I'm back! Did ya miss me?

Nah just kidding~
So ya, it took a bit but I wrote what I call the second arc of APCH, and it turned out a lot...longer, like a LOT longer than I anticipated

To give you an idea, Arc I was about 14K words, Arc II is about 18K, jeez and I was just planning like another chapter or two...lol
Alright total:
11 Parts + EpilogueEnjoy! Leave some feedback or anything you thought of while reading I don't care what you say
@Genkikid: I'm pretty sure Yuko wouldn't care if Gekikara was insane or not (Yuko's a little crazy herself lol) Umm cuz Majijo is the strongest, and enrollment, well, the same as everyone else (Idk how yankees even get into school and then turn it into a full on yankee school *shrugs* it's not very reasonable in the first place haha ask Aki-P

) And I'm just not going to address that, my version of MJSK is a bit different (altered) than the actual lol (aka I forgot but just pretend she drops out and re-enrolls with Yuko)
@DarkHeart: Yaaaasss Gekikara is totally a kid to me bc her mom didn't teach her anything

But then with Yuko she finally learns and grows up like how she is in MJSK 2

And not insane all the time lol

Thanks! It was a nice trip

and thanks for waiting~
@Ruka Kikuchi: Gekikara IS adorable! That cinnamon roll Matsui Rena~

Here's the Majijo takeover!
@junchan: Well ya, haven't you ever seen babies pounding their rattles and toys on the floor? It's the same idea

but with another person's head ahahahahaha

I tried to make her so cute cuz she is! and innocent too

Yuko wears the pants, nuff said

Thanks for waiting!
@key17: Right? Don't blame me it's Gekikara she's a special exception

Haha thanks for waiting~
@yocelin17: Haha baby Geki~ She's just too cute imo

Thanks for waiting~
@rindg: Hehe thank you Rin-chan~

Lol if you wanna consider it 'giving birth' since they're my characters?...Nah that sounds so weird

That's really how I see Rappapa as a family. They've each got such distinct and strong personalities but they work together which I love

But wait...if they were really a regular modern family...everyday life...oh god ANOTHER IDEA TO ADD TO THE LIST I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS

(and with pairings of course--*slapped

Arc IIPart 7: StartNow it was spring again - a time for new life, new beginnings. Yuko was determined. What was her intention you ask? Well it was simple.
Yuko was going to turn the entirety of Majisuka Gakuen on its head.
Step by step, she literally did just that. And what I mean by that - is she literally climbed up one stair step at a time, knocking girls on their asses as her queens followed (knocking the ones that kept trying to get up back on their asses).
The day started off as normal as possible, the only difference being that the six of them now had to wear school uniforms under their signature jackets when they got up in the morning. Black was the first to awaken (she had a weird habit of getting up at the crack of dawn) and sped through knocking on all the large bins’ doors, a loud clanging sound that woke every occupant instantly.
Not all of them really got up that quick though.
Though it was hard, Yuko groaned and rolled off her futon, half-awake and only realized she had done so when the soft fluffy bed suddenly turned into hard metal floor, the cold giving her the shock of the morning.
“What the f—!”
“Yuko! Get your ass out of bed! If I have to get up so freaking early then you do too!” Sado’s angry voice resounding throughout the place.
“Tch...She’s probably all pissed ‘cause she didn’t get her beauty sleep...” Yuko muttered as she groggily got up. Then all of a sudden she felt dizzy and couldn’t see straight, stumbling to lean against the wall as another weak spell hit her.
Damn it! This is not the time...Yuko knew she couldn’t let the others find her like this, especially not Sado. So after a moment to recover, taking a deep breath, she slapped both her cheeks and stepped out of her room, her face set. Nothing was going to stop her, not now.
“Took ya long enough.” Sado greeted her from the recliners with a yawn. “What time is it anyways?”
Yuko took her own seat, trying to stifle her own yawn and blaming Sado for contaminating her. She was having enough trouble staying awake as it was and yawns were contagious!
“It’s 7 in the morning.” Black replied, also seated in her own recliner (people sure liked to toss furniture on the side of the road in this town) with her book open in her hand.
“What?! Why so early?”
“So we won’t be late.” She answered simply.
Sado gave her a look that said ‘Are you kidding me?’. “Isn’t this a yankee school? It doesn’t matter if we’re on time.”
“I asked Black to wake us up.”
And then Sado turned that look towards Yuko.
“I plan on taking the top.
Today.” Yuko said, eyes staring straight ahead as if she could see something no one else could.
“Wait, you want to take the top in just one day? Have you even considered if there are strong opponents? I know we’re here to back you up, but you shouldn’t push yourself too hard, Yuko.”
Sado was just worried for her like always and Yuko appreciated that, however, it didn’t mean that she wouldn’t try to live life to the fullest. She was serious in her decision. “I know...but pushing past my limits keeps me from getting bored.”
“Yuko?” Something in her eyes was scaring Sado.
“She’s just making sure we’ll have enough time to clean up the trash. Right, Sado? I mean, I’m sure even you can take on at least a
couple small fry right?” The mocking tone could only belong to one person.
Shibuya merely smirked as Sado turned to glare at her. So early in the morning and the two were already going at it.
“And how the hell did you wake up so easily? I thought you were a lazy bum.” Sado taunted.
“Shut up. If anyone’s a bum around here, it’s you.” Shibuya pointed at Sado’s face. “And as for your question...” Then her face fell as she looked away, lost in thought. “I guess old habits die hard.”
Silence followed and Yuko hurried to break it. “Well let’s get going, I don’t like waiting around.”
They all stood ready to head to school, when Black pointed something out. “Torigoya and Gekikara are not here.”
“What? Well where the heck are they?”
“Don’t tell me they’re still sleeping.”
Honestly, it should’ve been expected from those two.
Yuko ignored Shibuya and Sado, making her way to Torigoya’s quarters. She knew—that without a doubt—Torigoya was still sleeping.
“Black,” She called, “I leave Gekikara to you.” Then a gust of wind blew past and Yuko was sure Gekikara would be up by the time she was done.
Once inside, she was greeted with the sprawled still figure of Torigoya still in bed, her covers not even over her and snoring away soundly. Then Yuko took a deep breath before... “IF YOU DON’T GET UP RIGHT NOW I’M GONNA GROPE YOU!”
It was quite effective as Torigoya’s eyes snapped open and she scrambled to her feet (though whether she was actually awake or not remained a mystery). Yuko nodded in approval, grabbed her collar and proceeded to drag her outside where the others were waiting.
“Alright! Let’s go!” She shouted enthusiastically, not a care in the world that she was dragging a half-naked Torigoya behind her the whole way there (luckily Black was smart enough to grab the girl’s uniform for her to change into later).
The walk wasn’t too long, it was mere moments before the six of them walked right onto the property of Majisuka Gakuen, the courtyard littered with trash greeted them along with a group of yankees with oddly glittery gold eyebrows.
“Hey Sado, you think they’re like the gatekeepers or something?”
Sado quirked an eyebrow, not sure if Yuko was joking or not. Then Yuko grinned at her, which did not clear anything up at all, however before Sado could formulate a response, the said group got up from where they were squatted in the middle of the yard and headed towards them.
“Ah well it doesn’t matter anyways~”
Yuko cracked her knuckles and stepped up, the rest of them lined up in a row behind her and ready to fight as soon as even a single person flinched.
“So, you gonna let us pass?”
She thought she’d try asking first, and well, if that didn’t work then there was always the backup plan, which she would actually prefer. It would take less effort and time, since they were almost late for class and Yuko didn’t want to be late on the first day, not on an important day like this. For now she would obey the rules, but come tomorrow after Yuko became the new top, then she would make her own.
The leader of the golden eyebrows (as far as Yuko could tell) got right into her face and tried to glare her down, but Yuko just beamed wider.
“I guess that means Plan B then~”
Five minutes later, Yuko and her family had made it inside the building without a scratch, while the group with the glittery eyebrows was littered with scratches, as well as their groaning forms littered all over the courtyard.
“Which room is it?”
“How am I supposed to know?”
“Weren’t you the one who was in charge of getting us enrolled?”
“I just grabbed the papers. You guys forged your own signatures so don’t go pinning anything on me.”
The six of them strolled down the hallways, occasionally kicking aside a few stray yankees but most had made way immediately seeing them (they had all seen the fight go down out front from the classroom windows and none wanted to end up in the same way).

“Forget that, why the heck didn’t you save some for me, Black? I was just itching to bust some heads and Yuko-san told the
both of us to do it.”
“Speed is of the utmost importance, the slow falter and lose themselves on the path of righteousness.”
“Is that a jab at me?”
“Just shut up, Shibuya. It’s better that way.”
“Ha? I dare you to say that again, Sa—”
“Ah! Is it this one?”
“It’s a first year classroom right?”
“Good enough then. Let’s go in.”
They filed in one by one, scaring the teacher up front as every single head in the room turned towards them, all choosing one up front to glare at. The other ‘students’ were there already since school had started, sitting haphazardly in groups of desks that had been kicked together, most sporting wild hair styles with neon highlights and all of their uniforms modified in some way. Yuko and them were just a bit late due to some...traffic issues, but it gave them a chance to introduce themselves to their new class.
“Torigoya hurry up! Quit spacing out!”
Torigoya, who had been staring absentmindedly at a bulletin board out in the hallway, immediately jumped at the call and rushed inside, past Yuko who had been waiting for her. The rest were already inside and glaring the whole class into submission.
Standing in front of the blackboard, on the left were Shibuya, Black and Sado, from the right were Torigoya and Gekikara, leaving a space for Yuko where she stepped up a moment later. When she did, then everyone’s attention turned to her.
She shouldn’t have been so intimidating with her small stature, unmodified uniform (except for a chain hanging from her hip), and really she just wasn’t really scary looking like Sado or Gekikara, but nonetheless something about her caught everyone’s undivided attention as they all stared at her and her alone, waiting for something to happen.

