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Author Topic: Cometerz48 OS Stash: Kyou made no Melody - Chapter 10  (Read 42233 times)

Offline Cometerz48

  • "Nothing is prettier than a smart mind and a warm smile, thus that is why I like Kamieda Emika. She has both."
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Cometerz48 OS Stash: 26 and What?!!! - Chapter 1: Consideration
« Reply #60 on: January 06, 2015, 12:12:04 PM »
Interesting prologue XD

can't wait for you to get this going

Sure  :D Here it is~

SAY WHAT?!?!?!

M-M-MARRIED?!?!?!?! :shocked

Yes, it is married young lady.. *oldman style*

XDDDDD there is still kojiharu before umechan XDDDDD
oh, which cp with ume in this story? mariko?
i feel bad of planning getting married for ume haha~

ok, i will wait for the update of "Kyou made no Melody"
but promise me you won't drop the story T_T ok?

Oh yeah, just remember that  XD

cp? if you mean character point of view, it's Umechan's.

Of course I won't drop that story! I think a lot of people would go hunt for me if I ever did XD

kyaah Umechan will be married to whom?! XD

i'll be waiting for your next update.   :deco:

waaaa... marry me, umechan!  :drool:

NOOO!!! Umechan is married to me! Mwahahahaha~

Minna-san~ Next chapter, yosha~~ Sorry for the English mistakes contained in the story~

26 and What?!!!
 Chapter 1: Consideration


I bet my mouth was wide open as I stared at the two human of my life. The two nodded in rhyme as they studied my face as if concern?

“B-But..” I gulped. “This is just too sudden!! You guys, didn’t you see I got casted in musical? And I’m also in NMB’s Senbatsu lines!! This is my chance to actually shine out mo-“

“We know Ayaka.” Said my mother. “But now our next question would be, when will you graduate?”

My eyes widened upon the question, “Graduate?”

My dad nodded, “I personally don’t give much care about you getting married bu- Ouch!” I saw my mum elbowed him on the ribs. “But yeah. Whatever you mother and grands say..”

“I-I..” my mind was going everywhere now. “I don’t know.. I’m having such a good time now, mom. You can’t possibly –“

My mom sighed, “I kinda knew that you’re going to give this kind of reply dear, but can you consider it?”


My mom nodded and reached out to held my hand, “Listen, I won’t be forcing you personally but I’m doing a favor for your grandfather and grandmother now. They wanted you to at least consider about it, while I..”

“You think you guys ready for grandchildren?” I asked with a weak smile.

My mom blushed, “Honestly not yet. But I’d be happy to accept any of them now.”
I sighed, “Are you going to arrange it for me or what?”

“Well, grandmother and grandfather has someone they have in mind.” Said my mother. “But the two of us won’t approve unless you approve it yourself.”

“Thanks.” I smiled bitterly.


After a quick breakfast at the nearby Takoyaki stall that morning, they’re off to Fukuoka. Leaving me to wonder about the stuff they told me earlier. I sat on a bench and sighed.

There’s no way I’m ready for marriage..

I remembered vaguely of my childhood friends back in Fukuoka, my parents said most of them have married already and has children. Some of them married to their lovers back when they were in school. I remembered myself falling for a guy once in high school. Not much to say about my high school year. I have friends but not as many as popular girls would have, I’m more into a loner actually. Then one day I stumbled to the school’s hall where the school’s basketball team were practicing and that’s the first time I saw the guy.

First love is bitter sweet, that’s what people would say. Somehow, the same applied to me. It was sweet for the first three months of knowing him and watch him secretly, then it went bitter when I found out he already has a girl friend from another school.

Since then I never thought much about love. Being in AKB48 kept me busy enough not to give a damn about it. Although rumors spread around members that there are some maybe having a lover secretly, but I just keep it cool and tried not to get involved with any of it.

Tired, I checked my phone and saw my manager’s text message. I am free until the 5th practically which leave me sighing in relieve. Thank Goodness, a holiday is all I need.


“Umechan, maji??!!” asked Sae bulging her eyes out.

“I definitely be in your wedding!!” squealed Komari.

“Kyaaa!! Can’t wait till it happens!!” cheered Kana sipping her drink.

I pouted as I watched my friends getting excited over the news I brought. Thank God we ordered a private room at Iwa today and Ucchi was busy enough taking care of customers to join with us.

“Oh come on you guys..” I pouted. “I’m not ready for any of this!!”

“But if you think for it a bit..” said Sae sipping her drink. “if you get married too old, you’ll ended up like Meetan honestly.”

“Ended up like who?”

All of us turned to the door and saw Ohori Megumi eying us with her thin eyes, especially Sae. In her arms was her baby girl, snuggling between the sheets.

“Yo~” chimed in another voice which turns out to be Noro Kayo, standing behind Meetan.

“W-well..” gulped Sae. “I was just saying that marriage in older age might be a bit odd. Not saying that you are though Meetan..”

“You better..” replied Meetan before settling down next to me. “Happy Birthday Umechan.”

“Thanks Meetan.” I gave her a hug and also another huge one for Nonti.

“Where’s the others then?” asked Nonti sitting next to Kana. “Yuko said she might be a bit late since she has a drama shooting.”

“Ah, Yuka’s coming with Sayaka there.” Pointed out Kana to the two figure at the door.

“Look who’s 26 now??!” yelled Yuka loudly and rushed to hug me. “Happy Birthday~”

“Thank you~” I smiled and excepted her gift.

“Don’t open it yet till you reached Osaka.” Winked Yuka before she went to embrace Sae.

“Happy Birthday.” Said Sayaka before giving me a light peck on the cheek. “Welcome to the 25+ club.”

“Oh does that mean we’re not allowed to be here?” asked Kana pointing at herself and Komari.

“I didn’t say that, baka.” Retorted Sayaka with a grin.

I smiled, having my friends around on my birthday really got me relieved that at least I was never alone, even if distances separated us all. Most of them are busy now with their schedules, Meetan being a mother, Sayaka on some musical projects like I am, Sae in SKE, and Kana still performing at AKB Theater.

Komari excused herself out of the room to check on with Ucchi’s menus for us. I finally start to spill the news to the newly arrived ones, with of course they are not allowed to tell it to anybody. Most of them were eventually smiling hearing the news, Meetan was thrilled.

“At least I won’t be the only one already married.” Whistled Meetan then she elbowed Nonti. “You should get to it too, Nonti.”

“I’m not ready yet!!’ wailed Nonti. “Besides, haven’t found anyone of y type.”

I smiled bitterly, “My reasons are the same as Noro’s. I’m not ready yet..” I looked at all of them. “I love what I’m doing now. The musical offers, NMB48 senbatsu, these idols activities… I can’t just let it all go down to waste by marriage.”

“Well I guess that is true..” nodded Sae. “But what did your parents said about the marriage? Arranged or-“

“Grandfather and grandmother were thinking of arranged, but my parents won’t approve it until I approved it myself.” I said. “My only fear was probably my fans.. How are they going to accept that?”

Sayaka leaned back on her chair, “Well the fans would have to accept whatever their idols decided upon on.” She said. “Faithfull fans are the ones that would be happy for their idols even if it hurts them..”

“I don’t want to hurt any of them..” I groaned lowly. “How did you guys get away with this kind of situations?”

“My folks asked me to get hook with guys already since they wanted to have grandchildren.” Said Noro with raised eyebrows. “But then I told them I’m living my own lie and I’d do that when I feel like so and when I found the right guy.”

“My mother never forced me.” Shrugged Sayaka. “She knew I’m happy with my career now and told me just enjoy what I’m doing now.”

“I think my brothers kinda went through that.” Said Sae tilting her head. “My oldest one gave a shot for an arranged one which somehow failed. Then until now, he’s still dating his girlfriend with approvals.”

Yuka who was silent the whole time spoke out, “When my scandal broke out, my parents wanted me to bring the guy in to meet them. They had an understanding that at least the guys should face them first before.. you know.”

“Then?” I asked.

“I told them it wasn’t like that. Besides, it’s not like he’s the only guys I can fall for.” She winked bitterly.

“So you date someone now?” asked Kana.

“That’s a secret.” Smiled Yuka before sipping her drink. “Can we proceed to Alcohol now? I need to taste that wine that you brought, Sayaka.”

“Yuka still a drunkass.” Laughed off Nonti.

“She’s always one since she finally reached adulthood.” I grinned. “Remember in Seoul?”

“She turned into a complete drunkass in front of the cameras!” said Sae laughing. “I mean it! She drink more than any of us!!”

“I won’t be drinking since this one needs someone normal enough to take care of her.” Said Meetan pointing down to her baby.

“I think I heard someone asking for a drink now~” called someone at the door.

“Yuko!!!” called Yuka before she saw a bottle of champagne in Yuko’s hand. “You’re a life saver!!!”

“Now, now, now.. before any of you go drinking, senpai…” said Komari’s voice coming in just after Yuko came in. “Birthday girl need to blow out her candles first!”


An hour later…

It was short in minutes, but it feels so long due to the alcohol we all consumed. I drank about two glass and that is little compare to Yuka, Sae, Yuko, and Nonti who decided to have a drinking match. Of course, Yuka won after Noro decided to lie down in defeat on her sofa.

“Great, how are you guys going to go home?” asked Meetan looking at all of us.

“Umechan~ Hic.” Said Sae before hugging me. “Let’s sleepover at my house~ Hic.”

“Sure..” I asked her patting on her back. “But I kinda forgot the way to you house..”

“Just call for Haru~~” she cooed her brother’s name before she slumped next to Yuka and start snoring.

“Man, if she’s not a girl, I would have thought she’s a middle age sales man.” I shook my head smiling at the snoring drunk girls.

“You think you can call his bro?” asked Meetan. “Or you want me to call him for you two?”

“Nah, I’m good.” I said. I reached through Sae’s bag and pulled out her phone. I looked into the contact list and found his name on the list.


“Miyazawa-san, konbawa. I’m Sae-chan’s friend, Umeda Ayaka.” I greeted, trying not to give out my hazy voice.

“Ah, domo..” he replied. “What’s up with Sae, Umeda-san?”

“Ano.. Sae-chan is drunk here with all of us, you think you can pick her up?” I asked normally.

“Sure. Where are you guys at?”

I told him our location at Iwa and hung up with him promising to pick the both of us in minutes. I put down the phone and gave a stir to my drink. Everyone looked pretty much drunk and tried their best not to snore except for the ones that entered the drinking contest, somehow leaving me and Meetan stay awake.

“Birthday girl didn’t have much drink today?” chuckled Meetan.

“I’m worried honestly.” I confessed. “I’m worried about my career, my dreams. But in the same time, I don’t want to disappoint anybody especially my family.”

“That’s life, Ayaka.” Said Meetan. “Full of choices. Depends what you chose, there will be something sweet and bitter returned to you.”

“Do you regret being married now, Meetan?” I asked her.

Meetan smiled and took a sip of her iced tea, “There are times like that, but this little angel here..” she tickled her daugther’s chin lightly and watched upon her sleeping face. “Is what keeps me remembering how sweet life is now for me.”

I smiled and leaned back on my seat. The clock almost struck at midnight and Ucchi kindly accepted us to stay longer in her restaurant somehow. It’s almost time before my birthday is over.

“Meetan,” I called. “What if I accepted the engagement offer? I mean just the part where I meet the ones that my grandparents has in mind..”

“It’s up to you, darling.” Said Meetan. “Just don’t let Bunshun caught you, mind that.”

I nodded and glanced at the door when it slid open, revealing a tall man in his mid twenties. He wore a fur jacket, matched with his messy hair.

“Is Sae-chan here?” he asked.

“Ah, you must be Miyazawa Haru-san.” I smiled. “I’m Umeda Ayaka, the one that contacted you.”

“Ah, hajimimashite.” Nodded Haru. “How much did my sister drink today?”

“About two glass of champagne and three bottles of sake, I think..” said Meetan pointing out the remains.

Haru whistled, “Now that’s a lot..”

“Ah, she also offered me to stay in her place.” I said. “Do you mind? I’ll be sleeping in Sae’s room.”

“Sure, no problem.” Nodded Haru. “Can you walk? I might have to carry Sae if she’s drunk like this.”

“I’m not as drunk as her honestly, I’ll do my best to manage.” I said.

With some struggles and a bit of muscle work, Haru and I managed to made the Genking to at least stand on her feet before she leaned on the wall for support. After saying goodbyes, the two of us then walked out of Iwa with me carrying my bag and Sae’s, while Haru piggy backed her sister.

“You think it’s okay to walk like this?” asked Haru worriedly. “You know.. Bunshun.”

“Nah, it’s alright.” I said. “At least there’s this drunk girl here.” I pointed out at Sae.

Haru laughed, “I bet she had a drinking contest that she drinks about that much.”

“She did.” I nodded and grinned. “You should see how your sister drink against a thirty year old woman like!”

Haru shook his head and smiled, “I can’t believe she really has grown up, eh…”

“You must be proud of her.” I said. “She’s very brave in her own way.”

Haru sighed, “It was shocking when she said she wants to go to Shanghai, but I knew she took that decision for a greater purpose than just staying in AKB.”

“Now she’s in SKE.” I said. “Captain.”

“I know.” Said Haru. “I’m proud of her, my family is proud of her. She truly has grown up thanks to AKB.”

I nodded and caressed Sae’s hair. “Never imagined her to one day become like this, eight years ago.”

“Ah, you’re in the same generation as her aren’t you?” asked Haru. “Sae told me about you, Umeda-san.”

“Eeh? What did she told me about?” I asked anxiously.

“She told me if Sayaka is a gorilla in appearance, you’re a lion by heart.” Said Haru.

“That’s cunning..” I said awkwardly. “Rawr~”

Haru laughed, “I think she means that you’re a strong fighter, Umeda-san.”

I laughed too, “I know.. But that’s very kind of her to describe me like that.”

Haru grinned, “We’re almost there. Just be careful on the stai-“

“GYAHH!!” I yelped and fall on the staircase. Thank Goodness I landed on my palms, not my face but still hurts though.

“Oh Gods..” hushed Haru kneeling next to me. “You’re okay?”

“I’m good.” I nodded and noticed the small cut on my palm.”Just a cut here, but other than that no.”

“We’ll deal with that upstairs.” Said Haru tightened his grip on Sae. “Let’s go up.”


