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Author Topic: {Sky and Ruka} PRISM - Chapter 16 (Part 3) *190223*  (Read 91098 times)

Offline ametakarano

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Re: {Sky and Ruka} PRISM [Yokoyama Team K] Chapter 14 (Part 3) 160101
« Reply #120 on: January 03, 2016, 06:22:13 AM »

 :wigglypanda: :wigglypanda: :wigglypanda:

Thanks for the update, Ruka-senpai~


I hope she appears here. You'll make two people really happy if she does. LOL

Offline hackata48

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Re: {Sky and Ruka} PRISM [Yokoyama Team K] Chapter 14 (Part 3) 160101
« Reply #121 on: May 22, 2016, 06:55:51 PM »
More pls Ruka.....

Deyval: or I launch the Pentecost Missles to this pathetic planet!
« Last Edit: May 22, 2016, 07:07:31 PM by hackata48 »

Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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Re: {Sky and Ruka} PRISM [Yokoyama Team K] Chapter 14 (Part 3) 160101
« Reply #122 on: May 22, 2016, 06:57:20 PM »
More pls Ruka.....

Aye, aye, sir! :3

:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
:heart: l Collab threads: Sky&Ruka l Ruka&Michael l :heart:
 l Compilation thread: 48G New Gen l :heart:


Offline hackata48

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Re: {Sky and Ruka} PRISM [Yokoyama Team K] Chapter 14 (Part 3) 160101
« Reply #123 on: May 22, 2016, 07:02:50 PM »
*Hovers hand in the Exterminatus button*

Deyval: I will be waiting...... Heretic.

Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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Re: {Sky and Ruka} PRISM [Yokoyama Team K] Chapter 14 (Part 3) 160101
« Reply #124 on: May 22, 2016, 11:30:05 PM »
After a long hiatus, I am back! :D

Chapter 15

After a phenomenal victory against Obsidian and rescuing a fallen Prism knight, the five young knights were now reaching a higher level. Not only did the girls have gained two more allies, but they also have new mentors to teach them more about how to handle their powers. The girls became familiarized with more skilled styles of combat and an array of powerful spells.

Ever since Sayaka and Sae made themselves their new teachers, they gave them special training in order to better their skills. Sayaka focused on combat and fighting, since she had such an athletic build, while Sae helped train them in many types of magic spells to strengthen their Gems.

And today, the two had a special lesson planned.

"Okay girls, today's challenge, you must try and fuse your weapons with Gem energy,” Sayaka explained.

“Huh? Fuse? What does that mean?”

“Allow me to explain!” Sae said cheerfully. “By focusing our Gem energy into our weapons, we can strengthen our attacks with magic. For example, Yui could use a fire spell to create a flaming sword!”

“Woah! Cool!”

Sayaka and Sae had prepared the girls' task, giving them weapons they didn’t normally use.

“Alright. Place your Gem in the open base of the weapon you have in your hand,” Sayaka instructed. “Once it’s locked in, concentrate on merging your Gem’s energy with that weapon.”

The five did as their mentor instructed and placed their Gems inside the weapons. Yui had a pistol, Sayanee and Jurina had swords, Haruppi had a katana, and Mako had cufflets.

After they felt their energies merging with their weapons, they soon noticed that the metal was glowing the colors of each of their Gem auras. With their new powers, they decided to test what they could do.

Yui shot a few bullets at a near target. The bullets looked ablaze with fire and shot each one at the bullseye, leaving slight burn marks and smoke.

Sayanee and Jurina clashed their swords. Jurina grinned and slashed her sword, blowing the older girl back with a gust of wind. Sayanee retorted this by freezing her blade like ice and clashing with Jurina’s again before pushing it back with a colder shockwave.

“Brrr.. looks like winter’s come early,” Jurina chuckled.

Haruppi slashed her katana and was surprised to see she could generate many cherry blossom petals. However, as she slashed them again, they became razor sharp and shot at the targets, leaving tears and rips.

“Better be careful with that one,” Haruppi said as she sheathed the katana.

Mako then started throwing punches with her cufflets and saw she could generate lightning. She went to the punching bag and gave it several rapid punches.

“Yeah! Woo!” she cheered.

“Not too fast, kay?” Yui warned.

When Mako stopped, she smiled brightly. “Not even breaking a sweat!”

“Well, I guess they mastered it quickly,” Sae smiled. Sayaka nodded and agreed.

"Alright then, let's really put them to the test!" Yuko said.

The girls trained for hours with their newfound powers, mastering their Gem energy fused weapons and combining them with the new combat skills they were taught. Soon, the girls were tired and out of breath from using so much energy.

The Twin Towers looked at each other and smiled.

Sayaka then announced, “Okay, that’ll end training for today.”

Those words were like heaven to the five that they instantly collapsed and can finally relax.

“Uwaa~ it’s over...”

“For now.”

“I’m hungry~ Let’s go to Takamina’s family restaurant and get some katsudon~”

Now it was here Sayaka and Sae had overheard a bit of their conversation and heard something that puzzles them.

"Hey Sayaka," Sae whispered to her partner, "What is a 'family restaurant'?"

In response, Sayaka shrugs her shoulders.

The five happened to notice their puzzled expressions. Mako then walked up and asked them.

“Wanna come with us?”

“To where?”

“The family restaurant. It’s really good!”

“Uh.. could you maybe explain what that is?” Sae then asked shyly.

"Eh? Sayaka-san, Sae-san, you don't know what a ‘family restaurant’ is?" Haruppi asked.

The Twin Towers shook their heads.

“How bout a karaoke box?” Mako then asked curiously.

Again, they shook their heads.


