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Author Topic: Kate's OS Box ~ Untitled [SayaMilky] - Update (15/5/16)  (Read 214461 times)

Offline imteedee

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Re: Kate's OS Box ~ AKB:Kingdom Intro - [MultiPairing] - Update (4/10/13)
« Reply #140 on: October 28, 2013, 04:05:17 AM »
WOI! you threatening me?! I'LL ACCEPT YER ANGSTY ENDING FULL-HEARTEDLY! KATEY  :lol: :lol:

anyway, I'm so full with fluff and unicorns right now,  :roll:
my hat is off. saluting.

Offline imteedee

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Re: Kate's OS Box ~ AKB:Kingdom Intro - [MultiPairing] - Update (4/10/13)
« Reply #141 on: October 28, 2013, 07:14:53 AM »
Is it just me? I'm sensing Ryuuka's presence here....  :shocked :smhid
my hat is off. saluting.

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Re: Kate's OS Box ~ AKB:Kingdom Intro - [MultiPairing] - Update (4/10/13)
« Reply #142 on: October 28, 2013, 08:46:58 AM »
Is it just me? I'm sensing Ryuuka's presence here....  :shocked :smhid
yea me too Tii I have this kind of feeling  :smoke:
and Kate good luck with your exams I already started my exams T_T   :onioncheer:

Jurina is my oshi forever!! (>w<)/
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Offline katekyohit

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Re: Kate's OS Box ~ Eternal Devotion - [MaYuki] - Update (6/11/13)
« Reply #143 on: November 05, 2013, 05:12:46 PM »
A/N: This is a birthday OS to LoyalFlutist~ The longest MaYuki OS (Oneshot in general) I EVER WROTE IN MY LIFE. Phew, I hope it turned out to be good~ Even though its gonna be her birthday the next day, its already her birthday at my timezone! (I DUN CARE) Jya~ So I hope every MaYuki fans will enjoy this as well! =) Cheers~!

Eternal Devotion
~Pairing: Mayuki~

A/N: Thanks to Sakura-chan and Imteedee that help me with proofreading! Also, this is the recommendation from Imteedee before reading the story~

1.   Prepare popcorn and soda
2.   Stay away from sharp things
3.   Prepare tissues
4.   Avoid making such 'inappropriate expressions' while reading to avoid commotion

A pre-wedding part was hosted in Kashiwagi shrine on the day before the wedding. Yuki’s close friend since high school, Haruna, was getting married. The lucky person that would have her as a wife was apparently younger. That person was Yuko. Since they both were good friends with Yuki, the Kashiwagi shrine offered to host the wedding ceremony for both of them. Haruna and Yuko invited their close friends from high school and college to the pre-wedding party at Yuki’s shrine. Also, it seemed Yuki got permission from her parents to go join the party with Haruna and Yuko since it was their wedding party.

“Let’s drink~!”

Yuko was drunk and she’s forcing all her friends to drink including Yuki. Oh dear, everyone’s so drunk now. Haruna giggled at how her soon-to-be husband (?) was enjoying her moments with her friends before taking another big step of life. Then she spotted this short girl with glasses sitting beside Yuko and had to take the burden of dealing with the drunken Oshima… she remembered that girl very well, she’s Watanabe Mayu. She was the honor student that went to study at a prestigious medical school in United Kingdom after high school graduation.

“Neh Yuki~rin~”

Haruna giggled and tapped Yuki, who was sitting beside her, on the shoulder. She could see that her miko friend was staring at Mayu for quite a while already ever since the party started.

“Do you still like Mayu?”

Yuki blushed instantly and stared at Haruna. Then she slowly diverted her eyes back to this calm cyborg girl. It made her heart fluttered slightly. With Yuki’s reaction, Haruna could tell that her question struck right at the bull’s eye.

“Isn’t it quite a while since we met her after we graduated from high school? You should talk to her tonight, it’s a big opportunity!”

Haruna supported her friend with her unrequited crush she had since high school. Yuki had this crush on Mayu back when they’re still students. Back then,Mayu was extremely popular as she’s a very talented kendo player as well as an honored student of the year. But that wasn’t the thing that attracted Yuki to her… there was a story behind it and she only shared it with Haruna.


It was a very simple story yet very adorable, one of the days back in school, afterschool, Yuki was trying to help this poor cat that got stuck on the tree. By chance, Mayu was there as well and she came in to help. The shorter one climbed up the tree and rescued the cat like a hero, and then they realized that the cat had an owner… there was an address behind its nametag. So they went on a journey to find the owner of the cat. It was the first time they got to walk and talk together since their status in school was just too different.

“Kashiwagi-san, are you…struggling in your classes?” Mayu asked and she hoped that the question wasn’t too offensive to the miko girl.

“A-A little, I’m not good in terms of academics that’s why…”

“I see… If so, how about we study together?”


“I would love to help you, but it’s totally up to you whether you want it or not.” Mayu smiled back to her. 

Yuki wouldn’t expect to receive such kind offer from Mayu, and she didn’t even reply to her until they took almost the whole afternoon to return the cat to its rightful owner. Even more, Mayu went to send Yuki at her shrine since it’s getting late already. Right before the shorter one would leave, the miko grasped her courage and call her out loud.



“I-If you don’t mind someone stupid like me…I would love to study together with you…”

Then she saw this big delightful smile across Mayu’s face. That gentle made her heart skipped a beat; it was the smile that she remembered even until now. She swore she never saw that beautiful smile of hers in school at all.

“Sounds great! Also, just call my Mayu. Watanabe-san sounds too formal though.”

“Then please call me Yukirin too…Kashiwagi-san indeed sounds too formal.”

“Okay, I’ll see you at school tomorrow Yukirin!”

Mayu smiled lively at her before she left. Leaving the miko’s heart racing like crazy. Yuki had fallen in love with the shorter girl ever since then… after that, they had been studying with each other secretly without anyone knowing throughout their last final year in high school. Her feelings started to develops she spent more time with Mayu and apparently until now…her feelings remained unchanged.


However, even with those irreplaceable memories she shared with Mayu. It had been years since she had talked with her again. The fear that Mayu would’ve forgotten about her constantly haunted her every time she wanted to go up to Watanabe girl.

“S-Should I…? Maybe she might’ve forgotten about me--”

“You wouldn’t know! You MUST talk to her tonight okay? At least, get her contact details and catch up with her every now and then.”


Yuki blushed, her eyes still staring at Mayu and her head was filled with dilemma about how would she approach this doctor, as Haruna demanded her to do… She was too afraid that the person she had fell in love with wouldn’t even remember her after all these years they had lost contact with each other…


“Oi~ Ma~Yu~Yu~”

“…Yuko, you’re drunk.”

Mayu sighed as Yuko threw her arms around her neck and pulled the doctor in closer. Obviously she could smell strong alcohol from Yuko’s lips. Her friend was such a hardcore drinker despite she’s got drunk easily with just one glass of weak alcohol.

“Do you still like Yukirin?”

“S-Shut up…”

Mayu blushed from under her glasses. Yuko knew how to bully her best friend very well using the name of the woman that Mayu had a crush on…but obviously she was such a tsundere that she never made a move at all throughout her last year in high school.Her feelings for the miko still remained the same, and it’s an unrequited love for her. That was the main reason she never had a boyfriend yet, it’s because she couldn’t forget about her love from high school yet.


It’s been a month ever since Yuki and Mayu secretly studied together after the school was over. However, in just one single month, they had amazingly become really close with each other. Who would’ve thought that they actually just started knowing each other last month? However…there were some few close friends of Mayu realized how the famous Watanabe and quiet Kashiwagi appeared to be quite close to each other.

One of that was Yuko. One day she accidently found Mayu and Yuki at the deepest part of the library studying while she was looking for books. Yuko swore that she never saw that kind of happy smile from Mayu before…and that’s when she was only with Yuki. The squirrel girl couldn’t hold back her curiosity and had to run up Watanabe to clarify this.

“Neh Mayu…I saw you at the library yesterday after school.”

“Y-Yeah!?” Her voice changed and seemed to tense up immediately. Maybe it was because she was caught red-handed with Yuki for the first time.

“Hey I’m really curious…since when you’re close to Yukirin?”

“W-Well…A month ago when I offered to help her with her studies…”

“Wow, that’s surprising, rarely you gave out offers like that!”

Yuko was completely dumbfounded as she listened to Mayu’s reply. Also, she realized how her friend was blushing and tensing up as the conversation kept on going. Her brilliant mind came to a conclusion and obviously, it made her gawked in silence. The Watanabe girl saw that and had to ask back with curiosity.

“What the hell was with that face Yuko?”

“Mayu…” She came in closer and whispered in order to avoid anyone hearing their conversation. “Don’t tell me you’ve fallen in love with Yukirin?”

Mayu was stunned and obviously jerked back with anger. “N-No way I’m in love with----!!”

She froze; she can’t complete her sentence as Yuki’s face appeared in her mind. Her face flushed like a tomato and its impossible for her to deny that claim Yuko made. The squirrel girl could tell from the cyborg’s expression that she nailed right on the bull’s eye… it apparently became their secret ever since then.


“How about this~” Yuko whispered evilly into Mayu’s ears. “I’ll make Yuki super drunk tonight and you take her out and spend time with her…neh~?”

“What is this…one of your evil schemes?”

“You better make a move or I’ll kill you~”


Mayu sighed softly but she couldn’t argue against Yuko’s plan. Deep down inside her subconscious wanted this as well. She wanted to get the opportunity to spend time with the person she had a crush since high school… What a twisted love between Mayu and Yuki, what would happen between both of them…?


“Let’s party~! Let’s play truth or dare!!”

Yuko pulled her other friends including Haruna, Yuki, and Mayu to join the circle. Oshima-sama led the game and told everyone that if they refuse to do what their mission was, they would have to drink one shot to forfeit it. Yuko rested her arms on one of her kouhai’s shoulder she got from college. Apparently they studied the same major and that’s how they met each other.

“Saku-chan~ Spin da bottle!” Yuko ordered her favorite kouhai, Watanabe Sakura.

“Haihai Yuko-senpai.” She did as her drunken senpai ordered and then the tip of the bottle ended up stopping at the poor shy miko.

“Ah-hah~ Yu~kirin~”

Yuko smirked and it made Yuki feel the chill running down her spine…she didn't feel good about this. Then suddenly, the boss of the game threw the most perverted question to her. It was her plan to make Yuki refuse to answer, and she had to drink, and that would open the opportunity for Mayu.

“What’s your favorite SEX position?”


“Y-Yuko! That’s too perverted!”

Haruna went pinched Yuko’s cheek and everyone around the circle didn’t expect Yuko to throw in such a question like that. Everyone literally almost coughed out their drinks out from their mouth. Even Yuko’s kouhai, Sakura, was blushing terribly and embarrassed with how perverted her senpai was. Obviously, Yuki was out of words, and as Yuko planned, she had to drink a whole glass of alcohol to forfeit that turn. The perverted squirrel knew that the innocent miko wouldn’t answer such perverted question like that. As for Mayu…she couldn’t believe that Yuko asked that kind of question to Yuki. It almost killed her just to imagine it…

“Ok~ next next~”

The game kept going on and Yuko kept asking perverted questions with other people, she’s literally forcing everyone to drink but the her doctor pal knew her well. Mayu answered Yuko’s perverted questions bluntly and as a result, she didn’t have to drink as much comparing to others… The person who drank the most would probably be… the Kashiwagi girl. As Mayu was watching other people started to reach their limits, on the miko girl’s side…her face was completely red and she looked really off.

(Mayu: Uh…I wonder will Yukirin be alright?)

“HAHA~ it’s you again Yukirin~”

The next turn, it ended up at Yuki again. However, she seemed to lose her conscious already and she’s in a drunken state. The perverted questions didn’t stop coming at all.

“If you have to choose who to have sex with out of people in this circle who would it be?”

As expected from the perverted squirrel…another bold question once again. Normally Yuki would refuse to answer, but since she’s drunk, she actually answered the question with such a dazed off face.

“Eh…it will be Mayu?”

She hiccupped while she replied and obviously, the doctor still had her complete sane, blushed madly. Yuko could see that and she loved how the game was proceeding right now.

“OH~ Mayuyuhm? I’m curious~! Why~?”

“B-Because…I felt rather comfortable with her…”

Yuki blushed while she was holding the glass of alcohol in her hands. Mayu’s head felt like exploding but she tried to remain her posture as much as possible so no one could see her blushing cheeks. The next round, Saku-chan spun the bottle again and it landed on Mayu this time.

“Mayuyu! If you can choose do you wanna have sex with Yukirin~?!”

(Mayu: W-Why that question!?)

Mayu stumbled for the first time in this game. Normally she would reply quickly to avoid drinking any further, however, this question was just too much for her. Yuko obviously knew her answer. The doctor diverted her eyes to the miko sitting opposite of her quickly and saw Yuki staring at her with drooling puppy eyes. No one knew whether she was still sane enough to interpret the situation or not but still… Mayu refused to answer.

“…I refuse to answer.”

“Aw damn~ Then kiss Yuki~”

“W-What!?” Mayu was shocked.

“Nnn…I don’t mind…” Drunken Yuki replied and definitely she didn’t know what she was saying at that moment.

“N-No! I won’t do it!” Mayu declared without hesitation and it made Yuki pouted like a child.

“Booo~ then you drink two glasses now you bastard~!”

Yuko teased her and the doctor couldn’t help but to sigh with how crazy her friend was. They game kept going and Mayu couldn’t help but to think of that question again and again. It was haunting her mind every time she thought of that question…her answer would always be yes. Deep inside she didn’t want to admit that she had sexual desires for Yuki at times… However, she was resisting her temptation. She believed that Yukirin wouldn’t see her anything more than just a high school friend.


Finally, the game ended because everyone was completely worn out from the intense drinking. Haruna could tell that Yuki had lost her control already and started to get a little worried of her miko friend. Yuki wasn’t a party drinker, obviously this was her first time drinking. She seemed to break over her limits already.

“Mayu do you mind give me a hand?”


“I think Yuki is too drunk already…will you take care of her?”

“S-Sure…” Mayu blushed. She didn’t expected things to fit in her way that easily.

Obviously who would refuse that? She helped supporting Yuki by wrapping her arm around the miko’s waist before they exit out from the party room. Mayu thought that sitting outside and inhaling fresh air would help Yuki felt better. As they sat down in a much quiet place, she put Yuki down and she rested her head against the wooden pole.

“Yukirin…are you okay?”

“Nnn…I’m fine…”

(Mayu: Completely not. She’s completely drunk.)

The doctor sighed as she sat beside Yuki and decided to accompany her for quite a while before deciding what to do next. Maybe she planned to wait until Yuki got her sane back, and then take her back to her room later after that. It’s been a while she got to be alone together with Yukirin. When was the last time again? It was back when they were still students in high school. No one knew about their intimate friendship aside from Yuko… it made the doctor wonder throughout these years of losing connection, would Yuki still remember their times together?