After the short journey on the stairs, we finally arrived at Sae’s place. It’s a small apartment, but cossy and warm enough to relieved the coldness out from my body.

“Sorry for the mess.” Apologized Haru blushing on piles of comic books on the carpet.

“It’s fine, really.” I nodded. “Mine in Osaka aren’t that tidy too..”

After Haru lied Sae down on her bed, he went to grab the first aid kid and knelt beside me. His hand touched mine gently to open up the palm, it was kinda warm somehow.

“This one might be a bit hurt, Umeda-san.” He said before applying the alcohol to clean the cut.

“Itte!” I gritted my teeth upon the sharp pain but then Haru quickly put the band aid on it.

“Done!” said Haru proudly. “Thank God we keep lot’s of band aids in the box.”

“Thank you.” I said rubbing the band aid gently. “Why did you guys keep lot’s?”

Haru smiled, “Since we’re little, Sae always want to play with us, her brothers thus that’s how she got that tomboy character.” He explained. “Well, short story, she hurts herself a lot and that’s why we need the band aids.”

“Ah sou nee!” I nodded. “I remembered on our audition for AKB. She has lot’s on her legs and arms.”

“Then you know what I’m talking about!” smiled Haru. For a moment, the two of us smiled and looked at each other’s eyes. I saw his chocolate eyes glittering somehow which somehow made me questioned my eyesight. Not forgetting his dyed messy hair too.

Probably realizing we looked at each other for too long, he turned his face away. “It’s midnight already, I’ll let you two sleep. Alright?”

I nodded and grabbed the blankets and prepared to lie down beside Sae.

“Ah, Umeda-san..”

“Yes?” I glanced at Haru standing by the door.

Haru smiled, “Sae told me it’s your birthday on 3rd of January. Happy Birthday.”

I didn’t know what to say looking at his smile except to smile back and said, “Thank you, Miyazawa-san.”

Haru nodded and left the room with the door closed behind him. I lied beside Sae who’s snoring loudly now with her mouth reeks of alcohol, which somehow remind me of middle age sales man after work on dramas.

I smiled and check my phone, there’s a text message from my mother.

Ayaka, have you considered the offer?

I thought about my conversation with Meetan earlier, then about my grandparents.. I thought myself as a normal woman, not just as idols. There’s a lot to consider…

I typed up my reply,

I’ll give it a shot.. I’m free next week on the weekend.

To be Continued

Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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Re: Cometerz48 OS Stash: 26 and What?!!! - Chapter 1: Consideration
« Reply #61 on: January 06, 2015, 01:05:17 PM »
OMG What if Umechan marries Haru?! :shocked

:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
:heart: l Collab threads: Sky&Ruka l Ruka&Michael l :heart:
 l Compilation thread: 48G New Gen l :heart:


Offline luvsidney

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Re: Cometerz48 OS Stash: 26 and What?!!! - Chapter 1: Consideration
« Reply #62 on: January 06, 2015, 04:34:13 PM »
heehee ^^" cp I mean couple haha so it's saeume? Or harume? Oh it's crazy idea!!!

as a saeyaka shipper, I've heard before from other saeyaka shipper said hope sayaka can marry sae's brother... orz

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Re: Cometerz48 OS Stash: 26 and What?!!! - Chapter 1: Consideration
« Reply #63 on: January 06, 2015, 05:52:20 PM »
I'm interested to see how Ayaka takes on this challenge although maybe a nice setup for other events between everyone
Random Thought:


R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline mikiseki

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Re: Cometerz48 OS Stash: 26 and What?!!! - Chapter 1: Consideration
« Reply #64 on: January 06, 2015, 06:22:14 PM »
hello! it's my first time commenting your story since i just created this acc not a long time ago lol but i've read some of your stories and they're great~
tbh i kinda curious with the continuation of Kyou Made no Melody but well... this Ume-chan's birthday fic is pretty interesting too XDD
i'll wait for your updates~ thank you for writing~

Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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Re: Cometerz48 OS Stash: 26 and What?!!! - Chapter 1: Consideration
« Reply #65 on: January 07, 2015, 02:12:07 AM »
as a saeyaka shipper, I've heard before from other saeyaka shipper said hope sayaka can marry sae's brother... orz

No way! Everyone knows Sayaka is married to Sae! XD

:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
:heart: l Collab threads: Sky&Ruka l Ruka&Michael l :heart:
 l Compilation thread: 48G New Gen l :heart:


Offline ametakarano

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Re: Cometerz48 OS Stash: 26 and What?!!! - Chapter 1: Consideration
« Reply #66 on: January 09, 2015, 07:34:27 AM »
i don't know why.. but i'm jealous of Haru waaa~   :shocked

waaaaaa! nooooo~!

please let me marry Umechan.  :cry:

Offline Cometerz48

  • "Nothing is prettier than a smart mind and a warm smile, thus that is why I like Kamieda Emika. She has both."
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Cometerz48 OS Stash: 26 and What?!!! - Chapter 2: Confrontation
« Reply #67 on: January 20, 2015, 01:32:35 PM »
OMG What if Umechan marries Haru?! :shocked

Hmmm........... *not telling a thing*

heehee ^^" cp I mean couple haha so it's saeume? Or harume? Oh it's crazy idea!!!

as a saeyaka shipper, I've heard before from other saeyaka shipper said hope sayaka can marry sae's brother... orz

Another hmmm........ *smiles cheekily*

i don't know why.. but i'm jealous of Haru waaa~   :shocked

waaaaaa! nooooo~!

please let me marry Umechan.  :cry:

Oh, be prepared to get into further jealousy~

hello! it's my first time commenting your story since i just created this acc not a long time ago lol but i've read some of your stories and they're great~
tbh i kinda curious with the continuation of Kyou Made no Melody but well... this Ume-chan's birthday fic is pretty interesting too XDD
i'll wait for your updates~ thank you for writing~

Ah, Thank you~ If you're waiting for Kyou Made no Melody continuation, please do wait for the exciting stuff I've got waiting~ But , meanwhile, please enjoy on this one XD

I'm interested to see how Ayaka takes on this challenge although maybe a nice setup for other events between everyone

Fufufufu~ *grins*
aye aye~

Been busy with the school days back and pretty much I am stumbling than ever to write as to learn for my final exams before graduation, just wish me luck on the next chemistry test next week. (I got 50 last week from just three hour study before test starts)

Next chapter~ Let's do this!! Sorry for the mistakes and be prepared to see 26 year old baba meeting her 'probably' fiances~

26 and What??!!!!
Chapter 2: Confrontation

It was Saturday morning that I flew back to Fukuoka. We decided to held the meeting in Fukuoka despite the person that we’re meeting is actually from Tokyo, just a precautions of ‘you know what’.

Short story, I went back and met my family especially my grandparents. They were pleased to see me of course, especially my grandparents. I was thinking telling them about my concern about their idea of marriage, if it weren’t for my mother secretly stepped on my feet.

So here I am now, dressed in a red one piece and a coat as I walked down the city streets of Fukuoka with my mother and my grandmother. For some reasons, I can’t help but to feel nervous despite I wearing a mask for precaution.

As if my mother know what I’m feeling, she gripped my hand a bit tighter as if giving me strength to carry on. We discussed on the night before my flight over the phone.

“An entrepreneur?”

“Un. His father is grandfather’s student back in high school, a classmate of mine too.”

“Let me guess, his father is a good student.”

“You can say he’s grandfather and grandmother’s favorite till now. The man then became a business man somehow, build a family of his own with two children. He agreed to arranged a meeting with his eldest son, who runs a cafe shop in Tokyo now.”

“Ah sou..” I muttered. I tried imagining the guy in my mind, “How old is he?”

“He’s 28 years old, a law graduated student before.”

“Law graduated? Must be a smart guy.” I said.

“We’ll see that tomorrow..”

We finally arrived at a restaurant and my mother told the waitress about the table booking done by the other side. A waitress nodded and ticked off her book before heading us the way to the private booked room.

“Domo, Asashima-kun.” Bowed my grandmother when the door slid open, revealing a man in his fifties and another man who seems to be his son.

“Ah, Umeda-san!” greeted the old man before bowing followed by the younger version of him. “Hisashiburi. Please have a seat.” He smiled politely at the three of us.

I sat beside my mother, just across the young man. My eyes quickly scanned the son. Tidy straight black hair and gentle eyes, framed with a fashionable black rimmed glasses, dressed in a suit. 

He does have the smart look…
I thought

Noticing my gaze upon him, he flashed a smile and nodded politely at me.

“Hajimimashite, Asashima Ryu desu.” He introduced himself.

A very polite man…

“Umeda Ayaka, desu.” I introduced myself, couldn’t help with a sudden warmness spread on my cheek.

The father smiled, “She really has your beauty, Umeda-san.” Se said to my grandmother. “Really looks like you when you’re in high school.” he said to my mother.
“She is a beauty isn’t she?” nodded my mother, managed to give me a slight blush.

Then the talks continued, merely just some nostalgic moments of the father when he was my grandparent’s students and my mother’s classmate. There are some moments that the two of us talked along with the flow. Ryu was a polite man with surprisingly a smart sense of sarcasm, managed to made me smile for a few time as we eat together. It was a dinner with no alcohol for any of us, but everybody seems to be having fun. I have to say, this is my first time ever to have much fun with a guy and his father ever since I joined AKB. When the tabs were settled, we all rose to leave.

“It’s been great meeting you, Umeda-san.” Nodded Ryu as we walked towards the restaurant’s door.

“You too, Asashima-san.” I flashed a smile at him.

He smiled, “I hope you’re okay with your situation, you can always drop by at my café in Tokyo. I’ll brew you something nice, do you like coffee?”

“Sure.” I grinned. “Thank you for today.” I bowed to him and his father before we separated on our own ways outside the restaurant.


“What do you think?” asked my mother when we reached home. It was only the two of us now sleeping together on the futon. “Asashima Ryu-kun.”

“This is my first time interacting with a guy like him.” I said.”Definitely the type of what shoujo manga heroine would fall for.”

“How about you? Any interest?”

I paused, “I don’t know mom… He’s a nice guy really..” I gulped. “But we might need a time if grands want us to be close..”

“Are you considering him?”

“I don’t know honestly.” I sighed.

“Don’t worry darling.” My mother caressed my hair. “Just take it slow and easy, don’t let it stress you out yet.”


The next morning, I catch a flight to Tokyo for a special stage of BII in the city. I was aware of course that lot’s of members wishing me happy birthday straight away.

“Happy Birthday Umeda-san!” hugged Shu straight away as soon as I arrived at the venue with my manager.

Does my manager know about this ‘marriage’ thing? Well, she does.

“Just please be careful not to cause any uproar yet.” Begged my manager. “You know Bunshun has been targeting the 48G the most since Akimoto-sensei sued them.”

I nodded. “Does that mean you want me to get married?”

My manager went silent before giving her answer. “I want you to be happy honestly, Umechan. If you are happy with these ‘marriage’ thing, I can’t do anything but to be happy for you.”

“But again, watch out for bunshun!” she scowled before we arrived to the venue.

It was a special live with Saka Agari stage of BII’s. Being the most senior between all these kids in 48G has made me being called as ‘baba’ which I tried to give in despite my temper, especially to kids like Shu and Nagisa. Kamieda Emika, the shy captain of BII that earned her position again after the shuffle 2014. I often give her advices since I’m her vice-captain and mostly because I was the captain of team B before.

I’ve been thinking somehow about my position now. AKB48 transferred to NMB48 and a vice-captain position, not forgetting NMB48 senbatsu too now… 

Honestly I’ve been thinking whether the shuffle was the last attempt of Akimoto-sensei’s push for me. He knew I’ve always wanted a senbatsu position and probably the most ambitious on in my generation, but somehow I only earned it in the early days and last time in 2012. My peers in 2nd Generation that’s left are Kana and Sae, Kana’s the theater show queen with a record of more than 800 performances and Sae is the captain of Team S. The positions are quiet grant for veterans that’s left in 48G, the first gens all senbatsu members despite Miichan’s scandal, third gen with Mayuyu and Yukirin in senbatsu. Somehow only the 2nd Generation’s peak in AKB48 has ended while other gens seems doing fine with senbatsu…

Another thing I thought about was if Akimoto-sensei gave those positions to us, the 2nd Generation as a bribe to stay back in 48G… I mean, with most of the veterans gone and the younger generations seems to be not ready yet without them, they would still need people like us..

He must’ve wanted you to stay, Ayaka.. echoed my manager’s words before.

And is that it? With bribe like this..? echoed a part of my brain.

Don’t say it as a bribe! It’s a push and a chance of experience for you to lead! Said another thought.


I glanced up and saw Emika smiling, “Come on, the show is about to start!”

“Un.” I nodded and followed her to the circle of members, all waiting for the enjin.



After the show was quiet tiring, at least the birthday cake was nice that the members gave to me. Although I hold the urge to face palm when they pranked me and gave an elderly cake with a candle on top before eventually gave me a nice Tiramisu.

“It was all Milky’s idea!!!” yelped Shu as I pretended to wring her head with members laughing at the view.

Milky winked and flashed an apologetic smile. I sighed, there’s no use to get angry with these kids…

I drew my phone out and saw a text message from Sae already.

Umechan~ I saw your show today! Nailed the End Roll as the old days I see XD
Anyway, Haru and I watched your show since I had my day off, I was thinking the three of us should get something nice to eat. Do you know a nice place to eat?

Reply as fast as you can, okay? We’re hungry!!!


I tried remembering the name, then the image of the tall guy with messy hair came to my mind.

Oh, Sae’s brother…
Literally blaming my alcohol for forgetting him a bit.

“Hey Umechan!” called Shu. “Are you treating us?”

I smiled thinly, “Maybe tomorrow night, Kusogaki. I have an appointment with a friend today.”

“Where are you planning to treat us?” chimed in Nagisa.

“Takoyaki or Iwa?”

“IWA!!!” yelled the whole team. I face palmed and looked at my manager.

Good luck. Her smile was saying all that.

I sighed and smile, “Bring it on!” then the whole team replied with cheers.

I quickly typed the reply that I’d join them in a few minutes since I also have a time off after this. I asked them to wait before asking my manager for permission.

