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Author Topic: THROUGH TIME (WMATSUI) COMPLETE  (Read 62582 times)

Offline kumabear

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« Reply #140 on: November 19, 2016, 11:10:48 PM »
Cant wait for rena sama birthday :)

Offline firebird123

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« Reply #141 on: November 26, 2016, 11:51:23 PM »

Since the last time we talked I haven’t seen Shinoda, she went out on a trip and I still don’t know when she’s coming back, and I have to thank the fact that she made it on the best timing, since I can’t still put my thoughts in order.   

What Shinoda confessed me made me question everything, I’ve been told that a murder is the worst of the crimes, only those who get to the lowest rung on humanity are capable to commit that kind of things, and I don’t have any problem to include me between the people who thinks that way. If you can kill once you can do it twice, is what was listening in the courts, and I curse myself for the ideas that came to my mind when I thought on that, and if she did it that night too?, my own thoughts were driving me crazy.

At some point I thought on asking for help to Paruru, after all she always knows what to do, but I quickly erase the idea, I couldn’t put this decision on someone else hands, Shinoda is my sister, and it has to be me the one who decides what to do.

“Jurina I already finish with this” Rena came to my desk with a pile of papers, every time Shinoda has to leave, the work seems triple, clearly the work that Shinoda does is a lot more, but I haven’t seen her complaining not even once.

“I’m sorry that you have to help me with so much” At some point I realized my incapacity to make all this work by my own, it doesn’t matter how hard I tried, I just couldn’t enjoy doing it, and how am I supposed to rule like this.

“It has been already more than one and a half month since Shinoda left” Commented Rena sitting on the sofa, even if she wasn’t helping me, she usually makes me company.

“She’s supposed to come back next week” I told her what Yuki told me this morning, it looks like she went to visit every single Kingdome, it is something that the Queen has to do every year.

“So she will be outside for two months in total” Even if she was trying to make it sound subtle, I knew right away that she was asking me about my decision. She had given me my space to think, understanding that I have a lot of things in my head, and that was something that I was really thankful for.

“Do you think people can change?” I asked out of the blue, which was my biggest doubt.

“Of course, and I think you know it better than anyone”

In a matter of seconds Rena made all my doubts vanish. Even I had to live what is lose yourself and let my guide by my emotions, knowing that it wasn’t the best path, during that time Shinoda never lose faith on me, understanding that I wasn’t myself at that time. Now it was my turn to return the favor. I know who my sister is, and regardless of what she did, I know her and I will never doubt about her.

“I think that I already have my answer” I told Rena knowing that she knew perfectly what I mean.
In just five days Shinoda will be back, having clarified my thoughts took away a weight of my shoulders, I could finally focus on my work and I definitely sleep much better.

“Jurina, I brought you something to eat” Aiko’s soft voice sound behind the door after a knock.

She then came in to the room with a big tray, which she could barely manage to hold without let it fell. She was putting a lot of effort, and at her age she couldn’t try to do such a maneuvers, I’ve asked her a lot of times to please take a rest, but she stubbornly refuse.

“Let me help you with that” I stood up quickly to help her.

“Some years ago I could even take three with any problem” Aiko laugh bitter sweetly while she accepted my help.

“I hope you realize that it is not possible anymore” I told her the same way.

The room filled with silence for a few seconds, allowing me to hear the quick steps that were rushing toward my office, someone was coming to a high speed, and I could only think that it couldn’t be good news.

“Jurina come Rena-“ I didn’t even let Yuki finish what she was saying, with just hearing her name my heart stop, and before I realized it I was already running with all my strength to our room.

And in a wink I was already there, Rena was laying in the bed with her eyes close, sweat was falling through her forehead, she was pale as a ghost and shaking no stopping.

“What happened to her?” My voice was shaking without me even notice it.

“I don’t know, she just suddenly faint” Explained Yui who was wiping her sweat “The doctor is already on his way”

I couldn’t do anything else than sit to her side and hold her hand, she was frizzing, and the impotency was killing me, I could only sit there watching her in pain and just wait for the doctor to check her.

After some minutes in which the doctor was left alone with Rena to treat her, finally he went out the room so he could give us an answer.

“She had a really high fever, but it is just a simple cold” I finally I could breath after his diagnosis “I gave her some medicine, she must rest it looks like fatigue helped her to fell ill”

Fatigue, how I couldn’t I see it. I was so focus on my own world and problems that I didn’t realize that I was dragging Rena with me.

“Thank you very much” I thanked the doctor once he explained everything regardless to Rena’s care, we left Rena alone to have rest, the least she needed in that moment was a bunch of people around her.

“Prince you have visit” A maid informed me.

“Tell to please wait in my office” I had to bring back my composure and try to leave a side Rena matter for a moment, I must fulfill my obligations until Shinoda came back.

“She’s already there, she insisted” Explain kind of scary the young maid, she have been working here for a few weeks, and I don’t know what kind of impression she has of me.

“Don’t worry” Without anything else to say I went to my office, thinking on who could be the unexpected visit, maybe it was someone from another Kingdome looking for Shinoda “Sorry for the wait”.

I excuse myself once I entered the room just to realize that it was not a simple visit from a simple person, and a lot less someone who deserved my hospitality.

“Hello Jurina” Her arrogant gaze and wicked smile was once again in front of me, like if she were a curse that I can’t get rid of.

“What do you want” I was about to call the guards to take her out of the castle doesn’t matter how, and I don’t care anymore if her father was the Count, Honoka doesn’t deserve anything coming from me.

“Let’s talk about business Jurina” There was something strange and different on her, a tranquility and serenity that worried me, like if she knew that she already had that battle won since the beginning “I recommend you to listen” She said, which sounded more like a warning than a advice.

The curiosity to know what she was working on won to the reason. I know that I shouldn’t listen to whatever she has to say, but my instincts were telling me that the best was listen, after all is better to have your enemies close.

“I’m listening” I said closing the door behind me and taking a seat.


Suddenly everything went black. I hadn’t been feeling good for a while, but I didn’t thought it was a big deal, I didn’t wanted to bother Jurina thinking that the pain on my temples will vanish with time, but when I lost balance I realize that it wasn’t so simple as I thought.

I couldn’t fully opened my eyes because the light were to bright and it made my head ache, my ears were stun so I couldn’t hear properly what the people around me were saying, my body felt like burning but at the same time it was shaking like if I were in the worst winter, my body was so weak that I couldn’t even close my fist when my hand was take between other ones, which I recognized immediately as Jurina’s, only her hand could cover mine with such soft touch. Knowing that she was beside me I could feel calm, allowing me to be carried along by the sleep, maybe when I wake up everything will be better.

Or at least that was what I though, I didn’t knew how many hours went by, I had lost notion of time, at least my fever went down and my body wasn’t feeling like if it were in hell, but it was still asking for rest, to which I didn’t put resistance.

From time to time I was waken up for someone wiping the sweat of my forehead and changing my clothes, although I managed to open a little bit my eyes, I still couldn’t completely distinguish the face of who was in front of me. What I did manage to do was to hear their voices, although not so clear as I wish.

In various occasions Yui came to visit me with Paruru, they didn’t do anything else than talk around me and Yuki came to give me what I recognized as my medicine, Aiko came to do the same thing.

Jurina was the one who came to see me the least, and in fact I wasn’t surprise about that, she have been really busy these days, and I didn’t want to be a bother, even if at the end I ended up being one.

She only came a short period on morning and night which she stay more time, she just sit beside me holding my hand and caressing my face, however she never say a thing, I could only listen the sound of her breathing.

“I wonder if you would get mad” She finally said the night in which I was feeling much better “Yeah, I guess you will get mad” She answered her own question between bittersweet giggles. I hadn’t listen what she was saying before that, because her caress got me tempted me to sleep, so I didn’t know what she was talking about.

That night I was feeling much better, so I finally could open my eyes, and the first thing that I saw when my eyes got use to the light, was Jurina’s face, she couldn’t look more exhausted, but her face seemed to light up once I opened my eyes, for how many time I’ve been in this state.

“Jurina” My throat pain when I tried to talk, due to it was completely dry.

“Take it easy” Jurina hurried to bring me a glass of water, which it didn’t took me a second to drink it.