“Mayu…do you hate me?”

A sudden blunt question made Mayu froze. She turned to the drunken miko and could see her staring at the doctor with such droopy eyes. She couldn’t understand why Yuki would ask that kind of question out of blue.

“E-Eh? Why did you think like that?”

“I don’t know…you refuse to kiss…”

The doctor blushed even more and her heart was about to burst through her rib cage, but she tried to calm down as much as she could since right now. Yuki was drunk, badly. She’s not at her complete self at the moment.

“It’s not that I hate you, I have a reason…”

“What is it?”

Yuki didn’t stop questioning her. It made Mayu gave up and she decided to just tell her. Since Yuki was so drunk right now, high likely, the miko lady wouldn’t remember what happen tonight.

“…You should save your first kiss with someone you love, not to this kind of game. I don’t want to take your first kiss when you’re drunk like this.”


“I’ll escort you back to your room now, okay?”

“Wait…answer me first.”


“That question…that Yuko asked…if you can choose who will you have sex with?”

It was the same question that Yuki was asked, and her answer was Mayu. The doctor looked away, blushing badly. But when she looked back, she realized that the miko was still waiting for her answer. Her eyes were just so mesmerizing and it made Mayu gulped with frustration.

“I ah…uh…”

“I’m curious…who?”

“D-Do you really want to know?”

“Yes…please…” Yuki begged with a very seducing soft tone. Obviously it wasn’t intentionally but still it landed a critical damage to Mayu’s mental health instantly. That was sure deadly.

“…I-It’s you.”

Yuki smiled and seemed to be waiting for that answer. She held Mayu’s cheeks and pulled her closer for a kiss. It was a short kiss, yet very gentle and sweet. Despite the taste of alcohol from Yuki’s lips…it blew Mayu’s mind away as those lips were just so soft and addictive.


“My first kiss…I don’t mind if it’s you, and now…I’ve given to you.”

The doctor’s mental broke down instantly. While she was trying to recollect pieces of her mind back, Yuki dropped herself into Mayu’s arms and whispered softly without any embarrassment at the slightest.

“Neh…let’s do it.”

“H-Huh!?” Definitely, Mayu believed that she misheard what Yuki was saying, but unfortunately her ears were not deceiving her. She couldn’t believe that the miko was inviting her to make love.

“Didn’t you say you’ll pick me if you have to choose?”

“B-But that’s limited in the circle!”

Mayu argued back but then she could feel Yuki hugging her tighter. That soft round feeling that was resting against her chest and it’s making her heart race even more. With incorporation of Yuki’s tempting words…it made her mind covered with dirty thoughts. But still, she resisted that temptation.



Such a sexy voice calling Mayu’s name…She was holding herself back so much and she’s reaching her limits. The doctor bid her lips and cursed herself in her head so badly. Since she would be regretting what she’s going to do now…

“…Damn it!”

Mayu pushed Yuki away from her body and crashed her lips against the miko’s. All of the doctor’s desire to hold the woman in front of her erupted out. The kiss became bolder as Yuki’s arms wrapped around Mayu’s head, pulling her in closer to deepen their kiss. Dr. Watanabe tilted her head to the side slightly and pushed her tongue into Yuki’s mouth. Exploring and tasting the alcohol left over inside Yuki’s mouth, every contact she had made with Yuki’s tongue sent sparks into her nerve and triggered more of her desire. It was such a funny feeling with their tongue touched each other, but what Mayu knew right now was that its arousing her so badly. They’re hungered for each other, Yuki kissed as equally roughly back. However, they eventually had to break off to catch some breath.

“Let’s go to my room…” She whispered against Mayu’s lips.


Without further saying the doctor carried her in a bridal style and took Yuki back to her room. As they entered the dark silent room…Mayu didn’t care even to lock the door. She lusted too much for Yuki…She dropped her miko onto the traditional tatami bed in the middle of the room and crawled on top of her.


“Please…tonight, call me Yuki.”

Mayu gulped and whispered her name softly against her neck. “Yuki…”

She did as what her miko ordered and without further ado, she started undressing Yuki’s miko dress while they we kissing each other. She rested her arms on Mayu’s shoulder and enjoying every moment the doctor was nibbling and sucking the bottom of her lip. Even more, she couldn’t help but to yelp every time the doctor’s icy fingers brushed against her body. Mayu’s lips interrupted her moans so that no one would be hearing them…



The young miko slowly woke up from her slumber, she tried to move but then she felt so much pain down at her groin…after she regained her senses back, she realized that there was a warm figure beside her. Her eyes shot opened and then she saw Mayu in front of her sleeping. Her shirt was unbuttoned and she’s not wearing any pants. Another second, Yuki realized she was actually naked in Mayu’s arms and blushed instantly. She accidently shoved Mayu away from her and caused the doctor to wake up abruptly with surprise and shock.


Yuki couldn’t even call Mayu’s name properly and the doctor also had snapped back to reality. Both of their faces were blushing badly, Mayu realized her shirt was unbuttoned by Yuki last night…and she hurried and buttoned it back up. The naked Kashiwagi covered herself with her miko outfit beside her with embarrassment. She couldn’t recall what happened last night at all, and only thing she could think that happen was that…she had sex with Mayu.

“W-What happen…Why am I…n-naked?”

“…I-I’m sorry!!”

Mayu bowed her head down onto the floor and it made Yuki startled badly. “I-I was so drunk last night and I…I’m really sorry! I’m really sorry Yukirin!”

The miko was surprised to see how bluntly Mayu was apologizing to her. Mayu knew that Yuki couldn’t remember anything that happened last night due to how shocked Yuki was. The doctor couldn’t just tell her that Yuki was seducing Mayu to have sex with her… she rather lied to Yuki, and take the blame instead.

“I-It’s okay…it’s not your fault Mayu…I guess we’re both drunk and…things happened.”

Yuki forgave her and thought in an optimistic perspective instead. Then their conversation seemed to end there as Yuki glanced at the watch and realize that only one hour left before Yuko and Haruna’s wedding.

“W-We better get dressed up now!”


Both of them dressed up properly and then went out from the room, Yuki had to help her parents prepare the wedding ceremony and Mayu offered to give her a hand. As expected, they were the last to arrive among all the guests and Yuko caught them red-handed.

“You’re late! What have you guys been doing??” Yuko questioned out of curiosity.

“W-Well…Uh…” Yuki froze as she couldn’t come up with an excuse to give to Yuko, but then Mayu interrupted and gave Yuki a push at the back.

“We slept in! Sorry about that! Yukirin and I will have to go help with the preparation now, see you in a minute later Yuko.”

Mayu replied quickly and gave Yuki a push. Obviously Yuko was slightly surprised, as they seemed to be close out of the sudden. Maybe something happened last night. Oh dear, perverted thoughts ran through Yuko’s head and it made her smirked softly. She hoped what she thought was true; she would have to ask Mayu for clarification.


Finally, the time for the wedding had begun. Everything was all prepared and Yuki and Mayu came rushing from the back after she had finished her job. There were two seats left, Yuki was ahead so she sat down but when Mayu saw that last seat beside Yuki…she hesitated. The image of their lovemaking last night flashed into her head and it made her afraid. Yuki could see hesitation in Mayu’s eyes, and she knew that it must be from the last night event that she couldn’t remember.

“Mayu…sit here.”

Yuki made the first move and it caught the doctor off guard. She nodded obediently and sat down beside Yuki, as well as whispered thank you softly. They both watched the wedding proceeded, Haruna was totally gorgeous that day and the suit looked good on Yuko too. They looked very happy and they were perfect for each other. Mayu never knew that time flew by so fast, she and Yuko were close buddies back then, and now, she’s moving forward to make a family. The doctor wondered what would her love life be like…would she be able to stand there at the same spot as Yuko with the person she loved? When she thought of her true partner…Yuki’s face popped up and it made her blushed slightly.

(Mayu: Yabai! This is bad…I have to focus on Yuko’s wedding!)

As for Yuki… as she saw Haruna in the wedding dress, she wondered when would be the day she would be wearing that as well. Then suddenly, thoughts about this morning flashed back into her mind, she was lying naked in Mayu’s arms and couldn’t recall anything that happened…she had sex with the person she had a crush since high school. What could be worse than this?

(Yuki: I-I have to stop thinking about this morning! Focus… on Haruna’s wedding!)

They both watched the wedding until the end while trying not to think of what happened last night between both of them… After everything was done, everyone congratulate them and both KojiYuu decided to go back to Haruna’s place and later to Yuko’s in order to pay a big visit to her parents who couldn’t make it for the wedding. Other guests started to return back home after they enjoyed the KojiYuu wedding. However, Mayu was the last guest to leave… she got a good excuse since she stayed back to help both Mr. and Ms. Kashiwagi cleaning up everything.

“Thank you so much for your help Mayu-chan~” Ms. Kashiwagi smiled gently as she was wearing the identical miko outfit as Yuki.

“Not at all, I didn’t have anything to do after this so I should help clean up.”

“Such a gentlemen! If you’re a man, I wouldn’t mind handing over my daughter to you!” Yuki’s father teased her and it made Mayu blushed terribly. She was so scared that her father would find out that last night Yuki and her did make love with each other.

“Alright~ we’re finally done! Do you want some snacks or tea Mayu-chan?”

“E-Eh…I don’t want to be a bother after I had stayed at your place yesterday alrea---”

“Please don’t! You helped prepare and clean up the mess for us! Let me show you some gratitude okay?”

“Thank you ma’am.” Mayu nodded, as she didn’t want to refuse Yuki’s mother’s offer.

“Oh right! Can you go grab Yuki from outside while I prepare afternoon snacks for all of us.”


The doctor went out to the entrance as Yuki was cleaning the front of the shrine every day as usual. Mayu stared at the lovely miko from behind and was mesmerized with her beauty as the wind brushed her hair in midair.

(Yuki: I love you too…I love you…Mayu, I love you…!)

Kashiwagi girl’s words echoed in Mayu’s head and she wondered whether that was her true feelings. She decided to take a shot and even though it would end miserably. Once she uttered a word…it went over the point of turning back.

“Yukirin.” She called out, and the miko turned to make an eye contact with her.

“O-Oh, Mayu, is something a matter?”

“I want to ask you something, it’s about last night…”

There we go, Yuki flinched as Mayu mentioned about last night. But the miko girl waited patiently to listen the whole question from the doctor.

“You said that, you love me…did you mean it?”

For god’s sake, if Yuki had the choice to sink down into the ground and escape, she would pick that option. She couldn’t recall what she said or did last night, but it seemed her hidden feelings were exposed. She wondered whether she could still lie to Mayu that or not, but seeing from the doctor’s frustrated eyes…she couldn’t bring herself to lie. The miko was too scared to even utter a single word at Mayu, so the doctor continued where she left off. 

“There’s something I never had told you… even since back in high school, even until now…I’m still in love with you.”

Yuki was too shocked and she dropped the broom. She could see Mayu blushing while she was talking to her. It was the first time she saw her doctor friend blushing like a kid. That second, a strong wind blown passed both of them while they were making an eye contact with another.

“T-To be honest…I’m really happy you said you love me last night…I don’t want it to be a lie. I don’t know whether those words are real or not but if it is, Kashiwagi Yuki…please be my girlfriend!!”

Mayu declared out loud in front of the shrine and thank god everyone left already, so there’s no one to overhear that. Yuki’s jaws dropped and she was blushing badly like a tomato. It was like a dream to her. The person she was in love since high school confessed she shared the same feelings as her. What could be better than that already?


“…P-Please, give me your answer.”

Mayu’s voice was shaking; she then realized that Mayu was as equally scared as her. It must’ve taken a lot of courage to confess her feelings and asked Yuki to be her girlfriend. She felt that she had to be brave and speak up as well…for her sake, and for Mayu’s sake.

“I-It’s real.”


“Those words…my feelings are real.” Yuki finally confessed and she covered her tomato cheeks with her hands. “I love you too, ever since from high school…”


Mayu couldn’t hold back her smile of relief, she ran in and embraced her miko tightly in her arms and it made Yuki’s heart ran faster. It was such a warm embrace from the doctor and she eventually hugged her back.

“Please…Yuki, will you be my girlfriend?”


Yuki replied clearly and it made Mayu hugged her even tighter. They slowly pushed each other away and had this longing eye contact with each other. Little by little, their face moved in closer while their eyes slowly closed. Finally, their lips met each other and it's the most nerve-wracking moment of their life right now. Even though they kissed countless times last night, but this was their first kiss as an official couple…

“I didn’t think we would feel the same…”

“Me too. I’m so happy right now.”

Mayu smiled while she embraced her girlfriend tightly. The warmth from the doctor’s body and words comforted the miko’s heart. Her dream was granted, she was able to hold Mayu as a lover and this was the best moment of her life so far.

“O-Oh right, your mother is preparing afternoon snacks and she told me to come call you in.”

Mayu just remembered and held Yuki’s hand gently. Now it wasn’t as awkward as Yuki felt anymore, since they’re officially a couple now. Kashiwagi was able to hold her hand as a lover, not as a friend anymore.

“…Okay.” She nodded and then they walked back into the shrine together, while holding each other’s hand.


After since that day, it had been 3 months since they started dating. Mayu often come to visit Yuki every weekend at the Kashiwagi shrine and would always bring sweets along with her as her visiting gift. Obviously, Yuki’s parents didn’t know that their miko daughter was dating the doctor right now. She would often go out to on a secret date with Mayu at the park close by to spend their lovey dovey time together.

“My parents really like you, do you know that?”

“Really?” Mayu questioned with slight surprise.

“Yes! You always bring gifts every time and you helped mom and dad with the shrine work…you don’t really have to do it.” Yuki giggled softly while they were sitting on the bench at the quiet park where no one would see them together.

“My grandfather owns a shrine too…so I often help him with his shrine works, so I really have fun when I helped things out here.”

“W-Wow I didn’t know that!”

“Well~ no one really know aside from you now…let it be our secret neh?”


Yuki blushed and it’s just what Mayu wanted. She pulled her miko in closer and kissed her forehead gently. Then hugged Yuki closely to her heart. Obviously that made her girlfriend flushed even more.


“Hehe~ you’re adorable…Yuki.”

Every time Mayu called her purely by her name, she couldn't help but her heart to skip a beat every now and then. When someone special called her just ‘Yuki’, it made her shy and blushed badly.

“By the way Mayu…”


“I’m curious, what really happen that night…the pre-wedding party night.”

Yuki brought up the topic once again and it almost make Mayu choked her own saliva. The miko got even more curious even though she knew what the answer could possibly be.

“Y-You really want to know?”

“Yes! I want to know what happen…AH! So you remembered!!”

“Uh…yes I do? You were actually REALLY drunk…I didn’t expect you to remember all of that.” Mayu admitted and then Yuki slapped her shoulder softly.