Granted, I changed my clothings and packed up my bag before meeting up with Sae at the venue’s door with a man standing beside her.

“Hello~~” Sae hugged me straight away. “I guess I don’t really need to introduced you guys again, right? Haru, Umechan. Umechan, Haru.”

I bowed to him and gave a smile, “Nice to meet you again. Forgive me, the alcohol last time made me forgot a bit about you.”

“Ah, it’s alright.” He bowed as well and flashed those white teeth in a smile. “Thank you for taking care of my sister all these time.”

“Mou, Haru!” said Sae slapping her brother’s arm. “You’re saying it like she my baby sitter or something and I am a kid. “ she pouted.

Haru grinned as he caressed his slapped arm, “What can I say? I’m worried for my little sister~”

I giggled watching the view of the two loving siblings, “If you guys are hungry, what do you want to eat?”

“Something a bit like street food would be good.” Nodded Sae. “How about you, Haru?”

“I’m fine with everything.” He shrugged.

“How about an Okonomiyaki shop?” I asked. “You know the one that we cook ourselves.”

“Sounds alright.” Said Sae. “Haru, you cook okay?”

“Hee? Why me?” asked Haru.

“Because Sae sucks at cooking.” I chimed in. “I still remember watching that AKBINGO episode about cooking..”

Haru’s grinned, “Ah, of course! I remembered that! She can’t tell the difference of the upper side of a spring roll skin!”

We both laughed at the genking as she pouted to the two of us, “Mou.. Two versus one isn’t fair!!”

I grinned apologetically at the genking before following her walking with Haru behind us.

“So, how’s the marriage setting going?” asked Sae as we walked with our mask on.

“I went to Fukuoka yesterday to meet the one that my grandparents arranged for me.” I said.

“Is he handsome?”

I curled my lips, “A business man-like person. Tall, but not as tall as your brother. Glasses with black tidy hair.”

“Ikemen enough..” said Sae judgingly. “Job?”

“University graduate and opened up a café in Tokyo.” I replied. “He’s sarcastically funny for an educated guy.”

“That’s great then.” Smiled Sae. “You don’t laugh much, Umechan. I reckon he’d be a good one to try dating..”

“I don’t want to date, I don’t even want any of these marriage matters.” I exasperate. “I just want to enjoy my career now..”

“You never date once in your life with a boy haven’t you?” asked Sae. I shook my head, “Yappari..”

“You have?” I asked back. Sae tilted her head slightly.

“Well, it was just like eating ice cream after school in seventh grade.” Said Sae. “Not like I would do other things than that at that age.”

“Look, the thing is when you hang out with boys you like, just show who you really are to them. If they like you back, it means they like just the way you are.” She patted my shoulder with a smile. “Right Haru?”

“Un.” Nodded Haru who seems to be occupied with his headphone attached to his ipod. Not hearing any words we said before. I sighed without myself noticing it.

“What’s up?” asked Sae confused.

“Nothin.” I mumbled and continued walking.

We finally arrived upon an okonomiyaki house where we can cook our own okonomiyaki. The lunch time was over but still there are some people hovering around their own table and cooking their own okonomiyaki as they chatted with their friends, at least we still got ourselves a table.

Sae kept on chatting to the three of us as Haru mixes the okonomiyaki mix before throwing it to the hot plate on the table. The sizzling sure made my stomach rumbled in anticipation, but my eyes secretly got themselves occupied by staring at Haru’s sweated brows from the steams.

“What’s up Umeda-san?” asked Haru noticing my stare.

I quickly threw my face aside, “Ah.. Just that I didn’t know you like to be fancy with your hair, Miyazawa-san.” I pointed out his dyed hair.

“Ah, these?” he asked pointing at his hair. “Sae told me to dyed it ages ago just so that I look attractive enough for talent scouts to notice me.”

“He once tried auditioning for the Johnys..” said Sae with a smirk. “Ah well, I’m sure you’ll get something nicer than that.”

“So what do you do now? Working?” I asked him.

Haru nodded, “I’m a bartender at a French restaurant at night now. Passing midnight usually I go to the bar downtown and do the same.”

“That’s good.” I nodded. “You seemed to be quite suitable looking to be a bartender, Miyazawa-san.”

“Please, call me Haru.” Said Haru with a smile. “Thank you for the compliment.”

I couldn’t help but to feel a sudden warmness on my cheek by just from his smile, “No problem..” I stammered. “Alright then, Haru-san..?”

“Look at you both!” exclaimed Sae that’s been watching us. “You look like good friends already despite just been meeting for one or two times.”

“Hush it down sis.” Said Haru giving a little knock on his sister’s head.


Haru and I laughed watching Sae pouting at the both of us. But the cooked Okonomiyaki was already there waiting for us to ravish it, so in no time the three of us feasted on it with more talks. The batter was delicious with all sorts of toppings on it, surprisingly despite being just a bartender, Haru can cook nicely.

“He does the cooking at home.” Said Sae with a wink.

“What are you as a sister?” I asked. “Shouldn’t you start learning to cook?”

Sae poked her tongue, “What about you? Too lazy to cook that you call for pizza and be embarrassed cause you’re ordering it for yourself that you start pulling out shoes so that it looks like you’re having a party?” she teased.

“Shut up.” I punched her arm lightly with a slight blush.

Haru laughed, “I’d cook you something someday, Umeda-san. Just let Sae know about it whether you need an express meal.”

“Miyazawa Haru, express meal delivery~” mumbled Sae with a smirk. “Ah, that’s it I need to go to the toilet. I’ll be back, you both.”

So then it was kind of a silence between the two of us without Sae around, until I decided to break the silence.


“Ano…” he also opened his mouth to said something.

This too awkward!!
I exclaimed to my self. “You can go first, Haru-san..”

“Ah..” he scratched his head. “I was wondering if that scratch on your palm are still there from the stairs.. Is it?”

“You mean this?” I showed the small band aid on my palm. “I haven’t opened it yet, how long does it usually take to do so?”

“Two days perhaps.” Said Haru tilting his head. “Better than to be sorry for rushing.”

“You’re right.” I nodded.

“What were you about to talked about?” asked Haru back.

“Ah..” I blinked. “Just wondering if maybe I could do a bit of drink someday in the bar with Sae where you work.” I said slowly. “Do you mind? Since you and Sae would most like be alright since they know you’re her sister..”

“I’m fine with it, Umeda-san.” Said Haru. “As long as I don’t cause troubles for you, though… with Bunshun I heard being sensitive after Akimoto sued them.”

“Call me Ayaka.” I said all the sudden, surprising myself. “I think we can be close as a friend, we’re pretty good teaming up to tease your sister.”

Haru smirked, “I never thought such serious woman like you could such a teaser, Ayaka-san.”

After a few agreements on ways to team up against Sae, we somehow exchanged numbers with each other and promised to prank Sae later in the future.

That night after travelling back to Osaka, I received a mail from Haru.

Thank you for today’s lunch. You really know where to get the best of Okonomiyaki,eh? It was all good all the way through, your talks and Sae can make smile at least as my stomach grumbling in hunger. XD

Anyway, looking forward to meet you again, Ayaka-san.


I don’t know why I don’t feel guilty about this, but I’m happy to receive such message. I replied back to him, complimenting the same thing. Without realizing, the clock already struck at midnight and I was already fallen asleep waiting for his next mail.

To be Continued

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Re: Cometerz48 OS Stash: 26 and What?!!! - Chapter 2: Confrontation
« Reply #68 on: January 20, 2015, 04:02:42 PM »
Umeharu. why I think there will be more man will pop up in the story?

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Re: Cometerz48 OS Stash: 26 and What?!!! - Chapter 2: Confrontation
« Reply #69 on: January 20, 2015, 05:43:53 PM »
I guess we have competition for Umechan's heart
Random Thought:


R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline ametakarano

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Re: Cometerz48 OS Stash: 26 and What?!!! - Chapter 2: Confrontation
« Reply #70 on: January 25, 2015, 08:01:30 AM »
what a really nice way to slowly murder my heart~~

i'll prefer UmeHaru over the other guy...  :smhid

 :err: :OMG: :fainted: :frustrated: :farofflook: :on blackhole: :on cloudeye: :on polter:

Offline luvsidney

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Re: Cometerz48 OS Stash: 26 and What?!!! - Chapter 2: Confrontation
« Reply #71 on: January 27, 2015, 10:08:49 AM »
what a really nice way to slowly murder my heart~~

i'll prefer UmeHaru over the other guy...  :smhid

 :err: :OMG: :fainted: :frustrated: :farofflook: :on blackhole: :on cloudeye: :on polter:

same feeling

Offline Cometerz48

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Cometerz48 OS Stash: 26 and What?!!! - Chapter 3: Rainy Days
« Reply #72 on: February 08, 2015, 06:00:47 AM »
I guess we have competition for Umechan's heart

Yeah. And I promised it'll be great XD

Umeharu. why I think there will be more man will pop up in the story?

Don't worry just two man won't hurt~ *smiled evily*

what a really nice way to slowly murder my heart~~

i'll prefer UmeHaru over the other guy...  :smhid

 :err: :OMG: :fainted: :frustrated: :farofflook: :on blackhole: :on cloudeye: :on polter:

Wait till you read this chapter... *laughs evilly*

what a really nice way to slowly murder my heart~~

i'll prefer UmeHaru over the other guy...  :smhid

 :err: :OMG: :fainted: :frustrated: :farofflook: :on blackhole: :on cloudeye: :on polter:

same feeling

Lol  :lol:

Well, here's another chapter which sadly comes out after January. But seriously I've been busy as f8cking hell with school that pretty much I only gets home to sleep and eat dinner before setting off to school. Which probably makes me have to decide that it'll be difficult for me to updates...

Just wish me luck for my incoming final exams and university enterance exam. I'm going for Law Faculty or Philosophy~ Wish me luck and Enjoy! Sorry for the bad English~

26 and What?!!!
 Chapter 3: Rainy Days

I woke up the next day with a small sneeze before eventually my sight becomes clearer of the morning sky slipping through the gaps of the room’s curtain. I checked my phone for the first time in the morning and found one from my manager, one from Shu, one from Emika, and one from Asashima Ryu.

Asashima? I quickly opened them, ignoring other messages.

Good Morning, Umeda-san!
How are you today? It’s been two days since our first encounter; I hope you don’t mind receiving this mail of mine in the middle of your busy days.
Anyway, I wish you a nice day and great time at work.

PS: Please eat well too and starting a day with a cup of coffee and something warm would be great!

I couldn’t help but to smile at the man’s message for me. Ryu seemed to be a caring type of man, with the gentleman and smart feel that I saw; he’s one hell of an ikemen I suppose. I quickly typed up a reply for him,

Good Morning to you too,  Asashima-san.
I am fine and I hope it goes the same to you as well, Asashima-san. Oh no, it’s fine really to receive such warm message in the morning like this. Keeps my spirit up a bit despite of the loading work!
I hope you have a nice day and great time at work in your café as well, Asashima-san.

PS: Well thank you for the tip! I’ll make sure to get something warm like a Takoyaki or somethin’!

I sent it out to his number as a reply before checking on other mails. Shu was asking me on whether I’d be willing to go with her to the Theme Park with other BII members today, while Emika was asking if I’d want to go out with her for a nice gourmet tour in Dotonburi also today. I tried looking for a reply from Haru last night that I fell asleep upon waiting, but to my disappointment, there aren’t any.

Then I suddenly remembered that he’s a bartender working at midnight, no wonder there’s no message.

Maybe he’s too tired and probably asleep now.. I thought.

I had another day off today, but I felt like staying home somehow. It’s not every day I can get myself a nice snuggly slumber, so perhaps 7-10 hour lazy time would work well today. I quickly typed up a polite decline message to Shu and Emika each, and headed to the bathroom to wash up my fatigue looking face.

After a bit of clean up (face and brushed my teeth, it’s too cold to take a shower just yet), I decided to get something nice to eat from the fridge. However, my fridge is pretty much empty except for a bit of bread, milk, and a tub of yoghurt.

Please eat well too and starting a day with a cup of coffee and something warm would be great!

Ah sou nee…I thought about Ryu’s message earlier. I replied to him that I would get myself a warm Takoyaki for breakfast this morning…

I shrugged and changed into something appropriate enough to go out for a short walk to the takoyaki stall. Then I grabbed my purse, jacket, and keys before heading out.

Living in the cental of Osaka gives an advantage of travelling faster on foot to pretty much anywhere nice in Osaka’s city. I can get to the NMB48’s theater quickly in a twenty minute walk for example, and getting nice food in the city’s streets easier is also an advantage.

The street was pretty much covered up in snow, but the road for vehicles were swept up already so that there won’t be an accident or something from slipping on the snow/ice. I was glad to snuggle myself up in boots and a furry jacket along with a pair of jeans and a beany, it is cold..

I finally arrived at the famous Takoyaki stall which happens to be nearby my apartment. I can smell the fragrant of the grilled batter and octopus swimming in it, unconsciously made my stomach rumbling in anticipation. I lined up behind a short line of working employees, probably stopping by to also enjoy the food for breakfast. There’s also foldable tables spread around the stall and some are already occupied.

I rubbed my hands together for warmth as my eyes scanned the menu provided. When it comes to my turn to order, I pointed to the menu as my eyes still looking at the piece of cardboard menu.

“I would like a set of Takoyaki with Cheese and another set of Original Takoyaki please.”

“Coming right up, Umeda-san!”

I glanced up straight away to the cashier upon the familiar voice and found my looking at Ryu’s grin.  I could not believe it was him at first but his black tidy hair, square- framed glasses, and the friendly smile weren’t mistakeable.

“Asashima-san!” I exclaimed. “What are you doing here?! How did you ge-“

Ryu laughed lightly, “My father’s friend owns the place, and I was wondering a nicer approach to you rather than just texting like this morning. So then, I asked the owner if I could tune in for a chance to see you probably dropping by.”

I didn’t know what to say as my eyes quickly scanned Ryu in the stall’s uniform and grinning at me, “I-I…”

“Asashima!” yelled the man in the grilling place. “Please don’t keep other waiting on your business. There are still customers waiting!”

“Ah sou! Hai!” yelled back Ryu. “Sorry about it, but I was wondering if you want to go out with me today.”

“Eeh..?” I went speechless as I handed in the money for the Takoyaki. “But aren’t you…?”

