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Author Topic: [Dishonored] WM, MY,SM,YP Collabortive Steampunk G-B fanfic #50 -Complete-  (Read 109649 times)

Offline MaYukiIsLife

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MaYuki, why do you keep getting hurt both emotionally and physically  :farofflook:
Mayu don't die :on freeze:
He opened the robot’s chest and carefully placed my heart inside it. Then, he sewed the skin together into the shape of a heart.
So this was how Mayu was alive again. The memory Mayu saw was the one where Yuki saved her from death. :mon determined:
Yuki's father is just crazy mad! :on redcard:
Why would he kill his wife and hurt his son?! :angry1:
Isn't Yuki's father taking advantage of Yuki being in the wheel chair and being wounded? :dunno:
I wonder if Yuki or someone will be able to stop Yuki's father :mon dunno:
Can't wait for next update :k-great:
Good luck to you @MaYukiIsLife and you too @Ruka Kikuchi :hee:

Thanks for the encouragement River :D
I hope Mayu won't die either :shocked
Yep :D Mayu had a flashback of her death in the war and when Yuki had saved her.
Well, I know that for a fact that his dad is crazy as nuts~
Well, he wanted power, and for that to happen, he needs to kill the people in his way~
Yes he technically is taking advantage of Yuki in a wheelchair, but there's a shocking twist~
Of course someone will stop his father :D much suffered by him

i can totally feel his pain when he was searching and found mayu.. :k-sad:

he was sad that mayu lost her memories still he said “It’s okay. If I have to, I’ll teach you everything. I’ll retell you my stories, let you meet everyone one more time. We can start over.”

thats true love! :farofflook:

its proven that Yuki definitely loves mayu!!

and someone, kick Yuki's father! still is his father the typical kind of evil or there's a motive behind it? :dozing:

update soon! can't wait for the next! :omamori:

As an author, I always feel the emotions of my characters... I cried as I was writing it  :(
Yuki was just so determined to keep Mayu alive, he did anything it took.
That is one true love right there, but I like all the incest~
Literally kick him? Cuz someone will do that in the next chapter~
Well, I can't tell you if he truly is evil or not....

Agree with River1721 and Kairi65

That flashback....really heartwarming

poor Mayu....doesn't have a memory about her life as human
and when in the verge of death...she remember how she was revive as a cyborg :fainted:

MAYU....DON'T DIE...... :gyaaah:
Yuki needs you... :farofflook:
he loves you :pleeease:

thanks for the update...update soon

Yeah it made me cry writing it with Ruka  :cry:
Death triggers, the most important memories....
I won't make Mayu die, don't worry!!!!
He loves her and she loves him...

P.S Ruka has a surprise for the next chapter, that even I don't know about, but it involves Wota/Sasshi and Yuki..... That is all I know....

Offline MYJR

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P.S Ruka has a surprise for the next chapter, that even I don't know about, but it involves Wota/Sasshi and Yuki..... That is all I know....
Waiting for the surprise :ding:

Offline MaYukiIsLife

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P.S Ruka has a surprise for the next chapter, that even I don't know about, but it involves Wota/Sasshi and Yuki..... That is all I know....
Waiting for the surprise :ding:

I don't think it is what you'd expect, but... Yeah~


Chapter 14: Incest (Part 1)

Yuki’s POV

“Hot blood in such a frail body… For you, there is no tomorrow.”

There’s no way I’m losing this fight…

I looked down at the man as he laid on the ground, trying to get up, but I kicked him down. He coughed up blood as I forced him to the wall.

"You're not getting away with anything you've done." I said as I stepped on his leg and prevented him from moving. "Plus, you've lost this already."

"Y-Yuki, y-you're a t-true m-man for fighting for the woman you love..."

He then was lifeless. I was more worried about Mayu, how she was getting on. I'm afraid to lose her again. After that... She repaid the favor as I had saved her before.

"Argh..." The pain seemed unbearable now, as I tried to stand up, I had to sit down again.

Mayu, I can't bare to lose you, especially after I had you back for so long....


"I can't get up, Wota. Argh!"

“Hold on, lemme help.” He rushed over and picked me up by my shoulder.

We both walked back to the warehouse together and he took care of my wounds.

“W-where’s… Mayu?”

“Don’t worry. Milky and the others are patching her up. She’ll be just fine.”

“Sou… Thank goodness.”

