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Author Topic: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] The Ultimatum - CHAPTER 27 (multipairing) 31/03/2016  (Read 124630 times)

Offline yuyuri

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] The Ultimatum (CHAPTER 15)(27/9/2015 UPDATE!)
« Reply #200 on: October 07, 2015, 04:27:19 PM »
I read this at asianfanfics kkkkkk it is really good and I love it💗💗

Offline kevinwkl

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] The Ultimatum (CHAPTER 15)(27/9/2015 UPDATE!)
« Reply #201 on: October 07, 2015, 04:42:46 PM »
Thank you everyone for supporting this fic~
I now present to you chapter 16 of Ultimatum~
There's a new poll~ Feel free to vote which Species is the superior one~
ENJOY~!  :banana: :pepper: :leek: :taco: :muffin: :strawberry: :lock:


Chapter 16 : Enemies of another level

Paru blinked again and again. “That has to be the most bizzare story I have ever heard in my entire life....”

“Probably.” Yuki shrugged.

Paru then nudged Yuki playfully. “So Yuki sensei does this mean you once had a crush on Takamina sensei?”

That was when Paru was met with Takamina glaring back at her silently. “....”

“Ok, got it. Not the best timing in the world.” Paru stood up and slowly walked over to where she thinks she would feel more welcomed. She stood in front of Jurina holding onto Rena tightly and looked at the unconscious lady. “...”

Jurina looked back at Paru and asked. “What?”

“She’s gonna survive, right?” Paru asked.

“What a load of crap. Of course she will.” Jurina scoffed.

Paru then kept looking at Rena with her eyes gleaming brightly. “...”

Feeling uncomfortable with Paru’s stare, Jurina voiced out. “Why are you staring at Rena like that?”

“Well... It’s kinda a large contrast isn’t it? Based on the story, she was a very cute person.. I just feel a lot has happened to her..” Paru kneeled down beside Rena and brush her bangs to the side to get a better look of Rena. There were some scratches and wound left by Mocchi from the fight earlier on her forehead. “She looks calm.”

To Jurina’s surprise, the scratches and wound closed up on the spot from Paru’s single touch. Jurina literally had her eyes wide open. “What did you just do?”

Paru blinked her eyes at the scene. “That’s what I’d like to know too.”

Jurina answered with a shocked tone as she gazed upon Paru being confused and said softly. “You shouldn’t be having that ability..”

“That sounds dangerous..” Paru said. Nobody seemed to be paying attention to their conversation.


Mayu’s watch suddenly beeped loudly, alerting everyone in the cave. Mayu’s watch beeping only meant one thing. “An enemy is approaching.”

“What!?” Takamina was surprised and immediately ordered. “We have to get out of this place now! I can’t let anybody mess this place up! If we were to fight, we must take it a little further away from here. Let’s move!”

“Romeo, it’s a little inconvenient for you to come along so you stay here with Rena and Paru. Alright? We’ll come back soon.” Atsuko ordered Romeo. “Guard them well, ok?”

“So, he’s gonna guard me?” Paru pointed at Romeo.

“Yes, Paru. And don’t worry. We’ll try our best not to allow any of them to come close to this place. This place is precious to Minami as well. We’re gonna protect it.”

“Bark bark!!” Romeo nodded and wagged his tail before sitting by Rena’s side.

Right after Jurina slowly placed Rena’s head on a rock, Takamina, Atsuko and Jurina immediately ran out of the cave to confront the enemy. Mayu on the other hand was still clicking on her projected computer, uninterested to involve herself in a battle just the way she had always been. She didn’t even bother to check out the nature of the enemy. She merely brushed it off, thinking it was a common enemy. Yuki stood there and placed a hand over her waist. “You’re not gonna come?”

“Come on, love.. The three of them can take care of whatever it is out there. I won’t be too worried about that.” Mayu then shifted a little to the side and patted on the rock before smiling slyly at Yuki. “Why don’t you sit beside me and wait for them to return?”

“No.” Yuki rejected immediately. “I’m a Reaper. I do not just sit around like that. I’m gonna take care of the enemies.”

“I’m a Reaper too!” Paru stood up. “I mean soon-to-be Reaper. Let me help!”

“True, but the circumstances this time is different. Whoever they are, you might be their target as well so you must stay hidden. Understand?” Yuki ordered.

“No! I want to fight!”


Mayu’s watch suddenly rang. Somebody was contacting her. As she looked at her watch to see the caller’s name, she was silent for a moment. After a few seconds of contemplating, she finally clicked the button and answered the call. “What do you want, Kawaei?”

“Oh? Hello there, Mayu.. I’m surprised you would pick up my call.” Kawaei answered.

“Get straight to the point.” Mayu said

“Boy, you’re one impatient Cyber aren’t you?” Kawaei chuckled a little.

“If this is about bringing Shimazaki Haruka back, I’m ending this call right now.” Mayu answered.

“You’re only half right, Mayu.. It’s not only Shimazaki Haruka that we want.. Core is looking for you too. She wants to have a little chat with you..”

“I think I’ll pass.”

“Well... Suit yourself... But I’m telling you this out of kindness, Mayu. It’s a little too late for you to make your own choice.”

At that time, Mayu looked at her watch again. As she looked upon the little dot approaching closer and closer, she frowned and clicked a few more buttons. This time, her watch showed a satelite view of the approaching enemy. Mayu’s eyes suddenly shot wide open and stood up. “Are you serious.......”

“I believe you noticed by now, Mayu.. But it’s never too late to surrend-”

Mayu immediately ended the call with Kawaei and not letting her finish her sentence. “Damn it!”

“Why!? What’s wrong?” Yuki and Paru too were surprised with Mayu’s reaction.

Mayu immediately dragged Paru over. “Come!”

Paru was suddenly confused with Mayu’s sudden gesture. “W-What? Why?”

“We can’t stay here! I’m taking you away with me.” Mayu said in a rushing tone.

“No, you’re not leaving with her!” Yuki immediately gripped on Mayu’s arm tightly, not trusting her completely. “What’s going on?”

“Damn it, this isn’t the time to play!” Mayu raised her voice at Yuki a little.

“I’m not playing.” Yuki answered in a serious tone as her grip tightened. “If this is some trick you’re trying to pull on me, then I say forget it. You’re not taking Paru anywhere.”

“You don’t understand the situation here.” Mayu rolled her eyes and sighed loudly. “Alright, you don’t want her to leave with me now, fine. But make sure she doesn’t get taken by any cost. I have something that I need to deal with.” Mayu immediately dashed out of the cave.

“What the hell??” Yuki was still confused with Mayu’s chopped up words. But of course even without Mayu keeping Paru safe was her number one priority.

“What is she saying, Yuki sensei?” Paru seemed confused.

“I’m not sure too... But I have to check this out...”

“Well then I have no choice but to come along. I mean, what if they come find me here? I can’t have an unconscious Spectre and a dog to protect me, right?”

“Means we’re just leaving Rena senpai and Romeo here alone?” Yuki was contemplating.

“It’s alright. It’s not like the enemy is looking for them. They want me.” Paru said.

Yuki sighed out loud. “Alright, you’ll come with me but try not to get yourself in trouble, get it?”

“Yes!” Paru ran out this time.

“Romeo, make sure Rena stays safe, get it!?” Yuki ordered before she dashed off.

As Mayu, Yuki and Paru reached the scene, they saw Takamina already armed with two swords, Atsuko also with two swords and Jurina with all six of her blades out. They seem to be on high alert. “Watch out.. There’s something really really fast...”

Upon hearing, Yuki got in her stance with her scythe while Paru activated a sword. They felt a strong gust of wind as if something flew past them with an incredible speed. Mayu clicked on her watch again before opening her mouth. “It doesn’t show anything in the radar... This can only mean one person.... Umeda..”

As soon as Mayu uttered her name, the five of them got knocked off the ground almost immediately. Something just ran past them and took them down. Even Yuki with her fast reflexes got caught off guard by the speed of the enemy which she had never encountered before. This was by far the fastest thing Yuki had ever seen, or felt. Umeda was actually detected by Mayu’s radar but the dot was moving so fast that it seemed as if there was nothing in the radar at all. “What the...”

They immediately got off the ground and back on position. “....”

Mayu pointed at Paru. “You.... Stay with the group. Do not separate or we won’t be able to protect you.”

Paru nodded. “Got it.”


“Right here!!” Yuki swung her scythe down and finally came in contact with the enemy’s hand.

Umeda smirked at Yuki. “Not bad for a mere human. I have to admit you’re fast.”

“What are you doing here, Umeda?” Mayu questioned.

“Carrying out Core’s orders of course.” Umeda shot a smirk before disappearing in an instant. She was incredibly fast.

"We need to be careful.. She is not the common Cyber you fought before.. She's on another level.. A commander." Mayu said.

“Where did she go this time...” Atsuko asked.

“Forget about that... Do you feel something?” Yuki asked.

Takamina squinted. “It feels like.......a tremor..”


“The sound is getting louder...” Yuki asked. The sound got louder and louder as they felt the tremor getting worse.

“Is an earthquake happening or what??” Jurina frowned.