“Day off. I asked my sister to take care of the café, you can pretty much say today’s occasion was to-“

“Just to see me..?”

Ryu nodded and handed in the change and receipt, “Please wait nearby and I’ll call on your number when it’s ready.”

I walked to the side, still stunned by the appearance of Ryu as a stall employee. I mean seriously, I never thought he’d be a much of a hard working guy…

Yet he is.. and I couldn’t help but to praise on that.

But it bothers me on why would he do this. Is it all just to follow the engagement plan? Or is it because he likes me for sure?

No, Ayaka… thought myself. He surely has something in his mind for sure…

But why would he go far from Tokyo and be here just to be a Takoyaki stall employee for a chance to see me?....

“Number 57!”

I looked at my number and ran back to the cashier where Ryu smiled as he handed me a bag of my order.

“I would.” I blurted out.

“Excuse me?”

“I’d go with you.” I said, not knowing what I’m saying for a second. “I have a day off today as well.”

Ryu blinked for a second before his smile sidened, “Cool. My shift ends in an hour, want to go after that?” I nodded. “See you then and enjoy the takoyaki!”

The hell were you thinking, Umeda Ayaka??!!! yelled a thought of mine, as soon as I get back at my apartment. What if someone sees you walking out with a guy??!!

Relax, chimed in another part of my thought. It’s just a friendly walk~

More like a date, answered another thought. What if Bunshun saw her?!

Wear a mask or something an probably tying your hair short would be a good idea as well.


I finished off my Takoyaki quickly but still stunned as to what I just done a few minutes ago. It was sweet that Ryu would do such thing just to see me.... And I guess, I just want to repay his effort a bit.

“Just a trip.” I promised myself before getting up and go for the quick hot shower. After stepping out of the shower, I went to my cupboard and chose myself a nice warm comfortable outfit, not to girlish though. I just don’t want him to get the idea that this is a date.

After putting the outfit on, I tried rearranging my hair so that it would be unrecognizable for fans or bunshun. I tried tucking my long hair into a beanie, leaving only a few length of hair hanging enough to cover my nape. I also put on a nice warm scarf and a circle framed glasses.

I tried looking myself at the mirror, I looked alright I guess… Not sweet enough for a first date in 26 years of a life time though..

This is not a date. I repeated myself over and over as I left my apartment. Just a friendly walk with someone that’s probably going to be your husband.

I walked down the road again, dreading for the road to make me travel slower. But eventually I arrived just in time when I saw Ryu walked out of the stall out of his uniform already.

“Hey.” Greeted Ryu. “I thought you’re just saying it so that I wouldn’t get upset..”

“Of course not.” I scowled amusingly. “How long have you been doing this?”

“Today is my second day.” Grinned Ryu. “I planned to give up after five days though if I did not see you at all between those days.”

“Well, today is your lucky day, Asashima-san.” I smiled. “Where are we planning to go?”

“I was thinking somewhere in Osaka.” Said Ryu. “I know just the place and I hope you don’t mind, Umeda-san.”

“Where would it be?”

He gestured me to a car parked nearby with a set of keys, “I brought my car, so we’ll travel there quicker.”

“Don’t tell me you drove from Tokyo to here.” I blurted out in awe, staring at him.

Ryu laughed, “Of course not! My father has a branch office here. I simply just borrow the car. There’s no way I’d be driving myself from Tokyo to Osaka!”

I smiled apologetically as I get in to the passenger seat, next to the driver. “I’ve always want to try what it feels like to have a driving trip from one city to another. Doesn’t matter if it takes days, all I want is the fresh air and the beautiful landscape.”

“Maybe one day you can.” Replied Ryu politely as he turned on the engine and turned on the car’s heater as well. Then, he started driving down the road.

It was quiet at first between the two of us, I stole a quick glance at him. He was wearing a Dark green coat, almost black but it was dark green alright, he also wore a simple turtle neck and a scarf tucked in neatly. His eyes were gentle, framed by the glasses and goes well with his black hair.

Probably he noticed my attention at him that he also glanced at me and smiled, “You look nice, Umeda-san. Did you cut your hair? It looks shorter than this morning.”

“Ah..” I blabbered. “I just tucked in most of it inside the beanie, sorry but just for precaution of ‘you know what’.”

Ryu nodded and smiled, “Ah I see.. Well, it’s kind a rude for me to say this but..”

“I don’t mind.” I cut him. “You can talk anything.”

Ryu looked at me but still driving smoothly, “Ah well… I think entertainment medias are a bit mean to public figures somehow. Forcing them to keep a certain attitude or ‘clean’ or otherwise they’ll bring you down for it with lot’s of lies…”

I looked at him, surprised. But I kept quiet and he continues.

“I mean, I know it’s like a consequence from a decision to become part of the entertainment. But I find it just as a low thing for them to do such thing so that everyone would start following up on their stories and sell fortunes for it.” Said Ryu focusing on the road. “I get it you’re an idol, Umeda-san. But do you find yourself always wondering just to be normal; falling and dating perhaps?”

It took me a few moments to thought about it eventually, “I guess I do but..”

“But you’re scared if medias going to start flocking on you and loathes you? Then your fans start turning their back on you?”

The next question he gave was a bit of a knock out for me personally, but he was locked on. I don’t want any of my fans left me I supposed.. Hurt and betrayed if the medias ever gotten their hands on me…

Ryu probably noticed my silence that he sighed and pulled up to the side of the road. I looked at him, watching him letting go off the wheel.

“Sorry for saying all of those things.” Said Ryu. “I guess I was thinking a bit too much..”

“No, it’s fi-“ I was about to say ‘fine’ but I knew it doesn’t. He truly has knock it all out of me.

I swallowed, “It’s a bit true what you said, Asashima-san. But as someone who would take such risk, I would sacrifice that kind of life, honestly..”

Ryu looked at me, “Umeda-san…”

“Well my intention to be in the entertainment was never to have fans, being honest with you. My dream from I was a teenager was to be a talent in the entertainment. I learn how to sing, dance, and at all of these years for that. Being in AKB has taught me lot’s of things to reach for that dream, and fans are something that I never hoped for before.”

I continued, “Before I understood about fans, I always looked to one point where I can reach my dream and shine. But then I realized, to make me shine, I would need people called ‘fans’ to watch me shine. And therefore, that’s how I decided fans were second in my list, after my dream.”

“What you said before was true, I am scared that fans would leave me if they heard such made up stories that some media would make about me just as they did to my other friends..” I remembered the past graduated members that had to leave because of scandal. “But still, I’m in control of my own life. I can go and date without caring of medias getting me on it, but my number one priority is still my dream..”

“And how do I reach my dream? Try to get myself behaving properly I supposed.” I shrugged, finished off my explanations. “Try not to get caught but as well as having fun towards my dream.”

Ryu nods off slowly and whistled, “Wow..” Then he laughed.

I looked at him strangely, “What’s wrong with you?”

Ryu smiled gently, “I guess you are one heck of an amazing woman, Umeda-san.” He said. “You really stick to that dream of yours in anyway, willing to sacrifice everything for it.”

I couldn’t help to blush at his compliment, nor I couldn’t stop my heart thumping.

“I like woman like you are, Umeda-san.”

I looked at him and saw that gentle smile again along with the warm eyes. Ryu’s brown eyes were so vexing now that I realized, also his curved smile..

“Thank you.” I didn’t know what else to say. “But-“

“I would wait, you know.” Confessed Ryu. “Wait for the time you decide to love freely. But when it is time, please tell me about it.”

My heart was beating faster than ever with those words, I could not help but to gave a nod as my eyes were captivated by his. Ryu smiled again then leaned back on the driver seat.

“Now I guess that means our trip is over.. until the time comes?” he tried sounded cool.


Ryu turned to me, “Eh?”

“This is a trip, not a date.” I said trying to sound calm. “As long as we don’t act like lovers, we should be fine hanging out with each other.”

Ryu blinked, still having those eyes in disbelieve. But then he smiled sheepishly and start driving again.

“I’ll do my best to make this trip more like a regular trip.” Stated Ryu. “But you have to do something too, Umeda-san.”

“Which is?” I looked at him.

Ryu grinned, “I want you to simply be what you are. If you are happy, just be happy. If you’re going to laugh loud, just do it without shame. And if you want to cry, just do so without a care.”

“Promise me that.” Challenged Ryu to me.

“No fair, you didn’t promise anything. But I have to do a promise!” I protested.

“I promise you will have fun in this trip.” He swore simply with a wide smile.

I sighed at the man, “Swear that this will be a worthy trip for me to spend time with you, Asashima-san.”

“Call me Ryu.” He said suddenly. “I know you would like to call me shorter than ‘Asashima’, right?”

I blushed, “Well fine then.. Ryu-san…”

“That’s more like it~” he smiled wider as the car drift through the road.

We finally arrived in front of a gate on a hill. I looked at the sign post on the gate and found myself could not help but to smile a bit upon it.

“A Zoo?” I asked as I got out of the car. “That’s very….”

“Well, I was thinking of a place where it’s a bit lonely so that you’d be comfortable. Not that many people would go to zoo these days since theme parks came up.” Said Ryu locking the car. “Probably just little kids and their mother would be here.”

I blinked, I never thought he would actually consider how the place he chose would effect me. I thought that he would take me to places like theme parks, shopping malls, or other crowded place.

“Besides, being in this place feels like my childhood.” He grinned. “Ever been to the zoo, Umeda-san?”

“Last time it was in kindergarten I think.” I tried remembering my own childhood as I walked beside him to the ticket booth. “I can remember my hat got chewed by a camel I think.”

Ryu grinned, “The I guess that makes you phobiatic to Camels, I suppose?”

“Don’t tease me.” I smiled curtly to the man. Ryu laughed and got us a ticket each and the zoo’s access bracelet. I tried putting my bracelet by myself but somehow failed thanks to the hard button.

I was surprised then when I felt Ryu’s hand simply took the job of my hands and put the bracelet on my wrist simply. I was a bit ashamed of him smiling at me with that teasing smile, I felt like a little kid all the sudden; being accompanied to the zoo for the first time.

“Let’s go.” I turned my face away so I could hide my blush and headed to the entrance with Ryu following right behind me.

The first animal that welcomed us was the elephants. There were big creatures with a thick trunk on each of their head. I approached the fence and watched those tiny eyes looking down at us as it’s feeding itself with grass.

“You know,” began Ryu as he watched the creature. “I heard these creatures lived only in Africa and asia.”

Not sure he’s trying to act as ‘the all knowing smart guy’, I replied, “I think that’s a bit of common sense.”

Ryu pursed his lips, “Well they’re not safe in any of those places. Hunters hunt them for the tusk and meat which sells great in the market. Hundreds and thousands were killed for the purpose.”

“That’s cruel…” I said as I watched one of the creature sipped some water from a container with it’s trunk. I’ve known that lot’s of creatures especially exotic ones, hunted and killed for us humans. “I mean they’ve done nothing dangerous to us so why should they be-“

Ryu continued, “In Thailand I heard, there were still mine fields left after the 2nd World War, all spread out wide and unknown of it’s locations. There were cases that villagers and animals accidentally stepped on them and died because some of them are still active. Including the asian elephants as well..”

I looked at his face, the man’s face was a little hard to read. There were sadness but also a tinge of proud as he looked up on the creature.

“But there is a case that these creatures survived the blast. But sadly, they have to lose a leg.” Said Ryu. “These creatures are so strong and I was glad there are still people that’s willing to help protect them back in Thailand.”

“You’ve been to Thailand before?” I asked.

Ryu nodded, “It was a holiday after my graduation from Uni and we visited a special hospital dedicated to elephants.”

“That’s cool.” I smiled as I tried to imagine the scenes of elephants in one big place attended with a doctor and a nurse each.

Ryu saw the smile, “Now don’t imagine weird stuff, Umeda-san. It was simply like a zoo too actually, just the fact that it only has elephants.”

I giggled, “Sorry can’t help it. Then?”

“Then,” Ryu puts his hand in his pocket. “I was offered by the staff there if I want to adopt an elephant.”

“Adopt?!” I scoffed as I tried to picture Ryu hugging the big creature. “like adopting kids?”

“Almost.” He tilted his head. “Basically, it’s just an offer to support the elephant financially. Not keeping them. Imagine if I had to bring my adopted elephant to Japan with plane.”

I laughed, “Ah sou… So did you named the elephant you adopted?”

“Of course.” Said Ryu. “It was a boy so I named him Loki because I heard he’s cheekily active despite his injured leg.”

“That’s cute..” I said. “So I guess you’re a man with an adopted son named Loki that weights around you car.”

“You can say that again.” Grinned Ryu. I suddenly can picture in my mind if I married him later, I’da have a step son that’s an elephant and lived in Thailand.

That’s a bit… cute I suppose. I thought silently.

Ryu turned, “Do you want to take some pictures?”

“Ah sure!” I just remembered and pulled out my phone. “Can you take it for me?”

He accepted the phone gladly and I stood infront of the cage with a pose.



I ran back to him as he showed me the result. “That’s good~”

“You’re very photogenic, Umeda-san.” Whistled Ryu. “I guess it’s no wonder that your followers on twitter retweeted your picture a lot.

“Did you see that?” I asked. “Don’t tell me you’re also following me on twitter.”

Ryu laughed, “What if I said I did?”

I tried to say something but no words came out. I didn’t know how to feel honestly, it just seems wrong to feel any of these feelings…

“Do you want to take picture with me?” asked Ryu. “I swear I won’t share it with anyone.”

I thought for a moment, “But that would be wrong somehow…” I looked at him in the eyes. “I’m sorry but…. You know… with the situation..”

“Or you can keep the copy.” Said Ryu coming up with a solution. “Guys do not need a printed memories, as long as I have one on my mind it’ll be fine.”

I looked at his smile, I don’t know why all of these things he has done for me so far and the things he said so far just… attracted me.

I felt guilty on one point to feel like this, but in the same time I appreciated his effort of all. Even if he wouldn’t be for me in the end, he’s the type of guy that still can be friends with me..

“Thank you.” I spoke lowly.

Ryu asked a nearby staff to take our picture. He stood next to me in front of the fence with an elephant on the background.

“Excuse me, Sir.” Said the staff. “Aren’t you going to pose a bit more than that?”

