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Author Topic: All Angels - Chapter 06 [14/09/2015]  (Read 19878 times)

Offline melon-lover

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All Angels - Chapter 06 [14/09/2015]
« on: July 24, 2013, 06:02:05 PM »
01 – A New Lady
02 – Conquering
03 – One Kingdom
04 – Hot Darkness
05 - Something Is Coming
06 - Monsters

Hi everyone!
I've had this idea in my head for a while now and I've decided to go ahead and just write it. It's my first supernatural fic and though I'm not sure how often I'll be able to update it, I'm hoping it will turn out alright  :P
I don't want to give too much away as of yet but most characters will appear in the next chapter  XD
Any thanks or comments are greatly appreciated
Enjoy :)

00 – Before It Begins

Frantic steps thundered up the palace corridors, the dozens of doors being thrown open by the running figure. Her chest throbbed with exertion as she bore the news that could be the sign of a looming danger. Finally, she reached the throne room and instantly fell onto one knee, bowing her head in respect at the royal couple.

“My King. My Queen.”

The two figures stared at their loyal warrior with impending worry.

“Rise Sae.” gently signalled the King.

The head knight nodded in thanks and rose to her feet.


“There has been news of killings.” blurted Sae, finally rid of the heavy information. “Three people are missing, including one knight. The townspeople and other knights are becoming extremely anxious.”

“That is awful.” breathed the Queen, placing her hand on top of her husband’s.

“Do you know what is causing this?” asked the King, his brow furrowed.

“No Sire.”

The King remained silent; his heart pounding as he pondered hard on what he was going to do next. Nothing like this has ever happened before. He knew that the small kingdom of Pieta would soon no longer be a land of peace but turmoil. However, as King of Pieta, he would prolong the tranquillity as long as he lived.

“Gather your troops, post them within the town and around the palace, and have a night patrol search the woods.” he commanded. “Find out who or what is doing this to my people.”

“Yes Sire.”

“You may go.” said the King. 

Sae saluted, backing away until she was at the entrance which she had stormed through moments ago, knowing that she had destroyed the stable harmony the kingdom once had.

“And Sae.”

She stopped at the King’s voice, meeting the gazes of the king and righteous couple who had taken her in and shown her a home.

“Be careful.”

Sae subdued the smile that threatened to creep onto her face, the matter far too serious for happiness. With a meaningful nod, Sae closed the doors, immediately thinking of how to organise her parties. All of a sudden, she halted. She stopped breathing, her eyes shifting from one end of the room to the other.


She noticed a movement at the edge of her eyes. Instinctively her hand touched the handle of her sword. Sae lightly treaded down the corridor, quickly heading towards the stairs. She paused when she saw something disappear around the top banister. Hurrying up the stairs, she turned the corner to where she saw the blur heading. She tried to keep herself from running; she headed down the corridor, past the many portraits of past rulers and the current royal family. Finally, Sae came to stop in front of a bedroom, its door wide open. She stood at the entrance staring in as the resident sat calmly on the bed, lazily flicking through a book.

“I knew you were listening.” Sae said.

The young woman looked up at the warrior, her look mildly surprised and relaxed that Sae wondered if the woman should be an actress, rather than a princess.

“I don’t know what you mean.” she answered coolly, feigning innocence.

“Princess Mayu. You know eavesdropping is frowned upon.”

The Princess didn’t reply, instead she sat up right and stared at the soldier who had been with them since she could remember.

“Is it true? The killings?”

Sae heard the hint of fear in Mayu’s voice. Worry immediately filled the young captain, her sole purpose being to protect the royal family put into peril.

“I will protect you with my life Princess. I swear.”

“I know.” Mayu smiled, again reassured by Sae’s strong words.

“Now leave, my younger cousin is coming and I would like to see her.”

With a bow, Sae exited the room and found herself staring at a young girl.

“Princess Jurina.” bid Sae, bowing once more.

“Hello Sae.” happily greeted the youngster, before running into Princess Mayu’s room.

With a smile, Sae left the two to their devices. However, with a burdened heart, she headed to the soldier quarters, ready to tell the warriors of the new danger and her plans.

In the bedroom, with one knowing little and the other knowing nothing of the news, the two young girls conversed with no worry, yet acknowledging that these care-free days were becoming rarer.

“Mother said that I come from a linage of witches. That I have their blood in me.” excitedly said Jurina.

Mayu smiled at her younger cousin, knowing how she enjoyed the mysteriousness of the magical and mythical world. Recently, Jurina had started her new hobby of fortune reading. Though to Mayu it was pointless, it did not mean it was not amusing.

“Come on then Jurina.” encouraged Mayu, holding out her palm. “Read my fortune.”

With a joyous grin, Jurina tightly held onto Mayu’s wrist, pulling it closer. Then, with a new gentleness, placed Mayu’s hand on top of Jurina’s palm, making sure that Mayu’s palm was also up.
Mayu watched with interest, never seeing Jurina’s perform her rituals like this. Usually Jurina would just run her fingertip over Mayu’s palm, making senseless comments about her incoming future that just made Mayu giggle. She still remembered the last reading where Jurina told her she would fall in love with the next person she bumped into. If only Jurina knew that the next person Mayu bumped into was actually Sae. Mayu wondered what Jurina would say. However, she kept it to herself, not wanting to discourage her younger cousin, who was so much more like a dearest sibling.
Concentrating back on the present, Mayu gazed as Jurina deeply inhaled and then placed her other palm on top of Mayu’s, holding her hand between Jurina’s two. Suddenly, a chill entered Mayu, one she had never felt before. It was acute, cold and pulled her stomach upwards into her tightened throat. Why did Mayu feel so frightened?

“I see…”

Jurina let her breathing match with Mayu’s, closing off her surroundings, and letting the air encompass her in a bubble. There, she felt the link, a sharp chill entering from her hands. And then, her world went black.

Mayu stared with anxiousness when Jurina stopped, as if her world froze. She couldn’t even see the rhythmic rising of Jurina’s chest. It was as if she…

“Jurina?” whispered Mayu, the fear now apparent in her mind and body.

All of a sudden, Jurina’s eyes snapped open and a wind from nowhere blew and circled around them. Immediately Mayu tried to pull her hand back, her gaze darting with terror, but it was as if her hand was trapped, as if her arm was paralyzed. No matter how much she tried to move, how much strength Mayu thought she was using, nothing happened. Even her other arm was useless, immobilised by pure panic.

Unspeakable horrors in your future.

Mayu snapped her gaze at Jurina, truly terrified. However, a new thick mist had settled, hiding Jurina completely. The only reason Mayu knew that she was there was from the secure touch of Jurina’s hands and her voice. Yet, her voice sounded trancelike, as if she had been possessed… possessed by a demon.

Everyone dear to you is in grave danger for an impending evil is to forsake the Watanabe household.

She thought frantically what those words meant but Mayu had no idea. She just wanted this to stop. 

“Jurina, are you okay? Snap out of it! Stop this immediately!”

The entire kingdom will fall in the bleaks of despair and tragedy. And you…

The mist slowly cleared and Mayu was finally able to see Jurina. However, once her eyes lay on her younger cousin, she gasped. A penetrating dread and trepidation pulsed through her entirety. All she could see were the sapphire blue rims, glowing around Jurina’s black pupils. It was menacing, beautiful and unnatural.

You will suffer the cruellest of choices that will decide the future of your world.

Then, as if all the air was vacuumed from the room, the mist disappeared and Mayu breathlessly watched as Jurina closed her eyes and fainted, her hands slipping from Mayu’s. Released from her hold, Mayu held onto Jurina, realising how cold she was. Her mind began to frantically process, wondering what on earth had just happened and the fate that had been drawn. However, even amongst the chaos, Mayu knew one thing.

This was only the beginning.

* * * * * * * * * *

Two figures looked on from the depths of the deep forest, watching as the lights of the castle disappeared one by one as it settled for the night.

“This place hasn’t changed.”

“Home sweet home.”
« Last Edit: September 14, 2015, 06:03:19 PM by melon-lover »

Offline fuu_kun

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Re: All Angels (supernatural, angst, romance) - Chapter 00 [24/07/2013]
« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2013, 06:21:57 PM »
Huwoooh! Melon chaaaaaan XD You back with another fantasy fanfic.. Yeayyyy~ :cow:
And.. And.. Saemayuuu! Uwoooghhh~ uwooooomffff *beingdragged* *ups sorry.. Im over happy XD

Please do continue melon chaaaan :heart:

Offline jell_o_jello

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Re: All Angels (supernatural, angst, romance) - Chapter 00 [24/07/2013]
« Reply #2 on: July 24, 2013, 06:47:27 PM »
You got me with angst, romance and Mayuyu. The rest is a bonus  :P

Is this gonna be SaeMayu? Hmm.

Looking forward to the next chapter! Are those two Yuk and Rena? :roll:

Offline AshuraX

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Re: All Angels (supernatural, angst, romance) - Chapter 00 [24/07/2013]
« Reply #3 on: July 24, 2013, 11:35:32 PM »
I'm not much of a fan for this pairing but i gotta say. This is too good! I'm gonna wait for your updates...
« Last Edit: July 25, 2013, 05:14:22 PM by AshuraX »

Offline cisda83

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Re: All Angels (supernatural, angst, romance) - Chapter 00 [24/07/2013]
« Reply #4 on: July 25, 2013, 12:20:53 AM »
Ah.. What kind of trouble the kingdom would suffer from?

What adventures would Mayu, Jurina and Sae have?

Who are the two newcomers?