He smiled as he finished wrapping up the gauze and put one last bandage on my cheek. He sighed as his head fell back.

“It’s been a while since I’ve seen you like that

“It’s been a while since I’ve felt like that.”

“I’m guessing your past must’ve had a psychological effect on you.”

“I guess so…”

“Also, not many people can deny a bug with anti-brainwaves that strong. I salute you for that.”

“It was like there were two sides of me… One of which was uncontrollable… The other side was an innocent side..…”

Wota looked at me. “Does everyone have that side to them? Rena-san, Jun-kun, Mayu-chan, Otabe-kun...”


“Even me?”

I took a good look at him, his eyes looked different from normal… but not that different.

“Who knows…..”

“The thing is… I’ve always admired that other side of yours, Yuki.” he said with a slight smile. “You’ve become strong and powerful, but it’s also incredibly dark...”


“I like this side of you much better.”

And then he kissed me… on the lips. I didn’t know how to react and had my eyes wide open. I looked over at the clock and after a good eight seconds, he parted from me.

“What was that?”

He chuckled a bit. “Sorry...”

“How long you’ve been keeping that in for?”

“I don’t know… A while, I guess. I lost track...”

“Okay, you know, if those three girls found out, you're done for.”

“I know and I’m willing to take the risk….”


“Uh, oh….”

“Sashihara Rino, explain yourself.” Mayu demanded, in crutches.

“Umm, how do I… Put this?”

“Are you gay?” A figure walked up to the scene, confused about the males sexuality.

“Yoshida-san… I don’t know…”

“Ah, don’t worry, Sashihara-kun, I think you’ll figure it out~ Plus call me Akari.”


Yoshida Akari was one to meddle with others problems, she’d always ask questions and make solutions.

“Ah, don’t forget Sashihara-kun, Keicchi needs you and Yuki-kun~”

“Umm, eto.. Yuki-kun?”


“Why are you half-naked?”

Her mental capacity was off the charts as she saw me, with bandages and scars from the other time I was injured. Shirtless.

“EH? Ummm…”

“So does that mean you're in on the battle Akari?”

“Hell yeah!”

“Mayu, how did you wake up so fast?”

“Whenever I’m badly damaged and people fix me, I’m automatically turned on.”

“Yuki.” He turned to see Miyuki and Kei in lacy lingerie, talking simultaneously

Kami-sama, why do I have to live with these people!?

Yeah... the surprise is in there somewhere, Majisuka Gakuen reference there too~ IDK I put Miyuki like that in the end... O>O

Anyway as always, thank the chapter, comment and enjoy~
« Last Edit: August 18, 2014, 07:02:50 PM by MaYukiIsLife »

Offline River1721

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It was time for Yuki's father to pay the price :onionwhip: 
"Y-Yuki, y-you're a t-true m-man for fighting for the woman you love..."
Is that suppose to be a nice thing for Yuki? :mon dunno:
“Don’t worry. Milky and the others are patching her up. She’ll be just fine.”
So so glad Mayu is alive :mon squee:
Sasshi kissed Yuki :shock:, I was not expecting that :mon sweat:
“Okay, you know, if those three girls found out, you're done for.”
One of them already found out, luckily Mayu didn't attack Sasshi :on lol:
He turned to see Miyuki and Kei in lacy lingerie, talking simultaneously
Eh?! Since when did those two wear that? :OMG:
Can't wait for next chapter :k-thrilled:

Offline Kairi65

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uhh...i don't think i understand this chapter.. :dunno:

yuki's okay and safe...(don't really know what happen to his fight with his father..)

sasshi kiss yuki..(for what..?)

now, miyuki and kei are wearing lingeries???

ps, its 'crutches' not 'crotches'  :)

maybe the next update will enlighten me. update soon! :byebye:

Offline MaYukiIsLife

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It was time for Yuki's father to pay the price :onionwhip: 
"Y-Yuki, y-you're a t-true m-man for fighting for the woman you love..."
Is that suppose to be a nice thing for Yuki? :mon dunno:
“Don’t worry. Milky and the others are patching her up. She’ll be just fine.”
So so glad Mayu is alive :mon squee:
Sasshi kissed Yuki :shock:, I was not expecting that :mon sweat:
“Okay, you know, if those three girls found out, you're done for.”
One of them already found out, luckily Mayu didn't attack Sasshi :on lol:
He turned to see Miyuki and Kei in lacy lingerie, talking simultaneously
Eh?! Since when did those two wear that? :OMG:
Can't wait for next chapter :k-thrilled:

