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Author Topic: BOYFRIEND FOR RENT Part Three (05/02/14)  (Read 65510 times)

Offline smarty0821

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Re: BOYFRIEND FOR RENT Prologue + POLL (12/09)
« Reply #140 on: December 09, 2012, 02:48:28 PM »
Oh~ please let Ren be the crush!! I want Mayu to be the stalker since he(she) is a possessive person!! haha!!

 :panic: :panic: :panic:

Please update!  :bow: :bow:

Offline ChuuuPuffss

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Re: BOYFRIEND FOR RENT Prologue + POLL (12/09)
« Reply #141 on: December 09, 2012, 04:21:21 PM »
Oh~ please let Ren be the crush!! I want Mayu to be the stalker since he(she) is a possessive person!! haha!!

I second that Mayu SHOULD be the stalker xD Buuuuttt since I know that the boyfriend is going to win, I want Mayu as boyfriend!!

I am a loyal MaYuki shipper who doesn't need any YukiRen/SaeYuki *^*\ Ok maybe I read YukiRen all the time lol.
I'm the lazy author who rarely updates.

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Re: BOYFRIEND FOR RENT Prologue + POLL (12/09)
« Reply #142 on: December 09, 2012, 04:27:25 PM »
i want mayu as the boyfriend because she looks so cute and hot dressing up as an ikemen!  Can the "boyfriend" be a ger who loves to cross-dress? :inlove: I simply adore a danso mayuyu! :heart:
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The Foreigner Husband and The Traditional Wife (Wmatsui)

[Short OS] "Puppy" Love (Pairings: JR + YH)

My Little Brother Can't Be This Cute!

Derailed - OS featuring Aya x Nao

Offline cisda83

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Re: BOYFRIEND FOR RENT Prologue + POLL (12/09)
« Reply #143 on: December 17, 2012, 01:55:37 PM »
Eh... someone stalking Yukirin... so she need fake bf to get rid of the stalker....

Well hope that's going to work because sometime opposite thing happens if the stalker is very obsessive.

Great fic there... can't wait for the next one.

And thank you for the update...

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline karomuwi

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« Reply #144 on: December 17, 2012, 03:32:21 PM »
@ChuuuPuffss: Thank you :hee: Well, maybe you'll get it as you continue to read on, yes? Basically, I just wanted to try this story out, because I'm basing it on a true-to-life story experience. As for the pairing... I'm still quite unsure on who Yuki will end up getting together with. I'm just going to try and go along with the flow. And no worries, I won't kill you. (hopefully no one would? :hiakhiakhiak: ) And who knows?  :bigdeal: Even I'm still unsure if the fake boyfriend is going to win.  :glasses:

@smarty0821: Maybe you could take a guess on who the stalker is? I bet that you'll have some guesses and maybe a hint after reading this chapter.  :bingo:

@sakura-drop: Sakura-chama...  :fainted: The readers who wanted Mayu to be Yuki's crush won in the end.  :badluck: Maybe you can write a fic of those two instead?

@DC2805: I'm not sure? ahahaha ^^lll I'm not good at making characters cross-dress in a fic. Maybe when I'm able to write it well, I'll write a fic especially for you? :hee:

@cisda83: Thank you.  :nya: And it seems like you managed to understand the whole plot. :hiakhiakhiak: I'm not sure if I'll be able to make it up to your expectations now.  :sweat: But I'll definitely try my best! Please look forward to it... maybe?

Part One

“How did things ended up this way?” Kashiwagi Yuki muttered to herself, pinching the bridge of her nose as she let out a weary sigh with her eyes closed.


“You have got to be kidding!” her friends cried in disbelief, eyes widening so much that she thought they would explode if they were to open it up even more.

As she let out a nod and sigh in reply, everyone stared at the Student Body Treasurer with mouth gaping wide open before replacing it with expressions of pity soon enough. Sighing to themselves, some shook their heads whilst others kept their mouths shut in order to prevent themselves from saying ‘I told you so!’ to the raven-haired.

Silence quickly enveloped the Council room, making the cause of it to let out a sigh as she massaged the temples of her forehead, shaking it afterwards as she answered their rhetorical question. “I wish that I was, but I’m not.”

Hearing that, everyone turned and looked at one another, throwing questions here and there. They wanted to help the poor girl with her situation, especially now that she was one of their fellow Student Body Council members.

When they ended up with nothing, they gave their attention back to the Yuki, who has started slamming her face onto the surface of the table, making them all look at her in worry. They have known her for being one of the most-liked girls in their school, but they never thought that getting her involved with the council would cause such a situation to arise.

“So?” One of them suddenly spoke, wanting to break the silence that has formed.

Looking up at them with a dazed expression on her face, Yuki asked.  “So… What?”

“What do you plan on doing?” the Representative of the Student Council — the same girl who had asked the previous question— looked at her with a curious expression.

Yuki shrugged her shoulders. “I have no idea, Nyan Nyan.”

Kojima Haruna, also known as Nyan Nyan to her friends, raised a brow at her in response before crossing her arms over her chest. Wondering if the others can figure out a solution for Yuki, she turned to the other members of the Council.

“You know…” Their President suddenly spoke up, catching each and every one’s attention.

Everyone turned their heads to the direction of the voice and found the black-haired standing by the windows and staring at them with her fingers caressing her chin as if she had a beard.  With a serious expression on her face, she suggested an answer in a manner that seemed like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

“Why not ask someone to get rid of him?”

The raven-haired asked, “Like who?”

“A boyfriend.” Their president replied, in a matter-of-fact tone.

Yuki sighed. “I don’t have a boyfriend, Sayaka.”

“Then have one pretend for you.” the Secretary this time suggested.

Replying with an exasperated sigh, Yuki looked at them blankly. “And where would I get someone to do that, Takamina?”

“It’s not like I can just ask somebody to go and pretend to be my boyfriend.” She added, letting her head droop down to the surface of the table as she suddenly found herself hopeless afterwards.

“You can ask for help from our classmates.” Their Vice-president told her, adding a slight gesture of a shrug. “I’m sure that you can get help from them.”

