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Author Topic: My short fics ~ SADISTIC FEELINGS (MAYUKI ft WMATSUI) PART3  (Read 27794 times)

Offline imteedee

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Re: My one shots and short fics: The game of love~ PART 2 (MaYuki)
« Reply #60 on: July 23, 2013, 09:08:39 AM »
i see some YukiRena, MaYuki, wMatsui, JuriMayu LOL


THAAAANK YOOOU  :mon squee:

PS: i wanna adopt all mayuki shippers and let's have some storytelling all day long  :mon lol:
my hat is off. saluting.

Offline Zita

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Re: My one shots and short fics: The game of love~ PART 2 (MaYuki)
« Reply #61 on: July 23, 2013, 11:39:57 AM »
Nice, Rena is so jealous.  :w00t:
If Yuki break up with him, everything would be easier.

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Re: My one shots and short fics: The game of love~ PART 2 (MaYuki)
« Reply #62 on: July 23, 2013, 01:04:34 PM »
Yes yes next part! Uwaah it's so refreshing after read cmze-san fic,

Yuki yuki~ hikaru not loved mayu,he think you cheating with rena lol

But rena loved jurina,lol she jealous



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Re: My one shots and short fics: The game of love~ PART 2 (MaYuki)
« Reply #63 on: July 23, 2013, 02:30:02 PM »

Oh my God Jurina dont do that hahahahaha

Gekikara/Rena will kill Mayu

Thanks and Update Soon! ^_^'

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Re: My one shots and short fics: The game of love~ PART 2 (MaYuki)
« Reply #64 on: July 26, 2013, 06:16:17 AM »


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Re: My one shots and short fics: The game of love~ PART 2 (MaYuki)
« Reply #65 on: July 26, 2013, 07:43:58 AM »
wjhoa i domnnt know this
it nice to see yuki in a bad ass but mayu also a bad ass too
mayuki always has a bad ass vibe but lovely vibe at the same time,that why theyyyyy so coool

thank and can't wait more update from your another amazing fic

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Re: My one shots and short fics: The game of love~ END (MaYuki)
« Reply #66 on: July 27, 2013, 08:16:55 AM »
                                              ~ The game of love~
                                                       Last part

After a few weeks since the last chapter.

After a long day of work Kashiwagi Yuki was sat on the couch of her living room then pulled out her phone from her pocket and started watching old pictures of her high school days.

"What happened to this person?" She asked kinda sad then got up and looked at the books on her bookshelf.

"What happened to my dreams?" She whispered sad and wondered what she was doing with her life?.

Mayu entered to the dept also after a long day of work, she watched Yuki moving away from the bookshelf to sit on the couch.

Mayu smiled and brought with her a some juice cans with a pizza "I brought you food!" She says as she sits next to Yuki.

Yuki turned on the tv "That looks nice!" She says looking at the pizza on the little table ahead of her.

Mayu was trying hard to open one can of juice but she was having a hard time somehow.

Yuki was absent minded and didn't noticed, she was only staring blanky to the pizza.

"You know I been thinking.. " She says not looking at Mayu who was still trying to open the damn thing even with her teeth.

Yuki suddenly turned to look at her and grabbed her hands, the can slipped from Mayu's hands, she was blushing and forgot to hold it.

The two girls were looking at each other's eyes.

"Yuki chan.." Mayu says blushing (she was dreaming about this day since she was in high school)

Yuki had serious expression on her face "I don't know what I been doing but I'm not gonna keep doing it, I wanna live my life as I want to not have any regret.." she says to Mayu still holding her hands.

Mayu was hypnotized looking at Yuki's lips.

"I know who are you and I don't mind.." Yuki says.

"You remember me and you don't mind really?" Mayu asked shocked.

Yuki smirked "Well at first was kinda weird you know and didn't like but seeing you, I think is the best thing.." she says still holding Mayu's hands in hers.

"Oh.. I just don't know what to say.." Mayu says not believing but smiling.

Yuki smiles "You help me to realize what I want.. thanks Mayu!" She says then hugs the younger girl

Mayu was speechless as they break their hug Mayu couldn't help but kiss the older girl on her lips.

Yuki was shocked as Mayu is kissing her, she abruptly broke the kiss and looked at the younger girl.