“How much time has passed?” Was the first thing I wanted to know.

“Almost a week” Jurina was helping me with every single movement with great delicacy “Don’t push yourself to much your body is still weak” She said, even when I could sense her tiredness in her voice.

“I’m sorry if a brought you trouble” It was enough with Shinoda’s work that she had to do, and now she had to worry about my health too.

“Don’t be silly” She lay beside me “Your health is the most important” Even if she say it I couldn’t help but to feel guilty “Shinoda comes back tomorrow” Jurina commented with relief in her voice, she haven been working so hard.

“Those are good news” Anyone said anything else in the past minutes, and I could confirmed that in fact my body do need some more rest as my eyes began to close.

“I must leave for a moment” Jurina said while she began to stand up from the bed.

Where can she be going at this time, because judging by the silence I can tell that it was pretty late.

“Where are you going” The sleep seemed to be winning the battle, it was harder and harder to remind conscience.

“I won’t late” Finally my conscience gave up to the darkness after Jurina softly kissed my forehead.

When my eyes opened again it was already the next morning and finally I can say that I was on excellent conditions, the only strange thing was that Jurina wasn’t by my side, but as her side of the bed was disorganized, she must had wake up really early as I remembered that today Shinoda must come back, and at the same time it was my birthday, even though no one really knows it.

I went out of the room to head to the kitchen, unusually the hallways were almost empty, but I thought that it was because of Shinoda’s issue too. In the emptiness of the place I could distinguish a single person, which was tall and was kind of familiar, he seemed disoriented like if he were looking for something or someone.

I got a big surprise and not so pleasant when I recognized who it was, Matsui Ryuu was freely walking around the castle, and when he saw me it looks like if he had found what he was looking for.

“Rena, it’s been a while” He greeted me charismatically, but I already knew what kind of person he was, and that his presence here is not well received, so it has to be a special reason for his visit.

“What are you doing here?” When he saw my hostility he stopped pretending his fake smile.

“I’m accompany someone for a matter of business” His answer was short and clearly he was omitting information, to what kind of person is he accompanying and what kind of business was what he was trying to cover.

“What kind of business?” I knew that Jurina was involved on this, and my paranoia was beginning to play tricks on my mind.

“The kind that can’t be rejected” He answered with a cynical smile.

“What are you and Honoka planning?” I didn’t want to beat around the bush, it was time to act before it was late.

When Ryuu heard my direct question he seemed that he was about to burst of laughter, like if her were enjoying my uncertainty, knowing that his words were affecting me and that he could have me on the palm of his hand depending on what his answer would be.

“You know that Jurina is up to give her life for you, don’t you” I didn’t knew what to say not even what to think, I just felt how the blood in my veins freeze and the fear began to wrapped me.

“You wouldn’t dare to do something” I managed to say gathering all the courage that I could, but the truth is that I was terrified by the dark and wicked glare that Ryuu had.

“You do know that there are several ways to die beside stop breathing right”

“Let’s go Ryuu” A feminine voice resound, when I listened it I already knew who it was and I got even more petrified, what was doing Honoka in the castle coming from Jurina’s office direction and walking like if it were her house. This can’t be truth, every single worker know that Honoka is not welcome, unless someone with power allows it, someone like Shinoda, Paruru or … Jurina.

“If you don’t believe me you can see it be yourself, tonight at 11:00 Jurina will go from the castle to continue with the agreement, just like she’s been doing all this week” Was the only thing Ryuu whispered in my ear before he went out behind Honoka, who seemed to not notice my presence.

My kneels felt to the ground once Ryuu and Honoka disappeared, what am I supposed to do, the most logic would be to go with Jurina and ask her directly, but I just didn’t dare, Jurina promised me that she will not hide anything from me anymore, and I want to trust on her, if she hadn’t tell me anything it was because everything was under control, or Ryuu was lying and just playing with me, or at least that was what I wanted to believe.

I had to calm down my thoughts and feelings so I could continue with my daily life as normal as I could, beginning by helping Aiko, who lately has a bad time doing the work, or even just being stand for a long period of time.

The next thing I did was helping Yui to search some documents among all the disorder she had on her office, in which by the way I’ve never been before and I was amused with every single thing I saw, but something was telling me that I shouldn’t touch them or look at them for too much time.

“Today is the day, isn’t it?” Yui broke the silence, from all the people who know my secret, Yui is the one with whom I feel more confident to talk about it.

“Yes, it’s been a year already” I smile remembering everything I had to go through, I still can’t believe that I really am on XV century and that I met Jurina and everyone else, the Matsui Rena that I am here is completely different to the one I was, I feel that I am much better, like if I finally found the place where I belong.

“And… we will have you for more years?” Yui asked anxiously playing with the first thing she found in her hands, I was glad to know that Yui was worry about me.

“Definitely” I was pretty sure of my answer, at this point I can’t imagine me going to XXI century, where my days couldn’t be more boring and lonely, the only thing that made me sad about it was my family and Airi my only friend, but I think that they will understand my decision.

A strong and rush steps perturbed the peace and serenity in the room, Yui and I shared a glare intrigued by the furious steps that were heading to the exit door, and thanks that Yui’s office was close to the exit, we just had to open the door a little bit to see who it was.

Miyazawa Sae walked enrage to the exit, not giving any time to anyone to talk to her, and from the other side of the hallway was Yuki, who was simply looking at Sae’s direction, it seemed like if her soul went out of her body. Yuki ran her hands down her face, making emphasis on her eyes, clearly she was wiping her tears, to then went back to her normal tranquil state.

I had no idea what had just happened between the two of them, but I preferred not to ask, because it didn’t seem like something good at all, and it looks like Yui though the same as I did, as we went back to her office and continue with what we were doing without saying anything regardless what we just witness.

“Thank you very much Rena” Yui thanked me once we found what we were searching, and in the process we ended up organizing the whole room, reason why when we finish it was already dark outside.

“Don’t worry” it wasn’t like if I had a lot of thing to do.

“See you tomorrow then” She say goodbye with a warm smile.


Saying this I rushed my steps to Jurina’s office, Shinoda’s arrival delayed one day, reason why I could already imagine Jurina in her desk demanding her body more than it can give, taking everything to an extreme without thinking on the consequences.

“So that’s your decision?” I heard Paruru’s voice seconds before I went in. I got immobile for a moment, debating if I should or not overhear the conversation, I had decide to trust on Jurina so I shouldn’t, even though before I could realize it Jurina answered, and I couldn’t help but to keep listening.

“Yeah I don’t find another way out” They must by talking about what I saw this morning, the deal that can’t be deny which Ryuu was talking about.

“I’m agree, I guess it’s the best choice” Paruru supported her, the situation was so bad that even Paruru gives in to Honoka’s deal? “You have to tell it to Rena” I heard my name along with a heavy sight coming from what I think is Jurina.

“I know, but I think she will agree with me” Jurina told Paruru.

I couldn’t believe what my ears were hearing and Ryuu’s words began to repeat in my head “You know that Jurina is up to give her life for you, don’t you”, I know that Jurina will be up to do anything to protect what she cares about, she herself told it to me once, and to think that Honoka can use that and use me at the same time to take advantage of Jurina, makes me feel incredibly guilty, I don’t want Jurina to put herself in risk because of me.

“Ah Rena” I didn’t realize the moment in which the door opened, but now Jurina was in front of me, I saw again the fatigue in her face, she’s been scarifying her health the time Shinoda’s been gone.

“I just came, it’s already late, you should go to sleep” I acted the most natural that I could, hopping that she will be the one who tells me.

“I know, but I still have some things to finish, I’ll go for something to eat so don’t be worry, and I’ll be late so you don’t have to wait for me” She kissed my cheek before she began to leave along with Paruru, none of them seemed to have the intentions to tell me something.

“Jurina” This strange feeling made me call for her one last time and make her turn around to look at me “I love you” The need to tell it was overwhelming, like if I were to lose her at any time.

“I love you too” She smiled one last time to then disappear.

I didn’t try to make her change her mind, I respect her decisions, but my thoughts didn’t stop, maybe it wasn’t a big thing to be worry about, maybe it was a simple deal between families that didn’t involve any problem.