“No.....” Mayu’s watch started beeping loudly. “It’s definitely not an earthquake..”

“KASHIWAGI YUKI!!!!!” A scream was heard as they saw someone running towards them.

As soon as Yuki heard the name, she turned around. “Sasshi!?!?”

“RAAAAAGGGHHHH!!!” Sasshi used her leg strength to kick the ground hard and in an instant, she was able to propel herself 100 meters front. Right when she landed near them, she slammed both her fists on the ground, causing it to break apart.

“Shit!!” All of them were forced to separate and hop out of the way. The crater caused by the fist slam was humongous. It was very deep and probably about 50meters in diameter. The ground literally cracked wide open. The crater seperated them all.

Yuki was with Paru. Jurina was alone. Takamina was alone while Atsuko was with Mayu. “Well, this is not going well...”

Sasshi then got back up and faced Yuki. “You’re not going to survive to see tomorrow!”

“We’ll see about that..” Yuki said.

“You......” Paru’s eyes shot wide open from the sight of Sasshi. She seem to recognize Sasshi for some reason.

The drone on Sasshi’s shoulder then zoomed in at Paru. Sasshi then smirked. “How’s mummy?”

Agitated by the sight of Sasshi, Paru ran towards her with a Judgement she had been keeping. “I’m gonna kill you!!”

“Paru, stop!” Yuki tried to pull Paru back but was too late.

Sasshi merely stood there as Paru dashed towards Sasshi and swung her sword down with all her might. It came to a complete stop upon contact with Sasshi’s shoulder. Paru was shocked that the hit did absolutely nothing at all. There was not even a single scratch on Sasshi’s solid armor. “What the...”

“Pathetic.” Sasshi immediately grabbed Paru by the neck but tried not to squeeze too hard because the Core said to keep her alive. Even that, her little squeeze was more than enough to make Paru choke in pain.

Right at that moment, Yuki appeared from the side and swung her scythe down on Sasshi’s arm. It did very little damage to Sasshi but the impact was enough to make her loosen her grip on Paru. “You’re not laying a finger on her, Sasshi..”

The blue fluids on Sasshi’s arm bubbled hard. “RAAAGGGHHH!!!” Sasshi swung her arm with full force at Yuki.

With her enhanced reflexes, Yuki tilted her head to dodge against it before using her scythe to deflect her punch to the ground. Upon impact, it broke the ground into pieces. “That was close...” She then immediately dragged Paru and leaped back few feet.

“It’s not very nice to shut the call on me, Mayu..” Kawaei suddenly appeared standing on top of a drone and snapped her fingers, causing a few drones to appear and started shooting their gattling guns at Mayu and Atsuko.

At the same time, Mayu too snapped her fingers to summon her drones to defend using a plasma shield. “Kawaei....”

“Forgive me to tell it straight to your face, Mayu, but I’m gonna have to bring you back along with Shimazaki Haruka. Even if it’s by force.. Core’s orders.” Kawaei explained.

“She’s not literally taking my words to heart, is she?” Mayu said.

“Why don’t you come back and find out for yourself?” Kawaei said with a smile on her face.

“I have a better idea. How about this..” Mayu simply smiled back and gestured at Sasshi who was rampaging like a mindless monster. “Why don’t you take that barbaric king kong with you and scoot home.”

Kawaei chuckled. “Why did I even think words could get through to you... You’re a stubborn one after all.”

At that time, Atsuko shot a laser at Kawaei’s direction. Upon noticing, the drone that Kawaei was standing on drifted to the right, missing the attack completely. Atsuko then switched the laser back into a sword. “And you’d think I’ll just stand here and do nothing about it?”

“It’s not called stubborn, Kawaei. I believe the term is called acting by my own rules without restrictions.” Mayu answered with a sly expression.

“You’re not much of a fighter, Mayu. You know that. Don’t make me resort to forceful actions.” Kawaei told politely.

“You’re right. I might not be much of a fighter but I will if you force me to.” Mayu challenged.

“The question is, Mayu.......” Kawaei smirked as she traced her finger across something on her waist which seemed to be a silver titanium belt with a metallic dragon’s head as the buckle. “Are you powerful enough to withstand my force...”

Mayu actually gulped for once. There was something about the belt that intimidated her badly but of course she will never show this side of her out in public. “.....”

“What’s that belt?” Atsuko asked.

“Something you wouldn’t want to ever see..” Mayu replied.

“What the!?” Something flew past Takamina’s eyes.


Suddenly, Takamina felt something coming at her from the back. Using her fast reflexes, she turned around and defended against the thing which happened to be Umeda’s fist. “...”

Umeda smirked. “Wow... If it isn’t the legendary Reaper, Takahashi Minami.. Impressive..”

“Cut your bullshit.” Takamina parried Umeda away and went in straight for a slash. And of course her slash met the air. Umeda was simply too fast for Takamina to land an attack on.

“Cut my bullshit? Alright then. I’ll just go straight for my target.” Fumes escaped Umeda’s exhaust pipes as she dashed straight towards Paru, ignoring Takamina.

Right when she reached for Paru, Yuki was already prepared for her. Using her enhanced speed, she swung her scythe at Umeda’s direction. “Nice try. But you’re not the only fast one around.”

Umeda had to defend using both her arms. “So Kumi and Yuria were right about you.. You’re really fast. I’ll give you that.”

“RAAAGGGHHH!!!” Suddenly, Sasshi appeared above them and was about to land with her fists but was stopped almost immediately.

Takamina appeared with two Judgement shields on her hands in front of Sasshi. She then landed a punch using the titanium shield right on Sasshi’s face, sending her flying few feet away. It did a little damage to Sasshi as electric shocks were seen escaping from Sasshi’s face for a moment. “You like fighting like a brute, don’t you?” Takamina cracked her neck and slammed both her shield together. “Let me play brute with you.”

At that time, Jurina felt something sliced through the air and coming towards her with her Spectre senses. Noticing it, she immediately tilted her body to the side and happened to dodge what it seemed to be a sniper bullet embedded onto the ground. There was almost no sound of gunshot at all. Luckily Jurina was quick enough, or else she would have a bullet penetrating her head. “What the... There’s a sniper around too!?”

“That has to be Ami.. She’s the problematic one..” Mayu answered from another side.

“I’ll get to her.” Jurina immediately ran towards the direction where the sniper bullet came from.

As Jurina was running towards the direction where the bullte came from, another bullet came slicing through the air towards her. Using her enhanced senses, she tilted her whole body to the side and continued running. It seemed as if she had been running and dodging for a long time. After running for close to 1.5km, only then Jurina saw what it seemed to be someone standing on a tall tree branch. As Mayu said, it was Ami. She just shot a few bullets at them from a distance of almost 2km away. As expected of a weapons master, her bullets were all completely on target. It’s just that Jurina was fast enough to dodge it.

Upon noticing Jurina in sight, she raised her sniper rifle and laid it on her shoulder. “....”

“Didn’t think I would get to you before you did, did you?” Jurina said.

“I should expect nothing less from a Beta Spectre.” Ami strapped her sniper on her back.

“You know... Only cowards assassinate from this far back..”

“Really?” Ami raised her brows. “You seem to know a lot about assassination, I pressume?”

“...” Without uttering another word, Jurina shot a series of fireballs at Ami.

Ami then shook her head. “Is that all you have?” Her shoulder pad opened up and released a few mini missles, each and every one of them destroying Jurina’s fireballs successfully.

“I have more!” Jurina leaped towards Ami and raised her blades.

“You’re a hinderance to this mission. I’m gonna have to kill you, Jurina..” Ami aimed her missles at Jurina and fired it.

Kawaei placed her hand on her dragon buckle and turned it upside down before a click sound was heard. She then smirked a little. “Knowing your character, Mayu.... The longer I drag this, the longer time you have to think of an escape plan. I’m gonna go all out from the beginning, Mayu. And I’m gonna make sure you come back with me whether you like it or not.” She then pulled down her goggles from her forehead and covered her eyes.

“What’s she gonna do, Mayu?” Atsuko asked.

“I think you’re about to witness it with your own eyes....” Mayu said. “Kawaei’s strongest creation.”

Kawaei slammed her hand on her buckle and then it started lighting up. “Come forth...Bahamut.”

A bright light engulfed Kawaei, blinding the whole area and even attracted attention from everyone there. They could see something forming from within the light. Something very large in size. Once the light slowly faded away, all of them were shocked to see a giant mecha dragon before their very eyes. It was so huge that it has a size comparable to 5 Andromedas combined. Kawaei was seen engulfed in a spherical plasma shield situated at Bahamut’s torso. Bahamut then released a loud mechanical roar.

“What the...” Atsuko has her eyes shot wide open from the largest Cyber she had ever seen.

“Bahamut.. Kawaei’s very own invention.. The strongest mecha ever created. And it’s piloted by herself... And I have to admit, being the Commander of the Mechanics, she is by far the best pilot for any drones or mechas.”

“There must be a weakness somewhere.. Right?” Atsuko asked.

