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Author Topic: The Waste of a Wish - [ANNOUNCEMENT]  (Read 152036 times)

Offline porkofdoom

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It's so funny. That battle field drama. Now i want to play paintball too :<

And General Sae just tripped on his own foot. Lol. And here i was, thinking he lost a leg or something. (Never believe in Maki's words, she is a very unreliable narrator) seriously, what is that girl thinking xD

But i really like Natsu's overconfidence in this chapter, because he went, "Don't you want a handsome in-law, ojiisan?" And i was like, slaps face. He's a bit airy here and i liked it. Atleast he had kissed Maki already and was very engaging in their game asking for another kiss. I mean, kissing a chuunibyo is hard. (NOT THAT I HAVE ANY EXPERIENCE ON THAT MATTER).

Eherm, soooo General Sae wants F-U-Y-U to be his son-in-law bc THERE WAS FOUR BLANKS LIKE WTH CUT, CAN YOU BE MORE OBVIOUS? XD And Sae had stated on the last chapters that he offered Fuyu for his child's hand.

Anyway, poor Natsu. I feel sad for him. And for the pain he is feeling right now. (I had experience in this part, I got shot by a paintball once and i had a large bruise on my hip for like a week) and Fuyu just rained paint bullets on him lol.

I have no words for Yuma. But i will wait for what will happen next time :)
Uza... Uza... Uza... EKISAITINGU!!!
 :on asmo:

Offline LuckyMatsui

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Waiting patiently for an update  :cow:
Matsui Rena + Matsui Jurina =

Offline shortcut48

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The Waste of a Wish - Chapter 34 (04-07) | Resolve + POLL
« Reply #242 on: April 07, 2018, 05:25:29 AM »

@porkofdoom-san, Natsu does have a lot of confidence. Who can face the father of the girl he likes just like Natsu? XD But his whole body would be sore right now because of the paintballs. hahaha

@MatsuiLee-san, Thank you for always waiting. :)

And yes! After some months here is another chapter of WISH. I'm really sorry for the delay~ Have fun~

Chapter 34: RESOLVE

“WHAT ON earth happened to your face, Yuma-kun?”

Maki couldn’t help but to be curious about Yuma’s current state. His eyes were puffy and his whole face is a bit swollen. Maki tilted her head to the side while carefully observing the guy’s face. He even got a cold compress on top of his head.

“What happened while I was sleeping?”

“Yuma-san just started crying all of a sudden right when he came at the kitchen.” Manaka, the youngest, started explaining. “It seemed like he was in pain especially in the head area. He only calmed down when Aunt Yuki gave him a hug.”

A cute, devilish snicker was then heard from Miyu. “And guess who saw that.”

Sae immediately flexed his biceps after that impromptu cue from Miyu. “That guy has some guts to take advantage of my wife!”

Yuma shrank at his seat; his eyes began to tear up again. “My head was really aching that time but your father made my head more painful. I wasn’t taking advantage of anyone.”

“You shouldn’t have hit him, Dad!” Maki scowled at her father. Yuma’s face somehow lightened up after that statement from Maki but everything crumbled at the next words. “I should be the one hitting him! I know my mother is hot but you can’t pursue someone who is a lot older than you!”

“It is not like that!!!” Yuma protested.

“Uncle Sae, Yuma-san is blushing.”


The table was then filled with laughter. It was a really wonderful scenario for Maki. Her family is complete at the dining table together with her friends. If there is something that she could ask for it would be for Fumie and Asuka to join this feast. It might be a bit complicated for the two of them but she honestly thinks that it would be more fun if they were also present.

“Well, you can add Agoki and Haruhan…” she thought to herself and then chuckled. She then noticed another unusual thing. “What is with that hairstyle, Natsu?”

Natsu fixed his glasses and gulped what he was chewing before he gave an answer to the curious zombie. He straightened his back and said, “I heard that Uncle Sae likes my character Eiji so much that’s why I am here as Eiji for today.”

The girls’ jaw dropped in disbelief and confusion. The way Natsu spoke was really like his character in the drama where he is the lead actor. The problem is that the role is an awkward high school boy who is not interested to anything else but studying and lacks socializing skills which is too far from his original personality. He is gaining a lot of popularity for magnificently executing that role despite the huge contrast with him.

“Can you please stop reading a book while eating?” Yurina said with disappointed on her tone.

Natsu turned to her for a moment and then went back to the book. “I was born to study so I will also study while eating. Feeding my brain and my stomach at the same time is like hitting two birds with one stone.”

Yurina rolled her eyes. “For your information, the book is upside down.”

The guy then noticed that the book is indeed inverted but he tried to remain composed. “I-It’s some sort of eye training. I want my eyes to be able to read inverted things.”

“Ha-ha. Stupid.” Yurina monotonously stated, unamazed of the foolishness of her brother.

“That’s right, Natsu-kun! I really like people with passion! People who know the reason why they were born and hold that reason like it is their life! People who have firm resolution in their life are admirable. They won’t be shaken by other people’s words!” Sae smiled widely at the young man.

“So, Uncle Sae is emphasizing the passion of your character, not the character himself.” Manaka sighed and shook her head in synchronization with Yurina. And together they said the magic word, “Baka.”

Everyone was almost finished eating when a maid suddenly came in and went to whisper something to Sae. The General produced a wide smile before suddenly standing from his seat forgetting about his injury. He almost fell but his wife was quick enough to support him.

“Darling!” Yuki called out to him. Her voice was raised but you can sense how worried she is at her tone. “What are you even thinking moving like that?”

“I’m sorry, Darling. I just got excited. Gori and Mario just arrived and we are going to play golf!”

“Golf?” the wife repeated. “How can you play at that state?”

Sae just smiled and patted his wife’s head. “Don’t worry. I didn’t become a general for nothing. It’s been a long while since I am able to play with them. I don’t want to miss the chance!”

Fuyu noticed how Yuma’s head was bowed down the whole time the couple was talking. He knows well Yuma’s connection in his past life and probably not being able to be with the person his soul loves in this life time is the punishment for his sins.

“Kids!” Sae called out their attention with his extreme cheerfulness. Who would’ve thought that this guy has been though a lot of battlefields? “I’m going to play with the uncles! You can just stay here and play to your heart’s content. I’ll be back once we all got tired. See you later!”

“See you later, kids. Have fun playing, Maki-chan.” That’s all and Yuki went to assist her husband in going out.

Maki watched her parents went out with a smile on her face. It is really nice to see them together. She could feel that her mother suddenly felt better after seeing the general. It feels like they get strength from each other.

“Let’s go play at the arcade room!” Maki surprised everyone with her high tone. “We will not stop until the gates of the underworld open and release Cerberus to eat Manaka-chan!”

Little Manaka was shocked at that statement. She looked around and pointed at herself. She started shivering. “E-Eat me!?”

“Hey, chuunibyou! Don’t scare my sister!”

Maki sneered at the protective Yurina. “How about call me Maki-nee-tan and I will stop!”

Yurina’s face turned bit red. She could never say something that cringey. “I will never call you like that! Get treated!”

“Ha-ha-ha!” Maki gave out an annoying laughter. “I have to tell you something, Yurina-chan. I’m the King’s original younger sister so don’t be shy about calling me Nee-tan~~”

“Original?” Yurina’s fists balled. “Original, you say? Come here, you little—“

Maki tucked her tongue out and started running. The short-tempered Yurina immediately went after her. With the ruckus the two is making, the study-freak, Eiji, stood from his seat.

“Can you please be quiet? I am studying—“

“Natsu-kun~!” Natsu forgot the next words he is going to say when Maki peeped from the door with a beautiful, innocent smile on her face. “I like the original you better so stop acting like somebody you are not!”

That’s all and she ran towards the arcade room, away from the vicious beast named Yurina.

Natsu who froze on his place started to ruin his perfectly combed hair and styled it back to the original messy hairdo he has. He removed his fake glasses while murmuring, “I don’t know anymore…” with his cheeks tainted with pink. He couldn’t even control the grin in his face.

After taking a deep breath, he just ran after the two. “Don’t leave me behind! I’m the original younger sibling!!!”

“Natsu-kun is so obvious.” Miyu snickered. “Let’s go to the arcade room as well, Manaka-chan, Momoko-chan.”

The younger girls nodded and followed their beautiful onee-chan. Fuyu and Yuma went out of the dining room last. Yuma was a bit anxious about facing Fuyu but the older guy just placed his hand on Yuma’s head. This action made Yuma wanted to cry but Fuyu strictly warned him not to.

“F-Fuyu-senpai…” Yuma stammered. “I don’t know if I can consider myself lucky of knowing about my past life. I kind of feeling regretful after the rush of memories…”

Fuyu just messed up his hair. “Don’t think about it anymore. Just remember that you were also a well-loved legendary idol back then. I gave you the name Nezumi as your model name so Nezumi can live a new life in this time. Free of hatred and revenge. Free from the ghosts of the past.”

“B-But… If it wasn’t about me—“

“You are not that Nezumi now…” Fuyu looked at him at the side of his eyes. “You are Yuma. Just live. Forget about the past. Do what you think is best.”

“Fuyu-senpai…” Again, his eyes became teary but Fuyu was quick to flick him in the forehead. He then showed him his fist.

“If you want to cry then I’ll give you enough reason to cry…”

Yuma gasped but Fuyu just smiled faintly. “I’m only kidding. Let’s just have fun like nothing happened!”

“A-Alright…” Yuma followed Fuyu, now in a more peaceful state. He is convinced that Fuyu’s face won’t let anyone know whether he is joking or not.

“But he smiles like a child when he talks to Fumie-san...”

EVERYONE WAS having fun playing when a maid suddenly entered the arcade room. She immediately went to where Maki is happily playing ‘JU$T D@NCE!’ with the others. For a moment, Maki looked a bit annoyed thinking that she would be told to tone everything down but her face lightened up right after the maid delivered the message.

“Saito Asuka-sama has arrived. She is currently talking with the General at the lobby. Should we lead her here or should the mistress welcome her personally?”

“I will go meet her!” Maki started jogging in her place then turned to where Fuyu is. The guy was so immersed to his game that he didn’t hear about the news of Asuka’s arrival. Maki immediately ran towards him and stole his gun. “King! Asuka-chan arrived!”

Fuyu still couldn’t process that. He is still shocked about the interruption of his game. “Huh?”

“Let’s go and meet her at the lobby!”

Maki grabbed Fuyu by the arm and as if the girl was trained by Piccolo, she was able to drag Fuyu all the way out of the arcade room. All the other guys just looked at them until they disappeared from their sight.

“Asuka-chan came?” Miyu blurted out after the maid went out. “It’s nice that she made it but I don’t know what I should feel about this.”

“Why?” Momoko asked with marble-like eyes. “Is there something wrong?”

“It’s none of your business, Momoko!” Natsu brushed his palm on Momoko’s face. “Just go on and play with Manaka-chan!”

Momoko rolled her eyes and tucked her tongue out. “Meanie!” she shouted before going to Manaka. Natsu on the other hand, turned to Miyu and assured her that she doesn’t need to worry for the sake of Fumie. They all know that Fuyu’s feelings are unchangeable.

They all went back to playing aside from Yurina who is just staring at the door. The tsundere gave out an exasperated sigh. “Be careful with my Nii-san’s heart, fools...”


“THIS TURNED out a bit weird, isn’t it?”

Asuka chuckled while looking at Fuyu who is harvesting some peach. Out of nowhere, the General just asked them to go the orchard to get some fruits. It was a very suspicious request, so fishy to the point of the General ordering other stuffs to Maki who really wanted to join the two in harvesting.

“It isn’t.” Fuyu coldly answered as he hands Asuka a ripe peach. “What makes you think that it is weird?”

Asuka bowed her head to hide her faint smile. What does she expect from this guy anyway? She shook her head to get as if shaking the awkward feeling. The last time they saw each other was when she confessed her feelings but then  claimed that everything was just a prank. Just thinking about it makes her heart race. She thought that she won’t be able to face Fuyu anymore but here they are harvesting, alone in the orchard, just the two of them.

