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Author Topic: Detonator M  (Read 81295 times)

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« Reply #200 on: May 17, 2007, 12:40:23 PM »
"It hurts, doesn't it?" he asked M.
"Yeah. A bit. Just like the time Tokunaga-san spilled her hot chocolate on me."
"Hehe. Why? You didn't laugh at her puns?"
"Nah. She didn't see Shimizu-san and she tripped over."
"Ooooh! Burrrrrrnnnn! Hahaha!"
"I heard that M!" H shouted.
"Sorry. I just had to say that. Hehe."
"But enough of that. Do you want to know something that will hurt more?"
"When I cut your head off."

Ichiro dashed towards M but M was ready. He was able to parry the initial wave of Ichiro's flurry before he answered with a flurry of his own. Ichiro was able to parry them too. Ichiro tried to counter with a knee but M vanished and appeared behind him. M unloaded a straight but Ichiro vanished and appeared behind him, ready to strike. He hit M, but it was only an illusion, as M was already in the air, his hand was charged with electricity. In a split second, he headed straight for Ichiro but Ichiro was able to leap away in the nick of time. M's strike made a crater on the ground. Ichiro fired energy blasts into it before M could get out.

"I've seen that move before." Ichiro said as he kept on firing.
"Really? What about this?"

Ichiro stopped firing and looked above him. He looked at his side and he looked behind. He was surrounded.

"Do you think I'm afraid of your illusions? Think again brat! Come on!" Ichiro grinned as he put down his guard.

One of the "illusions" started attacking Ichiro. It aimed for Ichiro's face. Ichiro just smiled as he waited for it to connect.

His smile was erased once he got hit. It hurt him. He punched the "illusion" that just hit him but it vanished into thin air.

The taste of blood in his mouth made him realize that those were not measly illusions. One of them was able to damage him. And there were at least 50 more of them.

Ichiro released his aura and his body was covered by it. He took a fighting stance as the "illusions" began their assault...

"Wow! Pervy-kun's really strong! Maybe I shouldn't have teased him about his open fly before!" exclaimed Reina.
"Yeah. We should have been nicer to him." added Sayu.
"You can tease him all you want, Michishige-san. M's a good sport. You can call him whatever you like, just don't say anything bad about Niigaki-san." D told them.
"Don't worry Tanaka-san, Michishige-san. It's not in M's nature to hurt girls. You may think of him as lewd, but he's not like that. He's a... how should I say it...a gentleman? Hehe." added K.
"Maybe that's why the kids like hanging around with him." Ai said.
"Whee! It's like watching Dragonball Z!"
"You can see them, Kamei-san?" S asked her.
"Of course. Why? Can't you?" she said as she looked at the other girls. They looked at her with 'eh' looks and shook their heads. "What?"
"C...Can Michii-kun win?" Risa asked as she looked Dan.
"I know you’re worried for him but I'm going to be honest with you. I do not know. I do not know, Niigaki-san. Ichiro has changed since the last time I saw him and I do not know what else he is capable of.  But M, he does some unexpected things. He's different. No. He's special. Not just because of his Frame."
"Yes. Michii-kun is special..."

Suddenly they heard an explosion from where Ichiro was standing earlier. The blast destroyed the illusions and M was thrown to the ground. All they could see was a black, spherical barrier, which slowly disappeared as Ichiro became visible. His arms were bruised and his lips bled. But he had that 'you started it, I'll finish it' smile on his face.

"Ichiro's eyes..."
"What about them, Aya-san?" Risa asked.
"Both of them are blue now."
"Shit!" exclaimed Dan. "That means his Zero-Tolerance mode has activated!"
"Zero-what?" asked R.
"It's something similar to Dynamic Guardian mode. However, once in this state, you will have no control of your actions. Your only objective is obliterate whatever stands in your path."
"That's bad, right?" Sayu asked.
"You can say that. If he defeats M, we're all done for. Now let's just hope M can stand for three minutes."
"Three minutes?"
"Yes. Unlike Dynamic Guardian mode, Zero-tolerance has a time limit. It was implemented as a last resort. We never thought that there would be a situation that Ichiro would use it, hence the time limit."
"So that's what that chip was for." Tezuka said.
"What chip?" Dan asked.
"When I was fixing him, the very first he asked me to do was to remove this small, blue chip from his frame and erase some values from his registry."
"What does that mean, Dan?" D asked.
"It means that now, his Zero-tolerance mode has no time limit." S answered. "Get ready guys. M might need our help."