Can't wait to see more

Thank you

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline melon-lover

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Re: All Angels - Chapter 01 [23/08/2013]
« Reply #5 on: August 23, 2013, 03:49:07 AM »
@ fuu_kun: Yes I am back and there is some SaeMayu and I am glad you are happy  :lol: Hope this chapter pleases you  XD
@ jell_o_jello: There is going to be plenty of angst and romance, don't you worry haha. Perhaps....  :kekeke: Well I think this update will answer part of your question keke
@ AshuraX: Aww that's a shame to hear, but I'm glad you're still giving it a go XD I myself am more biased to other certain pairings, but I decided to give this a go to get out of my usual comfort zone. Hopefully it goes well  :oops:
@ cisda83: Well I can't answer any questions so far but I hope you enjoy as the story progresses  :P

Thanks everyone for their likes and comments, they were greatly appreciated!
This fic may get a bit OOC, but it’s just to develop the story and give the characters a bit more of edge.
Well that's all really haha, so I hope those who read enjoy and please do comment and/or like

"The greater danger for most of us
lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short;
but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our mark."

- Michelangelo Buomarroti

01 – A New Lady

“Your mother and I are going for a walk. We will be back shortly.”

“Take care of the kingdom Mayu. And, most importantly, take care of yourself.”

The day began with the usual routine for the citizens of the capital of Pieta. Some hurried to open their market stalls or shops, others rose to start their daily chores, and few just sleep further, their dreams too sweet to wake from. It was a normal day. Life continued on, even when someone’s ended.

The bells rang and resonated across the kingdom, trembling the bodies and hearts of its citizens. Everyone froze, turning to the palace, knowing full well what this meant. Some cheered, some cried, and some feared of what would happen to what they considered a once peaceful home. However, none of them knew of the true feelings of their new ruler.

Mayu felt the castle and her insides shake as the bells rang. Three more rings and it will begin. The ceremony of the crowning, bestowing the power upon a new individual who will rule and oversee all. A great and demanding responsibility that only one is capable of fulfilling.
She glanced at Sae, who stood to the side. Her worried gaze did not go missed. However, seeing that look, it made Mayu’s nerve falter. So, she turned to the other side, to only see Jurina who mirrored that anxious gaze. Mayu felt her insides tremble with a new uneasiness that was unfamiliar and burdening. Yet, Mayu managed to swallow it all, along with all her other aching feelings, and face forward with steady eyes. No matter how scared she felt, it was going to happen. This decision, Mayu had to endure it and preserve. She had to be strong. She must be strong. She was strong.

Then, Mayu closed her eyes with a finality when she felt the weighty crown being placed on her head. Then the priest beside her pound the hilt of his staff against the marble floor three times, each time reverberating Mayu’s heart and soul. 

She was the new Queen.
The new, sole ruler.
The Lady of Pieta.


Mayu had a dream. It was the same dream that came to her every night for the last three months, no matter how much she despised it.

In this dream, she was afloat, weightless and invisible like air. However, also like air, she knew herself that she was there. Below her was a scene she had pictured many times, asleep and awake. It was the dawn of a new day, one that was the royal Queen and King’s anniversary. Mayu would watch from above, hovering high above her parents and herself, who sat elegantly and almost pompously on her princess throne. Mayu knew all too well what was going to happen, and though her ghostly self tried to change the course of the real dream, Mayu couldn’t.

“Your mother and I are going for a walk.”

Don’t go.

“We will be back shortly.”

That’s a lie.

“Take care of the kingdom Mayu.”

Don’t leave me.

“And most importantly, take care of yourself.”

No! I don’t want to be alone!

Yet no matter how hard the detached Mayu screamed, the lower Mayu just waved as she watched her parents leave the palace, not knowing that that would be the last time she would ever see them alive again.

Suddenly, Mayu felt herself jump awake, feeling the firm grasp on her forearm. Her eyes snapped onto the perpetrator, a false hope appearing as she wished it was a mother’s attempt to wake her daughter, but Mayu soon discovered it was only Aika.

“Princess… Queen Mayu, you must awake. You have to prepare for tonight’s banquet.”

Mayu glanced at the clock. It was way past midday and it would only be a few hours before the first guests would arrive at the palace. As Mayu rose, Aika began to prepare for the gruelling process of presenting the Queen. This included the tasks of preparing baths, helping with the dressing, hair and makeup, along with overseeing the organisation of the whole banquet and ball. There was no day where Mayu felt ungrateful towards Aika. Along with being her personal maid, Aika was Mayu’s dearest friend. Aika’s mother was once Mayu’s mother’s personal maid, a woman who Mayu knew as the person who brought her into the world, also being the Queen’s midwife.  However, she could barely remember her as she soon became ill after Aika was born and unfortunately passed away before her time. Mayu knew little of Aika’s father but from what she heard from her father and Sae, he was an excellent knight who protected the King countless of times, before he met his untimely death. However, Mayu knew all about Aika. They had spent their childhood growing together and have become inseparable, not knowing what one would do if the other didn’t exist. Belonging to royalty, it was rare for Mayu to meet anyone of her own age. Aika was her precious best friend, the one person who could tell everything. Things not even Sae knew. She was the one person who knew of her worries and the one person Mayu knew would listen unlimitedly. And Mayu knew Aika understood her most current and pressing anxiety.

When it was first announced that Mayu would be appointed as the new Queen, only one week ago, most thought it was an excellent idea. She was mature, polite and knew of all the politics that came with the new role. But not all opinions were held highly. Some thought of malicious words, there thoughts damaging the reputation of their new Queen. Those who spread these words like wildfire believed not a sole woman, especially one of her age of only seventeen, should not have the lone responsibility of ruling an entire kingdom. Especially when that kingdom homed their families. However, it was not only the villagers that had their concerns. Neighbouring kingdoms believed that a young naïve girl could never be able to endure the hardships of handling long-built alliances nor the inevitable proposal of war. Even though the surrounding kingdoms around Pieta had been peaceful, there were outbreaks here and there. Rogues that believed Pieta was all too powerful with its almost limitless resources and vast lands. They wanted the kingdom to be put into its place. However with Pieta’s knights and soldiers, they were quickly taken care of. In spite of this, now it became a concern that if Pieta seemed weak now, crime would escalate within and around Pieta, all because of the loss of the once great King and Queen, and the appointment of the new Queen. Mayu and the residents of the palace knew all about the tensions caused by her, and Mayu planned to put a stop to it.

It was now the day after her coronation. A banquet was held in celebration of the new crowning and diplomats from across and around Pieta came to the capital to celebrate with their new queen. This banquet was a hope of vanquishing the negativity surrounding Mayu’s new position as ruler.

“I hope it goes well today.” Mayu mused out loud while Aika pulled at her corset.

“I’m sure it will Prin-- Queen Mayu.”

“You know you can address me as Mayu, Aika.”

“You know I can’t your Highness. You are the Queen and I am but a servant.”

This made Mayu turn, causing Aika to let the strings go and to face Mayu’s stern eyes.

“You may serve me Aika, but that is not all you do. You support me. You are my best friend. Do not forget this.”

Aika stared at Mayu with the same compassion she had carried in her heart for all these years, to the family that had raised her and the woman who cherished her as much as Aika did.

“Yes... Mayu.”

With a gentle smile, which was easily returned, Mayu turned back to the mirror while Aika continued her duty.

“I can’t believe I’m Queen.”

“I find myself sometimes thinking it is unbelievable.” replied Aika, who was still getting used to Mayu’s new title. “It is like a dream.”

Once again, Mayu thought of her dream and a pang of loneliness hit her chest, constricting her lungs and making her breathless just like the corset was doing. Mayu had expected to have at least twenty more years before this time, but that wouldn’t be. Her parents were gone sooner than anyone desired and now Mayu was an orphan. She looked at Aika’s reflection, at her concentrated expression that suppressed any signs of loneliness, and Mayu realised that she had more in common with her friend than ever before.

Knock Knock.

The pair turned to the door and watched as it quickly opened.

“Is Mayu awake yet?”

Mayu smiled when she saw the visitor.

“Good morning Jurina.” she happily greeted.

“Morning Mayu.” the young fourteen year old greeted. “Morning Aika.”

“Good morning Princess Jurina.”

Jurina hopped onto to the bed, watching as Aika continued to dress Mayu.

“Are you nervous?” Jurina asked.

“Quite.” Mayu replied to her younger cousin.

“Don’t be. You’re going to do great.”

Mayu gazed at her treasured cousin and beamed.

“Thank you Jurina.”

It had been four months since Jurina had lived with Mayu in the palace, and Mayu couldn’t adore the young girl more. She was just like a sister she never had, and since the tragedies that struck them both, they needed each other more than ever. Nonetheless, every time she looked at Jurina for too long, Mayu remembered that day when Jurina’s premonition occurred. Her demonic voice and her blue eyes still haunted Mayu to this day. One month after the incident, the event occurred. Then on the second month, the next disaster struck. Two months from then, at the present time, Mayu was still terrified of what could happen next. Every piece of news she received from Sae was expected with severe trepidation.
Yet, every time she looked at Jurina after that first gaze, Mayu felt the love for her dear cousin. Mayu could never blame Jurina. She adored her too much. Hope was the only thing Mayu could do. Hope for no further misfortunes to occur in her lifetime.


Soon the night came and the punctual guests arrived. Everyone of the palace was ready with unwavering nerves and they welcomed the new and familiar faces with open arms.

Sae stood at the door, different from her normal attire. Instead of her tight fitted uniform and heavy armour plates, she wore an elegant female black and white tuxedo, but she was no less majestic. Her tall figure and beautiful face made sure of that. However, between greeting the guests, Sae fiddled with the material, the strange feel of loose silk and the open crevices that were usually covered; Sae was not used to feeling this way, or letting others see her in this way. The black vest top on top of the white silk, long sleeved shirt that dipped far too low for her liking and the low hanging black trousers that wrapped around her shapely legs; it all made Sae conscious of other’s gazes.
However, Mayu said she had looked handsome and so Sae endured the unfamiliar attire. She would do anything to please the Queen.