"What was that?" She asked after a few seconds as the reaction queen she is.

Mayu looked at her "You said you knew.." she says confused then looked to her side feeling awkward.

Yuki got up "You love Hikaru, Why you kissed me?" She asked confused.

"What?" Mayu reacted fast and got up.

"You don't love him.." Yuki says sure.

Mayu walked to the door fast "I have to go!" She says and puts her shoes on the left.

Yuki was confused, she sighed and sat on the couch again "Mayu" she whispered with her fingers on her lips.

Through the next hours, Yuki ate, showered watched a movie while her phone was next to her, she check on it from time to time to hear something from the younger girl.

At 2:00 am Yuki was already sleepy, she looked at her phone screen but there was no new messages or missed calls.

"Mayu where are you?" She asked ready to put her jacket on and go look for the younger girl suddenly her phone vibrated indicating a new message.

"Yuki chan, I'll stay at a friend's home" She read then sighed "You could send it before" she says taking off her shoes.


During those hours Mayu was drinking at a bar alone.

Suddenly Hikaru Sat next to her "Mayu chan, I can't believe it!" He says with a smirk.

"Leave me alone is love pain" Mayu says a little irritated.

Hikaru smiled then put his hand on her thigh "He's a jerk, you're amazing Mayu" he says trying to get closer to her face.

Mayu took her glass and poured her drink on his pants "You're a jerk, I can't believe my Yukirin is dating you!" She says mad before leaving.

"Your Yukirin" He repeats shocked.

~After a week~ at the same coffee shop~

"Now I see!" Rena says serious then drinks a little of her coffee.

Yuki looked other way "I'm worried, she just text me to tell me she'll sleep at someone else's home.. What hell I don't even know her friends? I'm worried!" She says feeling uncomfortable.

Rena looks at her friend then smirked "Well what do you expect she's embarrassed, she confessed to you in other words and you rejected her!" She replies.

"But.. I worry about her!" Yuki says pouting.

"Hello girls!" Jurina says with a smile then kisses Rena's cheek and sits next to her.

"Or you just jealous that with who she might be?" Rena says with a little grin.

Yuki showed a reaction "What? No! I'm not jealous Mayu can do whatever she wants!" She says acting like she doesn't care.

"Oh Mayu chan!" Jurina says with a grin which fade cause Rena started pinching her cheek.

"Keep thinking about her!" She says pinching the younger girl.

"It's not like thaaaaaaaaa" Jurina replies in pain.

Rena let go Jurina's cheek then payed attention to Yuki who was looking through the glass.

Jurina brushed her cheek "Mayu chan is really in love with Yuki chan, she loves you since highschool" She says pouting cause the pain on her cheek.

Yuki turned her attention to Jurina "What?" She asked.

"Do you remember that weird girl with red glasses and a hoody in my class Rena chan?" Jurina asked.

"That one! Really?" Rena asked shocked.

Yuki looked at the two girls "Wait a minute, you two date since highschool!" She says pointing at the two.

Rena laughs nervously "Let's get back to the point!" She says as Jurina hugs her.

"A girl with that description is familiar!" Yuki says trying to remember.

~Flashback~ at school~

Looking everything from the terrace.

"This day makes me depressed somehow." Yuki whispered carelessly.

Suddenly the terrace door opened revealing a girl wearing a hoody looking down with her hands on her back.

Yuki turned her head to look at the girl "Oh do you need some clarity time too?don't worry I was already leaving!" She says with a smile then took the last look at the view and walked away.

Once Yuki was passing next to her, the mysterious girls grabbed her by her slip and made her turn her head.

The girl in the hoody was looking down and offering a little box.

"Oh what? For me?" She asked

The girl in the hoody nodded still looking down.

Yuki smiled "Thanks.." she says before taking it and walk away.

As Yuki walked the stairs, she opened the little box which revealed wrist band, she smiled "I don't feel that alone today anymore." She thought happy with her wrist band.


"I just can't believe it.." Yuki says remembering.

Jurina has her finger on her chin "I can't believe that antisocial became so pretty and now is a model" she says carelessly.