“How was work?” Fuyu, who just finished filling up the basket, turned to Asuka. This action made the girl’s heart beat faster but this idol is used to covering up her feelings by putting up a poker face. Somehow she could manage not to be obvious.

“Well, I—“ Asuka couldn’t manage to talk because of the sudden blow of the wind. As if the weather is making fun of her current situation, her hair was blown and it covered her whole face making her look like a legendary Japanese ghost character.

She wanted to shout at the wind for making her look horrible in front of the guy that she likes but the next thing she remembers is her giving thanks to that sudden blow.

While she was struggling to keep her hair away from her face, Fuyu’s hands suddenly appeared in front of her. He went to fix her hair by brushing it to the back of her head through her fingers and finally tying it in a not so perfect ponytail. It appeared like she was caged inside Fuyu’s arms for a moment because the guy did it while standing in front of her.

“There.” Fuyu gave out a thrift smile. “That’s better.”

Surprised, Asuka had to snap herself back to reality, finding it hard to say a word. “H-How come you have something like that?”

“The hair tie?” Fuyu clarified. “Well, there are times that I need to tie my fringe at work. I always carry at least one.”

“I-I see…”

Fuyu started walking and Asuka just followed him. “You know, I don’t think that you’re eating properly.” Fuyu took a peek of the idol before releasing a sigh. “Something’s not right. You always told me before about eating properly but here you are, obviously not maintaining your health.”

Asuka snickered. “I’m just trying to watch my weight since I became first this year as well. The nationwide concert of the Jyuni Seiza is soon. I’ll stand there as the top 1 so it is a lot of pressure.”

“You were saying that while giggling. You’re making it sound so easy.” Fuyu sighed. “I’m glad you made it today. I’m not sure if it is a good idea to play with Maki instead of resting but I hope you have fun. You’re still a high schooler after all. I’m sorry that Uncle Sae immediately ordered you to get some peaches instead of playing with Maki.”

“He won’t be assigned as a General if he is not good in giving orders.” Asuka looked up at the guy. The sight of his back is really wonderful. They knew each other since they were small. Who would’ve thought that the kid she was playing with before would grow up to be a fine, young man like this? “How about you, Fuyu-kun? Is everything going well?”

There was a long silence from the lad. Did she ask something that she shouldn’t ask? She was just basically asking how he is!

“Everything is alright.” Before even Asuka dig her mind for something to break the awkward atmosphere Fuyu gave her an answer. “I somehow feel like everyone has become kind towards me. Natsu is now allowed to call me Onii to his heart’s content. I can also see my other sister, Momoko, without any problem. Yurina and Manaka are now allowed to stay with me during weekends. That’s something that I can’t help but to be thankful of.”

“That’s good to know.” Asuka smiled to herself. That is indeed some good news. Knowing how Fuyu suffered from being set apart from his siblings, she knows that he is truly happy about the sudden progress with their relationship.

The two continued walking in silence until they reach the mansion. From afar they could already see Maki at the patio who was obviously waiting for them. The chuunibyou waved to them cheerfully.

“Fuyu-kun, you see…” Asuka clung unto Fuyu’s shirt which made the guy stop.

“What is it?” Fuyu asked a bit surprised.

“Do you remember that I said that I’m willing to give everything up for you?”

“H-Huh?” And as if on cue, a memory of their trip in South Korea entered his mind. The part that they were on a group race with Manaki. The moment where Asuka said that she likes him but ended up being a dokkiri. “T-The dokkiri?”

The idol cutely shook her head. “What if I tell you that it isn’t part of the dokkiri?”

Fuyu’s eyebrows twitched. “What do you mean?”

Again, Asuka just chuckled. “If Shingyoji-san became an idol, I won’t be nice to her just because she is the girlfriend of a friend. I will not let her beat me… Atleast not with that…

“W-Wait Asuka… I don’t—“

“King! Asuka! What’s taking you so long!? Everyone is waiting for you upstairs!” Maki couldn’t help it. She went to pick them out from where they were talking. “Let’s go, Asuka-chan! Natsu-kun is very annoying today! We should go and piss him up! Miyu-tan, the twins and Momo-cry are here as well! It will be a lot of fun! Let’s go!”

With that, Maki dragged Asuka inside the mansion. The idol just gave Fuyu a meaningful smile before going with her bestfriend. Fuyu was left wondering.

“Why is Asuka such a difficult puzzle?” he sighed and then went in.

Not so far away, Sae, Mario and Michael were watching the scene through binoculars. They were following Fuyu and Asuka secretly to see if there is something suspicious between the two. Their whole life they thought the two would end up being with each other since they are childhood friends and seem to like each other during their middle school years. Sae even thought that Asuka would be Maki’s greatest rival for Fuyu’s heart.

“But it turned out to be a random girl with a specific scent!” Sae signed in dismay.

“Do you really want Fuyu-kun for Maki-chan?” Mario asked. “Until now?”

“Do you even have to ask about it?” Michael shook his head. “All this time he is imagining Fuyu-kun as his son-in-law.”

“Well you see, Fuyu-kun is like the ideal guy for my daughter~” Sae continued whining. “He could control her being a delusional and he has the skills of a military guy as well. He is very reliable!”

“But you witnessed it, didn’t you? Fuyu-kun is loyal to Fumie-chan. Even the great Saito Asuka couldn’t fish him with her charm. That guy is true to his resolve. He knows what he was born for and that is to be with Fumie-chan!” Mario stated with passion.

“So stop whining and move on! You can never have him as your son-in-law!” Michael flicked Sae on the forehead making the General yelp. “Act according to your title. What would your subordinates if they saw you like this?”

Sae rubbed his forehead and pushed AkiGori in revenge. He lied on the grass and looked at the clear blue sky and with a sigh, he said with a low voice.

“I hope my daughter falls to someone who would love her the same way as Fuyu-kun loves the girl with the scent.”


KATO KENTA was surprised at the girl who entered his car. He was supposed to pick up Fumie from the dance lessons but it somehow feels like that he picked up another girl. He is sure that it was Fumie but the girl is unbelievably smiling. It is the first time she went out smiling like this since the training begun.

“What happened today, Fumie-san? You seem to be in a very good mood!” Kato commented as he started steering.

“I just fell happy, Kato-san!” Fumie exclaimed. The sudden raise on her tone surprised Kato once more. Who would’ve thought that she could let out that high voice? “Anna-sensei praised me today. She said that I am one of the trainees who improved a lot with dancing. I feel really accomplished!”

“Ohh…” Kato just nodded. His reaction made the girl curious.

“Is there anything wrong, Kato-san?” Fumie asked while trying to find her phone in her bag.

The manager shook his head with his lips pressed tightly. “Far from what I expected, you seem to be enjoying the course. I thought you are going to say that you’re happy because tomorrow is the last day, which means you can go back to your normal life and to the arms of Fuyu-kun.”

Fumie was suddenly taken aback. She almost forgot about it. “W-Well I… I’m just glad that Sensei mentioned my improvement. With that I am satisfied.”

Kato doesn’t seem convinced with what the girl said. He knows that she is quite the competitive type from the beginning. She had her eyes set to becoming an idol from the very beginning that she started practicing right after signing the contract.

“I know that I won’t be chosen. I’ve been absent for a long time while everyone is steadily progressing but I did my best during that short time given to me. I don’t want any regrets. I did what Fuyu-kun said to me.”

Kato shrugged his shoulders. “You say so.”

Finally, Fumie found her phone and saw that there are a lot of messages from her friends but she first opened the messages from Fuyu.

“Fumie, how are you doing? Had lunch? I’m having a good time here at Maki’s so don’t worry about me. They served us a lot of foods.”

There is even a voice message from her boyfriend. She first excused herself from Kato before plugging her earphones.

“Tomorrow is the performance day, right? I know I won’t be able to see you today so I’m sending a voice message. I’m honestly hoping for the best for you. I know it is your dream so I won’t mind waiting if you debut as an idol. So as I always tell you, don’t worry about me and give it your best shot. I believe in you.”

Her heart tightened once more. She could hear Fuyu’s heart behind those words. She could feel that there is also a part of him that doesn’t want her to be an idol but he is swallowing everything for her happiness. She has a very understanding boyfriend but why does it feel like a… burden?

She shook her head and opened the message from Maki. The chuunibyou sent a video of the whole gang while eating some fruits and sweets after playing in the arcade. Her eyes widened right after she saw the current number one idol of the country. She didn’t think that Asuka was also going.

What made her feeling worse is that she is sitting opposite to Fuyu. The guy was on his usual cold expression but she could see how happy Ashu is. She’s a huge fan of the girl so she knows how she usually smiles. That smile she just gave Fuyu when the guy handed her some peeled peaches is something that she doesn’t show the public.

“Ohh, it seems like they are having fun~”

Fumie jerked when Kato suddenly commented. She didn’t notice that he is also looking at the video while they are caught in a red light.

“It feels so nice to be young without worries in life. You can hang out with your friends and be crazy all day~” Kato leaned back to his seat and sighed then stepped on the gas as the light changed. “But you got some elite group of friends, Fumie-san! You got the top idol, Saito Asuka and the eccentric model, Togawa Maki. And there’s Watanabe Miyu who’s rising on popularity after being on the cover of several fashion magazines!”

Kato looked at Fumie and he couldn’t help but to laugh at the reaction of the girl. “Don’t look at me like I am a creep. I’m a person of the entertainment world! I always stay update of who is making a buzz. But yeah, I didn’t know that a guy like Fuyu would associate with these elite people. So he is still hanging out with Asuka-san, huh? I heard that he doesn’t like stepping on the spotlight but look at him being so close to the young actor, Matsui Natsu! They look like they are brothers!”

“Well… they are brothers in the first place…”

Kato stiffened at that information. He looked once again to Fumie who is now staring blankly outside. Her mind is still filled of the thought of Fuyu being with Asuka.

Kato gave out an awkward laugh. “What are you talking about? Are you telling me that Matui Yuu—“

“He is Fuyu-kun’s father. Natsu-kun and Fuyu-kun are twins…”

Kato was so shocked that he accidentally kicked the brake. It almost caused an accident, the cars behind him started to angrily hoot on him. Fumie was surprised too. She turned so pale not because of the sudden stop but because of realizing that she gave out something that she shouldn’t have.

The manager took the chance to park his car and say sorry to the angry drivers while trying to cool his self. He remembered that Natsu is Yuu’s child on his first wife but he wasn’t expecting that there would be another one.

“FUMIE-SAN!” He called on top of his voice when he got back at the car. “Do you realize what you just did!? You said something that you should not!”

“I-I-I’m... P-Please don’t tell anyone about it, Kato-san…” Fumie panicked but it is too late. She just spilled a whole family’s secret.

“You better be careful with that secret! If that comes out in public the whole image of the Matsui Family will be destroyed. They are considered as the Royal Family of the entertainment industry and you are saying that the great Matsui Yuu abandoned one of his children!? The whole country would flock on them!”

Kato tried to calm himself down by taking deep breaths. “I won’t dig up for more. I know that it is a very sensitive secret and I promise that I won’t tell anyone. I don’t want your relation with Fuyu-kun to be destroyed by that secret. Fumie-san, you didn’t tell it to anybody else, did you?”

Fumie frantically waved her hands. “I-I-I didn’t! I-I was out of m-my mind a while ago!”

Kato heaved a sigh of relief. “Kojima Haruna-san is one of my favorite idols and as a wota, I won’t let her perfect family be stained! The secret is safe with me but, mou~ Seriously, Fumie-chan! You need to be really careful!”

“I-I’m really, really sorry…” Fumie couldn’t bow her head even more but she’s a little relieved that it was Kato and not anybody else. “I promise I’ll be careful.”

Kato sighed once more. “Anyway, let’s go back to your home. Tomorrow is the final day, you better get some good rest.”

Fumie gave out a nod and then Kato started driving again.


THE CONFERENCE room of Haruna’s agency is still well-lit even though it is already late. The staff and crew of the idol course are all gathered to give their ratings to the idol aspirants. They are giving out an assessment of how the girls progress throughout the whole training course and this will be added to their final score after tomorrow’s performance.