Before M could stand up, Ichiro ran towards him and hit his face with a knee. While M was knocked back, Ichiro grabbed his leg and slammed him on the ground. M bounced off it and Ichiro kicked him up to the air. Ichiro buried his hands in the ground then took them out, covering his fists with large chunks of earth. He jumped into the air and slammed his fists onto M. He followed it with a foot stomp, sending M back to the ground. Once they landed, Ichiro stomped M a few more times before he mounted him and punched him repeatedly. M was able to block some of the punches but Ichiro's savage attack was able to destroy his guard in no time. The other Guardians dashed to help M but Ichiro blasted them away with energy beams. Ichiro proceeded to pummel M. After a few blows, M started to lose consciousness. Ichiro grabbed M by the red scarf and continued punching him.

"What a cheap scarf, probably as cheap as the one who gave it to you. Hehe." Ichiro said.
"What did you just say?" M asked.
"You didn't hear it? Alright. I said your scarf's cheap, just like Niigaki!"

Another punch was about to land on M's face but he caught it with his hand and crushed Ichiro's fist. Ichiro let go of the scarf and stepped back. Even if his hand started to regenerate, he was writhing in pain. He attempted to kick M but M was able to punch him first, sending him a few feet away. After his hand was fully regenerated, he attacked M again. M ducked and punched Ichiro in the stomach. Ichiro backed away and looked . The area that M punched was caved in.

"You called Gaki-san cheap. I won't forgive you."
"She's not just cheap, you know." Ichiro answered.  He charged and released his entire black aura and contained it in his hand. M did the same and covered his right hand with his red aura. Ichiro started walking slowly than ran full speed towards M as M did the same. They clashed. Now they were a few meters away from each other, with their backs turned.

"Who won?" Reina asked.
"I dunno." Eri answered.
"But you could see them when they were fighting earlier, right?"
"Yeah. But my eyes got tired." Eri said as she kept blinking rapidly.

M dropped on his knees and started to cough out some blood. Ichiro turned around and started to laugh but he stopped when he placed his hands on his side. He just found out that a portion of his torso was missing. M then stood up and smiled at him.

"Bastard!!!" Ichiro yelled as he charged his aura again and fired an energy wave at M.

"I was waiting for that hehe." M said as he placed his hands together. "KA-ME..."
"Eh? Kamehameha?" Risa said.
"He's a Saiya-jin?!" Added Reina.
"See. He's not only a robot. He'a also an alien." Eri told them.
"Cyborg, Kamei-san. We're cyborgs." S corrected her.
"Go M! Go M! Fight, fight, fight!" D and Sayu said as they held each other's hands.
"Eeww!" Reina told them.

M's kamehameha devoured Ichiro's energy wave. Ichiro could not dodge it anymore so he blocked it. At first it seemed that he was successful at stopping it, the kamehameha only pushed him back. Ichiro started to move forward but M added more energy to keep him away but he kept moving forward.

"Is that all you've got M?"
"I told you before, I have a Son Goku complex." having said that M disappeared from where he was and reappeared behind Ichiro. "KAMEHAMEHA!!!!"

Ichiro was caught between two kamehamehas. The one behind him exploded once it made contact. The one in front exploded soon after.

The entire area was covered by smoke. The others could see a silhouette of someone standing.

"He did it." said Ai.
"No. That's Ichiro." R answered.

R was right. As the smoked cleared, it was indeed Ichiro who was standing. However, one of his arms was blown off and now, his entire frame was almost exposed. The only part of him left unscathed was his face. He dropped on his knees as M slowly approached him.

"Pervy-kun did it! He beat him!" Reina said as she embraced Risa.
"I guess he did." a teary-eyed Risa answered.
"Whew! That was close." said Eri as she tried to feel out her handkerchief from her pockets.
"Here you go, Kamei-san." S said as he handed her a handkerchief.
"He did it! He did it!" D and Sayu shouted as they jumped together.
"Could you two cut it out?" Reina scolded them.
"Tss. M really did it, huh. Hehe. Now he's surely gonna rub it in." H said.
"He's strong, Aniki. He's stronger than us."
"That's what happens when you have a strong desire to protect someone. You risk everything you have, not thinking of anything, even the consequences. We should learn from him boys." R said.
"In the end, the one you least expect to do it saves us all. At least there wasn't a hostage-taking situation chapter here."
"Hostage-taking situation? What do you mean Dan?" Tezuka asked.
"Well, you see, there are things that are always present in stories, like flashbacks, jumping the shark, return of former love interests, lovers quarrels, you know those kinds of stuff. I think the writer nailed at least two from the ones I said."
"Both of us are products of the writer jumping the shark, aren't we?"
"I dunno. Maybe?"
"Huh? Where is Aya?"