“But that’ll be a problem, Mari-chan.” Haruna pointed out. “The boys in our class do not fit along with her.”

Yuki sighed to herself for probably the nth time that day. What should she do in order to get back the life she had when she has no stalker to complicate everything? She has practically done everything in her power to try and stop him, but he refuses to go away.

“Don’t worry, Yukirin.” Her assistant assured her, patting her back as she gave a smile. “I’m sure that we can find someone.”

Looking up, she scoffed. “Like who, Miichan?”

She was getting annoyed with everything. After all, who wouldn’t? School would end soon, and she will have to start the Cat & Mouse game with her stalker once more the moment she walks out of the Council room.

To make matters worse, she has no idea whatsoever on how to stop him. Not even telling the rest of the Student Council members seem to help with her situation, something she had thought would be the best solution to get rid of her stalker.

“I don’t know.” Miichan admitted, giving a shrug of the shoulders before continuing on with her patting. “Maybe… Sae?”

“Sae?” Yuki repeated, a hint of disbelief could be heard in her tone.

Miichan nodded. “Yeah.”

“No way.” She sighed, shaking her head before leaning against her seat and crossing her arms across her chest. “I don’t want to have him as my boyfriend.”

“He’s too much of a playboy, and he doesn’t really fit the requirements I want.”

Agreeing with her, Mario nodded. “We need to get Yukirin a guy that has all of her requirements, so that her stalker will believe that he really IS her boyfriend.”

 “Mario’s right.” Their President said, humming out a tune as she started thinking to herself. “Then I suggest that we only need to have Sae act out your requirements-“

“-NO.” Yukirin interrupted instantly.

Giving several quick shakes of the head, she pouted at them. “I don’t want Sae.”

“I’d rather have Watanabe-san as my boyfriend if that’s the case.”


Everyone stopped doing what they were currently doing the moment Yukirin mentioned her crush’s name accidentally. Unaware that she has accidentally blurted out Watanabe Yuuma’s name, the raven-haired started looking at everyone in confusion.

“Why are you all staring at me like that?” she asked with her eyes darting from left to right as she felt the sudden need to run away or hide in a hole to get away from everybody.

Receiving an unanimous response of ‘nothing’ from everyone, she remained clueless to the warning signs that Miichan has been giving to everyone, asking for all of them to keep quiet and not to mention the same thing they all had in their minds at the moment.

Just then, she managed to get a glimpse of Miichan waving her hands frantically above her head. Fortunately for everyone else, Yukirin didn’t quite understand what the gesture was for and mistook it for the younger girl swatting some mosquito.


“Those guys…” she muttered with narrowed eyes, finally managing to understand what her fellow Council members had in mind during that time. “I understand that they want to help…”

With a nerve popping in her head, she clenched her hands tightly into balls and cried out mentally. “…But why him?!”

With head drooping low, she let out a sigh and closed her eyes. She tried to breathe deeply, hoping that by doing so would somehow ease herself. She has been walking around the school campus for at least an hour, trying to calm herself down, as well as get away from everything else.

An Hour Ago

A day have passed since Yuki told the whole Council about her problem. She was just walking on the way to school when she caught sight of a familiar face. The same facial features that would make her heart flutter and skip a beat without any much needed effort.

“Yuuma-kun.” She muttered, letting a hand to go over her heart.

She has stopped walking and was now standing in the middle of the campus, staring straight at the only person who she has been admiring for quite some time. Staring at a guy underneath the Cherry Blossom tree, she watched him as he turned a page on his notebook to write something down.

Her eyes followed the movement of his hand, before unconsciously trailing off to the strand of hair that was loosely dangling in front of his eyes. As soon as she caught a glimpse of his eyes, she instantly felt herself being pulled in.

The campus that was once filled with students of every year level was now practically empty, with the exemption of the raven-haired and Watanabe Yuuma. Unaware of that, Yuki continued on watching him, enjoying how he would push his glasses up every now and then whenever it moves down on the bridge of his nose.

She also enjoyed how Yuuma would go and tilt his head whilst furrowing his face at his notebook, enough to make her do the same in order to see his face fully. All she had in mind was seeing Yuuma’s face, and not even the bell ringing snapped her out of her desire to do so.

The only thing that brought her back to her senses though was the same person who caused her to lose them. As soon as the bell rang, Yuuma lifted his head up from his notebook and looked around him, stopping the moment he caught sight of her.

Yuki blankly stared at him, still not realizing that the pair of eyes that she has been trying hard to see, was now looking right back at her. It took her at least several seconds to realize what was happening and completely snap out of the dream-like trance.

Eyes widening, she quickly turned on her heels and started walking towards her school building. She has instantly forgotten the desire to watch Yuuma that has been replaced by the embarrassment of getting caught staring at him.

“Now he probably thinks that I’m some weird girl!” she cried to herself in a low volume.

It must have been due to the embarrassment that she has received that she was able to reach her classroom’s level instantly, finding herself standing by the door with a flushed face. Opening the door, she bowed and apologized for being late.

She received a sigh from her teacher and was allowed to go to her seat, somehow saved from the teacher’s lecture on her being tardy. Dropping her bag to the side, she then took out the needed materials for the current lesson and sighed, before finding herself looking at the windows of the hallway.

That seemed to have been a bad idea because the moment that she did, she found herself staring right at a familiar pair of glassy eyes that she has seen earlier that morning. Due to the shock that she has received, she accidentally dropped the materials she had in her hand.

“S-sorry.” She stuttered out, face reddening as she started picking up the fallen objects.

The teacher decided to turn back to the board, continuing on from where he left off after thinking that it would just be a waste of time if he scolds one of his star students. As he continued on with the lesson, he was completely unaware of the fact that Yuki looks like she was about to faint.

The embarrassment that she has received from being caught staring at Yuuma earlier on, as well as being seen as a clumsy person, caused her face to redden to the point that she looked like a ripe apple. Why did Yuuma have to stop by their class and lock eyes with her?

Wait… Stop by their class?

“Yuuma-kun’s classroom is at the end of the hallway, there’s no reason for him to pass by my class to get there.” She mumbled to herself, tilting her head to side as she furrowed her eyebrows slightly.

