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Author Topic: Cometerz48 OS Stash: Kyou made no Melody - Chapter 10  (Read 42264 times)

Offline Cometerz48

  • "Nothing is prettier than a smart mind and a warm smile, thus that is why I like Kamieda Emika. She has both."
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  • Everybody needs a dark horse.Kamieda Emika is mine
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Cometerz48 OS Stash: Kyou made no Melody - Chapter 6 (26-09_2014)
« Reply #40 on: September 26, 2014, 12:05:12 PM »
@kuro_808: we'll see about it~

@Ruka Kikuchi: *gets blown away by the explosion*

@atsukojiyuu: Sorry I've been abandoning this fic for such a long time! Yep, Fujie Reina was the killer that's been hiding herself within the group. Yuko and Sae will join force in this chapter, a bit of actions in this one but hopefully more on the next one.


I Know Yuko graduated ages ago and a lot of stuff happened to me lately. From collab fics to year 12 projects that I have to do or otherwise Imma have to stay in high school for another year (which I will not have that happening to me). BUT here it is~

sorry for the English mistakes and enjoy~ Comments, complains, virtual whacks, suggestions are most welcome~

Kyou made no Melody - Chapter 6

Oshima Yuko's POV

As soon as the sun goes down, the sound of gong played through the speaker, signaling the time has come. We waited for the door to open and once it’s open, we dashed through the trees of the forest. There were voices of bullets ringing in the air and some screams.

“I guess the bloody part has started.” I commented. “Are we going just straight?”

“Yep. Better be fast if we don’t want ourselves to be involved, we don’t have much ammos.” She answered.

And so we run straight ahead, avoiding trees and running straight through thick leaves. Until we finally stopped for a quick drink after miles of running, the sky was dark already and starting to get hard to see the surroundings.

“Yuko, do you have a thermal goggles in your pack?” asked Sae as she went through her pack. “If you have yours, we can use it instead of flash lights.”

“Good thinking.” I said. I pulled out mine and wore it straight away. “Let’s go.”

“Hang on a sec-“ Sae pushed me down till we both fell on the ground. I felt a sudden gust of wind passed above my head just in time before I can hear a loud explosion. “Is that a bazooka?!”

I looked around and saw movements about a few meters away in orange figures indicating their body temperature. I point my gun straight at it and hit one in the chest.

“There they are!!”

“Crap, we gotta go now!” hissed Sae before hoisting me up and started dragging me into a run. Bullets ran passed us, missing us by a few inches.

Running past the trees, I heard rustling noises from above. I looked up and saw vaguely a figure jumping from one tree to others expertly. I was thinking that they might be an enemy before I heard a loud call.


“ON IT!!”

Then I felt another gust of wind passing to my back and thrown forward by another loud explosion. Sae and I both crashed into trees due to the impact, face first.

“Wow..” grunted Sae. “That just reminds me of ground training 56B.”

“The mine field, rite?” I coughed up due to the smokes. I looked up to the trees and saw two figures standing on a big branch.

“I told you having Pippo around might be useful!” said the voice who sounded familiar.

“Fine, you win Churi!”

“Hey..” I waved at them. “Thanks for the save.”

“No problem.” Said one of them. “I’ve always want to fire a bazooka since everyone here looks like they deserves it.”

“How about us?” asked Sae.

“You guys seemed to be kind people, so we won’t do that to you.” answered the other one simply.

“Good..”my eyes widened when I saw a small red spot on one of the girl’s chest. I turned to it’s source and saw a figure instantly, my bullet reaches it’s target first before he pulls the trigger.


“Now we’re equal.” I grinned.

“Fair enough.” Nodded one of them. “I’m Takanayagi Akane, but you can call me Akane or Churi. This is my partner..”

“Furukawa Airi, call me Airin.” Introduced the other one.

"And this one is Pippo!" said Churi pointing at bird resting on her shoulder.

“Yuko, Oshima Yuko.” I introduced myself.

“Sae, Miyazawa Sae.” Nodded Sae. “Hey, I know this sounded crazy but…”

“What if we make an alliance?” finished off Airin. “Just the same as what we think.”

“You guys are able to move above the trees. How did you do it?”

“Practice. We used to grow up in a circus environment before setting out to be assassins.” Explained Churi.

“You guys are assassins?” 

“Assassins and bounty hunters.” Corrected Airin. “NAMBA’s offer interest us since the payment were large enough to get us a new car every month.”

“Or an exotic bird for each month!!” exclaimed Churi excitedly. “How about you guys?”

“We…” I looked at Sae. “We’re bounty hunters too and some times henchman.”

“Many mafia bosses hired us for special occasions.” Added Sae.

“I see…” nodded Churi. “Then shall we?” she offered her hand for a shake.

“We shall.” Accepted Sae as she shook Churi’s hand.

"Let's go." I urged them to head towards the destination before all of us start running.


Third Person's POV

Far away from where those two are..

A black Volvo pulls into an iron gate by the road. The sign hung on it says that entrance on the private property will be punished by law. Making sure nobody’s around the lonely road, Kana got out of the car with a handful of keys to open the lock.

As Kana undoing the bolts, Ayaka tapped on the wheels anxiously. She’s been trying to call Micha but the girl didn’t pick up her phone at all, she tried calling Miorin too but it was just as the same. In the end, she finally called on Wasamin to check on the two.

“What’s up?” asked Kana as she sat back on her seat.

“Micha. I think she’s mad at me or something.” Answered Ayaka as she drove the Volvo inside the property.

“Did you make her angry before you left?” asked Kana raising her brows.

“She asked me to go to a musical with her. I told her I can’t since I got this mission.” Explained Ayaka. “But I’ve declined her offers before this one and she was fine with it!”

Kana shrugged, “Maybe she’s having a bad day or something. Shall we?”

The two of them got off the car with bags of equipment and headed to a two storey stone house. Kana unlock the door and was quickly welcomed with rays of blue lights.

“Please identify yourself.”

“Agent K0275, Kobayashi Kana.” Replied Kana quickly.

“Agent B0236, Umeda Ayaka.” Spoke Ayaka.

The machine hummed in process before finally confirming them, “Identified. Agent K0275, Agent B0236, welcome.”

The two of them got into the safe house and into the living room. There were comfortable couches and TV with international channels as well as a fireplace and a full set kitchen. The two bed rooms and bathroom were clean as the house cleaned by itself.

“How long has it been since we went to safe houses for the first time, eh?” asked Kana as she settled on one of the couches.

“Operation: Blue Rose, Fukuoka.” Replied Ayaka. “It was meant to be for Sae, Sayaka, Yuka and Meetan’s mission. But somehow we all joined in the operation.”

“Sou, nee…” nodded Kana. “I missed the old days.”

“Un.” Nodded Ayaka as she settled on the couch too. “Can’t believe it’s only the four of us left, now. And soon Yuko’s going too.”

“At least she’ll be alive when she’s gone.” Sighed Kana. “Hey, do you ever wonder whether you’ll die before you can actually retire like Yuko?”

“Always.” Said Ayaka. “Everyone experienced their dangerous situations so far. Wondering how much time do they have left to live.”

“Let’s hope we’ll survive this one. “ Said Kana. “Well at least for Yuko.”

Ayaka smiled and grab a can of coffee from the fridge before spreading out a map on the table.

“NAMBA’s HQ is predicted to be somewhere around here.” Pointed Ayaka to a place on the map. Kana joined in and cross the pointed place with a marker. “And the areas around it are the predicted underground tunnels of their base.”

“So if our position is here…” pointed Kana to the coordinate of the house. “We might have a chance to find the entrance around this property.”

“We have to be very careful though.” Said Ayaka. “If NAMBA are smart, they could have explored the whole tunnel and get each of the door an alarm.”

“Leave that to me.” Winked Kana pulling out some devices. “Team K made some good equipments for this occasions.”

Ayaka grinned, “We’ll start searching in an hour. Let’s contact the HQ first though.” She pulled a certain leather book of the book selves. As the gear hummed lowly, a trap door opened up leading bellow.

“Man, I love safe houses.” Grinned Kana getting down following Ayaka. At the bottom of the staircase was a complete set of computer monitoring room. CCTV of the property in one screen, some statistic data of the current finance of the country, even a news channel on the other monitor.

“This is why people pay taxes.” Simplified Ayaka and get her fingers dancing on the keyboard.



Sayanee walked freely into the room and sat on her desk, facing the night sky outside the window behind her desk. She poured herself a drink from the mini bar under her desk and toast casually to herself in the air.

“You’re such a lone wolf, toasting drink by yourself.”

Sayanee turned her chair upon the voice and her lips curled into a welcoming smile upon the figure at the door, “You’re back, Nana.  How’s Hong Kong?”

“Hectic, as hectic as Tokyo in the rush hours.” Sighed the girl. “But I managed to get a good deal with the suppliers we got there.” She added before sitting on the couch lazily.

“That’s good.” Nodded Sayanee before offering the girl a glass of the same liquid and joined her on the couches. “What about the ones that spoiled our treaty?”