“Of course.. Anything that exists has weaknesses.” Mayu nodded and pointed right at Kawaei who was engulfed in the plasma shield on Bahamut’s torso. “That is the weak spot for Bahamut... All we need to do it just break through that plasma shield surrounding Kawaei and drag her out.. Despite being the strongest mecha, Bahamut is the only one of Kawaei’s mechas that can’t move by itself. As long as it doesn’t have a pilot, it can’t move. But...”

“Let me guess... It won’t be that easy to even get close to the plasma shield, and even if we did manage to get close, it’ll be hard to destroy the shield. Am I correct?” Atsuko stated.

Mayu smirked. “A bright one as always. But then again... Have you forgotten? I’m Mayu... And I will always find a plan.”

Kawaei voiced out from within her shield and stretched her hand out, commanding Bahamut. Bahamut was seen charging up a flamethrower inside its mouth. “You leave me with no choice, Mayu...”

Takamina panted a little from the amount of strength she has to use to damage Sasshi. Her body armor was simply too hard to even put a scratch on so Takamina can only attack her head, which happened to be quite a difficult task knowing that Sasshi was no common Terra. “You’re a troublesome one, aren’t you?”

“...” The fluid on Sasshi’s arm tubes flowed quickly as she looked upon Yuki who was standing far back from where Takamina was standing.

“Where are you looking at!?” Takamina appeared in front of Sasshi’s face and slammed her with her Judgement shield. Sasshi replied with a punch of her own. As soon as Takamina’s shield came in contact with Sasshi’s fist, Takamina got thrown back a few meters. Sasshi’s strength was definitely not something to be joked about. Takamina felt some strain on her arms as well from the impact despite it being a titanium shield. There was a huge dent on it.

“Prepare to die, Taka..” Sasshi then started charging towards Takamina like a rhinoceros.

Jurina’s side

All of a sudden, a gust of wind appeared as an air bullet came in contact with the missles and exploded in mid air, shocking both Jurina and Ami. As they turned their head towards the direction, they came in contact with a person standing a few feet away from them cladded with a dark aura.

Jurina had her eyes wide open from the sight of the person. “You...”

Jurina’s eyes were still wide open from the person who shot the air bullet standing before her. “Annin...”

“A Cyber Commander against a Beta Spectre.. It’s not really a fair fight isn’t it?” Annin then took a step closer towards Ami and smiled a little. “Mind if an Alpha joins in?”

Takamina’s side

When Sasshi was still on her way towards Takamina, someone else suddenly appeared right in front of Sasshi with her hand grabbing onto Sasshi’s face and slammed her down on the ground hard.

“What!?” Takamina was shocked by the sight.

As the person wearing a long coat stood up from Sasshi’s body after slamming her down, she cracked her neck. “Let me test if you are actually worthy enough to battle Taka..”

Sasshi stood back up in almost an instant as the blue fluid in her arm tubes started bubbling. “You...”

“Yuko..” Takamina was a little surprised to see that the one who stopped Sasshi’s attack was none other than Yuko.

Yuko then clenched her fist at Takamina’s direction. “Remember this, Taka! I am the only one who is allowed to defeat you. Don’t you dare lose before I beat you or I will make sure regret doing so!”

That sentence made Takamina smirk a little. “I never had the intention of losing any battle..”

Mayu and Atsuko’s side

As Bahamut was ready to fire, someone suddenly appeared on top of Bahamut’s mouth and punched its mouth shut, causing it to fire in its own mouth. The person must have an incredible strength to be able to punch Bahamut’s mouth shut like that. Bahamut didn’t really sustain much damage from the punch because of its high durability but it didn’t manage to fire its flamethrower.

As that person landed on Bahamut’s mouth, the three of them were shocked. “What the...”

Standing right on top of Bahamut was none other than Sayanee as she gave Atsuko the side eye and glared angrily. “As much as I was completely against this, I need to keep you alive and bring you back, Atsuko.. Omega’s orders..”

Yuki and Paru’s side

Everybody was busy fighting their own battles and so is Yuki. She was still fending off the super quick Umeda. Yuki had never fought an opponent that moves this fast before. She had to be alert and guard Paru at all times because she might get taken away in just a split second. Once again, Umeda reached in towards Paru only to be met with Yuki’s scythe. Yuki had to admit that Umeda’s was actually stressing her out a lot because of the fact that she moves at the speed of a sniper bullet. Yuki was still able to catch on to her speed but barely. That speed was literally Yuki’s limit. She had to concentrate at Umeda’s movemets at all times. If Umeda was any faster, Yuki would have lost sight of her immediately. Given the speed Umeda possess, the impact of her hits were as heavy as a small explosion. “Ughhh....”

Umeda smirked at the lady who was able to catch on to her speed. “Boy, you’re not easy aren’t you?”

Once again, she disappeared before Yuki’s very eyes. This time, Yuki was not able to detect Umeda at all. She had just let her guard down for a mere 0.1 second. As for Umeda, 0.1 second was more than enough to make herself disappear. “What the...”

That time, Umeda caught Yuki off guard and appeared where she was not looking. She managed to get closer to Paru. “You’re mine!!”

“Shit!” Yuki didn’t even have the time to turn her head completely yet.

As Umeda reached her hand out to Paru with a satisfied expression on her face, she was stunned by an electric shock and got repelled away from Paru and crashed onto a rock. Yuki and Paru immediately turned around, shocked by the scene. At first, Paru thought that she did something unknowingly again but in fact, she didn’t do anything at all. Someone else zapped Umeda with an electric shock. “What the.. That was a very weird electromagnetic pulse..”

Footsteps of a lady were heard closing in towards Umeda and stood in front of her. A little electric was seen escaping from her whole body for a moment. “Nice try, but she’s mine....”

Yuki and Paru were also alert when she said the sentence. “Why the heck is everyone hunting for me!?”

The lady turned her head a little, just enough for Paru to see one side of her blood red eyes and stared at her silently for a short moment. After the appearance of three Alpha Spectres Sayanee, Yuko and Annin, here stood yet another Spectre whom her identity is completely unknown. “....”

Umeda cursed as she looked up to come in contact with a lady with short hair whom she did not recognize at all. “Who the hell are you!? And how are you able to catch up to my speed!?”

“Me?” The strange lady grinned widely, revealing her razor sharp teeth with her blood red eyes gleaming and placed a hand on her waist. “I’m just someone who came back after a long holiday..” As the Spectre looked upon Umeda, she placed a small lollipop in her mouth and her grin grew wider. “I’m a little rusty so please go easy on me..”

Chapter 16 : Enemies of another level

NOTE : I've prepared a poll to see which group is the stronger one~ If you have time, please do vote for the one you think comes up on top~
« Last Edit: October 07, 2015, 04:50:39 PM by kevinwkl »

Offline chiqinna

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] The Ultimatum (CHAPTER 16)(7/10/2015 UPDATE!)
« Reply #202 on: October 07, 2015, 06:57:07 PM »
first comment!! nyahahahaha k bye

Offline kuro_black29

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] The Ultimatum (CHAPTER 16)(7/10/2015 UPDATE!)
« Reply #203 on: October 07, 2015, 08:05:48 PM »
first comment!! nyahahahaha k bye


second comment.....*vanish

JUST WHAT THE HELL IS PARU AND WHY DOES EVERYONE WANT HER SUDDENLY?? I mean where were these guys when she was younger...?

Honeymoon...holidays..spend time with

It makes me smile uncontrollably like an idiot (which is why i don't read in public lol)

LOL...*pat pat...know the FEELS...well it doesnt matter if u smile because of that in public tho
as long u have phone with u..people just stare..but if u smile and not havin phone with u...that is.. :lol:
« Last Edit: October 08, 2015, 10:00:08 AM by kuro_black29 »
Live in the land of mist..nahh just kidding..
Live in the land of Wmatsui and Mayuki...
World of fantasy..World of Lalaland~

            (っ´▽`)っWmatsui~Mayuki ♡ (。’∀’。)

Tend to forget things but not mah fav author and fics

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] The Ultimatum (CHAPTER 15)(27/9/2015 UPDATE!)
« Reply #204 on: October 07, 2015, 08:57:13 PM »

The lady turned her head a little, just enough for Paru to see one side of her blood red eyes and stared at her silently for a short moment. After the appearance of three Alpha Spectres Sayanee, Yuko and Annin, here stood yet another Spectre whom her identity is completely unknown. “....”

Umeda cursed as she looked up to come in contact with a lady with short hair whom she did not recognize at all. “Who the hell are you!? And how are you able to catch up to my speed!?”

“Me?” The strange lady grinned widely, revealing her razor sharp teeth with her blood red eyes gleaming and placed a hand on her waist. “I’m just someone who came back after a long holiday..” As the Spectre looked upon Umeda, she placed a small lollipop in her mouth and her grin grew wider. “I’m a little rusty so please go easy on me..”

*gasps* masaka... Short Hair, lollipop, long holiday.... Masaka could she be.... (Well forget about the long holiday bit but still...) Ohhh~ I just wish that whoever this lady is will be 'That certain' legendary person. 'Rusty'? Hwahh... My only hope is that it will be an old gen member....  Onegaii

Well, cybers are on the roll now with each have their opponents but... It's a bit unfair for them to go against reapers as well as spectres too... You do know where my vote goes to by this statements :hip smile:

Whoah~ so Sasshi was the one that killed Paru's family or something? Hidoiii... Well at least Yuki then has a reason to slashed Sasshi's eyes..

