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Author Topic: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~ New Fic Backwards Drama (WMatsui) Ch.9 12/09/2017  (Read 81034 times)

Offline kawaiiidolworld

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This thread is for my longer fics! Yay! Now that I learned how to use JPHIP better I felt more comfortable posting them up. Enjoy :)

One Shy girl and one Popular girl (Wmatsui)
Ch.1 We Became Friends
Ch.2 Maybe we can be more than friends?
Ch.3 Your friends hate me
Ch.4 It was unrequired love until now (Final)

Art Affairs (Wmatsui)
Ch.1 A Fateful Encounter
Ch.2 I am with you
Ch.3 You're fading away from me
Ch.4 My true feelings (Final)

Skater Girl (Wmatsui)
Ch.1 Lab Partners
Ch.2 Things don’t always go as plan
Ch.3 Don't Change
Ch.4 The Shy Singer
Ch.5 From Best Friend to Enemy
Ch.6 A Mean Prank
Ch.7 The Truth is Out

Doubt (Jurimayu & SayaMilky)
Ch.1 Peaceful Days are Over
Ch.2 Distrust
Ch.3 Did You want it to be a Lie?
Ch.4 Heartless
Ch.5 Distance
Ch.6 Betrayal
Ch.7 Misunderstood
Ch.8 Deadly Alliance
Ch.9 War
Ch.10 Truth
Ch.11 Silent Treatment
Ch.12 Before the Storm
Ch.13 Reckless Battle
Ch.14 Aftermath (final)

Confessions under the candle light (Wmatsui)
Ch.1 Sleepovers and Storms
Ch.2 The revealing game of Truth or Dare
Ch.3 Never confess when you are storm-bounded in the same house

The Origin of Happiness (Wmatsui, Mayuki)

Origin Stories:
Appearances (Jurimayu)

Season 1:
Prologue: Unhappiness
Ch.1 Rash Decision
Ch.2 Two lonely souls meet
Ch.3 Not good enough
Ch.4 A new friendship
Ch.5 Hiding
Ch.6 Roommate
Ch.7 Icy Distance
Ch.8 Unexpected Return
Ch.9 Lies and more Lies
Ch.10 The Truth will always come to the Surface
Ch.11 Best Friend's Feelings
Ch.12 Lost and Found
Ch.13 Misunderstanding at a Cafe
Ch.14 Kicked Out
Ch.15 Life Changes
Ch.16 Assuming things can blind you from the truth
Ch.17 Crazy Breakins
Ch.18 Everything back to where it belonged
Ch.19 The girl I am going to propose to someday

Backwards Drama (Wmatsui)
Ch.1 Also known as the day I got hit on by the transfer student
Ch.2 Also known as the day that just got more stressful
Ch.3 Also known as the day I had my first sleepover
Ch.4 Also known as the day my opnion didn't matter
Ch.5 Also known as the day I found her in the rain
Ch.6 Also known as the day I lost my best friend
Ch.7 Who I Used to be
Ch.8 Also known as the day I was a jerk
Ch.9 Conflicted Feelings
Ch.10 Also known as the day we got together
« Last Edit: November 06, 2017, 12:15:17 AM by kawaiiidolworld »

Offline kawaiiidolworld

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2013, 02:37:40 AM »
One Shy girl and one Popular Girl

Chapter 1: We became Friends

Matsui Rena sat alone in class in breaktime as usual while the other girls in her class chatted and gossiped. Rena was extremely quiet and shy, so she didn’t exactly have many friends. In fact, Rena had none if she was honest with herself. Rena sighed as she glanced as her secret crush, Matsui  Jurina. Rena could remember the day she started to like Jurina as if it was yesterday. The class was presenting their essays on world history. Rena hated presenting because she always made a fool out of herself. Rena would speak so low no one would hear her and stuttered a lot due to her nerves. That day was no different except this time her classmates decided to take it upon themselves to point out her mistakes.

 “You need to speak louder no one is ever going to hear you like that!” one girl commented. The class laughed. “I can’t even understand you. Do you even know how to talk property?” another blurted out. “No, of course she doesn’t. That’s why she doesn’t have any friends,” another replied. More laughs filled the room. Comments like that flew across the classroom, and her teacher didn’t do a thing. The teachers never did anything at all except sit back and watch as people constantly brought Rena down. Rena thought she was going to burst in tears when a voice suddenly yelled out, “Leave her alone already! She’s already nervous as it is she doesn’t need your comments to make it worst!” Rena looked up and founded herself looking at her rescuer’s deep serious beautiful brown eyes. The voice belong to Jurina Matsui.

Everyone looked at Jurina and back at Rena in shock, but stopped commenting. Everyone knew better than to mess with Matsui Jurina. Not only was Jurina one of the most popular girls in the class, but she had a reputation for getting into fights and winning them. Rena quickly finished her presentation and went back to her seat, but she couldn’t get Jurina out of her head. Why would Jurina defend her? Jurina didn’t even talk to her. Who was Matsui Jurina anyways? Rena barely paid attention to the popular sporty girl. Suddenly, while trying to figure this question out she fell in love in with her. The more Rena learned the more she loved her. Her confidence in everything she did, her impressive chocolate-brown eyes, and chic choppy short black hair. Suddenly out of the blue, Jurina met her eyes breaking Rena away from her daydream. Rena blushed heavily realizing she been caught starting and quickly looked down to her book. Maybe Rena’s intense crush was making her insane, but she could have sworn she saw a smirk on Jurina’s face. Jurina got up of her seat and began to walk towards Rena’s seat. Oh no! She’s heading this way! Rena panicked as Jurina got closer and closer.

Rena felt her palms get sweaty and her heart beat faster. Maybe Jurina was angry because Rena kept staring at her, but Jurina didn’t look angry. Instead she had a dazzling grin in her face. Finally, Jurina stopped in front of her desk. “You’re Matsui Rena-san, right?” Jurina asked with a smile. Rena nodded nervously. Rena wasn’t expecting for Jurina to start talking to her out of the blue. While Rena was happy that her crush was talking to her, she was very nervous. “How come you’re always alone?” Jurina questioned with a tone of curiosity in her voice. Jurina’s eyes were inviting and her voice was warm. As if she cared. “I am kind of shy so I don’t really talk to people that much…” Rena mumbled wishing she had spoken a bit louder. “That sounds lonely,” Jurina replied and took the seat next to Rena’s desk. Rena’s eyes widen in surprise, but she didn’t say anything. Rena didn’t know what had made Jurina come and talk to her, but whatever it was it made her very happy. Rena had always wished for Jurina to talk to her one day because Rena knew she would be way too shy to ever talk to Jurina herself. Rena hated herself for it. Her shyness. It ruined things.

“I am not really good at making friends,” Rena added trying to break the silence between them. Rena became aware of the stares they were receiving from Jurina’s friends. Rena tried to shake it off. Maybe it was just her nerves. Maybe they aren’t really looking it just felt like it. “That’s it! From now on you and I will friends,” Jurina declared and offered her hand. Rena took it and smiled shyly in agreement. That was the beginning of Rena’s dangerous friendship with her crush. Even though Jurina sat with at the same table with her at lunch, Rena couldn’t say a thing. Rena wanted to blame it on Jurina’s friends, but it was her fault. Rena didn’t know how to talk to Jurina. Jurina talked to her after lunch even if Rena didn’t give her much of an answer. Rena thought that surely that would push Jurina away even though Rena didn’t want to do that. Who would what to hang out with a mute person who didn’t talk after all?

In spite of that, Jurina walked her home. They walked home in silence. There was just one question that lingered in Rena’s head. Would Jurina keep hanging out with her or was this just a one day thing? Even if it was just a one day thing though, it was much too sweet for Rena to grow sad. It was enough for her. Hearing her crush talk to her and laugh with her. Just here mere presence. That was enough for Rena.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2013, 12:19:03 AM by kawaiiidolworld »

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2013, 02:42:00 AM »
One Shy girl and one Popular girl

Ch.2 Maybe we can be more than friends?

A few weeks passed and that’s all it took for Rena and Jurina to become best friends. Jurina was constantly texting Rena. Rena had finally got over her shyness around Jurina opening up to her about everything. Rena told Jurina everything about her. All her happy moments, all her sad moments. Every last detail about her. Jurina listened to her with her warm catlike smile. The two talked, texted, walked home together, did everything best friends did together. However, Rena was surprised when she suddenly came to the realization that it wasn’t enough for her. Her feelings of just wanting to talk to Jurina escalated into her just wanting Jurina all for herself. The more Rena was with Jurina the more addicted she grew to her. It was scary. Rena, who never imagine she would even come to become friends with Jurina, didn’t know how to deal with this realization. Confessing… That was impossible to a shy person like Rena, but then what was she supposed to do with those feelings inside her chest?

Rena sat alone at the school’s café eating her lunch silently. Jurina had to go do something and Rena was stuck on her own. There was no way Rena was going to sit at Jurina’s friends table without her. Rena got enough hostile glares from them as it is. Rena didn’t want any problems. “Jurina!” Jurina’s best friend, Akane or better known as Churi, yelled across the cafeteria waving her hands frantically. Rena looked up from where she was sitting and sighed as she watched Jurina flash Churi her infamous Cheshire smile and head over to their lunch table. Even though Rena and Jurina had grown a lot closer, Jurina was still really close to her old friends much to Rena’s dismay. Rena turned her head and watched as Churi tried to feed Jurina food from her bento. Who does she think is? Her girlfriend or something? Rena thought bitterly as the scene unfolded before her eyes. Rena got up abruptly. Jealously coursing through her veins. Maybe Rena was more angry at herself for not having the guts to do something like that.

