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Author Topic: [BbSis's OS] MariMii Drabble 29/11/16  (Read 29241 times)

Offline BbSis

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Being considerate – Valentine’s OS [MariMii]
« Reply #20 on: February 15, 2013, 06:46:16 AM »
Yo, minna! I hope it’s not too late for a valentine’s os /o\ Everything led me finish it now, this late at night where I live :/

So, Max asked me if I would write a valentine’s os. As I was unsure, he encouraged me, soooooo here it is. Despite everything, is with my OTP. Though I thought about doing it with other pairs >.>

Sorry if it’s lame (which I think it is….), I just finished it (I know it is not an excuse¬¬). Also, it is no proofread, so forgive any mistakes, please o/

Thank you for reading o/

chichay12: Thank you! Atsumina is next of the rebirth series, but I'm kind of stuck into university things... ^^''

Javs: Thank you and SORRY!!!!  :bow: :bow: :bow: I'm working on it, but I'm kind of blocked and university stuff is getting on my feet ><

KojiYuu44: Thank you! I hope your cheeks didn't hurt for too long ><'

Yuuzu05: Thank you! I miss it too! That's why I write a lot about them o/ but lately, lot of fics with them are appearing o/

CheesyBits: Thank you o/

Pandah: Thank you!!! Hehe marimii is epic ;p

Kahem: Thank you!!! ^^

ZeriusLei: Thank you! Hey, don't cry *offers a handkerchief* Don't worry! KojiYuu is on my plans for the rebirth series o/

To everyone: Thank you for reading it!  :bow:


Being considerate – Valentine’s os

Leaning against the wall, I sighed tired. The practice session was harder than it usually is. The younger girls started to talk about an upcoming especial day. They were so loud that the entire room could hear them. Soon, everyone was talking about give and receive chocolate from each other on Valentine’s Day. What a waste of time. After the hectic week we had, they still managed to have time to think about frivolous things.

Remembering the events we had during the week, I looked at one of them. Miichan was silently making the dance movements, ignoring all the cheering talk about Valentine’s day. That was not the Miichan I know. She would usually be one of the firsts to talk about it. Maybe what happened let her a bit sensible about this matter. Yet, she didn’t say a word about what really happened; she only say that they are only friends. I just want the cheerful and naughty Miichan back.

“Mariko-sama,” Karen asked, bringing me back. “What kind of chocolate do you like?” I gave a thought about the question. It irritated me a bit. How come they are talking about this in front of Miichan?!

“I don’t like chocolate. It gets us fat.” I simply said in a normal tone. From the corner of my eyes, I saw Miichan turning a bit to our direction. So, she was sensible about this. She rearranged the cap she was wearing and silently walked out the room. My eyes accompanied her, while the girls blabbed about my answer. I smiled at them and excused myself. They got a bit confused, since I  usually would acidly participate in their chat.

I followed Miichan to the changing room and found her already undressing. We were all drenched in sweat, so she would obviously take a bath. I looked at her body, checking every spot of bare skin. I’ve been doing this ever since she shaved her head; I’m afraid she could do other things to her body. Miichan finally seemed to notice me. She was still with a serious face.

“Why?” I looked at her questionably. “Why you lied to the girls? Most of the girls know you accept and eat valentine chocolate.”

“What’s your problem!? I was just being considerate with you.” Without noticing, I was using my ironic tone.

“I don’t want your pity. Save it for someone else.” The bitter tone in her voice made me feel bad.

“Calm down. I just thought that you might be sensible about it.”

“You thought wrong then. I’m not in the mood. All I want now is work hard to recover from my mistakes. To let them know that I’m grateful that they let me stay.” Her bitter tone again made me feel bad in a way I never thought I could. And it irritated me deeply.

“But you don’t have to do that with a sad Gachapin face. You made a mistake. So? We are humans, we are vulnerable beings. We all know that you feel sorry for what happened, but it is about time you take that damn demotivated expression off of your face. All we want it to see you well and with good high self-esteem.” I could feel my veins pulsing. Wait. Did her face gain a bit of color now?