“Excuse me?”

“Well…” shrugged the staff. “You should at least put a hand on your girlfriend, no offence.”

I can feel my cheek flushed red upon the words. I took a peek at Ryu’s and also saw the same unusual thing on his face.

He cleared his throat awkwardly, “Do you mind..?”

I shook my head, “No.. Not at all.”

He put his hand on my shoulder gently. His hand is big on my tiny shoulder and I scooted closer to him and smelt a slight mint from his perfume that I didn’t notice before. It felt coldly sharp on my nose, but in the same time it suited him too..

“That’s better..” smiled the staff. “Cheese!”


“I hope that’s good or I wi-KYAAA!!!!” I felt something touched the back of my waist. “OI!” I stared angrily at Ryu.

“What?” asked Ryu confusedly with his hands already by his side. “You’re alright? what..?”

“Did you just..” I could feel my face blushingly red hot. “touched me?”

Ryu shook his head furiously, “I didn’t I swear!”

“Don’t lie to me!” I glowered at jabbed his chest with my index finger. “You-“

“Excuse me, Mam..” cut the staff. “You might want to see this.” He showed me the picture he taken with my phone.

I saw a picture of the two of us and zoomed it to my left. My eyes widened to see Ryu’s hand was still on my shoulder at the moment when the picture was taken. I scrolled to my waist and saw something rather grey peeking out behind my waist.

“I think this is the culprit, Mam.” giggled the staff pointing out at the same elephant that stood there the whole time. “You’re not the first one to experience such thing. This one has been a talk for being a bit cheeky to the visitors.”

Ryu couldn’t help but to laughed lightly as I eyed the elephant embarrassed. I pouted at the big creature for making me look like a fool on my first date ever.

After Ryu finished laughing, he wiped a tear that somehow came out from laughing too much. “Now- now…. Let’s go to another animal where maybe aren’t that cheeky.”

Then we did spend some more time exploring the whole zoo. The winter cold seems to made the place a little lonely with not much visitors, but somehow it was still nice to walk with Ryu around the place. It was as if the zoo was only booked for the two of us…

I later learnt more about him. He has a little sister still in university in Tokyo, two years younger than him, named Rika. His favorite colors are gray black and navy blue, his favorite food was surprising however.

“I like sweets.” He confessed.

“Eeh?” I took off my view from the polar bear who seemed to be enjoying the cloudy cold weather. “Maji kore?”

“Maji.” He smiled shyly. “I often takes candies to meetings and sneakily puts them in my mouth.”

“Cheeky man.”

“I guess I am.” He shrugged the he looked at the sky. “Ah…”

I looked up to and felt the tiny droplet of water to my cheek. It was a slight drizzle but I felt Ryu tugged my hand.

“Come on.” He said pulling me to the closest shade around, the polar bear exhibition. It was like a tunnel with thick glass to see the polar bear's cage where it swims happily. "We'll be alright here." he said with his hands still on mine.

He saw where my eyes headed and let go off his hands, "Gomen."

I shook my head, I want it to stay though. Those warm fingers...

"You're wet?" asked Ryu wiping his glasses. His hair was a bit wet if I can see it from the dim light of the lonely exhibition, making his black hair goes sticky on the edge.

I shook my head, "I'm alright. But you are."

He flashed a thin smile, "You're cold? We can get something warm at the zoo's cafe once the drizzles are gone."

I nodded, then turned my attention to the polar bear exhibition. "He seemed to be happy." I blurted out as I watched a polar bear diving inside the blue water. I get closer to the glass and touched the cold surface as I stare intently to the polar bear somersaulted in the water.

"They're lovely creatures."

Ryu nodded and stood beside me. "Their habitats are starting to disappear as the global warming strives day by day. Experts said that we might never see them again in 30 years.."

"That's cruel..." I said. I knew this is a tough world but it was much more tough for animals...

"You want to take a picture?" asked Ryu. I nodded and handed him my phone, but my gripped slipped off before his hand reached my phone, causing the object to fall.

"Oh Gods." I quickly bent down to picked it up but not realizing Ryu also bent down as well. Our hands touched again as we tried to pick the phone. I looked at his face which were just inches away from mine. So close that I can feel his warm breath to my ear..



My heart goes like a thump against my chest, not knowing what's going on as if my heart never raced this much before. For the first time I could hear his breathings on the silent tunnel.

"Umeda-san.." he whispered softly with his eyes gazing at me. "Would you give a try at this relationship?"

My eyes widened all the sudden with the question but I couldn't glance away from him. My heart raced faster than ever and I could feel his fingers on mine.

I didn't answer and closed my eyes, letting fate play it's role.

To Be Continued

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Re: Cometerz48 OS Stash: 26 and What?!!! - Chapter 2: Confrontation
« Reply #73 on: February 08, 2015, 06:06:21 AM »
Well let's get this started with whatever games that shall be pulled to win over Umechan
Random Thought:


R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline Cometerz48

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Cometerz48 OS Stash: 26 and What?!!! - Chapter 4: Torn
« Reply #75 on: April 20, 2015, 03:39:15 PM »
Well let's get this started with whatever games that shall be pulled to win over Umechan

aye aye sir~ *salutes*

really.. i cried after reading your update.
 :on cloudeye:

Gomen. But...

Be sure to cry on this one. *evil laughs*

Just joking. But please... you made me cry too for giving our baba leukemia :v

Minna, I may now announce;


:yossi: :yossi: :yossi: :yossi: :cow: :cow: :cow: :cow: :cow: :cow: :cow: :yossi: :yossi: :yossi: :yossi:
So, BIG apologize from me for not updating for so long since I've been so focusing on this exam for the last ten months and now I can tell you I am Free!!!

Good news which I have is that I will continue this thing till finish, but an hour from this post posted, I will also update the next chapter of Kyou made no Melody which you guys been waiting for!!!!!!

Another good news, My collab with Ruka is coming soon and also my other collab with AryaMachdi is underway with lot's of mind blowing things that even it excites  me even though none of my oshi will be there. If you're new to the forum (I know there's a lot, I've been watching) and you have not check out my collab with Ruka, please click here and if you're wondering which collab I'm doing and talking about with AryaMachdi, pleas click here.

So God bless you all and hopefully my exam results later. Sorry for the bad English, please enjoy and feed backs are very welcome!!!

26 and What?!!!
 Chapter 4: Torn

The silence was clear for me to just hear a slight rustle of his movement as he gets close to me. His warm breath and the smell of his mint perfume was terrorizing yet so loveable in my nostrils. I coul tell his lips were just a few inches from mine until suddenly..

“Look there’s the Polar Bear!!!”

My eyes snapped open in instant and my body went straight up and so does him. We looked at each other first awkwardly before looking at the incoming kids nearing the exhibition’s glass.

“Look! It’s swimming!!!”

“It has Claws!! Rawr!!”

“Which one is male and female?”

Our eyes met again, this time he couldn’t help himself to giggle quietly while my face was red flustered under the dim lightning. After he finished, he took a peek outside and saw the rain has stop.

“You want to grab something warm?” he asked pointing at the zoo’s Café. I nodded and settled in with a large cup of Hot Chocolate and a Cinnamon Bun while Ryu sat in front of me with a Latte in his hand.



Ryu smirked, ”You can go first, Ayaka-san.  You can call me Ryu by the way.” He said.

“Ryu-san..” his name rolled off my tongue in a weird way somehow. “Before the kids came, I was..”

Ryu gave a light smile, “it’s alright. And so I heard.. It’s normal to be carried away like that. Even some people that already dated tends to get carried away even know it’s not their partner.”

I stared at my cup, “I’m scared.” I confessed.

Ryu nodded, “It’s normal to be so, looking at your position as..” he coughed. “Idol.”

I nodded and still stared at my cup before looking at the window outside. The rain has stopped, but the gray sky are still hovering, bringing that bits of gloom to the air.

“Are you willing?” I asked looking at him. “are you willing to date me despite my occupation? My fans? The Medias?”

“I think that question isn’t for me, Ayaka-san.” said Ryu as he took off his glasses, revealing his brown irises. “I’ll repeat the question before then.”

“Would you give this relationship a try? Despite my position and all those things that might came in the way?”

I looked at his eyes, they were comforting to my heart as it beats faster…

Am I falling for him?

I closed my eyes before opening them again to see his reaction when I replied.

“Listen, I..” Ryu began.

We were no longer in the zoo. His car is now travelling on the highway, back to the Osaka City. After my answer, I’ve been seeing him smiling comfortingly. But not in a pervy way, more like a “everything is going to be fine” kind of smile.

I looked at him as he still driving on the wheels. “yes?”

“I..” he sighed. “I hope we can go like this again, Ayaka-san. Today was..”

“I’m sorry, it’s just-“ I blurted out.

“No, it’s fine really..” said Ryu. “I understand your choice but…”

“If you ever need someone to cry on, I’ll be there for you.”

His words still echoed in my mind even after a few days later. We still text each other in the morning, keeping it all professional of course. I told my manager about the day we went to the zoo as we travel to The WIZ’s stage theater.

“That’s one bold move, Umechan.” Whistled my manager.

“I just can’t..” I shook. “I don’t want to betray anybody. I hate it when we were that close already and I just…”

“Listen,” said my manager. “I trust all the decisions you can make for this, but the question now is; ‘Are you betraying yourself though?’”

I fell silence on the question. But my manager continues.

“Do you want to be with him? Are you happy with him?”

“I…” I glanced up to see we have arrived at the scene.

“We’ll talk again later.” Nods her before we get down the car.

For the whole day then, I spent my time rehearsing for the musical stage with other casts. Tano Yuka, a junior of mine was double casted with me as Dorothy in the drama. I tried concentrating to the script as well as the choreography given, but still those questions lingered in my mind like flies.

Then it was break time, I drank my water and slumped to the chair next to my bag. I opened up my mail and saw a new mail from Sae.

Umechan~ I know you’re rehearsing, but if you’re on break would you come to the lobby for a bit? I’m on day off today, and I want to see how it’s going with yourself. The WIZ will be soon right? Bought the tickets for it!!!

I looked awkwardly at the mail. That was unusually caring for Sae to say that she’s dropping by to see me. I know she’s nice and it’s her day off but..

I then quickly asked if I could go down to the lobby for a few minutes and once I got the permission, I brought my phone along with my wallet down with me. Upon arriving, I saw a familiar figure instantly standing by the lobby’s pillar.

“Haru-san?” I blurted out his name. It was Haru alright, dressed in a jump suit and a cap along with a sling bag by his side.

“Umeda-san?” he saw me in surprised. “What-?”

“Where’s Sae-chan? She texted me that she’s here..” I said in total confusement.

“Wait a sec!” he spoke.”She texted me that she has a job here and wants me to pick her up.”

As if we thought about the same thing, our eyes met and turned for one conclusion.



As if she reads our minds, a text came in from her suddenly for the two of us.

Have fun~

“What is she thinking??” I grumbled.  “Haru-san, I swear-“

Haru smirked a bit, “I’m gonna give her a whack once I get back.”

“Give her another one from me.” I said in flustered for Sae hooking us up like this. ‘Listen, I-“

“Is this the musical that Sae was talking about?” asked Haru as he pointed at The WIZ’s advertisement board. “You looked pretty there.”

“Thanks..” I smiled. “So… Wanna grab a coffee?”

I bought two cans of coffee quickly from a nearby vending machine and the two of us sat on a bench.

“Where were you from?” I asked looking at his attire.

“Ah these?” he looked at himself. “Another part time. I do some machine maintenance too, services..”

“You understand machines?” I asked sipping my coffee.

“Just another thing I do. I never had the official educations for it but I make it through the job test though. I used to like these back when I was in High School.” Smiled Haru fiddling with his can.

“Why didn’t you get the educations for it?” I asked.

“I have a bigger dream I guess.” Shrugged Haru. “I auditioned for the Johnys because I want to be in the entertainment just like you and Sae.”

“Are you still chasing it?” I asked. “Your dream..”

“Rather than chasing, I tried to substitute I suppose..” said Haru a bit lightly. “Not that I’m giving up, but more like I tried to substitute it to something that’s a bit more possible. Like being a bartender for example. I can be at least known to people for my brewing..” he smiled.

“I may not be having what I want to have now, but I’m sure one day I will. It’s just not the time for it yet probably.”

My eyes widened upon his words, somehow reminding of Ryu’s offer and my rejection a few days ago..

“You’re okay?” asked Haru looking at face concernedly. “You looked doubtful.”

“Ah, am I?” I blinked to snap out of my world before looking at my watch. “I suppose I should go now. The next session is about to start I think..”

“Good luck.” Said Haru standing up. “I’m sorry for Sae hooking us up like this.”

“Ah, it’s…” I tried to think whether it’s actually fine or bad. But, “fine really…”

“I actually might thank her..” frowned Haru. “At least I get to meet you.”

I could feel sudden warmth spread across my cheek and I swear if I looked in the mirror I would probably see my face so red in flustered. I tried calming myself down by coughing.

“It’s great to see you too, Haru-san.” I nodded awkwardly. “I’ll see you around later days I suppose..”

“Yeah sure.” smiled Haru before waving goodbye and left.

I stood there watching his back leaving and eventually disappeared. I looked at the can of coffee that he left on the bench, he must’ve forgotten it somehow. I picked it up and dumping it into the trash can before heading back.

When I went back, my manager told me that Amon was looking for me the whole time. I quickly went around to find him and found the man was talking on the phone.

“Amon-san.” I approached him after he puts down his phone. “I was at the lobby to grab a bit of coffee and I heard you were looking for me. Is there something wrong?”

“Ah, Umeda-san.” His face went cheerful despite the black mark around his eyes. “Listen, today a friend of mine will be coming to watch a bit of the rehearsal. He also happens to be one of the sponsor for this show, would you mind?”

“Sure. Why not?” I smiled.

“Wonderful!” he clapped a bit. “He will be thrilled to see you~”

“To see me?” I asked. “Why?”

“He’s a fan of you I think.” Eyed Amon at me teasingly. “He mentioned your name quite a couple of times.”

“Okay…” I raised my eyebrows. “WellI guess I can’t wait to see him to then~”  I smiled.

“Umeda-san, you’re such a sweet heart when you smile like that.” Sighed Amon. “I’m glad I chose you and Tano.