Just then, her eyes widened and she let a hand cover her mouth as she muttered to herself. “There’s no way that he came all the way here just to see me, right?”

All of a sudden, realization hits her and she sighed depressingly. “But he must have done that because he wanted to see me because he found me weird.”

Laying her head with her face on the surface of her desk, she let out a quiet whimper. Why did she have to stop and stare at him? Now he must have found her as an extremely weird person, enough to make him walk all the way to her class just to see who she was.

“Please just kill me right now.” She cried to herself almost inaudibly.


Surprisingly, classes ended earlier and faster than usual, allowing Yuki to let out a slightly apathetic cheer. The raven-haired hasn’t forgotten the events that occurred earlier that day, since the scene kept on replaying over and over again in her mind.

It seems like that the only time she was able to forget about it was when she hid in the Student Council’s room after having that creepy feeling of being stalked came up again. However, thoughts of the previous events came back as soon as she knew that her stalker was no longer following her, tormenting her once again.

Dragging her feet, Yuki sighed to herself as she forced her mind to think about the solution for getting rid of her stalker. It must have almost been a month since she realized that the admirer, the one that she has no special feelings for, started the game of Cat & Mouse with her.

“How many more steps do I have to take?” she grumbled, stomping her feet after catching a glimpse of a Wind Instruments Club’s poster on one of the walls that she was passing by.

That certain feeling of regret was starting to come back once more to haunt her, reminding her of the grave mistake that she has made in joining the Wind Instruments Club —also known as Rappapa— and starting the movie-like life that she was now experiencing.

“It’s a good thing that Sayaka has excused me from every activity and practices of that club.” She muttered, letting out a sigh of relief after reaching the desired level.

Adding sadly, she spoke dejectedly. “It’s unfortunate that Yuuma-kun and my stalker are both in the same club.”

With that pokerface on her face, she then started walking towards the Council room, hoping silently to herself that her friends would not remind her of the situation that she was in, as well as forget her problems, even if it’s just for a few hours.

As she walked towards the room, she started hearing the words ‘stalker’ and ‘boyfriend’ coming from the inside, striking her curiosity. She started to get even more curious when she heard several unfamiliar voices speaking in the background.

Wanting to get rid of her curiosity, she turned the knob on the door and went inside, stopping with a halt the moment she was greeted with a face that she never thought she’d be seeing. Her eyes instantly widened in surprise and she stood paralyzed there on the spot, afraid to move.

“Oh.” Sayaka smiled, taking a seat as she lifted her arm up and gesture to where the newly-arrived girl stood. “She’s finally here.”

Everyone turned their heads to see her, causing her to lower her own head down as she walked to her desk. She always felt uncomfortable whenever all of the people in a room focus their attention on her. It makes her feel like some sort of endangered animal.

Unfortunately for her, the staring didn’t stop and neither did the beating of her heart slowed down. Instead, her heart began to beat even harder, until to the point where she was having trouble in hearing after having it echoing in her ears.

“What are they doing here?” Yuki thought to herself as she allowed herself to take a seat down carefully, not wanting to make herself look like a fool in front of everyone.

Taking a step towards her, Miichan placed a hand on Yuki’s desk and smiled at her. “We managed to get someone to pretend as your boyfriend.”

“Really?” The raven-haired asked.

Everyone nodded in reply. “Un.”

“You should thank Haruna, Yukirin.” Mario told her.

Yuki raised a brow. “Huh?”

“She’s the one who talked to Yuko.” She informed, earning a confused look from the raven.

Giving a dimpled smile, the girl that Yuki knew as the vice-president of the famous Drama Club, waved at her. Not knowing what to do, she returned with an unsure smile and looked at the others, asking them silently to explain what it was that Haruna talked with Oshima Yuko.

Getting the pleading look that was being sent to them, Yuko cleared her throat. “Well, when Nyan Nyan told me about your situation, I thought about helping you.”

“So, I talked to my cousin and asked him if he could pretend to be your boyfriend.”

“And Yuko here managed to get him to agree.” The president of the Drama Club — Maeda Atsu — smiled at her.

Smiling widely, Yuko grabbed Haruna by the arm and intertwined their fingers together. “I managed to get him to pretend as your boyfriend for a week.”

“It’s not too long, but I’m sure that your stalker will surely stop if he sees Yuko’s cousin.” Sayaka told her with an assuring smile. “I’ve seen him and he fits your requirements well.”

“R-really?” Yuki asked with a smile, unsure on how to respond back.

Everyone nodded at the same time. “Yep.”

“But…Umm…” Yuki started, biting her lower lip. “How do you know that he’ll make the perfect boyfriend and convince my stalker?”

“Well, he’s pretty much a professional in this field, I think?” Yuko said, scratching the back of her head.

Adding with a smile, she chuckled. “He has actually pretended to be someone’s boyfriend several times before, and I think that the girl’s problem was resolved without any trouble.”

“I-I see.” Yuki sweatdropped.

Yuki thought to herself. “I guess that he’s a player then.”

“I know what you’re thinking.” Yuko told her with a smirk, before shaking her head as she let out a chuckle. “But my cousin’s no player.”

“In fact, he’s such a gentleman…” she started. “…Even I find it hard to believe that he’s been busted and rejected several times.”

“Really?” Everyone, except for Yuki, asked in surprise.

Yuko nodded. “Un.”

“Anyway, you’ll also find it hard to believe when you meet him.” The brown-haired told her.

Taking a look at the watch on her wrist, she hummed. “Speaking meeting him, he’ll be here soon.”

Knock. Knock.

“Or sooner than expected.” The brown-haired smiled, quickly making her way to the door to open it and reveal her cousin to the people inside the room.

The raven found herself staring straight at the door, just waiting for it to open and finally reveal who was Yuko’s cousin. When the brown-haired finally reached the door, time seemed to have stopped for Yuki. She doesn’t know why, but everything seemed to move in an extremely slow manner.

She has stopped breathing and her heart began to beat at an extremely quick pace, causing her sight to become a bit blurry and make her head spin. Her hands have gone cold and she gulped, though finding it hard to do so.