M stopped in front of Ichiro. "Now for the finishing technique..." He put out his index and middle fingers.

"Bakusai Tenketsu!!!" he shouted as he aimed for Ichiro's forehead. Ichiro closed his eyes as it hit. He wondered why nothing has happened yet, why he was still alive.

"Gotcha! Bakusai Tenketsu can't be used on people, you know. Didn't you watch Ranma 1/2?" M said as he started to walk away. Ichiro spoke when M was a few steps away.
"You won already and you have every right to gloat so what are you waiting for? Kill me!" M stopped and went back to him. "Kill me!!!"
"You really want to die?" he said as he put out his palm into the Big Bang Attack position.
"Stop! Don't kill Ichiro! Please."

It was Aya. She went between them, trying to shield Ichiro from M.
"Please. Don't do it. I beg you."
"No need to do that Matsuura-san." M said as he put his hands down. "I'm not like him. I don't kill people." he added as he turned his back and started to walk towards the others.
"Thank y..."

Before Aya could finish, Ichiro shoved her and impaled M with his hand. His hand went through his chest. After he pulled it out, he fired Macross-esque death beams towards the others.

Tezuka advanced and created a barrier to attract all the death beams to it. It was successful but the beams penetrated the barrier and punched holes into his body.

"I...Ichiro. How could you?" Aya said as she wept.
"Tsk tsk. Why did you let your guard down? You should have finished me when you had the chance, M. Now I'm going to kill you before you can recover." Ichiro said as he grabbed M by the hair.
" bastard!"
Ichiro prepared to chop off M's head but he felt something warm on his forehead. He let go of M as he tried to look for the source of the heat.

"Oh shit!"

Suddenly, his head exploded. His body exploded afterwards. The one who did it made sure that not even a shadow of Ichiro would be left.

"You're too violent." BoA said.
"You shouldn't have let your guard down too."
"No one survives the Death Glare."
"Was that necessary, Miki-tan?" Aya asked her.
"YES!" all of the others said in unison.

"I guess I should go back now." BoA said as she pressed something on her wrist.
"Won't you need repairs, BoA-san?" Dan asked.
"Nah. You've done enough already. Fujimoto-san, take care of Ayaya okay. Bye." After saying that, BoA vanished into thin air.
"You don't have to tell me that." Answered Miki. "Hey, how come my chest is exposed?" she said as she looked at the Guardians who were all pointing at Dan.
"I'm not the in-house doctor…"

"Michii-kun!" Risa shouted as she ran to him. Blood continually flowed out from the hole in his chest. "Hang on. Don't leave us."
"Don't cry, Gaki-san. This is what I was made for. My duty has been fulfilled. Soon they will erase everything about me from your memory. Don't waste your tears on me"
"I won't allow them to do that. And I'm not going to let you die! Mister in-house doctor, please help him. He's losing a lot of blood."
"He's not the in-house doctor, Gaki-san." Sayu told her.
"He's not the only who will be leaving, Kamei-san."
"What are you saying, Shingo-kun?"
"Now that Ichiro has been defeated, we serve no purpose." K answered.
"So you're saying that they're going to erase our memories and get rid of you guys too? Like I'd let them!" Reina said furiously.

"I will live." Tezuka said as he lay on the ground. "No vital parts were severely damaged. Go, help M."
"Alright." Dan said." H and H2, go help Tezuka and take him back to the van. "Wait for me M."

"Hang on Michii-kun. Don't leave me. Who's going to guard me when I'm going to do the Alo-Hello?"
"It''s..... fine Gaki-san. If I ever was going to die, I....I... would have your...arms........."
"Michii-kun? Michii-kun? Don't scare me like that. I...I...lo..."
" you too, Gaki-san...."

"What about the baby?"


"Our baby?"

"What baby?"

« Last Edit: May 18, 2007, 06:16:14 AM by wordsworth »

WAR AKARI!!! Infernal Ninjutsu, Hidden Lore...Freedom of Opposites Technique!!! Rest in peace Kyle,Jab,Mom,Tita, ChrNo...

