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Author Topic: (Jan 19) To Look At You: Chapter 3 (Mayuki + multiple pairings)  (Read 11190 times)

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(Jan 19) To Look At You: Chapter 3 (Mayuki + multiple pairings)
« on: December 09, 2012, 01:09:56 AM »
Hello everyone!
I couldn't resist... I've already got an ongoing Atsumina fic ( now you already know one of the pairings this story will include aside from my main characters) that I should probably update anytime soon, but Mayuki inspiration hit me with full force. I fear that I won't update this fic too often, not as long as Killer Queen isn't finished at least, but I thought I might as well post this super-short prologue here already.
The fic itself is not going to be as angsty as this sounds, trust me.


Yuki watched the veil flutter through the air. It got closer to the ground, getting smaller and smaller until it could be mistaken for one of the white pigeons she had freed this morning. No, they had freed them. His hand was on hers as she had opened the basket, the wedding ring on his finger glistening in the sun. His hand had not been sweaty; he was not moved by the ceremony, not at all. Her hand had been cold; she remembered how hot his skin had felt against hers. Only the ring, this powerful chain that bound them together, was icy, so icy that its touch had hurt even more than his.
He was not bad, no he for sure wasn’t. A true gentleman, surely not forceful even though he had already told her that he wanted children as soon as possible. Also, he was good-looking, not to forget young and smelled unobtrusive and clean. Yuki had noticed that his beard was shaved well and that he had a tiny mole on his cheek.
She had studied his face seriously, this morning when they were being wed in front of their families. She had remembered everyone’s faces, her parents who smiled proudly and were undoubtedly satisfied to have found such a rich and presentable guy for their only daughter to marry. Then there were her friends, some of them without doubt imagining themselves in the beautiful designer gown, sparkling in white. Her maid was there, she stood in the back row, with one of the bridesmaids clinging to her back because Yuki couldn’t stand anyone of her close friends next to her when she was legally getting married. Only her cousin had been staring right back at her with those sad yet angry eyes. And the face, the face she had longed to see hadn’t been anywhere to be found. But who could blame her? If Yuki could she would have skipped her own wedding as well.
However, a marriage could only last that long. Only until death…
When she had been younger she had used to think that graduation from highschool and her marriage afterwards, that this would be the real beginning of life. She had dreamed about a dashing prince, a white wedding, maybe children. A son in a velvet mini-tuxedo and a daughter wearing a pink dress, that’s what she had imagined.  They would all live together in a nice house, her husband would go to work and she would play with the children and leave the cleaning to her maid. A perfect life she had imagined… but now this dream had turned into a nightmare.
Oh, everything could be wonderful, really she would have been happy. If she just went back now, back to the party all her wishes would come true. A wedding should be the peek of one’s live, a day to remember and that’s what she intended to make it.
She raised her arm and threw the bouquet with all her might, like a bride should. It fell down fast, passing all of the floors in a second. Yuki wondered what the people looking out of their hotel room windows thought about the flowers. Would they guess that there was a wedding being celebrated in the penthouse? Where they too absorbed in their own world, searching for a familiar face down on the street that was so endlessly far away from where Yuki was standing?
What a bad person she was. The world was at her feet and it was still not enough.
It would never be enough, not if she didn’t have her.
Slowly she lifted one of her legs and swung it over the railing. She shook her foot until her shoe came off and fell. As tight as she could she grabbed the metal and lifted her other leg so she came to sit on the railing.
Yuki’s feet dangled in empty space and the heavy skirt of her gown was already pulling her down.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2013, 10:40:52 PM by fffff »

Offline ChuuuPuffss

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Re: (Dec 9) To Look At You: Prologue (Mayuki)
« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2012, 04:35:01 AM »
Mehehehe! I want update! :33

Lol. That's all I can say. Bye bye~
I'm the lazy author who rarely updates.

Offline Playgirlz

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Re: (Dec 9) To Look At You: Prologue (Mayuki)
« Reply #2 on: December 09, 2012, 04:50:28 AM »
Noooooo Please update please!! It sounds like a tragedy but i love it ><

I'll waiting for you to update!!! Thank you

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Re: (Dec 9) To Look At You: Prologue (Mayuki)
« Reply #3 on: December 09, 2012, 07:52:47 PM »
It's really an interesting prologue  ;)
I think it will be a good fic  :D
please cantinue  :thumbsup

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Offline fffff

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Re: (Dec 9) To Look At You: Prologue (Mayuki)
« Reply #4 on: December 14, 2012, 11:10:46 PM »
Ah I felt bad to leave you with the prologue only. So I decided to post the first chapter. The beginning was easy to write, the ending is rushed. I did not really check grammar and spelling,so... I hope you'll like it nevertheless.

And the format is kind of bad. Like... walls of text. I need to find a way to make it clear and easier to read. Suggestions?

Thanks to everyone who pressed 'Thank you' or even commented.
@ChuuuPuffss: You do? Well, here you go!
@Playgirlz: No, it's not really tragedy. Actually not at all for the most part. Could change though. We'll see were it goes. I hope you'll still like it?
@ mo-chan: I hope you'll think the same way after the first chapter.

Oh, Yuki and mayu are not going to the same school, they don't know each other. I was not sure if I made that clear.
Lame introduction chapter: Here it comes!