“Tell me!”

“O-Okay! But you’re ready to hear it…?”


Mayu sighed softly as she looked around first before she turned to her girlfriend. She moved her head in closer and spoke as softly as she could so no one would hear her aside from Yuki.

“We…really did have sex and it’s…uh…really crazy and rough.”

Yuki remained in silence, blushing like a tomato. Despite knowing the answer already, when she confirmed her intuition was right she couldn’t help but to be so embarrassed about it. She buried her face right onto Mayu’s shoulder to hide her blushing face

“M-Mou…I knew it…I’m really sorry, t-that explained the pain after that night…I can’t remember it at all.”

“It’s okay, it’s already in the past.”

“But…” Yuki sighed again and didn’t continue. It made the doctor confused for quite a while until the miko decided to tell her. It was just too embarrassing for her to even mention that out.

“I-It’s like, my first time, our first time…and I can’t remember it.”


Mayu understood what Yuki felt right now and pulled her in closer in order for the miko to rest her head on her shoulder. However, those words just made Yuki looked extremely adorable like an innocent virgin girl.

“We can do it properly…without you being drunk this time.”

Yuki blushed and just to think about having sex with Mayu just blew her mind away already. But then she didn’t hate it… if it was her lovely girlfriend she wouldn’t mind it. Besides that, her virginity was given to Dr. Watanabe already so there’s nothing to lose as well.


Mayu didn’t expect Yuki to reply her but it just made her extremely happy. The doctor cuddled her girlfriend closely and inhaled her sweet hair scent. It smelled like strawberry to her. After their little short date in the park, Mayu went back to the shrine together with Yuki, and then saw both Mr. and Ms. Kashiwagi dressed formally as if they’re going to head out somewhere.

“Mom? Dad? Where are you guys going?”

“Oh~ we have some little appointment with your dad’s old friend. We’ll be back soon~ Oh, and Mayu-chan, please look after Yuki-chan here if you don’t mind.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll stay here accompanying her.”

Mayu smiled innocently and it made both of Yuki’s parents feel relaxed. They left by the taxi and it’s now only Mayu and Yuki at the shrine. They both exchanged glanced and it was the doctor that made the initiation first. Mayu held Yuki’s hand gently, as if she was the princess.

“Neh…how about we spend time together in your room?”

“E-Eh?? N-Now??”

“What do you mea---Oh! NO!”

Mayu blushed, as she knew what Yuki was referring to. Obviously she didn’t have those dirty thoughts in her mind. She was just thinking of private couple time. However, that just made her wanted to do something perverted with Yuki…that was just bad for the innocent miko to bring it up.

 “N-Not that one! I-I mean just normal private couple time…”


“Don’t worry about that…didn’t know you’re that perverted.”

“H-Hey! It’s not my fault!”

“Hai~” Mayu giggled as they walked back into the shrine together, while holding each other’s hand. 

They sat inside Yuki’s room and the Kashiwagi girl sat in between Mayu’s leg and leaned her back towards the doctor. Mayu wrapped her arms around Yuki’s waist and rested her head against miko’s. Good thing that Mayu was leaning against the wall so that she’s able to support Yuki’s weight. They were just cuddling each other and enjoyed every second feeling each other’s warmth.

“Yuki…I love you.”

“Aw, I love you too…so much.”

Then Yuki turned her head to face Mayu while she was leaning on her. She caressed her face to get the angle before their lips connected with each other. Mayu responded by gently kissing her back. Their tongues tangled and teased each other while the doctor rested her hands on Yuki’s slender waist. It’s a very tender soothing kiss they shared together…and Kashiwagi wanted this to last forever.


That was the sound of the doorbell interrupted them, which meant that Yuki’s parents had returned. It caught them out of surprise and their kiss broke apart. It seemed their lovely moment for the week came to an end now. They went to greet Yuki’s parents at the entrance and then there was this good-looking man that came along with them. He was staring at Yuki and winked at her.

“Ah~ glad you here now Yuki! This is Miyazawa-kun! Do you remember him?”

“O-Oh!Sae-kun!? Wow, it’s been a long while!” Yuki exclaimed with surprise and a huge smile across her face. Then the ikemen man walked in and embraced the miko girl immediately.

“It is! I miss you so much Yukirin!”

He exclaimed and while Mayu was looking, she instantly got jealous with how this man she didn’t know was embracing her girlfriend like this. But since they apparently knew each other for so long, Mayu decided to let it through.

“So the meeting you said you had today is with Sae-kun?” Yuki turned to her parents and they nodded, however it seemed there was something behind more than just a simple ‘meeting’ with Miyazawa’s parents.

“Yuki, you’re already 25 aren’t you? Don’t you think it’s the time?”

Her father asked and it made the miko woman confused. Mr. Kashiwagi continued hoping that his daughter would understand and accept his decision. “I talked with Sae-kun’s father, and we decided to have you two engaged with each other.”

Both Mayu and Yuki frowned with shock while Sae was smiling with excitement, since both Mr. and Ms. Kashiwagi didn’t know that their daughter was dating with Mayu at the moment…they had decided to have Yuki engaged with Sae, her childhood friend. Obviously Yuki wanted to speak against this but then before she could even say a word, Sae interrupted her first.

“I’ll make sure you’re the most happiest woman on earth…Yukirin.” He smiled back at her and it made Yuki froze.

The miko lady didn’t know how to deal with the situation. She was as equally pained as the doctor behind her, or either…her pain couldn’t be compared with Mayu’s right now. Dr. Watanabe simply looked down and tightened her fist tightly with sadness, and despair. No words could be uttered. Her relationship with Yuki was a secret, and high likely her parents would not approve for that… She had no choice but to remain in silence.


They were all sitting in the living room allowing Yuki and Sae to be used to each other after they haven’t met each other for almost 10 years. Yuki’s mother brought snacks and drinks for everyone. The ikemen man talked with the miko lady for the whole time and sat so closely to her. Obviously, Mayu wasn’t satisfied with this, but what could she do aside from watching her girlfriend with another man? It pained her so much. She didn’t know what to do…whether to snatch Yuki back, or give up on her. Love between girls could be utterly painful… one could say it was a forbidden love.

“Yukirin, is there anywhere you want to go in particular? I’ll take you around! I’ve inherited my father’s business so I got loads of money!”

“T-Thanks for your offer Sae-kun, but I don’t have anywhere in particular I want to go…”

“Hmm…Ah! By the way Watanabe-san?” Sae turned to the doctor and it caught her off guard. “You’re a doctor aren’t you?”

“Yes I am, I’m a pediatrician.”

“Ah~ that’s awesome! Could I ask you a favor?”

He questioned with an innocent smile that it crept Mayu out somehow. The doctor felt the chill down her spine when she saw that cheshire smile from Yuki’s fiancé. She wondered why she felt insecure like this.

“It would be nice if you can be our doctor when Yuki and I are married. ”

That moment, Mayu swore that her heart almost stopped. Did that man asked her to be their personal doctor when Yuki had a child with him? The doctor glanced over at Yuki for a short while and could see that uneasiness in those beautiful eyes. She forced smiled out back at Sae and nodded as her reply.

“It’s my job, I’m grateful to help you and Yukirin.”

“I see~ Thank you Watanabe-san!” He giggled with happiness.

However, this was one huge ordeal for both Mayu and Yuki. No one would know what would happen to this couple anymore… After Sae stayed for a dinner with Kashiwagi family and Dr. Watanabe, he returned back home. Also, it was about time Mayu would have to leave as well. She wasn’t supposed to stay this late since she had night shifts today but she couldn’t leave the shrine with such uneasiness like this.


Yuki called her from behind while the doctor was about to take her leave. They made an eye contact with each other and obviously, it was about the engagement that bothered them so badly. However, Mayu was forced to smile in order to not make Yuki felt any more pressure putting onto her.

“It’s alright Yukirin. We don’t know this is going to happen, it’s not your fault.”

“Mayu I…I’m sorry.”

Mayu hated it when Yuki apologized to her like this when it wasn’t her fault. The doctor approached her girlfriend and hugged her gently. That instance, Yuki couldn’t hold back her feelings and threw her arms around Mayu and buried her face onto her shoulders with sadness.

“No matter what happens, I’ll always be by your side, even just a friend…neh?”


The miko lady could sense pain through Mayu’s voice and she hated that so much. She grabbed onto Mayu’s cheeks and pulled her in for a longing kiss. That caught the doctor off guard but then she eventually kissed her back. It was a short kiss, since they wouldn’t want to be caught by Yuki’s parents at the front entrance of the house.

“I only love you…please don’t forget that.”

“I love you too Yuki, just only you.”

The doctor smiled with relief before she left Yuki’s shrine. The poor miko watched her girlfriend’s back as she disappeared into the dark night. She gripped onto her red hakama tightly and decided to have a talk with her parents about this…that’s the least she could do.


The next weekend, on the usual days that Mayu would come visit Yuki… Sae was there as well. It seemed Yuki’s parents told how the doctor would come visit the miko lady every week, and they invited him to come along as well. It was a big unfortunate for both Mayu and Yuki, the time they get to spend as a couple decreased instantly. Yuki had tried to talk to her parents, but she failed miserably. The reason behind the marriage was that the Kashiwagi family needed new generations to inherit the shrine. The main problem was that Yuki was the only child. Basically, they wanted Yuki to have a child soon. At least they didn’t want Yuki to marry at such an early age, but they wanted to make sure that their daughter would 100% married to a man.

Sae would always stick with Yuki and held her close to him. Mayu could only watch them…while keeping the pain inside her. She had to hold herself back when this man was trying to embrace and kiss her girlfriend. If Mayu could, she wanted to go in and yell at Sae’s face that Yuki was her girlfriend. The doctor would’ve come on other days already if she could; her schedule at the hospital was no flexible at all. She barely she could even excuse herself to come out every now and then already. This happened the week after, and again, and again, and again… so it seemed the doctor reached her limits.


That day, it was the day that Sae would be sleeping over at Yuki’s place since he had to discuss some business with Mr. Kashiwagi. As Mayu was about to take her leave, Yuki went to send her off and literally that was the only time they were together.

“Well…good night Mayu.”

Yuki replied those same words as usual. But then this time, the doctor didn’t respond to her and it’s making the miko lady slightly confused. Her girlfriend seemed to be oddly quiet and unresponsive today.


“Yuki…I think we should stop seeing each other.”

Kashiwagi girl froze instantly and her eyes grew wide with fear. A part of her knew that this was coming but another part of her begged for this day not to come. She could see the pain in Mayu’s eyes. She could feel that Mayu also went through a lot of pain by seeing her being with another man, while the doctor couldn’t do a single thing.

“I think that’s best for both of us…”

Mayu added on and it pained Yuki so much. But what could she say? She’s engaged to Sae right now. Even she didn’t want to break up with Mayu…what could they do after that? She wouldn’t only be forcing Mayu to carry more pain.

“…I understand. I’m really sorry for hurting you so much.”

Yuki finally replied but then she moved in closer to Mayu and their face was few inched away from each other. For the very last moment of her bitter sweet love, this was her very last chance to kiss her beloved doctor.

“But please…just one last kiss…”


The doctor didn’t reply anything. She just cupped Yuki’s cheeks and rested her lips against miko’s. It was a gentle sweet, but yet bitter sweettragic kiss. Every millisecond their lips were resting on each other meant a lot to both of them and neither wanted this to end. However, Mayu was the first one to push Yuki away from her to break the kiss.

“Good night Yuki…and good bye.”


Yuki couldn’t bring out any courage to utter a single word back to Mayu, even it would be her last words for the doctor. She just watched Mayu walked through the door and disappeared, forever from her life. If she would let herself say something, she would scream to stop her girlfriend from leaving her. Those months together with Dr. Watanabe had proved that her heart truly and only belonged to Mayu ever since high school.



She flinched and turned out immediately, that’s when she saw Sae standing there with such a scary face. So it seemed, Yuki was caught red-handed when she was kissing Mayu just now.


“…I guess let’s talk at your room.”

He walked upstairs ahead of Yuki as the miko girl realized that she’s doomed. She had no choice but to follow Sae and he was there waiting at the front of her room. As they entered, and shut the door tightly, their heated conversation had begun.

“Yukirin…what is the meaning of this? Why are you kissing Watanabe-san?”

The miko bid her lips and realized that there was no turning back, at least she should tell Sae the truth that no one knew, even her own parents.

“Sae-kun, actually, before our engagement…I was dating with Mayu for a while already.”

After she confessed, the man froze with shock. He couldn’t believe what he just heard and it just felt like Yuki betrayed him in a way. He wouldn’t think that Yuki would actually swung towards that direction in terms of relationship. But somehow, it made his stomach felt really uneasy. He was totally unsatisfied and mad with this.

“Do you parents know about this?”

“N-No they don't…but it doesn’t really matter anymore, she broke up with me already.”

“I see…” He replied as she slowly moved in closer.

He wrapped his arm around Yuki’s waist, pulling her in and their lips were an inch away before touching each other. But that made Yuki surprised and she automatically shoved Sae away from her before he would even kiss her. Yuki realized that it’s something she shouldn’t have done and saw anger and unsatisfactoriness in her fiancé’s eyes.

“How ironic…I’m your fiancé, yet, you won’t let me kiss you.”

Yuki couldn’t reply what him. What he said was true, how ironic was that? To her, Mayu was the only person she would allow to capture her lips. Her heart only belonged to Mayu and she couldn’t bring herself to love other people except her sweet gentle Dr. Watanabe.

“I always love you, do you know that?”


“Since we’re kids…I always watch you, I always like you since then. Until now…you still can’t see me?”


“What have you done with Watanabe-san aside from that kiss?”

He asked and it suddenly made Yuki blushed. She recalled the pre-wedding night she slept with Mayu despite she couldn’t remember anything. The truth remained that she had lost her virginity to Mayu already. Judging on Yuki’s expression, Sae realized that there was something more than just a kiss between both the doctor and the miko.

“You slept with her didn’t you?”

Hitting at the bull’s eye. Yuki couldn’t utter a single word at all. Obviously he really angry right now, he couldn’t believe that the woman he loved since childhood had already slept with someone already, and especially, with another woman. He suddenly turned his back away from the miko and walked towards the door.

“W-Wait! Where are you going??”

“To tell your parents about what you’ve done. About your disgusting relationship with that woma---”

“Don’t call Mayu disgusting!!”

It was the first time Yuki raised her voice against Sae. It made the man even angrier to see Yuki trying to protect Mayu despite she already said that they broke up already. Even though it might be true, Yuki’s heart still belonged to Mayu and the fiancé could tell that.

“So you really do love Watanabe-san huh…?”


Yuki suddenly felt a strong push on her shoulders as she fell roughly onto the tatami floor. She resisted with all her might but there’s no way she could win a man in terms of strength.