Offline Aioros

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Detonator M
« Reply #201 on: May 17, 2007, 12:43:15 PM »


M shouted as he sat up. He looked around. The place was familiar. It was the place where he first opened his eyes. His arms were heavily bandaged and so was his head.
"Hey, you're awake." M turned to see who it was.
"G..Gaki-san?" it was Risa. And she was peeling some apples. "Where are the others?"
"Oh? They had to do some errands."
"I see."
"Yes. How come I have the impression that you're not happy to see me."
"No, no. That's not it. I just had a bad dream. That's it."
"Ah. You must be hungry. You've been asleep for more than a week. Here." Risa said as she fed him some apples.
"Thanks. What happened to me? Another accident?"
"No. You fought Ichiro-san and you defeated him."
"Really? So that wasn't a dream."
"So now you know I'm a cyborg, right."
"Yes. And I don't care. I still like you."
"They didn't erase our memories. Tsunku-san said that we're old enough and we should at least know the truth. I still remember everything, especially the day we first met."
"I see."
"He also said that you guys still have to protect us. He said something about discovering Super Spy satellite thing."
"Shit! S's toy has been found! I must tell him to lay low for a while."
"Nothing. Please go on."
"He said it was made by those tabloid companies' IT people."
"Whew! I thought S was busted hehe."
"Scary huh? Next thing that could happen would be female cyborgs protecting those guys from Johnny's."
"Haha. That would be cool."
"Tsunku-san was also here earlier. He said that if you can't recover in time, he'd let Shingo-kun accompany me on my Alo-Hello trip."
"Like I'd let that happen!" M said as he stood on the bed. "I'm perfectly healthy now! We can leave today if you want!"

Risa tapped his knee and M shouted in pain, he almost even cried.

"You're funny Michii-kun."
"Yeah. I guess I am. Hey, how come there are some skulls on my bandages?"
"Oh that? The kids did that. They even doodled on your face. I had a difficult time erasing the marks."
"Ah. Sorry to trouble you with that."
"It's fine."
"I should scold the kids when I get out of here. I'll...."
"I have a question for you. Please answer me truthfully."
"Yes. What is it?"
"Are you Masato-kun?"

M didn't know how to answer her. Before, it was him who wanted to know who he was. But now, after he learned that he was indeed Kitahara Masato, Risa's childhood friend, he didn't know what to say. Should he tell her?

"My name is Mitsui."
"I see. Thanks for protecting me, Mitsui."
"You're welcome, Gaki-san..."



"You didn't like it, Hitomi-chan?"
"Not really Mommy. But I liked the other stories you told me before. Like he one where the girls were cursed and the one where Berryz Koubou got drunk and the one where the girls did something in the Ferris Wheel."
"I see. You don't like the characters here, don't you?"
"Nah. I like em. But why'd you have to put Retsuya-onii-chan there too?"
"Well, stories like these need an extra hero character, like those ranger shows on TV."
"Ah okay."
"Don't worry, next time, I'll tell you a story about Goto Maki having something..."
"Something extra?"
"Well....sorta. Kinda like that. Okay, go to sleep now, Hitomi-chan. You still have school tomorrow"
"Good night mommy!"

As soon as Hitomi's mother left the room, she checked her message inbox.

Wentz is being followed by a tabloid reporter. Anyone near the area, please intercept or apprehend. Kthnx!



"Nah! That's too far for me. I'll let someone else do it this time..."

« Last Edit: September 02, 2008, 09:50:24 AM by wordsworth »

WAR AKARI!!! Infernal Ninjutsu, Hidden Lore...Freedom of Opposites Technique!!! Rest in peace Kyle,Jab,Mom,Tita, ChrNo...

Offline Aioros

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Detonator M: Author's Notes
« Reply #202 on: May 17, 2007, 12:48:33 PM »
Disclaimer: I didn't steal Hitomi-chan and her mom. I asked permission from Loser87.

After 26 chapters, it's time to close the curtains for M and his crew.

A brief history/flashback (not again)
I started writing this when I wasn't able to sleep about the thought of Miki being a terminator-like killing machine, created to infiltrate H!P and eliminate the girls one by one. I wasn't confident that I could write something in Miki's POV so I decided to 'partially' scrap the idea and just make my own characters for it. And so, M was born.

I'm a huge fan of fighting anime like YuYu Hakusho, DBZ, etc. I'm an anime fan, in general. I even watch Beyblade and Crush Gear. I jacked some of the characters' moves from anime shows, fighting games and others. I hope they don't get me for copyright and legality and stuff. :hee:

Sorry if the fight scenes weren't that good. I blame myself for not being good with drawing. I could have drawn those scenes so that you could appreciate them better.

Honestly, I wasn't sure if I could finish this story. I was starting to run out of ideas and time.  But I told myself that I had to do it for you, the readers. Yeah, you. It doesn't matter if you read all, just one chapter, or even just a sentence from the story. If it weren't for you guys,  I wouldn't have gotten this far. So I thank each and every one of your support and patronage

/emo mode off

The last chapter is post #200. If it ended with 300, it would have been madness... :lol:

...oookay. That was lame, wasn't it. :depressed:


The main story is done and it takes the necrobumping days for this thread with it. I know it's not as popular as the other fics but I enjoyed writing this story. There were high and low times and I didn't know that writing could be so frustrating and fulfilling at the same time. What I can say is that I'm proud of writing this story.

