the two fish in front of Jurina’s face, she suggested, “We should give them names.” Without giving it much thought, she continued, “I’ll call mine Lucy!”
     “Huh? These goldfish are foreigners?” Jurina squinted, perplexed.
     “Japanese names are boring! English names make them sound more exotic, don’t you think?”
     “Okay, hmm…” Jurina contemplated, rubbing her chin. “Mine will be called Caroline, then! Some girls at work said I resemble the manga character from ‘Paradise Kiss’ after getting my bangs trimmed.”
     “Lucy and Caroline – our goldfish from Amerrrica!” Yuko mimicked a weird, foreign-sounding accent and flung her arms outward expressively.
     “Don’t be so violent! You’ll break the bag!”
     Realising what she had done, Yuko remorsefully stroked the plastic bag and stared lovingly at their new pets. “I’m sorry! Juri-mama and Yuko-mama will go to the pet store tomorrow and buy you two a pretty fishbowl.”

     The sky was painted crimson and gold as the sun gradually descended towards the horizon. Both girls were still leisurely browsing the numerous festival stalls, completely engrossed and oblivious to time. Suddenly, they heard the rhythmic beating of taiko drums commence in the distance.
     “Oh no, we’d better get going or we’ll miss the fireworks display!” Yuko panicked. Flustered, she jokingly accused Jurina of having taken too much time deciding on what she had wanted to eat.
     “I haven’t been to such a large-scale matsuri before! I couldn’t make up my mind…” sulked the younger girl, pursing her lips together.
     “The usual viewing grounds are always packed. I don’t want to jostle with the crowds.” Yuko mulled over her options for a bit then snapped her fingers triumphantly. “Oh, I know a more secluded spot on the opposite bank of the Tama River! Let’s head there!”
     Exhilarated, she proceeded to briskly make her way without delay, and Jurina was forced to scurry along after her in order to keep up.

     By the time they reached the other side of the river, initial fireworks had already begun to sprout up into the clear night sky.
     “We made it!” Yuko rejoiced, panting mildly. She crouched down and rested her hands on her knees.
     Placing both hands on her hips, Jurina wheezed, “I don’t think wooden geta clogs were designed for jogging. My feet really hurt!” She peered around in search of a spot. “You were right. There are far fewer people over on this side. That looks like a good place to sit down,” she proposed, pointing at a dry patch of grass close to the river.

     Gradually, the frequency of explosions increased, and the girls sat motionless, entranced by the brilliant and dazzling illumination. Yuko was particularly thankful for the favourable weather and the cool night breeze that was starting to stir the muggy stillness of the summer air. She glanced to her left and quietly observed Jurina’s newly cut fringe wavering along with the wind. There was a melancholy aura emanating from her friend’s gaze, and Yuko had a lingering suspicion that Jurina was hiding something behind that sunny disposition.
     Maybe I’m just imagining things…
     Sensing someone’s eyes on her, Jurina turned her head to face the older girl. “Whatcha looking at?”
     “Nothing,” Yuko giggled. She quickly looked away, embarrassed at having been caught in the act.
     Jurina continued staring at Yuko, who was once again, absorbed in the breathtaking spectacle of light. Over time, she had developed immense respect for her newfound best friend, and often wondered how the petite girl managed to constantly maintain such cheer. Never once had she heard Yuko complain about work problems nor the loneliness she must have been enduring with her boyfriend being so very far away. It made Jurina feel immature and weak in comparison. Just as she was about to engage in more self-deprecation, Yuko let out a small, but audible sigh.
     “There are couples all around us. It makes me feel somewhat lonely,” Yuko admitted, as if having read Jurina’s thoughts.
     “How can you be lonely when I’m right here with you?” asked Jurina with a doleful expression. She entwined her fingers with Yuko’s posthaste and gave a gentle tug. “I’m your date tonight! At least you’re not watching fireworks alone.” Jurina looked up at and was greeted with a wholehearted smile, complete with deeply etched dimples.
     All of a sudden, the pitch-black expanse erupted into a flurry of rainbow shimmers. Upon seeing the flickering reflection of massive fireworks in Jurina’s eyes, Yuko cried in excitement, “It’s the finalé!”
     “How beautiful! It’s like the sky’s filled with huge blossoms,” said Jurina, her mouth agape in awestruck wonder. She slowly nestled her head on Yuko’s left shoulder.
     The two girls watched the rest of the show unaware that their hands remained clasped.