About the past updates, well dark histories there with Taka's run as the ending. And jeez, I do think that Taka needs an anger management class with that level of anger and taking it out on Minegishi. But Minegishi herself was intriguing too...

I have more questions regarding to Ikoma, the Spectres and the Cyber's core too but...

JUST WHAT THE HELL IS PARU AND WHY DOES EVERYONE WANT HER SUDDENLY?? I mean where were these guys when she was younger...?

Big Thanks for the update and hope for the next one real soon... I'd be dying for it!!!

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] The Ultimatum (CHAPTER 16)(7/10/2015 UPDATE!)
« Reply #205 on: October 08, 2015, 03:30:01 AM »
Cometerz : I knew you would appear once Umeda starts fighting LOL. Well this strange lady isn't exactly an old gen. That's all i can say lolz. Rusty here means she had not been fighting often and not because she's old lol. Oh and btw... It's not exactly 2 against 1 actually.. I'd say it's more like a 3 way thing. Coz u see... the Spectres are not exactly helping the Reapers lol. They are here for a reason, and the reason is to get Atsuko, Jurina, Rena  + Paru back with them. I'm sure the Alphas won't be too friendly if they try to run away. So yea. It's actually 3 way lolz.

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] The Ultimatum (CHAPTER 16)(7/10/2015 UPDATE!)
« Reply #206 on: October 08, 2015, 04:01:11 AM »
In short... A three-way battle... :3

That escalates quickly... XD XD XD

Oh.. My first comment in this fic... XD XD XD

Waiting for your next update... :) :) :)
(To meet you someday, was the last thing I will wish for.)
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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] The Ultimatum (CHAPTER 16)(7/10/2015 UPDATE!)
« Reply #207 on: October 08, 2015, 05:03:59 AM »
You don't know how HAPPY i am that there's an update!!! :inlove:
Honestly your fics are my joy. Anytime and every time you update it basically makes my entire MONTH. No joke XD

So i really should've started commenting on your stuff sooner cuz i absolutely love your work. But unfortunately i'm usually one of those "silent readers" that no one ever hears from lol :lol:

I've read every single one of your stories and by every single one i mean ALL OF THEM. And i've read your oneshot "Home" about six times lolz. Also Supernatural Partners is basically what introduced me to the world of AKB fanfics and almost AKB in general. I can't thank you enough :bow:

Onto the story!

The idea and plot behind it is just plain genius. Like i can't get enough, seriously.
Every character has some drive and depressing backstory that makes them who they are now. They've all got their own goals and motives for doing what they do. Gaaahhhh i'm fangirling all over again XD

Takamina is just so cruel and it makes me salty but i also understand why, which makes her a great character. It's nice to see a change from the usual shy Takamina to a total badass  :yep: Her training for Yuki was SO unreasonable and bone crushing but it's also what she expects from herself lol.

I love how Acchan is the only one that can tame her and how she's so understanding at the same time. Nice foil there :twothumbs Then she was total BADASS when she kicked Akari's ass. Sweet! She's also so accepting to the point that she even became a spectre, to protect Rena of course  :P

Man i'm still kinda hating on Miichan for putting Acchan through that. She might be a little too obsessed with her experiments, just a smidge :P

POOR RENA. I'm still bawling over that, though it was the first time i've seen Rena turn insane from dying and coming back, that was original. And that habit that Rena has of eating blood and playing with dead bodies, eh it might not be good for ya Rena-chan, you should really fix that~ lolz. But i really just want her to get back to normal, regain her memories, then get with Jurina. It just has to happen cuz it's meant to be :yep:

Then there's Jurina who's just enduring all of this for Rena's sake :cry: And Rena doesn't even really remember her  :cry: :cry: Jurina seems so...restrained. It's sad really that she has to put up with everything, first getting beat up by her alpha then losing Rena :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: Not to mention Takamina hates her guts  :lol:

And Yuki. Little Yuki. She had to fight her mentor and i bet she felt REAL guilty about that. But she's definitely strong enough to take Takamina on now which is awesome. Third in the legion and gives her students the same kinds of punishments as her sensei lol :lol:

Mayuyu~ She's hilarious with her laissez faire attitude and everything. Yuki can't even deal lolz. Mayu's like completely unperturbed by anything and manipulative as always~ But i'm glad that she's the type who keeps her word  :D

Whoa. Where's the Kojiyuu?! Jk i love the current pairings enough already :lol:
Yuko is very amusing when she wants to fight Taka, even came to her rescue for a sec there. She's so mean to Kojiharu though :cry: I wonder if their relationship will develop at all...

That Sayamilky going strong. I've got nothing to say about the other characters. They're already perfect as is :D

But wait, can't forget about PARU! Haha i wonder what race she is? Some third party race that we don't know about? I'm excited to find out! She's got some nice dormant abilities though.

Oh My God i guessed the omega right!? F**k Yeah!! Oh my gosh does this mean there's a chance for Yuiparu too?!
I'm expecting the reapers to get taken to the omega after the spectres kick some cyber ass just for the sake of a plot point and Yuiparu meeting cuz that'd be cute :wub:

I voted for spectres to be the strongest in the poll because i believe they are the strongest race out of the three generally (Don't even include Taka. She's not human i swear :lol: ) Also in the fight i think they'll win. I really didn't expect to see them to show up and it to turn into a battle royale, like i really should have but i didn't *sigh*

I'm a bit curious about the title too...can't think of a good reason behind it...yet  :lol: But i'm sure we'll find out by the end ;)

In this chapter...

Sasshi's gunning for Yuki. Paru's goin for Sasshi. Then everyone's after Paru LOL
Can't wait to see how this'll play out!! XD

That stranger...
Even with the little hints you dropped us (that i may have missed), i just don't know *sobbing*
The other cybers don't even know who she is  :shocked
She's funny though. "I'm just someone who came back after a long holiday." LOL troll
Well whatever :P I mean we'll find out next time right?! ANTICIPATION!!!

Man it took me too long to write this! I'm just not used to this whole commenting thing lol :lol:

Oh! And i forgot to mention that you're my favorite far :grin: I really like the way you write and the flow of your fics, and on top of that: the fluff  XD It makes me smile uncontrollably like an idiot (which is why i don't read in public lol)

Anyways i can't wait for the next update!! So update soon!!!! Jk take your time. I won't be unreasonable and demand for another chapter. Can't rush perfection ;)
So bye!
I'll try and comment more on your stuff now that i'm no longer a silent reader  :grin:

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] The Ultimatum (CHAPTER 16)(7/10/2015 UPDATE!)
« Reply #208 on: October 08, 2015, 11:51:58 AM »
Err too short? Ah it's 'kay
what's to do next?
Thanks for the update author-san
just love to read alot of fiction story

Offline cisda83

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] The Ultimatum (CHAPTER 16)(7/10/2015 UPDATE!)
« Reply #209 on: October 08, 2015, 04:15:04 PM »
oh oh... Specters are coming to help Taka team

Who is the specter that just came back from holiday?

How is the battle going to be?

What's going to happen next?

Can't wait to find out

Thank you for the update

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] The Ultimatum (CHAPTER 16)(7/10/2015 UPDATE!)
« Reply #210 on: October 08, 2015, 04:16:47 PM »
Oh will they save? Annin x jurina...

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] The Ultimatum (CHAPTER 16)(7/10/2015 UPDATE!)
« Reply #211 on: October 09, 2015, 04:24:44 AM »


Excuse me for acting like an excited fan (because I am). A certain author / human who commented earlier knows how I look forward on each updates that are being posted here (you know who you are /glares).

Sayanee immediately pulled Akari by the collar. “Listen here! You might be stupid but I’m not. You’re my younger sister and I’m not gonna let you die just like that, you get me!? If I didn’t drag your sorry ass away, you would be dead by now!”

I was quite a little bit confused here since I'm not sure which Akari are you referring at first since I believe that both Akaris that I know are quite narcissistic.

Light and elegant footsteps were heard entering the hall slowly, alerting the three Alphas. “My dear......dear......Akari......”

Is it bad to imagine that the Omega is wearing that gorgeous kimono from the 2013 Manatsu no Dome Tour's "Itoshisa no Accel" performance? Omega is so COOL, ELEGANT and SEXY as she confronted Akari.  XD XD XD  :wub: :inlove: :wub: :inlove: :wub: :inlove: :wub: :inlove: :wub: :inlove:

Without uttering another word, Atsuko shoved her foot on Takamina’s chest much to her shock, causing the tiny lady to topple over and fall off the cliff and plunging into the sea below. Atsuko knew how stubborn Takamina is. As long as she was still standing there, she wouldn’t give up so easily. “I’ll see you again, Minami...”

As Takamidget falls from the cliff, everything goes on slow motion. Her right hand is trying to reach Atsu while shouting that NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!  *screw my brain for this screwed up imagination.

Churi continued. “Under direct orders from Mariko, we have to take you back. Do not resist or we’re going to have to put you down.”

“Wake up, robin!” Churi stuck her head right in front of Yuki’s face. She had a bandage over her head.