“It is not an easy thing to do. You don’t know how I’m feeling.” She countered. I sighed angrily and walked towards her. Leaning closer, I stretched my arm and hit the locker behind her with the palm of my hand. She just widened her eyes.

“I don’t want these things for me if it means I have to quit my career. So no, I don’t know how you are feeling. But there is one thing I know. Your fans are being unconditionally nice and supportive. So respect to your fans a little and get out of whatever dark place you mind is and show them you are fine.” After this, a long silence took place while we stared at each other. Our faces were really close and we could feel our warm breaths blowing hardly. Maybe she would say something, but I’ll never know. The other girls started to enter in the changing room and get a bit confused with the scene they found. Shaking my head negatively, I walked to my locker, got my towel and headed to the shower.

Underneath the shower’s hot current water, I took a deep breath. I needed to think about my behavior towards Miichan. It is really weird lately. Precisely, after this whole scandal thing. Also, Tomochin announcing her graduation didn’t help my mood either. So, why? Why I was acting like that? Things are getting out of my control. Raising both hands, I rubbed my face and my hair in one large movement. I couldn’t afford spend more time in the bath. I have a full schedule today. With that in mind, I turned off the water and dried myself. After dressed up, I departed saying goodbye to everyone and anyone in particular.

All my appointments kept my mind busy for the rest of the week. I could only see Miichan very fast from afar. But to every glance I gave her, I tried to check if everything was right. And every day I spared a thought for her. Why is that only now I realized I’m always following her with my eyes? Why do I do that? I always thought that I was a smart girl. Where is the smart woman who could figure out every change of mood of every teammate? I couldn’t even figure out my own feelings. I sighed again and smiled for another shoot.

In the middle of my busy week, I found out that my day off would be on February fourteen. Great. I wouldn’t want it differently. No kouhai wanting to give admiration chocolate. Nothing to watch the couples gathering together and act all lovey-dovey. Don’t get me wrong, I love my friends, but it’s hard to stand when they start to act cheesy. Of course there are girls who don’t have a pair, they are young and have each other. What about me? Well, I don’t mind being alone in that matter. I just need my career and my friends. And I’m just happy if I can troll them.

The so awaited break arrived. I actually had plans for the day. I would sleep as long as I could; if it ended up being near lunch time, I would prepare a light meal. Then, I would go to Shibuya. Shopping is always good to relax. Maybe eat again and go to bed early. But my plans were completely ruined when a certain Gachapin rang my doorbell too early in the morning.

“O… Ohayou, Mariko.” I glared at her with few friends face. She faked a smile while I pounded if I would let her in. Watching closely, I noticed she seemed she hadn’t back home last night.

“What happened to you?” I asked dryly. I was really angry. She woke me up from my beauty sleep, for Christ sake!

“Can’t I just get in?” She kept faking her smile. Miichan was becoming an expert of making me mad.

“I won’t let you in until you tell me what happened. You know if you get yourself into another scandal, it’s over for you.” My hard tone made her stare sadly at the floor.

“I just stayed at the theater practicing and they ended up locking me inside.” she explained looking to the side. I raised an eyebrow, she was lying. The security guards would find her and send her home. I noticed her lips were with a deep blue color, almost turning purple. It was cold, and the cold morning breeze was giving me chills. I took a deep breath very unsatisfied.

“Okay. You can come in.” I said opening making a movement to let her in. She hurried inside rubbing her arms. Miichan took off her shoes and walked slowly to my couch. I sighed while locking my door. I didn’t want any unwanted visit; anyone else I was already having.

“You don’t look well. Why don’t you take a bath?” I suggested warming water to make some tea. She nodded taking off her hat and scarf. It was almost two weeks, her hair was already growing, but it still had the shaved appearance. I went to my room and grabbed her a towel and a change of clothes. When she was out the bathroom, the tea was ready. I noticed that her lips were back to the normal light pink color when she sipped the tea. “Can you tell me now what really happened?” I yawned. “Ok. Tell me later. I’ll take a nap. You do the same after finish the tea; you know where the guest room is.” After saying this, I backed to my room and cuddled onto my bed.