“I shot the guy myself on that one, messy job.” Said Nana plainly. “Where’s Maachun?”

“She’s coordinating the recruitment.” Said Sayanee. “She’ll be having fun tomorrow at dawn. Wanna join her?”

“Ah, live target shooting?” asked Nana sipping her drink. “That’s definitely Maachun’s fun. I shall not spoil any of it.”

“Have you heard?”asked Sayanee.

“What Sashihara locked up in the basement?” asked Nana. She laughed when she saw the younger boss nodded, “Of course I have. I can’t wait to start hunting the agents that killed many of our friends.”

“But she refused to tell me more though.”

“Why is that?”

“She wants me to take in a girl to NAMBA. She said that this one also have a revenge on the killer of my dad and involved in many operations that killed our friends.” Explained Sayanee.

“Without going through recruitment?” asked Nana. “She better have something good to offer.”

“Milky sent me her file.” Said Sayanee handing the brown file document to Nana. “So far I approved this.”

“Well.. well.. well..  She does seemed to be a capable member.” Said Nana reading off the documents. “Why are you showing me this?”

“I want her to be under your command.” confessed Sayanee. “You’re the best when it comes to seeing people’s lie, Nana. She might be capable, but I want to see how much does this person wishes to get her revenge on the killer. I don’t want her to betray us like Yokoyama did. I also would like you to meet Sashihara too.”

“Well thank you~” smiled Nana. “Thrilled.”

“You’re such a great friend, baba.” Said Sayanee with a cheeky grin.

“I AM NOT THAT OLD!!” yelled Nana annoyed. Sayanee laughed out loud on that, teasing her best baba ever after having Milky.

“Milky will be back soon, by the way.” Said Sayanee after her good laughing session.

“Oh she’s taking a break from that place?”

“No. I pulled her back along with Miorin.” Said Sayanee.

“WHATT??!” exclaimed Nana. “Did they get found out?”

“Not yet as far as I know.” Said Sayanee. “I pulled them back because they’ve got the girl that I have told you about, more like kidnapping her actually. But if they came back after that, it will rise up suspicions. It’s either I pull them back or risking them getting their cover blown up by the government.”

“I guess you are right..” nodded Nana in understatement. “Is there another reason?”

“Well.. Other than I’m missing my girlfriend back in my arms, she said Yokoyama is improving.”

“Ah, sou nee… Milky was there when you’re torturing her. Yokoyama can blew up her cover if she’s awake.” Said Nana again.

Sayanee nodded,  “Fuuko said that she’ll be alright on her own and I trust her words. Yokoyama doesn't know that she's on our side.”

Nana nodded as she watched the younger one sipped another gulp of her drink. She has watched how the young girl growing up from her father’s death to the time she became the leader of NAMBA.

She remembered how she met her for the first time, weeping after her father’s funeral. Nana’s father was a friend of Yamamoto Osamu and also his best made, thus it made the older girl became friends with Sayanee. The accident that killed her father then put her up in the same situation as Sayanee, orphaned by the cruel world. But then the two got close to each other along with Milky too, getting on with their families business and keeping NAMBA stand until now.

Sayanee in her eyes was a capable, smart and a very strong woman, although she preferred having women as her under, she still capable of handling men and gets along well with male under too. Her fighting techniques from bare handed to archery to shooting are amazing as how she handling NAMBA’s plans and made the company grew rapidly.

“You are our leader, Sayanee. And we trust you.” thought Nana silently as she smiled at the back of Yamamoto Sayaka.

To be Continued

Offline kuro808

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Re: Cometerz48 OS Stash: Kyou made no Melody - Chapter 6 (26-09_2014)
« Reply #41 on: September 26, 2014, 09:45:47 PM »
welcome back :lol:

well Yuko and Sae on their way as Umeda and Kana are on the prowl :nervous
Random Thought:


R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline luvsidney

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Re: Cometerz48 OS Stash: Kyou made no Melody - Chapter 6 (26-09_2014)
« Reply #42 on: September 27, 2014, 02:52:46 AM »
So happy you restart the story again~!!! ^^ I really wonder how umeda get into the NMB and sae goes to SKE and how yuko dead....

Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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Re: Cometerz48 OS Stash: Kyou made no Melody - Chapter 6 (26-09_2014)
« Reply #43 on: October 02, 2014, 02:24:07 AM »

NMB and SKE, yabai! :shocked:

Update soon~ :bow:

:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
:heart: l Collab threads: Sky&Ruka l Ruka&Michael l :heart:
 l Compilation thread: 48G New Gen l :heart:


Offline kahem

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Re: Cometerz48 OS Stash: Kyou made no Melody - Chapter 6 (26-09_2014)
« Reply #44 on: October 03, 2014, 01:42:31 AM »
When I read this fic I'm feeling sad T_T

Offline Cometerz48

  • "Nothing is prettier than a smart mind and a warm smile, thus that is why I like Kamieda Emika. She has both."
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Cometerz48 OS Stash: Kyou made no Melody - Chapter 7 (22-12-2014)
« Reply #45 on: December 22, 2014, 06:00:27 PM »
@kuro_808: Thank you Nii. I'm back (again)!!!

@luvsidney: Well not exactly re-starting but more like continuing what I left behind so far. I realized I'm such a lazy writer with many ideas being too dammed well. Oh, you'll be surprised on the plot I have made~

@Ruka Kikuchi: Yabai indeed...

@Kahem: Sorry if I made you sad. But remember, this is merely a fiction, not a real thing~

I don't know how many times I have to apologize, but let me do it again for abandoning this thing. Truthfully, I had doubts on where should this story be going since I've been abandoning it for so long that I almost forgot how should it goes... But then I remembered my old notes I usually made during boring lessons at school on the story plannings. I usually make this thing for ideas I had and I recorded it into the notes so I could write about it once I get home. I looked for the notes I written for this story and found it under piles of schoolwork XD

Never the mind, here's the next chapter. Sorry for the English mistakes I make here~ Enjoy!

Kyou made no Melody - Chapter 7

Oshima Yuko’s POV

The bullets rang above my head as Sae and I ran past an old abandoned post. We both ducked and took cover behind a fallen log on the ground. I can see vaguely from bellow Churi’s light body swinging from tree to tree before shooting bullets from her gun towards the post’s opened window.

“Ready for another round?” smirked Sae filling up her gun with a new set.

“Yep.” I nodded before the two of us went out from the hiding place and stormed the post. The two of us rained bullets towards the post, shooting all in sight like no stopping.

“Clear enough!”I yelled once I’ve seen all the enemies has at least been shot. “Go, Airin!”

We all ran towards the log again where Airin’s getting ready. Once she pulled out the pin, Churi, Sae, and I ducked while the other girl threw the object towards the post. The boom was loud enough to popped my ears with the distance, but the impact did not do any harm to any of us.

“Now that’s a knock out!” cheered Sae once she saw the post burning down.

“How much time we have left?” asked Airi.

“Three hours but our distance should be around an hour walk.” I answered looking at the GPS.

“Guys,” we heard Churi calling us from above the trees. “I saw an open field about two hundred meters from here, there’s a water stream too.”

“Any enemies?” asked Sae.

“I think I can see a party about ten miles behind us.” Said Churi. “But the field seems to be clear.”

“Let’s go then,” I said. “Churi, back us up from above.”

“Roger.” She grinned before dashing behind us up above the trees.

We reached the edge of the forest and saw the field like what Churi said before. The green grasses and wild flowers and bushes grew beautifully on the field, tempting for anyone to have a lie down.

“Wait.” Said Sae grabbing Airin’s wrist just as she stepped into the field. She looked at me with probably the same thoughts I had.

“Why not?” I pulled out a similar object that Airin held a while ago. I released the pin and threw it far away into the field. The object blew up and followed by more booms. After about a minute filled with series of booms, it finally stopped and left us with darkened grounds and smokes.

“A mine field.” Said Sae answering Airin’s questioned look.”Never trust a harmless grass field.”

“At lest we should be able to catch a bit of break now.” Said Churi hopping down the tree behind. “The party behind us just clashed with another one.”

“That should give us some time.” Whistled Sae before heading straight to the water stream. “So good~” she cooed upon the cold water on her face.

“Five minute rest then we start moving.” Nodded Airin as she sat down beside me. “You seemed to be a very well observant, Oshima-san.”

“Call me Yuko.” I sipped my drink bottle. “I know a mind field when I see one. The middle east has lots.”

“You’ve been there before?” asked Churi wiping off her brow with a handkerchief.

“We went for a treasure hunting there once before realizing bounty hunting is better.” Said Sae sitting next to Churi. “Anyhow, the only way to get money these days aren’t easy anymore.”

Airni nodded, “Namba’s payments are high, we seek for it.”

“So are we.”

“Then let’s get up there before anyone reached it.” I pointed up at a building from a hill a few miles away. “Let’s get moving.”


No One’s POV

Sayanee watched the monitors infront of her intently as she sipped into her drink, a light liquor with pomegranate extract, ice and a mint leaf on the top. Her eyes never once left the series of screen until someone took a seat next to her.