Chapter 1

6 months earlier


“Mayu! Go to school!”
The High School senior groaned. She was tired from staying up all night to watch Anime on her computer. And honestly, it wouldn’t hurt to skip a day.
“I’m not feeling too well!” she whined, hoping desperately that her Mom would buy it.
“Lies!” the woman answered from downstairs, causing Mayu to sigh and disappear under her blanket. Soon enough she heard steps on the stairs and the sound of her door opening. She groaned once more in the most pathetic way she could come up with.
“Mayu…” The voice was threatening but she didn’t react. “If you don’t get up soon your sisters will claim the bathroom”
For a moment the girl actually considered to hurry up, but then she closed her eyes again. A door in the hall opened and closed loudly.
“Ah… Too late”
Mayu knew that her mother was smirking. “I guess I’ll finish breakfast then. I advise you to hurry up if you don’t want your siblings to eat all of it”
Sighing, the otaku girl buried her face in her mattress. Someone shouted some kind of insult in the hall and made her feel even less motivated to get up. Finally, she allowed her right foot to leave the safety of the blanket. It was too cold for her liking. She forced her leg out nevertheless and cursed her thin pajamas. Well, they were cute though. Then her left leg followed and she stood on the floor with her blanket still covering her head.
“Ya lahing shost?” someone muffled.
Mayu shrieked and threw away her blanket only to find that her mother had left the door open and 1/4 of her sisters was leaning in the frame with a toothbrush in her mouth.
“What do you want, Mizuki?” she asked annoyed with a voice that was still hoarse from sleeping.
Mizuki took the toothbrush out of her mouth.
“Are you playing ghost?” she repeated her question and gestured at her sister’s beloved figurines that stood neatly on a shelf. “You know, since you’re into that cosplay and danso shit”
Mayu blinked.
“It’s no shit!” she protested and shoved her older sister out of her room. “Out, out, out!”
“Oi!” Mizuki protested faintly from the other side of the now closed door. “You know I didn’t mean it like that! What? No Mom, I didn’t do anything! Really, now! Ah c’mon!”
She stomped away and Mayu leant on the door and took a deep breath. She was more awake than she had planned to be. Normally she would be half-asleep for the first few lessons but today she would have to endure her teacher’s ranting awake.
Sighing she opened her door and checked that it was clear. Nobody was in the hall and so she grabbed her school uniform and a towel and made her way to the bathroom. However, as soon as she arrived the door opened right into her face and she found herself face to face with Mizuki II, also known as Rie. Mayu groaned inwardly. Really, blame her luck for running into both of the twins this early.
Rie had her toothbrush in her mouth as well and because even those looked identical, Mayu was almost sure that they confused them every now and then. Really she wouldn’t want to have her sister’s spit in her mouth, hell to the no. The twins didn’t care though.
“Moninn” Rie muffled and patted Mayu’s head.
“Be glad I didn’t comb my hair yet” she growled as response.
Rie gazed into space.
“Essited fo shoo?” she asked and even though Mayu couldn’t understand a single word she knew very well what her sister wanted to say. Rie was not creative when it came to early-morning-sentences.
“No, I’m not excited for school. I’m not you” And with that she disappeared into the bathroom and locked the door.
“Roy! I shill neeggu zo cit aout!” Rie protested.
“Spit somewhere else!” Mayu yelled and listened to her sister cursing and disappearing, similar to Mizuki. Even though the twins were so much alike there was one significant difference. Rie was bright- she had excellent grades throughout her entire school time and was doing well in university too. Mizuki however… was Mizuki. The only scientific theory she had ever tried to prove was significant crap. In Mizuki’s eyes the gap in intelligence was natural because she as the oldest was dumb, then followed by the a few minutes younger smart Rie, then by Mayu who was dumb again, then by Haruka who was the loophole in the theory because Mizuki had forgotten about her and then came Sakura who was smart again.
Everyone had gaped at her after she had revealed her theory in the middle of dinner. Haruka had started to cry because she had been forgotten with the younger Sakura patting her head and whispering: “She’s just dumb to forget you Haruppi, she’s just dumb”.
Really, recently there were some similarities between Rie’s and Sakura’s behavior aside from the head-patting, for example the banging on the bathroom door.
“Onee- chan! I’m going to be late!” The youngest Watanabe sister complained.
Mayu didn’t bother to reply. She was fighting with a few strands of her hair that just wouldn’t stay in her pigtails where they were supposed to be.
“Onee-chan!” Sakura’s whining sounded almost painful now and finally reached her sister’s cold heart. As soon as Mayu opened the door Sakura rushed straight to grab her toothbrush.
“Onee-chan? Rie-onee-chan said you didn’t do your homework because you weren’t excited for school”
“Might be true” Mayu was still fiddling with her bangs as she met her sister’s accusing eyes in the mirror. She shot her a smile but it didn’t work.
“Shat’sh no hood” Sakura announced, the toothbrush successfully messing up her words.
“I’m not talking to middle-schoolers who can’t speak properly” Mayu replied and rushed outside. I the hall she almost fell over a sleepy-eyed Haruka sitting on the floor and hugging her pillow.  As usual the girl would be the last to make it downstairs and surely breakfast would be gone by then. Mayu shrugged, went back to her room, got her bag and made her way downstairs. The twins were already eating, both scribbling something. Well, Mizuki was scribbling while Rie was just checking for mistakes.
“Hey Mayu, check out the croissants Mom bought” Mizuki grinned.
“I think I’ll skip breakfast” Mayu shook her head.
“Did you brush your teeth?” Rie asked without looking up.
“No?” Mayu held her hand in front of her mouth and breathed out but her breath didn’t stink. “Why?”
“You tend to neglect important things”
Mayu ignored the question.
“Where’s Mom?”
“Went to get Haruppi out of bed” Rie shrugged. From upstairs a shrill voice could be heard.
“Oh, she used the water-method!” Mizuki grinned evilly.
“No she didn’t. That was Sakura’s voice, besides don’t smile this way” Rie lectured her.
“You’re no fun. Ah, fuck this” Carelessly, Mizuki stuffed the sheet she had been writing on into her bag. “Hey Mayu, kiss someone today, okay?”
Mayu looked at her sister.
“No” she answered flatly. Rie reached out to pat her head again, but Mayu saw it coming and stepped out of reach.
“Mizuki. Mayu will kiss someone in a romantic atmosphere, not just like that. She’s smart enough to wait for Mr. Right. I’m sure she has someone in mind, right?”
Mayu, blinked, wondering when the conversation had turned to such a useless topic.
“I’m not interested in real life guys” she answered Rie who wore a look of disappointment on her face. Mizuki grinned and leant back on her chair.
“And that’s why she can kiss anyone. Of course I wouldn’t advise you to start a serious relationship now”
“Mizuki” Rie’s voice was stern. “Love was meant to be performed in a relationship. That’s why we have wonderful celebrations like engagements and weddings”
“Oh come on! If she was going out with a guy I’d have to kick his ass as I’m filling the role of the older brother here!” Mizuki turned to Mayu. “So don’t make me perform these duties too early, okay little one”
“I’m into girl’s anyway” Mayu winked at her sisters and left the room. For a moment everything was quiet but then she could hear their reactions. Wonderfully composed, an “Eeehhhh?” at the exact same moment.
“Synchronous” Mayu mumbled as she slipped on her shoes. The twins were discussing the topic hot-headedly.
“Then you have to kick her girlfriend’s ass”
“Well, you’re the bitch fight type and I’m not. If Mayu’s dating a girl you have to kick her ass because I can’t”
“I’m not a bitch-fight type!”
“Yes, you are! Remember yesterday at university? You were close to slap Kanako right across the face!”
“But I didn’t, I don’t like fighting”
“You got the potential though!”
Secretly Mayu wondered how they could be that stupid. She had no intention in dating anyone neither boy nor girl.
“Mom! I’m leaving!” she yelled. Not bothering to wait for a reply she stepped outside. She put her headphones in and started to walk.


“Oujo-sama! Oujo-sama!”
Yuki turned in her bed and grumbled disapproving, but the annoying voice didn’t vanish. It seemed to get even louder and somewhat desperate.
“Oujo-sama, you’ll be late for school. Oujo-sama, please get up! Oujo-sama!
“Mmmmnnno” Yuki finally managed to articulate, causing the maid to squeal delighted.
“Oujo-sama, you’re awake!”
“No” Yuki clarified. She turned on her belly and pulled her pillow over her head. It smelled nice she noticed satisfied. Obviously the maids had gotten the right washing powder at last. The voice was quiet and Yuki closed her eyes. Then it started once more.
“Oujo-sama! I prepared your bath the water will get cold”
Judging by the voice the maid was close to tears now. Obviously it was her first time to wake the mistress up. Yuki did not really care.
“Ojou-sama, I beg you!” she was getting really annoying now.
“Okay, okay” Yuki flared her arms randomly, landing a few harsh hits on the maid’s arms and face. Something thumped on the floor, finally causing the mistress to open her eyes. She blinked a few times and decided to come out from underneath the pillow. Her maid was nowhere to be seen as she looked around in her spacious room.
Yuki looked down and found an unfamiliar girl sit on the floor in front of her bed.
“What are you doing down there?” she asked irritated.
“Oujo-sama knocked me down” the maid got up clumsily. “I was working with the handymen who are responsible to get the things in the house fixed before I became your maid. My name is Takahashi Minami”
Yuki nodded and looked her up and down.
“Well, you certainly look like a handyman. Kind of boyish. Who the hell had the idea to make you a maid? Those frilly clothes look… unfitting on you”
Minami lowered her head. Her answer was barely audible.
“I was supposed to hang up a picture for Oujo-sama’s mother but was not tall enough and so she decided that I was unqualified as a handyman”
“Is that so…” Yuki’s interest was already wearing off. “I’m getting into the bath” she announced and swung her legs out of the bed. Minami quickly placed Yuki’s slippers in front of her, and then she ran to get the bathrobe of her mistress. Yuki yawned and looked around. Much to her displeasure she found the clothes from the day before still carelessly scattered on the floor.
“Hey, you!” she snipped her fingers.
“It’s Minami” the maid held up Yuki’s silk bathrobe so she could slip into it.
“Right. Make sure to clean this mess before I’m back from school”
Minami bowed.
“I’m really sorry. I will take care of it”
Yuki nodded and smiled, thinking that this girl was quite nice. She went over to the door that led to her private bathroom. The room was filled with fog, signaling that the water was still hot. Knowing that she didn’t have much time she undressed, threw her pajama in a corner and hopped in the shower quickly. A cold shower in the morning was the best thing to wake her up. She yelped as the water hit her body, but closed her eyes and got it over with as fast as she could, knowing that a wonderful hot bath was awaiting her afterwards.
Yes, the new maid was doing a good job. The bathwater smelled wonderful and Yuki groaned satisfied as she got in. It was a good thing that her driver would take her to school. Sometimes she really pitied the students who had to come to school by public transport or even walking. Not that that would be consider acceptable at her school. After all that meant the parents did not have the money to afford a driver. And at her kind of a private school-no. Just no.
Yuki closed her eyes and sunk deeper into the bath. The warm water was making her sleepy.
“Oujo-sama?” Ah the annoying voice was back. Yuki’s eyes snapped open as she noticed that she had fallen asleep in the middle of bathing. The maid was standing in front the bathing tub and held out a towel. Her eyes were shut quietly and her expression was somewhat painful, like this situation was too much for her.
“I’m sorry that I didn’t not wake Oujo-sama earlier” she stammered. “I didn’t dare to interrupt. Oujo-sama is getting late”
“Late?!” Yuki stood up abruptly, causing the water to splash and more importantly her circulation to protest. She felt dizzy and before she knew what had happened she found herself in the arms of her maid.
“Ah, Oujo-sama, I’m sorry!” It was a pretty fun sight to watch the girl struggle to keep her mistress from falling while keeping the body contact to a minimum. She had her eyes closed and an almost pained expression on her face.
Yuki squealed and grabbed her towel as soon as she stood safely. Minami’s face was red and hot and her mistress didn’t restrain herself from laughing.
“Is the car waiting?” she asked between giggles.
“Yes. I also prepared breakfast you can take with you, because it’s just no good to leave with an empty stomach” the maid fiddled with her fingers and Yuki started to love again because she just looked too ridiculous with the outfit she was wearing.
“Seriously, we need to get our maids fitted more seriously. You really look like you’re trying hard to cosplay and completely failing!”
“F-failing? Am I f-fired?” A look of shock crossed Minami’s features.
“What? No, no, no” Yuki waved her hand and went back to her room to find her school uniform and get dressed.