Because the moment she did, the door finally opened and revealed who Yuko’s cousin was.



A/N: Well, that has been the first part of this short fic. I've been having some trouble in writing this because of the work, but thankfully, I'm finally able to post this up. That's why I'm apologizing for any grammar mistakes that you will find.
« Last Edit: April 30, 2014, 11:18:46 AM by karomuwi »
Had a withdrawal, so now I'm planning to fall in love with the couples all over again

\(^ - ^)/
Here are my fics~! They can be found amongst these three. :hee:

Love's A Mission
Oh My Dolly!

SoUL (Series)

The Akiba Family (T.A.F)

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Re: BOYFRIEND FOR RENT Part One(12/17)
« Reply #145 on: December 17, 2012, 04:15:45 PM »
muwi-chama~~~ this is so amazing!

I can't put into words how nice I felt while reading this~!!

Yuko-sama is oc a win here, and I believe there will be either Ren-sama or Yuuma-kun LOL
« Last Edit: December 17, 2012, 04:51:11 PM by sakura_drop_ »
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Offline ChuuuPuffss

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Re: BOYFRIEND FOR RENT Part One(12/17)
« Reply #146 on: December 17, 2012, 04:24:46 PM »
I'm pretty sure that's Yuuma right there! C'mon! Oshiri sisters can be Oshiri Cousins LOL

I hope you can update soon!

I'm so excited for this~~

I'm the lazy author who rarely updates.

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Re: BOYFRIEND FOR RENT Part One(12/17)
« Reply #147 on: December 17, 2012, 07:10:18 PM »
Yuuma kunnnnnnnnn~

This is really interesting!
“If you don’t go after what you want, you’ll never have it. If you don’t ask, the answer is always no.”

I'm glad I'm not popular.I'm already a bitch, no need to make my ego bigger.

You were always my favorite, no one loved me as much as you did.-Alison DiLaurentis.

Your first kiss isnt always the first person you kiss, or the first person you date.Your first love is the person that you will always compare everyone to.The person that you will never truly get over, even when you have convinced yourself that you have moved on.

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Re: BOYFRIEND FOR RENT Part One(12/17)
« Reply #148 on: December 17, 2012, 10:54:24 PM »

I wonder who Yuki's stalker is... XD

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Offline jell_o_jello

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Re: BOYFRIEND FOR RENT Part One(12/17)
« Reply #149 on: December 18, 2012, 01:15:08 AM »
Yes, a MaYuki fic. Thank you so much for writing this. Yuuma looks like he's a prince here, which I  :heart:.

Please update soon! :cow:

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Re: BOYFRIEND FOR RENT Part One(12/17)
« Reply #150 on: January 18, 2013, 02:27:26 AM »
i am just read this and it got me
please keep writing  :) :thumbup

Offline mayuki_daisuki

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Re: BOYFRIEND FOR RENT Part One(12/17)
« Reply #151 on: January 18, 2013, 02:12:35 PM »
Mayu :heart:
My kami-oshi is Mayuyu, and my oshimen is Oku Manami.

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Re: BOYFRIEND FOR RENT Part One(12/17)
« Reply #152 on: January 18, 2013, 02:16:05 PM »
Thanks for the update! A male mayu (or rather yuuma) is fine in this story  :)
Visit my FFs:
We Love the Hospital! OS (Mayuki + Wmatsui) + Omake

The Foreigner Husband and The Traditional Wife (Wmatsui)

[Short OS] "Puppy" Love (Pairings: JR + YH)

My Little Brother Can't Be This Cute!

Derailed - OS featuring Aya x Nao

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« Reply #153 on: January 19, 2013, 12:28:30 PM »
Please make it Yuuma- kun  :gmon peakaboo:
I love it!!!  :heart:
Please update asap  :bow:
No matter how impossible you think it is...

You have to try it...

Before saying it's really impossible!

Offline karomuwi

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« Reply #154 on: January 28, 2013, 03:52:58 PM »
@sakura_chan: Sakura-chama~! Well, you're right about it! :on GJ:

@ChuuuPuffss: :hiakhiakhiak: Oshiri sisters can be Oshiri cousins! That's completely true! You got me there! XDD I hope that your excitement doesn't disappear after reading this though. lllorz

@yuukimoko: Waaah!! thank you! :kneelbow:

@Amakuchi: :hiakhiakhiak: Is it weird if I find your
hilarious? I've watched Sisterakas, and whenever I see OMG, I can't help but laugh a lot! :hiakhiakhiak: Oh yeah, it can be anyone you know. ;) It can be Sae, Ren, or maybe someone else. XDD

@jell_o_jello: :hee: No problem, I also love Mayuki! And I love danso Mayuyu even more! Kyaah~! :luvluv1: I'm sorry for the extremely late update, but here it is. :)

@mayuki_daisuki: Why not Ren? XDDD But you're definitely right about Mayu.

@DC2805: Ah, no problem. Thank you for commenting as well. :kneelbow: I'm glad that you're fine with a male Mayu. :hee:

@Akblaire48: Request granted! :on GJ: Though the update was very long to put up. I'm sorry about that. ehehehe.... Anyway, I hope that you enjoy the update! :hee:

Part Two

Time seemed to have stood still for the raven-haired as her ears couldn’t even pick up the slight ticking of the wall clock in the room, probably due to the reason that she was far too busy being shocked to even pay attention to it.

The only thing that she has her attention and eyes on was the boy standing in front of her with that charming eyes of his staring back at her, making her fidget on her spot. Even with the questioning gaze that made his brow rise up after noticing her unusual silence made him look quite handsome in her eyes.

At this point, everyone was already smirking to themselves, practically sending each other a telepathic hi-five as they watch the raven-haired’s cheeks flush in pink. One of them were Yuko, who has placed a hand on his shoulder as she looked at Yuki with a smile that almost made it seem like she had accomplished the impossible.

“Well, here he is.” She proudly stated.

Wiggling her brows suggestively, she then nudged the younger girl with her elbow. “So, what do you think of him now that he’s up close?”

“Uh… I…” Yuki stuttered, unable to form words to speak out as she continued to stare at the great distraction in front of her.