"Those words, her eyes at that moment.. she wasn't talking about Hikaru she was talking about me because she knew me since always!" Yuki says as she gets up

"What's wrong with you?" Rena asked to her friend.

Yuki looked at the two "I have to find Mayu!" She says convinced.

"Well use your phone how" Jurina says with a smile.

"Why that never came to my head during this week?" Yuki asked to herself before leaving.

The GPS lead her to her apartment.

Yuki enters to her apartment and see' s Mayu forcing with Hikaru.

"What's going on here?" She asked as Hikaru let go Mayu's arm.

Hikaru got serious "This girl tried to kiss me." He said pointing at Mayu.

Mayu sighed then looked other way irritated.

"Give me your keys!" Yuki says serious while Hikaru smirked.

Mayu was about to give hers but Yuki pulled the keys from Hikaru' s pants pocket.
"What are you doing?" He asked confused.

Yuki sighed "Just go away already, we're done!" She says carelessly while Mayu was confused.

"What? You can't do that!" He says frustrated.

"Don't make me call security!" Yuki says serious.

Hikaru pouted "You know what whatever.. say goodbye to your job!" He says before slamming the door.

Mayu takes her suitcase.

"So your leaving.." Yuki spoke.

Mayu looks other way "It's the best besides, my apartment was never having troubles he wanted me to become your friend because he thought you were cheating him with a girl!" She says looking down.

Yuki looked at Mayu "After what happened between us, I thought about telling you there was no way that you and me together, even today I thought that but now I'm here facing you and I don't wanna say those words" she says looking other way.

Mayu looked at Yuki, she was shocked "Why?" She asked.

Yuki took off her jacket and showed her her wrist band.

"You remember!" Mayu says shocked.

Yuki walked closer to her "I don't how I forgot.. it was one of the moment I realized I was important to someone" she says kinda sad then looked at picture of her parents on the wall.

Mayu hugged Yuki and she wrapped her arms around Mayu "Those red glasses really suited you.." she says with a smirk.

After some weeks..

Walking together hand in hand and eating ice cream.

"How was your meeting?" Yuki asked then licks her ice cream.

"They loved my drawings and the manga story, they want to turn my manga into Anime!" A long haired Mayu with red glasses replies then licks her ice cream

Yuki stops walking "Really?" She asked.

"Yeah they said We will start with the project in next week!" Mayu says with a smile.

"That's great Mayuyu!" Yuki says then kisses Mayu on her cheek.

Mayu blushed

"Cute Mayuyu!" Yuki says with a smirk then pulled her with her.

Mayu smiled looking down. 

"Your hand is cold Mayuyu.." Yuki says then puts that hand in her jacket' s pocket, Mayu got even redder.

The two walked a few streets then noticed a girl who was helping kids cross the street.

The girl looked at them then smiled "Kashiwagi senpai!" She says with a smile and coming closer.

Yuki and Mayu looked at each other (not knowing who was that girl)

Mayu then remebered "Bully!" She thought.

The girl said hi to the two.

"I just wanna thank you, if you didn't hit my head that time I probably be on the news!" She says laughing.

"I guess it was a pleasure!" Yuki says feeling strange.

The girl looks at the sky "I wish I could apologize to Watanabe san, I gave her a hard time!" She says feeling sorry

Yuki looked at Mayu.

"It's fine I guess!" She says looking at the girl.

"What?!? Who thought Watanabe san turned out so pretty!" She said shocked then noticed her hand on Yuki's pocket.

Yuki only smiled while Mayu had that irritating look.

"Well I guess I'll leave you alone!" She says with a smile before leaving.

The couple also walked away..

"I'm glad everything turned so well!" Yuki says happy.

Mayu smiled "me too!" She said as she walks hand in hand with her beloved Yuki.
"Mayu I love you!" Yuki says as she walks.

Mayu blushed "I love you too Yuki senpai" she says as both walk to their apartment.

END!! Sorry catched a cold again :(

Offline Zita

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Re: My one shots and short fics: The game of love~ END (MaYuki)
« Reply #67 on: July 27, 2013, 09:48:19 AM »
Yay nice end.
Rena and Jurina are together for so long.
Mayuki finally together. XD

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Re: My one shots and short fics: The game of love~ END (MaYuki)
« Reply #68 on: July 27, 2013, 11:14:08 AM »
Didn't know that Jurina and Rena have dated since high school :shock:
"You know I been thinking.. " She says not looking at Mayu who was still trying to open the damn thing even with her teeth.