“You’re late”
Ota Aika crossed her arms and looked Mayu up and down. She pouted.
“Sorry, sorry” Mayu answered, not really caring anyway. She slipped into her seat and placed her bag on the table, roaming through it in search of her chemistry book.
“Oi!” Aika hit the table with her flat hand as she noticed that the other girl wasn’t paying attention. “I’m serious here!”
Mayu looked up and gave the sweetest smile she could muster.
“I know!”
Then she went back to looking for her book. Aika stared at her friend for a second, and turned away with a well audible sigh.
“Good morning, class”
The teacher entered, cheerful as usual. Mayu looked up and finally placed her bag under the table. She didn’t bother to look for her book anymore; it was probably at home anyway.
“Good morning” the students muffled still not ready and willing to start another lesson of formulas and weird experiments. 
“Well then, before we start class I shall check attendance” the teacher stepped away from his desk and into the aisle in between his students desks, right in front of Aika who was sitting in second row.
Aika leant over to whisper to Mayu.
“His zipper’s wide open, OH MY GOD, he’s wearing WHITE boxers, isn’t he?”
She stared at her teacher’s pants quite obviously and Mayu grinned at the thought that her friend who was supposedly mad at her was still as chatty as always. The girl should probably thank the gods that the man didn’t hear her.
“Nagao?” the object of Lovetan’s attention looked around in class. “Where is Nagao Mariya-san?”
“Oh please, when would that Yankee show up in time?” Aika stated loudly and leant back in her seat, giving the teacher a suggestive smile. “Unlike other students I may add”
Mayu rolled her eyes.
“Calm your hormones” she suggested quietly.
“I’M NOT THINKING WHAT YOU THINK I’M THINKING!” Lovetan yelled suddenly and hit Mayu’s desk with her ruler. A long, dangerous metal ruler.
“Where did that come from” Mayu asked unimpressed, after all she was familiar with her friend’s antics.
“Ota-san, Watanabe-san, are you alright?” the teacher stepped closer and as Aika could make out the detailed yellow bird pattern on his boxers she finally lost it. 
“Oh my god, sensei, you’re killing me” she sighed, pressed her hand on her heart and closed her eyes, pretending to faint.
“Don’t mind her, it’s normal” Mayu could only advise flatly. “She’s weird”
Lovetan’s eyes snapped open.
“Okay, that’s it for today, Watanabe-san!” she threatened. “We’re back on family name basis, just so you know! And I’m not your lab partner today, no way, you got that?”
The otaku girl didn’t even bother to reply.
“Well, then Watanabe-san…” the teacher was still standing in front of their table, the other students gawking and listening to not miss anything  of the entertainment. “just… just work together with Ichikawa-san, for today. Okay…class! Let’s get to work!”
He clapped his hands and escaped into the safety of his own desk. “Open your books at page 48 to read the instructions for today’s experiment”
Mayu glanced at Aika’s book who turned her back to her friend and covered her book as soon as she noticed the gaze.
“You can look into my book Watanabe-san!” Miori chirped in her weird voice. Mayu, who had secretly been hoping to keep the contact with Lemon girl to the minimum, sighed. Miori was smiling brightly as she shifted closer.
“Thank you” Mayu said and hoped to sound cold enough so the girl would leave her alone for the most part. It didn’t work at all.
“Ne, ne, Watanabe-san, do you know? ‘Sour makes jolly’. It’s a German saying!  Do you think I should give her a lemon out of my bento?”
“You have lemons in your bento?”
“Yeah!” Miori nodded ecstatic. She started to say something else but the loud sound of the classroom door banging against the wall cut off any kind of conversation between the students. Nagao Mariya stood in the doorframe, her school bag that was covered with buttons of different bands Mayu didn’t even want to know hanging from her shoulder on only one strap. She looked around and blew her irregularly cut bangs out of her eyes.
“What?” she asked slightly annoyed as she felt everyone’s eyes on her.
“Nagao-san, you’re late” the teacher finally stuttered and Mayu thought that he looked quite ridiculous.
“You’re zipper is open” the Yankee student stated as she made her way to an empty seat in the back. “Yo Ranran”
Yamauchi Suzuran, Mariya’s trusted sidekick grinned at her and Mayu could swear that she was nervous-as usual when talking to her friend. This girl was easy to read. If Mariya was a gal, she’d dye her hair. If Mariya was a princess she’d put on maid clothes and serve her all day. If Mariya was a soldier she’d go to war for her. It was somewhat pathetic in real life but it would make a good Anime… Mayu sighed as she remembered her computer that was waiting for her at home. Only this day and she’d have a wonderful weekend all for herself.
Hell, she wouldn’t even allow her sisters to disturb it. Or so she thought.