You adorable bird.  :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: *punches kidneys

The fight scenes on chapter 16 were incredible and I love it! It gives me adrenaline rush while reading it at work, while commuting home from work and now before I sleep, which is kind of bad since I really need sleep!.

I'll be looking forward for more update and surprises!

Keep it up!

Lame Story ahead!

A Certain Love Story of a Cyborg Girl | Same Ground(Hiatus) | The Last Stand (On-Going)

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] The Ultimatum (CHAPTER 16)(7/10/2015 UPDATE!)
« Reply #212 on: October 19, 2015, 06:56:12 AM »
Where's the next chap?
Thanks for the update !

Offline kevinwkl

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] The Ultimatum (CHAPTER 17)(22/10/2015 UPDATE!)
« Reply #213 on: October 21, 2015, 06:18:42 PM »
Welcome to Chapter 17~
This chapter is concentrated with fighting.. I hope you guys don't mind  :nervous :nervous :nervous


Chapter 17 : Three Way

Sayanee hopped off Bahamut’s head and confronted Atsuko. “I have no interest in any Cybers today. You’re the one I want.. And that Rena..”

Atsuko was immediately alerted by Sayanee’s statement. From what Atsuko saw, the only ones left in the cave were Romeo and Rena. Nobody else was with them. “Damn.. Why now of all times..”

“I sensed some anxiousness from you, Atsuko.. Afraid of something?” Sayanee locked eyes with Atsuko for a long time without blinking.

Atsuko stepped back a little from the danger she sensed from Sayanee. “...”

Sayanee bent her body forward a little and with a kick on the ground, she suddenly appeared right in front of Atsuko. The latter was startled from the speed. Despite Sayanee’s leap being really fast, Atsuko still managed to tilt her body side ways to avoid her. To Atsuko’s surprise, Sayanee wasn’t aiming for her at all. She kept running towards the direction behind Atsuko, which happened to be the direction where the cave was.  “Crap!” Atsuko immediately pursued Sayanee who was heading towards the cave.

“RAAAGGHHH!!!!” Sasshi thrusted her arm forward at Yuko’s face but got dodged easily.

Yuko flexibly spun her body swung her blade at Sasshi’s direction. With just a single swing of her arm, Sasshi punched the blade away causing Yuko’s whole body to lose balance a little. She then used the chance to land a punch on Yuko but got dodged once again. This time, Yuko shot a successful ice beam that completely froze Sasshi’s right hand. Without even waiting a second, Sasshi landed a powerful punch on the ground, breaking the ice immediately. Sasshi was completely immune to the effects of a frostbite. No matter how much you try to freeze her armor over and over, her armor will still be too hard to break apart from a frostbite.

“You both are wasting my time!” Takamina unclipped a fully charged Judgement laser and shot it right at both Yuko and Sasshi.

Upon noticing it flying towards their direction, Yuko immediately jumped away. Sasshi merely stood there instead and had both her hand thrusted out. Upon contact, the laser scattered into thousands of pieces. Sasshi got pushed back quite a lot but stopped in her tracks as soon as she stomped on the ground hard.

“What!?” Takamina was a little shocked that Sasshi could withstand the laser directly. So far, she had never encountered anyone who could do that.

“RAAAAAGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!” Step by step, Sasshi slowly started walking forwards and pushing the laser back.

Yuko was also surprised with what Sasshi just did. Even Yuko knew that she couldn’t really withstand a direct blast from the laser and get away unscathed. Sasshi on the other hand just withstood a direct blast from the Judgement laser and yet still managed to push it back. “Tch... I hate to admit it but I’m actually impressed with that..”

“How about two!?” Takamina unclipped yet another fully charged Judgement and fired it in the same direction. This time, the laser was twice the size and of course the firepower was twice more powerful.

“GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!!” This time, Sasshi got overwhelmed by the immense firepower as she got pushed back once again. Both her feet were sliding backwards really fast and finally blasted through a rock.

“......” Takamina let out a huge breath from the amount of violent force needed to take Sasshi down.

“Tch.. I don’t believe there’s actually someone else capable of making you break a sweat other than me.. I’m a little pissed off right now.” Yuko looked completely unamused.

“What are you even doing here, Yuko?” Takamina asked.

“To make sure you don’t die before I get the chance to kill you.. Now that you’re safe, I’m gonna carry on with my mission.”

Takamina then pointed her sword at Yuko’s direction. “If your mission is to bring Atsuko and Rena back with you then might as well kill me first right here.”

Annin stood there silently in between Jurina and Ami. The atmosphere became really thick as Annin and Ami exchange glances. Finally, Annin opened her mouth. “Jurina.”


“You do realize why I’m here right?” Annin asked Jurina while her eyes were still locked on Ami.

Jurina knew exactly why Annin was here. There could only be one reason, which is to bring them back to Omega. This included Rena who happened to be alone in the cave right now. This fact made Jurina really uncomfortable to stay there any longer. She really wanted to get back to Rena as soon as possible but she knew that Annin. As Jurina stepped back a little, the ground behind her got split open a little by the force of an air blade. There was a slit on the ground just a feet away from where she was standing now. “What is this...”

“The last thing I need is seeing you escape.. That, Jurina... Is the safe line. As long as you don’t go beyond that line, I will promise not to attack you.”

This is definitely bad. Annin knew that Jurina wanted to get back to where Rena was so she gave her a warning not to leave the vicinity. Annin was always known as the calm, quiet and the ‘nice’ one but she definitely will not tolerate if her words were ignored and disrespected. After all, whatever Annin says, she will always say it once and once only. Jurina realize what consequence were to befall her if she were to cross the line that Annin made. Despite having a few similarities in the way they view humans, Annin would actually take Jurina down on the spot if she wanted to. Well, at least she was nice enough to issue a warning beforehand. This made Jurina froze in her spot just right in front of the line. “...”

“Don’t worry, Jurina. As long as you don’t resist, I will assure you nothing will happen to you or Rena. So for now, why don’t you help me to take down the Cyber right here?” Annin suggested.

“....” Jurina was in a huge dilemma. She was smart enough to know that she was no match for Annin and that she had almost a zero chance of escaping right now, but at the same time, she didn’t want to return to the Spectre headquarters after risking her own life escaping. She just stood there silently for now.

Ami then held her right hand up and aimed it at both their direction. A tiny hole was seen in the center of her palm. To their surprise, a huge red laser was shot from the tiny hole on Ami’s palm. Noticing it, they leaped out of the way, causing it to blast through at least 10 trees behind them. Jurina noticed that the laser shot by Ami was awfully familiar. “Wait a minute... That laser looks like the Judgement laser...”

Ami nodded a little. “Ah, yes... That’s what they call it... The Judgement laser.. But 30 seconds of charging period? That’s a little slow, don’t you think so?”

“How did you know?” Jurina frowned a little with Ami’s statement. It seemed like Ami knew quite a bit about this.

“Where do you think the prototype for that so-called Judgement laser originated from? Did you actually think it was created by humans?” Ami aimed her right hand at them once again. “I was the one who created this laser. And for your information, mine doesn’t need any charging.”

As soon as Ami said that, she fired the laser from her hand immediately, proving her point. Knowing how deadly it was, Jurina leaped out of the way once again. Knowing the power already, Annin remained standing there with both her blades pointing back at Ami’s direction. The laser was reaching towards her really fast and the force from it was literally blowing her hair back. Without uttering a single word, she held up two fingers in that direction and suddenly, the laser was split in two, flying past her from the side. “...”

Jurina couldn’t help but to be in awe with the amount of power hidden within Annin’s mysterious mask. She then cursed herself for being weak, because if she were stronger than this, she would have no hesitation in crossing the ‘safe’ line that Annin made.

“I see.. Wind blades...” Ami smirked a little. “Which one do you think is faster? Wind or laser?”

“I can give you the answer.” Annin smiled a little.

“I wonder..” Ami immediately shot lasers from her right hand continuously at Annin, about 3 shots of laser per second. Some of them were cut in half by Annin’s wind blades while the others were dodged. Each and every one of the lasers are highly destructive as the whole area got annihilated into a wasteland. Good thing they were far from the other people.

“The answer is neither...” Annin suddenly appeared beside Ami like a black shadow, shocking the latter. “Because Spectres are faster.”

Annin then spun her body and smashed Ami away with her blades, causing her to crash through a few trees. “...”

That was when Annin locked eyes with Jurina. “It’s time to leave, Jurina.”

“....” Jurina was still in a huge dilemma.

“The Omega will forgive you.” Annin convinced even further.

That was when Jurina finally made a choice. She didn’t want to return and most definitely, she didn’t want to see Rena get locked up and tortured again. Rena has had enough for the past 2 years. Jurina too, has had enough. Jurina slowly shook her head. “No...”

“As a fellow Spectre, let me give you an advise, Jurina...” Annin then looked straight into Jurina’s eyes with her very own cold blooded eyes, as if they were piercing through her soul. “Do not resist against me.”

“The name’s Haruppi..” The Spectre smiled and finally revealed her name as she continued sucking on her lollipop while staring back at Umeda.

“H-Haruppi?” Paru was on the verge of laughter hearing her name.