They are all there to evaluate everyone’s idol material. How they grew and how they shone during tough times. Of course, as the CEO of the agency, Haruna is seated in the middle chair complete with square glasses.

In the table, hologram pictures of the aspirants are being shown and they are ought to give their evaluation one by one. When Fumie’s picture was shown, there was silence from everyone and contagious nods.

“I believe this girl has it. I can’t even describe it.” The teacher for the fashion class gave out his comment with a sigh. He is the one responsible for identifying who has the most charm among the candidates. “There is this charm of her that makes me want to cheer for her.”

“I have to agree with what you said.” Anna-sensei of the dance department seconded. “She came back to training after getting an injury and it was really tough to catch up with the other girls but the determination in her eyes is admirable. Even if she couldn’t do it, she made sure that she’s giving it her all.”

“But I heard stories about her not being injured from the other girls. There are girls who claimed that they saw her going out with Watanabe Miyu during the time that she is supposed to be injured.” That was the statement of the head of the vocals department. “She is the only candidate from NHG so we couldn’t really confirm it. Well, we did receive a medical certificate from her agency.”

“What if it is just a rumor made to bring her down?” One of the staffs commented. “I can say that Shingyoji-san is a very amazing person. It feels like she is really out there to be an idol.”

“Well…” Anna-sense turned to the CEO who seems to be deep in her thoughts. All heads followed.

“What do you think of her, Kojima-san?”


Thanks everyone for waiting~ I hope you enjoyed reading~ please vote on the poll above~
« Last Edit: April 07, 2018, 08:34:51 AM by shortcut48 »
I love girls in short cut...

Offline LuckyMatsui

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Re: The Waste of a Wish - Chapter 34 (04-07) | Resolve + POLL
« Reply #243 on: April 07, 2018, 09:27:32 AM »
Yeay! An update! I really laughed so hard with WChuuni's Antics (Maki and Natsu)

“I should be the one hitting him! I know my mother is hot but you can’t pursue someone who is a lot older than you!”

That doesn't sound right, Maki.

“Let’s go play at the arcade room!” Maki surprised everyone with her high tone. “We will not stop until the gates of the underworld open and release Cerberus to eat Manaka-chan!”

Little Manaka was shocked at that statement. She looked around and pointed at herself. She started shivering. “E-Eat me!?”

I'm imagining Manaka-chan's reaction here, and she's so adorbs.

“Fuyu-kun, you see…” Asuka clung unto Fuyu’s shirt which made the guy stop.

“What is it?” Fuyu asked a bit surprised.

“Do you remember that I said that I’m willing to give everything up for you?”

“H-Huh?” And as if on cue, a memory of their trip in South Korea entered his mind. The part that they were on a group race with Manaki. The moment where Asuka said that she likes him but ended up being a dokkiri. “T-The dokkiri?”

The idol cutely shook her head. “What if I tell you that it isn’t part of the dokkiri?”

Fuyu’s eyebrows twitched. “What do you mean?”

Again, Asuka just chuckled. “If Shingyoji-san became an idol, I won’t be nice to her just because she is the girlfriend of a friend. I will not let her beat me… Atleast not with that…”

“W-Wait Asuka… I don’t—“

Woah! Ashu came and she ain't givin' up. Please don't sink, my FuyuAshu ship.

Sae even thought that Asuka would be Maki’s greatest rival for Fuyu’s heart.


“Do you really want Fuyu-kun for Maki-chan?” Mario asked. “Until now?”

“Do you even have to ask about it?” Michael shook his head. “All this time he is imagining Fuyu-kun as his son-in-law.”

“Well you see, Fuyu-kun is like the ideal guy for my daughter~” Sae continued whining. “He could control her being a delusional and he has the skills of a military guy as well. He is very reliable!”

We can't blame Sae for being FuyuMaki shipper. As a father, he really is concern about his daughter's well being.

“I hope my daughter falls to someone who would love her the same way as Fuyu-kun loves the girl with the scent.”

Why can't you see Natsu is really giving his best, Sae? He even act like an Eiji. But tbh I really like to see my RENA-CHAN as a rival here. NatsuMaki vs. NatsuRena

“Well… they are brothers in the first place…”

Kato stiffened at that information. He looked once again to Fumie who is now staring blankly outside. Her mind is still filled of the thought of Fuyu being with Asuka.

Kato gave out an awkward laugh. “What are you talking about? Are you telling me that Matui Yuu—“

“He is Fuyu-kun’s father. Natsu-kun and Fuyu-kun are twins…”

What a total Ponkotsu hehehe.

Kato heaved a sigh of relief. “Kojima Haruna-san is one of my favorite idols and as a wota, I won’t let her perfect family be stained! The secret is safe with me but, mou~ Seriously, Fumie-chan! You need to be really careful!”

Kato is a wota?! And a Nyan nyan oshi.

Poll Answer:
Well, I bet Fumie will pass on the course. Coz' I know that you have a habit of causing pain to your fictional characters and you are not done yet with FuFu couple.

Cut-sama is really a Sadist Writer and I'm a Masochist Reader so, bring it on!

Waiting for the next update!  :cow:
Matsui Rena + Matsui Jurina =

Offline FZA02

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Re: The Waste of a Wish - Chapter 34 (04-07) | Resolve + POLL
« Reply #244 on: April 07, 2018, 04:29:26 PM »
finally, new chapter, been waiting for this haha

well, glad now yuma had his memories back but i still wonder if or how he will explain it to the others.
and i'm not a gay but.....
probably not being able to be with the person his soul loves in this life time is the punishment for his sins.
i want to give brotherly hug to yuma since i feel sympathy and my heart clenched  reading this, but......perhaps you have another plans for yuma don't you ? ;) ;)

yurina always never failed to crack me up aaahh i wish she was my little sister, it must be fun, too bad haru,agoki and their little sisters can't join, must be fun watching yurina all flustered infront of neru haha
and asuka....don't have any words.....wait a minute yumaasuka? doesn't seem so bad aren't they ? hahahaha at least instead of make them be lonely

“But you witnessed it, didn’t you? Fuyu-kun is loyal to Fumie-chan. Even the great Saito Asuka couldn’t fish him with her charm. That guy is true to his resolve. He knows what he was born for and that is to be with Fumie-chan!” Mario stated with passion.

“So stop whining and move on! You can never have him as your son-in-law!” Michael flicked Sae on the forehead making the General yelp. “Act according to your title. What would your subordinates if they saw you like this?”
so, i guess we just see a bunch of old men, formers idols and a general behave like kids. hahaha  XD :lol: but seriously sae should just start to recognize natsu instead of fuyu because mario is right.

about the poll, despite i want fuyu to keep happy, i'm still curious how things will turn out if fumie becomes idol.....(besides i don't want this story to quickly ended hahaha) and just like @MatsuiLee -san i feel like i become masochist reader as well (but i hope it's happy ending)

keep it up boss, we'll be waiting for the next update

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Re: The Waste of a Wish - Chapter 34 (04-07) | Resolve + POLL
« Reply #245 on: April 09, 2018, 10:20:31 PM »
Welcome back!!! Uwah, good chapter as always. I don't know what to vote for on the poll though. Ahaha, I want those two to be happy, but either direction would be interesting for the story.

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Re: The Waste of a Wish - Chapter 34 (04-07) | Resolve
« Reply #246 on: April 13, 2018, 03:34:33 AM »
Hello people~ thank you for reading the last chapter. Thank you for those who voted on the poll and thoswe who commented, MatsuiLee-san, FZA02-san and Shinoki-san~ I appreciate the extra time you give in leaving comments. :) thanks to those who hit the like button as well~~ ;)

Anyway, you guys can expect an update from me tonight. I am so into this chapter. XD

I'm not raising the hurdle. Please read the chapter with a considerate heart.

I believe I can finish it tonight because I am already in the last scene when I  felt lazy. But yeah, an update might be up tonight around 10pm in my place. If I got lazy then it will be up tomorrow morning. :)

See you on the next chapter~~ All my masochist readers can go and prepare... 😂

I love girls in short cut...

Offline Genkikid

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Re: The Waste of a Wish - Chapter 34 (04-07) | Resolve + POLL
« Reply #247 on: April 13, 2018, 03:16:50 PM »
Fyuuhh glad I only almost missed a chapter.

Just finished reading the last yankee chapter and this one, and realize there's no 'kashiwagi yuki' in the yankee lifetime. How can Yuma remember the yankee lifetime from seeing yuki if there is no 'yuki' in the previous lifetime?

Kato Kenta knew the Matsui family secret!! And I'm still no convinced he's on the good side

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The Waste of a Wish - Chapter 35 (04-13) | Because of You
« Reply #248 on: April 13, 2018, 03:28:30 PM »
@Genkikid-san, that is a good question. :) The CenNezu ship is one of the trademarks of MG. I thought that it is precious so I didn't lay my hand on it. That's why Sakura ended up liking Hiroki instead of Center. But, we should also not forget that during the other timeline (TTM) it is MaYuki. When Yuma saw Yuki, it was the Mayu side that reacted as if the soul remembers and longs for Yuki... :) I don't know if my explanation makes sense. XD

Anyway, time for an update. :) Enjoy~

Chapter 35: BECAUSE OF YOU

A CUP of green tea was placed on the table by Fumie’s father. He then sat on the opposite seat in front of his wife. A smile is pasted on his face, a result of his wife’s contagious smile.

“What are you watching and you are smiling like that?” He asked before taking a sip of the green tea he personally prepared. His wife giggled and showed to him what she is watching on her phone. It is the same video of the young Fumie that they showed to Fuyu when the guy visited.

In the video, the mother can be heard asking Fumie of what she wants to be in the future again and again but the little girl ends up with the same answer no matter how many times she got asked.

“I want to be the princess that would make the prince with cold eyes smile! I want to be his happiness and then marry him!”

“Fuu-chan is really cute here. She was so into the role of being a princess.” The mother pointed at her daughter with love-struck eyes. “Look at the tiara she was wearing. She said that it was the proof that she is a princess even though her brother just got it from who-knows-where.”

“When you sent me that video, I couldn’t help but to smile in our barracks. Everything was so dark everytime I get deployed for mission but seeing my little angel wiped all the fear and anxiety.” The father sighed and continued watching. His smile widened for he knows exactly what is going to happen next.

Fumie’s brother, Hayato, came into the frame and gave his little sister a pat on her head. Since their father was a soldier, it took some time for Fumie to be born, having her eight years younger than her brother. Hayato, who was then 12 years old, was asked by the little Fumie.

“Nii-chan, what do you want to be when you grow up?” The little girl clung to her brother and the guy sat down to level with her.

“I want to make music!” Hayato answered with a huge smile on his face. “I believe music can change people’s lives. It is a weapon where you can win without even shedding blood.”

“Hayato was really passionate about music, wasn’t he?” The wife commented, the sight of her one and only son still tightens her heart. “He was the one who originally wanted to be an idol.”

“I want to be an idol and perform on a big stage. I want to bring smile to people’s faces through my music. I want to bring comfort to them and cease arguments. With that, Papa would be able to stay home and be with us. He can play with us the whole day!”

Little Fumie was looking so amazed at her brother. “Teach me to sing, Nii-chan! I want Papa to stay with us, too!”

Hayato gave Fumie a smile and then started teaching her some nursery rhyme. The video is still not finished but the retired colonel already leaned back to his seat. Just the thought of his son makes him feel suffocated.

“If only Hayato passed one of the auditions he took, he would have an excuse to be exempted from the military service.” The wife stated as she turns her phone’s screen off. “It would be nice if he could’ve lived his dream.”

Since the world is getting more and more dangerous, Japan has also implied lottery system with their military service. After highschool, boys are then summoned for the lottery. If someone doesn’t have any physical problems or severe medical history then he is entitled to draw lots--red card means compulsory service while black means exemption.

Hayato unluckily drew red. If he managed to became an idol then he would be immediately be excused since idols are being used by the government to divert the attention of the people and to put them at ease. But he didn’t make it instead he got a red card for military.