Orpheus was already embracing me with his gentle grip when I felt strong arms pushing me back to reality. What the heck she was doing in my bed?! When I was about to turn to scold her, both arms tremble around me together with a body which was now leaned against my back. It started low, but in a matter of seconds my room was filled with a loud cry. I could also hear my heart cracking. It started to run in a weird sad decomposed way. I wanted to turn and hug her tightly, but I was afraid she would run away again. So I just let her be. Before I notice, I fell asleep.

A cold sunray was passing through the curtains and illuminating the room. I tried to shift, but there was something heavy impeding my arm to move. I opened my eyes slowly and saw Miichan nuzzled in me. She seemed to be asleep. This time I couldn’t hold myself and hugged her. I felt her giggling and then she stretched her arms to hold me again. Miichan buried her face on my neck.

“Thank you, Mariko.” Her voice was muffled. “You’re right.” About what? Whatever, I’m always right.”This whole thing bothers me a lot. I never thought thing would turn this way. I’ve already done this so many times… We shouldn’t stay until late playing video games… ” Oh! She is mixing things. Wait! That was the reason she spent the night there?! I tightened my grip to not scold her. She was just f***ing playing video games! It was not because she was damn in love with him! No! I’m talking like Yuko now! Right. Breath. I don’t know why, but I feel so relieved now.  No wonder she was depressed. I would be depressed too if everyone thought I was dating and doing other things too, though spend a night at a guy’s place would suggest this.

“It’s okay. So now, explain what happened today.” I said kindly, which was unusual.

“I was indeed practicing, but when the time came, the guards asked me to go home. But I didn’t want to. I decided to stroll on the streets. But people started to recognize me, so I remembered what you said and ended up at your door. But you would scold me if I rang your bell late at night. Also, I heard you had a day off today.” She explained in a way I could barely understand. I still couldn’t understand why. After a long period of silence, her stomach growled loudly. I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Come on, let’s make something to eat.” I said that looking at her. She looked me back with red and swollen eyes. I fondled her head, and then we lazily got out of bed. I could finally peek at the clock, and find out it was already lunch time. I wondered when the last time Miichan ate something was. We walked slowly to the kitchen, with me thinking deeply about what I could offer to a hungry Gachapin. And remembered something important. “Hey, don’t forget to call your parents to tell them you are here.”

“Hay!” She nodded quite energetically. I felt really relieved that she could still remember how to be energetic. I made her sat at the table while I cooked something for us. Well, we were still at my house and I had to make the honors. When the food was ready, Miichan ate everything in an incredible speed. I gaped at it. But ok, today I felt like doing whatever she wanted. So it was a really rare moment.

“Calm down, my pantry has plenty of food, Gachapin.” I scoffed. She looked at me pouting, but kept chewing. She swallowed the food and walked silently to her purse, which was on the couch. Miichan turned to me a bit shy.

“Ano… T.. This is just as a thank you, ok?” She said to me shyly handing a chocolate bar, those you buy from a convenience store. “You see… I hadn’t time to handmade one…” I was totally sure she was blushing.

“Thank you…” I thanked feeling unexpectedly shy. To my surprise, Miichan leaned closer and kissed my cheek; but it was on the corner of my mouth. Something burned inside me. “Right I’ll let you be my date today.” She definitely blushed hard as I approached my face to hers.

“Mariko…” She said in a mix of sigh and moan. I couldn’t resist it. I closed the distance between our faces putting our lips together. What was a light kiss, turned into a deep hot one. My heart throbbed so fast that I felt I would melt down. When we parted, I hid all my feelings with a trollface.

“See? That’s how it’s done.” I said winking and poking her forehead. She just showed her tongue. I smirked. “Happy Valentine.” I wished putting more food on her plate.