“You’re late Kashiwagi-san” the teacher looked up as Yuki stepped into the room. She smiled sweetly.
“I’m sorry. My new maid forgot to wake me up on time”
“Alright. Please have a seat Kashiwagi-san”
Yuki smiled at everyone as she floated to her seat as gracious as she could. An especially broad and dazzling smile was dedicated to Minegishi Minami. She knew that the school’s gossip queen had possibly already spread some rumor about her being not on time. Her usual suspicion in case of a student being late was morning sickness because of a scandalous pregnancy and everytime, every single time, some people would believe it.
Maeda Atsuko mouthed something at Yuki who stopped in the middle of the room and furrowed her brows quizzically. Atsuko just smiled that smile that made the guys fall for her by the dozen and waved it off. 
“Kashiwagi-san!” the teacher was getting impatient, but of course she wouldn’t dare to say anything possibly offending. After all she was THE Kashiwagi Yuki and she knew it very well.
The Kashiwagi clan was the second richest family in the city, only outdone by the Matsuis. But in a few months not even this would matter anymore as Yuki was betrothed to the Matsui-family’s son. The marriage date was set soon after Yuki’s graduation and her excitement was rising steadily. She had met her fiancé occasionally at charity events and he was quite dashing. He seemed nice enough and of course he was stylish. They would make a very good couple on the red carpet.
Yes, Yuki was happy. She sat in her seat and smiled once again at the people she secretly called ‘fans’” She was not being mean, but the way they admired her… They were fans. She liked to charm them. Atsuko and she were a deadly duo, capturing hearts just by passing by. Sometimes Yuki’s cousin, Kasai Tomomi would tag along too. She was known as the school’s erotic queen, a counselor for all kind of love problems.
Minegishi Minami was on their heels anyway. She was following in their wake, effectively spreading her rumors and weird conspiracy theories. They had decided to tolerate her in their clique for the sake of their own reputation. To rule a school, especially a private and exclusive school like this was not easy at all. It needed claws, determination and a certain kind of ruthlessness.
But Yuki believed that it was just the right position for her to be in. Money and fame did always come with expectations… and of course she would fulfill these.
“Ne, ne!” Minegishi turned around. “Have you heard?”
“What? Oh, I just met another Minami today!”
“You did?” Minegishi furrowed her brows obviously not caring. “Anyway, today-“
“She’s my new maid”
“Yes but-“
“Everyone listen up!” the teacher announced. “We’re welcoming a new classmate today”
“Eh?” Yuki stared at the teacher in genuine surprise. “You knew?” she asked as she saw that Minegishi was slumping in her seat, obviously pissed because her news announcement had just been ruined.
“Of course I knew” she answered a bit sore. “I know everything”
“You do…” Yuki nodded in amazement before focusing back on the teacher who as leading a pale and awfully quiet girl into the room.
“That’s Yokoyama Yui-san... Please welcome her friendly, she just moved from Kiyoto”
The girl bowed stiffly, emotionlessly looking at the class.
“She’s staring right into my soul, I swear” Atsuko shuttered and turned sideward to talk to Yuki. “I swear she’s creepy”
“Ne, ne!” Minegishi smiled smugly. “I heard her family is richer than yours Yukirin!”
Yuki could only stare. At Minegishi, then at Yokoyama, back at Minegishi.    
“You sure?” Atsuko raised an eyebrow.
“That’s what I heard. And what I hear is almost always true, you know?”
“We gotta step up our game then…” Atsuko mumbled, while Yuki could only stare.
“I don’t think so…” Minegishi tilted her head. “there’s not much to her”
The new girl tripped over a bag. She flushed bright red as she found herself on her knees in front of everyone.
“And she’s a clutz” Atsuko grinned evilly. “People may consider that cute though” she added worryingly as she saw one of the boys quickly stretched out a hand to help Yui up.
She rejected and got up on her own.
“She should have accepted” Yuki analyzed the proud girl’s behavior.
 “Tomo~mi said that guys get attracted by this kind of behavior” Atsuko tipped on her lips with her finger. “Ah, what shall we do?”
“Nothing. I don’t need a boyfriend anyway, I’m engaged” Yuki announced and opened her book, deciding to follow the lesson.
“No, no, no, no” Atsuko closed Yuki’s book, slamming the board on her fingers. “Let’s talk about this. Tomo~mi said that you must be frustrated because you cannot chose your reproduction partner by yourself. Your engagement suppresses your natural instincts. You’ll end up having an affair one day”
“My cousin did not say that” Yuki raised an eyebrow. “She’s not smart enough to even use words like reproduction partner. She’d say something completely else”
“Okay, no she didn’t. I just thought it would sound more professionally if she said it”
“It’s true though” Minegishi piped up.
“Listen girls, I don’t believe in this fated meeting thingie. I don’t want to deny that there are great love stories out there, but for me… no. I’d never do something as stupid as killing myself if I couldn’t be with the one I love”
Yuki shook her head.
“You just didn’t meet the right person yet” Atsuko grinned. “But I got an idea to change that. You need to feel love before getting married”
“What are you up to?” Minegshi stared at the other girl and even Yuki was somewhat excited. Normally Atsuko’s ideas meant a lot of fun, while she would just get to stand by and watch.
“A Cinderella ball”
“Eh?” Yuki stared at Atsuko. “What do you mean?”
“Well, we throw a party…”
“Everyone gets wasted…” Minegishi caught on.
“You can’t walk straight and stumble into a handsome guys arms…”
“He’s hot, by the way”
“And he catches you in his strong arms and carries you upstairs into your bed because he cares” Atsuko’s eyes glistened.
“And the two of you kiss!” Minegishi squealed.
“And BOOM, PREGNANT or what?” Yuki asked dryly.
“You don’t have to screw!” Minegishi protested silently, remembering that they were still in class.
“Wouldn’t be bad though” Atsuko mused. “Let’s just do it, okay? Your parents are at that gala tonight, right?”
“They are but-“
“Great!” Atsuko fiddled with her phone under the desk. “I’ll just send a few invitations to a few people and organize a caterer. God, spontaneous parties so are the best”
“I’ll spread the word as well” Minegishi grinned and Yuki decided that it was finally time to pay attention to the teacher.

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Re: (Dec 14) To Look At You: Chapter 1 (Mayuki)
« Reply #5 on: December 15, 2012, 03:57:39 AM »
I can sense girl fight lol

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Re: (Dec 14) To Look At You: Chapter 1 (Mayuki)
« Reply #6 on: December 15, 2012, 04:01:12 AM »
Its interesting,cant wait for the party

I like the part when yuki said that she wont do something stupid like killing her self if she not with the one she love (well let see the future yuki)

But i hope this is not a tragic ending,i love happy ending LOL

And about yuki fiance, the matsui~ ist that maybe Rena? LOL maybe you must add wmatsui pairing too~ and atsumina~

Im really curious about how yuki fall for mayu on that party,how they meet? They dont seem on the same school...

Thank for the update
« Last Edit: December 15, 2012, 08:32:31 AM by kurogumi »


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Re: (Dec 14) To Look At You: Chapter 1 (Mayuki)
« Reply #7 on: December 15, 2012, 04:53:07 AM »
And I've fallen for another one of your stories! :heart:
Where to start?
Mayu has so many sisters! I think I'm gonna need a cheat sheet to keep up with them :dizzy:
I loved Takamina's introduction to the story a fail-maid XD though Yukirin's princess attitude is rubbing me the wrong way, but that just means her character is spot on.

Ah...I see foreshadowing based on the prologue  :scared:

Umeda Ayaka is my kami-oshi  :heart:
Takamina is my spirit animal XD

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Re: (Dec 14) To Look At You: Chapter 1 (Mayuki)
« Reply #8 on: December 15, 2012, 07:06:37 AM »
Crap, your fics are hilarious xD

The part on that theory thing, Haruka was like just forgotten lololol

And I don't like the sound of getting wasted at all O _ O

But I can sense that you've got everything under control so, meh~

Btw, my eyes are rolling around on the way you format. It would be better if you added spaces but it's also okay if not. I like how you write though!

Update soon :3
I'm the lazy author who rarely updates.

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Re: (Dec 14) To Look At You: Chapter 1 (Mayuki)
« Reply #9 on: December 15, 2012, 01:44:56 PM »
I still think that this fic is intersting  :)
I kinda didn't understand the Watanabe family they are fun I like Mizuki the most  :rofl:
So the Matsui will be a guy maybe Ren I'd love if it turn to Wmatsui  :wub:
so Yuki is engaged and Mayu don't have an interest in a relationship She only like her computer  XD
So it will be a distinyated meeting  :inlove:
I wonder how Mayu will get involved in the party  :huhuh
update soon please I can't wait to know the next thank you  :D

Jurina is my oshi forever!! (>w<)/
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Re: (Dec 14) To Look At You: Chapter 1 (Mayuki)
« Reply #10 on: December 15, 2012, 08:43:43 PM »
Woaaaah too many characters!!!!!!

Mayu and Yuki... It is becomes interesting... :)

Yuki is an Ojou-sama!!!  :love:
Mayuki = Cutest couple

Married?!-Mayuki fanfic (maybe it will have another pair)

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Re: (Dec 14) To Look At You: Chapter 1 (Mayuki)
« Reply #11 on: December 15, 2012, 10:18:02 PM »
now this is kwl very intresting indeed

i need an update quick

Offline dirtydeeds

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Re: (Dec 14) To Look At You: Chapter 1 (Mayuki)
« Reply #12 on: December 16, 2012, 03:01:16 AM »
that prologue really caught me off guard there. my body was not prepared for that but its one of the things that attracts me to this fanfic  XD
i really like the plot its really interesting. i also love the fact that the story is kinda realistic..?
I'm sorry if the comment seemed half assed. i always suck at these things :( but i really wish i could motivate you to keep writing this godly fanfic!