“When I waited so long to have you…yet I’m still not worth in your eyes. Why is it? Why…? What did Watanabe-san had that I didn’t have?”

“S-Sae-kun! Let me go.”

“…If I can’t have your heart. Then I’ll defile you so that you wouldn’t have any face left to go back to her.”

Sae’s words replayed inside Yuki’s head. She knew that this wasn’t going to be good at all. Her fiancé kissed her neck and it made her froze with fear. She shook with all her might, using her legs and arms, her mind kept telling her to escape from this at all cost.



Sae grabbed his handkerchief and tied over Yuki’s mouth to prevent her from yelling. Then he pulled his belt out and tied around the miko’s wrists together tightly so she wouldn’t be able to hit him.


“I longed you for so long…I’ll won’t let you out from my grasp anymore, I’ll make you mine.”


Yuki shook very hard but then Sae pinned her wrists down on the floor while he whispered against the miko’s white smooth neck.

“I’ll take responsible if anything happens… Don’t worry.”


Yuki’s red hakama, Sae’s black outer coat…along with other clothings were piled on the floor beside two figures. That rough big hands touched her body. That unpleasant lips kissing and tasting her whole entire body. Lying down completely naked and helpless while the man on top of her tasted every corner of her body. She was at the verge of losing her mind. She wanted to cry out loud for help but it’s impossible. The first person that came up in her mind was Mayu. She begged for her ex-girlfriend to come save her from this nightmare. Yuki begged this endless nightmare to end…she resisted so much that her wrists were bruised by the skin belt. Tears escaped from the corner of her eyes as that unpleasant pain constantly killed her every second. It’s killing both physically and mentally. Even it might’ve ended…this terrible sting pain down at her womanhood constantly reminded her how she’s defiled by her own childhood friend.


Sae called for his fiance’s name as he finally untied the handkerchief and the belt on Yuki. But the naked miko on the floor didn’t respond anything to him, only but silent tears streamed down her cheeks. Her eyes were completely shut. Sae started to realize that he shouldn’t had done. But it was just too late to realize it now. He allowed anger and jealously to take over him and as a result, he raped his fiancé, his childhood friend, the person he loved. But what could he do now? As he touched Yuki once again, the miko flinched badly and curled up into a ball, trembling in fear. It made Sae realized he terrible he was… he disregarded Yuki’s heart and broke her into bits. He grabbed a blanket from the side and covered it over Yuki before he started dressing up properly and left the room.

“…I’m sorry.”

He had left Yuki crying all alone in the room. She could still feel the sting pain down there at her groin. It was just utterly painful, both physically and mentally. No one knew how long she had been crying, she wanted to see Mayu’s smile, she wanted Mayu to comfort her right now…but the doctor was no longer here anymore.

Mayu: Good night Yuki…and good-bye.

“Mayu…Mayu…why did you leave me…”

Yuki kept crying while she called for love’s name. Today was just too much for her to handle. First, with Mayu breaking up with her, and then Sae raped her. It hit the point she pleaded to die instead of suffering this pain like this.


It had been 3 weeks since Mayu stopped seeing Yuki. She had always tried to focus on her job but she couldn’t help to think that a month ago, it used to be the day she would be spending time with her lovely miko. But not anymore, even she tried to forget about Yuki…the more she tried, the more she fell in love with her.


Mayu picked up her phone and it was from Haruna. She wondered why would Ms. Oshima call her at this time.

“Hello? What is it Haruna?”

“Mayu, do you have some spare time to come to Kashiwagi shrine today?”

The doctor didn’t expect to hear that name again. The Kashiwagi shrine, Yuki’s house, and it Mayu was confused. She asked furthermore what happened at the shrine since Haruna’s voice seemed to be very serious in an unpleasant way.  She explained that Yuki hadn’t come out from her room for about 3 weeks already. She locked herself inside, and barely ate anything each day. Her parents couldn’t go in since she would always lock the door. Sae couldn’t even do a thing to help either. Then Yuki’s mother called Haruna over to talk to Yuki, but it failed in vain. Haruna’s words didn’t reach Yuki at all. The only last option they had was to ask for Mayu’s help. When the doctor heard that, she threw off her doctor gown and rushed out from the room while Haruna was still on the phone.

“I’m heading there right now!”

She hung up and sprinted through the corridor to her car. Her head was filled with confusion with what was going on with Yuki. She couldn’t stop worrying about her ex-girlfriend. As soon as she arrived at the shrine, she parked and hopped out from the car swiftly without wasting any slight second. She knocked at the entrance door with frustration and Haruna came opening the door for her. Ms. Kashiwagi followed up from behind her and then pleaded Mayu to help her talk to Yuki.

“Mayu-chan…we’re leaving Yuki to you. If you couldn’t do it, I don’t know who to ask anymore.”

“Leave it to me Ms. Kashiwagi, I’ll talk to her.”

Mayu promised with a vague smile before she rushed up the stairs and stopped at the front of Yuki’s room. She took a deep breath before she knocked on the door loudly and clearly. However, there was no response at the beginning until Mayu knocked louder again. She heard a voice replied but it seemed very weak somehow.

“Haruna…please, leave me alone…”

Yuki thought that it was Haruna, and then Mayu took another deep breath before she decided to speak to her ex-girlfriend.

“It’s me, Mayu.”

Obviously the doctor couldn’t see the miko lady’s reaction. But Yuki didn’t reply her after Mayu said that it’s her. No one could tell what miko Kashiwagi was thinking. How would she act when her ex-girlfriend just suddenly appeared out of blue like this?

“Talk to me, Yuki. ”

“Go away…”


“Don’t call my name…!”

She hissed back but then the doctor didn’t give up on that. Something was wrong; Mayu never heard Yuki spoke in such tone like that. She could feel hesitation and pain in her voice.


“Stop…go away…!” It sounded like Yuki was mumbling. But it made the doctor even more persisted to disobey what her girlfriend asked.

“I’m breaking through, stay away from the door.”

Without further waiting, Mayu ran and used her whole body weight to tackle the door. Since she used to train kendo and it seemed her fitness was still there. It did made some use at this situation and the door actually broke open. The light -finally entered Yuki’s dark room and she could see the long-haired raven lady sitting on the floor, looked surprised that Mayu actually broke through the door like that. 


Mayu was shocked, she could see Yuki looked extremely pale and she had huge dark circles underneath her eyes. Her hair was disheveled. Even worse, she could see dried trails of tears on both of her cheeks. She had been crying since when and for how long… no one knew. But something caught her attention even more, glad that her doctor instinct to detect the unusual things made her spot the bruised marks around Yuki’s wrist.

“Yuki, what happened to you?”

Mayu approached her with worries and before her fingers made a touch against Yuki’s icy skin, the woman withdrew away. She was trembling and the doctor realized that this behavior was a characteristic of something being traumatized by something. The first thought that ran into her head was that it must be related to Sae… but she couldn’t tell whether what she thought was right or not.It pained her even more to see Yuki in this position, she begun cursing herself for leaving her love’s side. Mayu approached again and hoped that her words would reach Yuki.

“Yuki, it’s me…Mayu.”


“Calm down, no one is going to hurt you.”

“W-Why…did you leave me alone?”

Yuki spoke up and it was like she threw a lance through Mayu’s heart. It was such a simple yet painful question. That instance, the doctor realized that she deserved to take the blame.

“I hate you…I hate you…”

Just 3 words could kill her instantly, but Mayu took that pain and then embraced her trembling girlfriend gently without being too sudden.

“Do hate me. It’s my entire fault. That’s why… none of this is your fault at all. Blame it on me…neh?”

The doctor admitted her fault, no, she took all the blame when it wasn’t hers at all. It just pained Yuki even more when Mayu took all the blame like this. The miko tried to push the doctor away, but at the same time her body wanted to rest in these warm arms. How unfortunate, the moment of coincidence happened as Sae and Yuki’s father returned back home. That instance, Mayu could feel Yuki trembling and she suddenly shoved her away.

“It’s too late…”


“We can’t be together anymore …I’m too defiled for you.”

Yuki tried to hold back her tears while she finally replied to Mayu after the long silence with the doctor. All the pain she hid poured out like a waterfall. “I did that with him…with Sae. I’m too disgusting for you to hold---!”

That instance, Mayu threw herself in again and hugged her closely to her heart. No matter what she said, no matter how many times Yuki would push her away, Dr. Watanabe swore to herself that she wouldn’t let Yuki disappear from her arms anymore. This time…she will protect Yuki with all cost.

“I love you. I still love you, Yuki…no matter what.”


 “I swear that this time, I’ll never let you go anymore. I’ll always protect you, with all cost….”

Slowly, the doctor let go of her trembling miko and smiled gently at her. She got up without saying a word and just headed downstairs immediately. The poor helpless miko was confused and the second thing she heard was her mother and Haruna yelling out loud.


She heard the sound of crashes and then she swore that she heard Haruna was yelling for Mayu to stop. That slight second, Yuki got up on her feet and headed downstairs to see what was going on and she saw Mayu punched right towards Sae, but the man dodged in right on time. Despite the doctor’s fist landed onto the wall with full force, but she felt no pain at all and kept pursing Miyazawa. 

“Mayu! Stop!!” Haruna exclaimed with worries.

She walked up to Sae and punched him again in the face, however the Miyazawa managed to catch her fist before he would have his cheeks even more bruised. He gripped onto her fist tightly as he attempted to inflict pain onto the doctor.

“If you’re a guy…I swear I’ll punch you already.”

“Do I look like I give a DAMN!?”

She threw her left fist instead and struck right in his face and caused him to flinch again. The doctor was seriously pissed and everyone could feel her dark intimidating aura releasing from her. Then this time, Sae didn’t plan to hold back either; he couldn’t just be the one receiving all the hits. As Mayu was about to throw another punch, he pushed her away with all his strength. He didn’t want to hit the doctor with his fist, and he sent Mayu slid across the floor with her back.

“What was all of this about…Watanabe-san?”

“How dare you!”

Mayu got up and the man couldn’t do realize that the doctor was moving really fast. Then suddenly, he felt a very heavy pain in his stomach, as Mayu thrust her fist straight in. “How DARE you hurt Yuki!?”

“M-Mayu! Please stop!!” Haruna yelled but again, Mayu ignored her.

“You piece of shit deserve to die. How dare you say you love her!? MY ASS! You made her cry!”

“Acting so heroine after you abandoned your girlfriend…how pitifu—UGH!!”

Then suddenly, another fist struck right in his stomach again and caused him to flinch badly. He tumbled away as he totally underestimated Mayu’s brute strength. She’s not an ex-kendo player for nothing.

“YES! I’m a failure that left my girlfriend because I lost all my confidence to give her happiness! I totally regret everything…that I decided to leave her to you!”

The doctor pushed him down and then sat on top of him in order to immobilize her target. She thrust her right fist down right onto his face and caused him the flinched. Everyone swore that they heard a sound ‘crack’ from that punch just now. Apparently, Mayu had broken his nose with that strike. However, Mayu’s knuckles were also covered in blood. That blood belonged to her. She had punched everything in her way with full strength; obviously it would’ve cracked few carpal bones of hers. But right now, Mayu felt no pain. Even if she did it couldn’t be compared with how much pain Yuki was carrying right now.


Sae cried out in pain and it seemed to grab attention of two men outside the house. They were his bodyguards and they rushed into the house immediately. As they saw Mayu beating their master, one of the tall men grabbed Mayu at her shirt’s collar and threw her away. The doctor crashed onto the floor but stood back up immediately.

“Don’t get in my way…!”

Mayu spat and run back in towards injured Sae. However, the bodyguard got in her way and without any mercy they struck a deadly blow right into her stomach. Her strength was completely out-matched by the elite trained bodyguard. Her eyes grew wide with pain and then before she realized it again, he grabbed Mayu at her shirt up. The young doctor was literally floating and then the man threw her across the ground.


The doctor couldn’t breath properly since she was punched right into her solar plexus. She almost lost her conscious but her anger prevented her to do so. Haruna went in to stop Mayu from doing anything reckless, but then she pushed the taller woman away as her eyes only focused on Sae. As if she completely ignored everything around her and the only thing that her mind was thinking was to beat Sae into pulp. Everyone could see blood running down from her right fist, her finger bones seemed to tear her blood vessels even more.

“I swear I’ll kill you…! I won’t forgive you, I won’t forgive you!!”

She got up on her feet even though she was already wounded by that one hit. She cursed herself for having such a weak body. Cursing herself that she couldn’t be a man for Yuki. Cursing herself for not being able to protect the person she loved. As Mayu was running up towards Sae again, the guards wouldn’t hold back like last time anymore…

“Mayu please!”

Another female voice came out of nowhere and hugged around Mayu’s body from behind. It was Yuki, she sobbed on Mayu’s back and caused the doctor to stop. Slowly, she had regained her complete sane back.


“Please…I don’t want to see you hurt anymore.”

She pleaded with tears and it made Mayu lowering her fist down. The miko lady successfully stopped her from raging, however things didn’t go like it should be. Mayu felt Yuki’s arms dropped and then the lady collapsed onto the ground. Everyone was stunned and the doctor immediately dropped down to her girlfriend’s side and realized she had passed out.

“Yuki-chan!” Ms. Kashiwagi exclaimed with shock as she saw her daughter collapsed before her eyes.

“Haruna! Please call the ambulance!”

Mayu ordered immediately while she checked Yuki’s pulse and breath. At the least she was still breathing, but they didn’t know why Yuki just passed out like that. Thank god that there was an ambulance close by so they arrived at Kashiwagi’s shrine in few minutes. Mayu carried Yuki in bridal style out from the house without even making an eye contact with Sae at all. She completely neglected his existence there and brought Yuki to the rescuers without further ado. Haruna and Yuki’s mother followed the doctor from behind as well.

“Is she the only one?” The man asked, as it was their usual question. Mayu shook her head and told them that there’s one injured man inside the house. She told them that his nose was fractured and got several bruises.

“Also, please make a note that the medical fees goes to Dr. Watanabe Mayu at Tokyo Hospital.”


Haruna was stunned with what she heard just now, and then she realized something. If it was just Yuki fainted, an ambulance was not needed, however she asked her to call the ambulance since she wounded Sae. “Don’t tell me you…”

“I hate him, but that doesn’t mean I will neglect him when he’s injured, especially when it’s by me.”

The doctor replied to Haruna before she turned back to the rescuers and asked them for her to tag along as well. Another rescuer went in to help Sae into the ambulance as well. Obviously the man didn’t utter a single word with Mayu at all. He only just watched the doctor sitting by Yuki’s side, holding her hand… the doctor obviously started to feel a lot of pain from her hand, but she suppressed it and her mind only focused on Yuki.


It was a real chaotic day for Kashiwagi family, as well as for Mayu and Sae. The doctor sat beside Yuki’s bed, watching and looking after her ever since they arrived at the hospital. Then suddenly, a woman in doctor gown entered the room and made Mayu surprised with her appearance.