"For all our lives, starting when we were only young apprentices training to become knights, we've trained and lived away from the city and public," said Sae.

"It's required back then for warriors to be separated from the public at a young age so to help focus in the training," Sayaka included, “We were instructed never to venture into the modern world. We pretty much shut ourselves out so no one would know we existed.”

“So...” Haruppi covered her mouth. “Don’t tell me…you’ve never even been to an amusement park?!”

Sae hesitantly answered with guilt, “Sorry, Haruppi...”


“Well, now that things have started to change, me and Kana would sometimes go out and blend in so we could stake out some of Obsidian’s activity,” Yuko stated.

“Plus, the five of them have grown up living in the modern world,” Kana also mentioned. “I guess it wouldn’t be bad if Sayaka and Sae went out now.”

“Yeah, but, we don’t know a thing about modern human society,” Sae said.

It was here that Jurina’s optimistic character took over and she made a statement.

“This won’t do! Sayaka-san and Sae-san, you two need to be more aware of the modern world,” she strongly recommended to the two.

Sayanee and the other girls of the current team are confused to what Jurina has in mind.

“Uh...Jurina? What are you--?” Sayanee began but she was ignored.

“Time for a makeover, you two!” Jurina said.

The two just blinked.

“Uh…what’s a makeover?” Sae asked confused.


Jurina and the others wanted their senpai to experience the life of a person living in the city. So they took them around Shibuya in order to transform her two senpai in order to fit in with the modern world.

The first thing though she needed to do was take them to a clothes department so to find them modern looking outfits since all the two had to wear are their robes. At first they were about to go straight to the girls clothing section, until Jurina stopped them and thought maybe they should try something different. By her suggestion, she brought the two to the section where there are boyish clothes available. She became like a stylist and would some sets of clothing that fitted the two girls, immediately taking them to the changing rooms to see their new look.

"Okay senpai-tachi, let's have a look at you!"

Sayaka and Sae walked out of the two changing stalls at the same time to reveal themselves in the outfits the girls picked for them. Sayaka was wearing a pair of jeans along with a loose button-up shirt, while Sae had a T-shirt under an unbuttoned flannel shirt and loose jean overalls.


"You two look so cool!"

“Sae, you could pass off as a boy!”

“Eh~? Really?” Sae giggled as she admired her reflection. “Sugoi~ so this is what people wear nowadays.”

Sayaka looked over and saw some girls wearing cute, frilly and pink clothes, meanwhile her clothes had a tomboyish feel.

“Why can’t I wear clothes like that?” Sayaka said as she looked at the flowery, girly dresses.

“Oh come on, Sayaka,” Sae hugged her partner’s waist. “You look beautiful to me, no matter what clothes you wear.”

“Hmm, more girly, huh…” Jurina looked through the clothes, then she got an idea.

She got a few items that looked well together and asked Sayaka to try the new coordination on. When she changed and came back out, she now had on a jean jacket with the sleeves slightly rolled up on top of a plain white top and a long yellow skirt.

“Wow! That’s so cute!”

“Yeah, that definitely suits you, too!”

Sayaka looked at herself in the mirror, blushing a bit.

“You think..?” she smiled shyly.

“Sayaka~~~” Sae immediately hugged the girl and moved in to kiss her. However, Sayaka was shy and pushed her back a bit.

“S-Sae, not now. We’re in public…”

“Nevermind that. I’ll let the world see how much I love my Sayaka~”

Seeing the two all lovey-dovey made the girls giggle.

“Who knew these two were such a cute couple?”

Jurina however felt like there was still something she can do to improve the Twin Towers’ appearance.

“Yosh!” she grabbed both of their hands. “Time for Part 2 of the makeover! To the hair salon!”


“W-wait, Jurina-chan! What’s a hair salon?!”


An hour later the girls exited the hair salon, and the four were amazed to see their two senpai’s new hairstyles.

By Jurina’s suggestion, Sae’s hair was cut much shorter than what it used to be that she couldn’t tie it up in her tiny ponytail anymore. With this new look Sae looked so much closer to being a boy, in fact, she was very handsome. As for Sayaka, she had her hair slightly trimmed and was dyed from black to a dark brown, darker than Sae’s hair.

“Woah~ you guys look amazing!”

The two looked in the mirror at their new haircuts and were blown away. They almost didn’t recognize themselves.

“Uwaa~ sugoi~ This is so cool! It’s so short!” Sae played with her new hair, ruffling it.

“Oi, Sae, don’t mess it up,” Sayaka said like a mother and proceeded to fix the girl’s hair. “There.”

“Hehehe, thanks.”

“And with that, Operation Senpai Makeover has successfully completed!” Jurina cheered.

The four girls applauded Jurina’s work while Sayaka and Sae still looked in awe at their new appearances.

“So, now what?” Sae asked curiously.

“Now, your first experience with the modern world. We’re taking you to our favorite family restaurant!”

“Oh, that’s that thing you mentioned earlier,” Sayaka realized.

“Yup! You’ll love it! It’s a great place!”

“Well, alright. We trust you, girls.”

“Alrighty! Let’s go~”


Of course, the team had to let their two senpai try out the food at Takamina's restaurant, as it was too good an opportunity to pass up. They quickly brought the pair to the family restaurant and entered.

"Welcome," Takamina greeted the new customers, "Hm? I've never seen you two before. Are they friends of yours girls?"

"Hai!" Jurina replied, "They are...friends from out of town. They just moved back to Tokyo.”

“Oh, well it’s nice to meet you,” Takamina said to Sayaka and Sae, “So what will you two be having?”

Sayaka and Sae glanced at the menu but showed puzzled expressions, quickly hiding behind the menus so Takamina wouldn’t see.