Yuki suddenly turned to look at her and grabbed her hands, the can slipped from Mayu's hands, she was blushing and forgot to hold it.

The two girls were looking at each other's eyes.

"Yuki chan.." Mayu says blushing (she was dreaming about this day since she was in high school)

Yuki had serious expression on her face "I don't know what I been doing but I'm not gonna keep doing it, I wanna live my life as I want to not have any regret.." she says to Mayu still holding her hands.

Mayu was hypnotized looking at Yuki's lips.

"I know who are you and I don't mind.." Yuki says.

"You remember me and you don't mind really?" Mayu asked shocked.

Yuki smirked "Well at first was kinda weird you know and didn't like but seeing you, I think is the best thing.." she says still holding Mayu's hands in hers.

"Oh.. I just don't know what to say.." Mayu says not believing but smiling.

Yuki smiles "You help me to realize what I want.. thanks Mayu!" She says then hugs the younger girl

Mayu was speechless as they break their hug Mayu couldn't help but kiss the older girl on her lips.

Yuki was shocked as Mayu is kissing her, she abruptly broke the kiss and looked at the younger girl.

"What was that?" She asked after a few seconds as the reaction queen she is.

Mayu looked at her "You said you knew.." she says confused then looked to her side feeling awkward.

Yuki got up "You love Hikaru, Why you kissed me?" She asked confused.

"What?" Mayu reacted fast and got up.

"You don't love him.." Yuki says sure.

Mayu walked to the door fast "I have to go!" She says and puts her shoes on the left.

Yuki was confused, she sighed and sat on the couch again "Mayu" she whispered with her fingers on her lips
I felt sad and kinda funny about it :on drink:
That Hikaru, he was trying to kiss Mayu :temper: thankfully that Yuki came in time :depressed:
Yuki remembered and now they're together :onioncheer:
Mayu became a mangaka :ding:
I'm looking forward to your new oneshots and the other fics :on gay:
Working on translating an awesome Kojiyuu fanfic, right now ☆〜(ゝ。∂) :mon beam:

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Re: My one shots and short fics: The game of love~ END (MaYuki)
« Reply #69 on: July 27, 2013, 03:02:32 PM »
I like the end  :lol:
Cmze you seriousilly get ill easly  :(
take care of yourself  :cry:

Jurina is my oshi forever!! (>w<)/
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Re: My one shots and short fics: The game of love~ END (MaYuki)
« Reply #70 on: July 28, 2013, 09:27:20 AM »
OHOHOHO of course I'm loving this fic  :shifty:

ill just stop talking now, cause ill just get tired expressing how much i love it  :stuffed:

arigatou  :shy1:
my hat is off. saluting.

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Re: My one shots and short fics: The game of love~ END (MaYuki)
« Reply #71 on: July 28, 2013, 02:45:15 PM »
yuki yes mayu motivated and change you

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Offline kurogumi

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Re: My one shots and short fics: The game of love~ END (MaYuki)
« Reply #72 on: July 28, 2013, 02:54:34 PM »
this story somehow make me learn to be good person i mean we should treasure our life right?

sweet as always eh...sometime...even the right is wrong and the wrong became right.... LOL

thank for this beautiful story


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Re: My one shots and short fics: The game of love~ END (MaYuki)
« Reply #73 on: August 04, 2013, 04:09:44 PM »
Luv cmze. SHORT FIC


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Re: My short fics: ~~~~~ (MaYuki)
« Reply #74 on: August 05, 2013, 11:17:28 AM »
Well this is also a different short fanfic [sci fy] no name give me names please.
Laying on the grass watching the sky..

"Living like this is pointless *sigh* adults always telling what to do, where to go, how to live.. everything is dangerous here for them~ I wonder if monsters truly exist? I never seen a monster or a demon, I guess I'll never see one"

Mayu Sat and looked around "This is the life I meant to live, hearing stories about monsters and what would happen if I go too far from this protected place.." she thought coldly.