“Tonight at 11:00 Jurina will go from the castle to continue with the agreement, just like she’s been doing all this week”

There was an only way to know if all this was true, if what Ryuu was saying was true, then tonight Jurina will be out at 11:00. Wrapped by the uncertainly and concern, I decided to wait to confirm my worst thoughts, to confirm if in fact, Honoka found the way to control Jurina again.

I thanked the fact that our room had a view to the castle’s gates, the clock hands where already at 11:00, but only the guards were seen around. I was feeling the biggest relief, I definitely didn’t want to see Jurina went out for that gates, because that means that everything it’s ok, and that everything is a lie from Ryuu. I can ask later what was doing Honoka here.

30 minutes went by and there wasn’t any signals that Jurina or anyone would come, finally my heart was on ease. I was about to close the curtains and go to sleep when I heard the gallop of horses, at that moment my heart skipped a beat and I brought back my gaze to the window, just to find a carriage from which went out someone using a dark hood with a cape that was hiding its face. I thought that maybe it was a messenger, but when Jurina appeared on the scene I erase that idea.

Jurina was giving her back so I couldn’t see her face either, and she was talking with the other person. I barely could stand the suspense and everything become even more confuse when they began to look like if they were arguing, Jurina was about to leave and came back to the castle, but then the person with the hood began to cry, making Jurina stopped her tracks, she couldn’t look more uncomfortable with situation as she looked around wondering what she should do.

What happened next made that my chest felt like if a big weight were over it, my hands covered my mouth to suppress the cry that came along with the tears that didn’t late to roll down. The other person had jumped on Jurina, holding her over her shoulders and making the cape to fall back, reviling Honoka’s identity.

I could see and felt how my world began to slowly fall apart and breathing become harder as Jurina, although late some seconds, wrapped her hands around Honoka’s waist. I couldn’t understand the situation and everything seemed to be spinning around me, my heart felt like if a million needle were stabbing it and my tears felt like a waterfall.

Like if she knew that I was watching them, Honoka lifted up her gaze to the window to find mine, a twisted smile that confirmed her victory curved her lips, and after she let go Jurina they both went to carriage, that disappeared behind the castle’s gates. 

My body slowly slide against the wall till it touch the ground, I didn’t care suppress my crying anymore, I was completely broken inside, my sight was clouded for the tears and all I could felt was the guilt and the pain that wrapped all my senses, tearing me apart with every breath, it wasn’t a physical pain that I can locate on an specific place, it was worse than that.

I remember Jurina leaving last night too, I deduce that she must had go with Honoka too. All this has to be my fault, I have no doubt on Jurina’s loyalty, but I do know that she would do whatever it takes, even if that means to go through the worst of the pains, just to keep safe the people she love and care about.

Since a beginning I have just brought trouble to Jurina and it looks like it won’t end while I am by her side, Jurina is scarifying herself for my own good, and it was time for me to do something for her, all this time I’ve been clinging selfishly to this love without realizing the consequences that it will bring to Jurina. I was naïve to think that everything will be ok if we were together, when the truth is that it was the root of the problem.

I can’t let things to continue like this, I want it to be me the one who saves Jurina this time, even if that means having to get away from her. I was seeing myself under the obligation to abandon all the happiness that I found.

My vocal chords refused to pronounce those words that I couldn’t imagine myself saying, until finally and somehow they managed to went out from my own mouth.

“I wish I could go to XXI century” I said between uncontrollable sobs, those words seem to burn my throat as I said them, I didn’t even know if I was at time.

My mind began to relive every single moment as if it were a movie, since the first time I saw her in front of my in that forest, with that lonely and sad gaze that made my heart ache every time I saw her, till her smile that will make stars feel jealous. I could feel every single caress, every single kiss that felt like the first one and made my heart go crazy, her touch on my skin and the warm of her arms around me that made me feel secure. All the evenings in which I could be by her side without the need of words, every single I love you that made me flush madly and know that happiness do exist, everything that will disappear the next time I open my eyes.

Honoka had won, she took away from me the only thing that I’ve ever loved, she took Jurina way from me in a matter of seconds.                             

Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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« Reply #142 on: November 27, 2016, 01:22:00 AM »

:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
:heart: l Collab threads: Sky&Ruka l Ruka&Michael l :heart:
 l Compilation thread: 48G New Gen l :heart:


Offline Genkikid

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« Reply #143 on: November 27, 2016, 05:31:53 AM »
“I wish I could go to XXI century” I said between uncontrollable sobs, those words seem to burn my throat as I said them, I didn’t even know if I was at time.

Nooo!! You should not run away, Rena!!! You should have wished "I wished I could save Jurina"!!!!

Offline tmbaroro

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« Reply #144 on: November 27, 2016, 08:11:05 AM »
What!? noooooo! Rena!! take it back, take your wish back!

Offline minami_24

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« Reply #145 on: November 27, 2016, 11:10:15 AM »
Noo renaaaaa!!! Don't leave jurina please!!!!  :cry: :cry:

Offline purnamazaki

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« Reply #146 on: November 27, 2016, 03:57:34 PM »
Dont go rena pleaseee ! Good job author-san
Cant wait for the next chapter ~

Offline Minami-chan

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« Reply #147 on: November 27, 2016, 10:27:42 PM »
Noooooooo renaaaaaaaa, don´t say that you wish go to XXI century!

Offline kumabear

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« Reply #148 on: November 28, 2016, 07:25:34 AM »
Rena please dont talk about that , jurina still loving u

Offline firebird123

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« Reply #149 on: December 10, 2016, 04:46:33 AM »

“Rena, you’re going to be late” A familiar voice made my mind began to came back from the land of dreams “Rena if you don’t wake up right now you’re going to miss your first class” Repeat once again the voice of a woman that suddenly made me feel a great nostalgia.

I don’t remember the moment in which I felt sleep, but the best would be to wake up before Aiko gets mad again. My eyes began to slowly open, the room had a different aroma, as the cherry essence with which Jurina flood the sheets was absent, the same as her presence beside me.

It was in that moment in which reality hit me like a hurricane and a knot in my throat made its presence. When I opened my eyes I was in my own room, the one that was decorate with small lamps beside my bed and no with the dim light of a candle, a room with a computer and a big TV. I was back in the XXI century, which means that I will never see Jurina ever again.

“Rena wake up” The door opened and the person whom I most missed came through it “What are you wearing?” I looked down to my body to see that I still had the antiquated clothing that I used in the XV century.

I was so astonish that I couldn’t even modulate a word, my lower lip began to tremble as if I was seeing a ghost, reason why when she saw my state, she came closer with concern eyes.

“My dear, are you ok?” She ran her hand through my hair maternally, and I couldn’t help but to broke in that instant.

“Mom” I began to cry inconsolably in the arms of my mom, who without asking anything wrapped me in her arms.

I was feeling a storm of emotions, I had missed my mother, but the real reason that cover my tears was the fact that everything was over, there wasn’t any way or vehicle that can get me to the person I love, I won’t even be able to see her face again.

“You should take a bath” My mother suggested once my tears were completely dry.

I didn’t say anything and just walked to my bedroom’s bathroom, everything was so different that I was feeling a completely stranger in my own house. I took a look to the small mirror, my hair was made a mess and my eyes were swollen and completely red, I couldn’t recognize myself in my eyes, it was like if every drop of life was absent, leaving me with this gloomy aspect, but in fact, I remembered that actually this was my true self, the one that I used to be before everything happened, and there’s no way to change that, not in this era.


“Thank you for coming” I heard my mother’s voice coming from the first floor, greeting the person that just rang the bell.

It has been already two weeks and I hadn’t went out from my room not even once, I didn’t wanted to see the world in which I was living now, I felt like if I put one step outside, I will be accepting the fact that there is no way back.

My body could be in this century, but my mind and my soul stayed with Jurina. By this moment everyone must be worry about me, I don’t spend a second in which my mind doesn’t think about her, everything feel like if it were just a brief dream. At night is when I must missed her, and even if I can see her in my dreams I have to face the sad reality when then sun rise, and is that I’m all alone in this big bed, that ironically was made for two.

At some point I tried to find information about what happened with the life of Sakae’s royal family at the end of XV century, but I couldn’t find any detail information, just the family tree and basic information about each one.

“Is she still in her room?” It looks like its Airi the one who came.