Now if only writing this in my resume would help me land a better job. :kekeke:

I'm hoping that this isn't the last time you'll be hearing from M and the gang.  I'll try to make one-shots too, like what happened in Risa's Alo-Hello, and a side story for K (I feel sorry for him. He's like the ranger/rider who's suddenly left out of the picture), if time permits.

Till then, peace out!

« Last Edit: May 17, 2007, 03:05:24 PM by wordsworth »

WAR AKARI!!! Infernal Ninjutsu, Hidden Lore...Freedom of Opposites Technique!!! Rest in peace Kyle,Jab,Mom,Tita, ChrNo...

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Re: Detonator M
« Reply #203 on: May 17, 2007, 09:25:15 PM »
This was my first H!P fanfic that I followed(and I think the first I read on this forum possibly)
and I loved it, every chapter of it!!! There was never I point where I thought 'ah, i think it'd be better this way instead.'  I thought the ending was brilliant and well...I loved it!!!

I do hope you can do some of the one shots, I love your characters - usually I can never get along with original characters but I got really attached to yours!!

Congratz on writing and finishing a great fanfic! ^^

set made by me
Here's me singing and dancing!

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Re: Detonator M
« Reply #204 on: May 18, 2007, 01:22:56 AM »
Congrats on finishing this fic words!!

i have to say no other fic cracks me up with your style of conversations between characters.

I didn't understand the baby part ?! what about it XD

Btw continue to work hard on your neko rider fic ;D

4th Pic of Eri courtesy of t-motion's gallery ~ Sangokushi Taisen anyone ? ~ Lame attempt at a personal blog ~

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Re: Detonator M
« Reply #205 on: May 18, 2007, 02:06:31 AM »
Quote from: wordsworth
Ichiro was able to parry them too. Ichiro tried to counter with a knee but M vanished and appeared behind him. M unloaded a straight but Ichiro vanished and appeared behind him, ready to strike. He hit M, but it was only an illusion, as M was already in the air, his hand was charged with electricity.

Sounds like goku vs vegeta :D

"Whee! It's like watching Dragonball Z!"

Damn, you said it XD

"But you could see them when they were fighting earlier, right?"
"Yeah. But my eyes got tired." Eri said as she kept blinking rapidly.

Lol, eri. Mogu mogu wee wee!

"I was waiting for that hehe." M said as he placed his hands together. "KA-ME..."


"Well, you see, there are things that are always present in stories, like flashbacks, jumping the shark, return of former love interests, lovers quarrels, you know those kinds of stuff. I think the writer nailed at least two from the ones I said."
"Both of us are products of the writer jumping the shark, aren't we?"


Before Aya could finish, Ichiro shoved her and impaled M with his hand. His hand went through his chest. After he pulled it out, he fired Macross-esque death beams towards the others.

This is what happens when you have pity for enemy.. God damnit!

"No one survives the Death Glare."


"What about the baby?"

Err, WHAAAT!! Oh, it's a nightmare ... lol

"He also said that you guys still have to protect us. He said something about discovering Super Spy satellite thing."
"Shit! S's toy has been found! I must tell him to lay low for a while."


"Like I'd let that happen!" M said as he stood on the bed. "I'm perfectly healthy now! We can leave today if you want!"


"Don't worry, next time, I'll tell you a story about Goto Maki having something..."

Oh, next fic?

Wentz is being followed by a tabloid reporter. Anyone near the area, please intercept or apprehend. Kthnx!



"Nah! That's too far for me. I'll let someone else do it this time..."

Wait, what?!

Omedetou words! You're awesome.. *cough* Ok, time for the next fic? XD
« Last Edit: May 18, 2007, 02:08:08 AM by ziggurat »

Jab <3 marimari <3 ChrNo~ your spirit shall live forever.. T_T ||

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Re: Detonator M
« Reply #206 on: May 18, 2007, 09:20:24 PM »
That's one cool fic you've finished back there. Congratulation!!! Your right, writing stories are sometime frustrating and fulfilling at the same time. And you'll feel an achievement if you finished one. Bravo!! Two thumbs up!!! ;D

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Re: Detonator M
« Reply #207 on: May 19, 2007, 06:02:20 AM »
"It hurts, doesn't it?" he asked M.
"Yeah. A bit. Just like the time Tokunaga-san spilled her hot chocolate on me."
"Hehe. Why? You didn't laugh at her puns?"
"Nah. She didn't see Shimizu-san and she tripped over."
Tripping over Captain? :D

"Ooooh! Burrrrrrnnnn! Hahaha!"
Literally! :P

One of the "illusions" started attacking Ichiro. It aimed for Ichiro's face. Ichiro just smiled as he waited for it to connect.