“Psst, Sayaka...I have no idea what those things are,” Sae whispered to her partner so Takamina couldn’t hear them.

“Neither do I.”

“Hm? Is something wrong?” asked Takamina, pulling down the photos.

The pair flashed awkward smiles. Not wanting to be rude, Sayaka spoke, “Um...forgive us. We seem to have trouble deciding what to order.”

But Takamina smiled and laid down their menus on the table.

“Alright then. How about I give you two my special recommendation?”

“Recommendation?” Sae repeated.

The two looked at each other, nodding.

“We’ll do that then.”

“Perfect,” the short girl smiled as she took their menus. “Wait here a moment.”

A while later, Takamina came out with a tray of her recommended special dish.

“For you girls, I made something special. My delicacy, Takamina’s famous katsudon!” the girl said as she laid out two bowls of katsudon in front of the Twin Towers. “Go ahead and eat up!”

The Twin Towers curiously looked at the strange new dish.

“Ka-tsu-don?” said Sae.

Sayaka was about to pick up some of it with her hands, but Takamina stopped her, “Woah, woah! Here, use these.” she handed both of them chopsticks.

“What are these..?”

“Oh, I’ve seen these. Japanese people eat them with almost everything,” Sayaka said as she broke apart the two sticks.

“Eh~? Sugoi, Sayaka. How did you learn about this?”

“I was curious and I guess I couldn’t help myself.”

“What, are you two foreigners?” Takamina giggled, “Come and eat up now, before it gets cold.”

“Ah, yes, ma’am!” Sayaka said.

Sae looked over at her girlfriend, having difficulty using her chopsticks.

“Here…” Sae gently took the girl’s hand and showed her how to properly hold them. “Like this.”

“Oh. Thanks, Sae.”

“No prob,” Sae smiled and gave a small peck on Sayaka’s cheek.

Takamina blushed a bit, covering her mouth. She walked over to her five junior employees and whispered to Yui, “Are they a couple?”

Everyone nodded, smiling at the cute gesture Sae made.

“Let’s eat, then,” the short haired girl spoke.


The two then picked up the first pork cutlet with their chopsticks and bit into them.

Just after one bite, the two suddenly lit up with bewilderment.


"This is...!"

They looked at each other then exclaimed at the same time, "Umai!!"

The two began eating the Katsudon up happily and wholeheartedly. The five young girls couldn’t help but giggle at their senpai's reactions to tasting the food for the first time.

“Wow, I’ve never seen two girls eat like that,” Takamina chuckled.

“Mm~ so good!”

"I've never tasted anything like this!”

"Well I’m happy to hear that. Feel free to drop in and have a meal here anytime," Takamina willingly insisted

"Thanks!" said the Twin Towers.

After the pair was finished, they put down their empty bowls and sighed blissfully, leaning back in their seats.

“My belly’s full…” Sae smiled, poking her stomach. “Hehehe, I’ve never felt my tummy be this full~.”

“That was great. Thanks, Takamina,” Sayaka said.

“No problem. Now then, with that, it’ll cost 1400 yen.”

The two then raised their heads with wide eyes.

“Um… Sayaka, do you have money?” Sae whispered in Sayaka’s ear. The elder girl looked at her and shook her head. Sae frowned, “Me neither.”

“Don’t worry, girls,” Sayanee smiled. “We’ll pay for it.”

“Eh? Do we have enough left? I mean, we went shopping and went to the hair salon, too.”

“Oh, you girls have had a busy day!” Takamina said. “In that case, it’s on the house.”

“Maji?!” The Twin Towers said.

“Anything for close friends of my co-workers. I hope you both become loyal customers.”

The two then smiled and bowed in front of the tiny chef.

“Thank you so much!!”


After a good lunch, since the girl’s had finished training and had nothing else to do, the five took their two senpai to a local park. There, the five sat under a large cherry blossom tree and just relaxed in the spring air.

Yui let out a relieved sigh as she breathed in the sweet scent of cherry blossoms, Jurina and Sayanee sat beside each other while Sayanee was strumming her guitar, and Haruppi and Mako were chatting and taking photos.

Sayaka and Sae, however, weren’t sure exactly what they should do. The two were afraid of one of Obsidian’s minions appearing and attacking them again, so all they were able to do was keep watch. They kept pacing and looking around to make sure nothing was going on.

“Sayaka…” Sae walked backwards and had their backs touch.

“Don’t worry. I’m here,” Sayaka gently held Sae’s hand, reassuring her.

“Sayaka-san, Sae-san, why so tense? Sit down and relax,” Haruppi said.

“But… we need to keep a lookout just in case one of Obsidian’s goons come after us.”

“We don’t need to,” Yui then spoke, her eyes closed.


“We worked hard and deserve a break. And I don’t think Obsidian will be coming back so soon after such an epic defeat. Besides, if he was, we would get word from Yuko.”

“Which we haven’t~” Mako added.

“But isn’t it important we always keep watch?” Sae asked. “Just in case..?”

“Working hard is important,” Jurina spoke.

“But feeling good is important, too,” Sayanee continued. “You just gotta know when to balance.”

“Right~” The two looked at each other and smiled.

“I guess we can’t blame you, since you girls are young,” Sayaka said, but still had a serious expression. “Still…”

“Trust us, senpai-tachi,” Yui said as she patted down on the grass underneath the tree.

The two looked at each other and finally decided to go by their juniors’ words. They sat down underneath the tree and tried their best to relax and not think about Obsidian.

It was then that Sae looked up and noticed something.

With a smile she said, “Hey, Sayaka… doesn’t this remind you of our tree?”

“Eh..?” Sayaka looked up.