“Cute name you have there.” Umeda chuckled a little.

“But of course that’s a name I rarely use..” The Spectre then removed the lollipop from her mouth and pointed at Umeda. “I’m better known as my other name.. Katsuzetsu.”

“Never heard of it.” Umeda scoffed.

“I’d be surprised if you have heard of me.” Katsuzetsu then placed her lollipop back into her mouth slowly as her eyes shifted from Yuki to Umeda. She then smiled. “So... Who should I start with first?”

Yuki pulled Paru behind her and stepped back a little. “Stay behind me, Paru.”

Two blades protruded from Katsuzetsu’s back and electric were seen escaping from them. “How about both at the same time?”

As soon as she said her sentence, each blade shot an electric pulse at Yuki and Umeda respectively. Umeda used her speed to evade it while Yuki dragged Paru away and dodged it. “Damn it, I’m not gonna play any more games! You’re mine!” Umeda managed to reach Paru once again.

At that time, Paru flinched a little and held her hand up from Umeda’s action. All of a sudden, a powerful shockwave was released from Paru’s body and it was concentrated directly on Umeda. Nobody saw that coming at all since it was completely involuntary. In that instant, Umeda felt her whole body slowed down from the push of the powerful force and was immediately sent flying away, piercing through the clouds. It seems that the force sent Umeda flying to a place very far away since she was nowhere to be seen in that vicinity anymore. Paru herself was shocked with what she just did. Even Katsuzetsu was shocked with the scene. It definitely wasn’t because Umeda was weak because she sure isn’t. This shows that Paru’s power might even be much stronger than she orriginally thought it was. To be able to send a Cyber Commander flying away effortlessly just like that was something that none of them had expected.

“Ugh..” Paru suddenly felt weak on her knees as she started tottering about. She started coughing a lot of blood out of her mouth and felt like she was about to faint soon. It seemed that the move earlier sucked up too much energy from her. Even her nose started bleeding. It seemed like she accidentally released a little too much of the power within her and it is now straining her body.

“Paru, are you ok?” Yuki asked.

“Y-Yea...” Paru wiped off the blood from her nose and mouth.

Katsuzetsu smirked. “As expected..” She then locked eyes with Yuki. “Well, no matter.. One down. One more to go..”

Yuki got on guard with her scythe. “There’s no way I’m letting you take Paru.”

“Kashiwagi Yuki, was it?” Katsuzetsu asked.

Yuki frowned. “How do you know my name?”

“Yeah.... How do I know your name?” Katsuzetsu rolled the lollipop in her mouth and took it out. “Maybe you can grab the answer from my mouth.”

“Don’t worry.. I will.” Yuki immediately leaped over towards Katsuzetsu and landed a scythe hit on her.

The hit missed as the latter manage to sidestep. Seeing this chance, Katsuzetsu went in for a side blade slam on Yuki with an incredible speed. Even though Yuki managed to block it successfully, it was an extremely strong hit. Yuki literally felt the pressure of the hit sinking onto the scythe’s handle. From the measure of the strength of this hit, Yuki could easily deduce that it was of a completely different level even when compared to a Beta. Katsuzetsu smirked a little with a lollipop in her mouth. “You look suppressed. Was this too much for you?”

“Not exactly.. But I’ll have to admit I was a little taken aback by the strength... You seem to be of the level of an Alpha... Which means I can’t go easy on you.” Yuki started increasing her strength and now slowly pushing Katsuzetsu back.

Katsuzetsu’s eyes widened a little from Yuki’s sudden push. Both her feet were sliding backwards with every step Yuki took to the front. Some sparks were seen from where the scythe and the blade clashed. Katsuzetsu then stomped her foot tight on the ground, not allowing Yuki to move further. “My my... First battle after I came back and I have to deal with someone troublesome..”

“I’d like to think of that as a compliment..”

Paru looked at her own hands for a short moment and thought, “I can’t just stand here and do nothing... I definitely can’t use my Judgement against someone of that level, but I may still be able to fight... As long as I know how to use these weird powers.. Even though it strains my body, I have to try.”

Paru then aimed both her hands at Yuki and Katsuzetsu’s direction. Nothing came out. She then concentrated harder and all of a sudden, she started feeling something weird flowing within her body. Her eye slowly turned from black to purple. At that time, Katsuzetsu shot a side eye at Paru, noticing it and immediately leaped backwards causing Yuki to trip forward a little. Coincidentally at that moment, Paru managed to fire a powerful shockwave from her hands and accidentally sent Yuki alone crashing past a tree trunk. She felt some of her ribs fracturing from the impact. “Ugh...”

“Y-Yuki sensei! T-That was an accident! I didn’t mean to do that!” Paru’s eyes turned black once again and started panicking as she just attacked Yuki instead of Katsuzetsu.

This gave Katsuzetsu the chance to attack Yuki who is off guard. “I’m finishing this off with my next move..” Katsuzetsu imbued electricity into her blades and hopped towards Yuki. As she swung her blades down, some electricity could be seen escaping from them.

Yuki immediately hopped up once again and swung her scythe upwards to defend. Katsuzetsu’s hits this time were much more powerful than the one before. For some reason, Yuki could feel her hands trembling, not from the amount of strength she was using but instead something released from Katsuzetsu’s blades. “What the..”

“You’re lucky these Judgements were made of titanium.. They’re not very good conductors of electric aren’t they? I wonder if it’s the same for human bodies...” Suddenly, Katsuzetsu’s index finger and came in contact with Yuki’s chest. From the tip of her finger, she released a very strong electric current that stunned Yuki badly.

“UGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!” Yuki fell onto the ground and started convulsing uncontrollably from the continuous electric current flowing within her body even after Katsuzetsu removed her finger away. Yuki had definitely never expected her to release an electric current from her finger nor did she knew that Spectres were even capable of doing something like that, which was why she accidentally let her guard down. She should have been more careful about this.

“I bet you were....’shocked’ that I was able to do something like that, am I right?” Katsuzetsu smirked a little as she showed her index finger to Yuki. Some electric was seen escaping from it. “By the amount of electric current I implanted into your body, I’d say you will continue convulsing like that for at least 5 more minutes.”

The only person left standing right there is Paru. In an instant, Katsuzetsu appeared in front of Paru. Before Paru could even react to it, Katsuzetsu already placed her index finger on Paru’s forehead. “Gotcha..” She then released a small amount of electric current on Paru’s forehead, knocking her out immediately. As Paru’s body toppled forward, Katsuzetsu lowered her body a little and allowed Paru’s waist to lay on top of her shoulder. “It’s my win this time.”

Yuki was still convulsing pretty badly on the ground. Yuki not wanting to give up, managed to force her muscles to flex to withstand the convulsions and slowly stood up. She was using a lot of strength to hold the convulsions in place that a tiny vein was seen on her forehead. “Y-You’re not taking Paru..”

“Standing up even with that much current flowing in your body right now.. I did not expect that. Impressive..” Katsuzetsu smirked while carrying the unconscious Paru on her shoulder. “But I doubt you can do anything more than standing right now. Your convulsions are taking away too much of your strength.”

“It’s......not!” Yuki raised her scythe and leaped over at Katsuzetsu’s direction.

The latter could easily dodge against the attack since it was much slower than Yuki’s normal attacks. Katsuzetsu was right. The convulsions in Yuki’s body were sucking up too much of her energy. “You’re strong, Yuki...but you’re still not strong enough to protect someone from a larger threat like myself.”

“Just......who are you....” Yuki asked while her whole body convulsed.

“Like I said, I’m merely someone who came back after a long holiday.. Better luck next time..” She winked and flicked her now empty lollipop stick away before taking off from the scene.

Yuki’s legs finally gave way and started convulsing all over again. “P-Paru!!!”

Kawaei was then alerted by Paru leaving her radar. “The target is moving away from the radar? Just what is Umeda doing?” Just then, the radar started going haywire. The dot was all over the place. “Somebody left traces of EMPs to mess with the radar.. Who could have done this?”

Mayu too was extremely disturbed by the fact that Paru was taken away. “Damn... You’re supposed to be protecting her, love... What’s going on..”

“I’m getting a little impatient with you right now, Mayu.. I will make this fast.” Kawaei stretched her hands forwards and ordered. “Bahamut........ Cripple her.”

Mayu’s eyes widened from Kawaei’s statement. “....”

Bahamut let out a loud and powerful roar at Mayu and started swinging its claws at her. “ROOOOAAAARRRRRR!!!”

“Wow!” Mayu had to rely on her boosters to evade the claws quickly with her Mach speed.

Despite being so huge, Bahamut was as swift as any Cyber there is. The movements were smooth and fast, as expected from Kawaei’s strongest invention. In just a few seconds, it managed to grab Mayu in one of its claws and tried to squeeze her tight. “You forced me to this state, Mayu. I didn’t want to do this because we knew each other better than anybody else.. But the fact that you sided with the humans and mocked Core was simply too much.”

“Grrrrr!!!!!” Mayu was forcing Bahamut’s hand open with her Terra strength. She was actually holding up quite well against Kawaei’s ultimate drone. Any other common Cybers would be crushed right away.