“Lord Akiyama. Welcome.” Sae greeted.

The older man, around in his early forties, happily greeted the Sae, fervently shaking her hand. It was no secret that this womanizer sought out the attention of every young, pretty woman.  Forcing a smile, while trying to slyly wipe her hand, Sae looked to the person next to Lord Akiyama. Even though he was married, Lord Akiyama seldom brought his wife to these sorts of events. Instead he frequently brought slim, naïve girls who only took the chance to attend fabulous evenings and parties, with only the need to coddle the man’s ego. Now, it was no surprise that Lord Akiyama brought a beautiful stranger to the banquet. Sae looked at the nameless guest with admiring eyes, appreciating her long straight raven hair, her large dark eyes and her figure which was filled in the right places.

“Who might this be?” Sae asked, finding it was impossible to take her gaze off the woman who linked arms with the middle-aged man.

“This is Kashiwagi Yuki.” he grinned, rather dreamily. “She is my companion for the night.”

“Good evening to you.” she greeted sweetly.

Sae held out her hand and the woman, though Sae noticed she was hesitant, took it. Sae suddenly felt a chill run through her as she felt the unsettling coldness of the stranger’s touch. She looked into the dark eyes and noticed how lifeless they were, just like pits of darkness. She could just barely supress the shiver. Almost forcefully, Sae pulled her hand back, unable to take her eyes off the smiling figure, but this time instead of admiration, it was because of the whispers of apprehension. However, Sae couldn’t turn back the Lord of the neighbouring kingdom, who greatly influenced the trade of cotton and silk.

“Please, the both of you, come in.” Sae waved.

With a loud thank you, Lord Akiyama strolled into the large front room, down the stairs into the ball. However, as Sae watched them, she couldn’t help but feel the hairs on the back of her neck rise. As she stared, she saw Kashiwagi Yuki turn back, and with a sudden glitter in her eyes – probably from the sparkle of the overhanging chandelier – she smirked, as if to say, ‘Don’t mind if I do.’


The starting ball went without no hinders. When all the listed guests arrived, the music and dance flowed with no mishaps, to the relief of the Queen and her followers. Mayu danced and conversed with many diplomats and royals, strengthening the relationships of Pieta. She tapped with respective figures, jived with Jurina and jazzed with the youngsters. However as the ball was nearing an end, and nearing the dinner, Mayu was already beginning to feel tired. From all the gatherings that the palace held, Mayu had never been this involved, feeling the pressures and force from everyone’s judging stares, and it was starting to take a toll on her adolescent body.
Just as she was about to head to the banquet table, Mayu was suddenly swept off her feet and swung back onto the dance floor. She looked up with surprise, but instantly calmed down when she saw the beaming face looking down at her.

“You look exquisite tonight Queen Mayu.” praised Sae, taking the lead in their waltz.

“Only tonight?” kidded Mayu, the weight slowly lifting from her shoulders.

Mayu had picked a single dress out of the ten options, and it was a dress she felt was most fitting and had the most connection. The dress was a light blue, the top fitting snugly to her curves, while the bottom flowed with a magical ease. It was the sort of dress she had wished for her mother and father to see, to praise her for her developing beauty. Her dress was similar to the Cinderella myth, a tale Mayu’s mother told her frequently before she became too old to listen to childish stories. Mayu greatly missed the calm sound of her mother’s voice, and wished that she wasn’t so hasty with growing up. This longing did not go unnoticed by Sae, who was always watching over Mayu. As the song was coming to an end, Mayu was about to pull away, but Sae held her. Mayu looked at Sae, seeing her earnest gaze that made her heart beat notably faster.

“You always look beautiful Mayu.”

The music had stopped but Mayu’s ears pounded. Those words made Mayu’s cheek burn but she was speechless. The warrior, who was only a couple years older than Mayu, was someone she had always remembered being by her side. Like Aika, Mayu treasured Sae, her guardian. Yet, though Mayu was innocent and though it has never been formally said, Sae’s attentive actions towards her were not overlooked. And Mayu didn’t know how to react to these feelings. However, Sae didn’t mind. She just smiled and let Mayu’s warm hand go.

“We should hurry to the banquet hall Queen Mayu.”

With a lasting smile that lingered in Mayu’s mind, Sae led the way with Mayu shyly following, keeping her eyes forward but sneaking glances at their linked arms.


The banquet was a joyous occasion with everyone chatting animatedly, un-withheld, and all was enjoying the entertainment. First it was the dance troop, the children’s choir and finally it was the finish of the animal tamer. Mayu excitedly clapped as the bear bowed and the dog waved goodbye, her giddy smile making the child within her rise. However, the childish giggles reached Mayu’s ears and she realised how her image was lowered. She quickly took control, halting her laughter to a mere appreciative grin and polite applaud. Again, another event was drawing to an end and soon the banquet would be finished and Mayu’s anxiety would lessen greatly.
Mayu was about to rise from her seat to thank everyone, when suddenly a figure rose before she did. Mayu stared at the woman, who she saw was sitting next to Lord Akiyama, and acknowledged she didn’t know who she was. It was the first time Mayu noticed her, her quiet aura undetected by the Queen, and Mayu saw that she was indeed a beauty. The woman smiled, her eyes curling as her lips curled.

“If your Highness doesn’t object, I would like to offer a song as congratulations.”

With a slight raise of an eyebrow, Mayu observed the strange woman with slight curiosity and wariness. She wondered why a woman who she had never been before, who may not even be a citizen of Pieta or anyone of importance, would offer such a gift. Suddenly, Mayu felt a presence next to her.

“That is Kashiwagi Yuki, Lord Akiyama’s accompaniment for the night.” Sae whispered into Mayu’s ear.

This didn’t come to a surprise to Mayu. The old ‘bachelor’ was always on the prowl for young females to flaunt around while his unknowing poorly wife - who was known by many but seen by few - remained bedded at his home. Mayu knew everyone was watching for her reaction and she carefully thought of her next move.

“Very well.” Mayu smiled, heeding the approved looks and nods of others. “I kindly accept your offer. Please proceed.”

With a gracious bow, Yuki’s song began just as she straightened her back, not even needing to take in a deep breath.

君を好きになって どれくらい経つのかナ?
気持ち 膨らんでゆくばかりで
君は この思い気付いているのかナ?
一度も言葉には してないけど

雪のように ただ静かに
降り積もり つづけてゆく

Hold me tight こんな思いなら
知りたく なかったよ
I love you 涙止まらない
こんなんじゃ 君のこと
知らずにいれば 良かったよ

Her voice was hypnotising and her gaze was entrancing. Mayu felt herself become enthralled in the performance. Even though there was no instrumental accompaniment, Yuki’s voice was the voice of an angel. Clear, pure and strong, each note struck Mayu like a spell.

君へと続くこの思い 隠せるのかナ?

Hold me tight こんな思いなら
知りたく なかったよ
I love you 胸に込み上げる
今すぐ君に 会いたいよ

When her song ended and her voice turned silent, it was as if Mayu snapped out of a trance. Blinking of her rapt attention, Mayu glanced around at her subjects and the guests. Seeing the other’s absorbed - almost blank - expressions, it seemed she wasn’t the only one who was dazed. All of a sudden, her gaze landed on Jurina who was on the left of her and she was startled by the cold stare on her cousin’s face. When Mayu looked back at Yuki, she had already sat down but her smile remained. It was almost teasing and again Mayu felt the wave of chary. However, except from Jurina’s  callous expression, she had no basis on this suspicion so Mayu pushed it aside. She had to conduct herself in the proper way. She was the Queen.

“Thank you Kashiwagi-san.” Mayu spoke, breaking everyone’s enchantment. “That was a wonderful performance and a delightful way to end this tremendous evening.”

Lord Akiyama was the first to clap, and bit too enthusiastically. Nevertheless, soon others followed, including Mayu. Besides the inkling of unease, the night had gone well. And though the song – as well as the evening - had ended, it seemed Mayu couldn’t take her eyes off her, the mysterious Yuki.


With a heavy and relieved sigh, Mayu collapsed onto the bed, glad the night was finally over.

“I’m glad it went well tonight.” said Aika, folding away Mayu’s dress.

“I hope so.” she retiringly replied.

Mayu wouldn’t know the success of the banquet until the next coming days, when news spread as fast as gossip on how well the night went. Yet, with everything that happened, one person remained in Mayu’s mind. Kashiwagi Yuki was an enigmatic entity. She was undoubtedly beautiful, possessed an alluring voice and carried herself with a confidence that Mayu – as Queen – admired. It was no wonder she lingered in Mayu’s consciousness. However, another factor contributed to Yuki’s recall. It was Mayu’s instinct of scepticism and Jurina’s guarded look that made Mayu feel apprehensive of the stranger. Mayu wondered who she was, and why she felt this way towards the woman.
Nevertheless, there was a high chance that Mayu would never see the woman again, so she attempted to forget about the wonderment. Mayu could only sleep, and hope that everything went according to plan. And with the relief of not having to worry for at least a few hours, sleep came easy to the new Lady of Pieta.

That night, Mayu expected the same dream to come, hovering over the same scene that made her frustrated and woeful. However, instead, for the first time in the last two months, she had dreamed of something else.

She dreamed of snow.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2013, 12:12:20 PM by melon-lover »

Offline jell_o_jello

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Re: All Angels - Chapter 01 [23/08/2013]
« Reply #6 on: August 23, 2013, 04:31:48 AM »
Oh man, your story keeps me wanting more. You sure know how to end a chapter ;)

So what's Yuki's plan and why is Jurina suspicious of her?