“Now what, you really lost your nerves didn’t you?” Miyuki closed the door and came inside the room.

“Heh…pretty much.”

The doctor chuckled while remembering how much she had lost her nerves when he learned that Sae was the one that traumatized Yuki. The taller doctor grabbed a chair and sat down beside Mayu with a first aid box.


“Do you think I’m blind? Who wouldn’t tell your fingers was not messed up.”

Miyuki grabbed Mayu’s hand and it made her retreated in pain. Even though the doctor tried to hide it, it wouldn’t be able to escape her cousin’s eyes at all. She immediately treated Mayu’s hand without further waiting and after it was done, the fracture didn’t seem to be that bad, but Mayu would need a cast on few of her fingers. Dr. Miyuki arranged a personal appointment with Mayu so that they could put the cast on today.

“Thanks Miyuki.”

“I never knew that love could change you this much…”

Miyuki was one of Mayu’s cousins that she worked together in the hospital. The older Watanabe had to come to check on the younger doctor with worries, since rarely she would see Mayu being very reckless like this. If by chance Mayu lost her sane and control, it would always be something deadly serious like sending someone to hospital and broke her own bones in some ways.

“I guess love changes people.”

“Hm…so she’s your girlfriend.” Miyuki smiled lightly. “She’s cute.”

“Yes she is…the most prettiest woman I’ve met.”

“Ew, you’re being too sweet.”

“Sorry about that~ she’s the woman I love after all.”

Mayu giggled with how Miyuki’s exaggerated her reaction. She diverted her glance back to her sleeping beauty and watched her quietly with a smile. Miyuki could see how Mayu was looking at Yuki with such caring eyes, she never saw her cousin like this before. For a short while, she felt out of place and decided to leave this place to Mayu instead without even saying a word.


“Take care of yourself, Kashiwagi-san wouldn’t be impressed if you didn’t take care of yourself as well. At my office 3pm for your treatment, got that?”


She replied her younger cousin and just sat there by Yuki’s side, holding her hand and whispered to her softly.

“Yuki…I love you. I’ll never leave you again…I promise, I’ll always protect you.”

She repeated those words every single day, countless times per day. She poured her feelings down to every word she uttered. She only hoped her words would reach her sleeping beauty in some way. The only thing she looked forward each day was seeing Yuki waking up from her long slumber.



The young miko finally regained her conscious and opened her eyes. She slowly looked around and saw both her parents standing by her bed. Their faces were filled with surprise and then changed to utter happiness.


“Yuki-chan! Thank goodness you’re finally awake.”

Her mother smiled with worry and held her daughter’s hand tightly. Yuki looked around again and realized that she was in the hospital; it made her questioned how long and since when she was here. The only thing she recalled before she passed out was that she stopped the raging Mayu…

“Dad…how long I’ve been here?”

“For 3 days? The doctor said you really did had lack of sleep and nutrients to support your body.”

“I see…I’m really sorry to make you two worry.”

“You should tell that to her more.”

Mr. Kashiwagi smiled and moved away to the side. Then Yuki saw the figure sleeping on the sofa looking so peaceful. It was her ex-girlfriend. She was wearing her casual clothing and looked extremely exhausted somehow. Then Yuki’s dad told her that Dr. Watanabe used all her day-off to watch over her 24-hours a day ever since she was brought to the hospital.

“She had looked after you ever since you arrived here. Mayu-chan barely even left the room.”


Both her parents looked at how Yuki was staring at Mayu and then they both exchanged glances with each other. They turned back to Yuki and opened a more serious conversation with her. They had to clarify what was going on between Dr. Watanabe and their daughter.

“Yuki, what’s your relationship with Mayu?” Her father asked bluntly.

“…!”Obviously it made the miko startled with shock. Her mother sat down on the chair and held Yuki’s hand tightly.

“Tell us, please…”

Her mother begged and then it made Yuki mused for a second. She realized that there’s no way to hide it anymore. Since it was at this point already, Yuki decided to just spill it all out, all the hidden secrets that she had been hidden from her parents for months. As she looked back at her parents, they were both waiting for Yuki’s reply silently.

“Mayu and I…are in a relationship before the engagement with Sae-kun, but until 3 weeks ago we broke up already.”

After Yuki confessed her relationship between Mayu. She told everything that happened… About how she was in love with Dr. Watanabe back in high school, how they shared the same feelings for each other, how they got into a relationship on the same day of Haruna’s wedding, how they broke up with each other because they couldn’t be together. For some reason, as Yuki kept talking… tears streamed down her cheeks. She recalled those irreplaceable memories she shared with her beloved girlfriend. Her parents just watched Yuki silently with that face filled with guilt.

“Yuki… we’re truly sorry for everything.” Her mother apologized with pain in her eyes. She couldn’t believe that she was hurting her own daughter for this long.

“No, it’s not both your fault. It’s just…mere unfortunate.” Yuki shook her head.

“I see…I’m glad that it’s Mayu…” Her father sighed with a smile and it caught Yuki’s attention. She didn’t understand what her father meant behind those words.

“What do you mean?” She had to ask in order to clarify her doubts.

“Even you said you two broke up already, but the way you both looked at each other is just how lovers do…” Her mother replied in the father’s place. Both adults exchanged glances with each other again before they turned back to their daughter in order to tell her the most surprising news.

“Both of us and Sae-kun came to an agreement that we’re going to cancel both of your engagement.”

“S-Sae-kun did!?” She couldn’t believe what she was hearing.

“Both your mother and I agreed that if it is Mayu…we’re willing to give our precious daughter to her.”

Those kind words from her father made Yuki burst into tears even more. Everything sounded like a miracle to her. The whole world had brightened up instantly when she woke up from the long sleep. Her marriage with Sae was cancelled and her parents approved her relationship with Mayu. It was those arms that saved her… Mayu brought light back into her life and gave her happiness once again. She cried in her mother’s arms and thanked them countless times. She kept repeating those words and it made her parents happy that now they had made a best decision for their daughter. They apologized to her that they forced marriage onto her when she didn’t have any feelings for Sae at all, however Yuki forgave them. She’s too happy right now. She’s given back the life she wanted…


Few days later, Yuki was admitted out from the hospital and both Ms. Oshima came to visit her on the last day.

“Yukirin~ I’m glad you’re healthy now!” Yuko smirked while she embraced her miko friend tightly.

“Thank you Yuko.”

“Oh right, there’s someone that wants to talk to you.” Haruna smiled and then stepped out to the side. Yuki’s eyes met with the man that was standing behind Haruna and that was her ex-fiance.


“Yukirin, I’m really sorry for everything. I’ve done nothing but bring pain to you…I won’t ask you to forgive me, I’m really sorry!!”

He bowed down 90° at Yuki and it made the miko slightly startled, but then a smile of relief appeared on her face. She walked in closer and tapped his shoulder lightly.

“I have to say thank you to you…I heard from mom that you cancelled our marriage.”

“…It’s something I have to do, because the person that deserves you the most is Watanabe-san.”

He backed away slightly and told her how he realized that Mayu was the person that loves Yuki the most. He had to admit that his love for Yuki couldn’t even match up with the doctor at all. He didn’t deserve to hold Yuki after what he had done to her. He apologized again and decided to leave the room.

“Sae-kun.” Yuki called him back and made him halted at the front of the door.  “Feel free to come visit at the shrine like back then when we’re kids, neh?”

The man was shocked that the woman forgave him and his eyes started to become teary. He tried to hold back his tears, he couldn’t be afforded to cry right here in front of Yuki. He just simply nodded and walked out from the room. Everything went very well like it’s a miracle. As Yuki and others were at the exit, there were two doctors standing there waiting for them. They were the Watanabe doctors…


“Congratulations that you’re admitted out. I’m glad to see you back into shape again.” She smiled at her and Yuki nodded in return with a smile. Both Watanabe came to send Kashiwagi family off at the entrance. Just right when the Yuki was about to leave, Mayu called her love’s name out clearly and loudly.


It made the miko turned immediately, and their eyes met with each other. The only thing that captured her attention was that usual gentle smile of the doctor’s. It was the same smile that gave her light and hope.

“This weekend, at usual time, I’ll be there.”

As if it was some sort of code between them. Mayu was indirectly telling that she would be going to the shrine this weekend like usual, like how she did in the past when she’s in a relationship with Yuki. Miko’s eyes grew wide with surprise and a huge smile appeared across her face.

“I’ll wait for you…always will.”

Both Mayu and Yuki had a long passionate eye contact with each other but Yuki’s father interrupted them out of blue.

“Why wait? Mayu, come with us now.”

“…E-Eh?” Both Yuki and Mayu exclaimed at the same time. The only person that seemed to understand Mr. Kashiwagi’s words was his wife.

“We want to talk to you, come with us now.”

He chuckled and it completely threw Mayu off guard completely. Then suddenly, she felt the strong push from behind and it was by her cousin.


“Why are you waiting? GO! I already take your shift, so you better pay me back later.”

It seemed Miyuki knew what Yuki’s father’s plan as well. The older Watanabe had taken Mayu’s shift away in order for the doctor to go back to Kashiwagi shrine together with Yuki. Mayu didn’t see that coming and had no choice to go with them…


As they sat down together at the living room, both Yuki’s parents sat opposite from Mayu and Yuki. The doctor obviously felt tensed just as much as her lover beside her. They obviously didn’t know what’s going to happen right now.

“Mayu, I want to ask…do you love Yuki? Will you make her happy?”

The doctor remained in silence for a short while… Also, it seemed she managed to calm down completely by that serious question thrown at her. She looked back at both adults in front of her with eyes had no slight hesitation. She replied with a strong determined voice back to them.

“She’s everything to me. I swear with my life I will make her happy…I love Yuki, please, allow me to have a relationship with her!”


“I won’t repeat that mistake anymore. This time, even it kills me, I won’t let my hand off from you…”

The doctor still kept her eye contact with both adults while she held Yuki’s hand tightly. Obviously Dr. Watanabe was extremely nervous but her love for Yuki had overcome that stress. It seemed her feelings were conveyed to both adults and a smile appeared across their faces.

“I love your determination. If it’s you…I won’t have to worry anything about Yuki anymore.” Yuki’s father giggled and then Mayu’s eyes grew wide with surprise.

“Then that means…”

“But you better not make her cry.”

“Yes!! I promise!”

“Good~ I love that spirit.”

He smiled as both Yuki’s parents approved their relationship. They wouldn’t have to hide it anymore and they made an eye contact with each other. Obviously they couldn’t hide their smile, they were beyond being so happy right now. They finally got to be with the one they truly love…


That same day, Yuki asked Mayu to stay overnight today and obviously the doctor couldn’t refuse her beautiful girlfriend. Since Miyuki took her shift for the day, she decided to take that for granted. She would be sleeping in Yuki’s room and they were sitting beside each other silently in the darkness.



“I miss you.”

She finally spoke those words that were carved onto her heart right after they broke up. She grabbed onto Mayu’s shirt and moved in closer to her body. Yuki yearned for Dr. Watanabe’s presence and touch.

“…I miss you so much.”

“Me too.”

Mayu stroked her cheek and then kissed her girlfriend’s forehead gently before their foreheads were resting against each other. Their lips were just few inches apart and they could feel each other’s breath. “I love you…”

“I love you too, I’m so happy we can be together, without it being a secret anymore.”

“This is the most happiest moment of my life…to be by your side again.”


Yuki closed her eyes and could feel Mayu’s body warmth. It’s comforting both her body and her heart. Then she tightened her grip on Mayu’s shirt and whispered softly to her.

“…Please, take me tonight.”


Mayu blushed instantly and she could see Yuki was avoiding eye contact with her. She hoped that she wasn’t mishearing things since the miko lady wasn’t drunk like last time, she had her complete sane today.


“Mou…don’t let me repeat it again.” The shy miko looked back into her girlfriend’s eyes with such tempting eyes. It made the doctor gulped and her heart begun racing like crazy.

“Y-You sure…?”

“Please…I want you…”

The doctor couldn’t resist Yuki’s plead and she nodded silently in return. As they were staring to each other eyes passionately, both of their face flushed madly. Mayu slowly moved in and capture those pink beautiful lips of the miko. It’s such a sweet gentle kiss. Mayu wrapped her arm around Yuki to support her weight to gently put her angel down onto the bed. As she felt those hands caressed over her skin, the horror replayed in her mind. At such a bad timing, she recalled the time that Sae defiled her, in this room…on this same exact spot…


 Yuki pulled back and trembled with fear. It made Mayu surprised, but the doctor seemed to realize that Yuki was still traumatized by that nightmare. Obviously, the miko lady realized that her actions were hurting her girlfriend’s feelings.

“I-I’m sorry…!”

Mayu understood it really well and she shook her head. “…It must be really scary, isn’t it?”


The doctor gently kissed the top of Yuki’s eyelid and whispered kindly into her ears. “Just think of me. Remember my touch and my kiss…please trust me.”


“We’ll go through this together, I’ll carry your pain as well…”

She caressed Yuki’s cheek once again and tenderly tasted her girlfriend’s lips. Pushing her tongue into Yuki’s mouth, exploring around and gently sucked her tongue. Moans escaped through her mouth as Mayu slowly undressed her in the darkness…



It’s been a month and a half since they had come back together… Every week since then, Mayu would always come visit her girlfriend and spent her time with her. Both Mr. and Ms. Kashiwagi could see how their daughter was utterly happy to be with the person she loved. Also, Mayu would help with the shrine works together with Yuki so she had to wear the miko outfit as well. Ms. Kashiwagi made one especially for Dr. Watanabe and it matched with Yuki’s.The miko’s girlfriend was actually amazed with how Mayu even looked so pretty in that outfit. Those happy days continued with Mayu always beside her…but something was disturbing her lately…

“I-I’ll be back!”

“Oh, okay?”

Yuki ran into the house and left Mayu slightly confused while she was help arranging few things outside the shrine. The Kashiwagi girl went into the bathroom and she threw up again. She didn’t know what’s wrong with her, since she didn’t eat anything weird today.

“What’s wrong with my body…”

The woman seemed to lose her usual appetite as well. She felt really tired recently and Mayu realized that her girlfriend was sighing much more often than before. She only observed Yuki silently and no one knew what she was thinking inside her head at all…Few days later, Mayu suggested that Yuki should do some health checkup since she looked really exhausted nowadays. Her miko girlfriend agreed since she wanted to know what’s wrong with her body. As they headed to the hospital together, and Mayu suggested to go to see her friend, Dr. Matsui Rena for advice.


During the check-up, Dr. Matsui asked several questions and did some health check-up on Yuki. Mayu just sat outside and waited for her instead of coming in to listen at the results. Dr. Watanabe told her girlfriend that it was inappropriate in a way to listen to other people’s health results. The only thing that Yuki had to do was to wait for her results and as soon as the nurse gave the results to Dr. Rena, she was eager to hear what’s wrong with her body.