This earned some snickering from the Council members, which was fortunately stifled by the pursing of their mouths into a thin line, as well as the few introduction that Sayaka and the others had started giving to Yuko’s cousin— preventing any suspicion from him to arise.

As they exchanged words of introduction with him, Yuki remained in her state of shock as she kept her eyes on him, refusing to look away. But then, she wouldn’t be able to turn her head from his direction, since she was too dumbfounded to do so.

Well, no one in the room could actually blame her for acting that way. They all knew well of the ‘secret’ crush that the Student Council Treasurer have for Yuko’s cousin after all, despite how she hasn’t mentioned anything about her liking for the older boy, desperate not to let anyone know.

That was another thing that they couldn’t blame her for. It wasn’t even surprising for them, since they themselves knew how much of a fuss they would make. That would probably catch the attention of The Coconut— a journalistic club that Yuki has once joined.

With the news of the Student Council Treasurer crushing on Yuuma after turning down every single guy who has tried to confess to her, it would break the issue of Yuko and Haruna getting together. The raven-haired could just imagine it.

The entire school would have the headlines ‘Cold-hearted Treasurer, Finally Melted?’ flashing on every TV and computer screen that could be found. It would be a huge scandal, probably to last until her graduation, since she had confessed her huge dislike for the opposite gender.

It’s not that she hates them. She just had some troubles with dealing with some before, coming to a conclusion that guys only existed to make teenage girls— like her— suffer painful heartbreaks and realize the harsh truth that fairytales don’t actually exist in real life.

Okay, so she actually hates them to a certain ‘minimum’ degree.

But can you blame her? She has spent her entire life being in the care of her late parents, forced to keep her distance away from boys— in fear of getting those things that they warned her about. Wait, what was it called again? Ah. That’s right.


It was some sort of dangerous measles— a disease that her parents had continuously instructed and warned for her to stay away from. Of course, as she grew up, she came to learn of the truth that such things never existed— there were internet and books she referred to after getting curious.

However, when she came to realize the truth, she still kept her distance from boys around her age— for the sake of obeying her loving parents even though she would feel envious with merely watching them play with other girls out in the street as she stayed inside her home, isolated for the ‘better good’.

It was around the time she had turned fourteen years old— an age that her parents thought was mature enough to stop being homeschooled after she started going through the stage of puberty. It was then when she became exposed to a new well-known virus called ‘Love’.

She slowly came to learn of it through her maids— that were mostly in their early-twenties—. They would come to tell her as they wailed about how lucky she was to be quarantined by her parents, allowing her to get familiar with the symptoms that an infected person would experience.

To tell the truth, Yuki felt far from lucky. After all, she was still naïve and clueless of what ‘pain’ really felt. Her curious and rebellious side didn’t help her much, especially when she began to have the desire of having the same experience as other girls around her age.

Anyway, let’s put her past aside for now. Right at this moment, Yuki has yet to move from her spot, catching Yuuma’s attention despite being busy with having several conversations with the rest of the Council members.

“Anyway, what did you want?” he asked his cousin, running his smooth fingers through his silky black hair.

The brown-haired smiled at him. “I just wanted you to meet Yukirin officially.”

Yuuma would have believed her even though his mind was telling him that it wasn’t the truth. It was only her suspicious smile that gave her away, since it was the similar one that she would have on her face whenever there was something going to happen.

“We’ve already met during the field trip to South Korea.” He pointed out, looking at her warily.

She lets out a laughed and beamed her signature smile, patting his shoulder as she gave a glance to him and the raven-haired. “That’s great then!”

“The two of you can become good friends, Yuu-kyun!”

Yuuma sighed after hearing his cousin call him by the nickname that she had given to him ever since they were kids, despite his efforts of protesting about being called by his first name. Letting out a cough, he started to wriggle away from Yuko’s hold as she patted him hard.

Seeing this, Takamina gestured at Yuki to go nearer them. “Come here, Yukirin!”

The raven-haired didn’t move an inch towards them, earning a raise of the brow from Yuko and the others. The brown-haired smirked along with everyone, not surprised that Yuki hasn’t left her state of shock.

They have noticed several times how her eyes would trail off and somehow latch themselves on Yuuma, following his and every move without realizing it herself. This would happen every single time whenever Yuuma was around them.

Seeing this, Yuko started to get an energy rush. The desire to make them get closer and have them end up as a couple began to grow, giving her some hope that she would be able to change the two’s mindset towards ‘love’.

“Yukirin!” Yuko called, this time successfully snapping the said girl out of her trance.

She gestured for the raven-haired to come nearer, pushing her own cousin towards Yuki as she mentally began to pat herself on the back, obviously pleased with the way the two seemed to act— Yuki was staggering with her face dark red.

The rest of the Council members started to squeal amongst themselves, except for Mario— who started to clench his hands tightly into balls as he found the situation a bit too sweet for his liking. He is Mario-sama after all.

Muttering to the girl beside him, he sighed. “Miichan, I’m getting bitten by ants.”

A laugh escaped from the younger girl’s lips, finding his statement hilarious after remembering how her boyfriend hated this kind of moments.

“Kashiwagi Yuki, meet Watanabe Yuuma.” Yuko introduced, pushing her cousin even closer to the raven-haired.

Everyone kept the silence that has formed, but the grins that they all had on their faces remained. They tried hard to keep a straight face on but after seeing how their member— who was known for being cold to boys— stumble into Yuuma’s embrace after getting pushed by Yuko, it seemed to be impossible.

“Cousin, meet your girlfriend.” The brown-haired said, finally breaking the silence.

Yuki’s eyes widened in surprise as she took a huge step back away from the boy in front of her, latching her eyes on the girl who declared it afterwards, flabbergasted that Yuko had actually spoken it out loud. Her having a crush on Yuuma was supposed to be a secret she swore to take to her grave after all.

On the other hand, Yuuma was a bit different from how the raven-haired was acting. He has somehow managed to compose himself and was now looking at Yuki with a smile on his face— causing the raven-haired to only blush even more.