Looking forward to the next chapter!!

Offline AshuraX

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Re: All Angels - Chapter 01 [23/08/2013]
« Reply #7 on: August 23, 2013, 04:59:37 AM »
Maybe Jurina saw an evil aura or a bad premonition of her... Damn this is addicting! You, sir, are awesome! Even If none of my oshii's are there, I feel like reading this is inevitable... and that ending... cool!!!

Offline Zita

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Re: All Angels - Chapter 01 [23/08/2013]
« Reply #8 on: August 23, 2013, 10:24:28 PM »
WOW.........what else to say? Nothing. :)

Offline Sara-chan

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Re: All Angels - Chapter 01 [23/08/2013]
« Reply #9 on: August 23, 2013, 10:59:41 PM »
interesting fanfiction, I want to know the rest of the story!
I'll be waiting for a new chapter  :on drink:

Offline fuu_kun

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Re: All Angels - Chapter 01 [23/08/2013]
« Reply #10 on: August 24, 2013, 09:39:31 AM »
Errrr~ I think not just sae and mayu who fall for 'kashiwagi san' , ME FALL TOO ! Urgh.. She is so perfect for being my wife! XD nyahahaha

Are this will turn into Threeangels love? O.O I hope no :cow:

Queen Mayu! Go find your king

Offline melon-lover

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Re: All Angels - Chapter 02 [19/09/2013]
« Reply #11 on: September 19, 2013, 07:17:09 PM »
@ jell_o_jello : Haha thanks, it's always quite a struggle to figure out how to nicely end a chapter. Hope this chapter is to your liking  :twothumbs
@ AshuraX : Thank you, and right back at you!  :lol: Ah, well I'm still glad you still read it  :)
@ Zita : :P
@ Sara-chan :  :D
@ fuu_kun : Excuse me Fuu-kun, but Yukirin is my wife!  XD

Hey everyone, I'm back sooner than I thought haha. This chapter is a tad bit longer that the last, but hopefully it won't put anyone off  :nervous
Well, there's not much for me to say except thank you to all the readers and commenters and I hope everyone enjoys this chapter

“I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it.
The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.”

- Nelson Mandela

02 – Conquering

Awakening from the fitful night of slumber she had experienced for the first time in months, Mayu awoke the next day only to realise the immense amount of duties that had to be carried out. After her quick breakfast, Mayu through the proposals sent from the Pieta officials and from the surrounding kingdoms, which forced Mayu to remain confined in the ruler’s study for a few hours. Then, after dismissing more proposals than approving with the royal seal, Mayu had to personally write letters to those that she did not agree with and explain why, which took a further few hours. However, this of course made Mayu review those proposals once more and caused her to change her mind, which caused her to reconsider her decision once more about the proposals that could change the life of her precious citizens. Finally, after that was done, it was time to hear the villagers who came from across Pieta to speak for themselves and for Mayu to judge whether their suggestions or pleads were to be heard or ignored.

“Your Highness, please reconsider. Further development in the forest could bring more land and business to Pieta.”

Mayu gazed at the villager chief Azu, whose village bordered the Capital. This was not the first time the man had come before the rulers of Pieta. Mayu remembered, when it was not even one year ago, Azu came before her parents and suggested the same thing. If they would allow him and his men to destroy the vast forest that surrounded most of the Capital and allow them to evolve their village and also begin a new mining camp. This would in turn increase the profits of Pieta and Azu’s village; increase the amount of available jobs for the increasing population, while encouraging other countries to trade with Pieta for mining minerals. However, this plan also meant that a mass of the forest would be destroyed, harming the creatures that lived there already and damage the already fragile ecosystem. Not to mention the massive damage the mining camp would do to the land and the pollution it would cause as the minerals are extracted and cleaned. There were ups and downs to all proposals and this made Mayu’s work even harder. As Queen, she had to consider all sides and choose wisely as her decision would affect everyone.
However, this decision seemed to come easier to Mayu than all the others. Mayu remembered the words her father once told her.

‘A ruler must know the land he lives on and cherish the gift nature had bestowed upon he and the kingdom.’

Mayu knew that her parents had always treasured the land of Pieta, the beautiful environment they lived within. If Mayu did not care for the land that had kindly offered itself to be built on top of, the balance would be thrown and who knew what devastating consequences that would cause. It was not only the lives of the people she had to care for, Mayu had to care for the beings that lived within the forests, who were nature’s people.

“As I have said Azu-san, the plan will not go ahead. I disagree with your proposal and will not allow further development of the forests. Is that understood?”

Azu glared at the Queen with resentment. Even though she was no older than his daughter, she was telling him, the Chief of Palma, what to do. It was degrading. However, Mayu was Queen and there was no arguing.

“Understood… You’re Highness.”

With a nod, Azu left, but not without one last bitter look. Mayu, with a tired sigh, waved for the next person to come in.

Sae watched as Mayu sat patiently, listening to the woman’s plea to allow her husband to return home from the Pieta Knights. She already knew what Mayu would say. The man had already agreed to surrender himself for Pieta, and if that meant his life, then so be it. This meant that the soldier would have to live in the Palace’s grounds in the Knight quarters, with the other soldiers, protecting the kingdom and the Palace without the comforts of home. It was only after five years of this service would they be allowed the choice of going home or staying to continue their duties until they felt the desire to leave.
However, knowing how kind-hearted she was, Sae knew the Queen would allow the man to return home once more to visit his family. That was just the type of person Mayu was. This quality made Sae's admiration for the young woman what it was, a massive entity, but it also made her worry.

Sae could only silently watch, like an overseeing statue, as Mayu struggled on, showing few signs of weakness. However, from watching over the young Queen for so long, Sae had learned to pick up signals. There was the quick wipe of her brow, the nervous run of a fingernail across her hand and the frequent frustrated flick of her dress. Mayu was tired. It pained her heart to see her Queen like this and Sae wanted to do something.
She had always been on edge since the passing of Mayu’s parents, and even more nervous when it was announced Mayu would be Queen. It was true she thought of no one fitter to fill that position, but she was so young. Even though she couldn’t really say much for Sae was the Head Commander of the Pieta Knights and only a couple years older. Nevertheless, she was still concerned. Mayu barely had a childhood as it was, now with this increased amount of workload and heavy responsibilities, there was no way Mayu could live her life to the fullest. Again, Sae felt that wretched feeling when you force yourself to be happy for someone else. Even though you want to try your best to change their mind, but know that they won’t or can’t listen to your pleas so you just clap and smile even though you’re dying inside and that makes you worse because you know that if there was a change in circumstance, you would even try stopping them by force. That guilt then slowly eats at you until you are safely at home alone, where you can cry yourself to sleep. That was what Sae felt, and even though she was guilty, she wanted to free Mayu from the shackles of royalty even if it was just for a moment.

So Sae decided to do the only thing she could.

When the woman left, crying with happiness at the news her husband would be able to see their new-born son just once, Sae quickly swept forward and knelt on her knee, her head bowed and her arms crossed in salute, with one across her chest and one across her back, her hands in tight fists. A steady, submissive but confident pose.

“Queen Mayu.” said Sae, her voice firm in front of the curious gazes from the Queen and her advisors.

“Rise Sae.”

Hearing the soft command, Sae smiled at the likeness it was to her father’s. Mayu truly was the ruler of Pieta.

“What is it?” Mayu asked, as Sae stood, curious of what the obviously grinning woman had to say.

“There is something that has to be dealt with and only you can My Lady.”

“What can this something be?” demanded one of royal advisors. “What could be so important to tear the Queen away from her current duty?”

“I cannot say.” calmly replied Sae. “It is only for the Queen’s ears.”

The royal advisor looked as if he was bitten by a snake from the way he recoiled, his rebuffed statement hurting his ego. Suddenly he huffed and crossed his arms, looking like a child even though he was past middle-aged and he was the chief advisor.

“Please Kameko-san.  It must be important if Sae has come forward herself.”

Kameko only remained silent, as if sulking, and only gave a curt nod, allowing Mayu to continue. However in his mind, he couldn’t help but think that if the King were still alive, he wouldn’t allow such insolent behaviour from a woman of lesser position.

“Come forward Sae.” said Mayu, unknown of the almost treasonous thoughts her chief advisor was having.

With quick easy steps, Sae was in front of Mayu and her throne, and she quickly leant forward. This action caught Mayu off guard and she immediately felt her cheeks beat red when she felt Sae’s warm cheek almost against her own and the lips near her ear. Mayu’s skin was tickling and it felt like an age before she felt Sae’s soft words.

“Come and follow me.” Sae whispered.

Sae then stood up and stepped back a few steps, seeing Mayu’s flustered look and allowing Mayu to regain her composure. Clearing her throat, Mayu nodded to Sae who smiled and returned to the centre of the room.

“Thank you Sae for the news. It seems like I am needed elsewhere. Kameko-san, I’ll leave it to you to finish up and Sae, please make sure no one disturbs me in my study.”

“Y-Yes Queen Mayu.” stuttered Kameko, rarely being allowed to make decisions of his own.

Though he had made many choices, he never had the final say. He was only an advisor. However, this time, Mayu was allowing him to make choices and be able to act on them, with the responsibility of Pieta on him. Kameko revelled in this new offered power. For once, he thought that perhaps the new Queen wasn’t so bad after all.

“Yes My Queen.” Sae bowed, hiding the large smirk.

Mayu then stood from her throne and quickly but elegantly exited the room, with Sae closely following.  When the throne room’s back door closed, Mayu grinned impishly at Sae, who now began to lead to way.