Yes, it was meant to be a good thing~ :D
Mayu is safe :)
That happened to be Ruka's surprise..... I didn't know that was gonna happen, I just saw it getting written on Google Docs.... And we had really random conversations, I will show you guys later.
Yeah, I would've made Mayu attack him, if I didn't make her be put in crutches....
I kinda made this a chapter on crack...
As for Miyuki and Kei in black lacy lingerie.... Well I was just gonna write Keicchi in it but my Oshihening problems lead to writing.. Well what you see... You'll see in the next chapter~

uhh...i don't think i understand this chapter.. :dunno:

yuki's okay and safe...(don't really know what happen to his fight with his father..)

sasshi kiss yuki..(for what..?)

now, miyuki and kei are wearing lingeries???

ps, its 'crutches' not 'crotches'  :)

maybe the next update will enlighten me. update soon! :byebye:

Well.... Yeah, I was gonna write a flashback in another chapter.....
Well, because he wanted to kiss him, for his 'Black' persona....
As for Miyuki and Kei..... I wanted some KeiYuki and some YukiMilky so.....
I edited it out so :D Thanks.. I knew something felt wrong with the spelling~

Offline MaYukiIsLife

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One of our ever so random conversations..... Yeah...

Offline MaYukiIsLife

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One of our ever so random conversations..... Yeah...

One of the links involved (The one where I said about the pic of the day and what not)

Offline MYJR

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This chapter really surprise me ..

"Y-Yuki, y-you're a t-true m-man for fighting for the woman you love..."
Why Yuki father said this..did he just play villain role and test Yuki? :?

and then wotagei I mean wota gay.... :shock:
what the..

“Mayu, how did you wake up so fast?”

“Whenever I’m badly damaged and people fix me, I’m automatically turned on.”
yeah.... :on gay: glad that Mayu is OK.
when first time I read the word "turned on"I think something dirty :sweat: :on lol:
and then I remember that Mayu is cyborg :mon sweat:

and then KeiMilky in lingerie.... :wriggly:
why they suddenly wear that..? to seduce Yuki?! XD

waiting for more... :D

Offline MaYukiIsLife

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This chapter really surprise me ..

"Y-Yuki, y-you're a t-true m-man for fighting for the woman you love..."
Why Yuki father said this..did he just play villain role and test Yuki? :?

and then wotagei I mean wota gay.... :shock:
what the..

“Mayu, how did you wake up so fast?”

“Whenever I’m badly damaged and people fix me, I’m automatically turned on.”
yeah.... :on gay: glad that Mayu is OK.
when first time I read the word "turned on"I think something dirty :sweat: :on lol:
and then I remember that Mayu is cyborg :mon sweat:

and then KeiMilky in lingerie.... :wriggly:
why they suddenly wear that..? to seduce Yuki?! XD

waiting for more... :D

Well.... Yeah..... So..... GG XD
Milky and Kei... You'll find out next chapter.
Your right~
Make sure you remember Mayu's a cyborg so you won't mistake stuff like that...

Yeah XD

Offline MaYukiIsLife

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Another update :D                            |

Chapter 15: Being in Love is Being Stupid Together (Aka Incest Part 2)

Yuki’s POV

Everything seemed in everyone else’s favor now. Wota just kissed me, Mayu stomping her foot waiting for him to answer (In crutches of course), Akari falling for me and Miyuki and Kei shivering slightly from the breeze, they were only in bikinis…

This is my face when I saw all this: (O____________O).

“Umm girls… And guy. I can’t take any of this anymore!” I shouted, “You guys are taking this way too far! Guys answer me this. Rino, why did you kiss me? Kei, Miyuki, why are you guys wearing lingerie? Akari….. Sorry for being brought into this. Mayu I’m happy your safe but this felt like a manly love….”

“Well.. I just.. Wanted you to know that I am gay.. That I have feelings for you!”

“Well for us two.. It started as bet. If one of us started to laugh, then we had to show you us in these bikinis, then we both laughed at the same time so we both had to do it.”

“It’s fine~”

“Wait, so you’re gay too? All these years I had loved you! I had a flashback of when I died in Tokyo. What was that to you!?”