“Aww..They got through the minefield..” pouted a girl with crazily cropped hair and red streaks. “They figured out my babies..”

“Just come with us, Momoka.” Said another girl appearing from the door. “You can bring your explosives and I might not need to get my Gatling guns out.”

“Nah, I’m okay Maachun.” Said the girl.”I’m not going to spoil your source of entertainment.”

“What are you going to do for fun then?” asked the one called Maachun finally sat on the sofa next to the big one where Sayanee sat.

“Oh, Sayanee asked me to make something special~” grinned the one called Momoka. “Might just create the right boom, eh Sayanee?”

Sayanee smiled and took another sip. “Milky is coming back in a few hours and brought a company or two with her and lemon. I want you take care of the other guest.”

“Wouldn’t Kei do the job better?” asked Maachun. “Last time Momoka did that…”

“She made the prisoner choked on the dolls stuffing.” Finished Sayanee. “Yes I remember that, but please don’t do it again Momoka this time.”

“I won’t.” grinned Momoka.

The door suddenly burst open and revealed three figures coming in from the big wooden door. Sayanee smiled upon the face of Milky and Nana walking next to each other, while her eyes watched intently at another new figure walking behind the two.

“Sayanee~” hugged Milky straight away to the leader. “I missed you.”

“So am I.” said Sayanee before she gave a peck to her lover’s cheek. “Welcome back.”

Milky blushed and smiled before stood up again. “Sayanee, this is Fujie Reina. Reina, Yamamoto Sayaka.”

“Nice to meet you finally.” Nodded Sayanee to the nervous girl. “I’ve read about you, miss Fujie.”

“Where is Sasshihara?” blurted out Reina.  “I want to see her now.”

“My, my, my… impatient one..” chuckled Sayanee. “Don’t worry, we’ll be meeting her soon. Have you met Nana here?” she pointed out at Nana.
Reina nodded, “She said I’ll be in her care from now on.”

“Yes she will be along with Momoka, here.” She gestured Momoka to come over.

“Kinoshita Momoka, Bomb Expert.” Grinned Momoka to Reina. Then she glanced at Sayanee and Milky, “Where’s the other one?”

“Oh, Lemon is taking care of her.” Said Milky. “Might as well help her too, Momoka.”

“Wait!” said Reina. “What are you planning with Micha? She’s not involve in this, she should be let go.” she asked Milky.

“My.. How should I explain this..” smiled Milky devilly. “The night I came to you with Lemon, didn’t she knew it was me and Lemon in fact?”

Reina’s eyes widened realizing Milky’s meanings, “You can’t do that! She’s innocent!!”

“Oh, I won’t be doing it.. Yet.” Smirked Milky before heading to the door with Momoka and Maachun by her sides. Reina stepped to stop them but she felt a hand by her shoulder.

“Come and sit with me. We’ll arrange how we should do this with Sasshihara.” Said Sayanee motioning the girl to sit on the sofa.

Reina obeyed and sat on the opposite of Sayanee while Nana took a seat as well in the middle of the two.

“Let’s get to it straight.” Said Sayanee. “We both have our personal reasons to talk to Sasshihara, but she claimed that it was the same person that caused our reasons. How should we deal with it?”

Reina bit her lips, “I want to be there when we captured whoever it is, I want to pull the trigger.”

Sayanee smiled, “Well, let me tell you something. I also want to have the honor to do so.”

“How about both of you held a gun each and do the honor on both side?” asked Nana. “Oh come on! As simple as it is!”

“Don’t you have another methods you’re capable doing?” asked Reina. “You have everything.”

“Oh I do in fact.” Said Sayanee. “I could ask Momoka to make me the exact bomb that was used to take away my friend’s life ages ago. But no… I want them to suffer first.”

Reina kept her composure steady despite feeling such hatred coming from the NAMBA leader. Thankfully, someone came in just in time.

“Sayanee.” Called Akari. “We got a group of four in a mile radius, it’s the new recruits.”

“I should get going and welcomed them then.” Said Sayanee getting up from her sofa. “Well, miss Fujie, take yourself a rest for now. Nana would show you the way to your new room.”

“Wait!” called Reina at Sayanee when she’s about to leave. “What are you planning to do with my friend?”

Sayanee smiled, “It’s Milky’s choice to do with it, I’m just facilitating.” She pronounced before shutting the door behind her.

“Is that the one Milky was talking about?” asked Akari walking by Sayanee’s side. “She seemed to be sly.”

“Sly as fox indeed.” Said Sayanee. “But I sensed up something interesting coming with her around.”

“Here’s a bit of infos on the coming four.” Said Akari handed a tablet to Sayanee. “Takayanagi Akane, Furukawa Airi, Oshima Yuko, and Miyazawa Sae.”

“They seemed to be rather interesting.” Whistled Sayanee looking at their pictures. “I would be thrilled to meet them. Make sure Jo is asleep and Airi’s with me in two minutes.”

“Keichi is taking care of Jo for now, saw them sleeping at Jo’s room. Airi’s already at the front door with Rena and Ayaba.” Answered Akari.

“Good.” Said Sayanee before coming out from the mansion and headed to the opened gates. She smiled upon the face of Airi and the others waiting for her.

“I hope they’ll be here soon.” Said Sayanee upon arriving at the gate.

“Should be any minute by now.” Said Ayaba.

“There they are.” Pointed Rena at the incoming figures in the darkness.

Sayanee squinted her eyes to get a better picture of the four arriving people. She stood up strongly as the four figures coming closer.

“Well, not so much of a welcoming committees if you can excuse me.” Began Sayanee once they stood infront of the gate. “But congratulation for making it.”

“Can I go to the toilet?” asked one of them with a gatling gun on her back. “I could use a minute or two there…”

“Airi!” hissed one of them.

Sayanee smiled, “Ayaba, show her the way then bring her to reception room.”

“Come now.” Said Ayaba quickly followed by the one called Airi into the mansion.

“I take it that was Furukawa, am I correct?” asked Sayanee. “You must be Takayanagi, Oshima, and Miyazawa.”

“Correct.” Said a short one. “You sounded intimidating back then, Yamamoto-san.”

“If you can excuse me, I have zero tolerance for cowards.” Said Sayanee simply. “Come on in, but please before you do so, leave your weapons to Airi and Rena here. They will take care of it for you.”

“Ah, you’re the one from the station!” said Sae at Airi. “You work here? “

“Yes I do, miss Miyazawa.” Said Airi excepting Sae’s weapons and bullets. “Sayanee will fill you in at the reception hall.”

After they submit their weapons, the followed Sayanee and Akari into the mansion. The three of them can’t help but to look around in awe at the ornaments and expensive collections on display.

“It’s like walking through a museum..” blurted out Churi.

“Many visitors said that.” Shrugged Sayanee. “I just simply collect what is nice for the mansion, that’s all.”

They finally came into a room with a big dining table from one side of the room to the other. Plates of food, drinks, snacks, all arranged in a banquet manner.

“Serves yourself, ladies.” Said Sayanee before taking a seat at the top chair where the head of the family sit. She watched her guests taking the foods and enjoying them in bliss as she sipped a small doze of brandy.

Once the guest finished off their last spoons of dessert, Sayanee leaned in and watch her guest’s satisfied faces.

“Thank you for the meal.” Nodded Yuko and followed by the others.

“My pleasure.” Smiled Sayanee. “Now let’s get down to business, shall we..” she clicked her fingers and get the servants to cleaned up the table before Akari came in with a tray of paper and placed a set of papers on each guests along with a pen.

“You might as well noticed that I mostly recruits woman for this matter.” began Sayanee. “I am seeking for professionals in their abilities and their working attitude as well. So what I have here are some you could say ‘rules’ that I would respect all of you to comply while you work here.”

“You are to obey everything commanded, not to leave your post, and never quit for stupid reasons.” Continued Sayanee. “You are to also required to act professional in tasks, no tolerance will be given to those who disobey.”

“You see, ladies..” she smiled at the four. “There is no going back once you stepped inside those gates at the front, but don’t worry… You are kindly well deserved here if you can get through it and I shall reward it.”

“A million yen just been to each of your bank account.” Said Akari showing her tablet. “First payment of your task.”

“Sweet!!” whistled Churi looking at the text from the bank.

“I could get used to this.” Nodded Sae.

“You see again, ladies…” said Sayanee gesturing for the servant to pour each of her guests a glass of wine. “You are rewarded here, and the world soon do the same to us.”

“I may ask you to rise from your seats, ladies. Once you signed at the back.” Said Sayanee standing up with a glass of her own. “We shall toast for our agreement.” The four stood up with their own glass and raised it to the air.

“To NAMBA!”  said Sayanee clearly and sipped the liquid.


At Another Place..

It was dark and damp, the air felt cold but musky at the same time. Umechan knew nobody probably has never went through here for years or maybe decades, never been touched by humans or technology.

“You sure there aren’t cameras around?” whispered Umechan through her transmitter.