“Ha.. Happy Valentine.” She said shoving another portion of food into her mouth, blushing. I smiled at that. This was the best valentine I have ever had, but I wouldn’t be telling this to anyone.



Sorry about my lack of activity... I'm kinda stuck in life...

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Re: Being considerate – Valentine’s OS [MariMii]
« Reply #21 on: February 15, 2013, 07:26:08 AM »
Mariko is a calm character with burning passion
Random Thought:


R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

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Re: Being considerate – Valentine’s OS [MariMii]
« Reply #22 on: May 29, 2013, 10:49:47 PM »
woooow I did not saw this!!!!!! :D
I'm really happy seeing that
someone wrote a fic about MariMii
after all what happened to Miichan
I like this os sooo much ><
your writing style is the best as
always Bbsis ;)
your fics always make me
laugh so much or it make
my heart warm
please make more MariMii (T^T)
thank you for this update and
sorry if my comment iis a bite
(very) late :P
« Last Edit: May 29, 2013, 10:56:33 PM by mo-chan »

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Re: Being considerate – Valentine’s OS [MariMii]
« Reply #23 on: May 30, 2013, 07:24:34 AM »
Do you know how glad I was seeing your fic again? XD

It's very cute and fluffy btw. Cute Miichan here... XD

And, btw... I saw your photo on tumblr, nice hair color  :lol: :thumbup

Offline anakpanti

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Re: Being considerate – Valentine’s OS [MariMii]
« Reply #24 on: October 01, 2013, 03:54:00 PM »
So BbSis...

I just realize that you're the writer of "I'll rebirth for you."

I read it before I'm start to write fanfics...
maybe you didn't realize.. but this fanfic really inspired me for my 'VOICES' ending.  :heart:
I love that so much.  :D

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Letters – requested by Javs [PeaceParu]
« Reply #25 on: October 26, 2013, 04:50:09 AM »
Hello~~ This post finally being updated =p

Kuro: I agree with you~~ Thank you for reading o/

Momo: Yes, when Max asked me to do a valentine's OS, I could only think about write about the scandal. Thank you for the compliment^^ I'm glad you like my writing style o/ I'll make more MariMii yes! I'm a MariMii lover after all ^~

stv_wong: Really?! Thank you! I'm supper glad that you like this OS And I'm still with that hair color :3 But my hair it a bit longer =]

Tianne: Yes. I am :3 Do you know that I didn't write that story at night? I was somehow scared xD I'm really glad that I'll rebirth for you inspired you for you fic~ Thank you for liking it so much  :bow:

Minna: Sorry for the late reply  :bow:

Javs: Sorry to make you wait so long  :bow: :bow: :bow:

This is a request from Javs, and as it took so long to be done and because it is short compared to my usual fics I decided to make it a three-shots!

It was brilliantly proofread by Sakuchan, that showed me that I still have a lot to learn :3 Thank you very much  :bow:

Enough with the talk!


      Dear Paru,                                     

      As you may know by now, I am back to Prison Hope. I'm sorry if I disappointed you, but there was no option left. Ever since we three, me, you and Nanashi, managed to escape with the help of our friends this thing got stuck in my throat: I can't accept the fact that we left our friends behind.                                                           

      Nanashi always said  it was their own choice to stay to fight and back up our flight with the compromising data to denounce the truth behind Prison Hope objectives and goals. I am well aware of that. But it just seems that their efforts were in vain.                               