So then we went back practicing. Only this time, we do it on the stage as well as with the lightning checks and the sound effects. The show is only three days away and yet it feels like it’s already like tomorrow.

I kept my stamina as long as possible and Tano also not losing to me with her own stamina. I think it’s a tradition seriously that Team K always had the big stamina as a requirement for each member of the team. I guess Tano deserves Team K at some point..

Not only that, I have to kept my focus all the time after going through the drills and dialogues. There were times that Amon has to pause the segment for a sec and gave me a some directions as to how I have to set my expressions, intonations, and most of all getting those feelings right into one fine play.

And we finally are done for the day. I slumped to one of the chair and waved off the other casts as they left the room. My manager is off somewhere to seek my stuff, and I noticed Amon was approaching me with another man in glasses and a suit.

“RYU?!” I choked on my water when I saw his face grinning at me. “What are you doing here??!!”

“Oh you seemed to know each other.” Amon raised his eyebrows as Ryu laughs off. “Anyway, this is Asashima Ryu and Asashima Corp. is one of our sponsor of the show.

“Our parents knew each other.” Explained Ryu. “You sure are serious about you career, Ayaka.”

“How long have you been watching me?” I asked him as composed as I can. “Don’t you have a café to run?”

“Left it to my sist again.” Winked Ryu. “Enough to know you are one hard working woman.”

“Don’t tell me he’s the one you’re talking about, Amon-san.” I said to Amon.

“He is.” Smiled Amon. “I’ll leave you two, okay?”

After Amon left, I could not help not to blush with him peering down at me.”You’re serious, aren’t you?”

“I am.” Said Ryu. “Those words I said does not have a single lie, Ayaka.”

I looked at him in the eyes, I don’t know how I should feel. All the things he has done for me.. A woman that possibly can’t love him back for real…

He must’ve seen what’s on my mind that he looked at me back sadly, “I’m not forcing you to be mine. But please just let me watch you even from a far..”

I looked at him stunned, “Watch..?”

"Okay, 'watching you' sounds creepy.." He frowned a bit before smiling again. “Fine, I’ll be your Guardian Angel, Ayaka.” Said Ryu with the serious but yet gentle in his eyes. “Invisible, but yet standing by always to protect.”

I couldn’t speak, all my voices turned me down as I drowned in his deep gaze. I zoomed in secretly on his dark hair, his furrowed eyebrows, and most of all on his irises behind those glasses.


I glanced behind and saw my manager standing by the door with my stuff. She looked at the two of us with raised eyebrows, probably after seeing Ryu for the first time.

“Ah..” I shook my head, bringing myself back. “This is Asashima Ryu by the way.” I introduced her to him.

“Hello there..” nodded my manager. “I hope you two keeping stuff professional if you know what I mean..” coughed her.

Ryu smiled lightly, “Yes mam.”

“Come now, you have a schedule tomorrow.” Said my manager to me before heading to the door.

I turned to him, “I should go now.”

“Wait.” He held my wrist, stopping me. I looked at him instantly, not noticing I was looking offended. He saw it and let go, “Gomen..”

“Matta nee.” I walked towards the door. 


The sound of the metal was loud and before I could look where it’s from, I felt a sudden force pushing me forward towards the half opened door. I crashed to it instantly with my shoulder against the hard wood.


“Itte…” I grunted clutching to the shoulder which I bet it must’ve been bruising.  I turned back to yell, “RYU THE HEL-“

But my voice disappeared when I saw him then lying on the floor with some scrap metals on top of him, unconscious.

“Ayaka what happ-“ my manager went back and saw Ryu. “Oh Gods…”

“CALL THE AMBULANCE!!!” I yelled to her. I ignored the pain and scrambled towards him.

“Ryu… No please…” I whispered kneeling next to him and the metals. I looked up and saw a missing gap of what must’ve been where the metals were hanging.

“No.. No…” I shook my head, clutching my head. I turned and saw Amon rushing in with some crew and my manager on the phone.

“Save him…” I pleaded looking at them as they tried to lifted the metals off him. I saw the scarlet liquid on the wooden floor, coming from his back. My heart was beating fast with something streaming out from my eyes..

“.....I’ll be your Guardian Angel, Ayaka..” his voice rung in my head once more.

I saw the crew turned him on his back. His glasses were fractured and his eyes were closed as the scar on his head bleeds out. I reached for him, but something pulled me back strongly. I struggled, my voice screaming his name to open his eyes, my eyes blinded by clear liquid.

Ryu… I tried to say his name again but no voice comes out. Someone then hugged me tight, so tightly that I burst my emotions literally in their arms.

To be Continued

Offline Cometerz48

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Cometerz48 OS Stash: Kyou Made no Melody - Chapter 9
« Reply #76 on: April 20, 2015, 05:27:39 PM »
UPDATE YEA GUYSS!!!! Decided to get 'Kyou made no Melody' and '26 and What??!' to be released on the same day cause I care and I AM FREE FROM EXAM!!!

I know you guys been waiting for this one here, so here we go!!

Sorry for the bad English, Feed backs, comments, even complaints are very extremely welcome!!

Kyou made no Melody - Chapter 9

A Few Hours Before

I woke up with lights in my eyes and the smell of coffee. I turned and saw Sae already pouring herself a cup of the brown liquid to a cup.

“Hello.” Said Sae. “You seemed to be very tired.”

“I am.” I sat up and accepted the cup. I took a sip, feeling the bitterness of the coffee. As bitter as the news Mayu told her. I decided to break the news for her, I typed up a quick note in her phone, all the things Mayu said, before passing it to Sae.

We’re bugged, this is the only way. Umechan is missing. Kana is safe. Jurina stands by as our back up.

Sae’s eyes widened, I could see a flash of worried in her eyes. She bit her lips hard, but she tried to keep her breathing steady.

If Umechan is captured, Kana is no longer safe. Can you contact the safe house?

Can’t risk it. If they got Umechan, we’ve got no choice but to safe her and find Sashihara now.

We’re told to gather in the dining hall in an hour. I think Yamamoto got something scheduled for four of us. We’ll stick to the plan for now.

What if we met Sasshi?

We’ll grab her by the neck and lock her up in the car’s back trunk.

What if we’re busted?

Then we'll fight our way out.

You’re so dense, Sae.

I’m sure they’ll show us the way to the control room where the CCTV are, one of us can sneaked there and hack it so it goes out just for a few minutes. We’re on our own now, Yuko..

I know.  But this mission has turned into a suicide mission.

I sighed and looked at Sae. This mission has turned into rather a suicide, we have no clue what’s going on here nor the complete information inside the mansion.nA knock at the door made Sae stood and open the door, revealing Churi and Airin.

“Airi told us to get some breakfast. She said there will be a special tour conducted by Sayanee.” Said Churi. “You guys looked rather pale, are you alright?”

“I’m fine.” Said Sae. “Just hungry.”

“Yea.” I nodded. “Let’s get something to eat now.”

After a plate of porridge and a quick sip of tea, I leaned back on my seat and watched the others still eating. Sae is still spooning her yoghurt, Churi’s still busy munching a toast, while Airin is still enjoying her scramble eggs.

The door burst open and revealed Sayanee with Airi on her side. The NAMBA boss looked a bit tired for some reason, but she seemed to be keeping composure steady.

“Good morning, Ladies.” She smiled. “I have something special today I’d like to show you all. Please finish your breakfast quickly and Airi would take you to my favorite room in this mansion.” She announced before leaving the five of us.

“So, Airi..” said I said putting down my yoghurt. “You work for NAMBA? Where’s Jo?”

“She’s probably having a lesson with her tutor right now, miss Miyazawa.” Said Airi. “Sayanee knows what you two have done for her, she gives her best gratitude towards you two for saving her cousin. How about the other friend of yours, Oshima-san?"

Crap... I was with Kana when I saved Jo.. I suddenly remembered, avoiding Sae's cautious eyes.

"We separated. It was the four of us before we separated in the gas station, she's gone off to somewhere else with Sae's friend." I lied as natural as possible. “So Jo is Sayanee’s cousin?” I asked trying to turn the conversation.

Airi nodded, “Jo-sama’s father is also one of the founders of NAMBA, miss Oshima. He died before she was born, not knowing his legacy nor NAMBA itself.”

“So she doesn’t know that her cousin is running one of the best dark company in Japan?” asked Churi.

“No.” said Airi. “Sayanee wishes that none of you would spoil the news to Jo-sama, remembering her young age. Personally, she doesn’t wish her to know anything about NAMBA.”

“We got that..” I nodded. “Where will you be taking us?”

“Somewhere pretty high tech I have to say.” Smiled Airi. “Follow me.”

We finally arrived in a room filled with many monitors displayed on the walls and a set of sofas placed infront of them. I squinted my eyes and noticed that the monitors are showing the whole mansion one every angle.

“Welcome to the CCTV room.” Said Sayanee sitting on a sofa, gesturing us to sit with her. “It monitors pretty much the whole mansion for safety precautions.”

“Let me guess, you hear bugs to from here, don’t you?” asked Airin. “I can see a lot of bugs in our room.”

“Please forgive me, Furukawa-san.” Said Sayanee humbly. “Standard procedure, I have to keep my ears on you all at least for five hours. Don’t worry, I have lifted the bugs off from your room so it should be safe to..” she looked over to Airin and Churi. “Interact closely..”

Airin and Churi’s face blushed instantly, Sayanee laughed. “Don’t worry, I have no issues on sexual interest as long as they keep themselves professionals, understand?”

“So we’ll be working here?” asked Sae looking around. “I might be dizzy if I stayed in here for an hour just watching monitors.”

“Ah, there will be shifts for everyone in this room.” Said Sayanee. “I’m not sure, but has Maachun made the new roster?” she asked Airi.

“I think she did.” Said Airi. “You guys can check it out in the formal hall.”

The door suddenly opened and showed a girl dragging over someone by the neck. The figure was thin, despite dragging over someone rather plumpy, she seemed to be doing fine.

“I found a mouse sneaking in the property.” Said the girl pushing her hostage down on the floor.

For a moment, I was worried it might be Umechan judging from the short figure. Her head was covered with a small sack, but I knew it was a girl. I glanced worriedly at Sae and saw her jaw tightened slightly.

Sayanee stood up and approached the hostage, kneeling before opening the sack. It revealed a young girl, possibly sixteen or so. Her brown hair was messy with a few bruises and cuts on her face, her gray eyes looks up on Sayanee. I watched her facial complexion, noticing that she must’ve been a halfie. Sayanee grabbed the girl’s collar and ripped her jacket slightly, revealing a black tattoo printed on the girl’s collar.

“A HAKATA…” mumbled Sayanee. “You know where to take her, Rena.”

“Let’s go now.” Said Rena shortly pulling the girl to stand up.

The girl glared at Sayanee, “You raided our place, Yamamoto! Just wait until we get our hands on you!”

“I remembered blowing your base quite nicely.” Said Sayanee.

“Ho’oh, and that’s just the beginning, Yamamoto! Now give back Sasshi!!” yelled the girl struggling on Rena’s grasps.

My eyes flinched a bit hearing Sashihara’s name. My thoughts are this girl must’ve had a lot of guts wanting to save a jerk like her.

“Ah, you’ll be meeting her soon, kid. Very soon.” Said Sayanee assuring before signaling Rena to take her away.

“Is that kid talking about Sashihara?” asked Churi. “The ‘Sashihara’?”

“Rang a bell, miss Takayanagi?” asked Sayanee with a raised eyebrows.

“She’s a highly professional informant.” Said Airin. “We asked her once about one of our target.”

“She knows nearly everything.” Said Sae. “What I mean everything, it means every single thing.”

“Well, just to let you know we raided HAKATA a few days ago. She’s under our custody now.” Said Sayanee.

“What do you want with her?” I asked.

Sayanee gave a sly smile, “Just needing a bit of information on government for our plans. I might get you guys into it soon enough.”

“You guys can stay here if you want, I’ll call you once I got an assignment for you to do.” Said Sayanee before she excused herself out of the room.

“So what do you think?” asked Airi sitting on the sofa with us. “NAMBA has all you need.”

“Do they have a weapon expert here? I might want them to check on my guns.” Said Airin.

Airi smiled, “I am one, Furukawa-san. There’s also a Bomb Expert here, not forgetting she’s also a five star chef.”

“Must’ve been some blasty food she creates..” said Sae.

“Where did Sayanee send the kid to?” I asked.

“Usually she sent them straight to Kei, our torturer. But seemed like she sent her to the dungeon instead underground, considering she’s just a kid.” Explained Airi. “Sayanee might look cold blooded, but she has tolerance for kids.”

“Where’s the toilet, I think I need to go.” I said suddenly.

“Just outside, turn to the left.” Said Airi.

I went out from the room and walked in the direction she told me to. I felt a cold hand on my mouth all the sudden, I struggled until finally I looked in the mirror and saw the familiar face in a servant uniform.

“Kana!” I whispered. “What happened to you?”

“They’ve got Umechan locked up somewhere and they blew up the safe house as soon as they tracked down our communication. I flee on foot to the gas station.” Said Kana briefly. “I found another entrance to the underground tunnel, close to the gas station and sneaked in.”

“You sent an SOS to the base, Mayu called me and said Jurina is standing by as back up.”I replied turning on the tap loudly to prevent bugs hearing our conversations.

“Yuko, I’ve watch everything for the last five hours here. I saw Milky and Lemon walking in here, they’re the doubles the whole time.” Informed Kana.

“Milky and Lemon?” my eyes widened upon hearing Umechan’s subordinates mentioned. “That’s surprising.”

“Fujie Reina was also with them.” Said Kana. “However, she looked confused when I watched her from distances.”

“Reina?” I asked. “Is she doubles too?”

“I’m not so sure.” shook Kana. “She was with this girl named Nana the whole time instead with the two. She kept asking for Sashihara.”

“She asked for Sashihara?” I curled my lips. “What does she want with her?”

“I think she wants information too from her.” Said Kana. “Something that’s also involving NAMBA.”

“Well, we can’t let that happen can we?” I whispered. “Be careful of cameras around, Kana. Don’t let them found you out.”