As Rena passed by Jurina, Jurina suddenly brushed her hand through her upper leg causing Rena to hold her breath at the sudden gesture. Jurina’s hand sent jolt of electricity through her body. The skin Jurina touched tingling. Her school shirt fluttered slightly as Jurina pulled her hand away. Rena stopped and looked at her in shock. Her face flushed and her eyes wide. She tried to open her mouth to say something, but nothing came out. Jurina frown as if worried of Rena’s reaction, but then she smiled her eyes never leaving Rena’s. Churi observed the two girls with a scorn. “Bye, Rena,” Jurina said in a seductive voice for the first time calling her by her first name. Not Matsui-san or even Rena-chan, but Rena. “B…bye,” Rena mumbled and rushed out of there. Rena’s mind couldn’t register what just happened, and her heart was pounding. Did Jurina like her too? More than a friend. That would explain why Jurina suddenly started talking to her. The thought made Rena smile.

After school, Jurina caught up with Rena and grabbed her arm. “Let’s go home!” Jurina told Rena with a wide grin. Rena couldn’t help, but to smile back when she saw Jurina's dazzling grin. “Okay,” Rena replied happily. It surprised Rena that even though they had that moment at lunch there was no weird feelings. Rena didn’t feel nervous at all. It felt natural as if that was how they were to be or maybe it’s because Jurina’s friends aren’t around. The sun was setting creating the most romantic setting. Rena wanted to reached out for Jurina hand, but refrained. “I got you something,” Jurina said breaking their peaceful silence. “Really?!” Rena exclaimed with an excited tone in her voice. Rena hoped she didn’t sound to eager. Rena watched Jurina took off a necklace off her neck. It was gold and had a pretty lock charm on it. “Let me put it on you. It’s really special to me, but I suddenly felt like I wanted you to have it,” Jurina explained. Rena nodded. Rena couldn’t help, but to wear a silly goofy grin as Jurina put the necklace around her. That sort of gesture was one that lovers have right? As they walked home Rena suddenly began to feel dizzy. Her head was spinning for some reason and not in a good way. “Do you mind if we stop? I don’t feel so well,” Rena announced.

“Are you okay? Let’s find somewhere where you can rest.” Jurina said with concern. Luckily there was a bench near by, so they took a seat. “I am so sorry. My blood pressure gets low sometimes and I get dizzy,” Rena explained. “Don’t worry about it. I have a chocolate in my backpack. Sugar helps for that right?” Jurina asked. “Yeah,” Rena answered. Rena watched as Jurina searched her bag for the chocolate. “I can’t find it,” Jurina gritted her teeth in frustration. “It’s okay! I am feeling better. Don’t worry about it.” Rena reassured Jurina. Suddenly, Jurina looked up and got closer to her. They were face to face. “I will worry because you’re important,” Jurina declared with such passion in her eyes it surprised Rena.

Suddenly Jurina began to inch closer. Rena’s breath hitched as she saw the girl she loved break her personal bubble. Their lips on the verge of touching when two cars collided in the road in front of them. Black smoke coming out from the hoods. A very destructive crash. Rena grasped as she witness the scene feeling somewhat guilty that she felt angry that they interrupted the moment. Jurina pulled her close and whispered to her ear, “I love you.” Rena was speechless and responded by grabbing Jurina’s arm tighter
« Last Edit: June 21, 2013, 03:31:59 AM by kawaiiidolworld »

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~
« Reply #3 on: June 21, 2013, 03:46:25 AM »
One Shy girl and one Popular girl

Ch.3 Your friends hate me

Ever since Jurina told Rena she was in love with her, Rena was up in the clouds. Rena felt like she was walking on air. Everything seemed suddenly brighter to her. Everything around her seemed to have a more vibrant color in her eyes. Even their gloomy principal seemed to be happier than usual greeting the students as they walked into the school through the school gates. It’s funny what three little words can do to a person. Rena smiled as she recalled last night’s events.

“I love you.” Jurina whispered in her ear. Rena grasped Jurina arm tighter in response. Rena’s heart was beating uncontrollably in her chest. Rena couldn’t explain the strange bliss that came over her at the words. She forgot everything around her even the car accident in front of them where a crowd was already beginning to form. Sirens could be heard in the distance. Jurina pulled away slowly, and gazed into Rena’s eyes with such intensity it made Rena melt. “I… I love you too,” Rena responded in a soft voice. Jurina smiled. “Let’s go home!” Jurina said cheerfully and grabbed her hand.

 Rena felt herself blush at the memory. When Rena walked into class, her bright smile disappear when she realized Jurina wasn’t there.  It was funny how fast Rena got used to Jurina's presence in breaktime.  It was only a few weeks ago when Rena spend break time alone with no one to talk to. The classroom was noisy as usual, and Jurina’s friends where in the back of the class engrossed with whatever Churi was saying.  Rena felt a surge of triumph. Jurina liked her better then Churi! Rena sat down and pulled her notes out. She might as well study, since Jurina wasn’t around. “Look at her study! I bet she just wants to make the rest of us look bad,” one of Churi’s friends said loudly. Rena quickly realized that they were talking about her again. Rena was used to their teasing by that point. Let them tease her. They were just jealous. After all, Jurina had preferred her over any of them. That’s why Jurina chose to walk home with Rena instead of them, right?

“She actually thinks Jurina would like someone like her. I bet Jurina hangs out with her out of pity.” Churi announced loudly for the entire class to hear. Their cruel laughs filled the room. That got to Rena. Where they right? she began to wonder. Even though Jurina confessed to her what if they were right?  Rena began to feel her eyes string tears threatening to fall. Rena tried to look busy by arranging the papers in her desk, but her hand slipped and the thin paper cut her finger. Blood began to trickle down. Rena stare at it mesmerized. Was it true? Was Jurina with her because of pity? Those question kept repeating themselves in her head. “Are you okay?” Jurina exclaimed when she walked into the room. Rena responded with a sad look. She had so many things she wanted to asked, but she was left speechless as Jurina grabbed her hand and kissed her finger. Rena shuddered as she felt Jurina’s soft lips in her hand. The touch sent shivers down her spine. Jurina's eyes were so full of worry even though Rena just had a minor cut.

It reassured Rena, but the feeling soon disappeared as Churi walked out the room and told Jurina, “Let’s go!” Jurina looked up and smiled. Jurina automatically let go of Rena’s hand and rushed to Churi’s side. She put her hand in Churi’s cheek, and flashed Churi a flirty smile. As the pair took off Rena glanced at them with disbelief written all over her face.  “Oh, you didn’t know?” one of Churi’s friends asked with teasing tone in her voice. “Jurina and Churi are going out you see. Aren’t they like the cutest couple ever? But, of course Jurina told you this since you friends and all.” one of Jurina's friends mocked. Rena started to walk out of the classroom as tears began to fall, but one of the girls blocked the exit. Rena eyes widen and tried to move her way around the girl, but failed.

Churi’s friends began to surround her. The other girls in her class looked at her with pity, but none of them dared to get involved. “We planned it out you know. We knew you like Jurina, so we decided to have her mess with you. We agreed she would lead you on and then break your heart. Worked well didn’t it?” the one blocking the exit explained with a vicious smile.  The group began to laugh as if it was hysterical. “You’re lying!” Rena cried breaking her silence. Her heart refused to accept it even though it made sense in her head. Rena couldn’t accept that all the memories she had with Jurina were all faked, planned out. “God you’re so stupid.  You don’t believe us? Go to the rooftop and you’ll see it’s true. By the way that necklace was given to Jurina by Churi,” the girl told her with a vindictive smile.

Rena pushed her aside and ran out of the classroom. She thought back of all the times she spend with Jurina. Jurina was her only friend and the person she loved the most and to think that she was setting her up… It was to painful to even imagine.  But it was true because as soon as she went up to the roof she witnessed Churi and Jurina kissing. Like lovers that had a long time without seeing each other. Rena was filled with rage she had never felt before in her life. Jurina thought Rena was a joke. Jurina thought she could just make fun of Rena’a feelings. Rena turned red with anger and this time tears of angry began to fall across her cheeks.

Jurina suddenly became aware that Rena was watching and quickly pulled away. “Rena…”Jurina uttered in shock. Churi smiled pleased that her plan had worked so well. “Don’t you dare call me Rena! It’s Matsui-san to you!” Rena screamed. Rena tore the necklace Jurina had given her off her neck and threw in the ground. “You’re horrible!” Rena yelled before bolting out of there. “Rena! Wait!” Jurina called and began to run after her, but Churi  grabbed her wrist. “What are you doing? This is what will planned remember?” Churi told her with a wicked smile. Jurina looked at her with disgust. “How could you be so cruel?!” Jurina snarled. Churi looked surprised and then angry. “Don’t tell me you actually fell in love with her, Jurina!” Churi snapped. Jurina didn’t reply, but that silence was a clear answer. “If you go after her you can forget about me, you hear me Jurina? You can forget about us!” Churi yelled. Jurina broke free of her grip, quickly picked up the necklace, and began to run. She didn’t look back at the girl who was cursing her behind her. She didn’t matter. Rena did.  Hopefully she wasn't too late.
« Last Edit: June 21, 2013, 03:57:43 AM by kawaiiidolworld »

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~
« Reply #4 on: June 21, 2013, 04:02:38 AM »

I like this fic although Jurina being the person she is might end up playing with fire for too long to actually get burned herself :nervous
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline kawaiiidolworld

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~
« Reply #5 on: June 21, 2013, 04:12:51 AM »
One Shy girl and one Popular girl

Ch.4 It was unrequired love until now

Jurina ran everywhere searching for Rena, but she couldn’t find Rena anywhere. Clouds rolled in and soon rain began to fall, but that didn’t stop Jurina. Jurina recalled the stupid prank idea and felt horrible all over again.

“Let’s prank her. I am sick of her staring at you, Jurina!” Jurina’s girlfriend, Churi suggested. Jurina sighed. Her girlfriend was jealous again and this time it was someone Jurina didn’t even speak to. Jurina casted a glance at the girl who was staring at her with lonely eyes. The girl realized she been caught looking and quickly turned away. Without a doubt the girl was beautiful with her long black hair and her elegant features, but Jurina hardly knew the girl. The girl posted no threat to Churi. She didn't even talk for crying out loud! It was just senseless bullying in Churi’s part. “You’re being unreasonable. I am not doing it. It's mean. You know I love you more than her anyways,” Jurina stated. Jurina put her hand on her girlfriend’s cheek, but Churi turned away. Jurina frowned. “I’ll break up with you,” Churi threated. Jurina blinked. “Huh?” was all Jurina was able to utter. “I am serious Jurina! Either you do this or we are over!”