“Eh? I’m not gay… It’s-”

“It’s what?!” She cut me off, I was speechless at this side of Mayu. She sounded so rough. “What was the reason you saved me that day, what was the reason you saved me all those years ago, when I was practically dead!?”

“Mayu! Listen to me. It was unexpected, okay. That’s what it was! How do you know?”

“When I got slashed. I was unconscious, and I saw a memory I’ve never seen before..” she said solemnly. “I saw you digging through all the rubble, the flames just for me.”


“So, give me an answer, Kashiwagi Yuki-kun.”

“Mayu, I only love you, I lovingly created you because you were special to not just me. You were special to Miyuki. To everyone who has seen you.”


“As for the rest of you…” I glared at everyone. “Sasshi, let’s just forget about it, for now. Miyuki, Kei, get some clothes on.”

“Umm, Yuki?”

“OUT!!!” I pushed everyone out of the room and locked the door, leaving me and Mayu alone. “Mayu...”


“I know that these past few days have been rough between us and I had thought of making you something.”

“Eh? For...Me?”

I took a silver ring, with words encrusted on to it.

For Mayu, My One True Love.


I slipped it onto her finger and then gripped her shoulders tightly.

“Mayu… I’m stupid.”


“I’m stupid because I love you. I’m stupid because I feel in love with you. And I’ve always acted stupid because I always wanted you. Needed you. Loved you more than anyone.”

“Yuki...” I could see tears on the rims of her eyes. I gently wiped them off with my thumbs.

Love is being stupid together… So, if it’s for you, Mayu… I don’t care if I lose my mind.”

“Yuki… I love you too.”

“Can I just say, this feels a lot like harem. With a lot of people fighting for me.”

“Do. Not. Talk. About. That.”


We both, then got closer and almost had a nice kiss.. Before…



We could see Rino, Sayu and Yui together, sheepishly smiling. With Rino on the floor.

“Rino.. OUT!!”

“Yeah… But the door.”

I then turned to see the door… Broken in two…..

“Just. Get. Out.”

“I’m so sorry. I will get out now..”

As I was saying, me and Mayu once again had gotten close to each other. My lips landed on hers. I could feel my tongue coming in contact with her’s and I could hear her sensual moans. I just stroked her hair gently.

“Aw…” Everyone said simultaneously. I didn’t really care though. As long as I’m being stupidly in love with Mayu. Nothing’s gonna stop me.
Bit in bold = Actual quote from Yukirin :D She did say that~

Offline MYJR

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“Well for us two.. It started as bet. If one of us started to laugh, then we had to show you us in these bikinis, then we both laughed at the same time so we both had to do it.”
what kind of bet...? :mon suspect:
and why show to Yuki..? why not Wota,Sayu or Center..? XD

“Mayu, I only love you, I lovingly created you because you were special to not just me. You were special to Miyuki. To everyone who has seen you.”
Now that Yuki had state his love for Mayu... :on woohoo:
so girls...don't disturb MaYuki :on thumbb:
go to Wota....make him straight :on lol:

I took a silver ring, with words encrusted on to it.

For Mayu, My One True Love.
:mon inluv: :mon crazyinlove: :luvluv1:

We both, then got closer and almost had a nice kiss.. Before…



We could see Rino, Sayu and Yui together, sheepishly smiling. With Rino on the floor.
they almost kiss........ :farofflook:
can't you guys just leave them alone!!! :mon mad: :mon woo: :mon zoom:

Offline Kairi65

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Yep, this chapter explain most of my questions ^^

its full of laughter! :lol:

exactly how milky and kei get into that bet? :hiakhiakhiak:

and sasshi...WHAT~! :stoned:

We both, then got closer and almost had a nice kiss.. Before…



We could see Rino, Sayu and Yui together, sheepishly smiling. With Rino on the floor.

“Rino.. OUT!!”

“Yeah… But the door.”

I then turned to see the door… Broken in two…..

“Just. Get. Out.”

hahaha, the three are just like kids~

exactly how the door broke into two? :? XD

Bit in bold = Actual quote from Yukirin :D She did say that~

where did you saw this?? wanna see~

update soon! :omamori:

Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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Bit in bold = Actual quote from Yukirin :D She did say that~

where did you saw this?? wanna see~

update soon! :omamori:

I actually saw it on a photo.