His smile was erased once he got hit. It hurt him. He punched the "illusion" that just hit him but it vanished into thin air.
So, if it hit him, it must be the real M. But if it was the real M, Ichiro would have been able to hit him back, but he couldn't.

What's the deal? 

"Wow! Pervy-kun's really strong! Maybe I shouldn't have teased him about his open fly before!" exclaimed Reina.

"Whee! It's like watching Dragonball Z!"
I said the same thing during the final Neo/Smith fight in the final MATRIX movie. 

"You can see them, Kamei-san?" S asked her.
"Of course. Why? Can't you?" she said as she looked at the other girls. They looked at her with 'eh' looks and shook their heads. "What?"
EH??? Nani? o_o

But M, he does some unexpected things. He's different. No. He's special. Not just because of his Frame."
"Yes. Michii-kun is special..."
Mame-chan rabu-rabu!!!  :heart:

"Ichiro's eyes..."
"What about them, Aya-san?" Risa asked.
"Both of them are blue now."
"Shit!" exclaimed Dan. "That means his Zero-Tolerance mode has activated!"
Aw shit he's powering up!   :scared:

"It's something similar to Dynamic Guardian mode. However, once in this state, you will have no control of your actions. Your only objective is obliterate whatever stands in your path."
"That's bad, right?" Sayu asked.
"You can say that. If he defeats M, we're all done for. Now let's just hope M can stand for three minutes."
"Three minutes?"
"Yes. Unlike Dynamic Guardian mode, Zero-tolerance has a time limit. It was implemented as a last resort. We never thought that there would be a situation that Ichiro would use it, hence the time limit."
Something like the "berzerker" mode that Guyver's go through when their host body is severely damaged. Considering the stress it would put on the users frame, not to mention the local area wherever the fight is taking place, a time limit seems reasonable.   :)

"So that's what that chip was for." Tezuka said.
"What chip?" Dan asked.
"When I was fixing him, the very first he asked me to do was to remove this small, blue chip from his frame and erase some values from his registry."
"What does that mean, Dan?" D asked.
"It means that now, his Zero-tolerance mode has no time limit." S answered. "Get ready guys. M might need our help."
Aw crap. Stupid Tezuka.  THIS is why you always need to make sure you know what you're doing as well as exactly why you're doing it before you actually go and do it!

"What a cheap scarf, probably as cheap as the one who gave it to you. Hehe." Ichiro said.
"What did you just say?" M asked.
"You didn't hear it? Alright. I said your scarf's cheap, just like Niigaki!"
Oh shit, NOW Ichiro's done it.   :grr:

Better back up everyone.

M's kamehameha

"He did it! He did it!" D and Sayu shouted as they jumped together.
"Could you two cut it out?" Reina scolded them.
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww... :D

M stopped in front of Ichiro. "Now for the finishing technique..." He put out his index and middle fingers.

"Bakusai Tenketsu!!!" he shouted as he aimed for Ichiro's forehead. Ichiro closed his eyes as it hit. He wondered why nothing has happened yet, why he was still alive.

"Gotcha! Bakusai Tenketsu can't be used on people, you know. Didn't you watch Ranma 1/2?" M said as he started to walk away.
Damn, pwned by a technique used by a character with no sense of direction...THAT has gotta suck. ;D

"You really want to die?" he said as he put out his palm into the Big Bang Attack position.
Big Bang Attack position??? This one does not ring a bell for me.  :dunno:

"Stop! Don't kill Ichiro! Please."

It was Aya. She went between them, trying to shield Ichiro from M.
"Please. Don't do it. I beg you."
Geez Aya, after seeing what a psycho he is, how can you still have feelings for him?!?!? Good thing that Miki's out cold right now, otherwise she'd be having a CRAZY fit.   :OMG:

"No need to do that Matsuura-san." M said as he put his hands down. "I'm not like him. I don't kill people." he added as he turned his back and started to walk towards the others.
"Thank y..."

Before Aya could finish, Ichiro shoved her and impaled M with his hand. His hand went through his chest. After he pulled it out, he fired Macross-esque death beams towards the others.
That bastage...that's low, even for a villain.   :shock:

Ichiro prepared to chop off M's head but he felt something warm on his forehead. He let go of M as he tried to look for the source of the heat.