I realized something that leaved me in completely shock, and is that fact that it looks like I never seemed to disappear from this era, like if someone had taken my place or my disappearance had been erase from the people around me. And everyone seemed different persons, or maybe it was me the one who changed.

“Yes, I don’t know what happened to her” My mom couldn’t be more worry, never in my life I had cry so much in front of her, and a lot less I had been in such depressing state, I always found the way to continue with my life regardless the circumstance.

“I’ll try to talk with her” Said Airi before stepping inside my room.

I was in my bed with the sheets over my head, I barely stood up to eat something, it was like if I just didn’t have the will to continue.

“Hi” Said Airi when she took off the sheets.

“Hello” I tried to sound the most cheerful or at least natural possible, but it was completely impossible, I was dying from the inside, which projected in my voice, movements and in every single aspect from my daily life.

“Rena, I’m worry about you, we all are” Airi sat at the edge of the bed, I could feel how frustrated she was with the whole situation.

“I’m sorry” It doesn’t matter how hard I try to act like if nothing happened, the sadness that invaded me was overwhelming and surpass everything I had felt before.

“Please tell me what’s going on” I had lost the count on how much times I’ve been asked that, and every time it made my heart ache and the knot in my throat didn’t allow me to speak.

But this time was different, I needed to get this pain out of my chest, even knowing that there wasn’t anything that someone could do, I needed to put this pain on words.

“I fell in love” Finally I confessed, and the shock in Airi’s face couldn’t be more obvious “But now she’s gone” My voice cracked, I tried to measure my words, there wasn’t need to tell her everything about my little trip to the past, when it looks like I never left.

“Rena…” Airi was speechless and I no wonder why, she more than anyone knows how hard is to get close to me and how much I reject people who try “I’m here for you”

It was then that an idea came up to my mind. I had realized that I couldn’t do everything by my own, and I’ve already learned to accept people’s help, and who better than Airi to ask for some.

“I need you to help me to find someone” I told her firmly, it was time to get out from my room and get down to work.

Airi, even if she was a little bit surprise by seeing that I was accepting her help, smiled seeing that finally I had recover my determination.

“Sure, just tell me”

“I need someone expert in history, to be more specific in Sakae’s history, I want to know about a certain prince’s history”


“C’mon Rena just get out from the car” Airi asked me for the umpteenth time, she couldn’t hide her irritation anymore and is that we’ve been in the parking lot for more than ten minutes.

“Just give me a couple of seconds” I had to beg once again, I was already too used to the style of life from the XV century, and that includes the clothes, reason why in this precise moment I couldn’t be more embarrassed as I was dressed with a dress that barely reaches my knees, and I couldn’t feel more naked.

“You took a life to pick your clothes and you were completely nervous each time the car was going over 50 km/h and now this, why are you acting like if you’ve been living in a cave in the past 20 years”

Seeing that certainly I couldn’t be acting more strange, I quickly went out from the car before I regret. Everything was different, the elegant and Victorian atmosphere was completely absent, even the colorful and lively building now were plainly gray.

“Who’s the person you find?” I asked while began to follow her through the campus, maybe this was the only place that didn’t change so much the same as it’s people, whom continue to follow me with their gazes each time I passed by their sides.

“Her name is Fukushi Nao, she’s in the same class as Akane and it looks like she’s a kind of prince otaku, if she doesn’t knows anything about your price, then we’re on trouble” 

After went through the whole collage we arrived at the library, in which Akane claim that we will find Fukushi-san. It wasn’t hard to find her, as even the librarian knew her, it looks like she almost lives here.

We found Fukushi Nao in the history section, an amount of book surrounding her, but she seemed kind of upset, as she was frowning and reading frenetically each page, like if she were in the search of something that simply can’t be find.

“I’m sorry to disturb” Airi was the one who dare to perturb the girl’s concentration but without having any answer from her “Fukushi-san”

“Who are you” She asked once she lift her eyes from the book and place them on my friend.

“I’m Airi, I mailed you yesterday”

“Ahh sure, now I remember please take a seat” Saying this we both sat down on the chairs in front of her, the girl then began to look at us with expectant eyes “Well, what do you want to know?”

Airi slightly hit my side with her elbow, indicating me that it was my turn to talk.

“I would like to know about a prince” I said to what Fukushi-san simply nod allowing me to continue “Her name is Matsui Jurina”

When she heard Jurina’s name, Fukushi-san’s eyes opened wide, and her face seemed to light up, like if I just pronounce the magical words her lips curved in a big smile.

“You have a good taste” She said between giggles, which if I said looked a little bit creepy. I didn’t find way to react and Airi was in the same situation “She caught my interest recently, I’m completely in love with her history. Jurina’s life was surrounded with sadness and tragedy, but at the same time with pure love and passion” The girl couldn’t handle her excitement “But there is too a big mystery that any historian have been able to solved”

“So you know everything that happened in her life” Finally I saw light at the end of the tunnel, I need to know what happened with Jurina.

“Is really hard to find information about her, but yes I know pretty much”

“Please tell me everything you know”

“You’ll see…” She then began to narrate in detail Jurina’s life including the relationships surrounding her, such as Paruru and Yui. She even knows what happened with Mayu and her parents, what must surprise me was that she knew about the impact that Honoka had on Jurina’s life, the same as the relationship between them “… but then from nowhere appeared the person who would change everything in Jurina’s life” She said with a hand on her chest like if she were watching a romance drama in her head “Her name was Rena, books tell that she was gorgeous and that she was the one who managed to captivated the prince’s heart and bring it back from the darkness” From that point I began to feel uncomfortable and embarrassed as Fukushi-san narrate my relationship with Jurina.

“And what happened after Rena disappeared” I tried to skip to the part I cared as she was already telling things that I already knew pretty well.

“I see you know about that…” Fukushi-san’s expression changed completely to a serious and darker one “One night Rena simply disappear without a trace”

“And what happened with Jurina” Airi was the one who asked, she had been completely immerse in the story, maybe she liked it more than I thought.

“She was beyond devastated, in fact all kingdom was, they both were supposed to marry and everyone was looking forward it. Jurina had to witness once again how the person she loved disappear from her life, it doesn’t matter how much she looked for Rena, she never could find her beloved”

At this point tears were already began to appear at the edge of my eyes. I had promised Jurina that I will never leave her alone, that I will always be by her side, but what else could I do, her life was in danger.

“But the strangest thing among everything” Fukushi-san dragged again my attention, probably finally about something I didn’t know “After some weeks of Rena’s disappearance, Jurina herself disappeared too for a whole week”

My mind began to work with this new information, maybe Honoka and Ryuu kidnapped her or something bad could have happened to her, and if that’s the case, everything I did was in vain.

“What happened in that period of time and after she came back?”

“Unfortunately I still don’t know that. I just can’t find anything on these books, that’s what I was doing before you came” She confessed.

“I see…” Now I have more questions than answers.

“But I will meet with a teacher from another collage that says he knows what happened” She stopped me while I was already getting up from my sit “If you want, you can give me you cellphone and I will call you once I know”

“Yes, that would be very helpful” At least I will know even if I have to wait.

After sharing our numbers, Airi and I went out from the library and head to the cafeteria. Airi was some steps behind me in completely silence. I already sense that she had some questions for me, because I still haven´t give her any explanation about this sudden interest in Skae’s history, and during the time we were with Fukushi-san, Airi kept on looking at me with incredulity and surprise by seeing how much I knew about the life of those people.

In the same silence we had our lunch, silence that was becoming awkward as Airi couldn’t be more evident, I could tell in every gesture that she was getting ready to throw me her questions.

“Rena…” She finally dare to speak.


“What was all that, what is happening about everything. You lock in your room from one day to another claiming that you are in love when I’ve never seen you talking with anyone, and all of a sudden you became a history expert”

“That’s because the person I love is Matsui Jurina Sakae’s prince from the XV century” I answer with total peace of mind and taking a sip from my coffee. I had already decide that I will tell everything to Airi, even knowing that the most possible scenario was that she won’t believe me, but knowing too that even if she thinks I’m crazy she will still be my friend.

“How is that possible, that would be like fell in love with a fiction character from an anime” She complain mad, she must be thinking that I’m making a fun of her.