     Everything was over and most of the spectators around them had dispersed. Yuko rose to her feet and brushed off some blades of grass that clung to her attire.
     “Guess it’s time to head home. Oh boy, I can only imagine how packed the trains must be right now.”
     As she turned around to take a step forward, the older girl felt a firm tug on her left sleeve. Looking back down, she realised that Jurina was still rooted to the ground with an outstretched arm gripping on tightly to her clothing.
     “What’s wrong?”
     “I don’t wanna go home,” Jurina mumbled, her fingers toying with the grass.
     The younger girl remained close-lipped and reticent. Sensing that things were not quite right, Yuko plonked herself back down next to her friend. “I’m not a mind reader so just tell me what’s bothering you,” she pleaded, placing her hand on Jurina’s shoulder.
     After a long pause and one heavy sigh, the troubled girl finally gave in. “My housemates are ignoring me. Actually, it’s been a while now – ever since I was asked to model for that stupid calendar.”
     “That’s awful!”
     “When the announcement was made, the whole room went silent. It was awkward. Some seniors have been giving me weird looks as well. I even overheard a few of them saying, ‘Who does she think she is?’” Jurina seemed to be on the verge of tears and it was apparent that she was trying her best to preserve composure.
     Yuko was at a loss for words. She had never been subjected to such petty bullying before, and was thus unable to offer her companion appropriate words of comfort. Linking arms with Jurina, she got up and heaved forcefully. Dragging the confused girl alongside her, Yuko declared, “That’s it. You’re coming home with me tonight.”

     Jurina sat in the warm, lavender-infused bath Yuko had drawn for her, arms wrapped around her knees and lost in her thoughts. She deeply inhaled the calming scent and felt her nerves relax a little.
     Things can only go up from here. I need to be optimistic like Yuko.
     She clenched her fists underwater and gave a single, decided nod.

     Meanwhile, Yuko sat distractedly at her desk, drying her hair with a towel.
     Surely there must be something I can do…
     Just then, an idea struck her. She pulled open a drawer and fumbled around.
     Aha! Found it.
     Yuko began to unhitch a small, ceramic charm from the metal ring. She remembered picking out the trinket with Takamina and Kojiharu when the three of them had visited the hot spring town of Beppu a few years back. Seiji had liked the souvenir, but obviously not enough to bring it along to Canada. Yuko let out a mild humph, then looked guiltily at the framed picture of Seiji and herself that was sitting on her desk.
     I’m sorry, Seiji. Just trying to help a friend out here.
     She carefully returned the tiny ornament to the drawer.

     “I think I look funny in men’s pyjamas.”
     Yuko glanced over her shoulder and saw Jurina in the midst of rolling up sleeves that were too long for her. She had lent the girl Seiji’s old sleepwear.
     “If you were smaller, you’d be able to fit my clothes. Not my fault,” Yuko taunted, sticking out her tongue.
     With an exaggerated frown, Jurina retorted, “I’m not all that big! You’re the malnourished midget!”
     The long-haired girl cracked up into boisterous laughter and soon enough, the two girls were tied up in a childish battle of name-calling. When the novelty of the game had worn off, Yuko got up from her chair and reached for Jurina’s wrist. Onto the girl’s open palm, she placed two keys held together by a metal ring.
     “Here are the keys to my place. Feel free to come here whenever. The gold one’s for the main gate downstairs and the silver one’s for this apartment,” she stated matter-of-factly.
     Jurina was dumbstruck and stared motionlessly at the brass objects in her hand. Finally, she asked with uncertainty, “Are you sure about this?”
     “Yes. The situation at your dorm sounds horrible.”
     “I won’t be imposing?”
     “It’s no trouble. Seiji was living here for a bit. In fact, those keys are his. But since he isn’t even here right now, I don’t see any issues.” Yuko could tell that the younger girl was still hesitant. “Look, I have a huge double bed here and plenty of room to spare. I’d be more than happy to have some extra company, especially if you cook for me.”
     “You’ve got yourself a deal! I’d love to cook for someone other than myself. It’s one of the few things I’m actually good at,” Jurina expressed with pride. She retrieved her bag from a corner of the room, and securely pulled the drawstring after laying the keys inside.
     “I’m sure you’re good at a lot of other things. You just haven’t discovered them yet,” the older girl encouraged while sitting herself down on the bed.
     Looking Yuko straight in the eyes, Jurina flashed a heartfelt, grateful smile. “Thank you,” she shyly said.