P.S i hope Yuki's fiancée is Jurina because NEW SHIP RIGHT THERE.

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Re: (Dec 14) To Look At You: Chapter 1 (Mayuki)
« Reply #13 on: January 05, 2013, 10:30:32 PM »
Hey everyone!

A belated Happy New Year! i hope you had a great start into 2013! (my year started on a windy and cold rooftop with a bit too much alcohol, but it was cool)

I'm really, really sorry for not updating this fic.... I wnet home for Christmas. It's the first time I've been away for a longer time, so everyone was overjoyed to see me. I managed to get down with a fever the second day after Christmas Eve and as soon as I was healthy again my best friend had planned out all of my days because we hadn't seen each other in months. Oh, and I was supposed to study for university. Next week I'm moving again, so I gotta pack my bags and at the end of January there are exams... Everything's a bit too lively for my taste.

Anyway, if you're still going to read this, thanks for waiting! And liking the last chapter of course.
@kahem: Very likely!  :P
@kurogumi: The fiance is not Rena, no... He doesn't even have a name yet. But of course there is a reason for hime to be named 'Matsui'. And yes, there will be WMatsui and Atsumina, I can promise that. The Happy Ending... we'll see. These things depend on my mood. And yes, Yuki and Mayu are not on the same school.
@ikun1216: I'm glad! Nice to see you here! Well, Yuki is not the nicest character here, that's true... I'm going to list the characters below this chapter.
@ChuuuPuffs: Hilarious? People always tell me that I have no sense of humour, so I'm happy! And getting wasted on the party (not going to happen in this chapter), well I got everything under control, I'm just not too sure that they do. Oh, I'll try to put spaces in this chapter, hopefully it'll work better.
@mo-chan: Thank you! No, they are not going to be guys, but there will be WMatsui. And there's a reason why Yuki's fiance is a Matsui (even though her probably won't appear in person, like ever). Hehe, to get Mayu involved... I have a plan.
@Chanaline: TOO MANY characters? Oh crap, I'm just getting started. I have a tendency to put characters overload  :nervous I'm just going to list them below the chapter.
@XxRoByNxX78: Yeah, quick didn't work, sorry.  :sweatdrop:
@dirtydeeds: Woah, you do? Ah, thank you! It's not going to be too dark, only partial. I don't know if it's realistic, I just try. Oh and your comment is perfctly fine, probably way longer than any comment I've ever given. Heck, even a single 'Thank you' would motivate me. And so flattering...
P.S. Nope, sorry. No Gender bender in my 'realistic' fic.

Chapter 2


“You’re Yokoyama, right?”

The girl nodded, looking up at Minegishi and Atsuko.

“So, you’re from Kyoto, I heard?” Atsuko crossed her arms and smiled. Yui, who was seemingly not aware of the fact that these girls did not mean well, nodded shyly.

“Ah, is that so…” Minegishi mused. “It’s an old city, isn’t it?”

“I love it very much” Yui’s face lit up. “It’s the most beautiful place on earth”

“Then you must want to go back, right?” Yuki stood up from her seat and walked over to her friends. “You must be homesick”

“I haven’t been here for such a long time…” Yui shook her head. “It’s not that bad yet”

“Oh, it’ll come!” Yuki giggled while Yui looked at her questioningly.

“You’ll be fine” Atsuko waved it off.

“We actually wanted to talk to you about something else” An evil smirk formed on Minegishi’s and Yuki’s faces, while Atsuko looked as innocent as ever.

“There’ll be a party at Yuki’s house” she announced. “Tonight. It would nice if you could come? Just… to meet everyone and mingle a bit?”

“Oh” A faint blush crept on Yui’s cheeks. “I… I don’t know, I’m not that good with parties…”

“It’ll be fun” Minegishi grinned stupidly and Yuki wondered why Yui hadn’t already fled because of the sight of the idiotic gossip queen. She couldn’t be that dense, right? But there she was, still unaware of the fact that they were not just ‘being nice’.

Atsuko elbowed Yuki, forcing her to say something encouraging as well. The tall girl narrowed her eyes at her friend who blinked innocently. Really, Atsuko was a master of seeming sweet.

“It would be really nice if you could come” Yuki pressed out between her teeth. For a second the Kyoto girl seemed irritated but Atsuko reassured her with a smile.

“Play along, it’ll be fun, I promise” she whispered into her friend’s ear. Yuki was not that convinced at all. She liked to face her enemies headfirst, by dropping a random mean comment every now and then without seeming to notice. Being actually sweet was a new experience for her, but her partners in crime had convinced her that it would be the only way to get the new girl to come to the party. Minegishi and Atsuko had planned and whispered the entire last lesson while Yuki had been trying to pay attention, so she did not know what they were actually up to. All she knew was that they had a plan and that they did not necessarily need her help, so she was quite satisfied.

Yuki snapped out of her thoughts as she heard Yui mumble something that could be interpreted as an ‘okay’.

“Yay!” Minegishi jumped and clapped her hands.

“It’ll be awesome” Atsuko cheered and nudged Yuki once more.

She decided not to answer and just raised an eyebrow. Really, she had said something nice. That should be enough. Everyone would love to hear her talking to them, no matter what she said, so it should be enough for the newbie. With a tiny fake smile on her lips she went back to her seat.

She could hear Yui ask: “Did I anger her?” in a silent voice.

“No, no, no, honey” Minegishi waved her arms while Atsuko giggled.

“She just got to warm up to you. She’s a true sweetheart once you know her”

Yui nodded, not convinced and seemingly regretting her decision. However, the two girls wouldn’t let her out of the appointment now.

“Look, I’ll write down the address so you can give it to your driver” Atsuko offered.

“I don’t have a driver” Yui said quietly.

“What?” Yuki turned to the girls again, rejoining the conversation. She wondered if Minegishi had been wrong about the status of the Yokoyama family. The gossip queen seemed a bit downed.

“Why?” she asked, wrinkling her forehead.

“I don’t like it. It’s too flashy” the Kyoto girl answered modestly.

“Flashy?” Yuki yelped as she realized that Yui was basically criticizing her lifestyle.
The other girl shrugged.

“Flashy… Well, if you can’t handle it…” Yuki crossed her arms. “Of course you need a certain kind of class to not seem sophomorically if you get out of a limousine…”

She was still pissed as the bell rung to the next lesson and her friends returned to their seats.

“Flashy…” she repeated. “Can you believe it?”

Minegishi shook her head frantically.

“Other than the teachers and the guys who are here on a scholarship she’s not going to make many friends with that attitude” Atsuko smiled slightly. “Really, how can she not know anything about the way to make friends? Does she not care? Or maybe her family was not rich before?”

“No, I actually heard that they were a really old family” Minegishi shrugged.

“And now you heard something different” Atsuko smirked.


“Well…” Yuki followed Atsuko’s lead. “I bet today when I was late you spread your usual pregnancy rumor even though nobody confirmed it. But now you heard from a reliable source…” she gestured at Atsuko. “…that the Yokoyama family could have possibly been poor in the past”.

Minegishi looked at her with a tiny bit of guilt and then grabbed her phone to send one of her infamous rumor texts to everyone. A minute later the classroom was filled with whispers as everyone flipped their phones open underneath the desks.

“I added a bit of information. My creativity, you know…”

The three girls smirked at each other, convinced that they were going to have a good night at the party.


“Mayuyu, Mayuyu, Mayuyu!” Haruppi barged in the classroom during break, tears streaming down her cheeks. She threw herself on the floor in front of Mayu’s chair and buried face into her older sister’s lap. Then she started to sob like crazy while everybody was staring at them. Mayu was slightly surprised but not shaken too much. Once more she wondered what exactly had led to her sisters becoming this weird. She patted Haruppi’s head without taking her eyes of the manga she was reading.