“M-Matsui-sensei, is there something wrong with my body?”

“…Apparently yes, congratulations Kashiwagi-san. The pregnancy test came out to be positive.”

Yuki froze instantly and she’s lost of words. The doctor right before her was telling her that she was pregnant. Dr. Matsui explained everything slowly and clearly to Kashiwagi that all the symptoms she stated was a symptom of early pregnancy and as they tested that, its resulted showed to be positive.Then it’s about time Rena begun telling Yuki the complete results she received from the lab. Apparently, Kashiwagi was already 6 weeks pregnant and Rena advised her to talk care of her health carefully because it could affect the development of the baby inside her. While Yuki was embracing this shocking truth, she couldn’t believe that she’s going tobecome a mother. After Rena told her all the information, she just suddenly brought up a personal matter regarding about Mayu.

“Dr. Watanabe is a talented pediatrician. She contacted me beforehand and definitely…she probably could tell you’re pregnant.”


“Kashiwagi-san, do you know why Dr. Watanabe wouldn’t come in the first place?” Rena asked but Yuki didn’t know the true reason why. She told Rena that Watanabe found it inappropriate to listen to her private results. Dr. Matsui agreed that it was true as well, but that was as a doctor, not as Yuki’s girlfriend. Therefore, Rena decided to make clarification on it.

“She wished to respect your decision and feelings. So please don’t take her wrong…she really tried to find a way to tell you about this.”

Yuki was slightly surprised that Dr. Matsui seemed to know her Mayu so well, and seemed to trust her a lot too. After their little talk, apparently both Rena and Mayu often worked together as their specialty was pretty related to one another. They were real good friends and that was why Mayu sent Yuki to meet with Rena at the first place.

“Thank you for everything, Dr. Matsui.”

“No worries, I’ll be your doctor during your pregnancy duration so feel free to make any further appointments with me.”

Yuki felt really comfortable talking to Rena and before she left the room, Rena told her one more thing about Mayu. Apparently, her girlfriend didn’t know that Yuki’s pregnancy was confirmed, but high likely she could guess. Rena believed that Mayu planned to hear it the results from Yuki’s lips herself instead. Kashiwagi thanked Rena once again and left the room. Yuki could see her girlfriend waiting for her at the front of the room. Mayu got up from her seat after the long wait and extended her hand to Yuki.

“Jya…shall we go back home?”


Yuki took that hand and they walked through the hospital while they were holding each other’s hand. Kashiwagi could feel that Mayu’s silence was somehow comforting in a way. The doctor didn’t ask anything about what’s going on inside the room between her and Dr. Matsui. As soon as they got into the car, it was a big silence between both of them until they reached the shrine. As they parked the car and heading back into the shrine, Yuki grabbed onto her hand tightly. It captured her girlfriend’s attention to her immediately.

“What’s the matter Yuki?”

“…Mayu, I have something to tell you.”



Yuki tried to finish her sentence, but she was scared. She’s scared that she would hurt Mayu’s heart again. She knew who was she pregnant with, and it’s just scaring her so much just to think about it. Before she could say anything, the doctor interrupted her first.

“Yuki, whenever you’re ready…I’ll wait for you to tell me.”

“…!” The miko froze as Mayu came in to stroke her head gently.

“Don’t push yourself. I’ll wait for you, always, so whenever you’re ready I’ll be there to hear it.”

The miko froze and didn’t know what to say with those kind words from her girlfriend. Mayu held her hand and they walked back into the house without saying a word to one another. But obviously, as days passed by, Yuki apparently had morning sickness every day. Dr. Watanabe was by her side taking care of her every single time without fail, even worse, without asking anything about the pregnancy results from Yuki.


Time flew by like it was nothing; it had been a month since she knew she was pregnant. The miko had knew that there’s another living being growing inside her…but what should she do? It was a child born without love. She went to talk to Dr. Matsui together with Haruna this time… miko had told her results to her friend. She already had told her friend a month ago, and it’s only her that knew it aside from Dr. Matsui.

“Kashiwagi-san, if you wish to do abortion, it has to be within 3 weeks from now.”

“I see…thank you Matsui-sensei.”

“No worries, please do take your time.”

Both Yuki and Haruna left the room. The taller woman could tell the dreadful and stressed out expression on the miko’s face. Part of her disagreed with Yuki doing abortion, but at the same time she couldn’t make that decision for her. Kashiwagi was the one that was suffering the most right now.

“Yukirin…what are you going to do?”

“…I don’t know, what should I do Haruna?”

Yuki shook her head and avoided eye contact with Haruna. Obviously, the miko couldn’t make this decision at all. She hadn’t told Mayu or even discussed with her about this. She was very scared to mention about the baby growing inside her to Dr. Watanabe.

“Yukirin, you have to talk with Mayu about this.”

“…Do I really have to?”

“Yes! She’s your girlfriend! How long are you going to keep her waiting? Isn’t she waiting for you?”

That made Yuki’s mind froze. That’s right, Mayu told her she would be waiting for the day that she was ready to tell her. Many obvious symptoms happened through out the whole month together with the doctor, yet she didn’t ask any single word at all. She started to realize how gentle was Mayu’s silence, and how much trust she had for her.

“I believe Mayu is also suffering this as well…she just never choose to talk it out.”


“You have to talk to her, okay?”

Yuki finally nodded and it made Haruna feel more relieved. Ms. Oshima dropped her at the shrine and as Yuki entered the house, she saw Mayu in the living room cleaning the table in her casual clothing. That was utterly surprising since Mayu would usually be working right now. She couldn’t help but to ask her girlfriend about her presence here.

“Mayu? Don’t you have work to do?”

“I got a day-off today. So I decided to stay around helping Kashiwagi-san with the shrine works.”

“I-I see…”

“Neh, Yuki.”


“Can we spend time together in your room?”

Mayu smiled like a little child. That innocent smile made Yuki’s heart flutter with contentment, but at the same time, Haruna’s words were haunting her. Yuki nodded in reply and a big smile of relief appeared across Mayu’s face.

“Yay~ I’ll be done in a second!”

“Hehe, you don’t have to rush. We have our day today.”


As they were in the miko’s room, Yuki was sitting in between Mayu’s legs and leaned against her chest. Mayu, her girlfriend closely to her body while feeling each other’s warmth. The miko felt that this was the perfect timing to tell Mayu the truth about her pregnancy and her thoughts regarding abortion…

“Mayu, I had something to tell you.”


“I went to see Dr. Matsui today.”



There was still hesitation in Yuki’s voice and obviously the doctor could tell. Mayu held Yuki’s hand tightly and pulled her in for a closer hug.


Mayu interrupted her and whispered against Yuki’s ear. “I told you, I’ll wait for you. Just please know…no matter what happen, my love will never change.”


“I swear with my life I will never leave you again…I love you. I will, always.”

Yuki was lost of words and only she could do was having teary eyes in Mayu’s embrace. Those words always melted her pain away. The doctor had faith in her so much that she didn’t ask for Yuki to tell her anything. Mayu trust Yuki to the deepest part of her heart and the miko could feel it through her girlfriend’s touch… that was the meaning behind those teary eyes of hers. A smile of true contentment appeared across the miko’s face while she leaned her head onto her lover. Maybe Yuki had finally found an answer to her…?


A week later, Yuki went back to see Dr. Matsui with Haruna with a solid answer in her heart. She chose not to abort and have the baby instead. A part of her wanted to abort because she was scared Mayu would leave her behind… but at the same time, she couldn’t afford to kill this innocent being that was growing inside her.Even more, she wished to trust her girlfriend that she would accept her decision for this. Even though this decision would definitely change her life forever, but for right now, Yuki had no regrets with it.

“I see… I’ll prepare further preparations for your pregnancy. I hope to see you again Kashiwagi-san.” Rena smiled with relief.

After their long discussion, they left the room. Haruna didn’t know what happen between Yuki and Mayu, but she could see a lightened up mood on her friend’s face. Just when Haruna decided not to enquire anything further, Yuki just spilled it out to her.

“Sorry Haruna, I didn’t tell Mayu about my pregnancy yet.”


“But today I’ve decided, I will tell her. She said she’s picking me up today because she had to go grab something in the city.”

“I see, good luck Yukirin!”

“Thank you Haruna.” They both exchanged hugs before the taller woman left for work first.

The miko waited for her girlfriend to come pick her up and it didn’t take that long at all. Surprisingly, for someone who just went in and came out from the city at this hour of the day, this was really fast. The car stopped at the entrance of the hospital and the miko hopped on immediately.

“Did I make you wait?” Mayu asked as soon as Yuki got into the car.

“Not at all, you’re surprisingly early than I thought…”

“Oh? Haha, really?”

For some reason, Mayu seemed to be tensed. Yuki wondered, did something happen to her? However the miko didn’t inquire anything further since her thoughts were already busy planning with how she would tell Mayu about her pregnancy… and her decision to keep the baby. As soon as they got out from the car and were walking back into the shrine…this was Yuki’s only chance. She grabbed Mayu’s hand and diverted her attention to her.

“Hm? What’s a matter?”

“I have something to tell you…and I must tell you today.”

Mayu looked at me silently before she turned her body towards Yuki. She gave her full attention to her girlfriend. “…Yes?”

Yuki gulped and only held Mayu’s hand tightly. She took another deep breath and finally spoke those words that were ringing inside her chest for so long already. This was the moment of now or never.

“The day you brought me to hospital… Dr. Matsui told me, I’m pregnant.”

Finally she uttered that truth and amazingly it made her heart felt so relieved. Words started to come out much easier than the first time. She wondered why she felt so relieved like this. Maybe it was because she finally had shared the truth with her beloved girlfriend?

“Then for so many days, I’ve been thinking of aborting the baby. But in the end, I couldn’t do it…I couldn’t kill this baby growing inside me.”

She confessed her decision and gripped tightly onto Mayu’s hands. However, she avoided any kind of eye contact with her. She shut her eyes tightly and just allowed her heart to speak instead of her brain.

“My life is going to change so much…I will bring you so much burden because of my decision. I’m really sorry Mayu…”


It was one heck of a silence between them. Slowly, Yuki felt her girlfriend holding her hand back tightly. She looked up and finally made an eye contact with the doctor. Mayu’s expression was utterly calm and what surprised the miko the most was that she was smiling to her. Watanabe simply just nodded back at her as her reply. She held both Yuki’s hands and gently kissed her forehead.

“Yuki, do you remember this spot?”


Mayu’s random question just suddenly popped up. Yuki couldn’t catch up with her girlfriend’s pace. When she looked around she felt this scene was very familiar. They were standing in front of the shrine…yes, it was the same exact spot that Mayu asked Yuki to be her girlfriend right after Yuko and Haruna’s wedding. She remembered it and as they made an eye contact, it’s like they could tell what each other was thinking. Mayu knew from her eyes that Yuki remembered it.

“I don’t know I’ll be able to do my job well or not, but this baby…she’s your baby. I’ll give my love and devote my whole life to this child.”


“I’ll always be there and go through everything together with you.”

Mayu brought something out from her pocket and put something into Yuki’s ring finger…it was a diamond ring. It made Kashiwagi froze with shock and her eyes became teary immediately. She couldn’t believe what she was seeing and thinking right now, it was just too much for her brain to even process. Her mind was completely blown away. It’s just beyond comprehensible.

“You’re the only woman I would want to live with for the rest of my life. I want to raise…our child together, will you be okay to be with me forever?”

Yuki just broke into tears and just cried it all out. Her love had proposed to her and it just felt like a miracle bestowed right in front of her. The doctor couldn’t help but to laugh at her girlfriend and it made Yuki blushed while yelling back at her lover.

“Baka! Baka…! D-Don’t laugh at me!”

“But you’re so cute.”

She kissed Yuki’s head again before she could say anything further. The doctor was enjoying teasing her lover and even though Yuki didn’t even reply her proposal yet, she seemed to know the answer already.

“So, your answer?”

“Baka…this too much. You don’t know how much I’m happy right now.”

Yuki grasped onto Mayu’s shirt and buried her face onto her shoulder. She tried to hide her blushing face but it’s making Mayu giggling at her even more. Kashiwagi was just downright adorable especially when she’s blushing. She cried heavier with happiness as Mayu embraced her closely.

“C-Can we really be together forever… Am I really okay for you?” Yuki asked when her voice was still shaking from crying so heavily. 

“Yes, we will always be together forever, from now on…together with our baby.”

The shorter girl replied sincerely with such gentle voice. She was saying ‘our’ baby instead of Yuki’s baby. Those words gave so much hope and happiness to Yuki. Mayu gently pushed her miko away and had a childish smirk across her face. Obviously, the doctor was just as happy as Yuki was right now since she would always be together with her lover forever.

“Can I kiss my wife now?”

“B-Baka…What are you waiting for?”

Yuki giggled with the most beautiful smile Mayu ever witnessed. Right at this spot, they had shared their first kiss as a couple and this time…it would be their first kiss as eternal lovers. Watanabe didn’t wait and enclosed her lips with her love partner. Every second their lips rested on each other made tears escaped from the corner of Yuki’s closed eyes. She could feel Mayu’s arms wrapped around her body with affection. She clutched onto the her lover’s body tightly while they deepened the kiss… Mayu was indeed Yuki’s light and happiness. She couldn’t ask for anything more than to be with Mayu for the rest of her life…


[One year passed by…]



The doctor huffed as her lover kissed her at her neck. The miko gently sucked and intentionally left a mark of ownership on Mayu right in the morning after they spent their passionate love making session last night. Watanabe struggled and she could see the alarm on her cellphone was beeping again. She had to get up before she would be late for work.

“Yuki I have to go work now...N-nngh~!” The doctor moaned as her wife just bid her collarbone in a teasing way that it made her ticklish.

“Just a little bit longer…”

Yuki asked and then closed her lips against hers. Their tongues invaded each other’s mouth and tangled up. Even they had officially been together for a year, it seemed their passion for each other had flared up even more than before.


Finally, the doctor got the chance to get change but there was this clear kissing mark on her neck. She had to use a band-aid to hide that mark or else Miyuki and others would tease her forever at work.  She was running a little late though she was able to grab some fruits at the table before she headed off to the hospital.


Yuki called her love and it made the doctor stopped. Watanabe turned back to see her beloved wife and also…her lovely child in Yuki’s arms. “Have a safe day.”

“I will.”

Before she left, Mayu kissed Yuki and the baby boy’s forehead. Kashiwagi stared at the doctor’s back with a smile before she would be busy keeping her little boy accompanied as usual.