Jurina winced at the memory. Rain began to pour harder. Thunder could be heard from the distance. And Jurina still couldn’t find Rena. There was a chance Rena went home. Somehow Jurina knew Rena didn’t go home. How could Jurina explain? Jurina never expected to fall in love it her. Still even if Jurina didn’t fall in love with Rena what Jurina did was wrong. Jurina knew that since the beginning of course, but Churi hold on her was so strong. Rena and Churi were so different. Rena was soft spoken, elegant, and different while Churi was loud, sultry, and was always following trends. Rena never spoke ill of everyone even though she had plenty of reasons to. Churi constantly badmouthed people for no reason, but Jurina never realized it before until now.

“Jurina, let’s go eat melon bread!” Rena exclaimed excitedly. Jurina had asked the girl if there was anything she wanted to do and that was her response. Jurina giggled. Rena pouted. “Why are you laughing?” Rena demanded her eyes wide. “No one goes out to eat melon pans. Everyone goes have ice cream!” Jurina explained still trying to contain her laugher at Rena's odd request. “Ehh? Would you rather go have ice cream?” Rena asked looking slightly puzzled. “Nah, ice cream is getting boring anyways,” Jurina admitted somewhat glad to be doing something different even if it was a bit strange. She was just glad to learn more about the usually reserved girl.

Jurina began to get more anxious as she remember how kind Rena had been with her. Why did it take a stupid prank for Jurina to realize how amazing Rena was? Jurina felt so stupid for agreeing to such a prank in the first place. Jurina knew it was mean, but she was so scared of losing Churi. Jurina couldn’t believe she actually thought she loved Churi. Falling in love with Rena made Jurina realized she never loved Churi in the first place. At least not the way Jurina loved Rena.

“I love you,” Jurina whispered to Rena’s ear. Jurina couldn’t get that memory out of her mind. The way Rena held her and said she loved her too. Without realizing it, Jurina had fallen in love with her. Her expressions, her smile, her laugh. Everything. She couldn’t get her out of her mind, but… Churi was there waiting for her. But suddenly Churi meant nothing. Nothing compared to Rena. Still when Churi called her to the rooftop Jurina went with her anyways leaving Rena behind. Jurina wasn't thinking straight. Jurina panicked. Jurina saw Rena's expression when she left. It was filled of disbelief and betrayal.

Finally, Jurina spotted Rena near the school’s soccer field. Rena was soaking wet, but she didn’t seem to mind. Her  eyes were closed and she was muttering a poem to herself. She seemed calm. Jurina didn’t want to interupt her peaceful state. “Rena…” Jurina said softly trying to get her attention. Rena’s eyes shot open and a frown replaced her peaceful expression. “Go away, Jurina! What did you come to do laugh at me some more?” Rena shouted. Jurina winced at her sharp words. “I am sorry,” Jurina mumbled. This seem to make Rena more mad. “No, you’re not. Because if you were you would stay away from me and let me be. I was so stupid for thinking you loved me!” Rena continued. Jurina didn’t know if it was rain or tears flowing down her face. “I do love you!” Jurina insisted. “Don’t you dare try to sell me that. I saw you kissing her and your friends took the time explain what was going on to me! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!” Rena shouted pushing Jurina away.

Without thinking Jurina slapped her. Rena looked at her in shock, but quickly retaliated. Jurina looked down feeling ashamed of her reaction and when she looked back up Rena slapped her again. Jurina fell to the ground and began to sob not knowing how to reached the other girl anymore. Rena was surprised. Her walls went down and she wondered if she had hit Jurina to hard. Rena kneed down to check on Jurina, but Jurina shocked her by pinning her to ground and kissing her. Rena's eyes widen in shock as Jurina kissed her. Rena was unable to react. Jurina's kiss was desperate and her soft lips urged Rena’s kiss her back. Somehow Rena was able to pull away, but was still pinned by Jurina. “Get off me,” Rena said flatly. Jurina pinned down both her wrists. “No, I won’t not until you understand how I feel,” Jurina exclaimed.

Her eyes were more intense than ever as they gazed into Rena’s eyes. “Explain what Jurina? How you tricked me into thinking you loved me? How do you feel Jurina? What about how I feel? You’re friends all cornered me you know? They laughed at me. You betrayed me in front of everyone,” Rena cried. “I was stupid! I never wanted to do this stupid prank in the first place. I never thought you were weird, but Churi’s threatened to break up with me and I was so dumb so I agreed to it,” Jurina explained. “That doesn’t change things Jurina! You used me!” Rena sobbed. “I love you, Rena! I really do. I really meant it the time I said I loved you! Please give me a chance to show you!” Jurina exclaimed desperately.

Rena felt her will crumble under Jurina’s sweet words, but she couldn’t trust her. Rena began to sob harder into Jurina's shoulder. “I want to believe you, but I can’t Jurina. Not with everything that happened, but I’ve always loved you,” Rena cried. Jurina inched closed to Rena’s face and whispered, “Let me prove it to you. My love for you.” Jurina kissed her again with more passion and this time Rena kissed her back. Her heart was pounding. Rena moaned softly as she felt Jurina’s tongue push it’s way into her mouth. Their tongues met and became one in the oddest way. Rena had never experience nothing like it. That amount of passion. Rena didn’t even know it existed. Finally, Rena pulled away out of breath. ”I love you, Rena.” Jurina declared. “I love you too, but can you let go of my wrists now? I think I lost circulation.” Rena pointed out with a faint giggle. Jurina blushed and said, “Right, sorry about that” and got off Rena. “I've never seen you blush. It’s cute,” Rena giggled. This caused Jurina to blushed even more. Jurina got up. “Let’s go home. We’re going to catch a cold,” Jurina said and helped Rena up. The rain finally cleared.

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~
« Reply #6 on: June 21, 2013, 04:30:03 AM »
That ended nicely between the two and the reason for Jurina's act towards Rena :nervous

I hope you have more to post :lol:
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline kawaiiidolworld

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~
« Reply #7 on: June 21, 2013, 04:30:24 AM »
Art Affairs
Ch1. A fateful encounter

Rena watched as the rain drop steadily from the classroom window. Drip drip drip… Rena somehow managed to tone out her noisy classmates and focus on the soothing dripping melody the rain made as it fell. Rena loved rain. It was fresh, cool and Rena somehow felt rain washed everything anew. Rena wished she could run away from school and dance under the falling rain, but it wasn’t so easy. Life never was. Rena could constantly hear the mutters about her. The cruel whispers her classmates exchanged about her. They never stopped. No one talked to her, but all around her Rena heard them talking about her. About how she was snobby, how she was standoffish and how she was strange. Rena didn’t understand what she did wrong to make them hate her. Rena sat down quietly and took everything they threw at her like a good quiet girl, but her tormentors didn’t care. They just kept doing it anyways. Whether Rena stayed quiet or fought back made no difference whatsoever.

As Rena walked home afterschool, she decided to take a detour to a nearby art supply store. Rena loved art. The act of creating fascinated her. Rena spend most of her free time browsing art museums or art stores. It was where Rena could escape all the voices that mocked her. When Rena reached her destination, she immediately headed to oil paint section. They were Rena’s favorite type of paints and she was almost out. Always used to keeping her head down at school Rena failed to notice another girl who was looking at the oil paints. Crash! The two collided as Rena kept walking towards her.

Rena landed on top of the other girl who had a surprised expression in her face. The girl had to be around her age. She had choppy short jet black hair, and was slightly taller than her. Rena felt taken aback as she looked into the girl’s deep brown eyes. They were beautiful and held an intense look that pulled her in. Rena had never seen such impressive eyes before. The bewildered girl cleared throat, and Rena then realize she had been staring. Rena turned scarlet and quickly got off the girl. Rena braced herself for a complaint, but instead the girl asked, “Are you alright?” There was a genuine hint of concern in her stunning eyes. A rare, yet common gesture of kindness Rena was no longer used to.

“Y… Yeah, I am so sorry! I wasn’t looking!” Rena stammered nervously and quickly added a bow to her apology. “It’s okay! I was distracted too. Oil paints fascinate me, so I didn’t even notice your presence,” the girl explained stealing a glance at the paints on the shelve. Rena couldn’t help, but to smile and added,” Me too! I was actually going to pick some before bumping into you.” The girl smiled and extended her hand out to Rena. “I am Matsui Jurina,” Jurina said introducing herself. Rena shook her hand, and replied, “I am Matsui Rena. I suppose we have the same surname!” The two girls exchanged bright smiles. “So, you paint too?” Rena asked her voice full of curiously. It had been a while since Rena talked to someone her age and couldn’t help, but to feel really happy. Rena had expected to feel some sort of insecurity after being bullied for so long, but she felt none at all. She actually felt really safe around Jurina in spite the fact she was a complete stranger.

”Yeah, I do, but I don’t have much money to buy paints often. You’re lucky to be able to buy such amazing paints. I guess that sounds a bit weird, but I wish I could buy some…”Jurina’s voice trailed off and she looked lost in thought. Rena noticed Jurina’s pained expression and felt an overwhelming emotion. It wasn’t pity it was more like Rena felt Jurina’s sadness as if it was her own. Rena thought it was a tad extreme to feel that way towards a stranger, but she couldn’t help it. Rena wanted to help her, so she could see that dazzling smile again. “Which one do you like? I can’t decide on one,” Rena told her. Jurina took another look at the whole section before pointing to a dark colored pallet. It had dark wine colored reds, various browns, a few yellows, some blues, and the obvious black and white. “It suits you somehow. It has this elegant vibe like you do,” Jurina explained while eyeing her. Rena felt herself turn red at Jurina’s compliment. She wasn’t used to compliments only insults and was unsure as to how to respond. “Thanks,” Rena mumbled and reached for the paints.