Lovetan looked at them and sighed audibly.

“Really, Watanabe-san, you’re mean” she announced.

“Me?” Haruppi looked up and sobbed. “Why?”

“Not you” Aika rolled her eyes. “Your sister of course”

Mayu considered answering but figured that it could lead into an exhausting kind of conversation.

“Which one?” Haruppi asked clueless.

If she wasn’t already crying Mayu would have smacked her head for that stupid question. Lovetan seemed to think the same thing because she turned away with a snort. Sometimes she was super nice to the younger Watanabe girls but these periods of time were strictly limited. However, if Mayu ignored the sobbing girl too long she was in danger of actually being hit by that metal ruler that was sticking out of her best friend’s school bag. In order to avoid the immediate danger she closed her manga with a sigh.

Miori was faster than her though.

“Do you want a half of my lemon?” she offered sweetly. Haruppi faced her, tears still trickling down her cheeks.

“Thank you” she answered politely as she accepted Miori’s gift. “Are you Mayu’s new friend?”

“Oh we’ve been friends for a while” Miori shrugged and took a bite out of her own lemon. Haruppi watched her with fascination and almost forgot crying.

Mayu wondered what she was supposed to do now. Lemon girl was not a friend. She had her hands full with handling Lovetan’s antics and moodswings already.

Haruppi whimpered. She had tried to bite in her lemon and was surprised how sour it actually was. Searching for comfort she looked up at her sister. Mayu patted her head. The sooner she would get this over with, the sooner she could go back to her beloved manga.

“What’s wrong?” she asked, not even trying to sound comforting. It was no use anyway since she had no expression skill. Haruppi was content though. She nuzzled her nose into Mayu’s knee.

“They were mean” she whispered. “Those scary girls in your class”

Immediately Mayu glanced over to where Nagao Mariya and Yamauchi Suzuran were sitting during class. Well, and Yagami Kumi when she was not skipping for once.

“What did they do?” Lovetan demanded to know, suddenly very interested in the conversation.

“They wanted to have our money” Haruppi snuffled noisily.

“Who is ‘our’?” Mayu questioned.

“Me… and… and Jurina and Yuuka!”

“Who is that now?” Lovetan furrowed her brows. “Don’t talk to me about people I don’t know”

“Tano Yuuka and Matsui Jurina from my class”

“Ah” Aika looked at the younger girl thoughtfully. “Not like I care” she added quickly, but didn’t turn around to leave the conversation once more.

“What exactly happened then?” Mayu asked.

“They didn’t want to give it to them” Haruppi tried bravely to hold back her tears. “And then they said that we had to give it to them and then Jurina said ‘no’ and then they said ‘yes’ and Yuuka stuck her tongue out on them and then we ran”

“And then?” Aika urged.

“I came here to tell you” Haruppi answered, causing her older sister to sigh.

“Where are your friends?”


“Wait, they’re still after you?”

“Oh my god!” Lovetan panicked. “We got to tell the teacher, he just left!”

“But his zipper was open…” Miori butted into the conversation, stressing the words as if an open zipper was the biggest problem ever.

“It was killing me!” Aika blinked dreamily, while Haruppi looked at the older girls one after another.


“Don’t mind them” Mayu patted the younger girl’s head. “If you’re scared we can ask Mizuki to take us to school on Monday and have a talk with those two. She’ll be overjoyed to be a bit late for university”


“Hmm” Mayu promised reluctantly, already deciding that there was no way she would witness this occasion that would probably be remembered by the school for a few more generations to come. But if it was for her sister’s safety…

“Smart idea” Lovetan praised and blushed bright red as Mayu looked at her with a sly smirk on her lips. “What? I’m not childish or pouting or anything, I admit the truth, okay?”

“Sure” Mayu answered emotionlessly, but she just couldn’t suppress that stupid smile. After all there was a reason why she always put up with Aika. They were friends. They were the best friends one could imagine.

“Onee-chan?” Haruppi tilted her head and Mayu realized that this was far from over. Her sister called her ‘Onee-chan’ when she wanted something very specific… like borrowing a manga or using the computer. Protectively, the otaku hid behind her back what she had been reading before being disturbed.

“Yes?” She tried to appear as uninterested as possible.

“We wanted to go to Jurina’s house after school… But I would feel safer if you would come with us…”

“Me?” Mayu asked disbelieving, wondering how someone could pick a person as obviously weak as her as a bodyguard.



“Of course we’ll come” Aika answered, the ruler glistening in her hand. Miori nodded too and bit into her lemon, making Mayu wonder when she became an official member of their tiny group.


“She’s not really going to walk home, is she? Or take the bus or something?” Minegishi sat in the Kashiwagi family’s limousine and pressed her nose against the window, trying to spot the transfer student.
Yuki hid her giggles behind her hand as she noticed how the gossip queen’s foot got stuck between two cushions of the seats. She tried to pull it out the unsuspicious way; as if it as quite normal, but all that happened was that she lost her shoe. With an ‘uffh’, her forehead banged against the glass, just as Yokoyama Yui passed by on the outside. She looked around irritated, trying to locate the sound. Minegishi hid in the spacious footwell.

“Those are tinted windows, you know? She can’t see you” Atsuko who was sitting next to Yuki raised an eyebrow.   

“You look ridiculous” The Kashiwagi daughter added with a grin.

With a pout, Minegishi resurfaced. She brushed some invisible dirt off her clothes, even though there was no way how this kind of limousine could be dirty, after all there were people to clean it, and sighed.

Sometimes, Yuki wondered if she was aware that people did not look up to her the way they admired her or Atsuko or even Tomomi.

“What are we waiting for anyway?” Minegishi asked annoyed. “If we don’t get going, Yokoyama will be faster at home than us”

“Yuki’s cousin” Atsuko looked up from her phone for a second. “Where does Yokoyama live anyway?”

Minegishi shrugged.

“But you always say that you know everything!” Yuki said accusingly, causing the other girl to pout once more.

“I’ll find out”

“Of course you will” Atsuko answered friendly and Yuki was not sure how to place her mood. Atsuko was probably the hardest person to read that she knew. She could be super nice one second and a moment later she would spit venom. It would have made Yuki much more comfortable to know that she could trust her completely, but even though they had been friends ever since kindergarten, she still couldn’t place the other girl’s feelings for her correctly. Were they friends or did they just stick to the rule to ‘keep your enemies close’?
Most of the time she didn’t care what people thought of her, either as a friend or a rival as long as they admired her in some way, but in Atsuko’s case…

The door opened and Kasao Tomomi crawled into the limousine. Minegishi stopped pouting in an instance. If there was anyone stupid enough to believe every single rumor she made up it would be Yuki’s cousin.

“Tomo~mi!” she announced, flaring her arms like a maniac. It was probably supposed to be a welcoming gesture.

“Hey” Tomomi smiled dreamily.

“What happened to your hair? It looks like a bird’s nest” Yuki pointed out, wondering why her cousin would be this… disheveled. With her braided hair almost untied, aside from the carefully placed locks that belonged to the hairstyle, and her cheeks red, her eyes glowing.
“She just did it, right?” Atsuko looked up, tilting her head. Tomomi pouted at her.

“Oh, pffffhh, don’t tell those people here. If they don’t know about these things they are just not ready for adult love!”

“I am ready!” Minegishi tried to stand up, forgetting that she was inside of a car and hit her head on the ceiling. “Ouch”

“Good Lord, you act like that maid of mine. Really, there must be something about that name…” Obviously bored, Yuki decided to inspect her fingernails. The girls were back to one of their favorite topics and she just didn’t feel like dealing with this kind of a problem now. They would bother her enough when they started to talk about that Cinderella-Ball-Party.