With all the frustrations building up on him and the criticisms that he faced, Hayato thought that probably he is destined to be a soldier and not a singer so he ended up continuing the service until he became a full-pledged soldier. Fumie was so against it, leaving them into an argument before Hayato’s first deployment.

After his death, Fumie’s desire to be an idol grew stronger. She felt like she has to fulfill the dream that his brother couldn’t fulfill and has abandoned.

“Now is Fuu-chan’s final assessment day, right?” The ex-soldier breathed out, scratching his chin with his metal hand.

“Do you think she will make it?” The wife asked with a worried voice.

The father took a deep breath. “If I were to choose I would just like her to stay with Fuyu-kun. I don’t mind them having a family in an early age to be honest. This world is so success-driven to the point that people forget what’s more important. People marry late, some don’t even want to have kids. Everyone is so focused on the things that they can decorate their names with but doesn’t care about who they could be with when they grow old.

It’s not bad to dream and to strive for success. But sometimes I ask myself, will it really matter whether I succeed or not? All things will pass away eventually, only memories remain. And that’s what I wanted for Fuu-chan to enjoy. No stress, no pressure. Just happiness.”

Fumie’s mother released a sigh. She’s on the same side as her husband. She reached for his hand and held it tight. “Let’s just pray for the best for Fuu-chan…”

The husband just answered with a nod.


KATO couldn’t stay still at all. It has been six hours since Fumie went inside the building but there is still no news from the girl. There wasn’t even a single chat coming from her and it makes him worry. He wanted to go and cheer her as her manager but his current status would cause a misunderstanding for the girl. The panel might notice the potential in her because she was discovered by the Kato Kenta himself or might dislike her due to the same reason.

Fumie understands his situation so she promised that she will give an update whenever there is a chance but there’s none at all. He is sure that the selection is already over since there are girls who were part of the course that came out. Most of them are crying, probably because they were not able to make it.

“Don’t tell me Fumie-san passed it and is now being oriented by Kojima Haruna!?” Kato nibbled his thumbnail. For a moment he is happy about that idea but the hardships that Fumie might face for being an idol with a secret boyfriend would be a stress. “If only she didn’t get a boyfriend…”

Kato is already attracting attention so he went back to his heavily tainted car. He tried to calm himself and stop himself from sending a text to Fumie since he really can’t bear the suspense.

“I still believe that Fumie is born to be an idol. I never got it wrong!” The manager almost burry his face to the stirring wheel while looking at everyone who is getting out of the building, hoping that Fumie would come out soon to put an end to the thrill.

He almost jumped from his seat when he finally saw the girl coming out. He went out of the car to meet her but they immediately met eyes. Fumie just gave him a faint smile and that was enough to make him stop and wait for her to reach the car. His heart became even heavier.

“I’m sorry for not giving updates, Kato-san. My whole body was trembling I couldn’t even use the neuro-linker properly.” That was Fumie’s greeting after the six terrible hours of waiting that her manager did. He noticed the shaking of her voice and how she fidgets with her fingers and he couldn’t help but shook his head weakly.

“It’s alright, Fumie-san… Get in the car first.” The manager opened the car door for his talent. He could feel that the girl is still trembling. It seems like the adrenaline hasn’t completely died yet. Kato went to the driver’s seat as fast as he could, preparing himself to whatever the girl will say as if six hours of waiting wasn’t enough for preparation. Fumie just gave him a faint smile.

Fumie took a deep breath, looking up the car ceiling. “I-I… I’m sorry, Kato-san…” she turned to her manager and tears just started to fall. “I am your very first failure.



Haruka sat in front of the low dining table, placing Japanese Apricots on the said table. Sitting in front of her is Fuyu, his bangs tied up. A huge cooling pad plastered on his forehead. He is also wearing a surgical mask.

“T-Thank—CHOO!” Fuyu sneezed even before finishing his sentence. He immediately apologized to Haruka but the girl just laughed at him.

“Don’t worry about it, Fuyu-kun. That ish caused by your allergy anyway. I won’t catch it.” The girl reached for an apricot and took a bite. “I thought your allergy with pollination is already healed but here you go getting a fever after being exposed to a bunch of Hanashobu (Japanese Iris).”

“I thought I’ll be fine, too… but yeah… as you can see…”

Fuyu was exposed to hanashobu when he was in Maki’s mansion, particularly at the orchard. The flowers were not in full bloom yet but they got Fuyu big time. It wasn’t an immediate reaction though. He felt dizzy when he was already home after giving a voice message to Fumie. But he is sure that it was the hanashobu that got him. It’s the only flower that gives him fever.

Even though he is running with fever, the guy still went to work to make up from his leave yesterday. His boss was worried about him but he insisted to work. He managed to make it through the whole day but his fever rose up even more after the shift ended. Feeling guilty, he was forced to stay by his boss to their house to look after him since no one would do that for him. Yurina and Manaka already went back to their grandparents’ house to prepare for their exam.

They are just casually watching the news when the advertisements started airing. The CM for the upcoming Jyuni Seiza concert aired and it seems to be bigger than last year’s event. The idols will be scattered to each of Japan’s primary cities. The event will also be attended with the idols who didn’t rank as well as those who have already graduated. It will be the exact definition of an idol festival.

But there was another announcement right after the usual CM that is being aired for the past couple of months. Kojima Haruna’s produced idols will also be having their debut stage during the concert and that was announced by the legendary idol herself. She encouraged everyone to support the girls that underwent intensive training and strict screening. She said that this batch of idols would open a new era of idols.

“Maa…” Haruka took another bite of the fruit. “I wonder if Shingyoji-shan passed. The CM ish already out but we still haven’t heard anything from her. Ishn’t it her duty to tell you what happened? Are you guysh really dating?”

Fuyu just stayed quiet while taking a peek of his phone. It’s already evening but there is still no message from Fumie. He was thinking of being the first one to start the conversation but since the girl isn’t sending messages even though there is something that she should tell him, Fuyu concluded that Fumie doesn’t want to talk with him.

“Should I go to her house?” Fuyu bowed his head with his two hands catching it. “I want to see her but it is evident that she doesn’t want to see me. I don’t know what to do anymore.”

“You are shick, for the muffin’s shake (sake). She should be the one coming for you.” Haruka couldn’t help but to shake her head at the hopeless state of the guy she knew to be very cold. Who would’ve thought that this cool person that is being admired by a lot of girls is acting like this just because of one girl?

“How about ask your other friends? Maybe they already heard the newsh.” She was about to take another bite when she realized something. “Why do I keep on eating thish!? ‘Kaa-shan peeled thish for you!”

“Ask my friends, huh?” Fuyu sighed.

This time, Haruka gave out a nod as she crosses her arms. “It would be bad to find out that they knew it firsht before you, right?”

There was silence between the two of them after that. Fuyu still had his head down while Haruka was just looking at him blankly; thinking of what she can do to cheer him up even just a little bit.

“Is there something in your school like a group chat or shomething like an online bulletin board?” She took her phone and placed it in fron of Fuyu. “We got this site in our school where students post about their love confessions anonymously. This is called Hikaeme, I love you! There must shomething shimilar to this in your school shince you are from that prestigious school!”

Then, as if lightning stroke on Fuyu, his back straightened up, his cool pad almost fell off from his forehead. He grabbed his phone and visited the site that he isn’t a frequent visitor of but a frequent topic.

Haruka ran to his side and viewed the page together with Fuyu. Both of their eyes widened…



That was headline of the latest news of NHG’s gossip page that has already been viewed for more than a thousand times. It seems like the whole school is waiting for the result not only because she’s the only candidate from NHG but also because they all know that she’s in a relationship with one of the Shiki.

“According to the insider report, Shingyoji Fumie-san made several mistakes with her performance and she seemed like she was in a deep thought during the dance performance. But there was a time when she got back to her game and properly sang the song she prepared even though her voice was a little shaky.

She managed to earn the hearts of the panel and it seemed like the staff members were also rooting for her despite the errors in the choreography. The dance teacher was seen comforting her after the results were announced.

Sixteen girls were picked through a pointing system but Shingyoji-san fell short in the ranking, officially landing at the 17th spot.

Note: This result hasn’t been posted anywhere even at Shingyoji-san’s forum so please don’t let it leak to the public or we will get sued by Kojima Haruna-san’s agency. Beware folks!


Comments rained the said article as expected. There are students who felt bad about the news but there are those who said that what happened is well-deserved since someone in a relationship is not allowed to be an idol. A lot of them stressed out the choice that she would have to make if ever she passed the audition.

Of course there are those Fuyu fan girls that said that it is about time for her to get back to Fuyu since the guy has been suffering due to her absence and the anxiety of her being taken away by the idol world. They said that it would be enough for her to be a model like her friends and serve as the campus couple with her boyfriend.

The whole school was expecting that she would come to school with Fuyu by her side but they were all surprised that she came alone. She’s smiling to everyone she meet eyes with that was so unlike of her.

Her class was also gossiping about her when she entered the classroom and everyone froze for a moment. Fumie was expecting such a reaction so she just smiled and greeted them a good morning before going to her seat.

Miyu and Maki immediately stood up from their seats, looking worriedly at Fumie. It seems like the stress of the course made her lose some pounds. Fumie just smiled at them before saying, “Why are looking at me like that? I’m okay, don’t worry.” followed by an inevitably forced laughter.

She sat to her seat and booted her desk’s computer, preparing herself for the upcoming class. “I would be really thankful if someone would send me a copy of the notes.”

Her cheerful act doesn’t really convince the two girls. Even Yuma who is secretly watching her is feeling the weight of her shoulders. She is clearly disappointed about the result.

They wanted to ask her about Fuyu but even the power of the chuunibyou didn’t give enough courage to ask anything. They just let Fumie be, waiting for her to open up by herself.

The class started with the tight air caused by the presence of Fumie. Everyone seems wary of her. They all remembered the self-introduction she did at her first day in the school.

“My dream is to be an idol. I hope that one day I could stand up on stage with everyone’s support. It has always been my dream and I will do my best to fulfill it!”

She said it with full determination and it was evident that she’s really passionate about it but then first semester happened. They all understand the confusion she is in now.

Class went on like usual. It is the period to prepare for the term test anyway so students are studying harder around this time of the term. It was already third period when Miyu suddenly heard some sniffing. She tried to locate it and she found out that it is just the person in front of her—Fumie!

She just started crying while a lecture is on-going! Being the first ones to notice it, Miyu, Maki and Yuma panicked, mouthing strategies with each other. Miyu couldn’t handle it anymore so she stood up from her seat, taking everyone’s attention.

“S-Sensei! F-Fumie got her eyes irritated because of her lenses. I need to take her at the clinic!”

All heads turned to Fumie and saw that the girl is rubbing her eyes. The teacher worriedly looked at his student. “A-Alright. Bring her to the nurse’s office quickly! It would be bad if her eyes gets some infection.”

“T-Thank you, Sensei!” Miyu turned to Maki and Yuma to give them a nod, telling them that she’ll take care of everything. “Let’s go, Fumie!” After that, Miyu took Fumie by the hand and dragged her out of the classroom.

“W-Watanabe-san! Don’t run in the hallway!” the teacher shouted.

“Sensei, it is an emergency!” Maki shouted back.

After some time of running, the two arrived in the library where it would be the safest. Miyu knows that the rest room wouldn’t be a good choice since people might come and overhear them. The nurse will surely be in the clinic so they won’t be able to talk properly so in the end she chose their usual place.

Class is on-going so even the others who usually go there won’t be there. Miyu closed the door and dragged Fumie in between the shelves.

“Why are you suddenly crying like that!? You were pretending to be okay when you arrived but then you’re going to burst into tears!? You are making us worry!”

Fumie cried even more. It seems like she has been preventing herself from crying. She didn’t even show to her parents that she is sad about the result and managed to smile to them when she got home yesterday. Everything just overflowed when she got in class with everyone talking about her, hearing things that hurt her even more.

Miyu shook her head and pulled Fumie into a hug. “Calm down, Fumie…” She rubbed her back but Fumie couldn’t stop crying.