“I secretly hacked into the system and found none which should be safe enough for you to explore.” Said Kana through the transmitter back in the safe house.

“Have you ejected out of the system yet? You should before they discover it.” Said Umechan walking on the cold corridor.

“I don’t leave traces, remember?’ said Kana. “Sayaka taught me not to do so when hacking.”

Umechan went silent for a moment before saying, “I’m sorry.”


“Not telling you for investigating and kept the bullet as secret.” Said Umechan. “I should’ve let you in too..”

“Sae already said that.” Said Kana. “I forgave you both for it. But promise me we’ll look for the killer once this mission is over.”

“You got yourself a deal.” said Umechan before eying a certain creature on the moist wall. A cicada tilting it’s head from side to side. Umechan inspect it’s eyes for a moment, gray like the color of metals.


She widened upon realizing but by the time she did, an alarm rang from the creature. Umechan shot a bullet straight to it’s head, splitting the metal head into pieces before dashing back to the entrance.

“Umechan, get out of there now!” said Kana through the transmitter. “You got a group of five at the back.”

“Copy that.” Umechan panted and pulled out a grenade from her vest. She pulled the pin out and threw it to her back before dashing off faster.

The impact was big behind her as she watched the tunnel start to crumble. She can see the exit getting closer now and she jumped out just in time before the exit blasted her out.

She hit he damp ground on her side and winced upon the hit on her shoulder. But when she looked up on the breaking dawn horizon, she smiled in relieve..

“Yokatta…” she breathed out.

“Yokatta, we don’t have to pull out your body from that place.” Said a voice behind her. She turned and saw the guns pointed down at her.

Umechan gritted upon the sight but she knew she can’t fight them all with those guns pointing at her. She hoped the transmitter is on, hoping Kana will hear it and send a back up..

“You know the usual, I bet. Hands up and turn around.” Instructed the girl she looked very young and surprisingly very much a teenager.

“Bet NAMBA has got their hands full to take care of Sasshihara.” Said Umechan before she felt a strong kick on her back, forcing her to kneel on the ground.”

“Oh, she’s actually quite behave in our custody.” Said the girl still pointing her gun at Umechan as the other tie her hands on the back. “I’m more concerned about you, Baba.”

“Who are you calling Baba, you brat?” gritted Umechan angrily before receiving a whack across her face by the gun’s handle.

“You are.”

Umechan was in daze, the hit left her a throbbing pain across her face but her nose doesn’t seem to be broken. She looked up upon the group before another force struck her on the head, blacking her out.


In a far away place.

“What have you got for me, Yuki?” asked Takamina putting down her papers upon Yuki’s arrival.

“I found these on Umechan’s desk.” Said Yuki giving a thick folder to Takamina. “I think you should know.”

“A copy of file 23082014.” Said Takamina upon opening the first page. “It’s the same file that was stolen.

“It’s a copy. She was the one in charge of the autopsy so it’s not a surprise that she has a copy of it.”

“Then why are you bringing this up?” asked Takamina with a raised eyebrow.

“Check on the last page.” She urged.

Takamina opened up to the last page and saw an unfamiliar picture fell down with scribbles written all over it. “I don’ remember seeing this thing when I signed the file.”

“You don’t because, she added it in.” said a new figure coming in with a paper in her hand. “I asked Mayu-san for a bit of help on translating some numbers written on another page added in the file.” She showed the paper.

“What is this?” asked Takamina reading the paper given. “A physics calculations?”

“If you remember physics class in high school, you should know it Takamina-san.” Said the girl. “They have angles and speeds written. Also gravity, mass, and the wind speed. It's basic calculation for an object's speed and forces."

“We think Umechan secretly reopened the case.” Said Yuki. “She counted the possibilities of the assassination of Sayaka.”

“Why would she do so, Yukirin, Paru?” asked Takamina.

“We found something that might answer to the question.” Said Yuki pulling out a small glass container from her pocket. “This was attached to the folder.”

“A sniping bullet?” asked Takamina. “But it was written that Sayaka died of a normal bullet!”

“I think she found out about it recently and realized her mistake on the report.” Said Paru. “I found a report of her taking absence for two days weeks ago.”

“She went to the field where Sayaka died.” Simplified Takamina.

Yuki nodded, “We found something else rather surprising, continuing the case.”

“Go on..”

“We asked Rie to look for the type of bullets and found out it was not available anymore in the markets across Japan. It was a company made only for one customer-“

“Masaka, it’s-“ Takamina widened her eyes.

Paru nodded, “The bullet was made only for the Japanese Army. The killer is an insider.”

Takamina's widened, her face curled up into anger before she stood up from her place. Before she opened her mouth, the door burst open and revealed Matsui Sakiko and Suzuki Mariya.

"What is it?" asked Takamina.

"An SOS from Kana, Takamina-san." said Mariya. "Level Three danger."

"Get Mayu notified now." commanded Takamina. "Sakiko, I want files of our snipers identity on my desk in an hour. All of them including the ones that has been dismissed or died!"

Sakiko nodded and left with Mariya, leaving the three in Takamina's room.

"You two, thanks for the informations." said Takamina to Yuki and Paru. "I'll notified you once I found out about everything."

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Re: Cometerz48 OS Stash: Kyou made no Melody - Chapter 7 (22-12-2014)
« Reply #46 on: December 22, 2014, 06:13:35 PM »
This is an interesting development on all parts.  The whole plot behind Sayaka's murder will be placed together like a puzzle. :)

Can't wait for the next one XD

Assuming another couple of months XD
Random Thought:


R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

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Re: Cometerz48 OS Stash: Kyou made no Melody - Chapter 7 (22-12-2014)
« Reply #47 on: December 22, 2014, 06:31:12 PM »
Sugoi, FuruYanagi & SaeYuu....

“Assassins and bounty hunters.” Corrected Airin. “NAMBA’s offer interest us since the payment were large enough to get us a new car every month.”

“Or an exotic bird for each month!!” exclaimed Churi excitedly. “How about you guys?”

Cars and Birds......

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Re: Cometerz48 OS Stash: Kyou made no Melody - Chapter 7 (22-12-2014)
« Reply #48 on: December 23, 2014, 04:01:59 AM »
NMB's such a badass, given that Sayanee is their boss. . . .

Lame Story ahead!

A Certain Love Story of a Cyborg Girl | Same Ground(Hiatus) | The Last Stand (On-Going)

Offline luvsidney

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Re: Cometerz48 OS Stash: Kyou made no Melody - Chapter 7 (22-12-2014)
« Reply #49 on: December 23, 2014, 08:49:29 AM »
thank you for update

it's throughout the investigation of sayaka's death, and bring out how yuko died in the end. sad. /.\

Offline mikiseki

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Re: Cometerz48 OS Stash: Kyou made no Melody - Chapter 7 (22-12-2014)
« Reply #50 on: December 26, 2014, 11:34:38 AM »
omg this getting more and more interesting. pls keep writing this story!! thank you~~

Offline Cometerz48

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Re: Cometerz48 OS Stash: Kyou made no Melody - Chapter 8 (02-01-2015)
« Reply #51 on: January 01, 2015, 06:35:01 PM »
This is an interesting development on all parts.  The whole plot behind Sayaka's murder will be placed together like a puzzle. :)

Can't wait for the next one XD

Assuming another couple of months XD

@kuro_808: Thanks and please hope that it won't be taking any longer to finish, neee -___-

Cars and Birds......

@MaYukiIsLife: XD

NMB's such a badass, given that Sayanee is their boss. . . .

@Rinca: *using Sayanee's voice* Welcome to NAMBA...

thank you for update

it's throughout the investigation of sayaka's death, and bring out how yuko died in the end. sad. /.\

@luvsidney: probably will do so on the next chapter~

omg this getting more and more interesting. pls keep writing this story!! thank you~~

@mikiseki: coming soon~

Kyou made no Melody - Chapter 8

No one’s POV

“What do we have here..?” said Mayu as she sat down on her chair in the meeting room. With her, there were Takamina, Yuki, Jurina, Paru, Rie, and some Team A’s strategist. All looking intense.

Mariya stood up, “We received an SOS signal from Kana just an hour ago. Level Three emergency.”

“In forms of?” asked Mayu as she looked at a map of the area.

“Telegram.” Said Mariya.

Jurina scrunched her eyebrows, “Strange. The last time people would use telegram was probably a hundred years ago. Is it still around until now?”

“What’s the full message?” asked Paru.

Mariya slid her finger on her tablet and brought up the message on the projector board.  It says, “SOS LVL 3. BCK UP ASAP”

“If she’s requesting for a back up, there must’ve been an encounter with the enemy.” Said Yuki. “And she’s using a telegram so…”

“One of them must’ve been taken to custody.” Said Takamina. “They would know if whoever sneaked in to the underground tunnel would not come alone. They’re looking for Kana probably now.”

“Does that mean Umechan’s captured?”asked Jurina.

“Most likely..” said Mayu. “Then, Kana would shuts off all the internet connections to prevent the enemies to find the safe house through online conections. I think that’s why she’s using telegram, it’s the safest way.”