“Oh, so, what about that party you send me a mail about”  With a safe sense for the topic Yuki wanted to avoid the most, Tomomi finally settled in a seat, while Atsuko signaled the driver to go. The limousine started out almost without a sound. Yuki stared out of the window while her friends were chatting; discussing everything from the brand of vodka for the night to the outfits they would wear. They had announced that they’d be staying at Yuki’s the entire afternoon, just to get ready. Their maids would have a lot of work, getting half of their closets to the Kashiwagi mansion so their mistresses could pick their favorite pieces. It was dreadful, really. Yuki’s entire fashion sense based on the tips from her stylist, Shinoda Mariko. Without her, she was kind of lost and of course Atsuko would allow no one outside of their little clique to dress Yuki as long as she, herself, was present.

“Huh, huh!” Minegishi waved her hand in front of Yuki’s face. “You there?”


“Well, well, well, why so tired? If I didn’t know you had no boyfriend and this was your last chance to find love before reaching the save haven of marriage with your betrothed, I’d say the rumor I spread this morning was true! Anyway, are you going to call him?”


“Your future husband, who else! I think it’s stupid because, well, we are basically trying to get you to cheat, but Atsuko says that it would be interesting”

Yuki looked over to her closest friend who was smiling back sweetly. Normally they did have the same opinion on interesting things and if this wasn’t about her family’s business she would have considered it amusing indeed. Doing it to someone else was funny, but this time she was the one who risked something…

“I don’t even have his phone number” she tried to avoid the confrontation. If Minegishi was smart she wouldn’t ask anymore, not when Yuki’s tone was this dark. But Minegishi was never smart when it came to parties with the potential to be super scandalous.

“I’m sure we can get that. Just ask your maid to organize that, that’s her job, right?”

“Nooo” Yuki said slowly trying to think of a way out. She didn’t want to seem like a kill joy, normally she just went along with their ideas, but they had never gotten her in any kind of danger before. “She’s not my secretary, you idiot”

It was rare to hear Yuki insulting someone this directly. As she felt everyone’s looks on her she immediately noticed that she did something wrong. Deciding to play it cool she asked innocently.

“What?” and looked around. “Minami, dear, it was a joke”

“You don’t joke” Tomomi said, obviously not understanding. She furrowed her brows. It was a habit she had picked up when she was pretending to be thinking.

“Getting angry because our friend here expected too much of that maid of yours?” Atsuko tilted her head. “You must care about her a lot, huh?”

“What?” Yuki stared at her wide eyed. “Atsuko, what are you implying?”

“Oh my god, you got a thing with her!” Minegishi yelled and pointed at Yuki. “You got a thing with her”

“NO! Hey, keep that cell phone in your pocket, you’re not going to send any texts now”

“It’s a joyful message” Tomomi smiled.

“Even though your taste must be garbage to pick a maid” Atsuko shook her head. “Really, you need that party to find someone with a bit more class”

“I’m not into my maid, okay? Once you’ll see her you know why! She’s just…”

“Unbelievable? Cute? Charming? I guess I’ll have to tell her all those lovely things you just said about her!” Atsuko’s eyes sparkled with mischief. Yuki wanted to protest when the car came to a sudden stop. They had reached the Kashiwagi mansion.

Atsuko who was seeing her chance, did not wait for the driver to open the door, she just jumped out.

“I’m going to talk to her right now!” she yelled as she made her way towards the front door.
By the time Yuki got out of the car she was already halfway up the flight of stairs. She sighed deeply as she watched her disappear through the door wings, into the grand entrance hall.

“And she’s gone like the wind” Tomomi admired. “I wish I could run that fast”


“I don’t have to walk all of you guys home, right?” Mayu groaned as she saw the three girls in front of her.

“You’re our protector!” Yuuka smiled brightly, causing the older girl to groan even a bit more. Out of Haruka’s friends she was certainly the most annoying one, super noisy, always in a bright mood and a bit too clingy.


“Onee-chan?” Haruka tilted her head, showing her best puppy eyes.

“No” Mayu turned around, only to meet Jurina, with the same expression on her face.

“Please, please, please!” Another clingy girl and certainly a bit more disturbing than Yuuka.

As Yuuka was easy to please, or not when she didn’t feel like it, she shared some traits with Lovetan, who Mayu knew how to handle. Jurina meanwhile… well, she was much more persistent when it came to hugging and kissing.

“Besides, we’re going to Jurina’s house anyway, I told you!” Haruppi nodded.

“She did, she did” Aika had just shown up behind the group and grabbed Mayu’s hand possessively, shooting a glare at Jurina.

“I did, I did”

“Repeating it doesn’t make it more important” Mayu grumbled, knowing she stood no chance against their united power of begging. “Let’s go”

Chatting the younger girls followed Mayu an Aika from the school grounds, sometimes looking around for a trace of their bullies.

They were not to be seen, something Mayu surely didn’t interpret as fear of her of all people.

“Mayu-chan!” Jurina whined and came forward, grabbing the arm that was not occupied by a jealous looking Lovetan.

“What do you think you’re doing?”

“What do you mean?” Jurina leaned her head on Mayu’s shoulder and closed her eyes.

“Well, that!” Lovetan gestured, underlining her words by shaking the arm she was still holding onto.

“Huh?” Jurina was irritated, so she decided to ignore it. “Mayu-chan!”

The object of her attention had actually hoped that the two girls would get so caught up in their little rivalry that they’d lose interest in her, but it didn’t work.

“Hmh” she grumbled hoping it was an interesting enough reply.

Before anyone could answer, a voice caught them off guard.

“We’ve been looking for you people” Mariya leant on a wall a few feet away, grinning the most cunning. Her ever loyal friend occupied the sidewalk.

Mayu felt Jurina dig her nails into her arm.

“We’re not scared” the young girl announced with a slightly shaking voice.

“You’re not?” Mariya stepped closer, causing Haruppi to go into hiding behind her sister’s back. Yuuka tried to make a ‘come-at-me’ face but she looked a bit like an angry bunny. Cute but not really dangerous at all.

“We’re not” she announced, bouncing on her feet as if she was ready to do something outrageous and make a run for it afterwards. Protectively, Lovetan took out her ruler, swaying it in the air like a weapon. Mayu wondered how these things looked cool in anime but absolutely ridiculous in real life.

“I’m going to shove this baby up your nose” Aika threatened. The bow in her hair trembled angrily. Mariya looked at the ruler then at her opponents face.

“Okay…” she waved her hand. “Ranaran?”

“Yes?” Suzuran made her way over slowly, her hands in her pocket and a tough look on her face.

Lovetan gulped. Everybody knew that Mariya was the boss only because the others adored her for unknown reasons. Ranran was by far more dangerous and brutal.

“H-hey, Yamauchi-senpai” Jurina stuttered, still holding tightly onto Mayu. “You look good today” she complemented.

Yuuka gave her an Are-you-a-complete-idiot-look.

Suzuran just tilted her head.

“Your movements are so sharp” Mayu adored, without even meaning to say something this stupid. However, hearing those words from her classmate caught the Yankee off guard. Confused she looked over to Mariya who just raised an eyebrow.

“Run!” Haruppi, with a safe sense for the right moment started to dash down the street, followed by Jurina. Yuuka couldn’t resist poking out her tongue before following the lead and Lovetan swung her ruler once more.

Really, they were a bunch of idiots in Mayu’s humble opinion. Trusting her luck she walked away slowly, not turning around. Yankee’s were a bit like dogs, they would only attack when they smelled fear and she was not scared. Well, her knees trembled a bit, but she had been to kindergarten with Ranran and remembering the kid with the Disney princess t-shirts made her lose all kinds of respect. Not that she disliked Disney, but for a future yankee… No, she was not good at taking them too serious.

She entered quickened her pace as she noticed a bus approaching the nearby stop. Her companions seemed to notice too as they started to run as well.

Soon enough they all had arrived and entered the vehicle. Aika plopped down on a seat with an audible sigh. Dramatically she pressed her hand on her chest where she seemingly suspected her heart to be. It was the wrong side of the body though as Mayu noticed.

“What a shock” she announced.

“The adrenaline…” Yuuka stared into space dreamily, numbed by the experience of actually colliding with a yankee. Mayu was not quite sure if she really wanted this hyperactive girl ton be friends with her little sister.