"Oh shit!"

Suddenly, his head exploded. His body exploded afterwards. The one who did it made sure that not even a shadow of Ichiro would be left.

"You're too violent." BoA said.
"You shouldn't have let your guard down too."
"No one survives the Death Glare."
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Miki's death Glare saves the day!!!   :cool1:

"Was that necessary, Miki-tan?" Aya asked her.
"YES!" all of the others said in unison.
YES!  :angry1:

Fujimoto-san, take care of Ayaya okay. Bye." After saying that, BoA vanished into thin air.
"You don't have to tell me that." Answered Miki. "Hey, how come my chest is exposed?" she said as she looked at the Guardians who were all pointing at Dan.
"I'm not the in-house doctor…"
Dan you idiot, why'd you say you weren't the doctor? You could have gotten some "up-close and personal"-type time while you "repair" Miki.  :pimp:

"Michii-kun!" Risa shouted as she ran to him. Blood continually flowed out from the hole in his chest. "Hang on. Don't leave us."
"Don't cry, Gaki-san. This is what I was made for. My duty has been fulfilled. Soon they will erase everything about me from your memory. Don't waste your tears on me"


"He's not the only who will be leaving, Kamei-san."
"What are you saying, Shingo-kun?"
"Now that Ichiro has been defeated, we serve no purpose." K answered.

"It''s..... fine Gaki-san. If I ever was going to die, I....I... would have your...arms........."
"Michii-kun? Michii-kun? Don't scare me like that. I...I...lo..."
" you too, Gaki-san...."
*holds fists up in midair while screaming to the sky*


 :frustrated: :frustrated: :frustrated: :frustrated: :frustrated: :frustrated: :frustrated:


"So now you know I'm a cyborg, right."
"Yes. And I don't care. I still like you."

"They didn't erase our memories. Tsunku-san said that we're old enough and we should at least know the truth. I still remember everything, especially the day we first met."
"I see."
Well that was awfully intelligent, and kind of Tsunku. :hee:

"He also said that you guys still have to protect us. He said something about discovering Super Spy satellite thing."
"Shit! S's toy has been found! I must tell him to lay low for a while."

"He said it was made by those tabloid companies' IT people."
"Whew! I thought S was busted hehe."
Safe.  O0

"Scary huh? Next thing that could happen would be female cyborgs protecting those guys from Johnny's."
"Haha. That would be cool."
That's assuming they could find girls who'd actually do their jobs as Guardians instead of just throwing themselves at the Johnny's boys.  ::)

Hey, how come there are some skulls on my bandages?"
"Oh that? The kids did that. They even doodled on your face. I had a difficult time erasing the marks.
I would have liked to see those doodles. Knowing some of what the Kids said to/about him before there were probably a few chibi-HG's on him as well as "FUUU" written out in kanji. :wahaha:

"Are you Masato-kun?"


"My name is Mitsui."
Indeed he is. Everything that he did as Risa's Guardian was done as Mitsui, not as Masato.  He's not Masato with a new identity. He's Mitsui.

"Nah. I like em. But why'd you have to put Retsuya-onii-chan there too?"
"Well, stories like these need an extra hero character, like those ranger shows on TV."
"Ah okay."

As soon as Hitomi's mother left the room, she checked her message inbox.

Wentz is being followed by a tabloid reporter. Anyone near the area, please intercept or apprehend. Kthnx!



"Nah! That's too far for me. I'll let someone else do it this time..."
Poor Wentz.  :lol:

Wait a sec...female Guardians can have kids? Cooooooooooooooooooool.

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: Detonator M
« Reply #208 on: May 19, 2007, 08:02:15 AM »
big bang is a dbz attack...vageta is it??
and the illusion but being hit reminded me of naruto's kage bunshin - cuz it dissapeared when hit aswell O.o

set made by me
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Re: Detonator M
« Reply #209 on: May 19, 2007, 09:58:19 AM »
^ Yeah. The Big Bang Attack is one of Vegeta's signature moves  ;)

WAR AKARI!!! Infernal Ninjutsu, Hidden Lore...Freedom of Opposites Technique!!! Rest in peace Kyle,Jab,Mom,Tita, ChrNo...

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Re: Detonator M
« Reply #210 on: May 20, 2007, 08:40:52 AM »
Wow, I don't know what to say......
It's been a great 26 chapters wordsworth and thanks for all the great memories. Okay, now I'm sounding emo :p

Well, I guess this is goodbye for now. If you ever write again I'll be sure to read it. Looking forward to Gaki-san's Alohello story that's for sure. 