“What do we do then?” asked Rie. “Should we tell this to the higher up?”

“They won’t bother with this situation.” Gritted Takamina. “Whatever happens in this room, stays here till it will be discussed again, understand?”

“It’s 03.00 am. Get me through Yuko, now.” Said Mayu suddenly.

“Don’t you think that’s too risky?” asked Karen. “What if the enemies bugged the phone?”

“Oh, Yuko and I have our ways of communicating on the phone. All of you, silence.” She said as the monitor suddenly gets in line with Yuko.

She picked up the phone and Mayu immediately greeted, “Shiriko~”

“Ah, Shiriri!!~” said Yuko’s voice over the phone. “What’s up?”

“I found my Kitsune doll missing today, but my Bakabon doll still where it was before.” Said Mayu sadly. “Did you moved it?”

“No of course not!” the voice of Yuko retorting. “Are you sure it’s not around where it’s supposed to be, Shiriri?”

“Nai..” said Mayu with a sad tone. “I’m scared, Shiriko…”

“Oh… Don’t be, Shiriri~ I’m sure you’ll find it. I’ll be back soon by your side, don’t worry..”

“Jun-chan earlier was offering for a new one, should I take it, Shiriko?”

“Wouldn’t it be a bother, Shiriri? I’ll find her for you, Shiriri don’t worry. There’s no need to get a new one yet.”

“When are you coming back Shiriko? I’m getting lonely..”

“Soon, Shiriri. For now, keep looking for the doll, ask Jun-chan to help first.” Said Yuko.



“Oshiri sister forever!!” the two of them cheered over the phone before laughing off.

“I must say, that was one of the most random conversation over the phone I’ve ever heard.” Said Yuki awkwardly, followed by nods and murmurs from others too.

“You think she’ll get the message?” asked Rie.

“She will.” Said Mayu seriously. “Meanwhile, we have to think of a plan, now.”


Oshima Yuko’s POV

I sat on the bed and looked at my phone. Mayu just called, I was in panic when I saw her name. But I tried keeping cool and answer them in a usual matter. As expected, our conversation was just how it is when we’re fooling around. She knew a possibility of the phone being bugged, our conversation sounded like fools when it contained lot’s of secret information.

Umechan is missing. Kana is safe. Jurina coming as back up.

My mind went berserk, thinking about Umechan. If Kana is safe while Umechan’s gone missing, there must’ve been an encounter with the enemy. Leaving Sae and I left to retrieve Sasshihara out of this place.

I can sense lot’s of bugs in the room, possibly to keep eyes on us, the new recruits. I looked over to the sleeping Sae, she must’ve been tired that she snored lowly in her sleep. I have to break the news to her soon, but the method to do so might be difficult.

What’s more difficult to think off is probably saving Umechan. There’s no way in the world I’m leaving my first rival here, Sae would agree with me. My only hope is that NAMBA would not do any harm to her but I knew that might be impossible, remembering her gutsy attitude.

I pulled up my blankets and tried to sleep again. They’ll get suspicious if I woke up and not sleeping again in the middle of the night like this. So I closed my eyes and let my mind drift back to a slumber.


A few hours later in another place…

A blast of cold water forced Umechan to open her eyes, only to shut them again at the sudden light coming into her vision. However, she quickly adjusted to the new barely-lit environment that she found herself in. Looking around,  she found herself in a damp moist place like the tunnel she blew up, but she could smell something sharp as iron in the air, blood.
Another bucket of water splashed onto her face from nowhere, bring her attention into focus. Umechan gasped as she blinked the water out of her eyes and felt the stinging of the cuts on her face from the coldness of the water.
Footsteps shuffled across the concrete floor. Umechan heard a chair being pulled across the concrete floor and there a small creak was given by the chair when someone sat their weight on it. She looked up and squinted her eyes as she tried to bring the figure sitting infront of her into clear focus.

“Yahoo~ Ume.Chan!” the person spoke in a cheerful tone.

Umechan definitely recognized the voice, “Sashihara….”

“Been a long time~ So good to see you.” Smiled Sasshi down to her senior. “Well, I never predict we’ll be meeting again in this such place as prisoners.” She showed her hand cuffed.

“Thought you behave well.” Scoffed Umechan looking at the girl behind Sasshi whom she recognized calling her baba before.

“I did. That’s why they let me out from the shackle before and compromise with this handcuff.” Smiled Sasshi. “I’m sure you’ve met this one here. She’s Shu. Yabushita Shu.”

“I don’t give a shit to know her name, Sashihara.” Growled Umechan at the younger girl.

“Still gutsy as usual, I see..” laughed off Sasshi. “Well you might have noticed that I’ve become some friends with NAMBA here.”

“She’s merely just a bother here, really.” Said another girl with long silky black hair. “If it weren’t for her big mouth.”

“Aww, don’t be mean, Jonishi.” Pouted Sasshi. “Even Sayanee is not that cold with me~”

“Can I whack her? Pass me the baseball bat, Keichi.” Complained Shu.

“Ouch, that’s going to leave me a huge lump, miss Yabushita.” Said Sasshi before she turned back to Umechan. “See what I mean?”

Umechan eyed her enemies dangerously but kept her mouth shut. She can’t move her arms at all, they were tied on her back and her legs are strapped together to the chair, making her completely immobile.

“Well let’s cut the chit chats.” Said Sasshi. “What are you doing here and who’s with you?”

“You know me, I work alone.” Answered Umechan coldly.

“Really?” asked Sasshi. “You have a transmitter with you, I may recall. There’s no way you can contact the base with just a transmitter. There must’ve been someone else standing by near. Who is it?”

“Even if they sent me a back up secretly, they probably have ran away.” Said Umechan with hatred tone. “You won’t catch them.”

Sasshihara raised her eyebrows, “Hmm.. Shu said she found a Volvo in a nearby the property. Parked in an empty two story house with pretty equipments, sounded familiar?”

Umechan kept her poker face steady despite her thumping heart, “I told you, I work alone. That’s my car if you don’t mind.”

“Oopsie~” said Shu. “Sayanee told me to blew it up along with the house.”

“You brat…” gritted Umechan towards Shu. She felt a leather handle on her chin, forcing her to look up towards Keichi.

“She’s just doing her job just like you.” Said Keichi coldly. “Start talking or we’ll have to force you.”

“Trust me, you wouldn’t want Keichi making you talk.” Whispered Sasshi loudly. “She bruised me up quite badly last week.”

“You’re not going to get anything from me.” Smiled Umechan. “Kill me if you want, but my tongue is sealed.”

“Boss, with that attitude, no wonder the higher ups kicked you out of elites so quickly..” said a new voice coming in.

Umechan’s eyes widened upon realizing who’s voice was it, “Milky… You..”

Her eyes met Milky’s devious eyes instantly as the girl walked in with a dagger twirling in her hand. Umechan felt her heart beating faster as consumed by anger as her brain came up with a resolution.

“You were with them the whole time. You’re the doubles all along!!”

“That is correct. I have to say working under your leadership got me bored enough, luckily Sayanee pulled me out for precautions.”  Said Milky.

“Then Yokoyama…”

“We’re just making sure she’s silent after Sayanee talked with her.” Said Milky. “Of course, with another help.”

“It wasn’t just you.” Said Umechan. “There’s another one.”

“NAMBA has eyes on everything, Umechan.” Whispered Milky to Umechan’s ear. “Government has made us suffered enough. They took away nearly all the things we have except the NAMBA itself, for that we’ll bring them down for sure.”

“Let me guess, you’re into their plans too?” asked Umechan to Sasshi.

“Well, they offered a pretty good deal for HAKATA if we agreed to be allies with them.” Shrugged Sasshi. “I definitely be thrilled to do anything to stomp on the government’s face.”

“You guys are disgusting.” Said Umechan before she received a blow on her cheek. The taste of blood built up in her mouth.

“I could say the same to you, willing to do anything for who doesn’t even bother to reward you.” Said Milky. “Now tell me, was it senpai the one in the safe house?”

“Which senpai we’re talking about?” asked Sasshi.

“Oh, you’ll be surprised Sasshi~” said Milky happily. “Now, would you lend me a hand Sasshi?”

“I would love to, but I’ve got no hands to lend.” Said Sasshi sarcastically pointing at her handcuff.

“Let me deal with that one, Kei?” asked Milky innocently. Kei sighed and opened the cuff with a set of keys in her hands.

“Just make sure you don’t break my equipments.” Said Kei. “Sayanee just bought me new ones.”

“We won’t~” smiled Milky.

Once Kei and Shu left, Umechan looks over to the two dangerous woman infront of her. She knew there’s no use to break free, the cuffs are tied and her enemies are professionals. She just have to bear with anything that comes for her.

“Oh, we’ll make sure to let you suffer slowly, capt.” Said Milky. “So slow..”

“Oh, can I do too?” asked Sasshi. “Yatta~” once she saw Milky’s nod.