Then Yuko grinned, like she always does. But for those who had never met her before, it was the most terrifying thing they’d ever seen. Most transfer students, especially first-years, either cower in fear or say nothing at all, hoping to get through the day without incident.
But not Yuko.
Because Yuko was Yuko and she knew she was strong, her confidence drew them in, and being strong meant she would be targeted. But that’s exactly what she wanted, what she looked forward to.
There was a team from their own class, a group of freshmen dressed in leather jackets that sat in the back and Yuko saw them, finding them a bit different from the rest. A brass band needed lots of members after all, and Yuko wouldn’t mind a few extra faces to help her out in ruling the school.
“Follow me if you want to become the strongest...” She began, staring directly the gang in the back. “And for anyone who wants to challenge me...” Yuko eyed everyone across the room one by one. “I’ll be waiting outside.”
What happened next would be taken down in the history of Majisuka Gakuen. A group of 30 yankees, all well prepared for a fight with pipes and bats even, came to meet her outside in the courtyard. But not a single one was from Majijo, no, the students of Majijo wanted to put Yuko in her place but they had been beat to it.
Yabakune had wandered in at just the right time, and Yuko put on a show.
She singlehandedly defeated every single last one of them, laughing through it all.
She wouldn’t let her queens help either, and yes I do mean queens because right then, Yuko was put in her place indeed - at the top of Majijo as the President of Rappapa – the most elite fighters that reigned at the top. And of course Sado became her Vice President while Black, Torigoya, Shibuya, and Gekikara became the Four Heavenly Queens.
Not many wanted to challenge her after that.
Now don’t get me wrong, there was a good reason why that incident was recognized as Yuko’s ascent to the top.
To make it official, they still had to defeat the current top and do it properly...but there was just one little issue. Majijo currently had no President of Rappapa to defeat. The last one had graduated with the last batch of third-years and Majijo was in need of a new teppen. A second-year, who was now in her third-year, had wormed her way into Rappapa somehow back about a year ago and was looking forward to taking the top easily with her senpai out of the way (she hadn’t been strong enough to defeat her properly) but now she had the way clear with a good chance.
That is, until Yuko came along.
Yuko heard about her, found her, and beat her in the blink of an eye. The girl landed a solid punch on her cheek, feeling cocky, but she didn’t know that Yuko had let herself get hit as a sort of test. And then Yuko grabbed her fist, twisted her arm in a painful angle and flipped the girl right over her shoulder, ending with her own fist in front of the girl’s face, never delivering the finishing blow.
Everyone in the school knew the third-year candidate was weak, but they only saw how weak she was after paling in comparison to Yuko’s strength. Rappapa was always strong, the strongest in the school, but she took it to another level. Then there was no doubt now, Yuko was the new, undisputed top of Majisuka Gakuen.
Some tried their hand at it, ambushing her on her way up the staircase, but not a single one reached her—her new queens made sure of that.
But this was only the beginning.
Everything started from here.
A new Majijo under Yuko’s lead, and she would change it to become the number one school in the district – as the strongest, toughest, and the most serious.
From now on, Majisuka Gakuen would learn a new meaning of what it meant to fight.
It wasn’t easy, actually it was quite hard, but Yuko managed to shake off Sado and the others. She told them that she wanted some fresh air—by herself. They protested, Sado didn’t look convinced at all which made Yuko gulp, but eventually they let her out on her own while they hung around school a bit longer, cleaning up some trash as they put it.
So Yuko strolled down the streets, those oh so familiar streets where she first walked as she escaped to live at the warehouse—but now she was going back. Yuko wasn’t afraid of being contained there anymore though, at first she avoided it all costs, never wanting to go back, but now she wasn’t afraid. She had her family to back her up.
They’re so overprotective though~ Yuko chuckled, breathing in the cool outdoor air on the way to her regular check-ups. The air was always better outside, whether it was hot, cold, raining, snowing or just a nice sunny day like today (though a bit chilly). Yuko never liked to be stuck inside and kept the window of Rappapa’s clubroom open every day. She was a free spirit that couldn’t be contained, not anymore.
I hope she works today. I haven’t seen her in a while~ She’ll definitely be surprised to hear that I’m the top of Majijo now. Yuko smiled at the thought.
Little did she know - that person she was looking forward to seeing – she wasn’t working today. Nor would she ever work again.
A/N: I wanted to keep with the idea that Yuko meets one new person per part...oops just ignore that coughcough LOL

but let's just pretend she meets Majijo in this part and the school itself can be that 'person'