“Where are we going Sae?” Mayu giddily asked, feeling young again as their steps became faster and more impatient.

“We are not going anywhere.” she replied. “You are going outside.”

This halted Mayu in her tracks, making Sae stop as well.

“Outside? As in outside the Palace?” Mayu confirmed incredulously.

For four months, Mayu had not stepped a foot outside the palace grounds. A place that had once seemed exciting was now a frightening and unfamiliar place. Mayu knew this was a wrong view, especially since she should know about the place that she was ruling, but Mayu couldn’t help feel scared. Ever since that time, where her parents disappeared from the palace, she saw the outside as a dangerous area. Even though she used to visit the Capital town with her father, her child self gallantly approaching anything and anyone, Mayu's past self didn't know of the dangers that crept in the cracks of the seemingly peaceful outside.  Now, Mayu was no longer that naive young child. To keep herself safe, she locked herself and her heart within the palace. However, even then, she knew what her fear was.
She was scared to die.

Sae noticed the sudden fear in Mayu’s eyes and she immediately felt concern. Mayu quickly turned away and slowly began to walk back.

“What would Kameko say?” she said, realising what could have happened. “Oh no, what have I done. I must go back!”

“Wait Queen Mayu.” Sae exclaimed, grabbing onto the slim wrists that reminded Sae again of how fragile the powerful Queen truly was.

Mayu was forced to gaze up at Sae and seeing her eyes was enough for Sae. Even without words, Sae understood what Mayu was terrified of.

“Forget that Turtle.” grinned Sae, her smile lightening Mayu’s heavy heart. “You need a break. You have been far too stressed for your own good. How do you expect to lead anyone if you are not in perfect health?”

Mayu remained silent but from her wavering glisten in her eyes, Sae could see she was undecided. She gently touched Mayu’s soft cheek, affectionately letting her back of her hooked index finger to absorb the Queen’s fear.

“I promise you, nothing will harm you.” gently assured Sae. “You will be protected. Trust your kingdom. Trust me.”

Feeling a light feel her, Mayu suddenly felt reassured. Sae was always there for her. She was her knight. Before Mayu could let herself sink into Sae’s tender touch, she suddenly yelped when Mayu felt Sae’s fingers pinch her cheek. Rubbing her cheek, Mayu glared at Sae, who smirked teasingly.

“Thank you Sae.”


Returning to her room, Mayu quickly filled Aika on the details. Aika immediately wanted to come with Mayu, worried for her to be alone, like any caring friend and servant. However the two knew if they both disappeared, it would raise suspicions, especially since Aika still had other duties to fulfil. In addition, it was decided that Jurina would not be told. If the young Princess knew, there would be no doubt that the boyish girl would instantly want to come and the kingdom couldn’t afford to have the Queen and the Princess to be away from the palace at the same time. Aika needed to keep her preoccupied. Therefore, with a reluctant heart, Aika could only help Mayu with her disguise. Changing into comfortable attire, wearing a simple green dress and black leggings, Mayu wore the purse with gold coins, covering them and herself with Aika’s navy hooded robe. Then, with an unwavering courage, Mayu took off her heavy crown and gave it to Aika, who would securely hide it until the rightful wearer returned. With that, Aika wished Mayu luck before Sae quickly led Mayu down the quiet halls.

This was it. It was time to face and conquer her fear.

Sae walked Mayu all the way to the back gates, past the soldier quarters and to the very rim of the palace, where the Capital laid just beyond the fields, where Mayu could go through and would lead to the main road to the town. Sae specifically chose this way because it avoided unnecessary contact with soldiers and palace workers, and it went past the woods that were to the east of the palace, right behind the palace gardens. Even though the path through their was quicker, Sae knew Mayu wasn’t brave enough to handle the Palace Forest, the memories of four months ago still raw to touch. However, with this path through the fields, it would go around the forest while letting Mayu to hopefully conquer her anxiety.

Without her encouraging presence, Mayu wondered if she would have been able to make it this far. Glancing at Sae, who noticed and smiled in return, Mayu knew the answer. Sae was Mayu’s support and without her, there was no way she would have made it this far in her life, as well as this moment.

“This is Queen Mayu. I’ve escorted you this far, now it is time for you to go ahead. Just go follow the path through the fields and it should take you around the forest to the main road that leads to the town. It will take about an hour but you should be fine. The roads are usually filled with farmers and such so you won’t be alone. Try to make it back before sunset.”

“Thank you Sae. This really means a lot.”

Sae looked at Mayu, her sincere gaze making Mayu shift her gaze for a moment. Then, Sae smiled, placing her larger hand on the younger woman’s head, even if Mayu were the Queen.  Even though Mayu pouted, she didn’t move, accepting the affectionate and familiar gesture wholeheartedly.

“Take care My Queen.” said Sae, withdrawing her hand to her side.

With a frightened heart but strong smile, Mayu secured her hood and squeezed through the tiny gap at the edge of the wall, which was usually hidden by hedges and a wooden block. With a final look, watching as the small figure jogged ahead, Sae used all her might to wish for the Highness’s safe return. Then, she pushed back the weighted wooden block that covered the hole, which she would return to and remove an hour before sunset, where Sae would diligently wait for Mayu’s return.

Mayu’s heart raced even though she was jogging and her face quivered as she followed the small path, letting it lead her around the dark woods. The wall which Sae stood behind was no longer in sight as the path curled around, allowing Mayu to see the farming fields instead. It was now autumn season and the final crops were being harvested. It would a joyous few months, especially with the Harvest Festival coming soon, but Mayu had other thoughts. Even though it was broad daylight, Mayu could only see the shadows that crept from the forest that was just a few distances away, its borders marked by the fence. She tried keeping her eyes forward on the dirt path, and her mind blissfully blank, avoiding the horrifying thoughts. However, the words persistently rang in her ears as if mosquitos lived in her ear drums, their buzz like the mumbles of the palace folk.

‘It looks like an animal attack.’

‘The bodies were almost entirely destroyed.’

‘It was all a bloody frenzy.’

Beginning to feel the symptoms of hyperventilation, Mayu slowed to a walk. She partly wished that she had reconsidered Azu's plans to tear down the woods, even if it wasn't the Palace Forest. It would have at least decreased the darkness that seemed to reach out like ghostly arms. Mayu had convinced herself nothing was wrong, even if cold sweat dripped from the neck and her eyes were wide with alertness. Even though she tried desperately, the images flashed before her. She saw the remains of her parents, remembering the devastation of the loss, but most of all feeling the pure terror to the core of her body. Her courage was a bluff that was hurriedly collapsing. Mayu again felt the realisation that she was all alone. Ice cold panic filled her veins and her gasps came out in even shorter spans. Mayu quickly became light-hearted and disorientated, dots dancing in her vision. She was going to faint.

“Excuse me Ma’am.”

The high-pitched voice snapped Mayu back. She blinked. Squatting on the ground, covering her ears with both hands, Mayu wondered how she got into this position. She turned her head to the owner of the voice, before she realised her mistake. Mayu wasn’t supposed to show her face. The hood was barely covering her face and she was definitely going to be outed. The voice belonged to a small boy, no older than six.

“Are you okay lady?” he asked, his wide eyes brimming with concern.


“Do you want some water? It’s nearly empty because I’m coming home from playing, but you can have the rest.”

“No it’s fine. I’m okay now.”

“Okay. But you’re face looks awfully pale. Are you hungry? You can come have lunch with me and my mum if you want. We live on a dairy farm so we have plenty of food.”

“No no, it’s fine. Thank you very much for your kind offer but I promise, I feel much better. I just felt a little bit tired.”

“Okay lady. If you’re sure, I’m going home then. Bye bye.”


And with that, Mayu waved at the smiling boy, his dimples cutely showing as he jogged home. She glanced at the forest that was no longer a monster, but a mass of brown and grey, the autumn leaves just clinging on. Suddenly, Mayu forgot all about the fear and the forest. She secured her hood and stared at the fields and seeing for the first time all the workers who were happily chatting to each other as they walked or those that smiled as they worked. Mayu appreciated that even though her parents may be gone, she wasn’t alone. She was left with the beautiful home of Pieta and she was surrounded by her irreplaceable companions and the wonderful citizens. Proudness overflowed within Mayu. No longer did she think of the forest that was next to her, or did Mayu think of the responsibilities that awaited her back home. For the first time, she felt utter delight and couldn’t wait to return to bustling Capital town.

Nevertheless, unbeknownst to the Mayu, two figures quickly followed through the shadows, trailing the young Queen of Pieta.


The Capital was just as loud and busy as Mayu remembered from her innocent childhood. Boisterous children ran around her, men and women yelled from their stalls, happily greeting customers like dear friends and the general happy atmosphere that was so contagious that Mayu almost skipped around the market stalls. She blissfully went from stall to stall, basking in the cheerful and welcoming atmosphere and trying all the common tantalising delicacies that her taste buds rarely or never had the privilege to try. However, even if she was having a grand time, Mayu was no longer an inexperienced girl. As she stopped and continued, she noticed that a figure behind her did the same. The hooded figure stopped even when she stopped in the middle of the busy main path, and with annoyed hackles from carts, Mayu moved. But so did the stranger, mirroring her movements. She thought drastically. Did the person see through her disguise and was trying to approach her, or was it a petty thief that noticed the heavy clangs of the disappearing gold coins. Mayu didn’t care; she just knew she had to get rid of the person by any means necessary. As soon as she noticed a massive crowd of people, who were watching a street dance fire performance, Mayu entered the unaware audience. Hurryingly slipping through the limbs, carefully darting backward glances, Mayu escaped. Never having been in this situation, she wondered if she should have raised her voice and called out she was being followed. However, she couldn’t know if it would cause a hindrance and there was the possibility that one of her citizens would be harmed. As Queen, Mayu could never let that happen.
Looking around once more, she didn’t see suspicious hooded figure, but she didn’t stop. As she weaved around the houses and down the busy streets, Mayu spotted a long alleyway. It was an easy place to hide from the figure, who would hopefully pass by without detecting her presence. She headed down the isolated alley and quickly turned around. Mayu wished she hadn’t. The figure was standing at the entrance, where Mayu was just moments ago, their hooded face even more sinister looking than ever. Mayu felt the fear grip her heart. She cursed as how stupid her quick decision was. This was the perfect place for the stalker to capture her, and from their confident step towards her, they knew that too. Mayu hastily turned and began sprinting down the alleyway, making quick choses at whether to go left or right, running as her untrained legs would allow her.