“See? The flowers are shading us from the sun perfectly.”

“You’re right…”

Sae laid her head on Sayaka’s shoulder and smiled. “I’m glad you’re back.”

Sayaka couldn’t help but feel her heart skip a beat. She leaned her head against Sae’s. “Me too.”

“See? No worries,” Yui said as she sighed out peacefully.

“Un…” Sae’s eyes drooped and she let out a small yawn. “Sayakyaa… I’m sleepy…”

“Me too… It’s so nice…” Sayaka’s eyes gently closed. Sae’s did the same and soon, soft snores could be heard from her.

The five looked at the sleeping couple, watching silently as they slept with their fingers intertwined in one another’s. Haruppi couldn’t resist and took a quick photo of the two.

“Kawaii~” she whispered with a wide smile. “I’m keeping this.”

“When should we wake them up?” Sayanee asked Yui.



To Be Continued

:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
:heart: l Collab threads: Sky&Ruka l Ruka&Michael l :heart:
 l Compilation thread: 48G New Gen l :heart:


Offline ametakarano

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Re: {Sky and Ruka} PRISM [Yokoyama Team K] Chapter 15 160522
« Reply #125 on: May 27, 2016, 05:43:36 AM »
A really nice comeback, Ruka-senpai!  :wigglypanda:

Atleast giving the girls a sweet time to enjoy life~

Moreover giving us SaeYaka moments!!  :luvluv1:

I'll wait for the next one! Ganbatte~  :onioncheer:

Offline sasshirie

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Re: {Sky and Ruka} PRISM [Yokoyama Team K] Chapter 15 160522
« Reply #126 on: May 27, 2016, 10:22:57 AM »
welcome back!


Offline xswordeyesx12

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Re: {Sky and Ruka} PRISM [Yokoyama Team K] Chapter 15 160522
« Reply #127 on: May 27, 2016, 10:18:06 PM »
nice , come back ^_^ ruka_senpai/author-san

new powers to our five heroes with new looks to their senpais

very convincing words there jurina & sayanee
“Working hard is important,” Jurina spoke.

“But feeling good is important, too,” Sayanee continued. “You just gotta know when to balance.”

it reminds me with steven ^_^ like steven universe. thats nice

see you in next chapter . I will definitely wait for it...

Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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Re: {Sky and Ruka} PRISM [Yokoyama Team K] Chapter 15 160522
« Reply #128 on: May 28, 2016, 02:55:55 AM »
very convincing words there jurina & sayanee
“Working hard is important,” Jurina spoke.

“But feeling good is important, too,” Sayanee continued. “You just gotta know when to balance.”

it reminds me with steven ^_^ like steven universe. thats nice

That's where I got it from. :3

:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
:heart: l Collab threads: Sky&Ruka l Ruka&Michael l :heart:
 l Compilation thread: 48G New Gen l :heart:


Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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Re: {Sky and Ruka} PRISM [Yokoyama Team K] Chapter 15 160522
« Reply #129 on: June 04, 2016, 08:17:16 PM »
Preview of Chapter 16:

“Where am I..?”

“Don’t worry, you’re safe now,” Yui reassured her. “I found you outside. You got in an accident.”

“Accident?” The girl look at Yui confused.

“Don’t you remember?”

“No… I can’t remember much of anything at the moment,” she said as she held her head.

“Do you remember where your from? Or anyone from your family or friends from school?”

She shook her head.

“Do you at least remember your name?”

:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
:heart: l Collab threads: Sky&Ruka l Ruka&Michael l :heart:
 l Compilation thread: 48G New Gen l :heart:


Offline xswordeyesx12

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Re: {Sky and Ruka} PRISM [Yokoyama Team K] Chapter 16 Preview
« Reply #130 on: June 06, 2016, 08:35:14 PM »
????? :? :? :?

I wish paru is that person......  :roll:

or new ally/enemy .. and nice preview ..... can't wait for this  :) :) :)

Offline hackata48

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Re: {Sky and Ruka} PRISM [Yokoyama Team K] Chapter 16 Preview
« Reply #131 on: June 11, 2016, 07:04:32 PM »
*Hand hovers over Exterminatus button*

Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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Re: {Sky and Ruka} PRISM [Yokoyama Team K] Chapter 16 Preview
« Reply #132 on: June 11, 2016, 07:07:10 PM »
*Hand hovers over Exterminatus button*

Plz, just wait a little longer! :bow:

:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
:heart: l Collab threads: Sky&Ruka l Ruka&Michael l :heart:
 l Compilation thread: 48G New Gen l :heart:


Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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Re: {Sky and Ruka} PRISM [Yokoyama Team K] Chapter 16 Preview
« Reply #133 on: June 12, 2016, 04:11:54 PM »
Happy birthday, Hack!


Chapter 16 (Part 1)

One day, Yui was shocked to see a huge accident that had taken place in front of the shop. What could’ve caused the accident, she didn’t see, but by the looks of things, and how she found a fragment of a dark Gem at the scene, she knew Obsidian was involved.

She went outside and investigated the scene, taking pictures with her watch and sending the Gem fragment to Yuko for analyzation. She was about to leave, when she heard a groan in pain. In the wreckage, Yui found a young girl, struggling to remain conscious as she tried to crawl out. Yui helped the girl and looked at her.

“Are you okay?”

The girl only looked at her, dazed, before her eyes fluttered shut and she collapse, unconscious. Yui saw her head was bleeding slightly, so she obviously took a large blow to her head in the accident.

It was then her Gem started glowing. She closed it in her hands, looking around to see if Obsidian’s men was around. Fearing that the girl would be in danger, she took her in her arms and carried her back to headquarters.

