So I'm deciding to turn this into like a collection of all my writing. Since I'm actually starting to enjoy writing these, even though they're not exactly the best writings I've done. I bet I probably write better in my English literature essays

Anyway, many of my fics will be based around wMatsui. My favourite pairing and my oshimen(s). I might write other pairings as well, but I pay more attention about these two all the others so I usually only write about these two.
Hey everyone!
Um, I'm writing a piece for the first time in my life.
So um... please.... read and comment if you like it or not?
And maybe um.... please be nice to me?

I did it again didn't I? [wMatsui]
“Airin~~~~~ ”
Rena jumped out of her chair and hugged the said girl from the back. Starting with a “You must be tired from the practice”, the two quickly fell into a deep conversation between themselves. A girl watched them from the opposite side of the room, a frown on her face.
'Oh, how I wished you would say that to me too.”
She didn't know what went wrong. One day they were sticking together every minute and the next day, they were no longer hanging out with each other.
Memories flooded the girl's mind.
Happy memories.
Memories of the time the two of them spent together.
A tear dropped.
The girl looked up. Kumi looked back at her with concern all over her face.
“Are you okay, Jurina? Are you crying? What's wrong? What happened? Are you feeling sick again?”
Jurina shook her head. Out of the corner of her eyes, she could see Rena looking at her. Curiosity? Concern? She doesn't know. Jurina wiped her face and forced the best smile she could at Kumi.
“I'm fine. Really, I'm just tired that's all. Don't worry about me.”
Kumi looked at her for a sec, then smiled back at her. The forced smile fooled her. Kumi nodded and skipped off to change her clothes. Jurina stood up and walked out of the room. She couldn't stand another second in that room, seeing the pair. The more she sees Rena hanging out with Airi, the more she felt abandoned.
'Is this what people call jealousy?'
She felt someone staring at her as she left, she didn't even need to turn back to know who it is. While her forced smile may fool the rest of the girls, that smile could never fool Rena.
********Later in the afternoon*********
'Finally found you.'
Rena tiptoed into the changing room. Everyone were minding their own businesses as usual, with one girl standing out. One girl, sitting on a chair, head on her chest, sleeping. Rena took the seat next to the girl carefully, making sure she doesn't wake the girl up. The girl needed her rests, running back and forth from Tokyo is really tiring afterall.
It's been a while since Rena had spent any time with Jurina. She realized that lately, Jurina has been quite down. And lonely too. She also know that it was her fault. She's spending too much time with Airi and not enough time with Jurina. She didn't know why, but whenever she sees Airi, she have a sudden urge to go up to the girl and hug her. But today, Rena made a promise to herself, today is reserved JUST for Jurina. No one else. Even if Airi was to walk into the room, Rena will try her best to keep her attention on Jurina.
“R- Rena?”
Jurina looked up, rubbing her eyes and her sore neck from the awkward sleeping position. Rena snapped out of her chain of thoughts and smiled at the girl.
“Ohayou sleepy head. You look awful. How long did you sleep last night?” Rena could see the eye bags under Jurina's eyes. The red veins in her eyes were really visible too.
Jurina rubbed the back of her head, “Ah... I dunno. I got home at around 1am last night, and fell asleep while doing my homework. I don't really know what time I slept last night.” She gave a small weak laugh.
Rena sighed, “You're fifteen now, Jurina. You have to look after yourself more. You don't want to fall sick again now do you? You don't want to miss out the upcoming concert right?” She couldn't help but growl a little at Jurina. She hated how the girl always go all-out at everything and never think about taking a small rest even when her body is reaching the very limit. However, at the same time, she loved that part of Jurina.
Concern was obvious in the older girl's voice, even it was concealed by the angry tone. Jurina smiled a real smile for the first time in a few days. Everything felt like how it was before. She just shook her head at the other girl, answering her questions. The smile never leaving her face even though she was being growled at.
“Rena-san?” A voice emerged from behind Rena. Rena turned around and smiling at her was Airi, asking for a photo with her so that she can put it on her blog tonight. Being the girl that she is, Rena didn't reject. Instead, she smiled and eagerly stood up next to Airi, giving a different pose for each click of the phone.
Jurina's frown returned. Reality started returning back to Jurina again. She should have expected this to happen. Since nothing had never been the same as before ever since that day Rena left her for Airi. And to think that Rena has returned... HA! What a dream. Jurina held back her tears and stood up from her seat silently and ran out of the room. Earning curious stares from nearby members.
Rena looked over her shoulder the moment she heard the sound of chair moving against the floor. She could see Jurina heading for the door. Before Rena could call her name, the door had already closed and Jurina had already left the room. Rena sighed and sat on Jurina's previous chair while Airi skipped over to another seat and started typing her blog.
'I did it again didn't I?'
Rena stared at the closed door.
'I'm sorry, Jurina. I didn't mean to hurt you.'
So.... doudesuka? Please comment! I love any comments! Be it good or bad~