      Don't you remember when we went to see the authorities to proceed with the denouncement , how they treated us? I don't even know if they actually did something about that matter!!! Though I am truthfully grateful that they decided not to punish me about Keita's murder , but  what really matters to me is that you have  completely forgiven me for  what I did  and accepted me.                                                           
      However, I must confess that I felt a bit secure when they decided to put us under a protection law. They moved us three in an apartment and we had a bodyguard guarding us twenty four hours  a day. Days  were passing and I realized that it was basically like being back to prison. This  thought led me to think what was going on there. How were our friends? Were they still remanded in Hope?
     One thing I knew for sure: with my mother being dead   our jail keeper, that creepy captain would be promoted to director. I  hate to inform you that I was right. He is the new  director and he's been doing crazy stuff. He came back with the teams and made them fight each other for  his own entertainment. Sometimes  he takes Uruseeyo to the interrogation room for no reason and keeps  her there for a few hours. At those times  Tetsuo just goes  back to their room and sulks curled on her bed. Uruseeyo said  she just waits  while sitting on a chair until the captain takes her back to the common room, and that sometimes he asks her strange questions.

      They put me back in  our room, C-4. It seems emptier without you here, but it is better like this; you did nothing to deserve coming  back here. Actually, you did nothing to deserve  being  arrested in the first place. Even so, I'm glad I could meet you. This time I don't have the privileges I had back then, but Messi is helping everyone with her hacker skills.

       After our rebellion, the relationship between Team Mangoose and Team Habu changed considerably. Bunker and Komimi are getting along well, much to Daasu’s  dismay. Every time she sees the two together,  her already closed up expression darkens . Nantene doesn't  use the doll to talk anymore and the others stopped teasing  her consequently. On  top of that,  sometimes Nobunaga and Annin go out to have a duel  and we don't see them until the  next day. I'm pretty sure that Messi knows what they do, but she doesn't  tell us. Well, I have a hunch  though.

        Another thing that made me want to come back here was this inner voice telling me that they kept following the project. I don't want anyone to suffer like me or Nobunaga. So I'm using my methods to gather information about this. I'm sure Messi is doing her homework. Then all this will finally come to an end.

        Lastly, I want to say this to you since I don't know if this time I'll manage to get out of here alive. or even if I'll get out of here  Remember that tunnel we used to escape from  the building? The place where we hugged each other and reassured our friendship? I'm always returning  there. With crossed legs I sit there and relive all our times together from the moment you appeared in my life.  When we were at that apartment that the government  provided you with,  you  opened up to  me, as I also opened myself to you. The practicing we always made with Nanashi after the classes with the particular teacher they hired for us. Our calm moments watching TV  side by side late at night. These memories always made my heart pound in a decomposed way.

       There was one time, when you slept with your head on my shoulder, one of our late-night TV times.  You were sleeping soundly and silently. Ever since we got out of HOPE you never had a nightmare with Keita. With the movement I made to turn off the TV, since I myself was also sleepy, you fell on my lap facing me. Then you started to mumble something. I couldn't understand, but you weren’t  making a sad face. Instead, you were smiling . That time I wished you were dreaming with me. In an automatic movement I leaned down and kissed you briefly. Then I took you in my arms  and carried  you to your room to place you on your bed. As I passed through Nanashi's door, I heard her mumbling Nantene's name. That was when I decided to come back here.

       If I had stayed I would have made you feel sadness again, I would have hurt you again.  I don't want  that. Yes, Paru, I love you. I fell hard for you. I don't know how you will react by knowing this, but I hope you  keep being my friend.

       This is all  I have to tell for now. If anything different happens , I'll send you another letter.



Sorry for being too short ><

I don't know if I'll post the rest in sequence ><
« Last Edit: November 25, 2013, 02:10:21 AM by BbSis »

Sorry about my lack of activity... I'm kinda stuck in life...

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Re: [BbSis's OS] Letters – requested by Javs [PeaceParu]
« Reply #26 on: October 26, 2013, 05:02:14 AM »
I proofread this while being sleepy.. I see more mistakes but least the biggest ones are fixd...
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

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Re: [BbSis's OS] Letters – requested by Javs [PeaceParu]
« Reply #27 on: October 26, 2013, 05:04:34 AM »
I proofread this while being sleepy.. I see more mistakes but least the biggest ones are fixd...

I feel like I'm a terrible writer now... ><' But thank you again :bow:

Sorry about my lack of activity... I'm kinda stuck in life...