It has been a year since Mayu and Yuki swore love upon each other. Many things had happened since then. Obviously they didn’t spread much of their relationship and just had a small marriage at the shrine with only few close friends. The fact about Yuki’s pregnancy spread all over among her friends and it reached Sae as well. Obviously he felt really guilty for that and promised Yuki that he would financially support the boy as long as he’s still alive. Yuki really appreciated Sae’s kindness and the man had finally found his true girl for him. Her name was Sayaka, and they’re marrying at the end of this year. Both Mayu and Yuki felt good for him, as he could move on forward with his true love. The doctor had moved in to live with Yuki’s family since she wanted to always stay close to her wife and their son, Kashiwagi Koichi. Ever since then, the Kashiwagi shrine had became much livelier than before.



Today, one couple came ringing at the front of Kashiwagi shrine and then Yuki’s mother came to open the door for them. Both Yuko and Haruna decided to come visit their miko friend at the shrine after they finished their work early today.

“Good afternoon Yuko-chan, Haruna-chan! Please come in.”

“Thank you Kashiwagi-san~”

Yuko skipped into the house as both Oshima had come to visit Yuki. They went to the living room and then they had met with their raven-haired friend holding this little baby in her arms. Both Yuko and Haruna were so excited and they quickly ran into Yuki immediately as if they saw a golden treasure.

“Wah~ he’s so adorable!” Yuko tickled the baby and she made him laughed.

“Koichi-kun really grew up from the last time we came.” Haruna stared at him and smiled with excitement.

“Yes he is! He’s really growing so fast.” Yuki giggled.

Finally, they sat down and had their conversation with how things went for each of them. Yuko inherited her parent’s business and indeed had a stable job. As for Haruna, she still worked as a model and it’s a successful career for her. For Yuki, she would be inheriting her parent’s shrine later on, her lover told her not to work because there must be someone raising Koichi. Yuko often teased both MaYuki and that Mayu acted so much like an actual husband. 

“Hm~ Haruna, don’t you think Yukirin looked prettier than last time?” Yuko asked and it made Kashiwagi eyes grew wide with confusion.

“Now that you mentioned it…” Haruna stared at the miko and realized how Yuki seemed to look prettier in a way.

“Hah~ Sex can really make people prettier. I guess Mayu’s skilled with it~!”

Yuko laughed out loud and Yuki just literally felt her head just exploded that second. The squirrel girl would always use perverted blunt jokes with Yuki every now and then. Haruna pinched her lover’s cheeks to tell her to stop teasing Yuki every time they came to visit her. Yuki was utterly happy that Haruna was here to help her out or else she wouldn’t know how to escape from the squirrel’s pervertness.

“I brought snacks and drinks~”

Yuki’s mother came with tea and crackers for Yuki’s guests. After both Yuko and Haruna enjoyed their snacks and tea, Haruna brought up another topic instead so Yuko would stop teasing the miko. It was something that the taller woman was curious about it herself.

“Neh Yukirin…how does it feel to be a mother?”

“E-Eh…it’s really crazy at the beginning.”

Yuki recalled many things that happened within that one year ever since Mayu proposed her. Watanabe had always stayed by Yuki’s side for the whole time. She would always rush back home to be by her wife’s side and looked after her until morning. It happened every single day during Yuki’s pregnancy period. As time passed by, Yuki realized that she was wrong. This child inside her will be born with love from her and Mayu. It was a whole new phase of life when the baby boy was born to this world.

Oh dear it was just so crazy; he would often wake Mayu and her up in the middle of the night because he’s hungry. Everything was such a new experience to Yuki and Mayu had to teach all of it to her. Even though the doctor was already tired from her work, she would always help Yuki whenever she came back home. Mayu would always look after the baby in the middle of the night sometimes in order to give Yuki enough rest. They would always try to calm the crying baby and but in the end both parents ended up falling asleep on the bed with the baby. It’s such a tiring job to do…but still, Mayu and Koichi presence would always give her so much happiness and thestrength to move on. It was such a priceless experience for her and it made Haruna jealous of her.

“So…it’s something like that?”

“Wah~ our innocent Yukirin had became a matured mother!”

Haruna smiled and it made Yuki blushed slightly. Unfortunately, Mayu couldn’t join today since she had to work until evening. So after they Yuko and Haruna had dinner at Yuki’s place, they returned back home. Both Mayuki and Kojiyuu had a plan to go have a vacation at Hokkaido during the end of this year and they looked forward to it. Since Dr. Watanabe rarely could excuse herself out, this holiday would be a great moment for her to spent time with her lovely wife and son for 24 hours a day…


“Jyah…how’s Yuko and Haruna?”

Mayu finally had come back home and she was drying her hair after she had a good hot bath. Yuki was kneeling on the floor watching her Koichi sleeping on his baby bed.

“He’s sleeping already?”

“Yes…he had a lot of fun playing with Yuko and Haruna today.”

“I’m glad~”

Mayu chuckled and suddenly she felt a hand caressed her cheek. It caught her off guard as Yuki’s icy hands pulled her down for a short kiss. Oh dear, the doctor wasn’t expecting that coming and her face had the same color as a tomato.


“Mayu…I miss you.”

She rested her head on her lover’s shoulder while whispering in such seductive tone. It made Mayu’s heart race even faster but at the same time, she loved how her wife was just so adorable like this. They looked into each other’s eyes again before their lips met one another. They tried to not be too loud to wake up their little boy, but it seemed the kiss became bolder and bolder as they kept on going…

“Yuki, it seemed you became horny and bolder after you gave birth to Koichi.”

“I-I don’t care… I want you.”

Yuki groaned back and pulled Mayu in for a hug. Obviously the doctor was blushing so badly and thought how their relationship used to be in another direction that what it was right now. In the past, Mayu would be the aggressive one but now…it was her wife playing the hardcore role, and it seemed it became more frequent during their private night session. 

“Maybe some other time when Koichi is not around…neh?”

“Okay…carry me please?”

Oh dear, her princess was being so spoiled today and Mayu didn’t have the choice to carry Yuki in a bridal style to their bed. As she gently put Yuki down onto the bed, miko pulled Mayu down on top of her and hugged her tightly.

“Please hug me tonight…”

“Hai hai~ Yuki-sama.”

Mayu did as Yuki ordered and embraced her lover on the bed. As always, every single day, Yuki slept in her Watanabe’s arms. It was the sweetest dream of the miko’s life. Even there was many pain through her life journey before she reached here…Yuki didn’t regret those things happening at all. All of it together leaded to this future, and she was utterly happy and satisfied with it more than anything else. It was Mayu that stood by her side, holding her hand, and went through life burdens with her. This diamond ring on Mayu’s and her finger constantly reminded how they vowed to go through pain and happiness together forever.

It’s the symbol of their Eternal Devotion.


« Last Edit: November 11, 2013, 03:22:52 AM by katekyohit »

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Re: Kate's OS Box ~ AKB:Kingdom Intro - [MultiPairing] - Update (4/10/13)
« Reply #144 on: November 05, 2013, 05:16:53 PM »
 I’m telling you scroll back up!! NOW.

First of all...

(I know it's crappy~ at least I made it  XD)

Here's my present for you  :D

Have a blast angsty LF  :deco:

So, you know very well that I was just supposed to comment a ‘four-word-statement’ here but it seems so this OS deserved more so here I am typing this beforehand prepared script in the middle of the night..No, it’s actually 3.57 in the morning here…

Fact 1: It’s freezing cold outta here
Fact 2: I can’t sleep with just a pillow…
Fact 3: I’m starving right now

So pardon this humble review of mine if it turns out bad, BEAR WITH IT! LOL

First, I want you to know that this is the very first OS that actually required me have moments of sighing and mini walking in the middle or reading…WHY? Cause dem unicorns and rainbows!! It took me days to actually come up with a decent intro with what to say or what to comment on this but it seems so I failed on this part. Up until now, I’m still lacking words that would actually suffice what I felt upon reading the story.

1.   PLOT is simple and yet so complete – from their history up to their FLUFFY ending
2.   Dem It’s MAYUKI not to mention it’s my favourite doctor and my lovely miko
3.   Mayu is a girl, thanks for not doing GB here
4.   3 smuts in one OS, a marathon indeed!
5.   I never skimmed on this one, even when I read it the 4th, 5th, 6th or even at 7th time I NEVER SKIMMED.
6.   And dem 22k word-count? LOL what have you eaten Kate?

And the hell that SMUT while doing FLUFF! That actually sent me to heavens. I didn’t get angry with Sae here though, can’t blame him for raping that ‘Kashiwagi girl’ LOL. Guess he’s the one who turned ‘Black’ in here. I dunno what to say anymore.
 This is my top OS as of now surpassing Sakura Princess which is actually yours as well. Like as kevinwkl said before, It was such a ‘no-no’ to read a fic of yours if we’re planning to write later on cause we’ll definitely just flip ourselves and end-up sulking at the corner… the delivery of the story was so good to the point that I actually am having some troubles right now continuing my stories… it’s so distracting that I stop writing and instead…read yours all over again (seriously). The simplicity of the words you have used is handy as well, it made me easily understand and engage to the ‘feels’ of the story.

And SMUTsssss, no further explanation needed I guess.

Now let me retire as a writer and sit-back while waiting for your future works.


In the name of unicorns, alpacas and cotton candies,

I’m entrusting you my MaYuki heart, take good care of it :D


Fact 4: I’m feeling  :on gay: now -Tii

« Last Edit: November 15, 2013, 08:50:03 AM by imteedee »
my hat is off. saluting.

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Re: Kate's OS Box ~ Eternal Devotion [MaYuki] - Update (6/11/13)
« Reply #145 on: November 05, 2013, 07:31:02 PM »
GOD!! you know?
when I saw you posted this on tumblr I thought: MAYUKI. SMUT. BY KATE = MASTERPIECE!
I sacrificed my lunch and half hour of biology class to read this

AND I WASN'T  WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  :cathappy: :cathappy: :cathappy:

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh I passed for a lot of emotions
And the heck.. I'm still affected for read yuki being raped by sae (THE HECK, I WANNA KILL SAE   :angry:  :angry: :angry: :angry:)

I won't say more because it would be things like: YOU ARE THE BEST, GREAT FANFIC, MAYUKI SO CUTE AND HOOOOOOOOOOOOOT, ETC XDDD

and that :3

See ya!!  :P

BEAUTIFUL <33333333


I'M WAITING FOR A WMATSUI SMUT  8) ddewdewdewq  :heart:

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Re: Kate's OS Box ~ Eternal Devotion [MaYuki] - Update (6/11/13)
« Reply #146 on: November 05, 2013, 08:09:49 PM »

As you can see in the table of content...there's Omakes for Eternal Devotion going on... XD
ONE will be uploaded per day :D
As a writer I even squealed over my own writing, and just felt like write more.... <3
Hope you guys look forward to it~

Imteedee: Reading 9 times is a lot~! I appreciate and enjoy so much that you love this fic~!  :deco: I dunno my fic can create such an impact like that on you. XD I'll definitely keep on writing MaYuki~ Also~ Hoping to improve it better and better too~

Koneki: Your comments always amazed me! XDDD I laughed at how you processed "Mayuki + Smut + by Kate = MASTERPIECE!" and WOW, O_O your whole lunch and half of your bio class!? O_O Oh wow got no comments on it.... ><" It really have that much impact? >< Glad you enjoy it especially with 2 sexy mayuki smut scenes~ and HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Wmatsui smut!!!! I'll keep that in mind~ XDDDDD  :deco: :deco: :cathappy:

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Re: Kate's OS Box ~ Eternal Devotion [MaYuki] - Update (6/11/13)
« Reply #147 on: November 05, 2013, 09:00:58 PM »
I don't know what to write, even don't know why I'm write that I don't know what to write... I'm still confused, still in the MaYuki world, madly in love with Dr. Watanabe. I'm just sitting here and smile like an idiot.
I guess I should stop communicate with any form for a while, I can not put together a sentence. Rather, I reading this again. (And again, and again...)

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Re: Kate's OS Box ~ Eternal Devotion [MaYuki] - Update (6/11/13)
« Reply #148 on: November 05, 2013, 09:11:14 PM »
Kate-san I want to kill Sae... :yawn:

Otherwise... It was the best OS I read even if when that "unreadable part" comes. (I wanted to stop reading xD) but with some nice memories it vanish lolololololol :lol:

Oiuahhhhhh Omakes yeahhhhhh :twothumbs

I want a Mayu!
Mayuki = Cutest couple

Married?!-Mayuki fanfic (maybe it will have another pair)

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Re: Kate's OS Box ~ Eternal Devotion [MaYuki] - Update (6/11/13)
« Reply #149 on: November 05, 2013, 10:09:16 PM »
First of all, let me say this. I am so freaking happy that I was able to read this first!! It was still fresh, not fixed and really authentic~ (you have to agree with me that once a proofreader fixes the mistakes the story slightly loses the authenticity, but I honestly don't think it's a bad thing for one to improve with the help from others)

I don't have much to say though because it was so hella good that all my head was producing while/after reading it was something like this (oredi sorry for the upcoming nonsense):


Yuko-sama!!!!  :wriggly: :nya: :shy1: :shy2:

MaYuki!!!  :farofflook: :luvluv1: :on bleed: :on GJ:

Sae!!!  :on yellcard: :on redcard: :on blackhole: :tantrum: :temper: :grr: :on voodoo:

MaYuki!!!  :mon inluv: :mon lol: :mon star: :mon blood: :mon lovelaff:

Rena-sama!!!  :mon lovelaff: :mon lovelaff: :mon lovelaff: :mon lovelaff: :mon love: :mon love: :mon love: :mon trannie: :mon crazyinlove:

Yuko-sama!!!  :gmon heartu: :gmon sing: :gmon twirl: :gmon nya: :gmon flowers: :gmon shy:

MaYuki~  :hee: :luvluv2: :on woohoo:


Though I don't think it is a very proper way to comment, especially on such an epic fic as yours... Le smut parts... *dies from too much blood loss*

Anyway, another thing I wanted to say is that I have a tiny list in my head of fics I find simply stunningly superb. So if No.1 is R I V E R and No.2 is Chinmoku, you pushed out another fic from the third spot and No.3 now is Eternal Devotion while No.4 is Doctor Watanabe and Nurse Kashiwagi series and No.5 is Human vs Vampire

Can I kill Sae? ugh, that was so random :DDD

Lemme say another random (not so actually) thing  XD


Not only my cameo in this was in the same room with many 48Family members, but also I am Yuko-sama's kouhai in this!!!!! OH THE FEELS!!!  :farofflook: :farofflook: :farofflook: :kneelbow:

I'll retreat for now so I can properly congratulate LF on his bday tomorrow (and goddamnit, I am so waiting for those omakes!! I wanted to say something else but lost the train of thoughts...)

EDIT. Ah, I read this fic 15 times, if anyone cares :nervous
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

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Re: Kate's OS Box ~ Eternal Devotion [MaYuki] - Update (6/11/13)
« Reply #150 on: November 06, 2013, 12:14:51 AM »
I can´t read the smht part can you give me a link?