Y'know on Kokoro no Placard's outfits, there are tags written in English. And they're all love quotes.

The "Love is being stupid together" quote is what Yukurin wrote.

:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
:heart: l Collab threads: Sky&Ruka l Ruka&Michael l :heart:
 l Compilation thread: 48G New Gen l :heart:


Offline River1721

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“Love is being stupid together… So, if it’s for you, Mayu… I don’t care if I lose my mind.”
“Yuki… I love you too.”
Gosh! These two can't get anymore cuter! :mon lovelaff:
Just what were Milky and Kei doing to get to the bet? :mon lol:
“Can I just say, this feels a lot like harem. With a lot of people fighting for me.”
"Do. Not. Talk. About. That.”
Those were probably the worst choice of words Yuki :on lol:
Is Sasshi going to be gay for Yuki from now on? :dunno:
We both, then got closer and almost had a nice kiss.. Before…
We could see Rino, Sayu and Yui together, sheepishly smiling. With Rino on the floor.
There is always something :wahaha:, but oh well at least MaYuki still kissed :mon squee:
“Aw…” Everyone said simultaneously.
Lol, everyone saw the moment ~ :mon fyeah:
This is my face when I saw all this: (O____________O).
Yuki gets into a lot of situations  :mon sweat:
Can't wait for next update :tama-laff:

Offline MYJR

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We could see Rino, Sayu and Yui together, sheepishly smiling. With Rino on the floor.
There is always something :wahaha:, but oh well at least MaYuki still kissed :mon squee:
Gahh...didn't realize that they kissing :shock:
That the best part how could I miss it :depressed:

but they kissing :ptam-kiss: :mon kissy:
just Yeah.... :mon lovelaff: :mon crazyinlove:

Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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Sorry for the late update. MayukiIsLife is currently in France, and will be absent for a few days. I am busy with school, too, but I will try my best, not only with this, but updating my other projects. Please continue to follow and support us!


Chapter 16 - The Awakening (Part 1)

Mayu’s POV

That night, I had a dream…

I could see someone, standing in front of a large whiteboard and writing countless equations. People watched as she went on, mumbling to herself lowly, as if possessed.

She didn’t even blink as she kept writing, her hand seemed light as it quickly wrote across the board.

When she finally finished, she set down the marker and fixed her glasses and smiled.

“This girl is a genius!” one of the men exclaimed as applause roared loudly.

Then, everything slowly went silent, and left me and her standing there, her back facing me.

“It’s been a while… Mayu.”

“Eh? Who are you?”

But, right before she turned to show me her face… I woke up.

I felt Yuki's smooth skin rub against mine. I saw him lying beside me, his shirt unbuttoned slightly. Heaving a heavy sigh, I felt the need to change my bandages. Though I did feel sorry for Yuki...


“Yuki...” I saw him looking at me, his eyes weak.

"I feel... funny."

"Yuki!" I then saw a puddle of red liquid where he was laying, instantly assuming it was blood.


"Yuki!" Behind him, I saw 2 Cleaners. One had a knife, possibly aimed at Yuki, the other had a pistol.

"Nice to see you lot again. Boss specifically ordered to get Kashiwagi, and this was the right time to."

"Not when I'm around ..."

"We heard a commotion in here! What's going... Oh I see..." Center and the others walked in and saw the Cleaners.

“Guys, Yuki-kun is..!”

“Got it.” Center picked up Yuki’s body and carried him out. “Take care of them.”




Rena’s POV

I’ve been feeling uneasy lately… Ever since they brought me here, I’ve slowly started recovering, but something inside my head felt…


Weird… I’m so dizzy…


I was starting to lose consciousness, as if I was drugged again… But, I don’t remember…

“Hehehehehehe… hehehehe...”

I can’t move. It’s like I don’t have control…


I feel… sleepy….

“Nee… okotteru?”

Mayu’s POV

“Oi!” I was talking whilst Rena suddenly grab one of the Cleaners by his neck, strangling him. “Ack… argh, g-get off m-me..! Gah!”




Her eyes were crazy, her pupils the size of needles as she continued to tighten her grip and suck the life out of the man.

“K-kill her! She’s crazy!!!” he screamed as the guns aimed at Rena.

Her face went blank, her smile disappeared as she dropped the man and stood up. She bit her nails as she looked at all of them around her.