My fics:
It started in a wedding (MariMii + usual couples) - ongoing
The fanfiction post thread (KojiYuu, WMatsui) - ongoing
The cry of a lonely star - ongoing
Oneshots at Perv area

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Re: [BbSis's OS] Letters – requested by Javs [PeaceParu]
« Reply #28 on: October 26, 2013, 05:25:28 AM »
(TTvTT) <- somehow feels like crying... de parupeace feels... nyaaa...

ok... let's just beat up the creepy warden in... 5, 4, 3, 2,...

wonderful, nyan! and pat, pat, 'ts really good~ :3

Offline anakpanti

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Re: [BbSis's OS] Letters – requested by Javs [PeaceParu]
« Reply #29 on: October 26, 2013, 07:46:10 PM »
Granny.... glad to see you write a fanfic again  XD

Can't wait for your update.
Paru x Peace.... I miss MG3.

But.... when I read this, It's kinda sad.
I hope they'll have a happy ending.

Offline BbSis

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Re: [BbSis's OS] Sulk - Short OS (Imagine you fav pairing here)
« Reply #30 on: November 29, 2013, 05:19:15 AM »
I know I should be writing my updates >< I am, believe me! But this shorty thing came to when I was on the bus going to my class.

I made this thinking of MariMii, but I ended up writing it in a way any couple would fit as long as you think they fit. It is an angst and I do not have the intention to write more of this. This is something very very very short.

Shinoki: Thank you :3 don't cry, granddaughter D; *hug*

anakpanti: I'm always writing, or at least trying, but I'm slow and sometimes I feel lazy to type>< I miss MG3 too~~ It was nice after all :3 I hope they will have a happy ending too~~ Thank you for reading o/

Javs: Welcome~~ I'm glad you like it a bit heheh My next update on this thread will be the next part, it will be Paruru's letter :3

And thank you Miyumi for proofreading it for me :3 (OMG! Miyumi proofread my fic *.* *dies*)

Short OS – Sulk (any pair you want)

Once more I looked at the grimy ceiling. The room was claustrophobically small, windless, with only one furniture: the one I was tied up to. I couldn't feel my extremities, my legs got numb first, then my hands in less than a day. How many days have I been here? My body was aching due to being tied up in an uncomfortable bed in the same position for days.

Why? I don't know. I just know I’ve been kept here as a hostage in a poor condition. Once a day, a hooded person enters in the room and gives me food. When I need to fulfill my physiologic necessities, they just tell me what to do on the bedpan. Shame is a luxury I don't have.

On the first days, I screamed my lungs out for help, I screamed until my voice left me, but no one came. My skin under the handcuffs was already torn and bleeding from my struggling. They did nothing to stop me, they just left me here molding in this fucking room. As days were passing by my hope of being found by the police was slowly fading. Now I was only hoping that death would find me. I didn't want to leave this world so soon, but I have no other choice. Hope left me already. I have so many unfinished things, but only one is worth to be finished.

Every time I remember the circumstances we last saw each other I want to cry, but my eyes are already dried up. My last sight of you was a crying face. I should have grabbed you, begged you to stay, and told you how much I love you but instead, I just let you go. Every inch of your back that walked away from me hurt more than I could imagine, more than I ever thought it would. More than the chains forcefully tearing my flesh, grinding it. If I could just go back to that night, maybe I wouldn't be here now. I would be in your arms, making you happy.

I sighed frustrated leaning my head on the wall waiting for fate to find me. To ease my suffering or making me agonize more, I started to relive all of our happy moments. Like that time when we first met. You were having trouble with a few guys at the club bar. They were being so insistent on asking you out and you were refusing them vehemently. I decided to help you, so I intervened them saying that you were my friend. I asked if I made you wait too long, you gave me the brightest smile I ever saw and scolded me in a soft tone for making you wait. Later that night we shared our first kiss; with a bit of alcohol I admit. Our firsts were all so memorable for me. So different, yet so cliché. The thought of never being able to make firsts times with you again made me desperately sad.