Umechan kept her mouth shut tightly, her mind was racing hard. As hard as her beating heart, keeping herself steady to whatever is coming next for her. She kept her eyes on Milky steadily as the girl circled around her.

“You know capt, I’ve been thinking…” wondered Milky. “Your gutsy attitude looks like it doesn’t have weaknesses, so I’ve been thinking to melt that down just a little bit..”

Milky gestured the wall to her and suddenly it raised up revealing Lemon dragging over an unconscious Micha. Umechan’s eyes widened in instant upon the sight in front of her.

“Micha!!” she yelled struggling from her chair. “You bitches!!!” she yelled to the three girls.

“I did not expect this one.” Whistled Sasshi looking down at Micha.

“Let go off her or I swear I’ll tore all of your limbs off!!!” yelled Umechan struggling harder as she stared in rage.

“You can try, capt.” Smiled Milky before she kicked Umechan’s chest, causing her whole body to fall back on the floor along with the chair.

Umechan groaned but it doesn’t last long until she felt her chair being forcedly pull back up and this time receiving a kick from the sides. Her eyes looked up to Milky and Lemon in an unforgiving manner.

“So good to see you, capt.” Said Lemon before giving a big blow to Umechan’s stomach, causing to coughed blood  due to the impact. But it wasn’t over yet, she felt her tied hands being dragged back and attached to chains and a wooden pole.

“You know what guys, I’ll just sit back out of this.” Said Sasshi putting the tools in her hands down and stepped away. “I think I’ll watch instead.”

“Coward.” Mumbled Lemon before yanking Umechan by the hair to look at her. “ Senpai is here isn’t she, capt?”

Umechan didn’t answer, instead she bared her teeth at Lemon fiercely. Pissed, Lemon gave her another punch to her stomach. Crumbling to the ground, Umechan gasped as she felt her blood slipping out from her lips.

“You know what, this is getting boring.” Said Milky before she pulled out a gun from her pocket and points it at Umechan.

“Go on.” croaked Umechan. “Shoot me.”

“Oh, I’m not going to shoot you capt.” Smiled Milky. She picked up Micha by the hair, forcing the girl to squealed feeling her scalp being pulled up forcely.
“Micha!!” yelled Umechan. “Let go off her!!!”

“U-umechan..?” Micha opened her eyes faintly. “W-what..”

“She’s on a mission here with her peers, just in case you’re wondering.” Said Milky pointing her gun at Micha now. “And you’re going to help me so she could spill whatever she has now.”

“NO!!!” yelled Umechan. “DON’T YOU EVEN DARE, MILKY!!”

“I would capt.” Said Milky eying Micha’s scared eyes. “Tell me where are the others, capt or I’ll blast her head.”

Umechan shook her head, she saw the tears in Micha’s eyes as she could feel hers too. “No.. Please let go off her… Kill me instead!”

“Umechan, you can’t!” shook Micha’s head.

“Tell me now, Umeda!” called Milky loudly sticking her gun right at Micha’s temple.


“This is going real…”whispered Sasshi cautiously.


The world froze suddenly for Umechan as she watched the woman she loved fell forward on the ground. Micha’s face was frozen upon feeling the impact on her body, her eyes however were still locked on to Umechan’s brown irises before it fell face first to the ground.

Umechan saw the scarlet rose on Micha’s chest just moments before a bullet shot through her back.

“Sayanee…” said Milky looking back where the bullet came from and found her lover pointing the gun, standing behind her was a girl with short wavy hair.

“I’m not letting you kill anyone now, Milky.” Said Sayanee shortly as she glanced down coldly at her victim.

Umechan screamed, cried, horrified as she tried getting closer to Micha’s dead body, only getting herself hurt as the chains dug deep to her wrist to keep her in place . The scarlet liquid pooled around her, soaking Micha’s clothes as the girl lied motionless on the ground. Umechan sobbed in anguish as she keep on struggling, tears streaming down her face as she kept on screaming Micha’s name over and over, hoping for a miracle. But the girl didn’t move at all, she was motionless.

“I’M GOING TO KILL YOU, I SWEAR I WOULD, YOU BASTARDS!!” she screamed eying the standing girls in front of her with absolute hatred.

Sayanee looked down at Umechan before slamming her gun to her head in a deadly force, knocking Umechan out in instant.

“Ouch!” whimpered Sasshi. “That will hurt a lot.”

“Emichi, take her away.” Commanded Sayanee to a girl following her. “You know what to do.”

“You just killed her before I get to do it.” Said Milky shortly after Emichi dragged Umechan away.

“I have a plan that will at least give them a good punch in the guts.” Said Sayanee. “Not that I like to kill this one here, but I have a good plan I assure you.”
“Now,” she turned at Sasshi. “I guess I’ll let you meet the girl you requested.” She then clapped her hands once. Akari and Reina entered the warehouse slowly and approached the others.

“Ah, look who we have here~” smiled Sasshi. “Hello, Reinyan.”

“Sasshi…” said Reina. “You are with NAMBA now..”

“Well technically she’s still under our custody.” Said Sayanee pointing her gun at Sasshi now. Automatically, the informant raised her hands and groaned.

“Seriously? You’re still treating me like this?” asked Sasshi in an annoyed matter.

“Kind of.” Shrugged Sayanee as she threw a hand held gun for Reina. The girl caught it and looked at Sayanee in question, “Just for precautions for now.”

“Have a seat, Sashihara.” Smiled Milky pushing Sasshi to sit on the wooden chair where Umechan sat earlier.

The informant obeyed and sit on the chair, still had her hands up. Her expressions are plain but somehow a little pale. Then she gave a sly smile.

“Spill it out now.” Said Sayanee. “First, I want to know the operation that killed my father and other NAMBA leaders.”

Sasshi closed her eyes as if she was trying to remember, the opened it again. “The assassination of Yamamoto Osamu was done by an elite group, consisting of four agents. Two was appointed to infiltrate the place virtually through hacking the security systems, while the other two invade in and pull the trigger.”

“So that means there were two people that killed my father?” asked Sayanee.

“Each agents are equipped with communication gadgets which not only makes them connected to each other but also to record each and every word they said throughout the mission.” Explained Sasshi. “I happened to be still working under them that time, Team Strategist and Informations.”

“No wonder you get a lot of information easily.” Snickered Akari standing behind Sayanee casually.


“So then, through the conversations in the mission, I heard the two that were assigned to kill were forced to split up. If I heard it correctly, they were under attack by some other NAMBA leaders but not Yamamoto Osamu.” Said Sasshi.

“My dad…” said Milky looking at Nana and saw the older girl nodded too. “Our dad..”

“So then, finally one of the two managed to found Yamamoto Osamu on top of the base tower. I heard a lot of growls and gun shots but then eventually I heard a report saying that your father has fallen from the tower with a bullet right on the heart.”

“Then whoever chase my father in the end, shot him and threw him down the tower?” gritted Sayanee.

“Most likely, but it was stormy that time so it could be purposely or accidental.” Said Sasshi.

“My turn.” Said Reina, raised her gun in one hand to Sasshi. “Why did they killed Oshima Mai?”

“Your friend, Mai, was suspected to make some kind of a deal with the mafia.” Said Sasshi. “Some files of Witnesses Protection Programs went missing from the data base, and a few days later some important witnesses of mafia cases were killed in the places they were assigned too.”

“Impossible!” said Reina. “Mai would never do that!”

“Oh she would.” Said Sasshi lightly. “She was dating a mafia boss secretly behind the agency, don’t you know that?”

Reina went shaky, “No.. She can’t be..”

“Face it Reina, she treats you like a little sister. Never as a loved one.” Snickered Sasshi.

Reina’s face went red and her eyes went bloodshot as she still pointing her gun at Sasshi, the information she just gave was shocking indeed. The young girl was in love with Mai since she was just a rookie. A kind senior with attitudes worthy of taking examples from, why not?

“Her assassination weren’t that simple to plan. The higher ups were aware of her skills in combat and others, so they sent the agents that each were top knotch on the field.” Said Sasshi.

“They sent Sayaka to ambush her in the highway.” Said Reina with shaky voice. “To crash into her car so Mai’s car would roll sideways to the cliff.”

“Yes.” Said Sasshi. “Aware of her driving skills too, the agents drugged her drink so that she would be slightly unfocused while driving back.”

“That’s just dirty.” Said Sayanee disgusted.

“They are dirty, Yamamoto.” Said Sasshi reassuringly.

“Then what did the other one do?” asked Reina.

“Making sure Mai was dead, they set off explosives too on the car’s engine.” said Sasshi. “Made a good cliché for the papers right?”

“Who’s idea was it?” gritted Reina.

“The higher ups, agents are merely just dolls under their control.” Said Sasshi. “Now, can you two stop pointing your guns at me? Kinda tired of being treated badly here~”

“You are not in a resort, bear it Sashihara.” Said Akari coldly.

“I have something to show you by the way.” Said Sayanee with a smug face as she clicked her fingers.