Btw, I loved how you wrote the girls in the story. M and all his friends too. GOOD JOB on the fight scenes as well! Last but not least, 3 cheers for Detonator M and you ^^

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Re: Detonator M
« Reply #211 on: May 22, 2007, 03:47:45 AM »
Great fic WW! I can't write mine cause of "busy school studies". I have no time either... unless I can write in class.. lol.
Anyways, I read it all, yay, and there should be a sequel =p ... thats how good it is <3 :heart:
Risako Sugaya
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Detonator M: Special Chapter 2 Doujin
« Reply #212 on: August 17, 2007, 09:04:50 AM »

It's been months since the fic ended but ChrNo's been busy making this:


Wanna see what happens next?

You should go check it out. You won't be disappointed. :)

I should be paying ChrNo for doing this, but ChrNo's got more money than me. :cry:

So I'll be paying ChrNo with eternal gratitude and by not saying that Miya looks like Wentz. <- That's the last time I say Miya looks like Wentz

I told ChrNo to post it but ChrNo said that I should do it coz I'm the writer. I can't do the "Massive Quoting Technique" so I'll just copy paste this:
Quote from: ChrNo
Thanks everyone who has read this fic !

Waa.... this is my longer project ever... 5 months to complete it he he.
(reasons were school and laziness he he he)
I'm really happy now that it is finished fuuuu~~~~
it was planned for a long time ! i even had the time to prepare the next chapter...

I'm still testing my style, still working on it. But ronin said i've improved !

So, this chapter is about H and H2 first meeting.
The story starts with a flash back, that i hope you guys remember from wordsworth's Chapter number 20 "Tragedy "

After that, H wakes up, and i guess you would notice that he doesn't wear his earings, that is because he gave them to M.
the scene takes pace during the winter concert tour.

Dan is supposed to remind you Grissom from CSI lol but Brian said he looks more like the half life dude he he

Page 24 is dedicated to zigg hehehe
one time he sent me a video where momoko was trying to be sexy and captain goes "janaaaaaai" we also posted a gif of that :D

as a Miya wota, she had to appear :p

Page 34 is the best page i have ever made i think.
when my brother first saw the doujin he kept telling me to put background and other shadow effects.
for the background i got a bit lazy XD but for the shadows, i hope i didn't put too much lol

H and H2 don't have the same haircut so we can tell them apart. if wordswords didn't make H gives his earings to M it would have been easier ha ha ha

On page 31, about Risako's talking.
When she gets nervous, she has problems to talk he he he , just like in her own hello pro hour, she introduced her self as "Suyasako" :D
for those who read the first special chapter, she was like that too.

i don't know if you notice on page 37, H is on the left, and H2 on the right.

also my biggest problem is drawing nose lol
still on page 37, you can see that the girls don't have any except Maimai...(otherwise her glasses would fall !)
Chisato was the easiest to draw. when i drew erika, i thought i was drawing Yossi again hahaha
the one who gave me problems was Maimi :\

as for the last sentence, on page 40, about Mr MoonLight charm, it was a joke from wordsworth :
"so what is that ?"
"i don't know lol just something about the fact that H and H2 are from Yossi'DNA"

Pocky...yes Pocky girls !

Ok ok i'm almost done, just one last thing about the cover
the first version is few pages back in that thread.
i didn't think about making another one, but Brian said it was too weird that captain doesn't have a nose. so i started to work on it.
As i said earlier, my weakness is nose...

Captain at the end was too realistic comparing to others lol
so wordsworth and brian told me to make Airi realistic too.
I still had problem for the i put dark on them XD

i really love drawing that chapter. i hope you enjoyed reading it and that you would read the next one !

thanks :)


I gotta give a big hand to ChrNo for the time and effort. It's truly an honor for a writer like me, who's been deprived of any artistic talent because the higher authorities above knows I idolize Oh Great! and Rusher Ikeda, to see the characters I made in action. They came out a lot better than I expected.

You can have your rest now ChrNo, and start drawing your Miya dreams again.

Preview for the next Chapter:

« Last Edit: August 17, 2007, 09:12:24 AM by wordsworth »

WAR AKARI!!! Infernal Ninjutsu, Hidden Lore...Freedom of Opposites Technique!!! Rest in peace Kyle,Jab,Mom,Tita, ChrNo...

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Re: Detonator M
« Reply #213 on: August 18, 2007, 12:06:38 AM »
Next chapter in the Detonator M manga/doujin/whatever!!! :w00t:


EDIT: Just to be sure, if this is Ch. 2, Ch. 1 is the one in this post, right?
« Last Edit: August 18, 2007, 12:30:23 AM by JFC »

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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