My head is starting to spin as the days passed by. I'm seeing my body languish. My mind started to play pranks on me as one day I heard shots and screaming coming from outside the room. The door opened roughly and a hooded person ran in pointing a gun towards me. Finally death was about to find me and take me out from this suffering. I heard a shot, but I felt nothing. I thought dying would hurt like hell, but I felt nothing. There was blood all over the mattress and me. As the hooded person fell over my legs, you appeared in front of me with your gun and wearing a bullet proof vest. Everything happened in slow-motion. Your teary worried face approached and I swear I could feel your gentle touch on my hair. Your voice sounded distant when you called my name. I gave you a feint smile. Even if you were just an illusion, I had to say this...

"I'm sorry... I love you...." My voice sounded so husky as you started to untie me.

"It's okay. It doesn't matter anymore." Your voice was so soft as you held me in your arms. The last thing I remember was the warmth of your lips on mine.


Sorry about this  :sweatdrop:

See ya~~   :cow:

Sorry about my lack of activity... I'm kinda stuck in life...

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Offline anakpanti

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Re: [BbSis's OS] Sulk – Short OS [Imagine you fav pairing here]
« Reply #31 on: November 29, 2013, 05:33:42 AM »
Granny... how can you do this to me??!!  :cry:

I started to imagining WMatsui.

And then... in the middle of story.... how can I imagining Jurina suffered like that?!
Okay... Jurina is dead.  :cry: :cry: :cry:

As the hooded person fell over my legs, you appeared in front of me with your gun and wearing a bullet proof vest.
Ano... So, Rena (I chose Rena) is the one who killed her? or Rena actually want to save Jurina but failed?

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Re: [BbSis's OS] Sulk – Short OS [Imagine you fav pairing here]
« Reply #32 on: November 29, 2013, 05:41:50 AM »
Granny... how can you do this to me??!!  :cry:

I started to imagining WMatsui.

And then... in the middle of story.... how can I imagining Jurina suffered like that?!
Okay... Jurina is dead.  :cry: :cry: :cry:

As the hooded person fell over my legs, you appeared in front of me with your gun and wearing a bullet proof vest.
Ano... So, Rena (I chose Rena) is the one who killed her? or Rena actually want to save Jurina but failed?

Don't cry dear *hug*

Don't imagine the worth >< You can always be positive and imagine that Juju just fainted because she was very weak.

Rena wanted to save Jurina. But if she failed is up to you to decide :3

Thank you for reading, Tiane, I really appreciate  :bow:

Sorry about my lack of activity... I'm kinda stuck in life...

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Re: [BbSis's OS] Sulk – Short OS [Imagine you fav pairing here]
« Reply #33 on: November 29, 2013, 07:39:34 AM »
So Atsuko confessed to Yuko, wanting to take it to the next level, but Yuko just wanted to be friends, thus making Atsuko cry in the process and leave Yuko. Yuko, being awfully sorry for what she did, went around town to take her mind off of Atsuko but couldn't. In the end, Mayuyu found her and then drugged the already complicated Yuko, and kidnapped her. She took her to a house she found, chained her to the bed and then left her. Thus, this and that happened and Yuko eventually gave up on being rescued and wanted to die. That was until Atsuko came inside. Turns out Atsuko is the daughter of the neighborhood Yakuza and Mayu wanted to kidnap Atsuko's lover. Why did she do that? Because Mayuyu wanted Atsuko's attention. She loves Atsuko more than Yuko ever hoped for. While in a shoot-out with each other, Atsuko tried to negotiate with her, but Mayu never faltered until she asked Atsuko to make her her lover. Atsuko went into self-conflict but in the end, she says she still loves Yuko. Raged, Mayuyu stormed inside the room and pulled the trigger, shooting Yuko. Atsuko also went inside quickly and shot Mayu. Yuko smiled happily seeing Atsuko and Atsuko, in tears, hugged Yuko. Yuko finally lets out her true feelings and Atsuko kissed her passionately. The kiss was warm, and their minds left their bodies. But... Yuko's mind never came back. She died in her lover's arm. The death she wanted to have since the beginning.