At the same Jurina reached for them too intending to give them to Rena and their hands brushed. The small contact made Rena’s heart speed up for some odd reason. The two exchanged a brief glance before Rena looked down as she felt Jurina look at her with eyes that looked like they could see her soul. Jurina gave her a small slightly embarrassed smile and accompanied her to pay for her paints. “Want to go get ice cream? I’ll treat you,” Rena suggested hopefully as they walked out of the store. “It’s okay! I wouldn’t want to impose,” Jurina replied slightly embarrassed at her invitation. Rena’s face dropped. Rena had dared to hope for too much. Who would want to hang out with her, Matsui Rena whose only friends consisted of no one? Jurina seemed to notice this and added, ” I would like to treat you though.” “Ehh?” Rena uttered in surprise. Jurina grasped her hand and replied, “I was having a bad day and you made it better. It might sound weird coming from a stranger… You probably think I am weird, but…”

“I don’t.” Rena cut her off quickly. Jurina had no idea how well she understood. Jurina's face brighten when she heard this. “Let’s go then! I know this awesome place nearby!” Jurina exclaimed excitedly and began to walk towards the place while still holding Rena’s hand. Rena blushed and wondered if Jurina realized it made them look like a couple. It made Rena excited thinking about it then nervous. Feeling those sort of feeling for a girl was wrong right? Especially one she just met. Finally, they reached a quaint ice cream shop. Rena ordered a vanilla cone and Jurina a chocolate cone. The two girls settled in a nearby bench and began to talk. It turns out they had a lot more in common than just their love for art. The two girls laughed and enjoyed themselves somehow forgetting the loneliness in their hearts for a moment. They were absorbed in a world of their own. Rena felt she had known Jurina forever.

As the sun began to set the two realized that it was time for them to part ways. Rena’s heart felt heavy. Jurina pulled Rena into a hug surprising Rena. Rena didn’t say anything and hugged her back. They were just two lonely souls who happened to bump into each other and didn’t want to let go as soon as they got a hint of true friendship. Rena decided that she wanted to do one last thing to make Jurina smile so she slipped the oil paints into Jurina’s bag as she hugged her. “Bye,” Rena whispered. The two finally headed home. Rena settled herself in her comfy bed when she got home. Weeks passed and Rena couldn’t get Jurina out of her head. She constantly beat herself for not asking her for any contact info whatsoever.

At least Jurina had something of hers. That cheered her up. School got worst though. Things like glue began to appear in her locker. The whispers about her got louder. Rena just sat quietly like always never once changing her expression not wanting to give away how much their words hurt her. That day was no different. The same group of girls giggled as they walked passed her desk. “You’re so lame,” one of them mocked as the walked by. Rena just winced already used to it. Finally, the teacher walked in and the room was silent. ”Today we have a new student,” the teacher informed them and gestured for the student to come in. Rena’s eyes widen as she recognized a similar face. “Please welcome Matsui Jurina-san,” their teacher said.

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~
« Reply #8 on: June 21, 2013, 04:32:25 AM »
Interesting start to this one using art as a theme to drive the love affiar between the two :nervous
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~
« Reply #9 on: June 21, 2013, 04:34:58 AM »
Thanks! That one is completed already so just give me some time to post it up. Thanks for reading. I am glad you're enjoying them :)

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~
« Reply #10 on: June 21, 2013, 04:51:04 AM »
Art Affairs

Ch.2 I am with you

Rena blinked twice to make sure she wasn’t dreaming, but there was Jurina in all her glory. Rena couldn’t help, but to feel really happy. After wishing so much to see Jurina there she was standing before her very eyes. Rena found it funny to see Jurina in the unusual bright blue uniforms their school wore. Jurina caught her eye and gave her warm smile. That warm smile that Rena was beginning to fall in love with. Still, worry began to enter Rena’s head as she wondered if Jurina would still like her once she saw how unpopular she was. How much people hated her. Would Jurina be willing to accept her as readily if she knew no one talked to her? Would Jurina be willing to be as unpopular as Rena just to talk to her? With that Rena’s good mood was ruined and was replaced with a sad one.

“I am Matsui Jurina. Nice to meet you!” Jurina introduced herself happily. Rena had spend the last few weeks wanting to see Jurina, but not like this. Not in school where her bullies roamed and had control. Jurina began to make her way to the seat in front of Rena. Rena felt her palms get sweaty as she felt everyone’s eyes on her and Jurina. They were probably just looking at Jurina curious to know more about the new student, but it still made her nervous. “Hey,” Jurina whispered softly and gave Rena a huge smile. Rena smiled back in spite her previous worries. The class began soon after that and Rena could feel Jurina looking at her. Was Jurina as happy to see Rena again as she was? Had Jurina been wondering about Rena as much as Rena had wondered about her? All those questions were answered with a simple note.

I glad I got to meet you again. Small world. I still need to repay you for those paints. -J
Rena slightly blushed and grinned happily. Jurina wanted to see her too.

I know right and don’t worry about the paints really -R

Rena tossed the small note back to Jurina as soon as the teacher wasn’t looking her way. Lunch time was near. While Rena was excited because she was dying to talk to Jurina to ask her why she was there, if she liked the paints and if she had wondered about her, Rena was also scared. Rena was scared Jurina would reject her like everyone else did at her school. At the same time, Rena didn’t want to drag Jurina down with her in her unpopularity. Jurina should have friends even if Rena couldn’t. It wouldn’t be fair to Jurina to not be able to make friends because of Rena. And yet Rena couldn’t help, but to let her selfishness get to her. Rena wanted Jurina to be her exclusive friend and for her to talk only to Rena. Rena knew she be alright if Jurina was always there for her. Rena could sense that, but she also understood how wrong it was to wish that. It be like her wishing Jurina to be as shunned as she was.

The bell to dismissed them to lunch finally rang. The classroom was noisy again as girls began to get together to have lunch. “Jurina-san, have lunch with us!” a girl whose name Rena never bothered learning asked. Still Rena could easily recognize her face. That girl and her friends never got tired of gossiping about Rena. Most people didn’t talk to her, but didn’t really say much to upset her. They did. Constantly. Jurina looked flattered, but replied, “I am sitting with Rena,” Jurina didn’t even bother using honorifics after her name. Did she really consider them that close? Then again the first time they met Rena didn’t use them either. She had never noticed that until that moment.

The girls look slightly surprised that Jurina knew Rena’s name and didn’t even use honorifics, but quickly answered, “I would not recommend sitting with Matsui-san. It’s not going to earn you many friends."  “Yeah, no one talks to her around her. She such a loser,” her friend added. Rena didn’t know what came over her, but she broke down. Rena couldn’t stand to watch them insult her in front of Jurina the only thing she had closest to a friend. Rena ran out of the room with no direction in her mind. Why were they do determined to ruin her life? Rena never did anything to them. Rena couldn’t even remember how it was before they started bullying her. Tears began to fall from her eyes and she finally stopped in an empty hallway and sat down on the floor. Rena was just so tired. Tired of being treated like crap everyday. Tired of not being able to make one single friend without them trying to steal them away. Just so fed up.

“Are you okay?” Jurina asked out of breath because she had been running after her. Rena hadn’t even notice that Jurina had followed her. Suddenly, Rena felt guilty for making her worry. Rena quickly rubbed her tears off her face hoping Jurina didn’t notice them. “Y… yeah I am used to them either ways you didn’t have to come after me,” Rena told her trying to keep her voice steady. “You were crying,” Jurina pointed out her face full of concern. Rena cursed herself for not hiding her tears better. “Don’t worry about it. It’s no big deal. You go have lunch with them or whoever you want. If you hang out around me you not going to make friends and I wouldn’t want to keep you from that,” Rena said as she got up.

Rena began to walk away, but Jurina grabbed her wrist tightly before she could get away. “I don’t care about making more friends. I am already friends with you and if no one wants to talk to me because of it I don’t care. I want us to be friends,” Jurina declared with a passion Rena never heard before. Rena found herself getting lost in Jurina's serious deep eyes again like the very first day, but quickly found the nerve to shriek, “You don’t have to feel sorry for me or feel like you have some sort of debt to me because of the paints I gave you!” Rena didn’t know why she said that. Rena quickly covered her mouth knowing she had messed up. Rena really just didn’t want to drag Jurina into her world. The world where everybody shuns you and you were blackmailed for no reason. Rena wanted Jurina to be happy.

“Don’t be stupid, Rena! I know you don’t believe that. You know how it was when we met. It was an instant connection like we were meant to be together. I know you felt it too! I’ve spend days wondering about you. Wondering if we meet again. Wondering why would you give me those paints. Now that we met again don’t push away because I saw a weaker side of you!” Jurina cried. Rena was moved. Rena had no idea Jurina felt the same way about her. Sure, she suspected it, but hearing it from Jurina lips was… Wow. Rena looked down ashamed of her foolish behavior. “Sorry,” Rena mumbled tears threating to fall. Jurina pulled her to a hug and Rena lost it and began to cry. Jurina stroked her hair gently and said, “You were really lonely aren’t you? It’s alright. No one’s life is perfect there’s nothing to be ashamed of. Remember when we met? My family was going through a lot of money problems. I was a mess, and you saved me. I want to return the favor because you are important to me.”

Finally after a while, Rena’s tears ceased to fall and Jurina pulled away. “Let’s go to lunch!” Rena said happily wiping the last tears off her face. Rena would never cry because she was lonely anymore. Rena had Jurina now. Jurina smiled, put her arm around her and the two walked to lunch together. The pair got hostile looks as they walked down the cafeteria. Rena reached for Jurina’s hand. “I am scared.” Rena whispered softly. Rena had never done anything to defy her bullies. It was all new to Rena. ”If it isn’t the weird snobby slut and her new bitch friend,” one of Rena’s tormentors yelled across the cafeteria. Jurina's expression changed to one of pure anger. Rena watched at she made her way to her bullies table. Jurina grabbed the girl from her collar and punched her. Her friends looked shock and scared. They aren’t really the types to engage in physical fights and had no clue as to how to respond. “This is the last time I see you bothering my friend!” Jurina snarled and made her way back to Rena.  Things slowly began to fall to place as the two became closer. Jurina had dealt with Rena’s bullies. Turns out most of the other girls didn’t really dislike Rena they were just scared of the cliquey group of girls that bullied her. Jurina gave them courage to stand up against them and Rena was delighted to no longer be shun by her classmates. She even made new friends. Still in spite everything something was nagging her.