“I-I… I just can’t understand anything, Miyu… Why is it like this?” Fumie cried in frustration.

Miyu pushed her a little and wiped the tears from her face. “Tell me what happened… You didn’t say anything to anyone again, did you?”

“I don’t understand… I just don’t…” Fumie took a deep breath and tried to handle her tears.

“Do you want me to call Fuyu-senpai for you—“

“No, I don’t want to see him!”

Miyu stiffened with what she heard. “Did you hear what you just said, Fumie?”

Fumie gave out a nod; her tears are still falling nonstop. “After the announcement of the result… I was called by Haruna-san to her office. She told me that she purposely didn’t give me a good score. She said that it would be better for me to stay at Fuyu-senpai’s side. She believes that it would be the best for me, to avoid having the same regrets that she had. But why!? All the other panelists… but then she…”


“Why…? I gave it my all… I made mistakes in the dance part because I was thinking of him being with Asuka-san. I was thinking about him the night before the assessment day as well! But now what? I couldn’t fulfill my dream all because of him! As long as I am with him, I feel like I won’t be able to reach anything!”

“W-Wait, Fumie… Calm down… There must be a misunderstanding—“

“Kato-san trusted me… He believed in me but then I failed him… I failed my brother’s dream all because it is better for me to be with him?” Fumie looked up at Miyu, her eyes already swollen. “I just don’t understand… Why is it that I couldn’t dream if I am with him? Am I greedy to hope of becoming an idol while dating him?”

Miyu is still on panic mode. It is the first time that Fumie broke down like this in front of her but she knows that she isn’t supposed to say things like that. She knows that it is not Fuyu’s will for Fumie to be hurt like this. This isn’t how it is supposed to be!

“F-Fumie, listen… Senpai worries a lot about you. He is always thinking about what’s good for you. No one is at fault here. Don’t think that it is his fault—“

“If he didn’t come in my life then probably I completed the course without absents and passed it! It is his—“


The two suddenly froze when they heard that name. They turned to the door and saw Kuramochi-sensei, the school nurse peeping by the door. The nurse noticed them and entered.

“Hey, isn’t it class hours? Why are you girls here?” The nurse asked, taking a good look with their faces. “Anyway, have you seen Hoshizora-kun? I just left him in the clinic to pick up some delivered medicines but he isn’t there when I arrived. That guy is running in fever because of severe allergy and he is supposed to be resting in the clinic!”

“S-Senpai is sick?” Fumie stammered.

“Yes! It’s a yearly thing. He suffers the whole spring and the final wave would be at the start of summer. I wonder what he was thinking going around without a mask, He was so confident that his allergy was completely gone!”

The nurse examined the whole place. “Haven’t you seen him here? I’m sure he would be here because the smell of the books comforts him. Does he really think that he can hide from me? I’ve been looking for him every spring for six years already! Let me go and find out!”

Kuramochi-sense started marching to survey the in-betweens of the shelves. Fumie’s heart started to beat terribly fast but then it felt like it stopped when Kuramochi-sensei stopped in front of the fifth shelf from where they are standing. She was shaking her head out of irritation.

“What are you thinking—huh? Are you telling me to stay quiet!? No! Let’s go back to the clinic! You need to get treated! The medicine General Togawa sent has already arrived!” Kuramochi-sensei continued pulling until finally, Hoshizora Fuyu came out. His face covered with a surgical mask.

Fuyu turned to where Fumie is and their eyes instantly met. The pain that is being reflected by his eyes is overwhelming and the girl is aware that it isn’t because of the allergy. He was there all along… The whole time that she’s letting her feelings out he was there. He could hear everything… He heard it...  All the blame…

That one-second meeting of their eyes felt like eternity to Fumie. She would never forget the look in his eyes. Fuyu immediately bowed his head, covering his eyes with his hair.

“I don’t want to see him!”

This painful sentence that she carelessly just said echoed in her mind. Is it the reason why Fuyu is hiding his face from her? But yeah, it is late. She won’t be able to pull back the words that she just let out.

“Let’s go, Fuyu-kun. The medicine that the General sent is sure effective! You’ll be alright in no time!” Kuramochi-sensei started to guide Fuyu’s way. The guy just weakly followed the nurse, still with his head facing the ground.

“F-Fuyu-senpai…” Fumie tried to call him as he was coming their way but Fuyu acted like he didn’t hear anything and just went through.

“Fuyu-senpai!” Fumie called out again. “I-I… This is—“

“Stop…” Fuyu stopped but didn’t take even a peek of her. “A while ago you were just so disgusted to say my name so please stop calling me for now…” He turned to their way and gave out ninety-degree bow. “I’m really sorry for what happened.”

That’s all and Fuyu and the nurse stepped out of the library, leaving Fumie behind. Miyu was shocked as well. She was trying to hide Fumie from the public eye so she took her at the library but who would have thought that Fuyu would be there?

Fumie fell to her knees as the look on Fuyu’s face flashed back. All she could do was to stare at the door absent-mindedly. If there is one thing that she is sure now is she just didn’t lose the opportunity of being an idol…


She also lost Fuyu… She lost it both… And now she is left with nothing…


I love girls in short cut...

Offline Genkikid

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Re: The Waste of a Wish - Chapter 35 (04-13) | Because of You
« Reply #249 on: April 14, 2018, 03:54:59 AM »
No!!! Everything is falling apart!!!  :cry: :angry:

Offline FZA02

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Re: The Waste of a Wish - Chapter 35 (04-13) | Because of You
« Reply #250 on: April 14, 2018, 04:48:25 AM »
for the love of God, cut-sama you broke my heart, really.....but i kinda..... really like it hehe
i almost forget that they are still in highschool that's why i was like "they thought like teenagers" but then i remembered they are ones, sorry :nervous

really agree with fumie's dad
poor fuyu-kun he must be heartbroken, now it's left to his friends (including haruppi) and yurina and manaka to help solve this things hope it will get better soon besides......i was thinking's not always have to be the main chara the one who is suffering, because maybe you make the others too...maybe someday you can make yurina be the one suffer with this kind of 'heart' problem hahahaha

keep up with your masterpiece boss

ps : still hoping yuma will find someone else, poor little guy

Offline porkofdoom

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Re: The Waste of a Wish - Chapter 35 (04-13) | Because of You
« Reply #251 on: April 14, 2018, 02:04:14 PM »
We need some bromance in the next chapter. Dry his tears natsu. I actually don't care about fumie in this chapter, she was really mean back then. :/ She should have cursed the rules in the industry and not blame her bf, now she got what she asked for.

Will this be the rise of Fuyu in the entertainment industry? XD i hope so. Show fumie how a man can move on!
Uza... Uza... Uza... EKISAITINGU!!!
 :on asmo:

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Re: The Waste of a Wish - Chapter 35 (04-13) | Because of You
« Reply #252 on: April 15, 2018, 01:26:50 AM »
This was an amazing chapter. Poor Fuyu. Fumie's mouth just went ahead of herself and said some painful things. I don't agree with KojiHaru's actions since... if Fumie did good enough, regardless of her situation, she should have gotten her fair score. I hope this turns out well.

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The Waste of a Wish - Chapter 36 (05-01) | Galaxy
« Reply #253 on: May 01, 2018, 09:09:02 AM »

@genkikid-san, it seems like it is never easy for them no matter what timeline it is. :(

@FZA02-san, well, if you liked it then I can say you are also one of my M readers. :)
Yeah, the fact that they are still in high school is something that we shouldn't forget. :)
Yurina's story is on its way. For now, I have to focus on the remaining chapter of *coughs* season 1.
About Yuma, he might end up with someone with I.R. initials. ;)

@porkofdoom-san, bromance? Natsu would love that as well. hahaha.
Let's see what will happen next. :)

@Shinoki-san, Thank you! You are right, but maybe there is a bigger reason that can't be seen on the surface. :)

Anyway, thanks again for those who read, hit the thanks button and left a comment. I know the story is getting longer than expected but I just want to make sure that I'm delivering the essence well. Here is chapter 36, the last chapter before the final arc of *coughs* season 1.

Enjoy reading~ :)

Chapter 36: GALAXY

“HE ALREADY quit school.”

Haru’s eyes widened after that statement from Aki. The Student Council President arrived at the school around lunch time. He went straight to the cafeteria to fill his stomach since he’s still a human after all even if he is working like a robot. There he found his usual group but one person is missing.

“What on earth are you saying, Aki?” Haru asked as he fixes his glasses in position.

“Fuyu-nii quit school and is now working full time at the muffin shop.” Natsu added. “He has been out of the school for three days.”

“And how on earth that I didn’t get noticed by the school management about it?” Haru asked once again, he felt like he lost his appetite already. “That guy is making me sick!”

“For Fuyu-senpai’s sake, don’t believe these two, Haru-senpai!” Yuma couldn’t help it anymore so he stepped in the conversation. “Senpai is taking a leave from school because of his allergy. He will be back next week! Can’t you see that these two are secretly smiling?”

Haru turned to the two guys who were obviously trying to control their laughter but since Yuma already spoiled it they just let it all out. But, the president doesn’t seem pleased.

“Make sure you guys laugh hard and don’t even fart.” Haru shook his head in disappointment before going back to his food. The two just continued laughing, Aki was so close to tearing up while Natsu felt like his stomach is going to explode.

“Is it that funny?” Miyu asked while playing with her pasta, clearly not amused.

“Haru really panics a lot when it comes to Fuyu. You just saw the face this robot made after hearing the fake news.” Aki wiped his eyes before going back to eating but ended up laughing again. He spilled his food a little which didn’t surprise Miyu at all.

“There goes Mr. Underbite.” She just shook her head while smiling, finding that part of Aki really adorable.

“Haru looks so cool and composed but he actually loses his cool when it comes to Fuyu-nii. You should’ve written a fanfic about him and Fuyu-nii and not with Aki! Or maybe some sibling love affair with me!” The Summer Prince even giggled at the thought of being shipped with his brother making the other guys cringe. Natsu then slowly looked at Yuma who is innocently trying to open his bottle of soda. Natsu rolled his eyes. “Why am I being involved in a fanfic with you?”

Instead of answering, Yuma just looked at Natsu while struggling with his soda. Annoyed of the other guy’s suffering, Natsu grabbed the bottle from Yuma and opened it with ease. “Here!”

A drop of blood leaked from Miyu’s nose. In her eyes, Natsu was the tsundere while Yuma was the cute, little guy in distress. Such a perfect BL match. She’s not surprised that there would be people who started shipping them. Awestruck, she breathed, “Wow…”

The guys turned to her in a flash with doubting eyes. “Don’t tell me you are the one writing that fic, Miyu-chan?”

Miyu waved her hands in denial. “I didn’t! I already quit stuffs like that! I mean—I still read things like it but I stopped writing!”

Aki shook his head and pulled a tissue. He went to wipe the blood from Miyu’s face. “Your dirty thoughts are being revealed by your nosebleed, wipe it first.”

The distance between the two made the lady blushed, her heart started beating faster resulting in a heavier nosebleed. Aki couldn’t say anything but, “Oh my God.” before stuffing Miyu’s nose with tissue. Miyu would love to take that moment to faint but the SC president doesn’t seem to be in the mood to joke around.

“That Fuyu!” Haru hit the table with his hand, garnering a bit of attention from the other students around them. He released a sigh and tried to calm himself down. “He is not just wasting his talent, now he is wasting his time as well. Why is he making his life revolve in just one girl? And now that he is being blamed and taken for granted he’ll go away and sulk in a corner!? Exams are coming and there he goes pretending to be still sick even though he has a body that heals fast! I’m ashamed to be beaten by him!”

“Senpai!” Miyu called, pouting. “Brakes please! The girl involve is right here!”

That’s right. Fumie is also sitting with them but she can’t bring herself to speak. She was just listening to whatever the others are saying. She could feel that Natsu and Aki are feeling a bit awkward towards her. They were firing innuendos at her but she chose not to mind. Even with Haru’s frankness, she decided not to bat an eye.