“Airi, I want you to tell me one memory of us from the last year” If I wanted to have the slightly possibility to make her believed my story, I had to pick wisely my words.

“That’s easy, we went camping, but in the middle of the night you made us came back because you couldn’t handle bugs” She reply immediately and very sure of her answer.

“That was two years ago” I remember it well because I really had a bad time.

“Then in my last birthday, in which I begged you to ride with my a roller coaster with the excuse that it was my birthday and then you got sick for a week”

“That was on your 21th birthday, you turned 22 this past year”

Over and over again she began to enumerate memories, but every single one was from two years ago, like if the past year was erase from her memory. She got to the point in which there was anything left for her to say and her mind got blocked and out of the nowhere tears began to fall down without she even notice it, she realized that there wasn’t a single memory.

“Why am I crying, and why I feel this sudden pain in my chest” Somehow I was thankful that my disappearance wasn’t in their minds, this way they wouldn’t have to suffer “Why can’t I remember any memory from us” Airi seemed to be in a deeply shock.

“That’s because there is not” I cleared her doubts “Airi, in the past year I wasn’t here with you... I- I somehow I traveled to XV century, and that way I met Jurina”

“Eh?” Airi was speechless and was completely pallid, maybe it was too much information.

“You don’t have to believe me, but that’s the truth” Then the silence rule again between us, I wouldn’t be surprise if she simply decides to stand up and leave mad.

“I can’t believe that I’m sorry” She concluded after some minutes in which she put together her thoughts, and sincerely I perfectly understood her decision “But I do believe that you met someone and that you were in a place that made you change. You’re a better person now Rena, you are kinder, you’re not afraid to show your emotions and you are more open with the people who cares about you, Rena you even wash the dishes, is like if you had met truly happiness but then it was suddenly snatch from you”

Finally I managed to smile after weeks, I knew that I could trust Airi, even if she didn’t believe about the time travel.

“Thank you, that’s enough for me”


“You two go to the city, and you began to write a letter to the general” I gave orders as fast and precise that I could.

Rena had disappeared two days ago without leaving any clue behind, is like earth just swallow her. Desperation and angst was everything I was made off by this moment, my hands have been shaking all the time and I can feel that I’m losing my mind.

“Where are you going Jurina?” Shinoda stopped me, she arrived not too long ago.

“I’ll go to the forest, maybe she got lost” I didn’t want to leave any option in the air, and I pray that it was just that she got lost.

“Can you please calm down, a storm is coming and you can be in danger if you go out” Shinoda tried to stopped me by taking me from my arm but quickly I release from her grip with a sharp movement.

“Don’t you ask me to stay calm, something maybe happened to her and you want me to stay still and wait, you should know that that’s impossible” I told angry, the image of Rena hurt and scare was everything that occupied my mind.

Shinoda didn’t dare to continue arguing by seeing my determination, there was nothing nor no one who could stop me. Like that I ran out from the castle. I tried to look for a horse but every single one was taken by the guards, but without think about it two times I went running to the woods. Even if it was early in the noon the sky was completely dark by the grey clouds, and lightings came after another.

“Rena!” I scream her name over and over again without having any reply.

It doesn’t matter how loud my calls were, there wasn’t any trace of someone around. My feet were already at its limits, I could barely drag them with me, I didn’t wanted to stop, I couldn’t I have to find here somehow. At some point my feet took me to the place which gave me more tranquility, and in which I the both of us spent uncountable hours, but it seemed to be a simple place now, it had lose its color and meaning, and somehow it hurts to be there.

Without being able to bear anymore with the exhaustion I felt to the ground with my eyes facing the grey sky that turned more and more dark in front of my eyes, it was like if it was telling me the truth that I didn’t wanted to believe, and when the first drop of water hit my cheek I finally had to see it clearly.

“Where are you Rena…” My tears fall the same as the storm that fell furiously when I realized the situation. I can’t lose her not Rena, please don’t… “RENA!!” In the middle of that solitude my cries of desperation mixed with the torrential rain. She was gone, and what am I supposed to do now.

I don’t know how much time went by, but I didn’t wanted to leave that place, I didn’t wanted to come back to the castle, to a place where I know Rena is not, but even so I would be seeing her everywhere.

“Jurina, let’s go” Someone helped me to stand up and lay a blanket over my shoulders, at the same time an umbrella stopped the drops of water that were felling over me. Paruru had come along with Yuki and a couple of guards.

Paruru had to helped me (almost drag me) to walk as my feet didn’t wanted to respond, I didn’t wanted to continue, I was empty again.

“I can’t continue on my own, not this time, tell me Paruru, what should I do”

For the first time since I met Paruru she got speechless, even thought, her silence counted as well as an answer.


Shinoda walked as fast as she could through the castle’s hallways, trying to pretend like if everything was under control, but the situation was affecting her as well, especially when her sister was in such a depressing state, that it was even hard to look.

She then went into Jurina’s office, in the middle of the room was a huge map of all the kingdom, full with marks, tagging the places where a search was already done.

“We haven’t look in these towns around the northeast” Shinoda felt her heart breaking each time she glance at Jurina, her eyes were screaming for some rest as she barely sleep two hours, and she only does it when her body is at the edge, it was more like fainting than sleeping; and you can even see that she has lost some weight.

Never before had Shinoda seen her sister in such state, the situation was beyond worst than what happened with Mayu, so much that she didn’t even know if Jurina would be able to recover from this. At least with Mayu Jurina and all of them had certainty of what happened with her, but the unease was on higher levels in Rena’s case, and Jurina wont rest until she finds out where she is.

More than two weeks had passed, everyone in the kingdom (and not just Sakae’s) was in the search of one single person, but there wasn’t any trace of Rena, no one had seen her went out from the castle at least, and there was only one person who can have some information.

“Honoka is already here Jurina” Shinoda informed her, because that was Jurina’s petition.

This one took off her sight from the map to head her steps towards the reception, her steps were slow and awkward, so much that it seemed that at any second she could faint, but it was useless trying to help her or to convince to take a break.

Once they were already at the reception, Jurina found Honoka, who couldn’t be more tranquil, even knowing that the young prince had her as the main suspected regarding Rena’s vanishing.

Jurina began to walk from one side to the room to another, trying to calm down her thoughts to not commit a madness, Honoka was the only clue she had left.

“I’m sure you already know about Rena’s disappearance” Jurina began to talk, her voice sounded completely worn out.

“I don’t think there is a person in the kingdom who don’t” Answered Honoka from her seat.

Honoka seemed to be enjoying the whole situation although she didn’t show it. Her plan turned out better than she expected as Rena herself did all the job for her and disappeared by her own, Honoka didn’t thought that her plan was going to turn out so well. Once again she face the chance to approach Jurina, the last time she thought it would be easy, but Honoka was sure that Jurina won’t be able to recover from Rena’s loss.

“Do you know something?” More than a question it was an affirmation, Jurina was impatient for answer, anything would help at this point.

“I do not know anything at all” Answered the Count’s daughter approaching Jurina “You should have known that this would happen Jurina” Honoka speak in a low voice at the prince’s ear while she walked around her., as if she was enchanting a snake. No one in the room dare to move, not even Shinoda “You should have followed my advice, you’re a curse Jurina, and everyone around you are the ones who are going to suffer because of you”

Jurina tensed from head to toe, it’s been a while since she hadn’t had to listed those words with which Honoka manage to do with her whatever she wants, that was the reason Jurina distance herself from every one, thinking that her presence would only bring misfortune.

Jurina’s head turned to face the floor, and her fit tightened, Shinoda thought that Jurina was about to do something reckless and was getting ready to stopped her, but she got freeze after Jurina spoke up again.

“I beg you” Jurina’s voice cracked “If you know something about Rena please tell me, I’ll do whatever you want, just… tell me where is she” Shinoda and even Honoka couldn’t be more stunned seeing the extremes that Jurina can go.

Jurina emit a pain and a melancholy that could even be palpate in the air, her agony was so big that even Honoka felt sorry for a moment.

“I can’t, because I really don’t know” Witnessing the fragility in which Jurina was, Honoka decided that it was enough for the moment, it was not convenient either for Honoka the state in which Jurina was. She’ll leave alone the prince by the moment and like this she went out from the castle.