“Y—Y—Yuko-san!” the blushing girl cried out, staring at her with a pleading look to stop with whatever the brown-haired was trying to do.

Unfortunately, Yuko had other plans for her and has no intention of stepping down on the plan that she had conjured with everyone else in the Council. This was for the best of Yuki after all, and getting rid of her stalker was the only solution thing of for her to stop being so restless.

Yuko feigned an innocent smile at her. “What?”

“Yuko-san.” A black aura radiating from the raven-haired.

With sincerity in her voice, Yuko spoke. “This is for you own good, Yukirin.”

“My own good?” the raven-haired wondered, looking at the older girl with a confused expression on her face. “What does she mean?”

Not wanting to keep the Student Body treasurer in the dark, Sayaka cleared her throat and started the explanation. “Remember how we kept on trying to figure out who was perfect for the role of ‘the perfect boyfriend’?”

“Y-yeah. So, what about it?”

“Well, we managed to think of Watanabe Yuuma and came across a very important reason as to why he should be the one to help you in getting rid of that pest.” She smiled. “He fits the role perfectly.”

“B-but didn’t I tell you that I can take care of the problem myself?” Yukirin asked, flustered about the thought of getting the black-haired involved.

Everyone snickered as they all heard Sayaka’s answer. Her tone made it obvious that she has completely made up her decision about not allowing Yuki to deal with the problem on her own. Besides, even the girl herself once admitted into wanting to see how their plan would work out.

“Nonsense!” Sayaka told her, dismissively shaking her hand at the dejected girl.

“You’re a member of the Council, and a family to us! We want to protect you and get that stalker of yours out of your life without taking any actions towards him! We’ll just let him see how happy you are with your boyfriend, and everything will be solved!”

“It’s not THAT simple, President!” Yuki wailed, flailing her arms as she tried to desperately search for a reason why the plan wouldn’t work out. “Mou~!”

She has no intention of getting the guy involved, and neither will she allow anyone to meddle in her own situations. Come to think of it, this was all her fault. If she never joined that cursed Rappapa club, none of this would be happening.

“I told him that we could only be friends, because I prefer to be with someone who I know will be the right one for me!” she cried, practically pulling her hair in frustration. “I said that I don’t want to have a boyfriend, UNLESS he’s the one I’m sure I would marry!”

“That’s why I said that I might even consider a Marriage for Convenience in the future!” she moaned, forgetting that Yuuma was around to witness her acting that way.

Haruna let out a sigh, noticing the bemused expression on Yuuma’s face. “Well, it doesn’t matter. Just do it and get rid of your stalker.”

Yuki looked at the older girl with disbelief in her eyes. Why couldn’t they just accept that she doesn’t want their help? It was not like she was THAT desperate to go such lengths of having them ask her crush to help her out. All she needs was some space from him, that’s all.

She whined. “But that’ll be going against my own principles!”

“Forget about your principles and just deal with your problem.” Mario told her in a matter-of-fact tone.

From the persuasion that she has been receiving for the past few minutes, Yuki began to deeply regret the decision of telling them her problem. It seems that even though her mind was all made up in not getting the guy involved, their desire to help kept making them try and meddle in.

Sayaka crossed her arms at this and frowned. “This is also a reason why we’re helping you.”

“Yeah! You always think about principles and whatnots instead of focusing on the problem at hand.” Miichan nodded in agreement, puffing her cheeks with air as she pouted.

The raven-haired sighed for the nth time that day and opened her mouth. However, right before she could, Yuuma’s cousin sealed her mouth and beat her down to it. Yuko has a hand clamped on her lips and was now dragging the younger girl to a corner, sending a knowing look to the rest of the members.

“Just going to have a little chat with her.” She said with a smile, making Yuuma raise his brow in question for her actions. “You should go and discuss what you have to do with the rest of them.”

Turning to the said ‘them’, she nodded and turned her attention back to the raven-haired, whose mouth still had Yuko’s hand clamped over. She pushed the younger girl towards a seat and stood in front of her, blocking her sight of everyone else in the room as they started briefing him on what they had in mind.

“Yukirin, listen.” She started, letting out a sigh as she pinched the bridge of her nose. “Everyone’s doing this to help you.”

Yuki protested. “But I don’t—“

“—no buts. We all knew that you have a crush on Yuuma, but you can’t let your personal feelings cloud your judgment and make things harder for you to deal with.” She interrupted, using the some words she once heard Yuki’s grandfather spoke. “Just trust me on this, alright?”

“Besides, you’ll get to spend some time with him.” Yuko added with a smirk.

Yuki didn’t know if she should be feeling grateful or angry at that moment. Part of her felt like she was just being used by the rest of the Council members as a source of entertainment— since practically nothing interesting happens to them.

But then, those kind of thoughts began to vanish as her mind started to make her imagine a scene where she was holding hands with Yuuma— a particular scene where he had a huge smile on his face as he caresses her cheek with a thumb, before gently placing a kiss on her lips.

All of those were playing in her mind, manipulated by none other than Yuko, who started to do so the moment she realized that Yuki has once again set foot in the land of her dreams— or the place in her head whenever she would space out.

When she managed to snap out of it, she pushed the older girl away from her and looked the opposite way, crossing her arms across her chest as she huffed. Her face was pink in color and at that very moment, Yuko knew that it wouldn’t take long for her to finally agree with the plan.

“F-fine!” Yuki eventually agreed, stammering out her words of defeat as soon she found herself locking eyes with a certain guy.

Blushing hard, she whipped her head and stared at Yuko whose eyes glinted mischievously. “But if it doesn’t work, you guys can’t get involved any longer!”

“And that includes Yuuma-kun!”

“Promise!” Yuko swore, linking their pinkies together.

That seemed to have satisfied the raven-haired at the moment, even though she had a certain feeling that the promise wouldn’t be carried out. Yuko smiled happily to herself. It may not seem like it to others, but that cousin of hers is a very reliable person— even though he refuses to show it most of the time.

Grinning at her, Yuko started to pull the younger girl. She chuckled as she felt Yuki’s hesitation in taking any step to get closer to Yuuma, finding it funny that she could gush about him all throughout their meetings, yet be so shy around him.