“If only Sae were here!” Mayu thoughts screamed as she felt her heart pound in her ears.

She was practically sprinting at her top speed but her follower was relentless, even with the hasty turns she made. Suddenly, turning left, Mayu stopped. It was a dead end. She spun round and the hooded figure crept towards her, as if he was savouring his prey. With trembling steps, Mayu walked back until she felt the shock of the high wall hitting her back. Then, she watched as the faceless figure came closer and closer until he stood just in front of her. This was it. This was the end. There was no point in hiding herself any longer.

Mayu screamed when she felt her hands on her arms, the hooded figure looming over her.


A single hooded figure entered the palace grounds and stopped in front of the Knights Commander. They immediately swooped into the salute position.


“Why are you back Shii?” Sae demanded. “Where is Oku?”

Sae stared hard at one of the two men she had sent to trail Mayu, just to make sure she was kept out of harm’s way. However, if one had returned, especially without Mayu, Sae was alarmed to say the least.

“He is currently looking for the Majesty.”

“What do you mean?” Sae barked, not believing her ears.

The soldier’s body drooped in shame. “We… have lost the Queen.”


Mayu felt the hands on her arms but they did nothing else.

“Queen Mayu?”

Slowly opening her eyes, thankful she was still able to, Mayu turned to the figure. She stared at the hooded figure who lifted their hood, revealing their identity.

“I thought it was you.”

Recognition instantly sparked and Mayu felt the name explode from her lips.


All strength instantly drained from Mayu’s legs as she felt relief rush through her body. The figure caught the Queen, who regained her stance.

“What are you doing here alone?” the woman, who Mayu had only met yesterday, spoke. “I may be a foreigner to this country, but even I know it’s dangerous for the sole ruler of Pieta to be wandering the town alone, even if it is the Capital.”

Realising she was still in Yuki’s arms, Mayu stood upright, stepping. Her cheeks reddened hotly. For some reason, Mayu was even more embarrassed even though moments ago she had screamed like a little girl. Mayu had only remembered being touched by her parents, Aika and Sae. Even though Mayu had only met Yuki last night, she was already touched far too intimately for her liking. However, there was something different. Even through thick robes, Mayu felt this hint of coldness that seemed to seep from Yuki’s pores and into her. It was unusual and unsettling. Yet, when Mayu closely looked at Yuki’s face, she acknowledged once more, if not more since the time before, how stunning Yuki was. Her white skin, large dark eyes and rosy plump lips…
Shaking her head, Mayu concentrated on the situation now. Her disguise was blown and Mayu had to act quickly.

“I beseech you Kashiwagi-san, please do not tell anyone of my presence. I had only wanted to take a break from some duties. I will return before sunset.”

“Well, seeing as you practically begged, how I can deny the Queen such a request.” Yuki smiled. “Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone.”

Mayu released a sigh of relief. “Thank you Kashiwagi-san. I am in your debt.”

Yuki grinned. “However, I think it would be better if you didn’t travel alone. I should come with you.”

Mayu thought for a moment. She didn’t see any problem with it, especially since she didn’t want a repeat of this incident.

“That is fair.”

“However, it would be bad if someone heard me address you as Queen Mayu.”

Mayu thought of the nickname Sae and Aika had once addressed her when they were mere children.

“How about Mayuyu?”

Again, Yuki flashed Mayu a smile that made her heart beat notably faster.

“Perfect. And you can call me Yuki.” she announced, before suddenly kneeling down and lightly taking Mayu’s hand into her own. “Now, Mayuyu-san, would you do me the pleasure of accompanying me?”

[A/N]: The salute that Pieta Knights perform is like the Shingeki no Kyojin salute, except that they kneel on one knee and have their heads bowed, rather than standing up straight and head high.
Also, if anyone was wondering, the lyrics that Yuki sang in the last chapter is from this song:
« Last Edit: September 20, 2013, 01:26:29 PM by melon-lover »

Offline imteedee

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Re: All Angels - Chapter 02 [19/09/2013]
« Reply #12 on: September 19, 2013, 08:25:04 PM »
I just read..well not found this story now. Maybe because you didn't put any pairing yet on the title I decided to skip the thread.
However, i just realized, It was a big mistake. This fanfic is overly-awesome set aside my oshi appearing here, but my goodness your sense of style really amazed me. I commend you on that, congratulations on making into my fave writers  :)

At first, of course I took a sneak peek on the comments and apparently I might say I felt a little disappointment not seeing Yuki, that.. until. I think my heart exploded in happiness with this update  :nervous Yuki's really suspicious, somehow I feel like somehwere, in any way she'll appear as the antagonist. Else~ I shall wait for your another awesome updates.

More powers to you melon-lover

imteedee :deco:
my hat is off. saluting.

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Re: All Angels - Chapter 02 [19/09/2013]
« Reply #13 on: September 20, 2013, 12:53:28 PM »

Okay, for some reason, I could feel the SaeMayu love in this... I don't mind any of the pairings for now so it doesn't concern me~ But I was still thinking of who the 'two people' from the prologue are...
No presence of my cute JuriJuri yet???
Damn, I actually thought it was Yuki there.
And it actually was...
Oh no, Mayu put up Yuki's flag...
And for some reason, Yuki seemed kinda... evil...? Like she was actually plotting something... Nah~ Yuki can't be evil~

Anywho, seems to be safe~ Great as always, melon-melon~ I'm amazed on how you could keep it so serious O.O I would always find some sort of boredom or something and eventually make 'serious' scenes... fail XD
Oh, no sight of AtsuMina. That means I'm safe~ =w=

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Re: All Angels - Chapter 03 [01/02/2014]
« Reply #14 on: February 01, 2014, 02:54:25 PM »
@ imteedee : Awww thank you! What an honour to be on your list of fave authors!  :bow: And I think your suspicions are going to be even more in this chapter...
@ AshuraX : Ooo~ well done for knowing it was Yuki haha. I don't even know how I keep it serious, just lots of dramas and books lol. I don't think there's going to be AtsuMina in this fic, not for now anyway, so yes you are safe  :lol:

Hello everyone and Happy New Lunar Year!
I am so sorry it's been so long but I have been way too busy for my liking. However, I managed to find time and finally update  :twothumbs
I'll keep this brief with the usual thanks to comments and likes. Hope everyone enjoys this chapter and if there is something someone doesn't understand, please feel free to ask

1.   pity
2.   compassion
3.   piety

03 – One Kingdom

The palace was quiet, like it was on most days. It reflected on the peaceful days the kingdom now gained with the sense of reassurance that there was a new ruler to the wondrous place that the people who lived there called home.
However, unbeknownst to most, the Pieta Knights were in utmost chaos.

Sae threw on her armour and guided the guards with discreet command. She and her men were in utter panic.

“Send out the troops! We must find the Queen as soon as possible!”

Her heart pummelled as the tremendous fear escalated to heights Sae had never before experienced. She could only imagine the worst and she blamed herself. She regretted letting Mayu go without her. She was foolish and naïve. Sae felt the overwhelming urge to sob and she pressed it down. She just had to. Sae had to find Mayu.


Mayu watched as the hooded figure, with her black cloak, guided them through the capital, as if Yuki had lived here all her life rather than the other way round. It made Mayu realise that perhaps she did not truly know her kingdom as she originally thought. If a stranger knew more about Pieta, then it really said something about herself as a leader. She added a note to her already endless to do list; visit her country at least once a week.

However, even though Mayu felt disappointed in herself, she allowed Yuki to guide the way. She did not want to feel the same feeling of lost again.
As she was led through the busy streets, Mayu was finally taken to what seemed like an inn. And an inn it was, quaint, warm and comfortable, where smiles and loud chatter was not rare.  Unlike the large palace she lived in, which sometimes felt like only Mayu lived and that talk was forbidden; so quiet, cold and lonely.
Yuki lifted her hood and smiled at Mayu. She realised that it was the first time Yuki had taken it off. Even though it was cool afternoon, especially for autumn, Mayu was sweating under her disguise which she had to wear. However, Yuki didn’t have to. Surely she could have taken off her cloak, especially since it was quite warm. Yet, seeing Yuki’s face, there not a single drop of sweat or any sort of sign of heat. It made Mayu wonder if she was just hotter due to her own excitement.

“Where are we?” said Mayu, glancing around rather eagerly.

“At where I’m staying for now.”

“Are you not returning with Lord Akiyama?” remembering that Yuki was his accompaniment for last night.

“No, I wanted to see more of this quaint little town so I decided to stay. Besides, he wanted to leave far too early and I’m sure he has found some other company by now. And they have the best hot chocolate here. I’ll go order us some snacks, you go find us a table.”

Mayu was rather bewildered how Yuki was so casual, particularly with her, even though she knew Mayu was the Queen. It was something Mayu had desired for a long time and it was a gesture she appreciated.

“No I should be the one to pay.” protested Mayu, about to pull out her bag of money.

Immediately, she felt Yuki’s hand on hers.