Seeing that Jurina didn’t seem to move from her place, Shinoda walked to her to direct Jurina to her room, maybe after this she agrees and take a rest.

During their way to the room Jurina remained with her head down, with her hair covering her face, reason why Shinoda had to guide her like if she were a puppet. Once in the room Shinoda began to organize her sister’s bed, while this one just stand in the door.

“What am I going to do?” Shinoda stopped what she was doing to turned her attention to Jurina, who didn’t care to stopped her tears “I lose her, and I don’t know how to live without her anymore” Shinoda had to witness how her sister was sinking in sadness. She knew that it was already time to tell her the truth, and if there was a chance to do something, I has to be that night.

Yui had talked to Shinoda in private, confirming what she feared, all this time Paruru, Yuki, Yui and Shinoda had known about Rena’s whereabouts, just that they wanted to give a chance and see if it wasn’t the case, but it was, and it has to be Shinoda the one who tells it to Jurina.

Shinoda sat down beside the young prince and wait for her sister to calm down a little bit, while she gained time to look for the right words to tell Jurina about Rena, even though she already know a part of it.

“Jurina…” The queen finally spoke up, standing up to gain back her composure and serenity that the situation merit “You do know that Rena wasn’t from this era right?” She has to choose her words carefully, Jurina’s mind wasn’t in her best conditions.

“What’s your point?” Wondered Jurina after nodding to Shinoda’s question, she didn’t see how that affects the main topic.

Shinoda took a deep breath, she didn’t know if what she was about to do was going to work, but at least she has to try it.

“You know… today is my birthday” Said Shinoda, even if that wasn’t her point.

“I’m sorry, I forgot about it” Reply sincerely Jurina, her mind had been full with other things.

“Don’t worry. The thing is, that where I’m from we have this kind of tradition for our birthdays” Continue Shinoda while she took between her hands the candle that was place beside the bed and was lighting the room “Is a little bit childish if I have to say, but it means a lot if you do it from the heart” She placed the candle in front of Jurina, who couldn’t be more confuse with the situation “We use to ask for a wish and then turn off the candle, I want to give you my wish, so please think wisely about it”

Jurina saw for a last time at Shinoda’s eyes, trying to figure out what she wanted with all this, if just all of her problems could vanish just by wishing it. But in the queen’s eyes wasn’t the sightless intention to be joking around, rather there were a great seriousness that managed to convince Jurina, neither she loss something doing it.

Her wish couldn’t be more obvious, there wasn’t anything else that she was seeking more than be beside her beloved. Jurina was feeling how she was going crazy with the pass of the minutes, sometimes she could even feel Rena’s warm by her side. She would give up to everything just by having Rena in her arms, if only she could see it once again, if she just could at least know that she is safe, it would be enough.

“I wish I could be with Rena, even if is just for a week, I need to be beside her” Jurina recite her wish before blow the candle that was slowly consuming.


“Mmmm” My eyes were glued in the showcase, taking one of the hardest decision in my day.

“C’mon Rena juts pick one” Airi rushed me irritated. I’ve been thinking about it for at least five minutes, even the seller was getting to his patience limits.

“I’ll take cherry flavor” I finally decided.

“I can’t believe it took you so much time to pick an ice-cream flavor” Commented Airi while we took a seat in the cafeteria.

It’s been so long since the last time I eat one, that I had already forgot its magnificent taste, after all this time I had a piece of happiness right between my hands.

“This is so good…”

“You’re so weird” Airi looked at me incredulous to then focus her attention on her cellphone. I had already lose the habit of having that small device all the time, even though I always have it in my pocket, I barely use it now “Can I ask you something?” Said Airi without taking off her sight from the small screen.


“How is that person you fell in love” I was not taken a back by her question, its ben already a couple of days since our conversation, and I was really waiting for that kind of question.

“Let’s see… She’s younger than I but she doesn’t seem like, because she always shows herself as a mature and strong person in front of everyone, when in fact she is really sensible and fragile and can be very childish too. She gives her all in everything she does, that’s why she can get to be stubborn. Is inevitable not feeling intimidate the first time you see her, she has this bad habit of frowning all the time but in fact she is way to kind” I could be hours and hours trying to describe Jurina, but I will never find an end, because I didn’t even could discover everything she was.

“And how is her physical appearance” Wondered Ariri with a smirk and moving her eyebrows “I mean, she must be really something to catch your attention” Why am I blushing so easy lately.

“Sh-she is a little bit taller than me and even if she seems slim and weak she is very athletic. Her eyes are deep brown, and she can make you shiver with her piercing gaze, her hair is black shoulder length, but what I like the most among all is her smile, each time she smiles a couple of dimples appear in her cheeks, making her look adorable and completely different from what she wants to apparent, is when she smiles that she is herself”

“This is a little bit strange” Said Airi frowning at the sight on her cellphone “People are going crazy on the university page over someone who fits that description, there are even some photos”

“It must be just a coincidence, there are several people who may have those characteristics”

“I guess so…”

“I have to leave. I’m going to the library I may find something” Even if the odds were extremely low I wanted to try it, I can’t just stay still and wait for Fukushi-san to talk with that professor, the anxiety will kill me.

“See you”

I head to the central library in collage, to get there I had to go through all the campus. Walking through the hallways something seemed out of place, everyone seemed to be on a great commotion, like if an even were taking place or something, people came and went looking astonish at their cellphones.

“Have you seen her before” “I think she may be from the acting club, I mean… look at those clothes”

Was what I managed to understand among the murmurs, maybe it was the same person who Airi was talking about, even though I just decided to ignore it, I’ve never liked this kind of situations.      When finally I managed to went through the wall of people that was gathering around the campus gates, I could see the person whom they were talking so much.

All my things felt to the floor, my hands began to shake and my heart went crazy, there in the middle of the campus was a tall girl with black shoulder length hair, despite she was clearly disoriented the elegance in all her movements wasn’t affected the sightless, fascinating everyone around.

I had to rubbed my eyes so I could confirm that it wasn’t an illusion, it wouldn’t be the first time, but my eyes did not lie to me, and when our gaze found each other I hadn’t any more doubts, I don’t know how and I don’t even care, but Jurina was just in front of me.                                           


Offline Genkikid

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« Reply #150 on: December 10, 2016, 09:57:47 AM »
Now Jurina has come to the future!!! :cow: but only for a week  :cry:

Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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« Reply #151 on: December 10, 2016, 02:42:58 PM »
OMG So Jurina came to Rena in the future!!!

:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
:heart: l Collab threads: Sky&Ruka l Ruka&Michael l :heart:
 l Compilation thread: 48G New Gen l :heart:


Offline kuro_black29

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« Reply #152 on: December 10, 2016, 03:00:09 PM »
Yashhhhhhhhhh...J on action
 :ding: :ding: :ding:
:kneelbow: :kneelbow: :kneelbow:
:on drink: :on drink: :on drink:
Live in the land of mist..nahh just kidding..
Live in the land of Wmatsui and Mayuki...
World of fantasy..World of Lalaland~

            (っ´▽`)っWmatsui~Mayuki ♡ (。’∀’。)

Tend to forget things but not mah fav author and fics

Offline purnamazaki

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« Reply #153 on: December 10, 2016, 05:07:33 PM »
Finally my wmatsuiiiii
But only one week , noooooooo

Offline Minami-chan

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« Reply #154 on: December 11, 2016, 10:04:44 PM »
Rena  has returned to iher time., and Jurica has gone to the future behind her!

Offline xerone914

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« Reply #155 on: December 13, 2016, 05:13:29 AM »
you know author-san, I always imagine the Honoka girl as Mizuno Honoka, former ske member too ( ゚∀ ゚)

I've been a silent reader since the very 1st chap you posted here ^_^
it's getting more and more interesting

Offline firebird123

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« Reply #156 on: December 13, 2016, 05:40:30 AM »
you know author-san, I always imagine the Honoka girl as Mizuno Honoka, former ske member too ( ゚∀ ゚)

I've been a silent reader since the very 1st chap you posted here ^_^
it's getting more and more interesting

Hi, thanks for your comment and for read even if its silent reader.  :hee: :hee:

When I thought at first time about the antagonist image I thought about Miyuki, she kind of fits in the sexy aura that Honoka has, but as Honoka is way too bitch I prefered to make it an original character than to put it in a member.