“Stop being so shy around him!” Yuko told her, whispering in her ears. “You need to get used to this!”

Leaving Yuki to stand in front of her cousin, the brown-haired gave a thumbs-up to the rest and started ruffling Yuuma’s black hair. “Did you understand all of the details, cousin?”

A sigh left his mouth and he pushed her away gently, fixing his hair afterwards as he replied a ‘yes’ to her before turning his head to face Yuki. “I’ve heard about your situation.”

“You’ll be in my care, as I will be in yours.” He told her with a small smile on his face. “So, let’s get along?”

A moment of silence enveloped everyone. Yuki had lost her senses once more and was clueless to what she was supposed to do right then. It was hard to think of anything, especially when everyone was looking at her with expectant looks.

Her mind was not helping in her situation as well. It was too distracted in screaming at her, telling her to get a grip and stop being so mesmerized with the sight of Yuuma in front of her— which mind you, is extremely hard to do so, even more when he has those gorgeous brown orbs staring back at her.

It was an extremely good thing that her body managed to figure out what she had to do, without the need for her brain’s approval. Her head lowered itself and she automatically flashed a smile at him— which she hopes that doesn’t make her look like a dork.

“Uh-huh!” she nodded, almost too enthusiastically.

Everyone dropped a sweat and she began to mentally scold herself for acting that way. The embarrassment was too much to handle for her, and all she wanted to do was dig a hole in the ground before throwing herself in with a coffin.

It was quite fortunate for her that she was saved from the awkward atmosphere that she herself has accidentally formed by Yuko, who started to babble about some details— which only passed through Yuki’s ears.

Spacing out seemed to be a habit that she was starting to have, since she has once again gotten herself into a trance. It must have been the effects that Yuuma has on her, which pretty much started ever since she laid her eyes on him during their field trip.

“…anyway, the two of you will have to stay together for the whole week.” Yuko smiled, snapping the girl out of her embarrassment.

Yuki looked at her blankly— silently cursing herself for spacing out during the brown-haired’s explanation. That earned her a look from Yuko that states her disbelief, and a sigh which was soon followed by the summary of what she had explained earlier.

“Like I said before, we need to make your stalker believe that the two of you are dating. It’s necessary for the plan to work out perfectly, so you have to act as a couple for a week.” She repeated.

It must have been a day for Yuki’s eyes to widen almost every now and then. Her jaw dropped almost as instantly as her eyes widened in surprise, and she quickly tore her sight off from Yuuma, focusing it a second later on the girl who seemed to have a liking for surprising her.

“A week?!” she asked.

The brown-haired nodded in reply, stifling in her laughter along with the rest of the Council members as they found her being completely surprised, amusing. Ignoring them, Yuki turned her head to Yuuma, who seemed unfazed by everything.

“Are you alright with that, Watanabe-san?” she asked, desperately hoping that he would agree that he was and help her get out of the plan that everyone had in mind. “It’s burdensome to be my boyfriend, and I can just find someone else to help me.”

To her dismay, Yuuma shook his head instead and showed her his smile. “I’m alright with one week.”

“Besides, you must have been extremely troubled that Yuuchan has to personally ask me for help.” He gave a sheepish smile. “I can also make use of this opportunity to repay her.”

“And with that, we can now commence on the mission!” Yuko concluded, throwing her hands up in the air as she began to cheer happily along with the other girls after having successfully forced the raven-haired to shake her cousin’s hand.

Just as they were about to cheer along with Yuko, the raven-haired desperately tried to push herself away from Yuuma. Right after they were forced to shake hands with each other, Yuko enveloped them in a tight hug and squeezed Yuki against her cousin’s chest.

It wasn’t that she hated being pressed against him. To be honest, she actually loved the feeling of it. It’s just the thought of being labeled ‘weird’ by the older boy if he starts to notice that she actually liked the feeling of his hard chest.

“Just thinking about it…” Yuki blushed hard, biting her lower lip hard as she tried to get the thought out of her mind. “What am I thinking?!”

“So, when are we starting?” Yuuma asked all of a sudden.

Yuko flashed him her dimples. “Today.”

“What?” Yuki snapped her head in surprise.

The older girl looked back at her, ignoring the daggers that the raven-haired was sending to her. “Once we’ve finished the meeting, Yuuma will accompany you home.”

“Since today wouldn’t be considered as a day, the contract will expire next Monday.” She added.

Yuki narrowed her eyes into a slit as the older girl ran towards her desk and started rummaging through her bag, muttering words under her breath when she seemed to have some trouble finding whatever it was supposed to be inside.

It was a good thing for Yuko that she suddenly remembered how she had actually placed the folder in her cabinet. Smiling to herself, she immediately took out the said folder and rushed back to her cousin’s side.

“What’s that?” Yuki asked, already feeling wary of the folder.

Proving her senses were correct, Yuko replied. “A contract.”

Yuko handed the said contract to the raven-haired and beamed at her, hoping that her bubbliness and energetic smile would somehow cease and prevent the frown she predict would appear on the younger girl’s face from appearing.

It didn’t work though. From the very moment the contract was handed to her, Yuki already frowned to herself, obviously displeased with the object in hand. The sentences written inside added to her irritation and made her hand back the folded with a deadly glare.

“Do you wish for an early graduation?” Yuki asked the older girl through gritted teeth, adding a low growl at the end of her sentence that made Yuko flinch and let out a small whimper as she hid behind a certain cat-like girl.

“What do you mean by weekends not considered as part of the week?” she asked.

Yuko squeaked. “Y-you never leave the house during weekends, so there’s no reason for us to be worried that you’ll be stalked then.”

“Yuko-san—” the raven-haired stared, ready to grab at her collar.

She was only stopped when Acchan stepped in between the two girls and smiled at her apologetically. “Sorry about that, Yukirin.”

“I was the one who wrote all of these.” She informed, surprising the girl very much.

Scratching the side of her head, she sheepishly spoke. “I thought that it would help and serve as a payback in return for all the favors that I’ve received from you.”

“Acchan did?” Yuki asked herself, trying hard not to raise a brow in question.