"Mayu chan! Mayu chan!" Jurina shouts running to her best friend.

Mayu held back her hair and looking at the smiling girl coming closer.

"My best friend Jurina always smiling and comfortable with this type of life, I mean she's so adaptable, she thinks I need a boyfriend that's why I'm moody and everything is boring for me!"

Jurina was catching her breath "Mayu chan.. is getting late.. we should go home already." She said then helped her friend to get up.

"What you're scare some demon might appear?" Mayu asked with a smirk.

Jurina pouted "Don't play with those things you heard the adults demos, monsters truly exist outside the barrier!" She said as she walks.

Mayu kept walking behind her friend.

"I wish I could see one with my own eyes.. instead of listening stupid stories of how the 70% of population was destroyed by monsters and how the human race survived"

Jurina stopped walking then turned to look at her friend serious "I know you don't believe it but what other proves do you need? if such things doesn't exist why do they bothered to built that wall? I know this life sucks but it's better than not living right?" She asked looking other way sad.

Mayu looked down.

"I'm such an idiot.. Jurina's dad maybe die he went out of the barrier and haven't come back"

~The next day~ At school~

"You have to kill! Do you understand? A demon won't wait to rip your head off.. UNDERSTAND?" The teacher scolded Jurina.

Jurina looked down "I don't wanna kill.. " she thought sad "I understand!" She replied.

The teacher sighed then looked at Mayu "Now is your turn Watanabe san.." he said as Jurina keeps looking down.

One of her partners was about to attack her but Mayu dodged it and put her feet making him fall then fast pulled out a knife and stopped a few inches from his neck.

Everything happened so fast that everyone in the practice were amazed.

"Good Watanabe san!" The teacher said as her classmates whispers about it.

"Good job Watanabe san!" The handsome guy says with a smile and with his hand on Mayu's shoulder.

Mayu didn't say a word and just ignored him "Sometimes I think something is not right with me.. I don't feel anything, I'm just a shallow person" she thought

~After school~

As the two friends walked home...

"Jurina.. " Mayu called as she walks.

Jurina looked at her "What? What's wrong?" She asked as she walks.

Mayu stopped walking "Don't you wanna go to look for your dad?" She asked coldly.

Jurina grabbed Mayu by her shirt "How can you ask something like that?" She asked mad and pushing her against the wall.

Mayu stand the pain then took a deep breath.

"You don't have parents so you don't know the pain of losing someone of course I wanna Look for him but *looks down for a few seconds* he's dead !" Jurina says still mad pressing her against the wall.

"Think about it! *pushed Jurina* your dad graduated with excellent grades, he's good at fighting and knows how to survive out there maybe he's alive but just hurt so he can't come back!" Mayu says fixing her uniform.

Jurina was shocked "That's truth.. " she whispered.

"You're so used to this system that forgot about having hope!" Mayu says coldly then walks away.

"They fill our heads with stories about no one surviving out of the barrier so now is normal to think about someone's dead when they go out of It.. Fear can make us forget about love!"

~ The next morning ~

Walking to school.

"The sun again, another day I don't feel anything"

Suddenly someone grabbed Mayu's shoulder.

"Mayu chan!" Jurina says serious..

Mayu looked at her friend "Hi" she said

"I wanna go find my dad!" Jurina says serious.

Mayu was shocked "Really? Why?" She asked not believing her.

"I don't wanna keep wondering about him.." She answered sad "maybe he's like you said weak hiding in some place." She said now looking down.

Mayu had a blank expression on her face "Are you aware you can die right?" She asked.

Jurina gulped "I will try anyway.." she answered sure then showed her full bag.

Mayu sighed "I guess,I can't let you die alone!" She said coldly

Jurina smiled then hugged Mayu "Thank you besides I'm not that good at fighting so I need you!" She said still hugging the cold girl.

"I figured" Mayu replied still coldly.

The two girls got out of the barrier fooling the guards then fast run away...

After a few hours of walking they end up in a forest. Jurina Sat and drank some water while Mayu was looking around alert.

"Looks a lot like home I mean trees, grass except there's no houses around at all and we don't know where are we going" Jurina says with a smile after drinking the water.

Mayu was serious "We're just looking for something.. a sign of your dad" she said looking around.