Offline kumabear

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« Reply #157 on: December 17, 2016, 11:44:23 AM »
More drama !!

Offline firebird123

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« Reply #158 on: December 23, 2016, 09:26:44 PM »
Hi, so first of all I thought that the best for these last chapters was to make them on third person, and not in first as it have been.
Another thing is that this chapter has explicit scenes, so I had to cut them beacuse of the page rules, but if you want to read it complete go to my tumblr just click here
And I will take a rest from the fic because of Christmas and all, so the next update will be probably in one month or so. I hope you like this chapter and look forward to the next ones, we are really close to the end!!     

Merry Christmas and happy new year  :hee: :hee: :kneelbow:     


The world had stop at the second their eyes found each other, and the only thing that matters was that finally they had each other face to face once again, it wasn’t an illusion anymore. They didn’t even dare to blink as they fear that at any second the other one could disappear if they did. The torment of thinking that maybe they wouldn’t see again felt like an eternity and was the worst among martyrdom; their days seemed meaningless, and the hammering of their hearts resounding in their ears, confirmed once again, that there is no worth life if they are not with the person they loved.

Jurina was unable to move, she had search in every single corner of the kingdom without having a single victory, but know she was in front of her, as beautiful as always and maybe more, just like an angel. Jurina understood that her life didn’t belong her anymore, and is Rena the owner of her whole being.

Rena began to slowly move forward, she forgot about space and time, and she couldn’t care less either, she belong whatever Jurina was, by being with her time disappears, not even that the sun goes down was as terrifying as the thought of not seeing her again.

Her steps become faster and faster and now she found herself running, reducing with each step the distance between them, distance than just some minutes ago was infinite and unreachable, until finally she was again between the arms of her prince, who felt backwards but without letting of go her princess, feeling again complete Jurina hold Rena tightly, it was definitely her, her search was over.

“I found you” Jurina closed her eyes, allowing herself to breathe again under Rena’s intoxicant scent.

“I thought I would never see you again” Rena lifted her face from Jurina’s nape to find those deep and intense eyes in which she wouldn’t mind get lost over and over again.

“You won’t get rid of me so easily” Jurina caress Rena’s cheek with great delicacy and tenderness, like if she could break at any time.

Without could hold it back any longer Rena close the gap between their lips in a kiss that took their breath away, along with everything they are and have, putting all of thyself in that warm touch, without even matter if there were dozens of people around, they need to feel again their beating hearts that seemed to be on fire each time they lips collide, the sensation of be floating, the sensation of being alive, a kiss that transcend time and makes them travel to another world.

Once their lips separate, they couldn’t help but curve in the most sincere smile that they had on weeks, to then get up from the grass, intertwining their fingers to finally have their other half by their side, Rena began to drag Jurina thorough the hallways, who just had realized by that moment about her surroundings, realizing that she was definitely too far from the castle, maybe an island.

People seemed way too different, and the only thing they did, was looking at her amazed and pointing at her with a kind of box that was between their hands.

“Rena, where are we?” She had to ask. She can’t remember how she got there, the only thing she knows is that she woke up and suddenly Rena was already in front of her.

Rena turned her head with a big grin plaster on her face “Welcome to the year 2016” there was so many things she wanted to show to Jurina that she couldn’t bear with her excitement, she wanted to see Jurina’s reaction to the most simple and common things, maybe she was even more excited than the prince.

“So it was true…” Jurina was amazed, it all seemed like a new world and everything fascinate her, she felt like a curious child with everything she saw.

“You didn’t believe me when I told you?” Rena wondered confused to Jurina’s comment.

“I did, but I had my doubts, everything seemed too fantastic” Jurina answered sincerely, and Rena couldn’t blame her for thinking that way, if someone had told her something like that, she would’ve been skeptic too. 

Rena’s steps guide them to the cafeteria, and to the same table in which was before to find Airi, who kept on looking at her phone, just that her expression was a lot way more astonish than before, rolling madly at whatever she was looking in the screen with her eyes wide open. Rena could already tell the reason for it.

“Airi, please lend me your car” Rena asked once she was in front of her.

“Matsui Rena, can I know why are you throwing yourself into the arms of a stra-” Airi’s words got interrupted by her own surprise, as when she lift her gaze up she found next Rena the person who was the last topic in collage, who the only thing that was doing, was to look around her with amaze.

“Airi, she’s Jurina” Rena introduce her when she noticed her friend’s expression, dragging at the same time the tallest attention.

“Nice to meet you, Matsui Jurina” Said making a reverence just like she’s used to, leaving Airi even more speechless.

“Is she the Jurina?”

“She is” The silly smile didn’t left Rena’s lips and Airi almost could she sparkles coming out from her, Airi couldn’t recognize her best friend, but she couldn’t be more happy for Rena, and the Jurina sounded like a nice person based on what Rena described her.

“So… can I use your car?” Rena insisted once more.

“Sure, but be careful, you’ve never been a good driver” Airi gave Rena the key for her car not really sure if she was doing the right thing.

“I will, thank you” Rena rushed once again her steps this time to the parking lot, but Jurina’s hand stop her way, she had forgot that Jurina still maintain her manners.

“It was a pleasure Airi-san” Jurina said goodbye along with her charming smile to then leave with Rena, gaining the sight of those who were curiously looking at them. If Rena didn’t knew Jurina, she would definitely think that the prince was flirting.

“Nagoya princess just found her prince” Airi recite the news that were flooding the collage, news that she just verify with her own eyes as she saw them leaving, the silhouette of two people that seems to shine just by the simple fact of having each other.

Once they were in front of Airi’s car, Rena walked to the driver’s seat, waiting for Jurina to the same in the other side, fact that never happened. Jurina found herself frowning at the sight of the huge metallic objet with wheels.

“What kind of evolution did horses had?” Said while she tried to touch with a single finger the strange thing, fearing the kind of reaction that this might had.

Rena had to hold back her laugh when she saw the funny expressions in Jurina’s face, almost like if the car where the most disgusting thing that ever existed, laying a finger on it and then move it away quickly.

“This is not an animal; it’s a car I talked to you about it”

“I see…”

“C’mon get in” Rena went back to her seat, it’s been a long time since she haven’t drive and now she was a lot more nervous than when she did it. While she was struggling with her thoughts, she realized that Jurina still hadn’t went in “Jurina?”

“Rena… how do I get inside this thing?”


Jurina was holding from whatever she could. She had lost the count on how many times she thought she would die, and even if the car had already stopped she was unable to move. Jurina had just experience the worst of the panics, and she had never been so relief by standing in her own feet once she went out form the vehicle that made her saw dead in front of her eyes.

“I think, that I prefer horses” Jurina easily concluded while she tried to control her trembling knees.

“I’m sorry” Rena was aware of her bad ability to drive, but this time it was worse than she remembered, and it was just at the middle of the road that she thought that it would be easier to call her driver.

“What is this place?” Wondered Jurina once she managed to calm her nerves down and taking a look around her.

“This is my house” Answered Rena while she stepped in. Her house was what can be defined as a mansion, her parents love to waste money investing in those four walls, but still Rena knew that it didn’t compare to the castle in which Jurina is used to live.

“Is lovely” Commented Jurina, everything was new and overwhelming for her, in each corner she found more and more things that she had never seen.

While she was following Rena’s steps through the stairs, Jurina found hanging on the walls the thing that had leaved her more astonished. On the walls seemed to be some paintings of people, but it were so perfect and detail that it seemed unreal, not even the most skilful artist could manage to do that. She took between her hands the one which catch the most her attention, it was the one that had a girl with long and black hair as the night, pale skin as the snow and bright smile, Jurina easily recognized who the girl was.

“This is a photograph” Rena’s voice surprised her “You can freeze a moment with it in an instant, come I’ll show you” Rena took Jurina’s hand and head to her room.

Rena rummage through the drawers for her old Polaroid camera that her grandmother had gave her, and when she finally found it she put it in between Jurina’s hands.

“You look through here, and then you push this button” She explained Jurina how it worked, and straightaway a flash took her by surprise to her and to Jurina, who couldn’t bear with her amaze as the photograph came out from the small camera slot.