It was her own feelings. Rena had developed feelings for Jurina that a friend shouldn’t feel for another friend. Especially when they are both girls. Rena didn’t let it bother her however because she was really happy they were friends and it was enough for her. Two months had passed since Jurina and Rena met. The two girls had grown extremely close and were hardly seen apart from the other. “I wanted to have art class in the same class you do too!” Jurina whined as they walked home to school. Their teacher had announced that the class would be split in half to go to art class because there were two art teachers. Rena smiled. Rena thought Jurina looked adorable with that pout in her face. “It’s just half an hour,” Rena reassured her. Even though Rena said that Jurina still didn’t look convinced. The two continued their walk in silence and part ways after that. The next day, the dreaded time came. Art class. While the two girls loved art, they hated being separated from each other. Plus, they didn’t need an art class to paint or draw. They did it all the time in their free time.

Rena gave Jurina a sad wave as the two took off in different directions to go to their art class. Once in her new art class their teacher introduced himself as “Kinomoto-sensei.” He was pretty young. Probably in his late twenties. He seemed nice enough to Rena. Their first assignment was easy. To work with their favorite media and create whatever they wanted. “I want to see your strong points,” he explained. Rena couldn’t have been more delighted. A rare chance to work with oil paints at school. Everyone in class had determined they wanted to work outdoors and their new teacher agreed as long as everyone painted something from school scenery. It couldn’t have been more perfect. Rena wished Jurina was in her class as well. She would probably loved that assignment too. Rena got to work right away as soon as they got outside pulling out her easel and paints. Rena decided to paint a nearby tree. Simple, yet pretty. Rena quickly got immersed in her work carefully painting every single detail of the tree.

“You’re pretty good. You paint on your own time?” her concentration was disrupted by Kinomoto-sensei. “Yeah, can you tell that easily?” Rena asked shyly. Rena didn’t often get complimented on her art skills. Rena usually got told they were a waste of time. “Yeah, I love they way you painted the branches,” sensei said and pointed at the branches. Rena smiled and turned to find Jurina glancing at her from the inside of the school. Jurina was carrying a bunch of papers. Rena’s smile grew even bigger when she saw her friend. Jurina looked distracted by something though her face thoughtful. Then after looking at Rena for a while Jurina walked away. Although Rena found the encounter bizarre, she didn’t let it bother her and continued her work. Rena didn’t catch Jurina's flaming cheeks nor her awestruck expression when she saw Rena’s sensei.

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~
« Reply #11 on: June 21, 2013, 05:05:02 AM »
Maybe the teacher can break her out of her shell and Jurina can help protect her
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline kawaiiidolworld

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~
« Reply #12 on: June 21, 2013, 05:11:39 AM »
Art Affairs

Ch.3 You’re fading away from me

“Matsui-san, can you do me a favor and take these papers to the office?” Rena’s home teacher asked. It was already the end of class. Jurina and Rena were getting ready to go home. “Hai!” Rena responded and grabbed the huge load of papers. “You go ahead without me,” Rena told Jurina. “It’s okay! I’ll wait for you don’t worry about it,” Jurina replied as she packed her notebook into her bag. As Rena walked out of the classroom, Jurina called out, “I’ll wait for you in front of the art wing.” “Okay!” Rena yelled back and grinned. Rena was in a really good mood. It had been a good day for her. Rena was excited about the class field trip to the to museum in the nearby city and were staying overnight in a hotel. The whole thing was exciting to Rena. On top of that Rena’s parents were planning to get her a bike. Rena would no longer have to walk to school. Even though Rena wondered how she would be able to go to school with Jurina since Jurina didn’t own a bike, but she figure she just go slow so that Jurina could walk besides her.

Even with her good mood, taking paperwork to the office was still a hassle though. Finally, Rena reached the school office. The office secretary greeted her with a bright face and said, “Ah, I was waiting for those!” Rena gave her a polite smile and handed the paperwork to her. “Thank you so much!” the secretary beamed as she walked out. As Rena walked to the remote art wing, she saw something that made her mouth drop. It was Jurina laughing with Kinomoto-sensei. Not your the average laughing. No it was loud, cry because something is just too funny kind of laugh. Jurina had one arm resting on the wall and another in her stomach as she laughed and sensei was at the door of the room laughing along with her. Rena felt a pang of jealously as she watched the scene unfold. Rena had never seen Jurina so happy around someone other than herself. What could have sensei said to provoke such reaction?

“Jurina!” Rena called out making her presence known. Jurina quickly composed herself as if Rena was walking in into a secret joke. Rena frowned when she noticed this. What on earth was going on? Perhaps Rena was overacting, but her gut told her otherwise. ”Are you ready to go?” Rena asked coldly. Rena didn’t mean to sound that way, but something about the situation irked her. Jurina didn’t seem to notice though and just replied, “Sure! Bye, sensei!” “Bye, girls! Take care!” sensei waved goodbye and walked into his room. The two girls began to walk home in silence. The silence bothered Rena. The silence confirmed her beliefs that there was something weird going on between sensei and Jurina. Yet wasn’t Rena being paranoid? Didn’t Jurina and sensei just meet? As soon as they were outside of school, Jurina squealed, “I think I am in love!” “Ehh!!!!” uttered a bewildered Rena. Jurina giggled at her shocked expression and replied, ” What’s with that shocked face? It’s just isn’t sensei cute?”

Rena stayed silent unsure of what to reply. Rena's expression sadden as she realized that she wasn’t the person Jurina loved the most anymore. Finally Rena got the guts to say, “But you just met him! He’s a complete stranger And he is a teacher!” “There is such thing as love at first sight! Besides its not like he is that old!” Jurina retorted. Rena sighed. Of course Rena knew that Jurina would eventually fall in love with someone else, but… It still tore her heart to pieces. It forced her to deal with feelings she had been running away from. Jurina didn’t seem to notice Rena’s upset expression and went on, “You probably think it’s weird falling for a teacher not to mention it probably would impossible, but…” ”It’ll be okay,” Rena forced a smile. Rena wanted to be supportive to Jurina since she was her best friend, but in reality she felt the opposite. The rest of the way home was as awkward, well for Rena. Jurina didn’t seem to notice Rena’s gloomy mood and went on and on about her new crush. “Bye, Rena!” Jurina waved good bye when she reached her house. “Bye!” Rena waved back weakly.

The next day, Rena dreaded going to school. Rena didn’t want to hear Jurina talk about sensei anymore. Rena didn’t think she be able to stand it. In spite of her depressing situation, Rena couldn’t help, but to laugh along with Jurina as they joked around together before school started. “Go ahead without me! I am going to go see if I can see sensei,” Jurina told Rena as they headed to their lockers. Rena responded with a sad look, but Jurina didn’t seem to notice once more. When Rena walked to class, she headed to her small brown locker. Rena twisted the lock of her locker. Finally, it opened, and a degusting smell hit her. There was rotten fruit on top of her shoes. Great that was just great. Rena was already dreading that day as it was and to top it off someone decided it was the perfect day to mess with her locker. Rena closed it again not wanting to deal with it. Rena took her seat. Rena felt silly doing it, but she put her palms together, closed her eyes, and began to pray. Rena prayed for all the bad things to go away. Rena felt crazy while doing it, but did it anyways. Then she heard a familiar giggle. “Rena! What are you doing silly?” Jurina asked with a giggle. Rena couldn’t help, but to giggled back. “I’ve got no clue,” Rena laughed at herself. Rena decided not to worry Jurina with her whole locker issue. It just wasn’t worth it. Besides, Jurina cheered her up like a ray of sunshine in a rainy day. Jurina always did. Jurina was her light. Rena didn’t want to give Jurina up and yet Jurina had found someone else.

Rena frowned as the class began and sighed. The time she detested came around quickly. Art class. Having to see that idiot’s face. The idiot that stole Jurina’s heart from her… As Jurina and Rena made their way down stairs, Jurina stopped. Rena kept going not noticing that Jurina had stopped and was surprised when Jurina grabbed her arm to stop her. “I have a favor to ask you for,” Jurina explained. The stairs began to become empty as people rushed to class. Jurina was silent and didn’t move. Rena got worried. Jurina hated getting late to class. What could be so important to make Jurina make them late? Although Rena could guess what it was Rena hoped it was something else. Anything.

“You’re scaring me, Jurina,” Rena pointed out nervously speaking her mind. Jurina just smiled nervously. “What favor do you want to ask me?” Rena asked again. “Please help me confess to Kinomoto-sensei!” Jurina blurted out and put her palms together in a pleading gesture and bowed. Rena’s heart felt heavy. Rena’s heart was filled of unspeakable pain. Even her face looked pained. This was what Jurina asking help for. Rena would do anything for Jurina even if it hurt her so she replied, “Sure, I’ll help you.” Rena wondered if Jurina notice her voice was shaking. Rena wondered if Jurina could tell how much her words hurt her. “Thank you so much!” Jurina exclaimed in relief and pulled Rena into a hug. Rena hugged her back weakly. Jurina finally pulled away after a while and waved goodbye as she walked to her own art class. Rena didn’t get in too much trouble for getting to class late because sensei liked her. Just what Rena needed. Rena sighed and tried to focus on her art, but she couldn’t.