Suddenly a giant spider came down from the tall trees then grabbed Jurina and took her with her.

"JURINAAAAA!!" Mayu shouts then climbs the tree fast.

"HELP ME!!" Jurina shouts scare as she watches Mayu climbing the tree behind her.

The giant spider moved fast through the trees and in matter of seconds Mayu was out of sight.

Jurina was really scared "Let me go you monster!" She shouted as she's tries to break free.

Mayu got down the tree and run to the direction that the spider could have go "damn it Jurina!" She thought as she runs.

Jurina was already crying " Mom I'm really sorry.. I'm not strong like dad or Mayu chan" she thought as she watches the ground somehow she thought about school the last time she was there and how fast Mayu was.

"The knife!" She said reacting then pulled out hers from her pocket and cut the spider's stomach.

The spider let go Jurina but this one falls and hits herself with many branches on her way down.

Jurina grabbed one branched but still she was too high, she was hanging there for a few minutes "What should I do?" She murmured in trouble, her arms couldn't resist anymore so she let go and used her bag as buffer but still end up hurting herlself and fainting.

After some minutes some creatures with green despicable images appeared.

"Food~" One of them said running to Jurina and grabbing her.

The other green things also grabbed Jurina.

"Let's eat her now.." another of them say.

Suddenly something else appeared,the creatures drop Jurina.

"We found it first!" One of the creatures say.

 A noise was made but not understandable for human being.

"Then we'll fight!" Another of the creatures say with the others nodding.

Fast the creature cut theirs head off then got closer to the unconscious Jurina to look at her.

The creature removed Jurina's hair from her face then touched Jurina's blood from her forhead with it's finger and licked it.

The creature was about to eat her but then realized something and fast grabbed Jurina to take her away..


Mayu as she runs saw someone laying on the grass, she stopped running and looked closely "she Looks like a human.. " she thought as she gets closer to the seem to be sleeping girl on the ground.

Mayu was shocked.

"A human,?how can she be sleeping like this so calmed?" She thought as she only sees her profile face.

Mayu got even closer to see her completely, to be sure she's a human.

"Could you please stop looking at me?" The seemed to be  girl asked as she gets up.

Mayu steps back and gulps "So this is how the so called monsters looks like.." she thought shocked.

TO BE CONTINUED!! I changed the name of the thread, seems like I can't do a one shot!! :P

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Re: My short fics: ~~~~~ (MaYuki)
« Reply #75 on: August 05, 2013, 12:07:50 PM »
Hope Jurina will be OK.
Who is the one that Mayu met?

Offline imteedee

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Re: My short fics: ~~~~~ (MaYuki)
« Reply #76 on: August 05, 2013, 12:53:04 PM »
Yuki why so cooold?  :kekeke:

of course Mayu is always awesome  :cool1:
poor Jurina  :grr:

cmzecmzecmzecmze update soon puhleease?  :wigglypanda:
my hat is off. saluting.

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Re: My short fics: ~~~~~ (MaYuki)
« Reply #77 on: August 05, 2013, 01:23:17 PM »
Ahahah :lol:

I don't know why but I'm laughing... It seems really interesting!!

Look for the next!!
Mayuki = Cutest couple

Married?!-Mayuki fanfic (maybe it will have another pair)

Offline leEwẬy

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Re: My short fics: ~~~~~ (MaYuki)
« Reply #78 on: August 05, 2013, 02:13:59 PM »
I agree with Chanaline-san since I didn't know why I'm smilling :wahaha:
Wow~ Another awesome Mayuki, WMatsui short-fic : on woohoo:
Mayu's so cool in here :nya:
I wonder who's the creature that saved and took her away :dunno: Maybe it's Rena or Gekikara :ding:
Mayu finally Yuki :ding: Why're you so cold Yuki~~~ :fainted:
Interesting fic so I can't wait to see what's going to happen next :on gay:
Please update ASAP :kneelbow:
Working on translating an awesome Kojiyuu fanfic, right now ☆〜(ゝ。∂) :mon beam:

Offline Archer1992

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Re: My short fics: ~~~~~ (MaYuki)
« Reply #79 on: August 05, 2013, 06:12:49 PM »

Update soon i want to know what is happening...


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