“Guys, I’m sorry, but I brought a civilian,” Yui quickly apologized to her teammates and mentors after putting the unconscious girl in the infirmary.

“Yui, what were you thinking?”

“I-I’m sorry, but I couldn’t just leave her there!”

“Well, I understand that you care, but just be careful. If she found out our secret...”

“I know. I really am sorry.”

It was then Yui noticed something, or rather someone, is missing.

"Ara? Where is Sayaka-san and Sae-san?"

"They're not here. They left on a small assignment by a certain comrade of ours’ request," Yuko explained, "They'll be back in a day or two."


“Yeah, a good friend of ours who used to fight with us. She lives in Fukuoka right now.”

“Oh, okay.”

“Look, we’ll let you look after that girl while we train. Just keep her in the infirmary.”


While the four got back to training, Yui sat in the infirmary by herself and watched over the sleeping girl. She couldn’t help but admire the girl’s looks. She was beautiful, almost like an angel or sleeping princess. Another thought entered her mind, however, as she continued to stare…

“She seems familiar… Have I seen her before somewhere?”


Yui then heard a small sound. When she looked, she saw the girl begin to stir from her slumber. Her body started to move as she groggily rose her body.

“Hey…” she spoke in a soft voice. “Hey.. you okay? Can you hear me?”

The girl’s eyes fluttered open and looked around. She looked at Yui and stared at her for a moment before looking around again, seeming unfamiliar with her current surroundings.

“Where am I..?”

“Don’t worry, you’re safe now,” Yui reassured her. “I found you outside. You got in an accident.”

“Accident?” The girl look at Yui confused.

“Don’t you remember?”

“No… I can’t remember much of anything at the moment,” she said as she held her head.

“Do you remember where your from? Or anyone from your family or friends from school?”

She shook her head.

“Do you at least remember your name?”

This time, the girl nodded.

“Haruka,” she answered. “Shimazaki Haruka.”

“Haruka… Nice to meet you. I’m Yui.”

“Yui,” she spoke softly, giving Yui a sweet smile. “Nice to meet you.”

“So, Haruka, what do you remember? Do you know how old you are?”

“Hmm… 21.”

“Oh. Do you remember if you go to college or anything like that?”

“Mm~” She concentrated, trying to remember. “Maybe… I’m not sure.”

“That hit you took in the accident must’ve affected your memory. I’m sure you’ll remember once it heals.”


“Do you remember where you live?”

“Ah, that I remember. I live here in Tokyo, at a local apartment complex.”

“I’ll help you find it later.”

“Thanks, Yui,” Haruka smiled again, giggling a bit.

“Hm? What’s so funny?”

“It’s just.. I feel happy talking to you.”

Yui smiled at that statement. “I’m happy to hear that.”

“Maybe we should talk and meet each other more? Can I have your number?”

“Sure. Let me have yours.”

Haruka started searching through her purse. She found her phone and pulled it out, but was shocked to see the screen was cracked.

“Oh no… it must’ve got broken from the impact,” she frowned. “I’ll have to buy a new one.”

“I’ll go shopping with you one day to pick one out.”

“Would you really?!” Haruka smiled widely.

“Of course.”


“Yui, how is she doing?” Yuko then walked in.

All the sudden, Haruka’s expression changed. She became shy and awkward and shrunk away as Yuko walked toward Yui.

“She alright?”

“Yeah, but I think she hit her head in the accident. She lost her memory temporarily.”

“Oh, alright. I hope you get better soon,” Yuko said with a friendly smile.

“Ah… uh… thanks,” Haruka answered awkwardly.

The two merely blinked, a bit surprised at her reaction. To Yuko, it seemed rather… “salty”. And for Yui, even though she just saw her so bright and bubbly and comfortable talking, this was rather strange to see her act so shy suddenly.

“Uhhhh, okay~ Anyways, Yui,” Yuko leaned closer so Haruka wouldn’t hear, “there’s some Black Gem activity. Go take Haruka home so you can go out for battle. The others already went.”

“Okay,” Yui responded. Yuko then smiled at Haruka one last time, to which the girl only gave another “salty” reaction.

“Okay~.... Bye,” the girl simply said before leaving the two of them alone.

“Come on, Haruka. I’ll walk you home.”


Haruka and Yui walked side by side through the busy streets of Tokyo, when they finally reached the apartment building Haruka lived in.

“I guess this is where we part,” Haruka said with a shy smile.


“Can we meet again someday?”

“Sure. We have to get a new phone, don’t we?”

Haruka chuckled. “Right.”

“Since I can’t text you, I’ll just come by here to see you. It’d be a lot easier and quicker.”

“Okay. Bye, Yui,” Haruka waved goodbye as she walked back into her apartment building.

After that, Yui quickly ran to where the fight was taking place. She used the compass/tracker on her communicator to see where her teammates and the enemy were.

“This way!”

She kept running until she saw her teammates fighting against Beryl, fighting against lizard-like beasts with Black gems on them.

“What on Earth..?!”

“Yui, Beryl’s been experimenting with Earth animals and mutating them with the Black Gems. He’s turned them into Geo-beasts!” Yuko’s voice spoke.

“How dare he!”

Yui quickly transformed and entered the battle slashing her sword towards the beasts as she protected herself. Then, she glared at Beryl.

“This is awful, Beryl! You turned these innocent animals into monsters! Unforgivable!”

“Ha! These animals were weak and powerless before I got a hold of them.”

“But they’re lives were still precious to this world,” Sayanee said angrily. “You took it away from them by making them such beasts!”

“Now you’re going to pay for these actions!”