Kawaei then smirked a little. “Oh, Mayu... If only Bahamut has one hand...” With that said, Bahamut’s other hand came clasping together and this time, surpressing Mayu even more.

“GAAAH!!” Her hands started closing in from Bahamut’s strength. Mayu was starting to lose her cool. Her expression changed completely from her usual cool nature into an expression of desperation. This simply showed just how powerful Kawaei was. She could literally force Mayu to this state.

“I have to make sure you don’t escape.. So forgive me if I break all your limbs. I will reattach them back for you once we return.” Kawaei said as both Bahamut’s hands closed in and crushed Mayu in its palms.

Immediately after that, Bahamut’s hands got blasted open with a strong explosion. Bahamut’s hands suffered very minimal damage but on the other hand, Mayu was seriously injured. She just detonated a few of her self created nanobombs inside Bahamut’s hands. The explosion did almost full damage on herself. She was seen falling off from the sky and landed on the ground with a strong impact. “Ugh....”

“A foolish act of desperation like bombing your way out won’t get you anywhere..” Kawaei shook her head as she landed Bahamut right in front of Mayu. “I thought you’d be smarter than this, Mayu..”

Mayu slowly stood herself up. Her whole body is convulsing a little from the amount of short circuits and snapped wires in her body right now. Both her boosters were completely destroyed so she won’t get to fly anytime soon. Not only that, her right hand was torn off her shoulder, revealing a few hanging wires with some circuit leaking from it. Her goggles were broken into pieces and there were scars all over her face and body. “I cannot be caught right now.. I still have some unfinished business to deal with..”

Mayu tried to use her boosters but to no avail as they were completely broken. Without her boosters, she can’t move at Mach speed anymore. “D-Damn..” Mayu then snapped her fingers, summoning an army of drones to attack Kawaei.

“Another act of desperation... When will you learn?” Kawaei controlled Bahamut and swung its claws to destroy all the small drones with a slash. To Kawaei’s surprise, upon impact, the drones exploded in an extreme burst of light and electricity, blinding her sight and short circuiting Bahamut at the same time, rendering it immobile. “An EMP!?”

Mayu took this chance to totter away from the scene as fast as possible. She didn’t get to escape too far. Unlucky for her, it only took Kawaei a few seconds to reverse the effects of the EMP and bring Bahamut back on its foot before pressing its foot on Mayu, immobilizing her. “Nice try, Mayu.”

“Argh!!” Mayu felt her whole body being crushed under Bahamut’s foot. She could literally feel the pain all over her body.

Kawaei smiled a little. “You rigged the drones with powerful EMPs, Mayu. Most impressive.. You even managed to stop Bahamut from working for a few seconds.. Nobody has ever rendered Bahamut immobile. I’ll give you that.. You’re smart.. But not smart enough against me.. You lost this one, Mayu.” Kawaei said as she removed the goggles from her eyes and strapped them back on her forehead.

With that said, Kawaei snapped her fingers, summoning a drone that locked Mayu within a plasma shield. She turned her dragon buckle and clicked on it, causing Bahamut to finally disappear into thin air. She then clicked on her watch and reported to both Ami and Sasshi. “I got Mayu. I’ll return first. Wrap up now. Unless you’re still able to go after Shimazaki Haruka.”

As soon as Kawaei sent the message, she flew off on a drone with Mayu locked inside another drone.


The rock that Sasshi got smashed on suddenly exploded into tiny pieces with dusts filling the air much to Takamina and Yuko’s surprise. From within the heavy dusts stood a silhoutte of someone with a blue dot on the shoulder. As she stepped out of the area, it was seen that Sasshi was clearly nowhere near from being dead yet. There was not even a single scratch seen on her solid armor but the right side of her face was ripped off from the sheer force, revealing the endoskeleton within her head.

“What the...” Both Yuko and Takamina were actually surprised that Sasshi survived a blast from two Judgement lasers combined. That amount of force could have easily vaporised a tank into ashes. Just how solid is her armor, they will never know.

Sasshi then warned them. “You both will get a taste of my wrath next time. Lucky for you, I have better things to do now.” As soon as she finished her sentence, Sasshi sprinted towards the direction where Katsuzetsu took Paru away. With every step she made, it was as if an earthquake was happening.

Yuko’s eyes widened for a moment. “She’s going after Katsuzetsu. Tch..” She then aimed her fist at Takamina. “I’ll be looking forward for the very day I can finally end our battle once and for all, Taka.”


Yuko placed two fingers on her forehead and flicked them out, bidding Takamina goodbye for now. “Till next time.” She immediately turned around and chased after Sasshi.

Seeing her main threat disappearing before her very eyes, Takamina sighed a little in relief that Yuko wasn’t going for Atsuko and Rena after all. She then rushed back to the cave to check on Rena and Atsuko. “Hopefully Atsuko was able to hold her off.”

All of a sudden, a huge red laser shot up in the sky, coloring it red. As the laser ended, it was seen that Ami was standing about 50 meters away from them looking very much alive with her right hand aiming into the sky. She then brought her hand down and aimed it at Annin and Jurina’s direction. “This isn’t the end yet.”

Upon saying that, Ami lowered her hand and left the scene to pursue Paru as fast as she could.

“You’re not going after her?” Jurina asked.

Without even giving a second look at Ami, Annin eyes remained locked at Jurina. “I’m not too concerned about that Cyber considering who Shimazaki Haruka is with right now.. I believe you remember Haruppi?”

Jurina’s eyes widened in shock from the mention of the name. “Katsuzetsu? She’s back?”

“Apparently, she is.. But of course that’s not really the main topic here, isn’t it?” Annin immediately went back to her main reason.

Jurina shook her head. “I told you I’m not going back there, Annin. I’m sick and tired of cowering in fear under the dictatorship of the Spectres.. I want to live freely without restriction. I want to live my life to the fullest just like Rena did.”

“We may have similarities in our views of humans, Jurina but let me clarify something with you. I will not hesitate to use force even if it’s you.”

“You can’t force me back there, Annin.. I’d rather die than to return there.” Jurina clarified.

Annin nodded and pointed at the line she made on the ground with her air blades. “Step beyond the line then.”

“W-What?” Jurina was stunned for a moment.

“You said you didn’t want to return right? That you would rather die than to return? You have to step beyond the line to confirm your sentence, Jurina. Because I already made a promise that I won’t attack you as long as you’re within the line.”


“If you step out of that line, not only I won’t pursue you anymore, I will leave Rena and Atsuko alone as well. The both of you will be free to go.” Annin told. “But bear this in mind... I’m not gonna let you leave unscathed.”

“I don’t want to see Rena locked up like an animal anymore, do you understand?”

“All these just for Rena?”

“You know how I feel about Rena, Annin. I’m not gonna turn my back on her once again just because I’m too weak to fight back against an Alpha.. I’ll be choosing my own path to move from now on.. Even if it’s death.”

Annin smiled a little at Jurina’s burst of confidence and nodded. “I heard you, Jurina.. Please step out of the line now.”

“Thanks for understanding..” Jurina turned around and stepped right in front of the line that Annin made.

As Jurina raised her foot, Annin reminded once again. “You do know the consequences if you were to step out of that line, right?”

For a moment, Jurina hesitated. She knew for sure that if she were to step outside, Annin’s next attack would most likely be fatal. But she already made the choice. “Promise you will convince the Omega to grant us freedom after I take this step?”

Annin nodded. “You have my word as an Alpha Spectre, Jurina....”

“I have no regrets then.” Rena’s freedom was more important than all of these so she took the step. As soon as Jurina placed her right foot outside of the line, Annin shot a wind blade that sliced through her in that very instant. That’s right. THROUGH her. That cut almost severed Jurina’s body in half literally. Jurina is split open cleanly from her right shoulder down to the left side of her torso. The only thing left conecting the 2 torn parts of Jurina’s body was about 10 cm of ‘meat’ left at her bottom left torso. If that 10 cm of her torso was sliced off as well, then Jurina would be in two pieces literally and will officially be pronounced dead. As if this wasn’t fatal enough for Jurina already. She didn’t even get the chance to react to the incredibly fast attack as she laid on the ground motionless on her own pool of blood with her eyes still half open. The red fluid continued leaking from her split body and her mouth. The amount of blood on the ground was eeriely great, soaking into her clothes and skin.

Annin took a step closer and bent over a little to look at Jurina’s condition. Jurina was still motionless with her eyes half open. Hardly any Spectres could have survived that attack. This very attack might even be fatal for an Alpha, what more to Jurina who is a mere Beta. Annin then shook her head. “Was it really that worth it? Trading your life for freedom?”


“As promised, you and Rena are free to go. I’ll convince Omega not to pursue you both anymore. Whether you survive this or not depends entirely on your own will to live. Goodbye.” Annin then turned around and started leaving the scene. As she was at a distance away, she slowly turned her head back once again and stared at Jurina’s motionless body for a moment. A soft smile then crawled onto her face as she started walking away once again. “Guess I’ll see you again, Jurina. Take care.”

Sayanee reached a cave and entered it without hesitation. She then started sniffing around. “As I thought.. That crazy Spectre must be here..”