A creepy grin curved her face as she giggled and grabbed one of the guns, crushing it in her hands.

One of the men shot at her shoulder, but when she noticed, she didn’t seem to feel pain. She just kept laughing and started punching the Cleaner.

She looked at her arm. “Hey… hehehe… that feels funny.

Her arm suddenly dropped and laid limply at her side, leaving her the one arm left in tact.

More shots came at her. She dodged most of them, leaving only a few scratches. She even grabbed one with her bare hand.

She took away one of their guns and shoved it into the guy’s throat, shooting it multiple times into his mouth, blasting his brains out. When that was done, she took the gun out and hit one of the other Cleaners with it.

She laughed hard as she punched the man’s gut hard and caused him to cough up blood.

One of the men pulled her away and threatened to kill her if she didn’t calm down. After staring blankly at him, she forced his hand up to aim the gun at his head.

After a small giggle, she gave him a serious look.


Before he could say anything, his head was blown to smithereens.

"That's quite.. A few taken care of..Just an Alpha Series... Like the last time...."

“Last time?”

Before she could say anything else, her eyes lost all light and she collapsed on the ground. I could see blood seeping through her clothes as her breathing became shallow.


“Rena-san, what’s wrong?”

“Wake up!”

When Center came back and saw the situation, we quickly carried Rena to the medical room. Yuki was sitting beside her, still unconscious as Nana knitted the knife cut on his lower abdomen.

We waited outside as she patched him up and surgically removed the bullet from her shoulder. She said there was also a drug covering it, which is what made her arm numb.

When she was done, Rena and Yuki both had some tubes connecting to their body and transferring fresh new blood into them.

“Nana-san… Rena was crazy out there. Like a different person.”

“I thought so.” She walked towards the sink and cleaned her hands as she talked more. “I was worried that something went wrong during the surgery.”

“What happened when you took the chip out?”

“I didn’t think anything went wrong, but I still wanted to check on her. It seems that something was triggered in her brain and it created an alternate personality.”

“MPD, Multiple Personality Disorder...”

“Was Rena like that in the past?”

“Who knows? But knowing that it’s this crazy, we need to keep it contained somehow. If that ‘other Rena’ runs amok, we’re gonna be in danger.”

Although, still, this second personality seems strong. Perhaps if we can control her…

“Mayu-chan, what’s wrong?”


“You were spacing out earlier...”

“Uh….” I looked down and remembered of the dream I have.

If that’s another personality inside my head, and I’m like Rena, that what could this other “me” be like? Could it be someone I was like before I died?

“You okay?”

I nodded slowly and forced a smile.

“Yeah… I’m okay.”
« Last Edit: August 22, 2014, 09:26:59 PM by Ruka Kikuchi »

:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
:heart: l Collab threads: Sky&Ruka l Ruka&Michael l :heart:
 l Compilation thread: 48G New Gen l :heart:


Offline River1721

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Thanks for the update :onioncheer:
Hm~ I wonder if the girl in Mayu's dream/other personality is Nezumi ? :dunno:
Yuki!" Behind him, I saw 2 Cleaners. One had a knife, possibly aimed at Yuki, the other had a pistol.
How come the cleaners easily got in again? :mon huh:
“Nee… okotteru?”
Gekikara made her appearance!! :mon star:
But what activated her insane side to appear? :tama-uhh:
When she was done, Rena and Yuki both had some tubes connecting to their body and transferring fresh new blood into them.
Oh, gosh just imagining this scene :farofflook:, I hope they recover soon :err:
Although, still, this second personality seems strong. Perhaps if we can control her…
I wonder if Yuko and the once controlling Rena knew about her other personality and if they wanted to control this insane side? :pig huh:
Can't wait for next update :k-great:

Offline MYJR

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“Nee… okotteru?”
GEKIKARA SANJOU!!! :mon star:

After a small giggle, she gave him a serious look.


Before he could say anything, his head was blown to smithereens.
Don't mess with Gekikara :mon chilly:

Although, still, this second personality seems strong. Perhaps if we can control her… guys better try to control her...
if not this will happen to you guys

If Mayu other personalities is Nezumi....will she betray Yuki and the gang? :panic:

Thanks for the update :hee:

Offline Kairi65

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eeh~~?? suddenly, so many alter personas! :stoned:

so, mayu's a genius before she died?? or else, who is the genius person??

cant wait for the next! :nya:

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