Yui slashed her sword at the beasts, hearing them roar and cry out in anger. She felt sorry for them, but as they were now, they knew that they were in pain and needed to be put out of their misery before they could cause harm.

Sayanee used her powers to freeze the beings in their spot, bounding their frozen feet to the ground. Mako and Haruppi would shoot out their bullets and shuriken as the beasts’ tails swung at them.

“Yui,” Jurina yelled towards the leader, “The weak spot is their tail! There was one other, but I cut its tail with my spear and it was defeated.”

“Got it! Everyone, aim for the tails!”

Just as Yui said, after the beasts were subdued, everyone used their weapons and aimed at their tails. One by one, the beastly lizards fell and reverted to small black stones. After collecting the stones, the next obstacle to deal with was Beryl.

“You PRISM knights have gotten in my way for the last time,” he pulled out a whip and cracked it, sending out a huge shockwave, knocking the knights back.

He then lassoed Yui with the whip and picked her up, hanging her in the air.

“Starting with you!”

Yui shut her eyes as she saw Beryl coat his hand in blue lightning and reaching out to electrocute her. It was that moment when a purple light came out of nowhere and hit Beryl’s back.

“Argh!” He let go of Yui as the knight fell to the ground, landing on her feet.

“What..?” she blinked as she saw a purple light, flying around Beryl.

“Damn it…” Beryl held his injured back. “Another day, knights.”

He then disappeared, and Yui, before anyone else, saw the purple light disappear as mysteriously as it had appeared.

“What happened, Yui?” Haruppi asked, confused.

“I’m not sure…”


After the description she was given, Yuko stopped and looked at Yui with deep curiosity.

"Wait a second, what was that? Did you just say you saw a purple light?"

“Yes. I don’t know what it actually was, but I know it was on our side,” Yui said.


“What do you think it was?”

“To be honest, I’m not too sure. If you see this light again, take some pictures of it so me and Kana can investigate.”


“And, how is Haruka? Did she suspect anything?”

“No. We’re good. In fact, all she wants is to see me again.”

“Well, at least she seems to get along with you. She was pretty… salty to me.”

“Salty?” Yui chuckled. “No, she’s just shy. She’s as sweet as sugar.”

“That’s a good thing to know.”

To Be Continued
« Last Edit: February 23, 2019, 05:28:06 PM by Ruka Kikuchi »

:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
:heart: l Collab threads: Sky&Ruka l Ruka&Michael l :heart:
 l Compilation thread: 48G New Gen l :heart:


Offline xswordeyesx12

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Re: {Sky and Ruka} PRISM [Yokoyama Team K] Chapter 16 (Part 1) 160612
« Reply #134 on: June 12, 2016, 10:43:45 PM »
 :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: :w00t:

nice .... great timing to open my account ... new update   :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

and awesome paru and yui finally met ... OTP...  :wub: :wub: :wub:

there's a connection to them and I think paru is going to be a future prism knight  :inlove: :inlove:   

all and all nice ^_^ wait for pt 2.... and that mysteriously purple light that's for sure to keep in mind in next part.... :? :? :?

and Good Morning Ruka-san ....I'm too much excited to comment.. because of paru... :oops: :oops:

Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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Re: {Sky and Ruka} PRISM [ON HIATUS]
« Reply #135 on: September 23, 2018, 12:25:38 AM »
Added a new poll!

After two years, would you guys like to see a new version of Prism with the current Team K (Komiyama Team K), or continue on with the adventures of Yokoyama Team K's Prism Knights? Please let us know! ^-^

:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
:heart: l Collab threads: Sky&Ruka l Ruka&Michael l :heart:
 l Compilation thread: 48G New Gen l :heart:


Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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Re: {Sky and Ruka} PRISM [ON HIATUS] *New poll added*
« Reply #136 on: November 12, 2018, 03:41:51 PM »
Important note: Made a few revisions in Chapter 8 Part 1! This will be important for a future plotline once this fic is off hiatus! ;)

:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
:heart: l Collab threads: Sky&Ruka l Ruka&Michael l :heart:
 l Compilation thread: 48G New Gen l :heart:


Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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Re: {Sky and Ruka} PRISM [ON HIATUS] *Important update!*
« Reply #137 on: January 26, 2019, 01:27:50 AM »
It's time... for revival! xD

Yes, we're back! Here is the next part of Chapter 16!


Chapter 16 - Part 2

Now after the girls have told her of the mysterious figure that helped them in battle, Yuko needed to pass this information to Sayaka and Sae, who both were still on their small mission in Fukuoka.

She talked to them through the computers as she contacted their communicators. After Yuko talked for a minute, the Twin Towers were caught in surprise like she did.

"What? A purple light?" Sayaka spoke, "Is that true?"

"Yui said she saw it herself," Yuko confirmed, "It was a purple light that seemed to

"Yuko, you guys know what this could possible mean?" said Sae, "Could it be...?"

"It's not it?"

Yuko is not sure herself.

She looked at the photo of themselves back in the old days with their original members and former teammates.

"Is it really you...?"


The next day...

“Haruka!” Yui met with Haruka in front of her apartment building, the two dressed for their day out to buy the latter a new phone.

Haruka smiled when she saw Yui and waved at her.

“Sorry, did I keep you waiting?” she asked as she walked down the steps.

“No. I just got here. Let’s go.”

The two started walking into the city, chatting a bit as they did. Once they reached the shop, they began looking for a new phone for Haruka.

While she was doing that, Yui looked at some of the phone straps and saw a pair of pink and blue straps with star charms on them.

“These are cute… Maybe I should buy them for Haruka.”


Yui looked back and saw Haruka behind her, making her jump a bit.

“I picked out a phone. Will you help me choose a case?”