The door slid open, revealing Rena dragging over a prisoner with a sack on it’s head. The prisoner was struggling but the firm grip on her collar doesn’t give in much as the effort the prisoner put in. With a sinister smile, Sayanee pulled the sack off the prisoner’s head for Sasshi to gaze upon.

“Murashinge..” gasped Sasshi before turning angrily at Sayanee. “Let go off her now, Yamamoto.”

“She was sneaking inside the perimeter, don’t you know that?” asked Sayanee. “I would happily ordered her to be gunned down straight away, but Rena was kind enough to bring her in.”

Sasshi gritted her teeth, “You’re okay?” she asked the halfie.

“Sasshi..” said the girl weakly. “HAKATA… We lost a lot of people..”

“How do you enjoy our raid?” asked Sayanee simply, earning glares from Murashinge and Sasshi.

“We lost a lot of people, but not from your raids. After your raids, another forces came and raided us for the second time. They demanded for Sasshihara, and took hostages for her.”

“Who are they?” asked Milky.

“I am not telling you a single information!” gritted Murashinge towards the NAMBAs.

“Well, we could help if you want.” Shrugged Sayanee. “If they’re demanding for you and take hostages, I bet they’re as badass as we are in the eyes of the government.”

“Who did they took with them?” asked Sasshi to the girl.

“They took Boss and Tani from us. They were professionals and pushed all of us with knives on our throats..”

Sasshi cursed and turned to Sayanee, “Would NAMBA give aid for HAKATA if I helped you?”

“Of course we will.” Snickered Sayanee. “Just finish off our deals first.”

“Fine.” Said Sasshi. “But let her go first.” She pointed to Sayanee.

“You know what, Sasshihara? I’m tired hearing your demands, now it’s my turn.” Said Sayanee pointing her gun at Murashinge.

“Don’t you even dare, Yamamoto!” said Sasshi glaring at the gun pointing at the young girl’s temple.

“Spill, Sasshihara.” Said Sayanee. “Who killed my father?!”

“Let go off her first!!” yelled Sasshi. “She’s just a child!”

“We don’t have a deal on that, Sashihara you know that.” Replied Sayanee. “And I don’t make a deal until the old one is done.”

“You promised me, Sasshi.” Said Reina with her hands still on the gun pointing at Sasshi.

Sasshi put her hands up, “Fine I will. You want to know who killed Oshima Mai don’t you, Reina?”
 “Tell me!!” yelled Reina furiously.

Sasshi looked at Sayanee, “You want to know who killed your dad don’t you, Yamamoto?”

“Just spit it out!” yelled Sayanee edging her gun to Murashinge’s temple harder. The youg girl’s face went so pale due to fear of death under the bullet that could be fired from the NAMBA boss.

“Who else? Is it someone from these four?” asked Sayanee motioning Akari holding a tablet to come closer.

“Which one is it Sasshihara?” asked Akari coldly, showing the photos of the four people.

It was Sayanee’s new employees profile photos.

Sasshi looked at it and smiled coldly, “You two better share Oshima Yuko nicely if you want to have sweet revenges on her.”

The room’s tension went higher as soon as the name been pronounced. Reina’s eyes widened upon the name of her great senior, one of those people she’s been looking up upon for the last years of her career as agents. She was trembling hard.

“No way….” She whispered. “She’s here?!” she asked Sayanee.

Sayanee’s expression went cold as ice. Her lips curled and her eyes went icy as storm, “Akari, alert everyone. I want her alive and locked up in Kei’s chamber.”

“Roger.” Said Akari tapping her tablet furiously now along with her phone.

“Oh, you might also want Miyazawa too.” Added Sasshi. “She’s involved in the assassination mission on NAMBA’s bosses.”

“Miyazawa-san too?” asked Milky in shock. She knew the tomboy senpai while being an undercover, known for being genking and awesome sufficient in missions. All she knows, that’s what made Miyazawa transferred to Shanghai to keep an eye on the Triads over there.

Sasshi nodded, “Most likely she was the one to kill the other NAMBA bosses.”

Milky gripped her blade tightly and threw it to the nearest wooden object, it hit right on the spot and even caused it to fall to the ground. She was angry, furiously angry.

Sensing Milky’s anger, Sayanee did her best to calm down despite her anger too. “Akari, give your job job to Rena.” Commanded Sayanee to Akari.

The girl obeyed and gave her tablet to Rena, she seemed to be angry but tried to stay calm as well. Sayanee knew, Akari’s and Kei’s father are amon the NAMBA bosses that were killed that night.

“Sayanee, let me wring that bitch’s neck.” Said Akari. “He killed my dad!”

“You will.” Said Sayanee. “Get my item from Momoka now and leave it on my table. Go hunt for Miyazawa now and lock her up separately in Kei’s other chamber.”

As soon as Akari left, Sayanee approached Milky who suddenly sobbed in her arms.

“I know…” whispered Sayanee gently to the girl. “Let it all out now or it will swell up, darling.”

Milky sobbed in anguish, Sayanee continued. “Listen, if you can’t handle it you can take a bre-“

“Like hell I will.” Glowered Milky lowly. “I’m going to kill Miyazawa, now.”

“Milky, remember what your dad taught all of us.” Said Sayanee. “Patience is an unexpected key to eventually destroy something efficiently. Don’t let anger consume you completely, my love.”

“How can I Sayanee?” asked Milky. “They killed our dad!! They made all of suffer!! How many times did we stand insults for being fatherless children?!!”

“I know..” said Sayanee and lifted Milky’s chin gently so the girl would looked at her in the eyes. “I won’t let them get away, the government. I’m going to strike slowly, my dear. That’s why I’ll be back in a few hours.”

“Where are you going?!” asked Milky surprised. “What about Oshima?”

“I’m going to give them a favor.” Said Sayanee dangerously. “I’ll be back, that’s why I need you to… entertain Oshima until I come back.”

“I want Miyazawa.” Said Milky. “I had enough of her sickening grin when she came to health department to flirt.”

“You will.” Said Sayanee pecking at the girl’s forehead and turned to Lemon. “Lemon, escort Sasshihara to her new chamber. She’s our ally now.”

“Wow, glad to be your ally miss Yamamoto.” Saluted Sasshi sarcastically.

Sayanee gave her a smug smile, “Welcome to NAMBA, Sasshihara.”


In another place, about three hour later…

A girl in school uniform skipped towards the army hospital as she carried a leather bag and a box of bento in her hand. Her short black hair just swished up behind her and her mouth coed as she felt the wind from inside the building came out to greet her from the automatic door.

The girl approached the receptionist with a youthful smile and was replied by the one in charge.

“Good morning, I would like to visit my sister please.” Said the girl. “Her name is Kikuchi Ayaka.”

“Room 578 on the fifth floor, just be careful not to wake her up yet.” Said the nurse.

“Is she alive? How did the surgery go?” asked the girl.

“I heard they had difficulties but the team managed it.” Smiled the nurse.

“Ah souka…” nodded the girl before looking at her watch. “Ack! I’m going to be late for school!!”

“You should get going then, miss.” Smiled the nurse.

The girl nodded panicky and handed the bento box, “Can you give this to my sister once she wake up? Tell her that I’ll be visiting her once the school is over.”

“sure.” said the nurse before smiling at the school girl dashing outside the building. The nurse looked upon a new incoming figure that girl just ran past.

“What’s with the kid, Suzuran?” asked the figure approaching the nurse at the receptionist.

“Said she’s a sister of Ayarin.” Said Suzuran. “You’re here to visit Sumire, Amina-san?”

“Yup.” Nodded Amina. “What’s this one?” She asked pointing at a box of bento.

“The girl asked for it to be delivered to the her sister. Well I’m about to go up there too, now.” Said Suzuran.

“We can go together.” Smiled Amina as she followed Suzuran to the elevator before going in together.


In the car park..

The school girl that left earlier went into a car which the driver seat has been filled with another person. A younger girl with long hair and haunt face.

“You should get going now.” Said the girl to the school girl beside her.  “This favor you’re doing is very dangerous.”

“Momoka asked me to record it.” Confessed the school girl. “She’s not pleased with the last blast she made when we raided HAKATA.”

“How was it?” asked the girl.

“Fun, weaklings. But then they got raided again by another force.”


“I know.” Smiled the school girl. “This one seemed to be not from the government however, seemed to be badass enough to demand for Sasshihara and took hostages with them.”

“What are the names of the hostages?”

“I don’t know but I heard it was some girls called ‘Boss’ and ‘Tani’.”

The thin girl clicked her tongue, “I heard the Akihabara Intelligence got themselves two hostages from HAKATA too, they said they were eye witnesses of the raid that were done by NAMBA on HAKATA.”


“Miyawaki Sakura and Tomonaga Mio.” Said the haunt girl. “Not much yet I can tell you, Sayanee. The higher ups here keep them very close and confidential.”

“It’s alright, Fuuko.” Said Sayanee. “HAKATA is our ally now with Sashihara in our possession.”

Fuuko nodded, “You should get going. It’ll be the time soon. We don’t want your face caught in camera wouldn’t you?”