How in the world was Rena suppose to help Jurina confess if she didn’t want her to? School ended and Jurina waited for Rena to walk home together as usual. Rena didn’t really feel like talking to her. Rena knew that talking to her would lead to having to help her plan her confession and Rena was dreading that. “Nee, Rena-chan would you come with me to buy sensei a small present? I want to give him something when I confess,” Jurina asked Rena as they walked home. Rena felt like crying. Jurina never had use honorifics like chan before, but somehow managed to keep it together and say, “Sure thing!” Jurina smiled and tugged her arm. Was sensei changing that much about their relationship? “Well, let’s go!” Jurina exclaimed and pulled Rena to the art supply where they first met. Rena couldn’t hold it in anymore. He was stealing everything from her.

“I need to go to the restroom. I’ll catch up to you later!” Rena lied and took off quickly to hide her tears. Rena heard Jurina reply “Okay,” at the distance. As soon as Jurina was out of sight she began to run. Rena finally reached the restroom and locked herself in the nearest restroom stall. Luckily it was empty so Rena was free to cry to her heart’s content. Rena began to sob hard and wrapped her arms around herself. Why did Jurina have to fall in love? Why did it have to hurt so much? Rena stayed there crying for a while. Finally Rena stopped, walked out and looked for Jurina. Rena felt better after letting her emotions out, but she still felt like a mess. Finally, Rena spotted Jurina in the drawing aide. Rena was sort of relief she didn’t find her in the paints aide. That would of been more painful. Rena watched as Jurina looked at erasers struggling to choose one.

After a few seconds, Jurina noticed her presence and asked, “Which one do you like? A good eraser is never a bother to an artsy type, right?” Jurina sounded unsure. In spite Rena’s opposition to the confession she answered honestly, “Go for the white eraser. It’s basic and efficient.” Maybe it was because even though Rena hated the idea of Jurina falling for someone else she just wanted Jurina to be happy. Rena didn’t want to see Jurina sad or crying. Rena wished for Jurina’s happiness even if it was painful for her. Jurina smiled and grabbed the white eraser listening to Rena’s advice. Jurina talked about her plan to confess to sensei the whole way home. Rena’s job was to lure sensei into the auditorium. Jurina would be waiting there with the small present. Rena would then excuse herself and leave. Finally, Jurina would confess to sensei. Rena thought about faking being sick tomorrow, but knew that would be mean to Jurina that had her hopes and guts set on confessing to sensei the next day.

Rena didn’t even want to think of the outcome. It couldn’t possibly be good, but Rena didn’t have the heart to tell Jurina that. Instead Rena wished Jurina the best. The next day was cloudy almost like it was reflecting Rena’s mood. Jurina had called her saying to go ahead to school without her so she was stuck walking school by herself for the first time in a long time. It made Rena more lonely than what she already been feeling. Rena missed hearing Jurina’s laugh as the joked while they walked. Rena missed Jurina upbeat personality and sweet warm smile. Rena was scared that those things would go away because of sensei. Rena groaned remembered her locker. Rena had forgotten about it all. When Rena got to class she began to clean her locker while she waited for Jurina to arrive. What could be keeping Jurina?

Rena covered her nose as the smelly fruit released it’s foul scent. “What happened?” her classmate Airi asked with curiously on her voice. Rena shrugged and replied, “Who knows? Just a prank I guess.” Airi looked concerned, but didn’t push the subject. “So, where’s Jurina? It’s weird to see you without her,” Airi pointed out. Rena shrugged again and answered, “She just said she was going to be late not to wait for her.” Airi just nodded and left when her friends called her. Rena looked at the clock and began to worry. Just how late was Jurina planning to be and what was she doing? Finally, just a minute before class started Jurina rushed into class. Jurina nearly tripped as she rushed to her seat. It was so strange to see usually graceful Jurina be such a mess.

“What took you so long?” Rena whispered. Jurina just laughed and cheerfully answered, “I was wrapping sensei’s present.” Jurina pulled out a small white elegant box with a pink bow on it. “Oh,” Rena mumbled. Class began and Rena started to panic. It was almost time for Jurina to confess. Rena felt nerves get the best of her and began to twirl a strand of hair nervously. Rena observed Jurina in front of her. Jurina did not even look slightly nervous. How the hell did Jurina stay so calm all the time? Rena was even more of a nervous wreck than Jurina was and Rena wasn’t even confessing to a teacher. At lunch Rena couldn’t eat her lunch due to nerves. Jurina, on the other hand, couldn’t stop eating and ate Rena’s lunch.

Finally, their home room teacher released them to go home. Jurina grabbed Rena’s hand. Rena felt her heart beat rapidly in her chest. “You remember the plan, right?” Jurina asked softly. Rena simply nodded. Jurina smiled and said, “I’ll be waiting.” Rena nodded again weakly. Rena made her way towards the Kinomoto sensei’s art class. What was Rena suppose to tell him? Hey come with me my best friend wants to confess to you??? Rena groaned. Sensei was packing up getting ready to go home. “Ano, Kinomoto-sensei?” Rena said unsure of what else to say. Sensei looked up and smiled happy to see his star pulpit. “Ah, Matsui-san! How may I help you?” sensei asked. Rena looked down wondering what excuse to say. “mmm… I wanted to show you something! I know that’s pretty vague, but you’ll see when we get there,” Rena explained embarrassed at her poor excuse. “Okay, I guess that be alright,” sensei said. He began to follow her to Jurina’s location. Finally, Rena opened the large wooden auditorium doors. Jurina was standing there staring at sensei’s present. A wave of sympathy hit Rena as she saw Jurina worried expression. Jurina had guts. Confessing let alone to a teacher. Jurina had the guts Rena would never have. Sensei looked surprised.

“What did you need to show me, Matsui-san?” sensei asked. Rena gave Jurina one last painful look. A glance that said it’s all up to you now.  “She’ll tell you sensei,” Rena said and walked out of the room leaving the two together. Now, the hard part as waiting, wondering. Would Jurina be alright? Suddenly, Rena realized how selfish she had been. There was no way sensei could accept her confession. Jurina was setting herself for rejection and yet Rena was freaking out about her own feelings. Had Rena really been there for Jurina? The door flew open. Sensei walked out in a rush, Jurina present tossed aside on top of his stuff like something unimportant. Panic began to spread in Rena’s veins. Would Jurina be alright?

Offline kawaiiidolworld

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~
« Reply #13 on: June 21, 2013, 05:22:02 AM »
Art Affairs

Ch.4 My true feelings

Jurina walked out of the auditorium slowly with her head down. Jurina’s face emotionless and she looked stunned. “Jurina…” Rena uttered softly unsure of what to say to her best friend. That was all it took for Jurina to burst into tears. There was a sinking feeling in Rena’s stomach. ”He rejected me...” Jurina sobbed. Jurina looked like a child who lost her mother and Rena felt the need to reassure her. “Oh, Jurina…” Rena cried and pulled her into a tight hug. Rena’s eyes were filled of compassion. Rena recalled all the various times Jurina had held her like that to cheer her up and how her warm smile always brighten her gloomy days. Rena wanted to comforted Jurina just like Jurina had when she was being bullied and had no one. Rena began to run her figures through Jurina’s hair as Jurina cried into her shoulder. Rena began to cry as well feeling her best friend’s sorrow as if it was her own. Rena wished she could make all the bad go away. Rena wish she could make everything perfect for Jurina, but she couldn’t.

The two cried for what seemed like eternity. Rena pulled away after what seemed like forever. Rena wiped her tears and Jurina’s tears off her face. Jurina gave her a tiny smile graceful for the sweet gesture. “Guess what? I got my bike today! Want to go on a ride to take your mind off things?” Rena asked trying to cheer Jurina up. Jurina just nodded with no excitement in her face. Rena frowned. Rena grabbed her wrist and began to run towards her new bike. Rena had forgotten all about it herself since she was so worried about Jurina’s confession. Finally, the girls reached the lone bike outside the school. “But, it’s for only one person!” Jurina pointed out. Gloominess remained in Jurina’s face and it bothered Rena. Rena was determined to make it go away. Rena got on and wriggled herself as forward as she could. After Rena settled herself she patted the remaining space and said, “Get on!” Jurina obeyed and laughed at Rena’s stubbornness in spite of her depressing mood. “Put your arms around my waist,” Rena ordered and Jurina quicky obeyed. “Hold on!” Rena exclaimed and began to pedal. The sun began to come out and shone brightly as the two girls rode home.

The scenery looked beautiful as well and somehow looked magical to Rena as the two girls rode together. Rena wondered if Jurina noticed it as well. Jurina had a peaceful expression behind her. Rena began to feel full of glee and began to giggle for no reason. Jurina laughed at Rena’s silly childish behavior. ”Where are we going Rena?” Jurina asked after seeing Rena pass her house. Rena lips curved up when she realized no ugly honorifics were added after her name. “We’re getting ice cream!” Rena beamed. The ice cream shop Rena was heading to was the same that Jurina took her the day they met. It had been a while since the two girls had gone there. Rena stepped out of the bike when they reached the ice cream shop, but Jurina remained in the bike. “What’s wrong?” Rena asked concerned. “Why here? Why would you bring me here? Can we go somewhere else? This reminds me of him.” Jurina said with a hint of anger in her voice. It was almost like Jurina was blaming her. Something snapped in Rena. A hidden away emotion that Rena had managed to successfully hide all that time began to surface. Rena's face began to get filled with raw anger. “This is where we came the first time we met! Is sensei so important to you that you forgot that? That you forgot all about me? Do you know how painful it was for me to help you plan your confession in spite of the fact I am in love with you? Not to mention the fact that I am being harassed again! Not that you notice! Sensei is all you care about!” Rena lashed out. The world was silent. Jurina looked completely shocked. Rena’s cheeks were bright red and tears began to spill to her cheeks. Rena realized what she said and ran off ignoring Jurina’s yells for her to come back.