“I suggest you don’t. With that amount, I would think there would be at least a few people interested in taking it and I can’t allow Mayuyu to come in harm’s way.”

Understanding the risk, Mayu nodded. Yuki smiled and then headed to the counter, where she was enthusiastically greeted by a cheerful woman who Mayu assumed was the innkeeper. When Mayu found a free table, in the corner of the small inn, she lightly touched her cheeks and found they were still warm. She wasn’t sure if it was from the affectionate nickname but Mayu thought of how she reacted on Yuki’s sudden touch. Her heart fluttered in a way she had never felt and a warmth entered her stomach which she had never experienced. It wasn’t an unpleasant feeling, but Mayu couldn’t say she knew what it was.

Soon Yuki returned with two steaming mugs and a plate of what looked like cookies. She placed them in front of Mayu and for the first time today, Mayu realised she was very hungry. The fragrance of chocolate sweetness was hearty and milky, and the cookies were so intricately decorated with icing flowers that Mayu thought surely the burly innkeeper couldn’t have made them, also feeling that she would rather take them home to show rather than to eat them.

“Two mugs of hot chocolate and a plate of butter cookies on the house.” grinned Yuki, sitting across from Mayu.

“Thank you.” replied Mayu.

She held the piping hot mug, letting the heat penetrate her hands. After gently whisping away the steam and excessive heat, Mayu took her first sip and was immediately hit by a lusciousness that couldn’t help from sounding a sugary hum.

“It’s delicious.”

“I’m glad.”

She smiled and noticed Yuki returned the grin. Again Mayu noticed how beautiful Yuki was. Even more wonderful when she smiled. Suddenly Mayu realised how intently Yuki was gazing at her and how she was returning that gaze. She immediately shifted downwards and gulped a large mouthful of hot chocolate, feeling her face burn from the embarrassment and the scorching drink.
However, Mayu couldn’t help but glance up, her gaze landing on Yuki’s fingers. While holding her drink, Mayu remembered the moment Yuki found her, when she held her hand.  How different it was from the warmth she was feeling now. The stark coldness that froze her fingertips. When Mayu held Yuki’s hand, it was like holding ice. Perhaps Yuki had poor circulation. Mayu noted to herself to give Yuki some herbal medicine that would help with blood flow.

“Help yourself.” said Yuki, taking one of the cookies herself, thinking Mayu was staring at the cookies with hesitation rather in deep thought.

Drawn back to the present, Mayu nodded and took a cookie, tasting the smooth buttery sugar. Before she knew it, Mayu was already helping herself to a second. She mentally noted to herself definitely to take some back, especially to Sae who allowed her this rare freedom. All of a sudden, for some reason, Mayu felt a sense of guilt. Her thoughts were so consumed with today and Yuki, she had forgotten about Sae and Aika. Suddenly, the cookie didn’t taste as nice as before.

“Is something wrong Mayuyu?”

“No it’s nothing.” she quietly replied. “It’s just that I’ve had such a wonderful time I forgotten about the people I’ve left. I think it’s time for me to go back to the palace.”

“But you just got here.”

“This is true but I think it’s time. I’ve already had a long enough break. I feel fully replenished, thanks to you especially.”

“But do you see anyone looking for you? You saw how peaceful the city is. It’s okay. You don’t have to live for others. You should live for yourself.”

It had been so long since someone had told Mayu to live for herself. So long that she had forgotten what those words sound like. And when she heard them again, Mayu felt like a certain weight was slightly lifted. It had only been four months since she was declared ruler and Mayu was already starting to feel smothered.
For nearly a year, it had been all about Mayu being the Queen and supporting her kingdom. Putting the citizens of Pieta before herself. Fulfilling the needs of others, before her own. That was her sole duty and purpose.  However, before she was constantly being fed and filled with those words, Mayu remembered a time when being the ruler was not yet her concern. A period of time shrouded by a mist of tragedy that she had forgotten the light of delightful memories where she was allowed to think for herself. A place where her father and mother told Mayu to choose her own path, the one she felt would lead to her own happiness.
However, that time was of the past. Pieta was now under her rule and Mayu intended to fully fulfil the duties, and go beyond, for the contentment of her citizens.

“Do you always think about other people before yourself?” Yuki said.

Mayu looked at Yuki, seeing her puzzled expression, holding her own determined gaze. “That is being a Queen.”

Even though the inn bustled with noise, there was a hush at Mayu and Yuki’s table. Yuki stared at Mayu, as if she was examining a specimen. Then, she sighed concededly.

“At least let me have the pleasure of escorting you back.”


The time Mayu spent with Yuki was truly pleasant and far too quick for Mayu’s liking, with the sun slowly setting in the open distance. She couldn’t remember when she had laughed this much and when she had felt this light. They exchanged various stories; topics ranging from hilarious childhood moments (Yuki having a sister) to favourite foods (Yuki’s being salmon).
They continuingly chatted and before Mayu knew it, they had nearly reached the back gates of the palace.

“I guess this is where I leave you.” said Yuki, as the two reached the back gates where Mayu first squeezed through, hidden by the greenery. "It was fun."

“Yes it really was.” Mayu returned sincerely.

They both smiled at each other for a moment, allowing themselves just a few more seconds of the pleasant moment. Then, almost forcing herself, Mayu began to go through, with Yuki standing just beyond the hedge, watching. Mayu struggled through until she reached the gap where she had crawled through earlier in the day. However, she discovered that the gap was still blocked by the wooden block which Sae was supposed to remove an hour before sunset.

“Oh, Sae hasn’t moved it yet.” Mayu said, aloud to herself.

“Mayuyu, this may be an insolent question but I would like to ask, if I receive your permission.”

Mayu knocked on the wooden block. “Of course.” she replied, though she was distracted. 

“Are you happy?” Yuki suddenly asked.

Mayu turned to Yuki, her view obscured by the overhanging autumn leaves. She could feel Yuki’s intense eyes gazing through and hitting her again. She was glad that she was hidden because she rarely showed her troubled expression to anyone, except Aika and Sae.

That question was one of difficulty and it was a question Mayu had faced many times. Whenever her parents used to ask that question, seeing their daughter mature far too quick compared to others of her age, they must have wondered, and Mayu always answered yes. Though Mayu had few friends, she had Sae, Aika and Jurina, who could never be replaced. She laughed at jokes and played with vigour and she thought she was lucky. She knew of people who had worse problems and Mayu thought, she didn’t have it as bad.
But then, there were those late nights where she stayed awake. The ones that made her eyes wet as she thought about how alone she was. The sole heiress to an entire kingdom, who was constantly watched and had to watch herself in order to present herself properly every minute of each day. Sometimes Mayu would find herself crying her heart out as the pressure weighs down on her and she suddenly convinces herself that she could never be as good of a ruler as her mother and that the kingdom would hate her, nobody liking her, that her cherished friends and family would abandon her, leaving Mayu truly and utterly alone. The times when she made herself feel horrid and question everything she had.
Then, Mayu would wonder, if she was ever happy at all.

Now, that answer seemed further away than ever before. As she stared through the gaps, seeing the setting sun, the lights making Yuki’s silhouette even more beautiful, Mayu could only answer in the only way she knew how; truthfully.

“I don’t know.”

There’s a silence again, tense and uncomfortable. And Yuki was the first to break it.

“Are you still there?” Yuki asked.

It was such an innocent question, said with such naivety, so different from Yuki’s image so far, that it made Mayu unexpectedly puff out a laugh, the tension dissipating immediately.

“Yes, I am still here.” Mayu smiled.

“Are you stuck?”

“No, I can’t go in.”


“It’s blocked.”

Suddenly, Mayu heard an approaching rustling. Yuki grinned as she appeared into Mayu’s view. Yuki was mysterious to Mayu, always surprising her. One minute she could be a mature adult who contemplated even the finer things in life, and then the next, act like a childish minor who found everything fascinating.

“Let me help you.” Yuki said, walking to the block.

“I don’t think you can-”

However before Mayu’s protest could continue, Yuki had already pushed forward the heavy wooden block, over five metres forward. Even Sae struggled with moving the block at least two metres. Mayu stared at Yuki with awe. She truly was an entity.

“Well, I better go.” Yuki smiled.

“Where are you going?” Mayu almost demanded, shocked by the sudden comment.

“Back to the inn…” Yuki bemusedly answered.

“Don’t be silly, you must come stay with me at the palace.” Mayu answered.

Now that both of them were together on palace grounds, with Yuki shocking and entertaining her every minute, there was no way Mayu was going to let Yuki go home without finding more about her. She hadn’t felt this interested in someone else in a very long time.

“Oh Queen Mayu, I could never intrude.” Yuki replied.

Mayu noticed the change in address and she hid her surprise and the sudden displeasure. It reinstated that the dreamlike was truly over. She was the Queen of Pieta.

“Nonsense, it is my pleasure." Mayu said. "I can’t allow a lone girl to walk by herself in the night.”


“I insist.”

Mayu knew full well how stubborn and persuasive she could be. She wasn’t the Queen for nothing.

“Well, as you command, Your Highness.” said Yuki, lightly curtsying with a light humour that brought a smile to Mayu’s face.

When they entered the palace, Mayu found the palace to be quiet. Far more silent than usual. She wondered where everyone was, especially Sae’s location.

“The palace is truly beautiful.” quietly said Yuki, the stillness even affecting her.

“Thank you. My father told me that the Watanabe royal family had ruled for over 150 years.”

“My, that is a long time. I feel privileged to be allowed entry once again.”

All of a sudden, Mayu spotted a maid, who looked rather frantic. Upon seeing her, the attendee immediately headed towards her, quickly bowing.

“What is it?” asked Mayu, alerted by the woman’s frantic behaviour.