     The bedroom was enveloped in darkness due to the drawn curtains. Jurina lay on her side with her back facing Yuko. She was having trouble getting accustomed to an unfamiliar bed and its foreign fragrance.
     “Are you asleep yet?” she pondered aloud.
     “Yes,” said a sleepy voice.
     Jurina chuckled. “My training will be over soon. Starting next month, we get to actually be on the flights for some hands-on experience. Then in November, the real work begins.”
     “Are you looking forward to it?”
     “Yes and no. On one hand, there’ll be the stress of having to face real travellers. On the other hand, I won’t have to spend as much time with my housemates and their gang.”
     “Let me know if they try to make life even more difficult for you. I’ll charge to your dorm and beat them up.”
     Jurina laughed. “I guess with Yuko around, there’s nothing to be afraid of.” She closed her eyes, grinning in content.
     Silence filled the room once again as the girls tried their best to sleep after a long day of excitement. Yuko realised that it had been over a year since she last had someone lying this close beside her. She had missed the sense of comfort brought about by warmth of a person within close proximity.
     “Jurina,” Yuko spoke to the ceiling. “It’s okay to cry, you know. There’s no need to act strong all the time.”
     There was a brief pause before she received a response.
     “Ever since the last time, I’ve decided not to cry anymore. I want to become a strong person like Yuko.”
     Yuko could hear conviction in the younger girl’s voice, but that did not lessen her concern. Rolling over onto her side, she laid a hand softly on her friend’s back. “You’re doing great. I think you’re strong enough as it is,” assured the older girl.
     “No, it’s not enough…” Jurina replied obstinately.
     Not knowing what else to say, Yuko tenderly hugged the girl from behind. They slowly drifted off into peaceful slumber.

Author's Note:

I was inspired to write about cicadas when I saw Yuko fearlessly pick one up right at the beginning of YouTube video. Please feel free to ask questions. I usually draw inspiration from something or other, and will be more than happy to share my sources.

Kindly pardon the strange English that appeared in the fireworks scene. That was me having fun using a whole lot of flowery language I don't usually get to use. (Was laughing quite hard at the sparkly rainbows bit.)
« Last Edit: November 12, 2013, 06:51:20 AM by kurumi »

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Re: Crossroads (JuriYuu) - Chapter 4 (2013.11.08)
« Reply #32 on: November 08, 2013, 08:53:29 PM »
Read it twice, loved it but... My head today is too dizzy from all the things I had to do... T^T I'll try to edit this as soon as I feel better, I promise!! *goes to read again just cuz she is happy to finally find the update*
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

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My KamiOshis: Yuuko-sama, Rena-sama  Oshimen: Yuihime Other favorites: Mirukii, Juri-tan, Ripopo

Offline rochilu

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Re: Crossroads (JuriYuu) - Chapter 4 (2013.11.08)
« Reply #33 on: November 08, 2013, 11:22:00 PM »
omg omg, those brats i wanna beat them up too >n< poor Juribb they almost make her cry :c
like always i'm happy that you could update.
Yuko is the best! i don't know how to say in english... "es un sol" literally is "she is a sun" hahaha but i don't know if in english is the same meaning... like she is a super kind person, warm, easy to talk and very reliable.
Sorry for my english TnT hope you understand! :nervous i will be waiting por the next update!!
see you ~

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Re: Crossroads (JuriYuu) - Chapter 4 (2013.11.08)
« Reply #34 on: November 10, 2013, 01:10:06 AM »
@sakura_drop_: Sounds like you're feeling under the weather once again. Please do take care! Health is extremely important. (I speak from experience.)
I would love to hear your feedback when you feel up to it. Since this is my very first attempt at fiction, I really wish to know what people like or dislike about my writing.

@rochilu: Gracias! (Hope I got that right…) I can understand your English perfectly, and also am happy to have learnt a Spanish phrase. I love languages. (∩_∩)
Yuko really is something, isn't she? Your comment reminded me of the song, "Boku no Taiyou".
I watched one of Jurina's interviews on YouTube, where she mentioned that the entire room went silent after it was announced she would be center for "Ogoe Diamond". I hope she wasn't bullied in real life…
« Last Edit: November 10, 2013, 03:25:42 PM by kurumi »

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Re: Crossroads (JuriYuu) - Chapter 4 (2013.11.08)
« Reply #35 on: November 11, 2013, 03:34:56 AM »
Great job!  That was a wonderfully smooth transition from the groundwork to the main body of the story.  Most people tend to spend too much attention on such things or jump into it with a "Hollywood" bang, and yet you did it in just a couple simple sentences.