Rena observed each expression that Jurina made as she saw the photo, her eyes seem to harbor a million of galaxies and her smile bright her face while she appreciate what was in her hands, as if it were the most wonderful work of art.

“You are so beautiful Rena” Was the first thing that Jurina commented as she lift her gaze, her eyes were full with so much love that it seemed to overflow, a look that leaved Rena breathless and made her heart skip a beat, making her body move by its own desire, taking Jurina’s lips in a blink, who dropped whatever was in her hands to wrapped her arms around Rena’s waist.

There was nothing in this world that could make their lips separate, exploring every inch of their velvet cave in the soft but at the same time fierce dance between their tongues, the world could be facing its ending outside and not even that could take their minds away from the warm touch.


Both were looking into their eyes, Jurina making small and soft caress on Rena’s bare back, no words were need. The only thing occupying their minds, was the universe in which they lost each time their gazes found each other.

“What with that face?” Asked curious Rena. Jurina had an expression that she had never seen before, her factions were relax, her deep orbs seemed to sparkle more than normal, and a shy but subtle smile didn’t leave her lips, the kind of smirk that appears without you even realize it, so you can’t even control it, as the joy is to overwhelming.

“What face?” Said Jurina between giggles and lifting up her gaze from Rena’s strands of hair with which she was playing.

 “That face” Rena couldn’t help get caught by Jurina’s contagious smile, which get to even look childish as it was so pure and genuine.

“I’m happy” Finally confessed Jurina, because there wasn’t another word that could describe the beat of her heart and the feeling of daydreaming.

Rena smile inevitable and hide her flush face on Jurina’s chest, listening to the beating of her heart, the one that she knew so perfectly and that ease her own one.

“Rena… why are you here?” Jurina had to ask, ending with the serenity in the atmosphere, to turn it into a tense and serious one. But there wasn’t any danger anymore, there wasn’t any Honoka nor Ryuu that could damage them.

“I knew about the deal with Honoka, and that she was threatening you” Answered Rena, and immediately she could hear how Jurina’s heart began to beat faster “I saw the both of you the night I disappeared. I didn’t want her to keep controlling you or that she could do something to you because of me, that’s why I thought that the best I could do was leave” After her confession silence rule the room, so Rena had to dare to face Jurina, jut to find her frowning mad at her.

“What you just said has a lot of errors” Jurina said, she felt deeply mad and no with Rena, but with herself, she should had known that Honoka will use the situation and twist the information to her favor “First of all, my biggest problem is when I don’t have you by my side, and second Honoka never threatened me” 

Rena was found herself voiceless, if it wasn’t a threat, then what was what she saw and everything Ryuu told her.

“Then what means what happened that night and the deal which you can’t deny” It doesn’t matter how much she think about it, she couldn’t find an explanation, not a logic one.

“The deal was that I will help Honoka with her father’s work, Yudai-san fell really ill. He helped us a lot in the past and I couldn’t deny mine when he needed it” Explain quickly Jurina, she didn’t want Rena to have a wrong idea of what she saw, as she could already see her struggling with her thoughts “The night in which you disappear I wasn’t supposed to go because I had already finish with the work, but the Honoka was begging me to go and then she began to cry uncontrollable because of the state of her father and from the nowhere she threw herself in my arms. I couldn’t reject her… no in that moment”

Now everything made sense in Rena’s mind, realizing how easily Ryuu and Honoka played with her, fooling her like a child, she should had known their plan from a beginning, they took advantage from Jurina’s kindness, and Rena believed them blindfolded.   

“Why didn’t you tell me?” Yet she had that doubt that didn’t leave her alone.

“You were so sick that you could barely open your eyes, I couldn’t tell you in that state” Answered Jurina like if it were the most logic thing in the world, and Rena couldn’t argue anything, because she knew Jurina was right “In fact, no one knew about it” She added, making that Rena develop another question.

“Then what were you talking with Paruru that same night if it wasn’t about that, it was about a decision too” Rena remembered that they were talking about a decision that didn’t had another way out.

Jurina had to force her memory, there were several things that she talked with Paruru that day, until a click popped in her mind.

“We were talking about Aiko. She is not able to work anymore, we all know that her age doesn’t allow it, so I was thinking to ask her to please stop work definitely, but she still will keep living in the castle, just that not like a worker” Jurina thought on telling Rena about that when she found her outside her office, but all that she could thing was on finish with her work as fast as possible so she could properly rest.

Now it was Rena who found herself mad, at the same time than frustrated and disappointed, she couldn’t believe that Honoka’s trick almost made her lose everything she loved, she had been so ridiculously naïve.

“I’m sorry. I should had talked with you” She knew she should have, but she had been stubborn and almost ruined everything, she had had the worst of luck.

“It’s ok, it wasn’t your fault” Jurina tried to comfort Rena understanding the situation, Rena just had been in the wrong place at the wrong moment so Honoka’s plan could work perfectly, and make Rena doubt about Jurina and blame herself. And she had to confess, that in Rena’s place she would had done the same, if at some point Jurina sense that her presence could harm or make Rena unhappy, she would prefer distance herself from her beloved, so she wouldn’t have to suffer.

“Yes, you are here now” Rena recovered the joy that she still couldn’t fully believe. Jurina was with her on the XXI century, and she could already imagine how perfect her life will be from now on “How did you get here?” She wanted to know.

“I’m not really sure, I just woke up and you were in front of me” Jurina sincerely answered “How did you made it to the past?” Maybe by knowing how Rena did it she could find an answer to her case.

“I made a wish in my birthday. I asked for true love, and to be honest, it couldn’t have been better fulfill” Rena said a little bit embarrassed, it’s still a little bit strange to say such cheesy things.

“I see… I made a wish too” Suddenly a vacuum appeared in her stomach, and her chest began to hurt like it never had as she recall her wish, her lower lip began to tremble and she tightened Rena’s body to hers, as Jurina realized that she would possible lose Rena again.

“Jurina?” Asked Rena confuse for the sudden change in Jurina behave, her smile had vanish and her eyes were full with angst.

“I’m so so so sorry. I didn’t thought about it. I just said the first thing that came to my mind” Jurina began to stutter, placing the palm of her hands over her eyes that overflow with tears, making that the fear reached Rena.

“What happened, what is your wish, Jurina” Rena tried to get some response but Jurina seemed to be in a state of shock, unable to listen. It was not until Rena move aside Jurina’s hands from her eyes that she could had an answer.

“I only have one week” Jurina had to finally say it. Her voice was full with pain, why this had to happened to her, it was like if life deny her the possibility to be happy, laughing in her face each time she thought she had found a way out from the darkness.

“Why?” Rena said in a monotonous voice, she was at the point in which everything seemed to slowly died inside her once again, the pain that she thought she would have never had to feel again just a couple of hours ago.

“I didn’t thought you would be in the future. I thought that a week would be enough to bring you back to the castle from whatever place you were” Explained Jurina.

Rena’s mind went blank, not even tears felt down from her eyes, there wasn’t any future together, she didn’t even know if at some point it existed, as everything seemed to be against them, it doesn’t matter how much they love each other, the universe seemed insisted on separate them.

Jurina couldn’t bear with the guilt, a bunch of “if only” came across her mind, but nothing of it matter anymore, because the reality which she has to live was another, one that can’t be change, one in which it seem impossible to be with Rena.

“Let’s forget about that” Said Rena, she was already tired of thinking, time always seemed to be against her and she was tired of worry about this one “Let’s forget about time and just focus on being together. I don’t want to think on what is going to happen tomorrow, I just want to be with you and enjoy your company without any worries”

Jurina thought about it for a minute, for the first time in her life she could ignore her responsibilities, and even if it was just for a week, she wanted it to feel like an eternity, the one she wanted to be with Rena, appreciating each second that she had with her, without thinking on anything else that it wasn’t about her princess.

“Just you and I then”

Like that, both agreed that the time they will be together they wouldn’t mention anything about it, and they would just try to live the life both dream, without worries, ignoring the clock hands that slowly approached them to the moment in which they would have to inevitably say their last goodbye, as their enemy this time was invincible.


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« Reply #159 on: December 24, 2016, 03:15:44 AM »
Jurina only have a week :cry:  :cry: is this story going to end sad????  :cry: 

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