“My Queen, where have you been?” she asked, making Mayu freeze.

If the maid knew of her disappearance, it must mean others have discovered that she had left, deserting her position. Before she could even think about how everyone found out, Mayu was concerned about what this would imply. This action alone would put her position as Queen at risk. If disapprovers caught wind of this, it would add oil to the already simmering flame. 

“The chief advisor wishes to speak with you.” the maid continued.

Instantly worried, Mayu had no choice but to follow.

“If you excuse me Yuki-san.” Mayu offered, feeling deeply sorry. However, the dangerous situation at hand was her top priority.

“Of course Queen Mayu.” Yuki graciously answered. “I’ll just be exploring this lovely hall.”

Nodding her thanks, Mayu headed towards the Kameko’s office, anticipating a difficult conversation.

With the announcement of her arrival, Mayu entered Kameko’s office. As she went inside, Mayu instantly could tell the elderly man was flustered. The once happy man who Mayu had granted permission to take her place in royal duties, now stood tensely. Kameko gazed at Mayu with disapproval; his wrinkles deep making him look even more like a turtle than ever before.

“Queen Mayu, what you have done today was extremely irresponsible.” he sternly said, already beginning his lecture. “How could you do such a thing? As Queen of the country, you should know better. What would hae happened if opposers heard about your negligence? Or god forbid, if something happened to Your Highness? Queen Mayu may be a young girl but please think of what the kingdom would have become if they lost yet another ruler so soon.”

Kameko’s words hit her hard and as if the wind was knocked out of her, Mayu had no words. She had never felt so ashamed of herself.

“I’m just thankful that I bumped into that soldier that let me know of the search.” he said, this information allowing Mayu know that Sae must have sent soldiers looking for her, making her wonder why. “If not yourself, think of the citizens of Pieta before you act so careless… I think it’s best if you don’t leave the palace for a while.” 

“Yes.” Mayu finally answered. “I believe that would be the right decision.”

She stared at the elderly man whose eyes were now filled with pity. “I’m glad you understand Queen Mayu.” Finally with a sigh, Kameko said. “I can imagine it’s been a long day for you. Please go for dinner and have a rest. I will take care of the remaining tasks.”

“Thank you.” Mayu dejectedly answered.

However, suddenly she remembered something. Opening her cloak, she took out a small bag. Instantly, Kameko was hit by a sweet scent. Lightly, Mayu placed the bag on his desk.

"They are cookies." Mayu gently informed. "I thought you would like to try them."

Then, before she could see Kameko's expression, Mayu left.

With heavy, quiet steps, Mayu walked down the hallway. She had never loathed herself more than at that moment. How could she go outside, deserting her position, knowing full well of the consequences? She realised that with her selfish desire of freedom, Mayu had made almost the entire castle rustle with worry. Guilt filled her tiny body and she knew it would be the last time she would leave the palace on her own. It looked like she wouldn't be able to fulfil one thing on her list; visiting the city at least once a week.

Suddenly, Mayu spotted the same attendee. She immediately bowed upon spotting the approaching Queen, who only smiled. It was not her fault Mayu was in trouble. She was the one who chose the wrong decision.

“Tell the chef to cook salmon tonight.” Mayu gently said.

With a quick glance and a nod, followed by “Yes Your Majesty”, the attendee disappeared in the direction of the kitchen. Even though she was feeling down, Mayu decided she would hide the fact in order to make her guest of the night feel at home. Mayu walked back to where she left Yuki and discovered her quickly. She was merely standing in front of the palace tapestries, but Mayu found even that sight to be beautiful. With her back straight and her hair tilted slightly back, Mayu could see how sculpted Yuki’s face was, as if the greatest sculptors had gathered and designed Yuki’s profile to create a masterpiece.
However, as Mayu slowly approached, she saw Yuki’s gaze and was surprised. Yuki’s face was painted with a tight frown and a blank gaze. When Mayu looked closely, she could feel the malice that radiated off Yuki’s dark stare and Mayu felt a shiver go through her. Ignoring the odd sensation, Mayu advanced to her.

“Is something the matter Yuki-san?”

Yuki jumped she heard Mayu’s voice. She must have been truly involved with her own thoughts. Quickly, Yuki looked at the Queen with a smile. Mayu felt relieved; perhaps it was just her imagination.

“Nothing Queen Mayu.” she replied. “I was just looking at these tapestries. They are fascinating.”

Mayu turned to them. Three large tapestries draped against the walls, the images being in the family for as long as Mayu could remember. The first tapestry depicted two identical young girls, standing over a castle as it burned amongst the yellow and orange fires. The second tapestry displayed a majestic crowned man, standing above the same castle, but this time it was blackened as if the castle was burnt. The final tapestry weaved an image of the same man, fighting a fanged beast, a creature that was between man and monster.

“They have been in our family for generations.” Mayu said. “My father told me long ago the tales behind the creation of them but unfortunately I have forgotten.”

“That’s a shame.” Yuki replied, rather wistfully. “I’m sure they would have been a frightfully delightful bedtime story.”

Mayu stood in the doorway while Yuki inspected the bedroom. 

“This is the guest room.” Mayu said. “I hope it meets your expectations and please do not hesitate to call for assistance if you so need it.”

“It’s wonderful.”

Mayu smiled, about to take her leave to change before dinner.

“Wait your Majesty.” suddenly spoke Yuki.

All of a sudden, Mayu felt Yuki’s cold hand on her wrist. Startled by Yuki’s abrupt action, Mayu stared at Yuki with a surprise. The two stood, Yuki faltered by the shock that went through her cold body, while Mayu felt the frozen by Yuki’s wide gaze and freezing contact. They stared at each other with the same surprise, but Yuki was the first to gain control of herself. Yuki’s eyes became serious and Mayu felt herself blush under the intense gaze.

“You will listen to my commands.” suddenly said Yuki, in a monotonous voice.

Mayu stared at Yuki, silent with shock. Yuki was still staring at Mayu, repeating the same words again.

“You will listen to my commands.”

Hearing her say the same thing, in the same voice, it made Mayu burst out with confusion. “What are you talking about Yuki-san?”

A glaze of surprise covered Yuki’s eyes, but it quickly disappeared into her dark pupils. Mayu suddenly felt Yuki let go and warmth returned to her hand, along with pins and needles. She wondered if Yuki was really gripping her hand so hard that it temporarily stopped her blood flow. Mayu felt bashful and rather concerned about what happened. No one had looked at her with such passion before, and it flustered her. In addition, Yuki’s odd behaviour made Mayu more and more disordered.

“I can imagine you saying that to your loyal subjects.” Yuki jested.

Is that all that it was? If so, then Mayu had over reacted. After a moment, Mayu chose to act normally, however she was still wary. However, after the day she had spent with Yuki, to Mayu, her actions didn’t cause any distrust.

Mayu laughed with relief and ease. “Please Yuki-san, I would never sound like that.”

Yuki returned a polite laughter, her reaction received well by the Queen. “Thank you again for the room Queen Mayu.”

“It’s my pleasure.” Mayu said. “Someone will come for you when it is time for dinner.”

Yuki nodded, and lightly curtsied when Mayu turned to leave. Closing the door, Mayu was truly amused by Yuki’s unpredictable actions. She pondered, if she would ask Yuki to stay in the palace until her holiday was over.

As soon as the bedroom door closed, the smile on Yuki’s face instantly disappeared and a deep frown took its place. Making sure the door was locked, Yuki opened the large window, looking down from the two storey height and gazed at the palace forest just beyond the high wall at the end of the palace gardens.
Suddenly, with a jump of primal speed, Yuki dashed into the palace’s forests, where she knew her other half would be waiting.

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Re: All Angels - Chapter 03 [01/02/2014] UPDATED!
« Reply #15 on: February 01, 2014, 09:00:48 PM »
briliant as always... :on GJ:

so much mysteries...I can't even make a raw guess where this story will go...but that's what makes this more interesting...

will wait for the next update...

one again BRILIANT :on GJ:

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Re: All Angels - Chapter 03 [01/02/2014] UPDATED!
« Reply #16 on: February 04, 2014, 07:37:46 AM »
WAW !! so many mistery came up !
the ending was cracked me up...... another half yukirin? eh? huh? :?
waaaah cant wait for the next chapter! :cow: :cow:

well so many mayuki :3 I like it ! so sweet... and I cant imagine if I can sub mayu position :v nyahahaha :lol: I will dead by sure.... :lol:

thanks for the update! :bow: :bow:

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Re: All Angels - Chapter 03 [01/02/2014] UPDATED!
« Reply #17 on: February 04, 2014, 12:54:04 PM »
Yukirin has another half?
Yukarin? lol
I knew it! Yukirin ish EVIL!!!! She wants to take over our beloved cyborg and make her succumb to her lustful desires!!!
Jokes aside, Yukirin kinda feels like a vampire. Ya know, the 'Look into my eyes!!!' phenomena.

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Re: All Angels - Chapter 03 [01/02/2014] UPDATED!
« Reply #18 on: February 05, 2014, 03:00:54 AM »
Eh? Yukirin? Whatcha up to?

Was she trying to hypnotize Mayu there?

I wonder why it didn't work... Will she try again, or will she do it to someone else?

Can't wait for an update. Do it soon. :heart:
« Last Edit: July 07, 2014, 01:17:19 AM by Ruka Kikuchi »

:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
:heart: l Collab threads: Sky&Ruka l Ruka&Michael l :heart:
 l Compilation thread: 48G New Gen l :heart:


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Re: All Angels - Chapter 03 [01/02/2014]
« Reply #19 on: July 06, 2014, 06:56:56 PM »
so many mystery!! Update soon please  :twothumbs

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