How could Rena be so stupid and selfish? Jurina was already upset as it was and now Rena had to added on to it. Still how could Jurina not see? How could Jurina not realize how Rena felt about her? Rena’s feet somehow took her to her house. Rena locked herself in her room. Rena’s phone began to vibrate. It was Jurina. Rena refused to answer and let it go to voice mail. Part of her was angry, but she was mostly embarrassed at her stupid reaction and didn’t want to face Jurina. Rena had ruined everything. Out of all the ways Rena could of told Jurina how she felt this one was the most stupid. “Rena-chan, are you okay?” Rena heard her mother ask at her door. “Yes, mom thanks,” Rena said wiping her tears just in case her mom decided to walk in. “Jurina-chan is outside. She says she needs to talk to you and that you forgot your bike,” her mother explained.

“Tell her thanks, but that I don’t feel well,” Rena instructed. ”Okay,” Rena’s mom replied. Rena rushed to her second floor window and looked down. Jurina was standing there with Rena’s bike by her side. Jurina looked worried and was nervously playing with her hair. Rena’s mom walked out and told her the news. Jurina looked even more concerned, but didn’t push it and left. Rena was relieved, but she knew she couldn’t avoid Jurina forever. Jurina would want answers about all the stuff she screamed in her outburst. Stuff that Rena was unsure how to handle. Meanwhile, Jurina was a mess in her room as well. Jurina's eyes were bright red and swollen from crying so much and her hair was completely out of place. That was the worst day of Jurina’s life in the history of bad days. Jurina painted furiously trying to put her emotion in place. Surprising it wasn’t the rejection that Jurina had received what was bothering her the most. It was Rena. Jurina felt like the worst friend in the world. Jurina had let Rena down. The one thing Jurina never wanted to do. Jurina was shocked as well by Rena’s sudden confession. Did Rena really mean she loved her like love in that sort of way? Jurina bit her lip. How had Jurina missed it? The biggest question lingered in her head and heart. How did Jurina feel about Rena?

It was a normal school day the next day, but it felt nothing like normal to Rena. To start off with Rena didn’t walk to school with Jurina like she usually did instead Rena was heading to school alone. Then there was Rena’s overwhelming nerves. Was Jurina angry at her for not receiving her yesterday? Did Jurina find her weird because of her confession? Would things ever be the same? Jurina had conflicting emotions as well while she waited for Rena outside of school. Jurina had made up her mind, but would Rena take her seriously after the way thing went down? Rena as began to approach the school she noticed Jurina standing in front of the school waiting. Rena wanted to run back home, but she couldn’t. Jurina spotted her and waved. Crap, there was no way for Rena to escape. Rena thought about ignoring Jurina, but figure it would worsen things so Rena made her way over to Jurina. “Jurina, I…” Rena began to say, but was cut off by soft warm lips. Rena was caught completely off guard. Jurina was kissing her! Even though the kiss was slightly to the left Jurina’s lips captured Rena’s in a passionate kiss that shocked Rena with it’s intensity. Rena's eyes were wide open and her mind was trying to register what was happening. Jurina placed her hand behind Rena’s neck and her arm around her waist. Rena was breathless and began to kiss Jurina back. Rena felt an unbelievable sensation as Jurina kissed her. Finally, Jurina pulled away with a smirk. Rena was breathless and her face was flushed. “Jurina…” Rena panted. “I love you, Rena. I still had’t realized it, but I always had. Since the beginning, but I never noticed. But, I know now. I am in love with you. Only you." Jurina declared with her hands in her shoulders and her face inches from Rena’s. Rena was awestruck. Was Jurina serious? Jurina seemed to noticed the doubt in Rena’s face and said, “I am serious, Rena. I love you” Rena smiled and Jurina relaxed and her grip on Rena’s shoulder grew less tense. “Jurina...” Rena giggled softly. “What is it?” Jurina asked looking slightly confused. “You kiss slightly to the left,” Rena giggled.

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~
« Reply #14 on: June 21, 2013, 05:31:43 AM »
Jurina confessed and got rejected.  Rena swoons in to save her and tries to cheer her up however she can
Random Thought:


R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~
« Reply #15 on: June 21, 2013, 10:15:04 AM »
One Shy girl and one Popular girl -  kataomoi finally fanfics version

Art Affairs - kiss datte hidarikiki fanfics version

I love them both :heart:

Thank you for making them  :heart:

can you make another Mayuki please  :cry:

Thank you  :roll:

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~
« Reply #16 on: June 21, 2013, 06:36:46 PM »
I'll see because right now I am just posting the ones that are completed and I don't actually have any pure Mayuki fanfics yet :( Thanks for reading

Offline kawaiiidolworld

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~
« Reply #17 on: June 21, 2013, 06:55:07 PM »
Skater Girl


It all happened in a heartbeat. One minute Matsui Jurina was listening to rock music in her iPod the next she was saving a girl’s life. Not just any girl either. It was no other than Takayanagi Akane, her secret crush and the most popular girl in school. “WATCH OUT!” Jurina heard herself scream as she pushed the other girl out of the way from a speeding car that had ran the red. Lucky both girls landed in the nearby pavement and avoided any accidents.

 Jurina's heart stop as she found herself looking into Akane’s pretty, yet frightened brown eyes. The owner of the car didn’t even bother to stop and check if both girls were okay. He just kept going. “Hey, watch where you are going!” Jurina yelled as the car sped away. Akane was still in shock trying to process what just happened. She had almost been run over! Her heart was pounding in her chest as she tried registered the information. Then, Akane became aware of the girl on top of her that pushed her out of the way. Matsui Jurina. “Are you alright?” Jurina asked in a concerned voice and got off Akane.

Her eyes were so deep. Akane found herself getting lost in them. Akane couldn’t help, but wonder why would Jurina push her out of the way risking her own well-being. Sure they were classmates, but they aren’t close. That would be an understatement. The only reason Akane knew Jurina’s name was because the other girl had a habit of getting in trouble at school and because she was always wearing baggy clothing.

“Y… Yeah!” Akane replied after regaining her composure. “You’re shaking!” Jurina noted. Akane watched as Jurina got up and extended her hand to her. Akane took it shyly. Akane wasn’t usually a shy person, but suddenly she found herself tongue-tied. “Thanks!” Akane mumbled. “There’s a coffee shop over there. Want to come? You can get a coffee to calm you nerves.” Jurina suggested.

Normally, Akane would have rejected the offer. Her hanging out with the school freak? That was unacceptable. Akane was the most popular girl at school after all , but… Something about Jurina’s wide grin made her forget all about popularity. “That be nice,” Akane admitted. It must have been an awkward sight Akane and Jurina walking side by side. Akane was dressed in a white dress while Jurina was dressed a baggy cargo pants with a navy hoodie.

“So, how’s your summer?” Jurina asked after the settled themselves in a booth in the coffee shop. Akane simply stared at her coffee unsure how to answer. It was all too weird for her. Even though they were from the same school Jurina was a complete stranger to her. “This is too strange,” Akane blurted out. Jurina laughed. A sweet musical laugh  that warmed Akane’s heart. Akane wondered why she felt that way. “Yeah, it is huh? Well, at least you are feeling better!” Jurina pointed out cheerfully.

Akane felt very unlike herself as she observed the other girl’s movements. Akane felt weirdly attracted to the other girl. Jurina seemed to notice Akane silence and said, “Ah, maybe this is too weird. I guess I’ll go now and let you drink your coffee in peace.” Jurina got up to leave and was about to walk away when Akane grasped her wrist. Jurina looked at her with surprised eyes. “Wait, don’t go. I didn’t mean to make bad or anything. Stay.” Akane pleaded.

Jurina was speechless as the girl she secretly loved for months held her wrist. Jurina’s colored pink as she looked at the other girl. Akane began to feel shy again and slowly let go of the other girl’s hand. Jurina sat back down and broke the nerve wrecking silence, “So where were you heading to?” “I was going home from ballet practice,” Akane explained pointing at the big bag that held her ballet clothes.

“Ballet?! I guess I should be so surprised. You do seem like that sort of girl.” Jurina mused. Akane raised an eyebrow and suddenly was curious. What sort of image did Jurina had of her? “What would make you think that?” Akane inquired. Jurina gave her a small grin and replied, “You’re very girly. It seems like the type of thing a girly girl like you would do.” Akane blushed a bit and responded, “Is that a bad thing?” Jurina caught the uncertainly of her words. She wasn’t being defensive. She was really wondering if it’s a bad thing. “No, it’s very you. If you like it there is no reason for it to be bad. Everyone has their thing.” Jurina reassured her.

From that sudden meeting, a unlikely relationship was born. Jurina went over to Akane’s house a couple of times and love was born. Now, the two were dating in spite the fact that they were extrembly different. ”Nee, Jurina what movie do you want to watch?” Akane asked as Jurina sat in her bed in a warm summer afternoon. Even though the two had been going out for a month, they only hanged out in each others houses. “Akane, why don’t we go to the movies today? I feel like watching something new.” Jurina suggested staring at the ceiling. Akane suddenly looked uncomfortable. “But, I want to stay here and cuddle with you.” Akane cleverly hid the real reason she didn’t want to go to the movies.

Akane was afraid. Afraid to be seen with Jurina. What would people think? Both of them were girls. What would her friends think? Everyone expected Akane to go out with a handsome peppy boy not a tomboyish girl that spend all her time skating and dressed like a punk.  Jurina raised and eyebrow, but didn’t insist anymore. The beginning of the school was approaching fast. Would the two last?

A/N Starts off Jurichuri, but well be Wmatsui... Well you guys will see.

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~
« Reply #18 on: June 21, 2013, 07:20:56 PM »
Skater Jurina and popular Churi

Hoping for some fireworks!
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline kawaiiidolworld

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~
« Reply #19 on: June 22, 2013, 03:18:00 AM »
Skater Girl

Chapter 1: Lab Partner

Matsui Rena sat next to her best friend, Takayanagi Akane, in their first day of chemistry class. It was a new school year and while Rena was glad to see her best friend again, she didn’t feel like having Chemistry for her first class of the day and already missed summer break. “I am not looking forward to this semester, Rena-chan!” Akane complained sharing her sentiment as she applied her make-up with her heart-shaped compact mirror. It had pink glittery stones all over it and was a bit showy like most of Akane’s belongings. Their other friend, Hino Minako, turned around from the lab table in front of them. “I know! Chem sounds difficult!” Minako whined. Rena smiled. Having her friends by her side cheered her up. “You got that right! Science is difficult as it is!” Suzuki Momoko, who was sitting next to Minako, added.