Damn, what the hell did I just write?

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Re: [BbSis's OS] Sulk – Short OS [Imagine you fav pairing here]
« Reply #34 on: November 29, 2013, 08:29:01 AM »

@Ashu: oh another Mayuyu death, amusing.  8) and the winner is....ACCHAN!  :twisted:
my hat is off. saluting.

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Re: [BbSis's OS] Sulk – Short OS [Imagine you fav pairing here]
« Reply #35 on: November 29, 2013, 09:39:50 AM »

@Ashu: oh another Mayuyu death, amusing.  8) and the winner is....ACCHAN!  :twisted:


TD, I'm so sorry about your kami-oshi.
You're right. I read a alot of fanfics and Mayuyu often being the one who suffered.  :P

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Re: [BbSis's OS] Sulk – Short OS [Imagine you fav pairing here]
« Reply #36 on: December 01, 2013, 11:35:49 PM »
Allow me to edit this in the near future, BbSis. :sweatdrop: Will properly respond back to you soon.

[Will be edited]

Okay then! Finally got the chance to comment on this just because I can and want to. :thumbsup

Interesting how you wrote this out, allowing our imagination to be our main motivation to reading this short, but lovely OS. And yes, I did say lovely despite how angsty it could be, LOL. :sweatdrop: Not to mention leaving just enough gaps in the story to have us readers imagine what it would be like for our pairings/characters to go through before ending up in this situation.

I at first envisioned Mayuki in this situation with Mayu stuck as Yuki finally came in the last minute to save her ex-girlfriend. Afterward, I had the thought of YuiParu and wMatsui, haha. :lol:

While reading it, the last two lines had a section that I really liked:

"I'm sorry... I love you...." My voice sounded so husky as you started to untie me.

"It's okay. It doesn't matter anymore." Your voice was so soft as you held me in your arms.

Looks like every last moment in our life, we would confess and throw out the statement that we would never say if we weren't near our expiring dates. Then again, this fiction didn't explicitly state that our chosen character here died. Rather we could believe that they were knocked unconscious and fainted on the spot, right? Ah, but for my reader role here at least, I did imagine and choose an angsty ending of the poor character dying with her last words. :nervous Not too surprising but still.

Honestly, my heart did skip a beat not out of happiness (obviously) but rather out of... the pure angst, LOL. But that's good! If you can make your readers feel some sort of emotion through the piece, then it's another brownie point earned. :cathappy:

Thank you so much for writing this short OS! I truly enjoyed it and made me feel a bit angsty during the time I had read it, haha. :deco:
« Last Edit: December 21, 2013, 02:37:39 AM by LoyalFlutist »

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Re: [BbSis's OS] Sulk - Short OS (Imagine you fav pairing here)
« Reply #37 on: December 03, 2013, 04:19:40 PM »
"I'm sorry... I love you...." My voice sounded so husky as you started to untie me.

"It's okay. It doesn't matter anymore." Your voice was so soft as you held me in your arms. The last thing I remember was the warmth of your lips on mine.

Why everyone think that she died? For me she just fainted. I want to be a positive person :grin:

I imagine wmatsui. :)

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Re: [BbSis's OS] Sulk – Short OS [Imagine you fav pairing here]
« Reply #38 on: December 03, 2013, 08:19:45 PM »
This could relate to anyone if you looks past the description of the people involved.  Since I like to keep an open mind, I like the fact that it open to anyone.  Great job!!!!
Random Thought:


R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

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Re: [BbSis's OS] Sulk – Short OS [Imagine you fav pairing here]
« Reply #39 on: December 04, 2013, 12:06:37 AM »
wah your story is so touch, special the first two one

I want more Mayuki and Wmatsui

Please update soon

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