“I’m surprised that you still choose to hang out with us right after what you did to Fuyu.” Haru stated while looking straight to Fumie. The girl had no other choice but to bow her head in shame. “I know you were disappointed of not making it but did you really have to blame everything to him? It was your choice to be in a relationship with him. Fuyu already gave up on you during the M.T. but then you went after him after realizing your feelings. You should’ve just let him go if you really wanted to pursue being an idol. You can’t blame Fuyu’s existence or even Kojima Haruna-san for the decision she made. It is the golden rule of the idol industry.”

“C-Calm down, Haru…” Aki pushed Haru a little. “I-I believe Fumie-chan was just shocked.”

Haru shook his head. “Well, I also believe that she doesn’t have to do that to Fuyu. She knows how deeply scarred he is. I wonder if you know how much he has been suffering during the time that you were on that course. But looking at it, no matter what the outcome of that idol course, Fuyu will end up being hurt.”


“It’s okay, Miyu.”

Everyone turned to Fumie who slowly lifted up her head. “Haru-senpai is correct. It was really foolish of me to blame Fuyu-senpai about what happened. I’ve realized how stupid and immature I was. I hurt the one who has been there for me for the whole time.”

The girl took a deep breath and tried to look at the faces of her friends one by one. Natsu still couldn’t look at her. She doesn’t even know if he is paying attention to whatever she is saying. No one in that table can look at her straight to the eye apart from Miyu and Haru.

“I know you all hate me for what I’ve done. I hate myself as well.” Her head dropped again as she could feel her eyes welling up with tears. Her voice started shaking but she tried her best to continue talking. “I-I… I hate myself for being so shallow. I deserve to be hated by Fuyu-senpai.”

Haru sighed. “So are you going to stay here and wait for him to come to you? Are you waiting for him to say sorry to you? I just want to tell you that it isn’t always the guys who have to swallow their prides just to fix a relationship. Girls have to do something as well.”

“Am I really hearing this from Haru?” Aki whispered to Natsu, couldn’t believe that Haru would say such things.

Natsu just shrugged his shoulders. “Maybe his fiancée is a pain in the ass.”

“Shut up, the two of you!” Haru hissed at the two but the two guys just made an ‘o’ with their fingers, gesturing that they hit the bull’s eye.

“T-That’s why I’m still here!” Fumie gathered courage just to say that. “I need your help… I want to say sorry… I want to tell him how I’m so disappointed of myself for hurting him. I want to tell him how it pains me to be—“

“Are you sure of what you are saying?” Haru cut her off. “You can continue pursuing being an idol if you totally break up with him. There are a lot of other agencies you can join. Are you sure that you want him back instead?”

Fumie was taken aback. Haru has a point. She could go and re-apply, pursue her dreams and be a star… but that encounter with Fuyu made her realize that she can’t lose him as well. She admits that during the time she was crying to Miyu, all she was thinking was how disappointing it was to fail the audition but after seeing those eyes of Fuyu and receiving such words from him for the first time she realized that Fuyu is more valuable than fame.

“I’m serious.” She finally said, her fists balling. “I’m really sorry for what happened. I just don’t know how I should face him again.”

“You were so sorry that it already took you three days to move? That’s interesting.” Natsu commented which was followed by awkward silence. He didn’t even look at Fumie. He said those words while playing with his food.

Judging the situation, Haru gave out another sigh. He could see that there is still a hint of hesitation with Fumie’s eyes but he also knows that getting her and Fuyu back together is the right thing to do. It would be bad if Fuyu would completely lose his light.

“I hope you are really sincere to what you are saying.” Haru then took his phone out and dialed something. “I want you all to remain quiet during this call.”

Fumie’s heart started to race even more when the call was picked up. She immediately knew who it was with just one “Hello.”

“Hoshizora Fuyu, where are you and what are you doing?” Haru asked monotonously. Fuyu looked at him dead in the eyes. He doesn’t seem sick anymore and is looking finer than ever.

“Hiding from hanashobus.” Fuyu answered with a sigh. “And on my lunch break from work. At school?”

“I thought you are hiding from hanashobus but there you are working instead of studying. Are you completely out of your mind?”

“From the very beginning you know that I’m already crazy.” His tired voice made everyone’s heart heavy. That statement doesn’t seem to be a joke at all. “I’ll be back to school next week I just really need to get a good break from everything.”

“What are you planning to do now?” Haru asked him with a meaningful stare.

Fuyu just looked back at him for a moment and sighed. “Well, I guess you have already heard of what happened. News in our school is always fast.”

Fumie bowed her head. She’s still ashamed of what she did. She’s ready to hear anything that Fuyu is going to say. If feeling the same pain that she made him feel would bring him back then she would swallow her pride and accept all the hurtful words he would say. Maybe it is Haru’s plan at the very beginning, He wants to let her feel what Fuyu felt.

“I’m just thinking of ways to apologize.”

Fumie suddenly raised her head up. She turned to Miyu to confirm what she heard. Even her friend seems surprised of what she heard but the guys didn’t seem like it at all. It felt like they were already expecting of that.

“Fumie was really hurt that time but instead of understanding her situation, I let my pride consume me. I don’t know if it was because the negative feeling just got piled up and there’s no other way to suppress it even more. I thought that I was also a man, I also get hurt. But that was so stupid of me.”

They heard another deep sigh from the guy followed by a short term of silence. He was looking at another direction as if thinking of what he is going to say. “I should’ve been more patient and understanding. She was disappointed of what happened and I could see that it was really my fault. If only I didn’t pursue her—”

“Aren’t you really stupid? Why are you thinking that it is your fault?” The knot on Haru’s forehead cannot be hidden by his bangs.

“I know Fumie hates me now but I still like to get another shot to get her back.”

Fumie’s eyes started to tear up. “S-Sen—“

“Shh…” Aki gestured at her to remain quiet and just listen to whatever Fuyu is saying.

“I’m still thinking of ways to say sorry but I’m really scared that she would end up our relationship. If that’s the case then there’s no other way but to give her up.”

“Why are you even thinking about it? Jusht give her up!”

Everyone was surprised when a voice of a girl was suddenly heard. Fuyu looked at Haruka who is actually sitting in front of him. The girl doesn’t seem amazed of whatever he is saying.

“Haruka…” Fuyu called out to the girl but Fumie reacted with that call. “Who taught you that you can butt into other people’s conversation?”

The short-haired girl puffed her cheeks before standing up. She marched to where Fuyu is and showed herself to the camera. Haru was a bit surprised as he watches Fuyu struggle in getting his phone away from the persistent girl.

“Fuyu-kun was so sick during the day of the announcement but he was patiently waiting for news coming straight from her girl—“

“Haruka, stop!” Fuyu tried to get his phone back but Haruka was fast to dodge him.

“Let me finish what I am shaying!” Haruka ran around the table, speaking and avoiding Fuyu at the same time. “You might not remember me but I am Fuyu-kun’s co-worker. He was staying in our house the night of the announcement because no one was going to take care of him if he goes back home. Even though he was sick he was only thinking of his girlfriend.”

“Haruka! Give me back my phone!”

“When we found out the result, he immediately went to her house and waited for her to find refuge in him. He wanted to let her know that he is always there for her but that girl doesn’t even pick up his calls. No replies to his messages! I guess she put her phone off!”

“Haruka, you don’t understand!”

“What do I don’t understand!? It is clear that you are being taken for granted and now you are the one who shupposed to apologize? You were sick but you chose to be near her. You waited for hours outside but no one came out! If it was winter that time then you could’ve froze to death!”

Haru just took a quick look at Fumie and her expression tells that what Haruka was saying is true. Because of her frustration and disappointment, she turned off her phone and locked herself up to her room. She only saw Fuyu’s messages when she went back home from school, the day of the fateful encounter in the library. That’s the only time she opened her phone again.

“It was my choice to stay out and wait for her! Now give me back my phone!” Fuyu tried but he failed once more. How could this girl be so quick?

“I’m not done yet!” Haruka shouted at him before facing the camera again. “He fell more sick but then he insisted going to school to see her but then he would hear all of it!? I’m tired of his idiotic acts just for one girl so please help him wake up!”

“HARUPPI!!!” Fuyu shouted, he’s getting angry.

Haruka’s face turned red. “I told you to never call me that name again! My name is Haruka!”

Fuyu took that chance to snatch the phone away and this time he succeeded. The short-haired girl just grumpily put her hands on her hips. “If you’re really a masochist then go and follow her like a dog!”

After that, she marched out of the dining area and went back to the store. Fuyu just shook his head, he was surprised that Haruka would talk like that all of a sudden. It wasn’t her nature to suddenly explode like a bomb.

“I’m sorry about that, Haru.” Fuyu sighed. “She’s been acting like that since I went back from school.”

“I agree with her. You’re really an idiot.”

Fuyu just smirked. “Well, I told you I am an idiot from the very start. And, I don’t mind being one if it is for Fumie.”

Haru felt his screen crawl. “That was really cringe-worthy. Do you need any help with anything?”

“I’m okay, Haru. You’ve got a lot of things to worry about. Don’t add me up. I’m really fine.”

“Alright. Contact me if you need any help.”

“Thank you, Haru.”

After that, Haru ended the call and looked back at the others. He was surprised to see Aki wiping Miyu’s nosebleed again. It seems that the girl’s imagination ran wild again at the end of their conversation.

“That Haruka girl surely likes Fuyu-senpai!” Miyu commented but she was immediately slapped in the forehead by Aki.

“And you are surely one naughty girl.” The vocalist sighed. Instead of getting angry, Miyu just gave him her signature gum smile which for him is a fatal move.

Haru reached for his utensils once more now that his job is over. “You heard it, Fumie-chan. That guy is still in love with you. The both of you are just waiting for each other to move. One of you should start moving” He then looked at the girl who is still clearly surprised of the outcome of the conversation. “In this case, I won’t mind if you are the one to make a move.”

“You witnessed it, Fumie-chan.” They all turned to Natsu who finally laid his eyes on Fumie. “It may seem that my brother will never turn his back to you but there are girls out there that are into him. If you keep on hurting and pushing him away, you don’t know what might happen.”

That look on Natsu’s eyes clearly tells that he has seen something like that happen in front of his eyes. He is clearly telling her that it would be hard to fix something that is so broken.

With that, Fumie decided to go to Fuyu’s work place after school. She also told them that she would like to handle everything by herself so they don’t really need to go and watch over her. She will make sure that before the day ends, they’ll be back together.

After they finished eating, Haru immediately excused himself for he has to go to the Student Council Room before the afternoon classes start. But he hasn’t gone far when he heard someone calling his name. He turned around and saw that it was Fumie, chasing for her breath.

“Is there something that matters?” Haru asked, raising his glasses that keep on sliding on his nose bridge. “Why are you in a hurry?”

“I just…” Fumie took a deep breath and looked straight to her senior’s eyes. “I just want to say thank you for what you’ve done. Now I have the courage to go and meet Fuyu-senpai.”

Haru just eyed the girl for a moment which made Fumie a bit uneasy. “How about drop the senpai title? Just call him by his name. He is your boyfriend anyway.”

“B-But everyone is—“

“Since everyone calls him like that, it doesn’t feel special?”

Fumie’s eyes widened in amazement. How could Haru knew exactly what was on her mind?

Haru raised his pointing finger as if he just had a brilliant idea. “If you want to make everything more special, how about give him a nickname that only you can use?”

“A-A nickname?” Fumie repeated.

“When we were in first year, there was this guy with the same first name as Fuyu. That guy prefers to be called with his name so there was no other choice but to call Fuyu with his last name and because it was too long, people tend to shorten it but he disliked it a lot.  He just couldn’t accept being called by others with that name…”

Haru was taken aback when he saw the look on Fumie’s face. The girl, as if possessed by the spirit of ponkotsu, is just looking at him, obviously couldn’t follow his story. Haru shook his head and sighed.

“Anyway, that guy migrated so Fuyu got all the rights to his name. It’s up to you to figure this thing out.”