Well written as always, and yet with such remarkable improvement!  Everything that we've previously discussed has been touched on and improved: character interaction, details, character insight, dialogue, chapter length, and even that magical "formula" that you discerned.

There's a great difference between this chapter and the others.  If asked to put it in words, I'd say that whether you realize it or not, you're growing more comfortable with your writing.  You've discovered a style that suits you well. 

Keep it up!  This is certainly developing into something worthy of being known as the groundbreaking JuriYuu piece.

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Re: Crossroads (JuriYuu) - Chapter 4 (2013.11.08)
« Reply #36 on: November 11, 2013, 04:40:01 AM »
@Hitobo: I was eagerly awaiting your feedback over the weekend. The level of anxiety was similar to what I felt back in August. Thank you for taking the time to perform such a thorough analysis of my writing. You have no idea how much your words mean to me!

I treasure every single piece of advice you've given me, and did my very best to keep it all in mind while writing out this chapter. I'm overjoyed to hear that you could detect a significant improvement. Will admit that this was by far my favourite piece. (Which, incidentally, also has been the most fun chapter to work on.)

Am looking forward to even more discussions and will try my hardest to see this story till the very end.

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Re: Crossroads (JuriYuu) - Chapter 4 (2013.11.08)
« Reply #37 on: November 12, 2013, 02:11:34 AM »
De nada! (your welcome) and yes, you got it right, i was speaking in spanish :3. i'm glad that you can undestand me well xD
haha, maybe in japan they said the same phrase? :B
omg, i just saw the video of the cicada i didn't know they were so so big!! D: i think i would die if it get near me x.x

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Re: Crossroads (JuriYuu) - Chapter 4 (2013.11.08)
« Reply #38 on: November 12, 2013, 11:58:33 AM »
Hey thanks for the update :D

I guess what makes your story charming is that it is something that people can actually relate to. It's very down-to-earth, especially the setting and the characterization.
As for the flowery language.... Hehe, I admit I have a thing for flowery language. 8D;;  And I really love that you infused all little things happening in real life 48 to the story and all of them are very inline. :D

Now to the story... Wow, Jurina's presence brought more cheerfulness to Yuuko. Yuuko helped Jurina to ease a bit of her pain but I feel that there's more to Jurina's pain in heart hmm.

Can't wait for the next update :3
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Re: Crossroads (JuriYuu) - Chapter 4 (2013.11.08)
« Reply #39 on: November 14, 2013, 03:57:31 AM »
I must apologize for the fourth... fifth... how many times I have been late replying to your updates. Sometimes my life truly wants to boot me away from commenting fictions sometimes. Gomenasai! :bow:

Okay, so, I think... I have another one of those random outbursts that if I don't get it out of my system, I'll-

:deco: :deco: :deco: OMG, SO CUTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE  :deco: :deco: :deco:

...Or that could work. :sweatdrop: I literally fangirled and felt excited when I saw an update to this fiction a few days ago. Yet here I am, just reading it today. Oh the times I have sometimes... :doh:

Now, GOD, you made this usual angsty writer feel so fluffy that my heart is about to burst into many many hearts! And you have officially transformed me into a JuriYuu shipper. Those two girls are adorable together the more and more I think about them! And it's all thanks to your fiction. :thumbsup JuriYuu~ :deco:

But it's time to get serious with my commenting. :nervous

Glad to see some JuriYuu scenes inputted into the plot! And yes, I could see that there are 'explosions' in the chapter! (I see what you did there whether it was intentional or not, LOL) But anyway, I see that Yuko and Jurina are going to the firework festival. Sounds fun to attend to! Only time I've actually seen those sort of festival is via the anime world, haha. :lol: Plus, just to talk a bit outside of the fiction world in regard to fireworks, fireworks done in Florida at least (unsure about other areas) allow individuals themselves to buy the equipment and launch their own rather than watch others blow them up. So I wonder if in Japan, they allow others to blow them up on their own? But then again, since they're near the cities, I know for a fact that it's somewhat illegal to even carry them around unless you're from a company that blows them up. :nervous

Interesting fact about the cicada! Never knew about having many of their outer layer shedding and almost looking like cicada themselves. When Yuko stated that it reminded her of her mother, I couldn't help but feel a little bit sad for her there. But it did bring some good memories of her mother telling her such fact about these insects. :)

And I couldn't help but crack up when Yuko surprised Jurina from behind. Following right after her reaction was the two girls talking about cutting her bangs. I was grinning like an idiot when I read this line from the chapter:

     Breaking into a wide, Cheshire-cat grin, Jurina averted her eyes from Yuko’s sharp gaze. “You really have a way with words. Anyway, back to the bangs. I thought that this hairstyle would make me look fresher and maybe a little more feminine. What do you think?”
     “Juritan looks good with any hairstyle!”
     “Okay, you can stop the sweet-talking now.” Jurina feigned annoyance and pouted, even though she was secretly chuffed.