“I’ve seen it and noted some of the blind spots.” Said Kana before handing a pack of band aids. “Mocchi made this. It’s designed to malfunctioned surveillance cameras by sticking it to the camera, I’ve been using this to get pass some of the cameras around. This too.” She handed me a bar of chocolate, but I knew the mass wasn’t just simply mixture of cocoa and sugars.

“Plastic bomb, gives enough damage depends on where you put it.” Said Kana. “Be careful.”

“If you found Sashihara, get her straight out of here. Sae and I will look for Umechan.” I instructed before punching fist with Kana and she sets off. I turned off the water tap and also went back into the room.

Back in the CCTV room, I only found Churi sitting on the couch watching the monitors like teenagers watch TV at their homes. She looked quite relaxed as she switched the big monitors from one place to another.

“Where’s Airin and Sae?” I asked the bird lover.

“Gone with Airi to have further tour.” Said Churi. “I’d rather stay here however.”

I sat next to her, “Can you find the one that shows the dungeon? I’m wondering about the girl earlier.”

“Sure.” said Churi pressing the buttons on the remote before stopping at a scene like some sort of a warehouse. “Whoah, is that Sashihara?”

I leaned in and saw the figure she’s talking about. Sashihara was crossing her arms she doesn’t looked so pleased as her mouth seemed to be arguing with someone.

“I don’t think she’s happy.” I chimed in.

“I’ll go and try get the audio on.” Said Churi fiddling with the remote. After a few pressings, we can hear it up.

“Let go off her, Sayanee. She’s just a child!” yelled Sasshi to what appears to be Sayanee herself.

“We don’t have a deal on that, Sashihara you know that.” Replied Sayanee. “And I don’t make a deal until the old one is done.”

“You promised me, Sasshi.” Said a new voice. My eyes widened when I saw the familiar figure of Reina holding a gun pointed to the informant’s head.

Sasshi put her hands up, “Fine I will. You want to know who killed Oshima Mai don’t you, Reina?”

My eyes widened up more upon hearing the name mentioned, bringing up memories of the past times…

“Tell me!!” yelled Reina furiously.

Sasshi looked at Sayanee, “You want to know who killed your dad don’t you, Yamamoto?”

“Just spit it out!” yelled Sayanee.

“Fujie Reina was also with them.” Said Kana. “However, she looked confused when I watched her from distances.”

“Reina?” I asked. “Is she doubles too?”

“I’m not so sure.” shook Kana. “She was with this girl named Nana the whole time instead with the two. She kept asking for Sashihara.”

“She asked for Sashihara?” I curled my lips. “What does she want with her?”

“I think she wants information too from her.” Said Kana. “Something that’s also involving NAMBA.”


Sasshi’s face went intense with two guns, but she kept her breathing steady.

“What is she saying…?” asked Churi. Then she caught my expression, “Yuko-san? Hey, what’s wrong..?”

I didn’t answer, instead I dialed Sae’s number from my phone. Hoping her to pick it up..

No answer, I cursed as I watched Sayanee pointed back her gun at Sasshi again.

“Who else? Is it someone from these four?” asked Sayanee motioning Akari holding a tablet to come closer.

“Which one is it, Sasshihara?” asked Akari coldly, showing the photos of the four of us.

“Wait a sec! Is that our photos?!” squeaked Churi looking at the monitor.

I didn’t answer. I watch Sasshihara’s lips curled upwards upon the tablet in satisfied, she definitely knew who she needs to point now.

“You two better share Oshima Yuko nicely if you want to have sweet revenges on her.”

I can hear Churi’s gasped beside me in instant. I saw her face getting pale and shocked. “O-oshima-sann..?”

“Sorry Churi.” I whispered. Before she could answer, my fist punched her stomach first. Causing the girl to crumbled to the ground with a groan.

“No way…. She’s here?!”

“Akari, alert everyone. I want her alive and locked up in Kei’s chamber.”


“Oh, you might also want Miyazawa too. She’s involved in the assassination mission on NAMBA’s bosses.”
Added Sasshi

“Miyazawa-san too?”

“Most likely she was the one to kill the other NAMBA bosses.”

Shit, they’ll go hunt for Sae too! I cursed.

I looked around to look for a certain item. When I found it, I scrammed for it and opened the zipper of an ‘Emergency Only’ pouch located in a metal box hung above a desk. I grabbed the map inside and headed towards the door. Before I opened the handle, I glanced back at the unconscious Churi and the monitors. An idea kicked in and I quickly responded to it by reaching for an elegant ornament of a sword hanging on the wall. I smashed the sword’s hilt as hard as I can to each of the monitors in the room, glass breaks and the alarm rung. I had to get out now.

I walked out and saw two figures incoming towards me with weapons in their hand. I rushed to them in flash and dodged a punch to the side and landed knock at the base of the neck on one and a kick to the face on the other one. Both fell to the ground easily and groaned before blacking out. I grabbed their handheld guns and their ammos before dashing off to the corridors, avoiding big parties by hiding behind walls until I reached the bathroom. I entered a cubicle and set the map out infront of me and dialed Sae again.

“Pick it up…” I begged lowly at the phone.

Miraculously this time she did picked it up.

“Yuko!” she hissed. “What happened?! I was with Airin and Airi, then all the sudden everyone burst in to attacked me!”

“Where are you now, Sae?” I whispered. “Sasshi blew our cover, I saw it in the monitoring room. They have Umechan..”

Sae cursed, “That bitch, I’ll get her mouth stuffed with a shoe if I get to meet her later. I’m in some room on the second floor, now. I managed to get out with some smoke bombs in my pack.”

“Meet me in..” I looked at the map. “the kitchen’s store room in five minutes.”

I heard the toilet door opened and quickly closed the phone off. I kept my mouth shut and held my breath as the footsteps came closer and closer. I was prepared to get slid below the cubicle door to attack when suddenly I felt a sudden heat burst coming from the side and followed by heaps of metals scraps. I was thrown to the side and felt my a crack on my right shoulder as I felt the cubicle wall crumbled upon the impact.

I could hear vaguely the voices of people calling each other and my eyes went blurry, something must’ve hit me hard that it effects my sight. But I managed to rose on my feet and welcomed the first fist attack before giving back the favor right on the chest.  I can feel more people coming in and felt hands grasping each part of my body or landing at least a punch upon it. I felt the blood slipping out of my lips by the count of tens or hundreds of strong punches on my body, my consciousness were slipping out..

“Ugh….” I looked hazily in front of me and saw someone holding out a strange sparkle of a light. I can’t recognize what it was except that by the time it landed on my abdomen, my mouth screamed out and darkness took over me.

Third person’s POV - A few Hours Later

Umechan opened her eyes faintly and saw the dim bulb above her. Her head hurts a lot. In fact, every part of her body hurts. She reached up to her head to caress a bump there, and heard faint metals clanked to each other and her wrist was heavy. She saw the chain on her wrists faintly and saw how it was also attached to the wall beside the bed.

Her mind flashes back the last images she had seen; Micha’s death.

The world fell all the sudden, her loved one killed before her very own eyes. She felt as if her soul was gone, her life is over. Her eyes cannot spill anymore tears, it was as if she was nothing but a doll..

“You’re awake.”

She glanced at the door and saw a girl with short wavy brown hair, bringing a tray of water and small towel. She settled down on a stool beside her bed and put down the tray on the side table.

“Milky and Lemon got you quite badly.” Said the girl before dipping the towel to the water and squeeze the water out. “But at least nothing seems to be broken…”

She reached to Umechan’s temple to dab a scar on it, but Umechan’s hand caught the girl’s wrist.

“Your friend killed my girlfriend.”

The girl looked at Umechan and sighed, “Yes she did. I saw her too.”

“She was my loved one.” Whispered Umechan not letting go of the girl’s wrist, instead she gripped them more tightly. “And all of you killed her like a bug.”

She pulled the girl close and grabbed the girl’s chin, forcing her to stare at the elder woman’s eye. “You all better keep your eyes wide open, because if you’re careless, I SWEAR I’LL RIP ALL YOUR HEADS OFF!!”

The girl curled her lips before she struggled her chin off. Ayaka let her grip loose and let the girl pulled back, caressing her reddened chin.

“Just to let you know,” she said putting down the wet towel. “Sayanee is my cousin. Pretty much lot’s of NAMBA members are still attached to the same root.”

Ayaka did not answer and the girl continued, “So don’t wonder if they were hunting your friend seriously. Most of their parents were killed that night. Mine too.”

Ayaka kept silenced, turning away from the girl’s look

The girl sighed, “Just one advice for you; don’t do anything stupid for now. You’re lucky to be alive when Sayanee lies her eyes on you, I thought that bullet would go for you.”

Ayaka looked into the girl’s eyes intensely, “Let’s cut the bullshit, Yamamoto asked you to do something to me right? Don’t say she asked you to patch me up back for whatever she has in her mind.”

The girl raised her eyebrows, “I’ll tell you something, Agent. Despite being the same family as her, I have no idea what she has in her mind. She only shares them to her closest like Milky, Nana, and Keichi.”


“Then,” sighed the girl. “it means if you are given to me by her; yes, she wants me to patch you up!”

The girl narrowed her eyes, “I’m the health department her in NAMBA, so if you don’t mind I still have a lot to take care off thanks to the bomb you set in the underground tunnel.” She then lifted the basin and the towel and walked out the door, leaving Umechan alone.

The young girl sighed then she stared bitterly to a girl waiting by the door, Shu.


“She’ll be hard.” Said the girl walking away from the door with Shu following her.

“That’s a rare for you to say that, Emichi.” Said Shu suspiciously.

“It’s not as easy as the theory, Shu.” Said the one called Emichi. “I graduated from university, I know which are easy and which that aren’t.”

“Well, if you think about it…” said Shu. “You’re the only one in the family to ever enter university.”

Emichi did not answer, “Just tell Sayanee, I need time for her request.”

“But she said to be as fast as you can!”

“Well too bad.” Said Emichi and looked at the younger one’s face. “I don’t even want to do it..”

Shu stopped, “Why?”

Emichi glowered at Shu, “You know why.. She’s one of them.”

“I know that.” Said Shu.

“Then if you know that, would you still accept it?” asked Emichi. “After what they’ve did to us and what she might have done to us too?”

“Well, no..” said Shu lowering her head. “But I believe in Sayanee, she must have a reason.”

Emichi sighed, “I need more time, tell Sayanee that. “

In Another Place

Takamina doesn’t need to be told twice just a few seconds after the explosion news spread, she commanded emergency meeting at once. The papers on her desk were piling up like sky scrapers but she managed to read some files Sakiko sent her yesterday on the snipers that they have and had before.

Her mind all racing to different directions as trying to think up the next move, but she managed to keep her composure steady and called for Mayu to join the meeting. The door burst open and Takamina came in to the meeting room already filled with her teams and some other agents, all waiting for her.

“I want all the hospital CCTV and forensic details out now!” yelled Takamina as she walked up to her seat.

Sakiko chimed in, “We managed to gather the records of the CCTV before the explosion takes place, Takamina-san.”

“Play it on the projector.” Said Takamina dead serious.

Juri swipped her fingers on the controller in front of her and played a recording. It showed the receptionist area where a school girl with dark short hair just came in and greeted the receptionist happily before giving the nurse a box that looks like bento.

“Pause it there.” Said Takamina. “Zoom in to the school girl’s face.”

Juri zoomed in to the school girl’s face, she has a pair of thin sharp eyes and sly smile like a mischievous elf somehow.

“Yamamoto Sayaka.”

Everyone turned to the door and saw Mayu walking in with a CD case in her hand. Her expression was dead serious with her lips curled in displeased.  “I bet she’s here to warn her wrath on us. This was found in the scene, a blast proof CD case. She wants us to see this.”

“Play it.” Said Takamina.

Mayu gave the CD case to Juri and sat on her seat, she was bitterly angry now. “Yuki and Paru are handling the wounded ones and the forensic results are already out, I sent it to Annin so you can get in to it.”

“Any casualties?” asked Takamina tapping on her chair.

Mayu’s face went bitter and angry, “It killed Amina and Ayarin.”


Some members started weeping in tears as the two names announced. Mariya cried in Sakiko’s arm loudly while Mocchi and Chisato each cried on Amina’s death in other member’s arms. Not only them the younger members looked stunned as the two senior’s names were announced dead, causing them to either fell silence or start sobbing quietly.

Takamina bit her lips, “Yamamoto…. That bitch..”

“Suuchan and Suzuran in critical condition however.” Said Mayu. “I managed to had a talk with Suzuran before she passed out. She said as soon as they reached Ayarin’s room, Amina was the first to notice it was a bomb and ran to the lift so the explosion wouldn’t be causing much damage as she tried to disarm them there. Ayarin chased her and the two went in the lift together , that’s when it exploded.”

“Suzuran and Suuchan?”

“They were chasing the two and only managed to get to the lift when the door closed infront of them, they got thrown back from the explosion badly but alive.”

Mocchi moaned in dismay, “Amina….”

Takamina sighed, “She and Ayarin were heroes, I want a full honorable funeral for the two.” Nods of agreements came from the others, still accompanied with tears.

“Takamina-san…” said Juri lowly. She blankly looked at the monitor infront of her.

“What’s wrong Juri?” asked Takamina as she scanned through the forensic results.

“I-I…” stumbled Juri. “I don’t think I can handle this one..”

“What do you mean?” asked Mayu as she approached the girl. She looked into the monitor and it only took a few seconds for her to be stunned as what she sees. “This…”

“Play it.” Instructed Takamina.

The projector linked to the monitor then opened a file inside the CD, everybody was silent as soon as Juri hit the play button. The video showed some kind of a warehouse with wooden crates and old metal scraps, recorded from above.

“CCTV?” asked Shimada.

“Looks like it. Oh my..” gasped Riichan.

Everyone immediately notice what Riichan was gasping about once it zoomed in by itself. They saw a clear view of a figure strapped to a chair and chained to a wooden pole. Even with cuts on her face, everyone can definitely recognized Umeda Ayaka was gasping for breath on that chair.

“Umeda-san…” blurted out Karen.

“Umechan…” gasped Mocchi.

“Capt…” spoke Komari who was silent the whole time.

“Coward.  Senpai is here isn’t she, capt?” said a sweet sounded like voice.

“Watanabe Miyuki.” Growled Shimada recognizing the voice instantly. “How the hell-“

“She was the doubles all along…”spoke Komari. “And.. Oh Gods..” her eyes widened in shock when she saw another figure standing by a knocked out figure, Ichikawa Miori.