That’s all and Haru went back on his way. Fumie thawed, still not getting what Haru was inferring but she managed to thank him again. “Thank you, Haru-senpai! I will make sure to take care of Fuyu.”

Haru turned back and smiled meaningfully.


“Make sure about it or I’ll be the one taking Fuyu from you.”



THE BELL of the muffin store rang as the door opened. Fuyu was currently busy cleaning the shelves and is deep in his thoughts. He isn’t really in the mood to entertain more customers so without looking, he said,

“We are out of stocks now and are about to close. Please come back tomorrow.”

But, he didn’t hear any reply or the bell ringing once more so out of curiosity, he turned to the customer and his eyes widened in shock.

“F-Fumie?” he called after he finally got his voice back. He was so shocked that he lost his grip to the rag that he was holding.

Fumie jerked right after their eyes met. She immediately lowered her stare to avoid more eye contact. “I-I’m sorry, Senpai… Did I startle you?” she asked while fidgeting with her fingers.

“H-How come I couldn’t sm—“ Fuyu shook his head as if it is his way of shaking the anxiety that is starting to cover his heart. “W-What brought you here?”

The girl then tried to hydrate her dry throat before speaking. “B-By any chance, d-do you have the time to talk? Let me treat you into something…”

Fuyu then felt a drop of sweat rolled down from his forehead. He really couldn’t calm his heart. He looked at the watch and saw that there is still around thirty minutes before he can get out from work. “I-I’m sorry, Fumie. My duty is not yet—“

“Go ahead, Fuyu-kun”

Their attentions transferred to Haruka who just got out from the kitchen, carrying washed trays on her hands. She placed them on a shelf before giving a faint bow to Fumie, not looking to the other girl at all. Fumie returned her a bow of courteousness.

“I will tell ‘Tou-shan that you really have to go… I will take care of the rest.” 

There was awkward silence between the three of them. Haruka gave out a sigh, getting irritated of the situation. She turned to Fuyu with a stare that is clearly telling him to leave.

The guy came back to his senses and started moving. He excused himself so he could quickly change his clothes. This left the two girls in a more awkward tension.

Fumie observed the other girl who is busy organizing the shelves. Her face is on a frown which doesn’t really suit her cute face. As far as she could remember, Haruka is a very cheerful person. The way she smiles is contagious. But seeing her like this today somehow gives Fumie a more troubled heart. What if what Miyu said was true?

“T-Thank you for letting Fuyu-senpai go…” Yeah, for now the right thing to do is to thank her for the favor that she’s doing for them.

The other girl slowly turned to her, the knot of her eyebrows gradually disappearing. It seems like she is the type that couldn’t keep a frown for a long time. Haruka took a deep breath.

“I’m not in the right place to say anything about your relationship but I only have one request…”

Haruka looked at Fumie in the eyes. This action took Fumie aback but she managed not to cut the connection of their stares.

“A lot of people cares for Fuyu-kun so don’t take him for granted…” Now her eyes turned even more serious. That stare itself tells that she should be taken seriously. “Don’t take him for granted…” she repeated. “There are people who would be more than willing to take him from you.”


GALAXY by Bolbbalgan4 would be a nice BGM. ;)

TWO THREATS in just one day. Fumie who is sitting at the swing tried to calm herself as Haru and Haruka’s words keep on echoing on her mind. It is like a track in endless loop. She was threatened about Fuyu being taken away from her. She could understand that a girl like Haruka might say things like that but for her Haru-senpai to say such things is a little bit off.

“Are all people with the ‘Haru’ character on their names like that?” She sighed.

Not long after, Fuyu arrived with two cans of his favorite chocolate drink in his hands. Fumie planned to treat him but Fuyu insisted that he would be the one buying something. And since they couldn’t go in public restaurants for reasons, they just settled with something simple.

“I’m sorry for taking long…” Fuyu opened one of the cans and handed it to Fumie which the girl gladly received. This is so unlikely of the first time that Fuyu bought her the same drink. She declined it and even lied that she doesn’t like chocolates.

The guy then sat on the swing next to her and opened his own can. He still looks tensed which is very new of him. He is usually composed. He might get shocked at times but he could quickly get himself together. Fumie couldn’t help to wonder why.

“Fumie…” Fuyu called which made Fumie’s heart skip a beat. She missed this voice calling her name. “I’m really sorry for what happened.”

Fumie jerked from her place and waved her hands. “N-No Senpai! I should be the one saying—“

“I’m sorry. I should’ve understood your feelings that time. My emotions took over and I’m really ashamed of that—“

“No, Senpai!” Fumie’s voice raised leaving Fuyu speechless. “I should be the one apologizing. I left you hanging at the day of the announcement and I even let you stood out there waiting for me. It is my fault that your fever worsened. It is my side that is lacking. You did so much for me!”


“I talked with my parents and they were also disappointed of what I did to you, of what I made you feel. And I realized how horrible I was to think that it was your fault that I failed the selection.” Fumie smiled bitterly remembering how it was unfair of her to do such things. She turned to Fuyu and as if on cue, the tears that she has been suppressing started pouring.

“Right after that encounter in the library, I couldn’t even get myself to sleep. It was the first time that you looked at me like that. I know you were so hurt but I couldn’t get myself to talk to you because I know I was the one that made you feel that pain. I thought that I don’t really deserve to be loved by you.”

“No, Fumie… Don’t cry…”

“I forgot that I chose you over becoming an idol. I forgot that I have given up the dream just to be with you. I’m really sorry for forgetting the fact that I am also inlove with you. Along the way my focus got diverted to the dream not knowing the risk that I am taking. I’m really sorry…”

Fuyu stood up from the swing only to kneel down in front of Fumie. He is already panicking, not knowing how to stop the girl from crying. He cupped her beautiful face and wiped her tears with his thumbs. “D-Don’t cry… I’m alright… I can handle anything just for you.”

“Don’t say such things… It makes me more guilty…”

Fuyu couldn’t stop himself from grinning. He could feel that Fumie’s sincerity and that drives his heart crazy. After all the pain, this kind of ending is all he ever wanted. Fumie freed herself from Fuyu’s grasp and went to take something out from her bag. It is two concert tickets.

“S-Senpai! Please go out on a date with me!”

“D-Date!?” Fuyu’s ears ringed in excitement. Did he hear her correctly? Is she really inviting him on a date? But she declined all his invitations for a public date before.

“These tickets are for the Jyuni Seiza concert. It was given to all of us who didn’t make it to the selection. Please, Senpai! I want to watch the concert with you. I’m an idol otaku before being an idol aspirant. My wota blood is calling me to watch this.”

Fuyu then burst into laughter to the point that he lost his balance and fell flat on the ground. Fumie was surprised but seeing her lover laughing made her want to laugh as well. She might not get why Fuyu is laughing but for the guy, that cute confession of being an idol otaku was just really adorably cute.

The guy stood up and with a wide smile on his face, stretched his hand to Fumie inviting her to stand up. “Let’s go home. It’s getting dark and I don’t want people to think that I am making you cry.”

Fumie smiled back at him, and with a nod, she reached out for his hand and didn’t let him go.

They are already in that uphill street where their houses are located when the wind starts to be a bit chilly. They are just talking about random stuffs but their faces are glittering in happiness. Hand in hand they walk, their souls rejoicing for being back together.

After telling a funny story about Natsu, the two just became quiet as if enjoying the silence they have in each other’s company or probably loving how their hearts resonate to the joy there is just by being together.

Fumie secretly looked at Fuyu but she marveled at the next scene that she saw. With his hair gently dancing with the wind and with the galaxy as his background, Fuyu just looks so breath-taking. She doesn’t know why but the whole sight itself is just so nostalgic; it is bringing butterflies to her stomach.

That smile on his face is something she wants to protect. Just like Kojima Haruna said, it feels like a smile of thousands won’t match the happiness this guy’s smile gives. There is a part of her that says Fuyu is her treasure, the only person who could make her feel this way.

Her cheeks started to feel warm as she keeps looking at the guy and without any thought, her mouth opened on its own, her voice escaped without her permission.


The wind suddenly blew hard that Fuyu had to cover Fumie from the dust it took. When Fumie opened up her eyes, she saw a very surprised Fuyu with his eyes getting teary. He was just looking at her with those orbs of him that seem to pass through her soul.

“Y-You called?” Fuyu asked, his voice a bit shaky.

Startled, Fumie answered with a nod and once more she called, “Hoshi—“

The girl gasped when the next thing that she remembers is Fuyu burying his face to her shoulder. She is inside a tight but gentle hug and the warmth of Fuyu’s breath on her neck is making her weak. “S-Senpai… will it be okay if I call you with that name?”

Fuyu answered with a nod while remaining on that position.

“Is there something wrong?” Fumie asked, she doesn’t know if she should return a hug or not.

“Nothing… I’m just glad that it is back…” Fuyu answered, inhaling a good amount of the girl’s scent.

“Hm? What do you mean?”

“Nothing.” Fuyu wiped his eyes first before facing Fumie again. “You can call me with that name since it sounds special. I won’t let anyone call me with that name other than you, Hime-sama.”




“SO I HEARD that you didn’t let Fuyu’s girlfriend in.”

Yuu took a sip of the hot chocolate that Haruna made for him. His eyebrows crunched up a little which Haruna immediately noticed. She smiled faintly to herself, knowing that she failed once more in remaking the taste that Yuu used to like. The lady sat beside her husband who was watching the TV that time. The couch in the living room is their favorite place in the whole house.

“I believe that it would be the best for her.” She leaned on Yuu’s shoulder and took a good intake of her husband’s scent. Yuu has been shooting a movie in Niigata for a week and now that he is on break, Haruna couldn’t help but to cave in. She just missed him so much. “You know where I am getting this decision, right?”

Yuu raised his arm and placed his hand on Haruna’s head. He started giving his wife some good head massage. “I understand you. I know how hard it was but… what if that girl doesn’t really l—“

“Don’t you still believe that they are meant for each other?” Haruna pouted. “Fuyu-kun has been searching for the girl with the scent since he was a child and that purpose didn’t change. It is fate that has put them together.”

Yuu looked at his wife and sighed. How could she be this extremely cute even if she has aged already? It feels like she’s still on her prime as an idol. “But your eyes were on her during the beginning of the course, right? You even said that there is someone who was oozing with idol material.”

“We can’t help it. I had to do it.” A memory then flashed in Haruna’s mind. There was this one time that she arrived in the company and was parking her car when she saw Fumie getting out of a heavily tinted car. She thought that it was Fumie’s father or a relative so she didn’t really pay attention but she was surprised to see who the driver was.

For a moment, the driver got out of the car to check his front tire. With that gray hair and black suit, from the way the guy stands, she already recognized who it was.

“I literally saved her.” Haruna murmured to herself.

“Are you saying something?” Yuu asked. He had to let go of Haruna to reach for his cup of hot chocolate in the table.

“Saa, Yuu-kun… Do you remember Asuka-chan’s state when she transferred to my agency?”

Yuu’s brows rose with the sudden question. “Asuka-chan? How is she doing anyway?”

“I can say that she’s doing better now but she hasn’t completely recovered. She still has problems with eating. I think that is the area where she was deeply scarred. But overall I can say that she’s doing really fine now.”

“She was so manipulated.” Yuu commented after taking a sip. “I’m glad that she’s doing well.”

“It was more like she was brainwashed.” Haruna took a deep breath, remembering Asuka’s horrible state during her transfer. She couldn’t open up herself to other idols thinking that they are all rivals. She’s so secluded, even Haruna got a hard time to open her up and made her comfortable. The girl was so frantic about her weight and grows anxious whenever she ‘eats too much’. She’s getting panic attacks with little choreography mistakes, thinking that she would be punished. It just shows how poor she was managed by her former company.

“Yuu-kun… What if I tell you that I saved Fu—“

“Otou-san!!!” Momoko came suddenly, running down the stairs. “Otou-san, Fuyu-nii-sama wore the shirt that you bought for him! Look, Manaka-chan sent me a picture of it.”