“Even if I am, let it be.” Gritted Sayanee. “Let them know Yamamoto is still alive and ready for revenge.” 

“I’ll  record and send it straight to Momoka. It’s too dangerous if you stay here for too long, Sayanee.” Reassured Fuuko.

“I’ll catch up with you later then Fuuko.” Said Sayanee getting off the car and walked out towards the street before disappearing into the morning crowds.

Fuuko adjusted her phone’s camera before eventually pressed on a small button she received earlier. The building’s top floor blew up in flames all the sudden, the impact was strong that made morning crowds screamed and lot’s of people running out of the building.

“Now that’s a boom.” Said Fuuko as she continued recording the panic with her phone.

To Be Continued

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Re: Cometerz48 OS Stash: Kyou made no Melody - Chapter 8 (02-01-2015)
« Reply #52 on: January 01, 2015, 06:53:06 PM »
Wow this is just getting crazier for everyone.

Micha's death, exposing the moles, and the bombing

Then again the light Mayu conversation XD

can't wait for the next update
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline luvsidney

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Re: Cometerz48 OS Stash: Kyou made no Melody - Chapter 8 (02-01-2015)
« Reply #53 on: January 02, 2015, 03:54:20 AM »
oh... ur title still 7 ^^"

I seems could understand the story more.... start to curious abt the development heehee

it start with sayaka's death
then a brunch of graduate's death
amina, micha, ayarin... and suuchan & suzuran!? these two are not SKE!?

and the story should start abt the NMB's girls' fathers died in AKB's hands
so this is their revenge plan
they took sashihara which knows AKB a lot and develop this story

so end up sae and airi(ske) will go SKE (so means they will die also?), churi will start spy in NMB
yuko will die, umechan will be in NMB
kana will back to AKB

but then how
yukirin spy into NMB
milky and nana spy into SKE
and sayanee spy into AKB and under yuihan's team!!!

wow~!! it's fun and deserve to looking forward~!!!!

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Re: Cometerz48 OS Stash: Kyou made no Melody - Chapter 8 (02-01-2015)
« Reply #54 on: January 02, 2015, 06:47:08 AM »
SaeYuko are in trouble O.O

let's see,

SKE raided HKT,
NMB became allies with NMB. . .

AKB = government?

in that case, will SKE also fight AKB?  :?  :?

Plus, Furuyanagi are on NAMBA right now. Are they playing roles as double agents for SKE?

the story keeps on getting better and better.
thank you for the update, i'll be waiting for the next one.

Lame Story ahead!

A Certain Love Story of a Cyborg Girl | Same Ground(Hiatus) | The Last Stand (On-Going)

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Cometerz48 OS Stash: Announcement and UMEDA AYAKA BIRTHDAY FIC!!!
« Reply #55 on: January 04, 2015, 09:47:20 AM »
Hello~ I know you're probably expecting the next update of Kyou made no Melody, but I may paused that just for a little bit. Reason why? IT'S THE SUPER LOVELY FLAWLESS UMEDA AYAKA BIRTHDAY!!!! *blow trumpets*

So yeah, since she's my kami-oshimen and this is my OS Stash, I will be posting a short fic. Probably about four chapters hopefully (after along consult on phone with Yuki88), and I swear I'll finish this up before January ends.

*made a cross over the heart*

Now, let me present you an Umeda Ayaka Birthday fic~ Sorry for all the English mistakes~

HAPPY BIRTHDAY YOU 26 YEAR OLD LADY!!!!! *hugs my Umechan's goods*

26 and What?!!! - Prologue

It was just like the usual morning in Osaka. Living in the place where it’s most known for their culinary and their humor taste, I’m starting to get used to the sound of neighbors laughing in the morning, mostly the sound of old ladies who happens to be my next door neighbors.

I rubbed my eyes gently and pulled myself out of the bed. The morning sky looks nice at least with some snows still on rooftops of surrounding houses and streets. I can see the old man of the takoyaki stall nearby is preparing his stall for the morning session, probably for breakfast.

I smiled, Takoyaki for breakfast sounded like a good idea. But I need to check out for something first..

I heard my phone rang on the bedside, Nakamura Mariko is calling.

“UMECHAN, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!” she yelled over the phone continued with laughters. “HAPPY 26~~”

“Thank you, Mariko.” I laughed lightly. “Man, I guess I’m getting old now..”

“You’ll be the oldest one in the whole 48G as soon as Sato Mieko-san graduates.” Said Mariko. “Sorry, I didn’t barged in to your apartment in Osaka at midnight.”

“Mariko, you don’t tell people about barging in to their apartment at midnight for their birthday if you’re trying to give it as a surprise.” I answered sarcastically. “I’m going to Tokyo today anyway, remember?”

“Ah! BBQ at Iwa?” asked Mariko. I could tell she’s grinning on the idea.

“Yep.” I said. “My treats~”

“Uwaaaahh~ Captain is super kindly 26 year old today~” cooed Mariko.

“I’m not a captain anymore, Mariko.” I reminded her. “Stop calling me that. We’re both vice captain now.”

“Ah sou nee…” she hummed. “Oh well, do you have any theaters today?”

“Iwa, remember?” I asked her sarcastically and her laughter confirmed her foolishness in instant.

“Silly me.. Well, I guess I’ll see you tonight at Iwa~” she hung up the phone.

I sighed. Not only from Mariko, others also got sent me mails of congratulating me on my birthday. Sae, Kana, Sayaka, Yuko, Natsumi, Yuka, Emika, Lemon, Reina… even Sayanee and Takamina sent me one to congratulate on my 26th year.

People said 25th year as a bronze age of living, now I have passed that and on my way for my silver age which is 50th.

Man, I’m getting old..

I put down my phone and lay on the bed again. I though about myself right now; a 26 year old idol of NMB48, a musical stage actress, and a dance wiz of 48G. A doorbell pulled me out from my deep thoughts and made me open the door to see who’s there.

Surprise, surprise.. It’s my parents.

“Mom! Dad!” I yelped happily and hugged them both despite my small figure.

My dad laughed, “Happy 26, Ayaka!”

My mum patted my shoulders, “I can’t believe you used to be that small, sleeping on the crib..-“

“Mum, let’s not get teary.” I said with a weak smile. “Come on in you guys, it’s freezing out there!”

“You got that one right.” Said my dad coming in followed by my mother. “I was hanging on my dear life on that plane with your mom when they did the landing, they said it was slippery due to ice forming on the landing spot.”

“That’s not good..” I went to the kitchen to turn the kettle on as they went to the dining room to warm up. “At least you guys made it here…”

“We want to give you a surprise.” Winked her mother as she settled on the chair.

“Oh thank you…” I felt flattered and joined them at the dining table with cups of tea for the three of us. “How’s grandma and grandpa?”

“Healthy for their age.” Said my dad before sipping his tea. “But..”

“But?” I asked worriedly. “What happened?”

“Well..” my mother took a glance at my father. “they may be are right now, but we don’t know when death come right?”

“Mum, don’t say that..” I said sadly.

“Sorry, I shouldn’t said that..” said my mother embarrass as she rubbed her teacup. “But anyway, they asked us to tell you something.”

“Something what?” I asked looking at the two strangely.

“Well,..” my father scratched his head nervously. “They knew of course that you’re 26 now, Ayaka..”

“So..?” I suddenly have a bad feeling about this.

“Well, if you can count how old am I, darling.” Said my mother. “I was 20 when I gave birth to you.”

“So..?” I’m starting to hate this feeling….

“Grandma and Grandpa were thinking…” continued my dad. “and us too..”

“We think it’s time for you to get married, Ayaka.”

To be Continued

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Re: Cometerz48 OS Stash: Announcement and UMEDA AYAKA BIRTHDAY FIC!!!
« Reply #56 on: January 04, 2015, 09:50:11 AM »
Interesting prologue XD

can't wait for you to get this going
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Re: Cometerz48 OS Stash: Announcement and UMEDA AYAKA BIRTHDAY FIC!!!
« Reply #57 on: January 04, 2015, 02:22:28 PM »
SAY WHAT?!?!?!

M-M-MARRIED?!?!?!?! :shocked

:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
:heart: l Collab threads: Sky&Ruka l Ruka&Michael l :heart:
 l Compilation thread: 48G New Gen l :heart:


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Re: Cometerz48 OS Stash: Announcement and UMEDA AYAKA BIRTHDAY FIC!!!
« Reply #58 on: January 05, 2015, 02:24:40 AM »
XDDDDD there is still kojiharu before umechan XDDDDD
oh, which cp with ume in this story? mariko?
i feel bad of planning getting married for ume haha~

ok, i will wait for the update of "Kyou made no Melody"
but promise me you won't drop the story T_T ok?

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Re: Cometerz48 OS Stash: Announcement and UMEDA AYAKA BIRTHDAY FIC!!!
« Reply #59 on: January 06, 2015, 09:07:46 AM »
kyaah Umechan will be married to whom?! XD

i'll be waiting for your next update.   :deco:

waaaa... marry me, umechan!  :drool:

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