Shimada’s eyes widened and so does other members. “Lemon.. The heck is sh-“

“Now we know why Yokoyama is not recovering.” Glowered Takamina. “They shut her up since they have the chance. They betrayed us.”

“No…” shook Maria. “It can’t be…” she stared dead at her fellow comandres; Fujita Nana and Izuta Rina. Both were shocked as well.

Annin gritted her teeth silently, “Lemon..”

Takamina watched Umechan bared her teeth at Lemon fiercely. Then Lemon gave her another punch to her stomach. Collective gasp were heard when the head of health department crumbled to her knees.

“You know what, this is getting boring.”

“Go on.  Shoot me.”

“Oh, I’m not going to shoot you capt.”
Many gasps were heard when the camera zoomed into another figure being held hostage. Sakiko was the first to shot up straight from her seat.

“MICHA!!” yelled Sakiko furiously. “How did-“

Mayuyu gritted her teeth, “No wonder Haruna said that she can’t reach Micha for consultation…. They got her as well.”

“But how?!” asked Ucchi confusedly as she stood beside Sakiko. “How did they even-“

“Micha!! Let go off her!!!”

“U-umechan..?  W-what..”

“She’s on a mission here with her peers, just in case you’re wondering and you’re going to help me so she could spill whatever she has now.”


“I would capt. Tell me where are the others, capt or I’ll blast her head.”

“No.. Please let go off her… Kill me instead!”

“Umechan, you can’t!”

“Tell me now, Umeda!”



Shrieks came out of most members in the room with Sakiko immediately crumpled to Mariya’s arm and the floor, dazed as she stared at the screen blankly as if her soul just got taken off her body at that moment.


As many older members gathered around Sakiko to give her strength, Takamina bit her lips hard as her eyes locked to the screen, she was furious.

“What do we do now..?” asked Mayu grimly.

“Tell Jurina to get her team leaves in an hour.” Spoke Takamina. “Contact anyone in Yuko’s team to get all out of there before it’s too late! Yamamoto and Sashihara are the worst combination, they won’t be able to face them without back ups!”

“Wouldn’t it be better if we just storm up the NAMBA’s base?!” asked Riichan.

Takamina shook her head, “If we’re to do so, we need the get the permission from the higher ups first.”

“Permission…?” spoke Sakiko lowly before she looked up to Takamina. “THEY BLEW UP THE HOSPITAL, THEY KILLED OUR MEMBERS, DO WE NEED MORE TO GET PERMISSION TO KILL THEM ALL?!!”

“Calm down Sakiko.” Said Rie trying to compose herself from the shock. “Takamina, please let me join Jurina’s team.”

“Granted.” Said a new voice from the door.  Jurina came followed by Nao, looking extremely bitter. “We’ll be needing an operator from far and I need a strategist as well.”

“I’ll go with you.” Said Annin as she stood up and glanced to Takamina for permission.

The number one strategist nodded briefly and gripped her chair hard, “Report to me in the next twenty four hour. By the time of that, I should be getting the permission settled.”

Jurina nodded, “Rie-chan, Annin, let’s go.”

At the hospital – an hour later

Yukirin sighed as she walked out of the surgery room, she lets her mouth mask fell to the bin and grabbed herself a cup of water from the counter. She slumped to a bench and leaned her back to the wall.

“Tired? I’ll do the next one for you if you want.” Asked an incoming figure.

Yukirin looked up, “I’m fine, Haruna. I just can’t believe somebody blew up the hospital..” she crumpled her cup in anger. “How dare they!!”

“I heard the bomb is a small plastic prototype, it doesn’t do much of big damage.”Said Haruna propping next to the tired surgeon. “But it’s still unforgivable.”

“Amina and Ayarin…” whispered Yukirin sadly. “Ayarin was in the same recruitment as I am before she got suspended and came back. While Amina… She’s the only expert on children before anybody became one here…”

“They’re dead.” Said Yukirin bitterly.

“Suzuran and Sumire..” said Haruna slowly. “It’s too much to handle so they’re sent to the expert hospital in the central. They will get the special treatment there.”

Yukirin’s eyes widened, “When did this happened?!! I could have taken care of them with Paru!”

“Government agents of the higher ups just sent in this order.” She gave Yukirin a paper. “They’re possibly potential eye witness of the bombing, the higher up is handling the case.”

“You’re joking me!” chocked Yukirin as her eyes scanned the paper. “So then..”

“There are possibilities that we won’t be allowed to see them for a long time.” Said Haruna grimly.

“This is just… bullshit.” Said Yukirin deadpanned. “We all know the higher up wouldn’t even process them instantly. It’s going to take years till they actually solve the case themselves!”

“Have you ever heard about a group called Sakae?” asked Haruna suddenly.

Yukirin’s eyes winched, “I’ve heard rumors about them, never meet and never seen them before. They’re identities are confidential as well as their jobs for the government.”

“All we know is that they are Cleaners, they cleaned up messes that were caused by the government’s actions.”

“It is rumored that they’re handing the case.” Said a new voice joining in, Paru. “It’s fishy somehow.”

“Fishy indeed.” Nodded Yukirin. “It’s like as if the government has som-“

“Not here.” Hissed Haruna cautiously placing a finger on Yukirin’s lips, Paru nodded.

Yukirin bowed her head apologetically, “Then we better get this to Takamina then.”

“She already knew.” Said Paru. “She left to the central building just a moment ago, I heard.”

“The central building?” asked Yukirin. “She’s meeting with the higher ups? But why?”

“I don’t know.” Said Paru. “But it sounded serious.”

“Probably about the bombing.” Said Haruna. “It made it to the news headline everywhere.”

Yukirin nodded, “I heard Tanamin sent in the forensic report to Mayu for a meeting held by Takamina not a while ago. Have you heard anything? I was busy in the surgery room.”

Haruna shook her head, “Nope. I was busy with the anesthetic preparation for Paru’s surgery.”

“I was operating on other victims of the bombing.” Said Paru plainly.

Haruna sighed, “I’m going to grab something from the canteen bellow, call me if there’s anything from Takamina about the bombing.”

“Don’t tire yourself out, Haruna.” Said Yukirin concernedly. “Have had your daily check up yet?”

“I did with Wasamin yesterday. She said Micha can’t be called for the last few days somehow, she said maybe Micha was visiting back her hometown or something.” Said Haruna strangely.

“That’s odd…” said Yukirin. “She should at least leave messages.”

“She’s not the only one.” Said Paru. “Milky and Lemon.. I can’t reach them as well. I can’t get in line with them.”

Haruna shrugged, “WellI hope they’re back as soon as possible. Who’s taking care of Yuihan now?”

“Katayama-san and I.” said Paru a bit strangely.

“You’re doing a good job, Paru.” Smiled Haruna.”You should smile a bit.” She pointed out the thin lips.

“It’s not the time yet I think, Haruna-san.” Said Paru saltly. “Not with the situations..”

Haruna smiled before she left the two and headed to the canteen. Making sure Haruna is out of sight, Yukirin turned to the young girl.

“You lied, Paru.” Said Yukirin.

“I beg your pardon?” asked Paru a bit surprised.

“You lied when you said you haven’t heard about anything from Takamina’s meeting about the bombing.” Said Yukirin. “You knew something don’t you?”

Paru’s expression was plain salty like what she is, “It was NAMBA’s work. The CCTV caught Yamamoto Sayaka’s image handing the bomb to Suzuran like a bento.”

Yukirin’s eyes widened in shock, “That’s outrageous!! How dare she to came here!”

Paru nodded, “Not only that. The forensic team that Tanamin lead found a blast proof case in the scene, inside it was a CD from Yamamoto.”

“What’s inside the CD?”

Paru’s expression darkened, “A warning. They have Umeda-san…”

“Does that mea-“

“Yuko-san and Sae-san still haven’t been discovered yet but Kobayashi-san has gone missing. Possibly she got away safely, she sent an SOS through a telegram.” Said Paru briefly.

“Why didn’t you say it just then? Why did you lie?”

“The warning doesn’t just stop there. They have Misato-san and shot her dead in the video.” Said Paru.

Yukirin felt the world frozen,”Th-they shot h-her dead?”

Paru nodded, “She was kidnapped all these time, no wonder Iwasa-san can’t reach her.”

“Who kidnapped her?”

Paru bit her lips, “It was Milky and Lemon. They’re on NAMBA’s side all these time…”

“…..” Yukirin’s face went puzzled. “No wonder Yokoyama…”

“I found traces of a drug to slow body cells to recover in Yuihan’s bloodstream.” Said Paru biting her lips angrily. “Yuihan must’ve known that they’re on Yamamoto’s side, they’re shutting her up.”

“But still it doesn’t explain why you lied.” Said Yukirin.

“Takamina-san told me not to tell Haruna-san.” Said Paru. “Yuko-san is in great danger and Takamina is sending Jurina to back them out now. Takamina-san worried that if Haruna-san knew, it could effect her pregnancy..”

“Ah sou..” said Yukirin nodding slowly, she was tired of surprises already for today. “We can’t let Akicha know about this… She’ll be the only person left of her peer now.”

Paru sighed, “I also received a news..”

Yukirin looked up at the younger girl who seemed not liking the news at all, “What is it?”

Paru turned away from Yukirin’s gaze, “Minarun just turned in her resignation paper this morning, she’s discharged in honor straight away.”

Yukirin placed her palm on her forehead and shook her head, “No way… How the he-“

“I don’t know.” said Paru holding back her tears still with her salty attitude trademark. “I can’t reach her phone at all. She shuts off her connections…”

Yukirin didn’t know what to say, Oba Mina was a great nutritionist as well as a chemical expert at Tanamin’s forensic department. Losing her was a great loss indeed..

“This is just too much.” Said Yukirin in exasperation. How she wished that all of these are just bad dreams…

In another place..

The sound of a cell phone rang in the air until the owner picked it up in the middle of her work.

“Oba Mina’s speaking.”

“Sato Sumire and Yamaguchi Suzuran has arrived safely. Akarin’s team will be taking care of them.”

“Wakatta.” Nodded the working woman putting down her work just for a moment. “Jurina is leaving for NAMBA soon, I heard. She’s going with Nao-chan as well.”

“I’ll sent Mieko settle the things there too.” Then the phone goes off.

Oba Mina sighed as she put down the phone. She glanced at a photograph pinned on the wall, it was a picture of her, Paru, Shimada, Komariko, Miyu, Yuihan and their deceased friend, Morianna. Together, they went through the same trainings back in the boot camp years ago. Only Yuihan was promoted faster here and quickly earned herself a place in the elites.

But then it happened.. When NAMBA blew her cover and Shinoda Mariko’s…

“NO!!” yelled Paru in tears when she saw Yuihan’s condition.

“I need 10ml of anesthetic ready in the surgery room in five minutes!” yelled Yukirin to her crew. “Minarun, take Paru outside please.”

“NO!!” yelled Paru as she kept on clinging to Yuihan’s bed railing, struggling to stay by her side as Minarun tried to yank her off the railing. It was such a heartbreaking sight for the young girl to watch her friend lying motionlessly on the bed while Paru cried for her.

Minarun opened her eyes upon another ring of her phone, she picked it up.


“It’s time.”

Minarun’s eyes widened a bit hearing the words. She’s been dreading on the two words for a few months. After Yuihan’s incident, a text for her was sent to her phone, claiming they could get whoever caused the incident to pay for it.

Surprisingly when she met with the mysterious number owner, she recognized her straight away.

“Ishida Anna.”

“It has been some time.” Nodded the younger girl. “You might have been wondering about my mysterious transfer.”

“I bet Umeda-san knew where were you.” Said Minarun sipping her coffee. “My only guess is that it wasn’t just simply a promotion.”

Anna smiled, “It wasn’t and Umeda-san has little knowledge of where I was the whole time. The only person that probably knew it all was Takamina-san herself.”

“Who are you?” asked Minarun with a frown. “What’s with the offer?”

Anna smiled again and leaned forward, “What if I were to offer you another job right now? I know you wanted to get to the bottom of who tortured Yokoyama-san. We can help you.”


Anna nodded, “You might have noticed my appearance with Jurina-san was a bit mysterious in some way. No records and just straight assignment to the organization. That’s because we are a member of another organization like the Akiba, founded by the government.”

“I thought the only organization of intelligence service in this country was Akiba.” Said Minarun still keeping her eyes on Anna’s playful eyes.

“Oh, ours is a bit different.” Said Anna. “We are the cleaners of the mess, the Sakae. We get to the bottom of every mess that’s happened, and our job is to clean it.”

Anna leaned in again with a wide smile, “And we are going to offer you a position there, Oba Mina.”

The job’s payment was slightly higher than she has a few months ago, but the consequence was big. Nobody has to know she works for the Sakae, and when given orders she’d have to execute it immediately. Plans were made by the high ranked members of Sakae while orders came from.. Somewhere else.

Then it came, an order for her to completely move to another phrase of the plan. Her mission was to unreveal who killed Shinoda and more importantly who turned Yuihan to nearly lifeless, and for that she received lot’s of help from the Sakae.

She quickly tidied up her papers and took another look of the photograph. She smiled lightly at the picture of people who have been her buddies all these time, ever since she stepped into the cruel and dark side of the country’s government.

She stood up and simply left the room, throwing her last glance at what used to be her home before she closed the apartment’s door. Two figures were already waiting for her on the basement. Minarun simply threw her apartment’s keys to them.

“Just make sure you burn the entire thing to the ground.” Said Minarun before she got in to her car and drove away.

Away from her past…

To Be Continued

(Like seriously guys..)

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26 and what:  I find it interesting where Umechan gets into these messes with little thought and things happen although I hope she is okay

Kyou no Made: preparing for the all out war

Can't wait for the next update
Random Thought:


R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline jhom_09

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this is awsome.. :twothumbs
 update soon author-san,,.. please.. :inlove: :inlove: :inlove:

Offline ametakarano

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 :dizzy: whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?!

i hope asashima-san is fine...  :prayers:

by the way, forgive me for the leukemia thing in Yuri Diary!  :err:

and i'm waiting for your Samurai Princess update!  :wriggly:

thanks for the update~~  :wigglypanda:

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