Forcing a smile, she replied with a dismissive wave of the hand. “I-if that’s the case, then everything’s fine with me.”

“There’s no way Acchan would do something against my wishes, she’s really kind and the one who understands me the most in the Council.” She thought, instantly smiling widely as she was handed the folder to sign.

Without any hesitation, she started signing and handed it back, thinking to herself that she has no other problems to deal with. There couldn’t be any other things written in the contract that would make her regret later because she didn’t take the time to read, right?

Seeing that everything seemed to have been solved, Yuuma cleared his throat. “If you may now excuse me, I’ll be returning for my club activity now.”

“Oh, alright.” Sayaka told him with a huge smile on her face, clearly pleased with what they had all achieved.

Everyone started uttering their farewells for him with a pat on the back, thanking him at the same time for accepting their call for help as Yuki merely stood by the side, watching the older boy finish saying that it was just a small favor for him to help her.

She didn’t pat him on the back or utter a single word to him like the others, and continued staring at Yuuma walk towards the door to open it. When he grabbed hold of the knob, her shoulders slumped and she prepared to exhale the huge amount of air that she has been holding.

She had come to realize of the side that she has shown to the older boy, and feel extremely stupid for not remembering how he was in the room with them. What would have happened if she wasn’t stopped by Acchan, and strangled Yuuma’s cousin?

She was still mentally scolding herself for that and having the desire to hug him before he walks out of the room, taken aback by the thought that came to mind. That caused some irritation to arise, only to be diffused the moment Yuuma stopped walking out of the door midway and turned to her.

“It’s been a long time since I have last seen you in the club, Kashiwagi-san.” He pointed out, reminding the raven-haired of her stalker at that moment.

He added and smiled. “I hope that you can finish your Council duties and come back soon.”

“The music’s completely dull without you and your flute.”

And with that, he walked out of the door and left everyone’s jaw hanging in shock, surprised at the statement that he had just spoken out for everyone to hear. Obviously, Yuki was one of them. She never thought that she would hear such words from him.

It puzzled her, leaving her wondering to herself if the guy actually meant anything and was trying to tell her something, or was merely being polite as the guy that she has pictured him as. Now trying to read between the lines, she found herself assuming, which lead to the weakening of her legs.

“This will surely end in success.” Yuko spoke with confidence, earning nods from everyone in agreement as she started to rub her invisible beard.

Turning to the still-shocked girl, she lifted her arm and started patting Yuki on the shoulder, uttering some words to congratulate her about finally getting the opportunity of a lifetime—spending some quality time with the guy she has been crushing on.

Now, an opportunity like hers is extremely hard to come by. Especially when you’re having the guy you like, to pretend as your boyfriend even if it’s just for a week. However, Yuki seemed to have broken down because not a second too soon, she startled everyone by rushing out of the room, screaming incoherent words.

She left them staring at her back, running down the stairs without any care whatsoever if she would slip and break something. In fact, if that would be an enough reason to stay away from the school for one week to escape the deal she had been forced into with Yuuma, she would gladly twist her ankle then.

However, the thought of breaking something scared her and thus prevented any of what she had hoped to occur. She reached the middle of the campus, slightly sweaty and panting from all the running and skipping that she has done.

In frustration, she shouted, “I HATE THIS!”

She started clutching at her head, pulling at her hair in complete irritation. Several thoughts came to mind, jumbled up in not time with the concerns that she had begun to remember. And then, all of those cleared up and she shouted at the sky.

“What if I fall in love with him?!?!?!?!?!?!”

To Be Continued…
« Last Edit: April 30, 2014, 12:11:12 PM by karomuwi »
Had a withdrawal, so now I'm planning to fall in love with the couples all over again

\(^ - ^)/
Here are my fics~! They can be found amongst these three. :hee:

Love's A Mission
Oh My Dolly!

SoUL (Series)

The Akiba Family (T.A.F)

Offline mayuki_daisuki

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Re: BOYFRIEND FOR RENT Part Two(01/28)
« Reply #155 on: January 28, 2013, 07:40:16 PM »
thanx for the update :deco:
and sorry for the short comment before :nervous
i like rena but mayuki is always on my mind :oops: :heart: :yep:
My kami-oshi is Mayuyu, and my oshimen is Oku Manami.

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Re: BOYFRIEND FOR RENT Part Two(01/28)
« Reply #156 on: January 28, 2013, 07:49:07 PM »
OH! I read this "new" (for me) story and.... I like it!!
Thanks for the update!!!
And I see you!

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Re: BOYFRIEND FOR RENT Part Two(01/28)
« Reply #157 on: January 28, 2013, 08:56:49 PM »
oh god, this was perfect as always!!

Yuko-sama, you're so osam!!  :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs I'm so proud to be your No.1 fan~!!!

Haha, Acchan thought of those? nice one  XD

Gah, Yuuma so cool and sweet, nee? I think he likes Yukirin at least a bit nee? Those gentle words he said..  :wub:

And Yukirin's reactions are of course priceless  :rofl: :rofl:

Maritroll... :sweatdrop: :sweatdrop:

I'll be waiting for your next chapter, muwi-chama!!!
« Last Edit: April 04, 2013, 12:29:15 AM by sakura_drop_ »
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

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My KamiOshis: Yuuko-sama, Rena-sama  Oshimen: Yuihime Other favorites: Mirukii, Juri-tan, Ripopo

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Re: BOYFRIEND FOR RENT Part Two(01/28)
« Reply #158 on: January 29, 2013, 01:23:37 PM »
Thanks for the update  :lol:  :heart:
Enjoyed the update... Yuko and Yuuma are so cool  XD
Yukirins reaction were priceless  :twothumbs
Can't wait for the next chapter  :cathappy:
No matter how impossible you think it is...

You have to try it...

Before saying it's really impossible!

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Re: BOYFRIEND FOR RENT Part Two(01/28)
« Reply #159 on: January 29, 2013, 03:34:08 PM »
Yukirin is over reacting! Come on, just go try it out with Yuuma for that week !  Just dun try anything pervy! XD
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My Little Brother Can't Be This Cute!

Derailed - OS featuring Aya x Nao

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