“R-Really?” Yuu immediately stood up from his seat and looked at the picture of Fuyu. As he expected the shirt would fit his son perfectly. He bought matching shirts for him and Natsu like he usually did when they were younger. But ofcourse, he couldn’t say that he was the one who bought so he asked Momoko to give it in his behalf and told her to say that she was the one who bought it. A smile curved up from his lips. “Natsu would be surprised if they happened to wear it at the same occasion.”

Seeing the smile on his husband’s face, Haruna heaved a sigh of relief.

“It seems like everything is fine now.” She told herself. “There’s no need to bring up that guy’s name anymore.”


A CIGARETTE was lighted up as Kato Kenta stepped out of their company’s building. He looked up at the building and smirked.

“It was all my effort that you came into existence but I couldn’t even call you mine.”

He removed his glasses to give it some cleaning but what happened inside the office of his uncle keeps on flashing back to his mind. His face may not show it but the way he wipes his glasses is a proof that he is indeed angry.

His uncle belittled him. Once again. It didn’t satisfy him to insult him privately, he made fun of Kato in front of all the other employees. Saying that Kato’s time is already over, that his eyes for idols have already betrayed him. His uncle even said that he was a made up genius, that people overrated him because he was young.

“The girl that would overthrow Saito Asuka? Are you kidding me? She didn’t even pass a simple idol course! Don’t make me laugh!”

Kato stopped from cleaning his glasses as his hands balled in anger. He could feel his body shaking as his emotion fills him up.

“Just wait and see…” He exhaled the smoke from the cigarette to calm himself down. “I’ll prove to the whole world that Kato Kenta’s eyes doesn’t fail… I never failed and never will.”

I love girls in short cut...

Offline LuckyMatsui

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Re: The Waste of a Wish - Chapter 36 (05-01) | Galaxy
« Reply #254 on: May 01, 2018, 01:37:47 PM »
“HE ALREADY quit school.”
“Fuyu-nii quit school and is now working full time at the muffin shop.” Natsu added. “He has been out of the school for three days.”

WTF!  :shock:

“For Fuyu-senpai’s sake, don’t believe these two, Haru-senpai!” Yuma couldn’t help it anymore so he stepped in the conversation. “Senpai is taking a leave from school because of his allergy. He will be back next week! Can’t you see that these two are secretly smiling?”

Haru turned to the two guys who were obviously trying to control their laughter but since Yuma already spoiled it they just let it all out. But, the president doesn’t seem pleased.

I really thought that Fuyu going to quit school. You got me there Cut-sama!

“Haru looks so cool and composed but he actually loses his cool when it comes to Fuyu-nii. You should’ve written a fanfic about him and Fuyu-nii and not with Aki! Or maybe some sibling love affair with me!” The Summer Prince even giggled at the thought of being shipped with his brother making the other guys cringe.

A drop of blood leaked from Miyu’s nose. In her eyes, Natsu was the tsundere while Yuma was the cute, little guy in distress. Such a perfect BL match. She’s not surprised that there would be people who started shipping them. Awestruck, she breathed, “Wow…”

FuyuNatsu  vs. NatsuYuma. I ship both  :luvluv1:

“That Fuyu!” Haru hit the table with his hand, garnering a bit of attention from the other students around them. He released a sigh and tried to calm himself down. “He is not just wasting his talent, now he is wasting his time as well. Why is he making his life revolve in just one girl? And now that he is being blamed and taken for granted he’ll go away and sulk in a corner!? Exams are coming and there he goes pretending to be still sick even though he has a body that heals fast! I’m ashamed to be beaten by him!”

“Senpai!” Miyu called, pouting. “Brakes please! The girl involve is right here!”

That’s right. Fumie is also sitting with them but she can’t bring herself to speak. She was just listening to whatever the others are saying. She could feel that Natsu and Aki are feeling a bit awkward towards her. They were firing innuendos at her but she chose not to mind. Even with Haru’s frankness, she decided not to bat an eye.

Wow! Realtalk!

“Maybe his fiancée is a pain in the ass.”

“Shut up, the two of you!” Haru hissed at the two but the two guys just made an ‘o’ with their fingers, gesturing that they hit the bull’s eye.

Coz' (maybe) Haru's fiancee is such a baka!  :wink:

“Why are you even thinking about it? Jusht give her up!”

Woah! Another realtalk from Haruka! Preach girl, preach! (I didn't quote the whole statement coz' its tooo looong)

“HARUPPI!!!” Fuyu shouted, he’s getting angry.

Haruka’s face turned red. “I told you to never call me that name again! My name is Haruka!”

 :shock: Fuyu finally said it!

“You witnessed it, Fumie-chan.” They all turned to Natsu who finally laid his eyes on Fumie. “It may seem that my brother will never turn his back to you but there are girls out there that are into him. If you keep on hurting and pushing him away, you don’t know what might happen.


Haru raised his pointing finger as if he just had a brilliant idea. “If you want to make everything more special, how about give him a nickname that only you can use?”

“A-A nickname?” Fumie repeated.


Haru turned back and smiled meaningfully.
“Make sure about it or I’ll be the one taking Fuyu from you.”


The other girl slowly turned to her, the knot of her eyebrows gradually disappearing. It seems like she is the type that couldn’t keep a frown for a long time. Haruka took a deep breath.

“I’m not in the right place to say anything about your relationship but I only have one request…”

Haruka looked at Fumie in the eyes. This action took Fumie aback but she managed not to cut the connection of their stares.

“A lot of people cares for Fuyu-kun so don’t take him for granted…” Now her eyes turned even more serious. That stare itself tells that she should be taken seriously. “Don’t take him for granted…” she repeated. “There are people who would be more than willing to take him from you.


GALAXY by Bolbbalgan4 would be a nice BGM. ;)

One of my fave Bolbbalgan4 song.

Fumie secretly looked at Fuyu but she marveled at the next scene that she saw. With his hair gently dancing with the wind and with the galaxy as his background, Fuyu just looks so breath-taking. She doesn’t know why but the whole sight itself is just so nostalgic; it is bringing butterflies to her stomach.

That smile on his face is something she wants to protect. Just like Kojima Haruna said, it feels like a smile of thousands won’t match the happiness this guy’s smile gives. There is a part of her that says Fuyu is her treasure, the only person who could make her feel this way.

Her cheeks started to feel warm as she keeps looking at the guy and without any thought, her mouth opened on its own, her voice escaped without her permission.



“Nothing… I’m just glad that it is back…” Fuyu answered, inhaling a good amount of the girl’s scent.

“Hm? What do you mean?”

“Nothing.” Fuyu wiped his eyes first before facing Fumie again. “You can call me with that name since it sounds special. I won’t let anyone call me with that name other than you, Hime-sama.

D★MN! Missing MaruParu. (Thinking about reading TTM for nth time now.)

“Otou-san!!!” Momoko came suddenly, running down the stairs. “Otou-san, Fuyu-nii-sama wore the shirt that you bought for him! Look, Manaka-chan sent me a picture of it.”

“R-Really?” Yuu immediately stood up from his seat and looked at the picture of Fuyu. As he expected the shirt would fit his son perfectly. He bought matching shirts for him and Natsu like he usually did when they were younger. But ofcourse, he couldn’t say that he was the one who bought so he asked Momoko to give it in his behalf and told her to say that she was the one who bought it. A smile curved up from his lips. “Natsu would be surprised if they happened to wear it at the same occasion.”

Seeing the smile on his husband’s face, Haruna heaved a sigh of relief.

Grow up Yuu! Don't be so tsun tsun!

“The girl that would overthrow Saito Asuka? Are you kidding me? She didn’t even pass a simple idol course! Don’t make me laugh!”

Kato stopped from cleaning his glasses as his hands balled in anger. He could feel his body shaking as his emotion fills him up.

“Just wait and see…” He exhaled the smoke from the cigarette to calm himself down. “I’ll prove to the whole world that Kato Kenta’s eyes doesn’t fail… I never failed and never will.

Let the DRAMA begin!

There's so many happenings for today's update, I really enjoy reading it. I'm really happy to see FuFu Couple settle their misunderstanding and enjoying themselves (for now). :kekeke:

Waiting for the next update/last chap for Season 1 YEAY!!!


About Yuma, he might end up with someone with I.R. initials.

Hmmmm.. I know someone with that initials. Are you serious about that? HAHAHA. Incest hehehehe. JK.


Sorry for having too many quotes.
Matsui Rena + Matsui Jurina =

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Re: The Waste of a Wish - Chapter 36 (05-01) | Galaxy
« Reply #255 on: May 02, 2018, 03:18:23 AM »
I'm so happy that I'd like to cry. Hearing (well, reading) Hoshi... that name again. Ahh. My heart is going to burst from emotion. I'm seriously happy for Fuyu and Fumie. They're so precious.

Also... oh no... is Kato Kenta a bad dude?

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Re: The Waste of a Wish - Chapter 36 (05-01) | Galaxy
« Reply #256 on: May 02, 2018, 04:06:19 AM »
as usual you never disappoint us a great and beautiful and touching chapter indeed

and i laugh out loud when natsu seems protested how he was being shipped with yuma, while yuma doesn't seems to care much doesn't he ?

and for the love of God....what do you mean is 'season 1' ? this whole amazing story from the beginning until now is just season 1 ? cut-sama you....must be genius.
still, who is haru's fiancee and what does it mean by taking fuyu from fumie? isn't haru already said that he is not into guys or he just being denial ?
and also.....did haruppi knows about her past life why she don't want to be called as haruppi ?

and lastly you said someone with I.R for yuma? hoho i know it,  she is someone who just recently graduate from her group doesn't she ? ;)

almost forget...that kato kenta......if he dares lay a hand on fufu couple.....

man i ask too much question (again) well sorry :bow: but i can't help but always curious of what will happen next (something that happen when i get so interested at something and you, master, just really got me with your amazing stories)

p.s: i wonder what fuyu will do if he knows that the t-shirt is actually given by his father ;)

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Re: The Waste of a Wish - Chapter 36 (05-01) | Galaxy
« Reply #257 on: May 02, 2018, 03:58:09 PM »
“Make sure about it or I’ll be the one taking Fuyu from you.”

Out of all what happened, this one caught my eye. Is Haru-Fuyu a ship now? LMAO

Anyway, this chapetr is good stuff. I can't believe they easiky forgave eachither lol. I was hoping for more angst, but oh well.

Sorry for the typo, i can't edit tgis well on my ohone lmao. Anyway, bless u and ur talent ;)
Uza... Uza... Uza... EKISAITINGU!!!
 :on asmo:

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Re: The Waste of a Wish - Chapter 36 (05-01) | Galaxy
« Reply #258 on: May 10, 2018, 05:43:53 AM »

@MatsuiLee-san, haha. Thank you for that blow by blow comment/reaction.. :) I really like the vocalist of Bolbbalgan4. She kinda looks like Ikoma-chan in some angles. XD I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter. :)

@Shinoki-san, I was actually hesitating to write that part but I'm glad it got a positive outcome. :) I guess there's still magic in that name. I wonder how Haru knew that Fuyu would like it. Haha. :)

@FZA02-san, Yuma thought that it would made him popular. Haha. XD
Actually, season 2 is not that long. I just like to call it that way. XD
All the questions will be answered soon~ hopefully~^^

@porkofdoom-san, Thanks for the effort. Haha. They might become a new ship if they stop brawling whenever they meet. XD
Angst? You sure? *smirk*

Thank you for those who read this chapter. Thanks for the comments and 'thanks' as well. Next chap is still under construction. Please wait a bit more. Have a good day everyone! :)
I love girls in short cut...

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Re: The Waste of a Wish - Chapter 36 (05-01) | Galaxy
« Reply #259 on: May 11, 2018, 01:46:29 AM »
Aahhh the Hoshi nickname.. I've been missing it :farofflook:
The relationships around Fuyu are getting better.. With Fumie.. With Yuu (now he only need to be more honest with Fuyu) :sleep:

End then that Kato Kenta guy come :angry: SEE.. He's not good!!  :angry:

JPHiP Radio (16/200 @ 128 kbs)     Now playing: Do As Infinity - Tookumade