And of course, this one too:

     Yuko nodded with a toothy smile and casually took hold of the taller girl’s hand. “Let’s go check out the stalls! Don’t let go otherwise you’ll get lost in the crowd. I’d prefer to not have to request a lost child announcement,” she teased.

They're so cute together, LOL. :wub: Makes me go 'dawwwwwwww' and have my heart go 'doki doki!' literally. My smile was plastered onto my face like glue the more I read and saw the interactions between the two girls. It's just cute. I wish I had more words to say other than adorable, cute and sweet, I don't have that much vocabulary in store for me to describe just to say a word related to 'cute.' XD You really do have a good sense of humor, haha! And when the two girls were catching the goldfish, I can actually imagine Jurina getting frustrated with the game. Doesn't help for a fact that Yuko right next to her had caught one easily. :rofl: Oh you Jurina. As the squirrel had said... "I guess third time's the charm." :rofl:

And I see that there are some cute JuriYuu moments seen there during their watching of the firework show. Could Jurina be feeling something a bit more towards Yuko...? Or is that just my delusional shipper's goggles put into action and making me hallucinate the two together? :nervous So while the finale was going on, poor Juju when she explained the negative part of her great news from becoming a model for the calender! Jealously surely is something that we can't all avoid... It does happen to us no matter what. Whether it's something simple as finding a penny on a street to winning the lottery, it occurs within our life in all sorts of form. :sweatdrop: At least Yuko is there to cheer her up and listen to her! I see that she even invited Jurina over to her place! :cathappy:

When the two girls were finally all cleaned up and went to bed together, I see that Yuko reminded her that it was okay to not be strong once in a while. To shed a few tears is sometimes needed. But alas... Jurina has made up her mind that she wanted to be strong just like Yuko. :nervous Probably because she's always seen Yuko flashing her smile and never complaining at least out in the public or before her presence. The shorter girl is right though. In life, we can't always be strong. Holding in our emotion sometimes is like... how does that one saying go... "Holding in your emotion is like drinking poison" or something like that. She has a point that we will have appropriate times to break down. Besides, a few tears every now and then is actually healthy. Not to mention emptying out those emotions that's been bottled up for probably a good while. Nice to feel like a brand new bottle; empty with whatever negative emotions that were trapped underneath our exterior surface. :sweatdrop:

Psst! You got Yuko, Juju! Remember that you got the squirrel to talk to and be by your side, girl! :thumbsup And... this might just be me but when Yuko hugged Jurina to sleep, my heart went 'KABOOM!' :wub: It's SO CUTE! :cathappy:

I'm so glad to see an update to this series! Not to mention that it's quite a long one too! :w00t: Something about your fiction really draws me in... And honestly, this is one of the extremely few fictions that I am forced to slow down despite how hyper/excited I am to reading it in order to read and take in the information. :cathappy: That might be one of the factors that draws me in. :lol: Looking forward to more of the updates, possibly future OS/drabble if you ever decide to and I'll do my very best on my side here to write a JuriYuu OS in the near future! Many thanks to posting this up! :deco:

"You'll come to treasure these scars."

HIATUS: The Virus | How Far Are You Prepared To Go? | Sanity | Hidden Truth | Disappearance (Season 2) *Tumblr-only* | Vengeance
ACTIVE: Majisuka Gakuen OS | OS | Idol Royale
REMAKE: Disappearance S1 | Wandering Ship | Hidden Truth
COLLABORATIONS: Phantom Pain w/Llyloo

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Zine Projects: Our Future Days (The Last of Us) [Pre-order TBA] | IDOLIZED! (Love Live!) [Pre-order - Digital] | Eizineken! (Eizouken Ni Wa) [Packaging] | Tales from the Animal Forest (Animal Crossing) [Pre-order TBA] | Amor Fati (Fate/Grand Order) [Creation Period]

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