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Re: Kate's OS Box ~ Eternal Devotion [MaYuki] - Update (6/11/13)
« Reply #151 on: November 06, 2013, 12:57:08 AM »
IT SO ROMANCE OMG  :wub: :wub:


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Re: Kate's OS Box ~ Eternal Devotion [MaYuki] - Update (6/11/13)
« Reply #152 on: November 06, 2013, 01:18:23 AM »
I was so close to just sending you a word document of my 'essay' in response to this fiction. But what the hell. I just noticed it was here all along. Well, at least it makes me comment a bit easier and this time, with the usage of emoticons and smiley face to help!

Now before I get onto my usual long comments, I want to say first of all, thank you very much Kate for this birthday present. To be honest, I might as well consider today-er, I mean, tomorrow (LOL, in my area, my birthday is technically tomorrow) birthday day as one of the best in a long time. Birthdays that I've celebrated in the past consist of cake, 10 minutes of singing and cutting them up, then returning back to normal as if it was the usual normal day. Last time I had something occur was back in my 9th grade year three-four years ago. I had a marching band competition since it was on a Saturday. And funny enough, my birthday was on that very same day. It was a pain in the butt to wake up at five and get to the bandroom at that time in order to pack ourselves into the school bus. Spend my time out in the cold with the icy wind at my face while I play an almost 10-11 minute band performance half-time show... Freezing my butts off at ten at night to the point one can see their own misty breath in the night atmosphere... And at that time, I had to come home at midnight, delayed my cake for two weeks... At least I got a live rose, cupcake and a balloon on that day, LOL. And hanging out with my bandmates wasn't too bad either.

But anyway, ignoring that chunk up there that you probably won't care, seriously. Thank you. :deco: The words 'Thank You' won't exactly portray my gratefulness alone. I wish I could use more words to state that, but as Sae has said... Don't have much range of a vocabulary. Please excuse me for that. :sweatdrop:

And of course, time for me to reply to the two individuals up above for a moment.

Especially you there, imteedee. First of all, I LOVE the cute banner/edited image of Mayuyu with the birthday message on it! Very cute and adorable, haha! Now right below it.... WHAT THE HEAVEN GIRL. WHY ARE YOU SHOWING ME THAT SCARY EMOTICON AGAIN. Just... NOPE NOPE NOPE. :shocked: But jokes aside, thanks for the wishes Tii! I'll definitely have a blast on my birthday, LOL. (And is that a label I'm forever stuck with as? XD 'Angst LoyalFlutist'?)

Now, Sakura, this is a quick comment I had to make on your post, but-

I'll retreat for now so I can properly congratulate LF on his bday tomorrow (and goddamnit, I am so waiting for those omakes!! I wanted to say something else but lost the train of thoughts...)

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I'm so sorry. I thought it was pretty funny with that typo haha. :nervous

Anyway, time to give out my opinions and such as usual. :)

SO....... We start off with Kojiyuu getting married. And it takes place a day before the wedding. (Secretly and internally yelling congratulations to the squirrel and her lover.) Has a very fluffy, lovey-dovey atmosphere right off the bat. I like that. And of course... Since this is Yuko we're also dealing with here, there soon comes the time where the alcohols and drinks come out for the night. Whoop-de-do. Stuffs about to get serious yo. :panic:

Since this is Mayuki, it is no surprise that we have little miss miko Yukirin here stare at Mayu. Don't worry Yukirin. I'm sure many of us Mayu's fans would do the same exact thing too, LOL. Even Haruna took notice! The moment our soon-to-be wife of Yuko asked a question pertaining to her still liking the doctor, it's cute to see how Yukirin blushes. Adorable. Simply adorable and well, I could just imagine the girl staring at Haruna like she's crazy with one of her many infamous reactions. :rofl:

Flashback of the two girls were very cute! That's how they met... Secretly I hope my lover would be someone that I would met in that sort of situation. Okay, one of the few sort of situations I meant. :sweatdrop: But to see how they've opened up to each other... Friendship is seen to be blooming~ And maybe even in a romantic direction!? :cathappy:

Now that we're flashing back into the present, dawwwww, you go tell Yukirin, Nyan Nyan! Tell her to get close to Mayu and keep talking to the younger girl. :cathappy: Then we all know what happens after getting a ton of alcoholic beverage, yes? Ah, the drunk individuals that we see here and there... Especially Yuko. And knowing that Mayu still likes Yukirin, oh my God, they're going to play the drinking game where if one does not offer to answer the question, they drink. Doesn't help for a fact that Yuko starts throwing out the most perverted questions that would make anyone's head boil with high temperature from such statement! Seriously? Forcing Mayu to bluntly kiss Yuki without much preparation... Yikes. (Though I personally did go a little 'oi! Baka Mayu! Kissu her!' on the inside.) Boy... After seeing the girls into action here, I mentally here am wishing that I won't have to play such a fun, yet at the same time, cruel game with my friends in the near future. XD I really wouldn't want to know what my state is when being drunk... Hopefully it's more of a sleepy, lazy kind of state rather than seductive or raging with anger. :sweatdrop:

Oh boy. The smut part right after Mayu took Yuki to a more quieter and safer place from the drunk group is, well........................ I don't have much to say. My face was literally heating up. I'm surprised I didn't bleed from my nose... I was light-headed though, LOL. It's.... intense. Wow. Um.... Ha... ha... God, I'll just move onward to the next section. (.///.")

Right. When Yuki woke up, no surprise that she would flip out when Mayu is, well... naked right next to her. And oh, the entire... intercourse last night really didn't stick to her mind during her drunken state? That's somewhat of a shame but it seems that she knew what had happened that night. Okay, somewhat made assumptions and used physical and visible hints to make some sort of conclusion to her current situation. Fun, I must say. :nervous And haha, oh Yuko. Mayu had to lie straight through her teeth in order to avoid having the shorter girl tease them. I would've done the same thing if I were in Mayu's position. So when they finally got out and were fully dressed, even during the wedding of Kojiyuu, it was still difficult for them to concentrate on the two girls. Rather their mind was far too occupied on each other. Specifically that cyborg doctor. Oh boy... Last night must've been quite an adventure since your mind keeps showing you Yuki's face in flashes. :rofl:

Okay, this was when I started knowing things went... downhill. The moment Sae named popped up in the fiction, I knew there would either be some sort of rivalry or jealous love towards Yuki. I can't blame much though since Sae is a dude and he didn't really think Yuki was in love with Mayu... Not to mention another girl for crying out loud! To see the two girls drift apart made my heart cringe. I felt Mayu's and Yuki's pain... Mostly with Mayu. You poor thing. :cry: I just want to give her a hug and tell her that she'll still be able to get Yukirin! And my mind just blew up when Sae knew Yuki's relationship with Mayu. Threatening to tell Yuki's parents... ESPECIALLY WHEN SAE FORCED YUKI TO.... DO STUFF. :shocked: God dammit, I just raged and nearly flipped tables. :angry: I really love you Sae. I do. I'm not a fan nor an oshimen of mine but I still like you. But in this fiction... Dammit, even I earned myself a headache just thinking about it right now literally. :catglare: Makes me wonder about the relationship that some people face in reality here... Is it that tough and rough too? Loving someone yet forced to love another... Doesn't help for a fact that the person you truly love breaks away due to feeling shame and guilt. Sigh. :(

Thank the Lord Mayu found Yuki... (After three freakin' weeks though? GAH :banghead:) That poor girl! I was honestly satisfied when Mayu got really ticked off. If I ever had my lover in that sort of state, I will definitely go batshit crazy and unleash my violent personality. Not afraid to hold back no matter what pleas nor words they throw out. :angry: (I'm a very unforgiving person as many can tell from my words, LOL) Mayu! Let me help you beat up Sae! No one dares defile Yukirin when she doesn't want to! That's just plain rude, mean, cruel and overall, sick. :angry:

Aiya... Then Yuki stopped Mayu and fainted. And Mayu was at least formal enough to send Sae also to the hospital and pay the bills. Good grief, the drama in this fiction. But I'm glad at the very end, they were able to be together. Though I'm honestly... still confused as to how... Yuki would easily forgive Sae... Then again, that's just me. As I had stated from the above, I am a very heartless person when someone has done wrong to me more than once. I give you one to two more chance, I expect you to learn it well with that ticket. Anymore and strike! You're out! :smhid (Despite using a random baseball humor that technically isn't working well...) But anyway! Yuki's parents acknowledged her love towards Mayu and vice versa... And they agreed to it. So glad they were able to be together~ :deco: Mayuki Mayuki~ :deco:

It's quite fluffy afterward and such. Again, another smut but I won't say much since words alone can't really explain how I felt for it merely contains lots of blushing and rainbows puked out of my infamous pac-man mouth. :v Now when Yuki had the kid, I'm glad she decided to keep the baby boy. Papa Mayuyu is doing a good job into caring for the kid along with Mama Yukirin. That boy is going to grow up and be a fine individual.

GAH, the emotional roller coaster I'm more than glad to sit through! I wish I could express physically to you how much this fiction really makes me feel happy. And sad. And happy again. :lol: I wish to write fluff on this sort of level, LOL. Tension and dialogues flow smoothly between each and every character. The angry tone behind Yuki's words could be felt when she saw her ex-girlfriend once again after three long weeks... The nervousness she felt when she was going to confess about being pregnant with Mayu... Mayu's guilty anguish and raging fire of wanting to brutally, and near literally, kill Sae for performing such foul acts on Yukirin... Brilliant! Smut on the other hand... That's a whole different topic that like I said, words alone can't express. :panic:

I'm happy to have this fiction as my birthday gift, so thank you very much for the third... or fourth time...? Whatever number it may be, LOL.

I look forward to more of your work and updates as usual!

:deco: :deco: :deco: :deco: :deco: :deco:
P.S.: Continue to be my senpai please! :cathappy:

P.S.S.: Was this really like an essay in regard to my comments? It doesn't really feel like it though... More like my blabbers as usual... Whatever.

"You'll come to treasure these scars."

HIATUS: The Virus | How Far Are You Prepared To Go? | Sanity | Hidden Truth | Disappearance (Season 2) *Tumblr-only* | Vengeance
ACTIVE: Majisuka Gakuen OS | OS | Idol Royale
REMAKE: Disappearance S1 | Wandering Ship | Hidden Truth
COLLABORATIONS: Phantom Pain w/Llyloo

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Zine Projects: Our Future Days (The Last of Us) [Pre-order TBA] | IDOLIZED! (Love Live!) [Pre-order - Digital] | Eizineken! (Eizouken Ni Wa) [Packaging] | Tales from the Animal Forest (Animal Crossing) [Pre-order TBA] | Amor Fati (Fate/Grand Order) [Creation Period]

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Re: Kate's OS Box ~ Eternal Devotion [MaYuki] - Update (6/11/13)
« Reply #153 on: November 06, 2013, 01:37:52 AM »
WHAT THE HEAVEN GIRL. WHY ARE YOU SHOWING ME THAT SCARY EMOTICON AGAIN. Just... NOPE NOPE NOPE. :shocked: But jokes aside, thanks for the wishes Tii! I'll definitely have a blast on my birthday, LOL. (And is that a label I'm forever stuck with as? XD 'Angst LoyalFlutist'?)

Now, Sakura, this is a quick comment I had to make on your post, but-

I'll retreat for now so I can properly congratulate LF on his bday tomorrow (and goddamnit, I am so waiting for those omakes!! I wanted to say something else but lost the train of thoughts...)

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I'm so sorry. I thought it was pretty funny with that typo haha. :nervous

that smiley is so cute, I dun get it why you find it so scary  XD

it was trolling, not a typo~  :grin:

and that label is going to be stuck on you for long, Ly-chan~  :P
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

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Re: Kate's OS Box ~ Eternal Devotion [MaYuki] - Update (6/11/13)
« Reply #154 on: November 06, 2013, 03:46:11 AM »
First of all, Happy Birthday LoyalFlutist!!!
It was because of your special day that we got to read this awesome fic :cow:
(and yes, your fics are amazing themselves, I'm discreetly, silently waiting for the next updates -cough- more MayuJuriYukiRena in The Virus please -cough-  :bow:)

Now onto this OS, it was one epic fic. There's so much MaYuki here I don't know how to deal (that's a good thing, it's an awesome thing).
Despite some dark developments, I'm glad it wasn't too dark and didn't turn out depressing.
And oh the smut. You really went all out this time  XD

I don't know how long you spent on this, but it must have been a lot of time. Thank you for writing this fic and for sharing, Kate-san.

Always a fan of your work (and thanks again for taking my OS request some time ago, I really can't thank you enough) :wub:

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Re: Kate's OS Box ~ Eternal Devotion [MaYuki] - Update (6/11/13)
« Reply #155 on: November 06, 2013, 04:09:33 AM »




« Last Edit: November 15, 2013, 08:48:33 AM by imteedee »
my hat is off. saluting.

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Re: Kate's OS Box ~ Eternal Devotion [MaYuki] - Update (6/11/13)
« Reply #156 on: November 06, 2013, 07:38:58 AM »
You came back from your exams with a BIG BLAST.

Oh God! Good thing I was reading it alone or else I will receive stares from my friends. I made a lot of face expression while reading this OS from grinning to perverted to happy to sad to angry to touched to perverted to satisfied.

Really YOU ARE THE BEST!!! :on GJ: This OS is too awesome, cute, great, nice and all of the positive adjectives out there. You even decided to make 10 omake and will be updated everyday! Now that makes me look forward for a new day!

Thank you :heart:
Aishiteru :heart:
I Love You :heart:
Bonjour Je t'Aime :heart:

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Re: Kate's OS Box ~ Eternal Devotion [MaYuki] - Update (6/11/13)
« Reply #157 on: November 06, 2013, 08:49:15 AM »
 :farofflook: :farofflook: :farofflook: :farofflook:
:farofflook: :farofflook: :farofflook: :farofflook:

 I love YOU! XD XD XD


I don't know what to say. I was lost of words.

My one and a half hours of reading totally worth it!!   :on GJ: :on GJ: :on GJ:
I'm sorry. I know. I'm a silent reader.  :barf:

---kind of BUSY---

Hi, Im new here. Nice to meet you :D

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Re: Kate's OS Box ~ Eternal Devotion [MaYuki] - Update (6/11/13)
« Reply #158 on: November 06, 2013, 08:57:40 AM »
Sorry for the late comment..

First of all, Happy birthday LoyalFlutist-san..
Wish you all the best..  :grin:

This OS is EPIC

I really love this OS..
Sweet Mayuki moment..
And I want to kill Sae.. :angry: :angry:
How dare he hurt Yuki !!!  :angry: :angry: :angry:

Can't wait for the omake..  :grin:

Offline soraheartAKB48

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Re: Kate's OS Box ~ Eternal Devotion [MaYuki] - Update (6/11/13)
« Reply #159 on: November 06, 2013, 10:30:28 AM »
i can't read the smut part  :cry: can you give me another link ? :pleeease:

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