“Oh, sure,” Yui smiled a bit, then showed her the straps. “Hey, what do you think of these?”

“Uwaa~ they’re so cute!”

“I was thinking of buying them, so we could match.”

“Really? Thank you!” Haruka hugged Yui suddenly, making her blush. A few seconds after, however, Haruka became aware of some people staring. “Ah! Sorry… I got excited.”

As she pulled away, Yui stared at her shy expression, her heart fluttering a bit.

“What is this..? It’s like I’m on a date with her…”

After picking out a case and setting up her new phone, the two left the shop. Yui then proceeded to attach the matching straps to each of their phones.

“Kawaii~” Haruka smiled brightly.

“We still have some time left to ourselves. Is there anything else you wanna do?”

As if on cue, the two heard a small growl. Haruka smiled, embarrassed.

“I’m hungry…”

“Why don’t we go eat at a café?”



After an alarm had went off alerting more Black Gem activity, the four went out searching in the streets, looking through dark alleys and abandoned buildings.

“Weird… it should be here…”

Even though they had been searching for a long time, their trackers still didn’t pick up anything. It was as if the energy had disappeared.

“Mou~ it’s obvious it’s not here,” Jurina said. “Let’s go.”

“No, we have to keep looking,” Sayanee objected, making the younger girl pout.


It was then that Kojimako spotted a Black gem on the ground. Sayanee scanned it and saw that the energy readings were a match.

“This is what was causing it,” she confirmed. “But.. why is it already poofed.”

This was when the girls suddenly heard the sound of someone singing in the distance.

The voice was very beautiful, it filled the air with a serenade that was soothing and powerful at the same time. With each note, the girls were all captivated by the beauty of it, hearing it echo softly.

“Who’s voice is that?”

The tracker then got another reading of Gem activity, pointing in a direction toward a shadowy alleyway. They followed it and noticed the singing was getting louder with each step. They then stopped when the tracker showed that the source of the Gem energy was right in front of them.

“It should be here… but I don’t see anything,” Haruppi said. The girls only stared into the shadows.

Jurina called out, “Hello? Is anyone here?”

The voice then spoke in a Kansai accent, which Sayanee immediately recognized.

“You heard my song?”

“Yes. It was very beautiful,” Kojimako said.

“Aw~ you’re makin’ me blush with that sort o’ flatterin’.”

“Where are you?” Sayanee asked. “Can you come out?”

It was then that a hooded figure stepped out of the shadows, revealing a girl in purple and white robes. With the hood, the girls couldn’t see her face. And Jurina also noticed a purple Gem that looked similar to theirs on her chest.

“Are you... A Prism knight?” she asked.

“Yes, I am.”

“Wait… you were the one who helped us last time,” Sayanee realized. “That purple light came from you!”

“Ah, you saw that?” the knight chuckled.

“Thank you so much for the help,” Mako thanked the girl in advance.

“It was nothing at all!”

“No, seriously. If it weren’t for you, our friend would be dead probably,” Haruppi urged. “Whatever you did, it was amazing!”

“That’s right! We should get Yuko to see you! She’ll be so happy to know there’s another powerful Prism knight in Tokyo!”

As the girls made the call on their communicators, the purple knight’s eyes widened.


Yuko had come out so she can see the Purple knight for herself. After she was contacted, she rushed to the scene.

“Guys, what’s going o--?!” Yuko screeched to a halt when she saw the hooded girl.

“Yuko, this is the girl who saved us! She made that purple light that hit Beryl!”

Without saying another word, Yuko only walked closer to the hooded figure. They stood staring at one another for a moment before Yuko smiled.

"I knew it. It really is you isn't it...Yuka?"

The five turned around to look at the purple warrior. The girl removed her hood and revealed her face for the first time. Looking at them is a girl with short brown hair and a bright smile.

"Who else would it be?" she said with a smile.

“I don’t believe it..! It’s really you!”

"Wait a Yuka...isn't that the senpai who Yuko said lost her life back before we became Prism knights?" Haruppi asked.

This new warrior smiled and confirmed, “That’s me!”

That could only mean one thing to these girls...

At the same time, the four gave out loud yells of disbelief.

"EEHHHH?!?!?!? SHE'S A GHOST?!?!"

“Hehe…” Yuka chuckled awkwardly.


To Be Continued

:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
:heart: l Collab threads: Sky&Ruka l Ruka&Michael l :heart:
 l Compilation thread: 48G New Gen l :heart:


Offline Yuina

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Re: {Sky and Ruka} PRISM - Chapter 16 (Part 2) *190125*
« Reply #138 on: January 31, 2019, 03:01:18 PM »

Before starting, I'm sorry if my english is really broken... It's not my native language so...

But, I just finished your fic and I want to show you my support !
It's been a Long Time I read AKB related fic and this is the first I saw which is not abandonned
Thank you for this !  :deco: :deco:

I don't know if you know this anime but your fic remind me of "Houseki no kuni" which the cristals names and fights. Even if in your fic, cristals are enemy.
But this anime is recent (released in 2017 or 2018) and your fic is oldest so I think is not related at all.

Well, let's speak about the fic now. It's pretty good I think. Sometimes I can't understand all the situation but I guess it's because I'm really Bad with english.  :P
You have created a great universe  :thumbup
I really like the story about Jurina and Rena ! Jurina is getting better now right ? At the beginning when I know they're sisters I was quite desapointed but After this story I Can apreciate their relationship just like it is.
Haruppi story's was very short but it's all right ! We don't need more  :thumbup And I hope Sasshi will have a another role After.
Mako story was sooooo cute  :heart: Mako-child !  :wub: :wub:
Will Naachan and Miki be back in the fic ? Owada too !