“I was so scared” Jurina admitted and shook her head as if she was surprised about her own behavior. “Those girls are really dangerous, aren’t they?” she turned around to look out of the back window, but the bus had rounded a corner so Mariya and Suzuran were already out of sight.

“Hmmh” Mayu decided to go with the most neutral sound she could give. “Where is this bus going anyway?”

“Huh?” Haruppi looked at her. “I don’t know… I didn’t ask” she yawned and closed her eyes, ready to take a tiny nap, obviously shocked by the events. Lovetan poked her, seemingly checking for any signs of life.

“She’s fine” Mayu knew very well that her little sister would fall asleep in the most unusual situations, once she had blocked the toilet for hours, because she went to sleep while inside and wouldn’t wake up for nothing. Mizuki had ended up kicking in the door as she couldn’t hold it anymore.

“But where are we going then?” Jurina looked outside of the window. “I’m not familiar with this area”

“Woah!” Yuuka exclaimed and pushed her friend to the side to press her nose on the glass. “Look at those houses”

“They are beautiful, aren’t they?” Aika agreed. Even Mayu brought herself to shift in her seat and look outside. They had obviously entered a richer quarter of the city. The mansions got bigger and bigger as they kept riding farther.

“We should get off. It’s creepy” Jurina didn’t seem convinced. “Nobody’s entering the bus anymore or getting off. It’s afternoon, there should be people around”

“They have drivers” Yuuka pointed at a limousine that passed the bus. “Man, I wanna be rich… and live in those mansions… or wear that school uniform…”

She pointed outside were a girl was seemingly awaiting the bus that stopped sharply in front of her and allowed her to get on.

“So cute” Mayu mumbled, admiring the checked short skirt and the dark blazer with the emblem as she walked by. The girl had obviously heard that comment and blushed furiously.
“Oh no, I didn’t mean it like that!” Mayu clarified quickly. “Not that you’re not cute, but I’m not into girls, you know?”

“It’s okay. You don’t have to apologize” The girl lowered her head and Mayu was actually feeling a bit sorry.

“No really-“she tried to explain, but Yuuka butted into her sentence.

“Don’t you have a driver? I have one, but I prefer the bus” she lied cheerfully. Aika seemed to restrict herself for punishing her with her ruler for that, but Mayu could see her hand twitch towards her bag. Maybe she should do something to help the clueless girl out of the danger she had just gotten herself into, but she honestly didn’t feel the urge to.

“Oh, I’m the same” the rich girl said softly, a shy smile spreading on her face. “I’m Yokoyama Yui, nice to meet you” she introduced herself politely.

“I’m Yuuka” The younger girl flipped her long hair out of her face. “And the dead one here is Haruka, that’s her sister Mayu, oh they are Watanabes if you care”

“Ah” Yui looked a bit clueless. “I just moved, I’m not yet familiar with the local families”

“I’m Ota Aika” Lovetan had obviously decided to join in on Yuukas little lying game, much to Mayu’s and surely Jurina’s displeasure. The otaku girl knew that the younger girl had a strong sense for justice and honesty, probably the main reason why Yuuka’s careless ways didn’t influence Haruppi too much. However, keeping the form, the short-haired girl introduced herself as well.

“I’m Matsui Jurina, nice to meet you”

Yui’s eyes went wide.

“Matsui-san!” she exclaimed in surprise. “I’m glad to meet you. I didn’t get to introduce myself properly as I arrived very late yesterday. Please take care of me as I am going to be your neighbour from now on!”

With that she bowed her head deeply. Yuuka stared at her confused friend with an open mouth, Lovetan tilted her head questionably and Haruppi drooled on her sister’s shoulder in her sleep. 


The Watanabe Family

Watanabe Mayu , 18 years old, in her last year of High School
Watanabe Mizuki (played by Kuwabara Mizuki) 21 years old, a lazy university student
Watanabe Rie (played by Kitahara Rie) 21 years old, Mizuki’s twin but a few minutes younger, very smart and hard-working
Watanabe Haruka (played by Kodama Haruka) 16 years old, goes to the same school as Mayu, first-year in highschool
Watanabe Sakura (played by Miyawaki Sakura) 14 years old, smart Middle School student

Friends & Classmates of the Watanabe girls

Ota Aika, 18 years old, Mayu’s best friend
Ichikawa Miori, 18 years old, Mayu’s classmate
Nagao Mariya, 18 years old, a Yankee in Mayu’s class
Yamauchi Suzuran, 18 years old, Mariya’s loyal sidekick
Yagami Kumi, 18 years old, part of Mariya’s gang but barely showing up at school
Tano Yuuka, 15 years old, Haruppi’s friend and classmate, hyperactive
Matsui Jurina, 15 years old, Haruppis’s classmate and friend, clingy but at the same time very disciplined

Yukirin’s friends & classmates

Kashiwagi Yuki, 18 years old
Takahashi Minami, 21 years old, maid in the Kashiwagi household
Maeda Atsuko, 18 years old, Yukirin’s best friend
Minegishi Minami, 18 years old, the school’s gossip queen
Kasai Tomomi, 18 years old, Yukirin’s cousin
Yokoyama Yui, 18 years old, Yukirin’s new classmate who is rumored to be more wealthy than her
Shinoda Mariko, 26 years old, Yukirin's stylist

Set to appear (incomplete list):

Matsui Sakiko
Matsui Rena
Oshima Yuko
Kojima Haruna
Itano Tomomi

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Re: (Jan 5) To Look At You: Chapter 2 (Mayuki) + Character list
« Reply #14 on: January 05, 2013, 11:30:31 PM »
Yuki intrigue me a lot. Is she act to be a bad person? or is it her real? (Sorry if you don't understand my question... I'm not good in English...)
The maid is Takamina, no? Wouahaha! It is how astumina meet each other! (?)

Mayu...: her adventure was really interesting!!!
Aaah!! :smhid They lied!

When Mayuki meet each other?????

Thank you for the list, it is better to understand now! :thumbsup
Mayuki = Cutest couple

Married?!-Mayuki fanfic (maybe it will have another pair)

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Re: (Jan 5) To Look At You: Chapter 2 (Mayuki) + Character list
« Reply #15 on: January 06, 2013, 01:32:33 AM »
Im waiting the moment yuki fall for mayu,that's gonna be interesting

Ah i cant wait when they meet each other

Thank for the update,the plot really great LOL


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Re: (Jan 5) To Look At You: Chapter 2 (Mayuki) + Character list
« Reply #16 on: January 06, 2013, 01:38:25 AM »
Make Sayaka and/or Sae appear! :lol:

Sayaka can be a kind, loyal teacher (or something), and Sae can be an ikemen student who's trying to "steal" Yukirin away (if you know what I mean!) :cathappy: :deco:

:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
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Re: (Jan 5) To Look At You: Chapter 2 (Mayuki) + Character list
« Reply #17 on: January 06, 2013, 03:29:15 PM »
The story sounds complicated with so many characters  :deejay in it ...

hope to see more pairings  :omamori:other than mayuki! 
Visit my FFs:
We Love the Hospital! OS (Mayuki + Wmatsui) + Omake

The Foreigner Husband and The Traditional Wife (Wmatsui)

[Short OS] "Puppy" Love (Pairings: JR + YH)

My Little Brother Can't Be This Cute!

Derailed - OS featuring Aya x Nao

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Re: (Jan 5) To Look At You: Chapter 2 (Mayuki) + Character list
« Reply #18 on: January 06, 2013, 04:15:17 PM »
Ah... I can imagine Yui-han's character.

That's so her! I wonder if she comes with a busload full of black suits, ready to protect her when she gets a paper cut =P

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Re: (Jan 5) To Look At You: Chapter 2 (Mayuki) + Character list
« Reply #19 on: January 06, 2013, 11:47:04 PM »
lol why do i get the feeling that the reason Tomomi's hair was messy was because of a certain fanged girl with the same name lol

Acchan running into the house to go see Yuki's new maid who happens to Takamini lol should be fun to see what Acchan is like with Takamina

Party at Yuki's house woop woop I wonder what they are going to do to Yui

Lol i love how Mayu is lol her personality is awesome

cant wait till your next update

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