Rena wanted to comment on the issue when their sensei walked in. He was an old strict looking man. Rena already had a bad feeling about him. This was not going to be an easy class.  “Hello, I am Yamamoto-sensei. Nice to meet you all,” Yamamato-sensei introduced himself in a rather dull matter. Rena groaned confirming her suspicions that the class was going to be a drag. “Anyways, before we begin…” Yamamoto-sensei was interrupted by the door flying open. There stood Matsui Jurina who was always late to class. Her black hair was disheveled and she wore a huge grin as if she hadn’t just interrupted class. Her backpack hanged loosely in one of shoulders and she has holding a skateboard in her right hand. Well some things never changed. Matsui Jurina had never been early to class a day in her life.

“You’re late! Your name?” sensei demanded in an annoyed tone. “Ah, sorry about that. I am Matsui Jurina!” Jurina replied giving him a bow. Sensei put the palm of his hand in his forehead and sighed. Jurina was about to take a seat when sensei said, “Wait, don’t sit down Matsui-san. I am going to place you all in partners.” The entire class groaned. No one wanted to part ways with their friends to sit with someone they hardly knew. Even Jurina's grin dropped.

“What are we going to do? I don’t want to be away from you guys!” Rena exclaimed in a panicked. Rena was a very shy person and didn’t like to be separated from her best friend. Rena wasn’t too close with Minako or Momoko, but even sitting with them would be better than a complete stranger. This is bull!” Akane hissed in the direction of their sensei. A lot of their classmates argued the same thing as well. “Be quiet. You all have no say here! The seating chart is over there. Check for your name and sit on you assigned seat,” Sensei said pointing at the papers posted on the wall. Jurina sighed and began to look around to see who was in her new class. Her eyes met Akane's. Akane nervously bit her nails as she felt Jurina’s eyes on hers. Akane sighed as she recalled a bitter memory.

“Why don’t you ever want to go anywhere with me?” Jurina demanded when Akane once again refused to go eat dinner with her at a fast food place. There was no way Akane could agree of course. A fast food place for a date? What would everyone think? Not only would she be going with the school freak, but be a lame date to talk about. Akane avoided Jurina's gaze and didn’t reply. “Is it because you are scared that someone will see us together?” Jurina asked sadly. Akane simply nodded. She couldn’t lie to Jurina any longer. Jurina looked hurt. “… Okay” was all Jurina replied and she began to walk away. “Wait, I’ll go,” Akane blurted out.

“Akane, are you ok there?” Rena asked as Akane stared at Jurina. “Y… Yeah!” Akane replied in a forced cheerful tone. Rena furrowed her eyebrows finding her best friend’s tone weird, but shook it off thinking that Akane was just upset about the new seating chart. Rena began to look for her name and found out she was paired with Matsui Jurina. A total stranger. Exactly what she feared. It could be worst of course. At least Matsui-san looked friendly than most of the other girls. “Who did you get? I got Akane!” Minako asked. “I got the other Matsui-san,” Rena replied with a shrug.

“The other Matsui-san? That weird punk girl that’s always late? Good luck. I mean look at her. She is so… Boyish!” Momoko exclaimed. “Aren’t you hanging out with her this summer Akane?” Minako chimed in. Akane simply shrugged and replied, "Whatever at least I got Minako-chan." Rena was not really one to judge based on looks, so she just ignored the snarky comment. Rena had already learned that sometimes the best dressed person were the worst. The only reason she remained friends with people like that was Akane. Rena didn’t have many friends at school and Akane was one of the few close ones she had, so she put up with her uptight friends. Besides other than being late there was no reason for Jurina and her not to be able to do their school work together in peace.

Jurina suddenly approached them and asked Akane,” We need to talk.” All eyes were on Akane. Minako and Momoko looked disgusted. Rena was merely curious. Was Akane really hanging out with Matsui-san that summer? It seemed so unlike her. Akane never mentioned it to Rena. “I don’t have anything to talk with you about Matsui-san, so why don’t you go fix your messy hair or something?” Akane mocked. Jurina bit her lip and held back tears. The situation made Rena uncomfortable. She hated seeing people getting teased and such. Rena loved Akane to death, but hated that part of her. “Mmm… You’re paired with me Matsui-san. Do you want to sit down? We’re on the table over there,” Rena told her trying to ease the tension. Jurina took one last look at Akane and went to their table. Akane tried to not let it show, but Jurina’s hurt look kept haunting her. Akane knew what she was doing was wrong, but she couldn’t risked the popularity she worked so hard to get over a silly romance. She just couldn’t.

Minako and Momoko exchanged looks and shrugged unable to read the serious situation. The pair made their way to their seats. Rena took the opportunity to ask, “What happened between you and Matsui-san?” “Nothing!” Akane replied in a defensive matter. Rena frowned, but didn’t push it. If her best friend didn’t want to tell her then Rena would respect her choice. Rena made her way to her table. Jurina had her head down trying her hardest not to cry as she recalled her last date with Akane.

“I am so glad you agreed you come with me tonight!” Jurina told Akane happily. Akane smiled, but felt nervous. What would happen if they bumped into someone Akane knew? Should she start thinking of excuses? Suddenly, Akane regretted not telling her best friend Rena. Rena wasn’t the type to judge and would have given her great advice. It was too late for that at the moment though. Jurina was talking about some band she liked when a familiar group of people came in. Akane’s friends. Crap, Akane had forgotten that they had invited her out that day. “Akane?” Minako blurted out when she spotted her. “Minako-chan!” Akane exclaimed. Yuria spotted her company and raised her eyebrow. “Why are you hanging out with that dork?” Momoko demanded behind Minako. Akane avoided Jurina’s glance and replied, “I am not. She just came up to me and started talking to me like if we were friends or something. As if! I was going to surprise you guys!” Akane replied in a tone was like daggers to Jurina’s heart. Akane got up and joined her friends leaving Jurina dumbfounded and holding back tears.

“Matsui-san, sensei asked us to write three things about each other so we could get to know each other,” Rena explained breaking Jurina’s thoughts. Jurina blinked and responded, “It's okay if you use Jurina since we are both Matsui. My favorite food is spaghetti and meatballs, I love skateboarding, and I like rock music.” Rena wrote the answers down in a paper and handed one to Jurina. “Here you go! Those are my answers.” Rena said with a smile. Jurina gave her a small grin. Jurina was getting the feeling Rena was different from all of Akane’s other friends. Maybe Jurina could even trust her and ask her for help. After all Rena had gotten her out of the bad situation earlier and she didn’t want to lose Akane so easily. She just didn’t. “You’re different from Churi’s. I mean Akane’s other friends,” Jurina pointed out suddenly. Rena blinked surprised by her words. “Akane? Since when did you and Akane get on first name basis let alone nicknames?” Rena questioned wondering what in the world was Akane hiding. Rena remembered Minako's words again. It must have beeen true then that Akane and Jurina hanged out that summer.

Now Rena was seriously confused. What had happened between Jurina and Akane? Why was Jurina calling her Churi? What was up with that weird scene earlier? “Just forget it,” Jurina snapped thinking that Rena was judging her. Rena then realized she might of come off as aggressive. It’s just the fact that Akane was keeping secrets from Rena bothered her. Akane was the only real friend Rena had if she was realistic. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to sound mean or anything. I just don’t like that Akane is hiding something from me. We are best friends.” Rena continued softly. Jurina relaxed a little when she realized the other girl was truly concerned over Akane.

“Can you keep a secret?” Jurina asked. Rena nodded and glanced at her best friend. "I just want to know what's wrong with Akane. She seemed... Troubled," Rena replied. Jurina seemed satisfied by her reply and whispered, “Akane and I were dating.” “EHH!?” Rena blurted out loudly. Jurina gestured for her to keep quiet as the whole class turned to look at her. “Is everything alright Matsui-san?” Sensei inquired in an annoyed tone. “H… Hai!” Rena answered turning bright red. Jurina giggled softly at the other girl’s shyness and shock. Honestly if someone had told Jurina she would be dating Akane she would have had the same reaction.

“Sorry, it’s just you two are polar opposites!” Rena told Jurina after the class stopped giving her weird looks. Jurina smiled. “I know right? I love her except now Akane doesn’t want anything to do with me…” Jurina voice drifted off as she remember another bitter memory.

“Churi! Why did you lie?” Jurina demanded grabbing Akane’s arm. “Sorry, I can’t be with you anymore. My friends… They expect me to date someone better…” Akane explained pulling away from Jurina’s grip. Jurina looked at the ground and whispered, “So, I am not good enough for you?” Akane didn’t response. She simply walked away.

“She’s embarrassed… Akane really cares about impressing people after all,” Rena pointed out. Jurina nodded in understanding. The two girls were silent for a moment and finally Rena broke the silence, “I’ll help you.” “Ehh, Really!?” Jurina exclaimed. Her eyes brighten as she began to feel hope. Rena nodded with a smile. Jurina seemed like a good girl. Better than Akane’s friends. Plus Rena could really tell Jurina cared about Akane. How could Rena not offer her help?

“Thank you so much!” Jurina cried putting her arms around her. Rena eyes widen in surprise. "Jurina-san!” Rena exclaimed in surprise. Rena felt people's eyes on them. Minako and Momoko looked at her like if she was crazy. They would probably tease her to the end of time, but Rena could care less. Rena wanted to help Akane and Jurina. Akane was looking at them as well jealousy rushing through her veins. Did Jurina forget so quickly? Then again Akane’s words were beyond harsh. Why wouldn’t Jurina move on? “Call me Jurina! Can I call you Rena-chan?” Jurina asked Rena. Rena nodded with a grin. Things were about to get interesting. “Jurina it is,” Rena said shyly.

JPHiP Radio (11/200 @ 128 kbs)     Now playing: Shiina Ringo - Marunouchi Sadistic