Those two stories were short but it's alright since is not my oshis stories~  :P :P

About Saeyaka I like their story but I don't know... I'ts just me but I can't see them like a couple  :banghead: But I'm glad they're back home.

And next ?
Do you know why you HAVE to finish this fic ? Because you have already written all the stories of all the characters except for my oshis !  :angry:

I guess with Paru I Can finaly have the story of Yuihan ! I want a cute story for her please ~ Make Yuihan happy with Paru !  :heart:

I also want Sayanee story's ! She made a promise with Miyuki right ? In the 1st chapter..  I want SayaMilky~ Even it Milky has a boyfriend there is not that much stories about Sayamilky~~~~ That's why YOROSHIKU ONEGAISHIMASU !!  :thumbsup :bow: :bow:

And I guess we will have more informations about Lapis... Will Yuko fall un love for him again ? Let's see !

That's all ! Thanks for write this fic, I hope you will continue this.

Also, Please continue with Yokoyama Team K ! Maybe After make an another one with Komiyama Team K but I want to know how Yokoyama Team K will end before. You can't end now.

Thank you~ See you next time !
More Sayamilky, Kojiyuu and Yuiparu !

Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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Re: {Sky and Ruka} PRISM - Chapter 16 (Part 2) *190125*
« Reply #139 on: February 23, 2019, 05:43:59 PM »
Chapter 16 - Part 3

“Ahh~ that lunch was so good,” Yui sighed happily as she walked Haruka home after their day out together.

“Yeah, it was. And the cake we had for dessert wasn’t too bad,” Haruka held her belly. “I’m so full, I might burst!”

As the two chuckled, they eventually arrived in front of Haruka’s apartment building.

“Ah… we’re here.”


“Time sure flies, huh… I really wanted to spend more time with you.”

“Me too…”

Yui felt her heart flutter a bit as she looked at Haruka, who was shyly averting her gaze.

“Would you want to go out to lunch again sometime?”


“I work part-time at a family restaurant. You should definitely come by!”

“Okay! I’ll try this weekend when I’m free!”

“I’ll see you then.”

“Yeah! Bye bye!”

The two parted ways, and Yui walked on from Haruka’s apartment building with a smile on her face.

However, it was then she realized something...

“Ah! That’s right, I never turned on my communicator!”

As soon as she turned on her wrist communicator, it began to ring loudly.

“Huh?! It’s Yuko!” She quickly answered it, worried it might be an alert of a Black Gem attack. “What’s wrong?”

“There you are, Yui! Where’ve you been?”

“Ah, sorry! I was spending the day with Haruka and forgot to turn on my communicator. What’s going on? Is it Obsidian’s minions?!”

“Uhh… not exactly.”



Everyone returned to the base so that they could be formerly introduced to one of their seniors. After being caught up on the situation, Yui couldn’t believe her eyes seeing the ghost of one of the original Prism Knights standing before her.

Yuko began, "Let me introduce her again to you girls. This here's Masuda Yuka. And as you already know, she's the Prism knight who was one of your predecessors."

“B-But I don’t understand,” said Jurina, “How can she be here?”

“My soul was able to live on through the power of my Gem since it was unharmed.”

Yuka held out a glowing, violet colored Gem.

“It’s a tanzanite,” Yui recognized the gemstone.

“After I died, I was asleep for the longest time, for who knows how long. But then, I heard Ange’s voice call out to me.”

“Yuka… your friends need you. I don’t have my full power restored, but I can grant you enough to help them.”

"It was thanks to me being a former Prism knight that Lady Ange was able to grant me the chance to be here in this world, but only as a spirit. But in this way, I'll be able to help you guys!”

“Help us?” Sayanee asked.

“With what?” Haruppi also inquired.

“To find the three Legendary Relics!”


“They’re special artifacts that can be used to defeat Obsidian, once and for all! They were lost during the Great War when Ange sealed him away, but if we find them, we’d be able to beat him for good this time!”

“What are they?”

“The first is the golden armor of Nephrite the Noble. The next is the Blade of Bismuth. And the last one is Ange’s Heartstone. If we find these three Relics, you guys will become strong enough to face Obsidian!”

“Armor, a blade, and a… Heartstone?” Mako raised a brow. “What’s that?”

“When Ange gave up her powers, her body and heart were separated,” Yuko said. “It’s a bit difficult to explain, but her body was turned into pure light, and the Heartstone is all that remains of her. It was the core of her magic, so when she died, all of her magic faded, as well.”

The five slowly took in the information, the younger pair of Mako and Haruppi trying to comprehend as best they could.

“So, the Heartstone isn’t just her Gem that powered her magic, but also Ange’s actual heart?”

“Basically,” Yuka said frankly.

“That sounds like it’ll be difficult.”


“Don’t worry,” Kana then said. “We’ve already got a search party started!”


“Remember how we said Sayaka and Sae were helping out a friend down in Fukuoka?” Kana then brought up on one of the computer screens a video image.

It was a livestream of a radio broadcast, featuring a young woman with vibrant red hair.

“Ume-chan!” Yuka exclaimed with a wide smile. “Man, she’s gotten really pretty~”


“Isn’t she one of our senpai, too?”

“Yup! Sayaka and Sae asked her to start a search party for the armor of Nephrite the Noble!”

“Since Ume-chan’s a radio DJ, she has a bunch of followers, so maybe one of them have seen something that looks like Nephrite’s armor!”

“Do you think it’ll work?”

“We’ll just have to wait and see.”


To Be Continued

:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
:heart: l Collab threads: Sky&Ruka l Ruka&Michael l :heart:
 l Compilation thread: 48G New Gen l :heart:


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