Romeo suddenly came out from behind a huge rock and ambushed Sayanee with a successful bite on her left foot. “ARGH!”

“GRRRR!!!!!!!!” Romeo’s bite was getting tighter around Sayanee’s foot. He didn’t seem to have the intention of letting go at all.

“Get off my foot!” Sayanee pulled her right foot to the back and with a swing forwards, she released a full powered kick at Romeo that sent him crashing onto the wall of the cave instantly. That very kick literally broke EVERY SINGLE ONE of Romeo’s bones upon contact as his blood splattered all over the cave.

Sayanee then continued searching for Rena in the cave. Sayanee knew Rena was somewhere in the cave but for some reason, she couldn’t find her. Rena’s smell still lingered around the cave. It seemed that Romeo did a good job hiding Rena’s unconscious body before Sayanee reached. “Where the hell is she!?”

She then saw a patch of dirt on the ground that doesn’t seem like it belonged at that spot, with a few swipes of her foot, she brushed the dirt aside and finally revealed some fingers. Romeo managed to bury Rena in the ground to hide her from the enemy but it all went to waste as Sayanee already found her. “There you are..”

“Stop right there!” Atsuko came running into the cave and immediately slammed both her Judgement swords on Sayanee while the latter blocked it successfully.

Atsuko’s strength was simply no match for Sayanee obviously as she got pushed back by the brute strength exerted by the Alpha Spectre. Atsuko forced all of her energy out of her body to defend against the attack. That was when something caught Atsuko’s attention. Her eyes widened at a furry thing laying on the ground behind Sayanee soaked in blood. “No.....”

During that short moment where Atsuko let her guard down, Sayanee managed to deliver a successful headbutt right on her face, knocking her backwards before slamming her onto the wall with her blade. “You humans seemed to have a habit of getting distracted easily.. Time for me to end this fight..” Before Atsuko had the chance to react, Sayanee imbued both her blades with flames and hopped towards her.

“Atsuko!” At the very last moment, Takamina appeared in between the both of them and held a Judgement shield up to protect Atsuko from getting a direct hit. As the flaming blade slammed down on the shield, not only did the titanium shield dent badly from the strength, it exploded into pieces from the explosive fire power of the blades. The impact blowed Takamina back a few feet and crashed through a rock.

“Ugh...” Takamina held onto her right arm and groaned a little. There was a huge patch of bruise that looked really painful on her forearm. Her eyes then rolled towards Romeo who was lifeless on the ground. Takamina’s voice shook a little from the bizzare sight before her very eyes. “R-R-Romeo?”

With eyes wider than ever, Takamina glared at Sayanee. She was literally so angry that she couldn’t even raise her voice at all. Her voice was soft and yet concentrated with pure anger. “You killed him.”


“You killed my best friend.” Takamina slowly stood up once again and activated two Judgement swords without breaking eye contact with Sayanee. It was as if the pain on her arm was completely numbed. She couldn’t feel anything right now. All she wanted to do is to kill Sayanee.

Sayanee could obviously tell that Takamina was beyond angry. She wanted her to feel what she felt two years ago. The feeling of losing someone she cared about in front of her eyes. “This is exactly how I felt when that woman right there murdered my younger sister..”

As soon as Sayanee said that, she hopped outside the cave, while on mid air, she shot a fireball at the top, causing large boulders to fall and covering the entrance. Takamina wanted to kill Sayanee off so badly right now but to no avail as she was stuck inside the cave. She screamed and kept slashing off the boulders again and again but there were too many and that alone wasted a lot of her time. “I WILL GET YOU, YOU HEARD ME!?”

Standing outside the cave, Sayanee continued. “It’s frustrating, isn’t it? Seeing the one you cared so much about die before your very eyes and yet not able to lay a hand on the murderer.. And I sure as hell am not going to give you the chance to lay a hand on me for now. Live with that feeling as long as you can.”

“Get back here! Get back here! Get back here!!!” Takamina finally slashed off the last remaining boulder and leaped outside. Sayanee was gone. In the end, Takamina was left with no chance at all to avenge Romeo. Sayanee managed to successfully provoke Takamina in the worst way possible as she lost her cool completely. “SHITT!!!” Takamina slammed both fists on the ground in anger and cursed herself.

Just like the very moment she lost her family, the history seemed to be repeating itself. Romeo was like a family to her. He had been by her side for almost 15 years but Romeo died a heroic dog. Not only did he attack an Alpha to protect Rena, he also hid Rena properly and thus, wasting Sayanee’s time in searching for her until Atsuko comes in.

Rena was then digged out by Atsuko as she started coughing out some sand from her mouth. Rena had finally awaken after being unconscious for a long time. Takamina on the other hand carried Romeo on her arms and laid him beside her family’s tombstones. She then carved some words on a boulder and placed it in front of Romeo’s dead body. “To the bravest friend I have ever seen in my life. Rest in peace.”

Confused, Rena slowly crawled over towards Romeo and tilted her head. She then poked Romeo to see if he was still alive. “Doggy.....?”

Atsuko patted Rena’s head. “He’s in a better place now, Rena...”

The fight has finally ended. In the end, Ami and Sasshi didn’t get to chase after their target as their radars were messed up by traces of EMP left by Katsuzetsu so they went back home. The same goes to Yuko who was pursuing after Sasshi. After she lost track on her, she too went back to the Spectre headquarters. Umeda was actually sent flying to another country by Paru’s force by accident, confirming the extent of Paru’s weird powers. It took her some time to return home. Yuki finally got back on her feet while Jurina remained laying on her own pool of blood, still motionless. Whether she survived Annin’s attack or not is still unknown.

Nevertheless, the huge three way fight ended in both Cyber and Spectre’s favour with Mayu in the hands of the Cybers and Paru in the hands of the Spectres. Team Taka on the other hand suffered a complete loss and the death of Takamina’s best companion, Romeo.

With Paru now in the hands of the enigmatic Omega Spectre Yui, an extremely disturbing secret about Paru’s past will soon be revealed.....

Chapter 17 : Three Way
« Last Edit: October 22, 2015, 06:34:49 AM by kevinwkl »

Offline chiqinna

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] The Ultimatum (CHAPTER 17)(22/10/2015 UPDATE!)
« Reply #214 on: October 21, 2015, 06:57:41 PM »
FIRST COMMENT!!!! *throws popcorns in the air*

time for proper comment!  XD
So first, rest in peace dear Romeo~  :cry: :cry: :cry:
You've been a great company~
no more doge.

if she is an alpha, there are now 5 alphas?
I want to know more about her *_*)

awwwwn Jurina baka!!  :angry:
now see what happened to you?!
annin so cool by the way~

A soft smile then crawled onto her face as she started walking away once again. “Guess I’ll see you again, Jurina. Take care.”

I can assure MYSELF that Jurina will be fine lol
I believe in you Juju!!! Hang in there! I will steal some healing power from Paru for you!
Jurina is smart.. xD

waaaa...Mayu... mmmm... no comment until next revelation  :D

the fighting scene was great as usual..
poor Umeda XD ended up in other country LOLOL
Paruru sure have power beyond expectation..
Omega got Paru yay! *slaps*
but ...oh well~ I like it ohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohoho*cough*
Omega knew what is Paru right.. can't wait to know..

hey... what about Miichan's story?!!!

« Last Edit: October 22, 2015, 08:34:35 AM by chiqinna »

Offline deguchi

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] The Ultimatum (CHAPTER 17)(22/10/2015 UPDATE!)
« Reply #215 on: October 21, 2015, 07:12:51 PM »
UPDATE!! Be right back!!!
just love to read alot of fiction story

Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] The Ultimatum (CHAPTER 17)(22/10/2015 UPDATE!)
« Reply #216 on: October 21, 2015, 07:36:10 PM »
 :shocked :shocked :shocked :shocked :shocked :shocked :shocked :shocked :shocked

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
:heart: l Collab threads: Sky&Ruka l Ruka&Michael l :heart:
 l Compilation thread: 48G New Gen l :heart:


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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] The Ultimatum (CHAPTER 17)(22/10/2015 UPDATE!)
« Reply #217 on: October 21, 2015, 11:44:01 PM »
Taka team in a great lost once's twice...
How jurina will survived? If there still mayu or paru maybe she could survived with mayu tech or paru secret power like she did to rena
I think they should back to the legion...
Now it's remain takamina,atsuko,rena and yuki...
Poor romeo...
How rena react if she know jurina condition? She still in crazy state lol maybe play with jurina pool of blood?

Chapter 18 please

Offline purnamazaki

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] The Ultimatum (CHAPTER 17)(22/10/2015 UPDATE!)
« Reply #218 on: October 22, 2015, 03:16:38 AM »
Oh nOOOO Jurinaaaaa
I hope Jurina still alive huhu
Aaaaahhhh i cant wait for the next chap
Update fast plasee haha
Thanks for the update

Offline cisda83

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] The Ultimatum (CHAPTER 17)(22/10/2015 UPDATE!)
« Reply #219 on: October 22, 2015, 07:18:57 AM »
Poor Romeo...

Ah... Mayu and Paru are captured

And Paru's past is going to be revealed soon...

Can't wait to find out

Thank you for the update

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

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